Hi all! During use, dust collects on the surface of digital devices, traces of dirt and greasy spots appear. For this reason, laptop screens, personal computers and a variety of gadgets need high-quality timely cleaning. All users sooner or later want to perform the procedure correctly, they think what means to use.

Do I need to clean my PC and laptop monitor screens on my own?

Dust particles, greasy spots, pollution significantly complicate the perception of the picture and, accordingly, have negative impact for sight. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean the displays. Next, we will analyze known ways execution.

What are the cleaning products and liquids for removing dirt from monitor screens

Manufacturers sell a variety of tools that allow you to clean the monica with your own hands.

Most Popular:

  • cleaning wet wipes;
  • specialized sets of dry and wet wipes (superclean);
  • microfiber cloths;
  • spray (usually microfiber is included).

Wet wipes are the easiest, most convenient way to clean up your display. Most often they are universal, suitable for different types monitors.

The kits are mainly used for cleaning liquid crystal displays. First, the surface is wiped with a damp cloth, and then dry, the remaining moisture is removed. This method allows you to remove dirt from the display without leaving streaks.

A microfiber cloth is a versatile tool for reusable. It can be used both dry to remove dust, and wet for more significant pollution. If necessary, the napkin can be washed.

Together with microfiber, special liquids are used for wiping displays. They are usually sold in spray form. Do not spray it on the display surface. The substance is applied to a lint-free cloth, which wipes the surface.

Can tape be used to clean displays?

What is a monitor cleaning kit

Many manufacturers advise buying ready-made kits for cleaning displays, which include the following products:

  • spray liquid;
  • a microfiber cloth or molded cleaner (for example, triangular shape);
  • antistatic brush.

The use of such kits is very convenient. The brush can be used for daily dust removal, and the microfiber liquid for better cleaning of the surface. Now let's move on to cleaning.

How and how to clean a computer monitor screen from dust, stains and dirt at home

If you don’t have specialized cleaning products on hand, you can use soap and water. There are two ways to wash the display using them.

Due to the poor quality of tap water, it is better not to use it. For the procedure, it is worth taking distilled water or water from a filter.

In the first case, you will need a soft, lint-free cloth. Suitable microfiber, cotton, flannel. The material is wetted with water, then squeezed well. Wipe the display carefully so that water does not get into the corners of the display.

Before washing, the equipment must be disconnected from the power supply.

In the second case, a soap solution is used. So, as a rule, matte surfaces of displays are put in order.

The procedure will require:

  • soft, lint-free fabric;
  • soap without additives (for example, baby or laundry);
  • water.

The display is initially gently wiped with a cloth dampened with soapy water, and then wiped well with dry material.

How and how to clean a laptop screen from stains, dust and grease at home

To clean the laptop screen with improvised means, you can use the same methods as for displays. The main thing is to make sure that the liquid does not get on the surface of the keyboard and other elements.

During the procedure, it is better to position the laptop so that the display is parallel to the floor. Do not push too hard - the equipment is fragile, and the screens are quite expensive.

Is there a difference between cleaning matte and glossy screens?

Monicas are glossy, matte. Since different technologies are used for their production, there are some differences in the methods of cleaning this equipment. To create a matte effect, a special coating is applied, which does not allow the surface to reflect light, the sun's rays. Cleaners based on isopropyl alcohol can damage it and cause stains.

Buy for cleaning special sets, which are designed for a certain type of technology.

Is it possible to wash the screen of a computer monitor and laptop

Any types of monitors are "afraid" of water falling on the surface. For cleaning, you can use a damp cloth or special wipes. Even liquid intended for cleaning monitors cannot be sprayed onto their surface. This will quickly render the equipment unusable.

If serious contamination has appeared, for example, from a ballpoint pen or glue, then there are several effective ways to get rid of them.

How to clean a laptop or PC screen from a ballpoint pen, glue

There are several ways to remove glue or ballpoint pen stains from a monitor:

  • wet wipes;
  • cleaning liquid;
  • soap.

The last two methods are considered more efficient. Most of the liquids offered in specialized stores do an excellent job with any kind of display contamination.

