Many of us are experiencing a lack of space, which is why they combine the bedroom with the living room or the hallway with the kitchen. I want to ennoble each of the rooms, so the owner of the dwelling is trying various tricks and tricks in order to expand at least visually their living space.

Space expansion methods:

  • mirror
  • wardrobe with mirrored doors
  • mirror columns
  • mirror tiles

But there is a sign that the mirror should not "look" at the sleeping ones. Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror and what is the risk? We will try to answer this question later in this article.

Mirror superstitions

Looking in the mirror, we see our reflection, even our ancestors endowed it with a mystical effect. The world behind the looking glass for them was a space of magic and fairy tales that threaten their personality, and until now, superstitions and signs about the mirror remain one of the most mysterious and mysterious.

According to them, it is a kind of portal for a parallel dimension. Most peoples of the world come to this perception of the mirror, considering it the door to the world of the dead. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, but the Slavic peoples divided the dead into the dead and the intoxicated. The restless souls had their own name, they called them Navi. They became the souls of the drowned, killed by lightning, that is, those who were punished by the souls of nature (gods).

Slavic peoples often used mirror reflection for divination, it was believed that it could erase the boundaries between the two worlds: the dead and the living. But there is also a danger in them that an unexpected guest will want to get to know the world of the living better.

AT European culture mirrors are also considered guides to other worlds. And it is possible to enter the mirror or the souls can exit it. But the doors between the two spaces are not always easy to open and for the most part they do not carry any danger. But such portals are very difficult to close and unexpected guests easily settle in the apartment.

Opinions about what will happen if you sleep in front of a mirror

Feng Shui recommends buying only round-shaped mirrors where a person can be fully reflected. If this is a pocket mirror, then the head should be fully projected. But the family bed should not, because this is the path to betrayal, quarrels and disagreements. If both the door and the bed fall into his view, then this will bring a lot of trouble to the owner of the bedroom: from lack of money to divorce.

Shamans say that no matter what the positive energy of the bedroom is, if there is a bed in the reflection of the mirror, then a pair of eyes always looks after the sleepers. This can lead to insomnia and irritability.

It is believed that mirrors absorb, like a sponge, all the negative events that occur in the room where it is located. Therefore, panic or a painful condition can come from old mirrors.

There can be mirrors and murders, in the nineties the fact of murder with a mirror was confirmed, for example, antique dealers urged not to buy an item with an inscription on the frame “Louis Arpo, 1743”, because almost forty people who bought it were found dead under unclear circumstances. Now no one knows where his whereabouts are. If the mirror "saw" the owner's death, suicide, fight, incurable illness and other negative circumstances, then it is best to remove or hang them from the room.

Psychologists say the following about this: you should not place a mirror in the bedroom due to the fact that in human body there is a fear of the unknown, and without light, the most ordinary objects look completely different. For example, headlights are close, lanterns can give this phenomenon a lot of mysticism. When a person wakes up, he has little understanding of what is happening and can easily be frightened and stressed.

If you can not remove the mirror from the bed, then you need to wash it more often cold water, washing away the negative and hanging it at night so that it is not saturated with energy and does not reflect it on its owners.

There was a time when millions of people, having proclaimed the supremacy of the principles of materialism, completely denied the existence of the soul, the other world. Accordingly, all the wisdom accumulated by peoples over the centuries was declared obscurantism and prejudices of dark illiterate people.

Today, when science has taken a few more steps forward, it suddenly turned out that there is a soul, and parallel worlds exist. And you shouldn’t just brush aside the advice of antiquity, especially when in cultures different peoples you meet almost the same rules that prescribe behavior in a given situation, recommendations for handling the objects around us.
These items, of course, include mirrors - the most mysterious and enigmatic companions of our lives. Sometimes a person does not even realize that the cause of his misfortunes and troubles lies in his thoughtless handling of these "Harmless" part of the interior.

In most cultures, the mirror is a symbol of the moon. In China, it has traditionally been considered an attribute of a sage. In Japan, the mirror was included in the list of imperial treasures along with such symbols of power as the throne, the sword and three pearls - symbols of the three main human virtues: knowledge, courage and mercy.

In the Shinto tradition, the octagonal mirror is a symbol of the world and space that reflects the image. Comparing a mirror to water, many African and Asian peoples use it along with a bowl of water in magical rituals with the presence of spirits and divination.
In the beliefs of our people, the mirror has also always been associated with the soul. So, after the death of a family member, it was necessary to curtain the mirror so that the soul of the deceased would not linger in it, mirrors were also used during divination.

But why can't you hang mirrors in the bedroom, why can't you sleep in front of the mirror? It would seem that the recommendation not to hang mirrors in rooms such as the bathroom, and especially the bedroom, came to us along with the feng shui craze.
Perhaps this is foreign to us? Although, on the other hand, if our ancestors also believed in the magical power of mirrors, what prevents us from understanding the arguments of a tradition alien to us?

In the end, after all, we are all children of the same earth and, as scientists assure, representatives of a single, fifth race, which replaced the fourth, the race of the great Atlanteans, thousands of years ago, and laying the foundation for a new, sixth race in these critical years.
Perhaps if our great-grandmothers had a bathroom or a separate bedroom, and not a stove - a stove bench, they would also have told us a lot of wise advice on this matter? But why then did our nobles not have such superstitions, did they have the opportunity to have separate bedrooms?

