Plots of DNP and SNT, what is the difference, this information must be known to a citizen who decides which territory of land is better to acquire ownership.

When choosing, you also need to consider whether you need to build a house on the territory, whether there is a desire to actively engage in gardening, etc.

Among the available forms of acquisition real estate lands and buildings, which are located in the arrays, are:

  • non-commercial partnership of country type - DNT;
  • non-commercial dacha partnership - DNP;
  • horticultural partnership of a non-profit type - SNT.

All these types of ownership belong to the form of dacha cooperatives. They have a unifying principle ˗ this is the use of land.

When buying a dacha, citizens are guided by the price, considering it right to choose solely on the basis of whether the plot is expensive or cheap. When choosing, you need to take into account other factors, among which the category of land plays an important role. Since it is these moments that can cause many difficulties in the future, for example, reduce the possibility of using land or buildings.

For example, when purchasing a plot for gardening, it is worth paying attention to the possible use of this particular territory for such purposes. If it is intended solely for the construction of residential buildings, then it can be difficult to plant a garden there.

That is why when choosing a site for purchase for certain purposes, you need to know how they differ from each other. In particular, their legal and factual differences.

The territories of the DNP include those plots that belong to a legal entity from the owners of the land plot in a particular complex. The person, in this case, is the founder or one of the members of the cooperative.

The founder performs the function of an intermediary between the owners of land plots who have joined the cooperative in order to use the land. It is he who coordinates all the important and necessary points with the local administration. If citizens have not privatized the land before, then they have every right to engage in privatization in relation to the leased allotment.

Important! How is it different from SNT? Such plots have a lower price, since the land on them is less fertile. Usually such territories are bought for the construction of a small building and a garden. Under the new law, it is allowed to organize DNP on the lands of settlements.

Advantages of DNP:

  • low price, in comparison with lands under IZHS and SNT;
  • it is not necessary to carry out a technical examination of the building that was erected in order to recognize its residential status;
  • a citizen, acquiring a plot in the DNP, becomes a member of the partnership and receives the right to participate in meetings;
  • when the DNP site is located on the land of the settlement, then the issue of registration will be much easier to resolve than in the case of a horticultural non-profit partnership.

Read also The list of documents for the cottage, which the owner must have

Cons of DNP:

  • build a building large sizes, For permanent residence in such a territory will not work;
  • on such lands, gas and other communications are not provided for, if a person wants to do this, then it will be necessary to pay a lot of money;
  • in the vicinity of the lands of the DNP, there are no buildings necessary for the normal residence of citizens, objects;
  • sometimes, registering for such sites can be difficult;
  • the purchase of the territory obliges the construction of a house, and its further registration in the property, since it is not intended exclusively for growing plants.

Banks in Russian Federation be careful with the preparation and issuance mortgage loan in relation to the sections of the DNP. Therefore, it is worth preparing for a long journey when buying land with a mortgage.

Lands on the territory of SNT differ from others in high fertility and are allocated only for summer cottages. The quality of the land is strikingly different from categories such as LNT and LNP. They are located outside the territory of settlements and have the status of agricultural land.

The right to own a plot of a citizen who bought it is determined by membership in a non-profit partnership. The founder is the subject of ownership, but it is also possible to allocate it to ownership through certain procedures. Among them:

  • setting boundaries;
  • execution of written approval from the administration or the main member of the SNT;
  • registration of ownership;
  • redemption work;
  • privatization procedure.

The basis of such a structure is its corporate spirit. Actions that are carried out only with the joint efforts of the members of the partnership:

  • conducting electricity;
  • drilling of the wells;
  • road widening, etc.

The benefits of SNT include:

  • located in the countryside;
  • Very good land for development Agriculture;
  • on a plot of this type you can not build Vacation home, you can just do agriculture;
  • costs less than land under individual housing construction.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • bringing communications to the sites requires the application of certain efforts;
  • it is difficult to register on the site, you will have to collect a package of documentation and apply to many authorities.