Steps to bring the equipment in order are quite simple. If wipes are used, rub the stain. The main thing is not to press hard on the screen. When using a liquid, it is applied to a lint-free cloth and, like napkins, wipe the surface.

How to wash traces of ink from the screen with soap is presented in the video review at the end of the article.

Do not use alcohol, as well as compositions containing alcohol to remove contaminants. Such actions can lead to the appearance of streaks on the surface, bringing the equipment to a non-working state.

What to do so that after cleaning the monitor there are no streaks left

To prevent streaks from appearing on the display after cleaning, it is recommended to use special kits that include dry antistatic and wet wipes or microfiber. First, the surface is wiped with a damp cloth, and then wiped dry. Instead of microfiber, cotton and flannel fabrics are allowed.

What is daily wiping of a computer monitor and laptop screen and why is it needed

Any technique needs timely maintenance. Every day dust particles accumulate on the surface. The larger the dust layer, the more difficult the cleaning process.

Therefore, you should wipe the devices daily with dry wipes. And once every few days you need to clean the screen using wipes or sprays, soft tissues.

Why is there a black screen and the monitor does not work after cleaning a computer or laptop

After cleaning, the monitor may not work for the following reasons:

  • power is not connected;
  • contacts are not connected tightly;
  • the cable is connected to the wrong video card connector (if there are two of them);
  • the refresh rate on the video card is set incorrectly (for older displays with cathode ray tube a frequency of about 100 Hz is required, 50-60 is enough for LCD);
  • the monitor is defective;
  • the laptop is switched to the mode of operation with an external monitor (keys on the keyboard);
  • damaged video card;
  • cable malfunction (you can check by connecting to an external display).


To prolong the life of your monitor or laptop, you need to keep it clean. For this reason, it is necessary to remove dust and other contaminants from the screen surface in a timely manner during cleaning.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of self cleaning:

  • image quality improvement;
  • keeping equipment clean.
  • the possibility of damage to the display by careless movements (strong pressure), moisture ingress into the corners of the monitor or on the laptop keyboard.

Video review

Any owner of new technology, including a laptop, will certainly think about how to wipe the laptop screen at home. Of course, you should not use rags or napkins for this, which are usually used for serving the dining table. And, of course, you can’t splash on the laptop screen from a spray bottle not only with water, but also with other liquids.


Enough important point is the method of dusting itself. It is much easier to just brush off the dust than it is to wipe off the marks left by flies or other insects, or large stains. Therefore, in the beginning it is necessary to understand what pollution is:

  1. Ordinary dust.
  2. Footprints left by flies or other insects.
  3. Mud tracks.
  4. Fat stains from fingers.

Dusty laptop screen

The easiest way is to wipe the laptop screen from dust, because it is enough to make just a couple of movements with your hand, in which there is a small, but most importantly dry cloth or sponge, and there will be no trace of all traces of dust on the screen.

Various dirt stains left by flies or other kinds of insects are very easy to remove with special wet wipes, which are designed specifically to remove such dirt. But you should never try to scrape off stains with your fingers, especially on modern LCD monitors, because this can damage a special protective coating, while you can accidentally cause other damage to the laptop screen, which most likely will not be noticed immediately, but will appear during further operation of the equipment.

If when removing dirt stains is used plain water, it is necessary to carefully wring out a napkin or rag. Removing dirt stains with plain water can have an extremely negative effect on office equipment if water spills directly on the laptop display. Water flows into various holes or simply soaks into the screen, which affects the structure of the screen, which will be broken. In addition, water ingress can damage the entire laptop, not just the screen.

The LCD monitor, even with the most severe dirt, is easiest to wipe with a weak solution of 3% vinegar. After removing all dirt, simply wipe the monitor with a dry cloth to remove any moisture that may have remained on it.

If dust has settled on the laptop screen, then you can use ordinary cellophane, which can be found in every home, to remove it. But it is best to use food cellophane, because it is quite soft and thin. When the cellophane starts to come into contact with the laptop screen, static electricity will begin to form, but since it will be much stronger on the cellophane, all the dust will be attracted and stick to it. When using this method, it is necessary that the laptop is unplugged from the mains and has cooled down.

To wipe the laptop screen, you need to purchase special liquids that are sold in a specialized department of a hardware store. Do not wipe the monitor with substances and solutions that contain alcohol. If the contamination cannot be eliminated in any way, then you can use baby soap, with its help it is possible to remove even the most greasy stains.


Before wiping your computer monitor from dirty prints, you need to find out what is strictly not allowed to use. Use prohibited:

  • simple paper napkins;
  • coarse cloth and towels;
  • foam sponges.

Napkins should not be used.

To remove dust from a computer screen at home, paper napkins, rough towels are often used, but in this case it sticks to the screen a large number of villi, which are sometimes very difficult to remove. In addition, wipes and rough fabrics can scratch the surface of the screen, and not just leave streaks, which is why you should choose the softest possible fabric.

In this case, how to wipe the computer screen? Wet wipes will do the job best, before buying, you need to read what they are saturated with. If they are impregnated with an alcohol-containing solution, then such a purchase should be refrained from. If you use wipes soaked in alcohol, there is a high chance that many small cracks will appear on the screen, as well as damage to the anti-reflective coating.

An equally important criterion will be the degree of humidity, since you can clean the computer screen with a very damp cloth, but some of the moisture will still be absorbed into the screen, which, of course, will not have a very positive effect on its operation. Soft wipes, which are usually sold in a set with a special composition for caring for a computer screen, will also work. Also good decision will choose the microfiber that is used to clean the lenses of the glasses. They use it due to the fact that it has practically no villi that can remain on the surface of the glasses or the monitor.


The computer screen should be cleaned as you use it, because during operation, traces of dust, dirt and greasy fingerprints will inevitably remain on the screen.

Before cleaning the monitor from dust, unplug the monitor from the mains and let it stand for a while, waiting for all its parts to cool down. Only after that you can start cleaning.

Cleaning the screen from dust

For cleaning, only clean rags and napkins are used, any slight contamination on them can lead to the appearance of numerous streaks and dirty stripes on the monitor. If the screen has only accumulated dust, you can simply wipe it with a microfiber or a specialized monitor care cloth, since they will not leave any dirt marks, streaks and lint.

Soap saves from more serious ones, just lather a little with a damp cloth or napkin and wipe the monitor with it, but it is important not to overdo it when soaping the cloth, if the cloth is poorly wrung out, water can flow into the corners of the monitor or begin to be absorbed, and this can even lead to a short circuit , and then the repair may no longer help, you will need to purchase a new computer.

After lathering the monitor, prepare a basin pure water, in which a soapy cloth is rinsed well and squeezed thoroughly several times. Then this rag removes the remnants of soap from the computer screen. If the cloth is too damp, the screen surface will take a long time to dry. Do not use the computer until the monitor is completely dry.

You should also not splash water on the monitor during cleaning, since water can accidentally get on the matrix shell, this can lead to the screen becoming striped, and it will be extremely difficult to see something on it or even impossible.

To avoid getting moisture into the casing, it is necessary to remove contaminants in a circular motion or vertically from the bottom up. The corners that are adjacent to the base are carefully wiped with cotton swabs, most importantly, do not press too hard on them so as not to damage the display.


It is forbidden to wipe the screen of a laptop or other equipment during their operation. Soapy water, foam and specialized mixtures dry up instantly on a warm monitor and get inside it, damaging internal parts and shortening the life of the computer.

Soft cloth for cleaning the laptop

It is forbidden to use products intended for washing dishes and glasses, as the substances contained in them can corrode the top layer of the laptop screen.

Do not remove dirt with a knife, blades or other sharp objects. At a minimum, this will lead to the appearance of many scratches or completely disable the monitor.

Matte monitors, unlike glossy ones, can be wiped with more damp wipes and rags, since all dried stains are easily washed off in one go. Glossy monitors On the contrary, they demand a more careful attitude towards themselves. When cleaning them, cover as much of the area to be wiped as possible at a time.

Any electronic equipment should be handled with care. When removing dirt stains from the monitor, it is not recommended to use excessively fluffy rags and towels, aggressive screen wipes. By following these rules, you can extend the life of the monitor not for months, but even for years.