Read also The procedure for registering a house in SNT in 2019

What is the main difference between DNP and SNT? The fact that in the territories of the lands of the garden non-profit partnership, the soil is very good for growing crops.

Advantages and disadvantages of such lands in relation to other categories

In addition to DNP and SNT, there are other categories of land, how do they differ? Advantages of DNT and DNP lands over the categories of IZHS lands:

  • lower price per territory;
  • simplified system of object acquisition.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out that it will be more difficult to obtain permission to register. On the territory of the plots of DNP and DNT, unlike private household plots, it is allowed to erect capital-type buildings on them. But for breeding livestock and poultry, these areas are not suitable.

Compared to SNT, the plots of DNP and DNT can be classified as budget options for real estate, with a similar use of the plots. But, at the same time, despite their price, SNT lands have better soil.

Is it possible to build a house on the territory of SNT? Yes, such areas can be used to build a house. In order to register a building, you will have to perform some administrative and legal actions that are optional when registering buildings in other territories.

Moreover, the price of an SNT plot is almost identical to the price of a plot for individual housing construction, but these lands are always allocated outside settlements and towns. The construction of a house on the territory of a garden partnership is not supported by the standards that are mandatory for construction on the territory under individual housing construction.

Based on the differences between DNT and SNT, a citizen must decide what is more profitable for him to purchase. SNT or DNP, which is better?

It is better to stop your choice on a site in DNT if:

  • no desire to engage in gardening and gardening;
  • there is an intention to build a country-type house on the site so that you can live comfortably there for a long time, as well as with the opportunity to register there;
  • it does not bother that it will take a long time to get to the city, as well as to infrastructure facilities.

A citizen should choose a plot on SNT land if:

  • you can afford to spend money on communications;
  • there is an opportunity and desire to build a small residential building;
  • the house that will be built on the site is not planned to be used as the main dwelling;
  • has for you great importance gardening and various plant growing.

When choosing land for the construction of a residential building, a critical condition is belonging of the site to a certain category of land .

Suitable for this:

  1. Settlement lands
  2. Agricultural land.

SNT This is a non-profit gardening partnership. One of the land categories, parts of which can only be on agricultural land

There are also two other categories of land:

  1. DNP— dacha non-profit partnership
  2. IZHS is a category of land intended for individual housing construction.

Each of the following categories has a type of permitted land use - IZHS, DNP or SNT. SNT plots can only be located on agricultural lands, IZHS on settlement lands, and DNP on both.

SNT - all "for" and "against"

And gardening associations, and dacha partnerships located on agricultural land, therefore, the difference between them is hardly perceptible. But there is a difference in price between them - the cadastral fee for SNT plots is usually higher than for DNP. This is due to the location of SNT lands in more picturesque places, the presence of more developed infrastructure.


  1. low cost;
  2. just like on the lands of the DNP, there is no need to create a project and its verification by authorities;
  3. as a rule, sections of SNT located in scenic areas often on the banks of rivers and reservoirs;
  4. low tax rate.


  1. complicated process of registration in the house(identical to the site in the DNP);
  2. impossibility of obtaining a mortgage.

There are the following categories of land:

  • agricultural purpose;
  • settlements;
  • industrial purposes (energy, television, communications, etc.);
  • reserved;
  • reserve lands and others.

What is IZHS?

IZHS sections - "for" and "against"

There is an opinion that plots with the purpose of "individual housing construction" are the best option. However, the acquisition of such land carries both advantages and certain disadvantages.



  1. since IZHS lands are in great demand, and have many advantages, their prices are higher than on other types of plots;
  2. before building a house on the IZHS site necessary agree on a project get permission from the relevant authorities. The structure must comply with SNiPs and GOSTs. In some regions of the Russian Federation, this is quite problematic. For example, the area of ​​the city of Sochi is a protected area, therefore, the registration of a residential building in this region will be more difficult (for example, an autonomous sewage system must be created using a certain environmentally friendly technology, and so on);
  3. there are size restrictions land plot . Regional legislation establishes the minimum and maximum permitted size. For example, in the Republic of Tatarstan, a prerequisite for registering a house is a plot area larger than 4 acres;
  4. high tax rate. Owning a plot of individual housing construction, the percentage of taxation will be one and a half percent of its cadastral value. The rate for IZhS plots significantly exceeds the rate for SNT and DNP.

What is DNP?

DNP is a dacha non-profit partnership.

Advantages and disadvantages of a plot in the DNP


  1. a significant advantage of land in the DNP is a tangible difference in price compared to IZHS plots. The cadastral value of plots in the DNP is on average 30-50% lower. Despite the fact that the geographical areas may be close to each other;
  2. no need to compile house project, as well as the lack of checks by various authorities;
  3. being the owner of a plot in a dacha non-profit partnership, owner has voting rights at meetings conducted by the partnership. Can influence important decisions, make suggestions;
  4. low tax rate.


  1. sections of the DNP, according to its intended purpose, not intended for year-round use, which means that they do not imply the presence of communications. Therefore, the connection of city electricity, the conduct of gas will be problematic and financially costly;
  2. it is possible to register at the DNP site, for this it will be necessary to go to court, and this process will take much longer than registration on the IZHS site;
  3. membership in the DNP involves annual fees- payment for the use of summer electricity, water for irrigation, and other needs of the partnership. As a rule, these amounts are quite small, hardly reaching several thousand rubles a year;
  4. when buying a plot of DNP in a mortgage, the probability of obtaining a loan is close to zero. It is also almost impossible to get a loan from a bank secured by such a plot.

What do you need to know about IZhS, DNP and SNT sites?

  1. IZHS- category of land intended for individual housing construction.
  2. DNP- Dacha non-profit partnership.
  3. SNT- gardening non-profit partnership.

Each land type has certain advantages and disadvantages. The price of IZHS plots reasonably differs from the other two. Buying a more expensive site requires a developed infrastructure, walking distance to the city, as well as the availability of communications. The only serious "minus" is the need for "paperwork" in the process of registering a house and obtaining permits.

At first sight, the advantages of acquiring individual housing plots are obvious. But in last years SNT and DNP lands are being actively built up. The massive popularization of cottage settlements led to the active development of land in garden partnerships and partnerships.

The situation today is such that the bureaucratic difficulties associated with the registration of a house and registration in it on agricultural land are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Every year this process gets easier.

Over the past few years, new legislative norms regulating this issue, making the process of registering a house and registering in it on agricultural plots easier. The “dacha amnesty” has also been extended, according to which it takes much less effort, time and cost to obtain documents for an existing house.

lower cadastral value plots of SNT and DNP is explained by the difficulties in the registration procedure, the lack of communications, the remoteness of the location of the plots from the city.

Having stopped your choice on one of these types of plot, the algorithm of actions for the possibility of registration is as follows:

  • registration of a cadastral passport on house;
  • house registration in the Declaration (as a rule, initially the house is assigned the status of "non-residential");
  • application for re-qualification of the house and granting residential status. If the request is satisfied, you can safely register and register. Otherwise, proceed to the next step;
  • contacting BTI with a request to assign a technical passport to the house;
  • filing a lawsuit with a petition for the assignment of the status of "residential" to the house. The probability of a satisfactory court decision, in the presence of a technical passport from the BTI, is quite high.

Having made a choice in favor of buying plots of SNT or DNP, it is necessary to verify the legality of the partnership or company. Because the possibility of registering a house and registering in it directly depends on this.

From the point of view of the monetary side of the issue, the most low-cost acquisition will be a plot in a dacha non-profit partnership. But such a site will require significant financial investments - laying the road to the site, conducting communications, and so on.

Hello, dear forum users!