Professional cleaners clean dust, dirt, streaks and greasy fingerprints left on the laptop screen much faster and easier.

There is also a convenient dispenser of cleaning liquid, which makes it possible to regulate the liquid during cleaning.

Gently wipe the screen

Due to the use of specialized materials, the likelihood of scratches disappears, and such materials absorb moisture much better.

All professional products not only allow you to get rid of pollution, but protect against germs and bacteria.

Professional products are much more economical, since only a couple of drops of such a product are required.


If food or hot drinks get on the screen, you must immediately start cleaning. In case of contact with varnishes or paint, cleaning must be done with the utmost care. Various water-based paints, for example, watercolors, are relatively easy to clean. It is much more difficult to get rid of traces of glyptal or oil paint, so if they get on the monitor, you must immediately remove the paint with a small wooden spatula, a piece of plastic cut from a bottle will do. Do not smear the stain, as it will be very difficult to wash it off later.

soap solution

After removing large stains, proceed to the following cleaning steps:

  • disconnect the computer from the network;
  • start preparing a weak solution of baby soap;
  • moisten a microfiber cloth;
  • wipe the remnants of stains as carefully as possible (from the edges of the monitor to the center);
  • a fresh napkin is moistened with purified water;
  • wipe the soap residue in the same way as before, from the edges of the screen to its center;
  • if there is a need, then repeat all these actions until the traces of spots disappear completely;
  • proceed to the final wipe of the monitor with a clean cloth.

The most important thing here is to remove all contaminants in one go. In order to prevent water from drying out and soaking into the monitor, if this happens, the stains will no longer be able to be washed off, they will literally become part of the screen, and the absorbed moisture can lead to damage to the monitor. When cleaning the screen, do not apply strong pressure to the screen to avoid accidental breakage.

Dried stains that were not noticed before cleaning can be scraped off with a thin wooden stick, but not with nails, a knife or a blade. If all else fails, you can try to soak the stains with a slightly damp cloth with soapy water. If this does not help, then it is best to transfer the computer to professionals for a repair service, but if they fail to eliminate the stains, then you will have to change the display.

The screen in a laptop becomes dirty over time - fingerprints, dust and other traces accumulate on it. It is not always possible to wipe the surface with a regular cloth, dry or moistened with water, clean and without streaks, so in this article we will figure out how to properly and effectively clean the screen for the owner of a stationary PC / laptop.

The seemingly simple cleaning process has certain nuances, and the device itself requires careful handling. The user is advised to use special methods to ensure quick and comfortable care of the display surface.

  • Before starting, turn off the power of the laptop or computer;
  • Do not apply too much pressure while cleaning. Remove complex dirt with repeated circular movements, aggressive actions (pressing, scraping with a fingernail, knife, shuffling) can damage the matrix or its protective glass;
  • Use only clean materials (napkins, cloth).

Method 1: Professional cleaners

In any store that sells electronics and related accessories, you can find products to care for the surface of the display. They come in different designs, and choosing the one that suits you is based on preferences, the frequency with which you plan to clean, and the cost of the product.

The advantages of professional tools are obvious: they allow you to complete the task faster and easier. In addition, they most often have an additional number of advantages in the form of subsequent screen protection and can be used for other devices (tablets, smartphones, navigators), but first things first.

If you are very protective of your screen, be sure to read the reviews on a particular cleaner before buying. The fact is that poor-quality products can leave streaks and stains that you will never be able to get rid of.


A very popular tool that makes the cleaning process easy and efficient. Liquid in the spray format is supplied in small doses, which is important in order to save money and does not allow it to get inside the case. A couple of puffs on a laptop screen and three or four on a PC monitor screen, which, as a rule, has a large diagonal, are enough. However, it is recommended that you spray not on the screen itself, but on a napkin with which you will wipe - so the particles will not scatter in the air and fall over the edges of the screen.

Spray Benefits:

  • Cleans any kind of matrix, touch displays;
  • Does not leave behind stains, glare and stains;
  • Does not damage the anti-reflective coating, which is available in almost all modern devices;
  • Has an antistatic effect.