Having reached the finish line of buying a plot for permanent residence (choosing a specific plot), I began to study the pitfalls associated with its further operation. I talked with people who have already had problems, read this wonderful forum with rapture (special thanks to those who share their personal experience), read laws, SNiPs, etc.
Of all the forms of land use, I settled on two that are acceptable to me: IZHS for settlements and DNP for agricultural land with a special purpose " cottage construction". Each has significant advantages and disadvantages, I will try to list:

DNP ( we are talking about a specific DNP, quite solid, the land is owned, substations have been built, technical specifications for gas have been received, roads, wells have been made, etc.)

1. Neighbors and the population of the village - people of the same social stratum, those who do not have enough money for more expensive offers, middle class, no marginals.
2. Security, public utilities, in general, a microcosm.
3. Easy to connect to communications
4. The price of the plot is lower than individual housing construction
5. No need to issue a building permit, ease of registration of finished buildings under the dacha amnesty.
6. Some protection from the lawlessness of the administration, firefighters and other extortionists.
7. The likelihood that in the future it will be equated to individual housing construction legislation

1. The likelihood of lawlessness on the part of the board of the DNP and the presence of serious levers of pressure on the board, up to non-admission to the polling station (entry to the territory only through the checkpoint).
2. The probability of overpriced at times prices for utilities, security.
3. Extortions in yet unpredictable sizes, incomprehensible as a result of the cost of the site and the operation of buildings.
4. The likelihood of very high monthly payments in the long term.
5. The probability (albeit small) of the withdrawal of the site due to "damage to farmland"
On the other hand, it is possible to avoid all these problems by carefully studying the documents and correctly prescribing all the nuances when buying a plot (I consider it necessary to involve a competent lawyer).

1. You come to a ready-made infrastructure
2. There is a police address
3. For utilities, state prices, low cost of exploitation of land and buildings.

1. The immediate proximity of the marginal criminal contingent, the dislike for the "bourgeois" of decent, but living on the verge of poverty, villagers.
2. The lawlessness of the administration, supervisory authorities, the complexity of connecting, obtaining a building permit, commissioning, in general, "all circles of hell."
Of course, you need to choose your neighbors, "all the circles of hell" from the land of the settlement, you can come and continue to live normally. Unfortunately, my wife and I "go to the authorities" and beat out the benefits that you are already entitled to by law, we are not able to, somehow it is not genetically incorporated. Hiring a specially trained person for this is expensive.

Now we are puzzling over what is more correct and more promising. We understand that fitting into suburban construction in the fifth decade, pumping all the savings into it and sitting down for years in a debt hole, we have no right to make a mistake.

I'm leaning towards DNP

I would be very grateful for advice.
Thank you in advance.

Citizens can purchase a land plot in a settlement, and then find out that it is impossible to build a house on its territory in which permanent residence and registration are allowed. Or vice versa - to take the land for a garden, but subsequently receive an administrative order on the need to start. In order to avoid such misunderstandings, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the land.

Whether it is necessary to focus on the cost of the site when choosing land for building a house - this question worries many buyers.

IZHS - Type of permitted use of land plots located on the lands of settlements. The sources of legislation on which the normative regulations for their registration and use are based are the Land Code, in particular Article 39.18 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As well as the provisions of the Federal Law No. 161-FZ, adopted on July 24, 2008 as part of the improvement of housing policy.

Unconditional pluses, received by the owner of such a plot are as follows:

  1. The plots are located only within the boundaries of the settlement.
  2. The landowner is issued a capital residential building, with permanent residence, postal address and registration.
  3. The plots are transferred to citizens with engineering communications.
  4. Roads and sidewalks will be brought to the location of the land. The permanent transport connection is provided by the administration.
  5. The administration of the settlement also ensures the development of infrastructure: the organization of trade, medical care, the opening of kindergartens and schools.
  6. The quality of soil fertility and the location of the IZhS development area compares favorably with the lands of the DNP.
  7. The areas of the plots can be several times larger than the dachas in the DNP.
  8. High profitability land allows their transfer to the bank as collateral,
  9. The high consumer demand for buildings erected on such plots allows the subsequent profitable resale of real estate.