In combination with the spray, it is recommended to purchase a microfiber cloth. It will not damage the fragile coating, will not leave scratches and lint. The price of the issue is a couple of tens of rubles, and you can find it in any supermarket or household store. Some manufacturers add a special cloth to the spray kit, this will already be referred to as a “screen cleaning kit”. Sometimes a brush will also be included with them, brushing off the settled dust.


The analogues of the spray are cleaners in a thick and foamy format. In general, the features of their use are completely identical to the spray, since all these products have approximately the same characteristics.

The only difference lies in the method of applying the consistency - the gel is squeezed out in a small amount and rubbed over the screen, and the foam is sprayed and rubbed. In both cases, it is also recommended to use a soft cloth, which, by the way, can sometimes be included.


Another extremely popular tool designed to clean screens. These wipes have special compound(most often non-woven, cellulose-based), which does not leave lint on the surface, so after them it is not necessary to wipe the screen with anything else.

They are sold in tubes, in the format of a roll of 100 pieces or more, they have dividers that allow you to conveniently tear off one napkin from the rest. Usually 1 piece is enough to clean the entire screen, monitors with a large diagonal or high level contamination may require 2 pieces.

The advantages of wipes are similar to those of a spray: they are universal, eliminate electrostatic charge, do not leave stains and streaks, and do not scratch the surface.

The disadvantage of napkins is that the less they remain in the roll, the faster they dry out, despite the tightness of the lid and the tube itself. If your screen doesn't get dirty that often, we don't recommend buying wipes as the rest is likely to dry out and lose its usefulness. Look for a spray, gel or foam in a small volume (usually 200 ml) that does not evaporate over time.

Pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date. Many do not look at this parameter and purchase a product whose implementation period is coming to an end. At best, such a liquid will lose its properties, and the wipes will dry out, at worst, an expired chemical composition will ruin the surface, leaving permanent stains. Keep in mind that all of these products are very economical to use and take a long time, so it is important to choose them from recently released batches.

Method 2: Home remedies

Often people prefer using products that can be found at home. This is a good budget alternative if you don't want to spend money on a professional cleaner or if you just ran out of it and you need to clean it right now.

soap solution

It is best if it is baby soap, as it does not contain chemicals that can adversely affect the integrity of the surface. Take a soft cloth or a thick cotton pad, slightly moisten the material, wring it out and walk over the wet area with soap. Wipe the screen clean and then use a dry cloth to remove the streaks that soap is bound to leave. Corners can be cleaned with a cotton swab treated with soap in the same way.

Vinegar solution

Dilute 10 ml of 6% vinegar in 100 ml of plain water. Soak one or two cotton pads in the liquid and wipe the screen. After that, it will be enough to use a dry soft cloth.

Prohibited Screen Cleaners

Since the surface obliges to proper care, it is important to know what not to use when you need to get rid of pollution.


  • Ammonia, acetone, alcohol - destroy the anti-reflective coating. If you use wet wipes, make sure that there are no alcohol-containing components in the composition;
  • Powders and household detergents, e.g. dishwashing detergents - abrasive particles of dry detergents can scratch the coating, and liquid substances have an aggressive chemical composition not intended for the display surface.


  • Fabric with pile, terry towels - leave traces and stains;
  • Sponges - have a hard scratching base;
  • Paper napkins - get very wet, difficult to wring out, can get into the corners and leave lint. Some of these wipes may contain sharp wood particles.

Cleaning the screen of a laptop or desktop computer takes only a few seconds of your time, but even such a short procedure should be carried out correctly so that the surface is clean, free of scratches and other damage.

Every owner of a computer or laptop at least once wondered how to wipe the laptop screen so that there are no streaks and dirt left. In addition to the fact that dust settles on the computer screen, there are more significant contaminants, for example, greasy stains. It is not possible to qualitatively clean dirt from the display using only a damp cloth or napkins. It is advisable to use special cleaning or proven improvised means. In addition, on the shelves of stores you can find various types of liquids for cleaning the monitor.

How can you wipe a computer monitor?

Consider two types of materials for cleaning a computer monitor:

  1. Soft rags made from lint-free fabric and cotton pads or sticks can be easily found in any store.
  2. Cleaning sprays and gels are more expensive in cost, but very effective. It is better to purchase such funds in specialized stores.

Despite the wide range of cleaning products, there are two ways to clean the display from dirt.

Method 1

The first method is available to everyone, as it does not require serious costs and efforts. It is necessary to make a soapy solution and stock up on microfiber rags. Then prepare two bowls - with warm water and soapy water.

After that you need to execute following algorithm actions:

Method 2

The second method involves the use of special store tools. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous version. The only difference is that it will be necessary to use not a soap solution, but a spray or gel.

Important! As for the spray, you should spray it on a rag at a certain distance from the screen (usually the instructions are written on the spray package).

When cleaning dirt from hard-to-reach places using cotton buds, you need to be very careful, as cotton wool can get under the computer display. This can significantly degrade the performance of the device.

How to wipe a computer monitor at home?

Owners of computers or laptops who are not able to buy a special detergent often wonder how to wipe the screen at home? Ordinary baby soap is considered the most effective and proven remedy, since it does not contain harmful substances. chemical substances. You should stock up on several dense cotton pads and a bar of soap. We rub the slightly damp disks with soap and wipe the screen. From such manipulations, of course, there will be divorces. Removing them is easy, you need to use wet cotton pads, and then a dry cloth. The result of cleaning is noticeable almost immediately, because the monitor dries very quickly.

What is the best way to clean the screen of a home laptop?

There are several effective ways how to clean a laptop display. Let's look at a few commonly used methods:

  • Wet wipes from the computer store - very effective at removing various kinds dirt on the monitor. The main thing - pay attention to the impregnation of napkins, it is very important that they are saturated with water. Impregnation must not contain alcohol or acetone.
  • Laptop display cleaning kit. It includes a special spray, wipes and a dust brush. When cleaning the screen, never spray. It is recommended that you first apply it on a napkin, and only then start wiping the monitor.
  • When cleaning the screen, the soap solution mentioned above is very effective.

What should not be used?

It is necessary to exclude the use of the following compositions and materials:

  1. Cloth with a hard pile, sponges, terry towels - when they are used, lint and streaks will remain on the laptop screen. In addition, there is a very high risk of scratches.
  2. Do not buy detergents containing alcohol, as they will dissolve the structure of the monitor. When using alcohol-containing products, the service life of the device is reduced.
  3. Do not scrape the dirt off the monitor with your fingernails as this will scratch the surface.
  4. It is not recommended to use ordinary paper napkins. They get very wet when in contact with water and get into hard-to-reach places.

If you remember these rules every time you clean the screen, you will keep the aesthetic appearance of your monitor on long years and prolong its service life.

Dust cleaning

To maintain the cleanliness of equipment, it is always necessary to clean up contaminants in a timely manner:

  • Dust can be removed using dry cotton pads or a lint-free cloth.
  • One of the best options microfiber cloths are considered. They carefully remove dust not only from LCD screens, but also from glasses, cameras and discs. The main advantage of such wipes is that their structure contains special fibers that pull not only dust, but also bacteria from surfaces.
  • Some use brushes with very soft bristles to remove dust from a laptop or computer display. This method is less effective than using special computer wipes.

Folk remedies for cleaning the screen

In addition to soap solution, you can use vinegar solution. To prepare it, you need:

  • About 100 ml of filtered water.
  • 10 ml of six percent vinegar.
  • Mix everything carefully.

Next, you should dip a cotton pad into the solution, squeeze it well and wipe the display. Remove stains with dry microfiber cloths. Using this method, you can easily clean the laptop screen at home.

For quality care, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. When cleaning, it is not recommended to use strong pressure on the screen.
  2. Use only clean napkins and rags.
  3. Remove dirt from hard-to-reach places with cotton swabs.
  4. Do not use powders or solvents when removing dirt from the display.
  5. Before washing the monitor, be sure to unplug the device from the mains.