The listed advantages do not fully reflect the characteristics of land under individual housing construction. The disadvantages should also be taken into account.

Among them are the following:

  1. for IZHS can be several times higher than for summer cottages.
  2. The construction of a residential building will definitely be required, otherwise administrative responsibility follows.
  3. The construction regulations are based on GOST, SNIP and other documentation, including the Urban Planning Code, which significantly limits the creative initiative of the owner.
  4. Mandatory execution of a package of documentation for the start of construction, on different stages its implementation and after commissioning.
  5. significantly higher, allows for increases upon completion of construction and as a result of infrastructure development, which affects the increase in the tax rate after almost every land revision.

Despite the existing disadvantages, most citizens seek to acquire this particular type of land.

Earth DNP

- Dacha non-profit partnership. Name legal entity, belonging to the category of NPO - a non-profit society that has united in its structure the owners of summer cottages.

Since some dachas from the indicated category were issued back in the Soviet Union, the DNP may include various title holders:

  • owners;
  • landowners on the rights of permanent (perpetual) use;
  • holders of lifetime inheritable possessions.

The norms governing land and civil legal relations in the DNP are based on the federal law No. 66-FZ, adopted on April 15, 1998. It announces a complete list of rights, obligations and organization of the activities of non-profit organizations of gardeners and gardeners. A significant role is played by the Law adopted on June 30, 2006, under No. 93-FZ on dacha amnesty.

The advantages of land owners in the DNP include:

  1. The low price charged for such plots.
  2. An official permit allowing a simplified procedure for re-registration of a site and a building under a dacha amnesty.
  3. Some dacha settlements are located within the boundaries of the settlement, which allows re-registration into land for individual housing construction, and a dacha house into a residential building.
  4. No strict building requirements.
  5. No obligation to develop the site, the admissibility of using the land only for the garden.
  6. If the dachas are located on then they are subject to the minimum tax rate.

There are a lot of disadvantages in acquiring such a plot, so the low cost of land on the territory of the DNP is quite justified.

The main ones are:

  1. The small size of the plot, which is mainly limited to six acres.
  2. Lack of opportunities for permanent residence, permits for.
  3. Seasonal communications, seasonal transport links.
  4. Lack of infrastructure.
  5. The systematic collection of membership fees, from the fund of which the maintenance of the holiday village is carried out.
  6. In order to sell the land, you need to get the decision of the general meeting, as it is administered by the founder - a legal entity, or in joint shared ownership.
  7. Low profitability of plots, the impossibility of acquiring them in a mortgage or registering them with a mortgage.

However, the existing shortcomings do not play a significant role if the site is acquired in accordance with functional features these lands.

What is the fundamental difference between the lands of IZHS and DNP?

The main significant difference between the land plots of IZHS and DNP is as follows:

  1. Lands under IZhS provide only targeted use for permanent residence, therefore they are always located within the boundaries of a settlement. The DNP does not provide for permanent residence, the settlement is focused on seasonal functioning.
  2. Based designated purpose, infrastructure is not being developed within the suburban village, and transport links are provided only from the opening of the summer season until its closing.
  3. for IZHS is significantly higher than for summer cottages, even if they are located within the city, in adjacent cadastral blocks.

Based on the list of similar properties and differences, we can conclude that each of the varieties of land real estate can promise benefits if the question of choosing the right option is approached correctly.

In particular, it is beneficial to purchase a plot for individual housing construction when the buyer has the funds and the desire to invest his savings in real estate, which will be in demand during the subsequent sale. Or - the landowner intends to build a capital house in which he plans to live with his family. Sometimes appears a favorable chance to acquire such a plot in interest-free installments or in a mortgage.

The advantages that provide for the benefits of buying land in the DNP are based on the need to purchase a dacha, not a residential building. Also, if country house located within the city and allows year-round living, you can buy it in order to save money, and then try to re-register the cottage into a residential building and get a residence permit.