The more often the device is used, the more dust, dirt and insect marks accumulate on the monitor. This may have a negative impact on the operation of the computer. Therefore, the display must be cleaned regularly. This can be done at home, however, in order not to harm the laptop screen, certain rules must be followed.

When cleaning the screen or monitor, it is strictly forbidden to use:

  • terry towels;
  • ordinary paper napkins;
  • foam sponge;
  • rough cloth.

Towels and paper napkins leave fluff and paper particles on the screen, and a rough cloth scratches the surface. Foam sponges guarantee the appearance of streaks after cleaning the monitor.

Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of actions that will help to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  1. Do not wipe the display while the device is in operation. The fact is that the screen heats up, and liquids instantly dry on it: water, soap suds, etc. As a result, moisture seeps into the internal parts of the laptop, reducing the life of the equipment.
  2. Never use dishwashing detergent or window cleaner. These substances corrode the coating of the monitor.
  3. Do not try to wipe off dirt with a knife, blade or rough cloth. At best, the screen will be scratched. At worst, the monitor will fail.
  4. Glossy screens require a more delicate approach than matte ones. Therefore, wiping the glossy display, wet wipe it is required to squeeze out more carefully, and at one time try to cover the maximum area.
  5. Do not use alcohol-based solutions as they will destroy the anti-reflective film.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can clean your monitor without harming your computer.

You should be familiar with several useful tips, which will help to effectively and safely wash the laptop screen:

  1. Microfiber cloths work well for removing dust.
  2. When wiping the monitor, you should make movements in different directions, without applying force.
  3. The more often a computer is used, the more often the need arises.
  4. To remove dust and dirt from hard-to-reach places, you can use cotton swabs. It is important not to press them on the screen, otherwise the cotton wool may remain in the corners of the display, which will greatly reduce the performance of the laptop.
  5. The materials used to clean the monitor must be clean, not too damp, and must not contain alcohol.
  6. Before you start washing the screen, you need to make sure that the computer is turned off. You can wipe the display only after the device has completely cooled down.

You can turn on the laptop only when the monitor is completely dry.

Types of pollution

The method of cleaning the screen will depend on the type of contamination.

Most often, dust accumulates on the monitor, greasy fingerprints and traces of insects remain.


The easiest way to deal with ordinary dust. To do this, wipe the display with a dry or slightly damp microfiber cloth. In addition, you can use flannel or napkins purchased from a specialized store.

You can also clean the monitor with cling film. Dust sticks to it, getting off the screen.

You can remove dust from the processor with a brush or even a vacuum cleaner with low power. The main thing is to act very carefully and make sure that the device has completely cooled down.

Grease stains and traces of insects

Often, unpleasant spots appear on the screen - traces of flies. You can try to wash them off with a damp microfiber cloth. Be sure to squeeze out excess moisture. Do not put pressure on the display by wiping it with a cloth.

A computer monitor cleaning kit can be purchased from a specialized store. This kit includes: a special spray, napkins and brushes. But if there is no desire to spend a lot of money on a purchase, then you can resort to folk recipes, which allow you to effectively wipe the laptop screen at home.

A soapy solution helps with greasy stains and fingerprints on the monitor. It is best to use baby soap. For this:

  1. Soak a flannel or microfiber cloth in water. Then lather it up and wring it out thoroughly. If there is too much moisture, then soap suds can seep around the corners of the monitor onto the internal parts of the laptop. This threatens to short circuit.
  2. Gently wipe the screen without applying pressure.
  3. Rinse the cloth well and wring it out again.
  4. Rinse the monitor a few more times until the soap solution is completely removed.

Do not splash water on the screen. It can get on the matrix housing located under the monitor. As a result, stripes will appear on the screen.

Instead of soap, you can use vinegar:

  • mix 10 ml of 6% vinegar and 100 ml of pure water;
  • moisten a microfiber cloth in the prepared solution and wring it out thoroughly;
  • wipe the screen without applying force;
  • clean dirt in hard-to-reach places with cotton swabs.

This method makes it easy to clean the monitor from dirt.


Equipment must be handled with care and delicacy. For cleaning, use suitable lint-free materials and liquids that do not contain aggressive substances. Regular care helps to improve the performance of the device and extend its life.