Many families are faced with the issue of acquiring a land plot for the construction of a cottage or a private house. First you need to deal with such abbreviations as SNT and IZHS. It is necessary to distinguish between these definitions and clearly know what the difference is between them.

What is individual housing construction?

IZHS is a site where the construction of residential buildings is allowed, the number of storeys of which should not exceed three. Such territories are located within the boundaries of a village, city or other settlement.

REFERENCE. A building built on the IZHS site is assigned a specific address. The owner of the land has the right to obtain a residence permit in the house.

What are garden non-profit partnerships

SNT are intended for agriculture or the construction of residential facilities. They are within settlements or beyond them. The partnerships include land of any purpose. The most common are agricultural.

When the owner is in a partnership, he has the right to build various non-residential facilities: for example, a bathhouse. The plot is also suitable for the construction of various real estate.

IMPORTANT! the main problem consists in the complexity of registration in houses located on the territory of SNT. In some cases, this may lead to litigation.

What is the difference and which is better

The main difference between the categories under consideration is the following aspect: the territories of individual housing construction are settlement lands. The state invests in their development. And SNT participants pay for everything at their own expense.

There are other differences as well:

  • In areas under individual housing construction, you can get a residence permit without any restrictions. In SNT, for this it is necessary to go through a lengthy procedure, which provides for the recognition of the building as residential and suitable for living.
  • Territories of gardening non-profit partnerships are acquired for gardening, farming with the possibility of building country houses on them.
  • The IZHS lands are considered promising, since the local budget allocates for their development financial resources. SNT develops only at the expense of the members of the partnership.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a territory, one should take into account many nuances and know various legal subtleties. It is necessary to clearly outline the purpose for which the site is intended.

To answer the question: “which is better: IZHS or SNT”, it is necessary to highlight a number of fundamental points:

It is difficult to come to a consensus, so everyone must choose the category of land that matches the goals.

To finally understand what is better, whether it is worth transferring SNT to individual housing construction, it is worth noting the disadvantages of building a house in horticultural areas:

  • Buildings erected on land allocated for horticulture or agriculture are not intended for permanent habitation. They are considered summer houses.
  • Making a registration is extremely difficult, and in some cases completely impossible.
  • Difficulty living in winter time in terms of exit.
  • Difficulties with gasification, since this issue is not within the competence of the municipality.

Plots of IZHS land are in great demand and are considered the most prestigious. It will be easier to issue a tax deduction for a house built on such territory.

Factors that differ memory


Registering for the IHS will not be a problem. Houses on these lands are built specifically for regular residence.

In SNT, registration can be issued only if the building is recognized as residential.

The building must also meet the established requirements.

Tax difference

In garden partnerships, tax payments can be much less than in individual housing associations. On lands of individual construction, taxes are calculated at a fixed rate.


Owners of IZHS are entitled to enjoy benefits, the amounts of which are much lower compared to SNT.

Infrastructure pros and cons

The infrastructure in SNT is completely absent. If there is, then it is very small: for example, there is a store or a road nearby.

There is a well-developed infrastructure in the IZHS territories:

  • Roads.
  • Public transport and stops.
  • Medical, industrial and educational institutions.
  • State organizations.
  • Recreational resources.
  • Special purpose zones.
  • Military facilities and much more.

Cons: high land tax. When a land plot is bought and registered, but construction takes a long time, after 10 years the tax rate on it will increase significantly. If work on the construction of the building has not begun within 3 years, the land is subject to withdrawal.

SNT and IZHS are two types of land intended for different purposes.

If the territory is planned for the development of agriculture, it is more convenient to acquire land on SNT.

When it comes to the construction of a residential building for permanent residence, it is better to pay attention to the category of individual housing construction.

Before buying land, you need to find out its purpose. It is important to analyze all the positive and negative aspects that may arise during the operation of the territory.