Imagine - there were bedrooms, and a taboo about mirrors, too, and what else: there were no mirrors in the royal chambers, or in the chambers of the boyars! Our "Native" fortune-tellers and healers, interpretation experts folk signs and dreams also confirm: the mirrors in the bedrooms are superfluous!

Only if you put all the arguments against mirrors in the bedroom together, you get a pretty impressive list:

* mirrors reflect not only the people sleeping in front of them, but also the whole situation in the room. Any reflected sharp corner negatively affects the sleeper;
* northern shamans assure that a pair of eyes is always watching a sleeping person from a mirror, as a result - poor sleep, irritability, quarrels in the family over trifles. Modern views about parallel subtle worlds make such assurances of shamans not so implausible;
* Interpreters of dreams back in the Middle Ages believed that the power of a vampire was concentrated in a mirror and that a sleeping person has all the good that is in the soul, simply sucked out during the night. In principle, this theory is not much different from the ideas of northern shamans;
* if the sleeping person is reflected in the mirror, there will be problems, and if a married couple is reflected, then doubling the number of partners in the mirror will imperceptibly push the spouses to betrayal;
* A mirror reflecting the bedroom door and the matrimonial bed doubles the family's failures in almost everything.
* modern astrology also agrees that the placement of mirrors should be treated very carefully. Especially dangerous are cracked mirrors, mirrors with "History", which were witnesses of death and misfortune. Such mirrors can kill, and there is a number of undeniable evidence of this. The history of such fatal mirrors is now being studied and analyzed;
* during sleep, the astral body of a person travels and, once in the looking glass, it may simply not return from there. The body, having parted with one of its indispensable components, dies. After all, how many strange, sudden, causeless deaths in a dream doctors ascertain daily. And a term like sudden death newborns? Why babies suddenly die in a dream often remains simply incomprehensible;
* mirrors have great magical power, both positive and negative. This is the gate to the world behind the looking glass - the other world, parallel worlds. These gates do not open easily, which is why we become careless witnesses of the harmlessness of millions of mirrors. However, once an open door is very difficult to close. It is almost impossible to break forever once established connection with the other world;
* a mirror is the strongest energy source and is able to transform our momentary into the future Bad mood or well-being, if we looked into it in such a state;
* a mirror is the strongest energy magnet, it is able to play on our weaknesses, take away energy, age and even, as we have already said, kill. It is especially not recommended to look in the mirror for a long time for small children, women who are breastfeeding, pregnant, during menstruation. The body is weakened and more easily amenable to negative influences.

And now, having analyzed everything that has been said, imagine what happens during sleep. A person is sleeping, he is in a helpless, unconscious state, while his presence in front of the mirror is not counted in minutes, but in many hours!

We go to bed, but instead of having a good rest and gaining strength, we often get up completely "Broken". Our mirrors prevented us from recovering and preparing for a new day. As a result - irritability, inattention on the road, accidents.
In this world, everything is so interconnected that, perhaps, it is worth listening to the recommendations of experienced people: you can’t hang mirrors in the bedroom and bathroom, you can’t have the mirror reflect only part of the head, you can’t look into old, especially cracked mirrors. In principle, nothing impossible is required of us, is it?

The mirror is an integral part of the interior in our time. Often it can be found as a decor in the form of small mirrors, mirror inserts, etc. Quite often, wardrobe doors are made entirely of mirrors - the dream of any woman, but experts, at the sight of such beauty, shake their heads with a smart look and say: “Don’t you know that you can’t sleep in front of a mirror?”. And you don't even know what to say to them.

Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

The answer to this question can be a sign, a legend, as well as a completely logical explanation.

Chinese legend

Ancient Chinese legend says that once our real world, together with the mirror world, were one. There were no boundaries between them. And one day, the inhabitants of the looking glass decided to take over the real world, but failed. Now they are forced to repeat the movements of people who look in the mirror. But the legend does not rule out the fact that they can get out of the mirror.
This legend created the opinion that a mirror is a door to the other world, where doubles are waiting for you to fall asleep in order to steal your soul into captivity, because when a person sleeps, he is vulnerable. Therefore, people try to avoid mirrors in the bedroom.

Not Feng Shui

Feng Shui experts say that if the corners of the bed are displayed in the mirror, then this will lead to problems in marriage, and if the mirror displays the door and the bed, then this will bring failure to a person's life.

folk omen

It is believed that when a sleeping lonely person is displayed in the mirror, he becomes doubly lonely, and if a sleeping couple is displayed in the mirror, this will lead to the appearance of new people in their lives that can bring chaos to their relationship.
Another opinion says that the mirror can take away vital energy in a sleeping person, because of which a person wakes up in the morning broken.
And finally, the mirror is like a sponge, it absorbs all the good and bad memories, passing on the negativity that has accumulated over the years to a person. This can make a person feel unwell.

Logical reason

If we consider the situation logically, then the most probable cause not hanging a mirror in the bedroom is an opportunity to be afraid of your reflection. At night, a person wakes up several times, and at the same time they do not remember all the short moments. And if you see your reflection in the mirror at night without fully regaining consciousness, you can get scared, while not remembering anything. Then the rest of the night you will have nightmares, and in the morning you will feel completely tired, as if you had not slept at all.

Mirrors are an integral part of the interior of any home. However, many people are firmly convinced that he does not belong in the bedroom. This is due to signs inherited from ancestors. We have collected some of the most common opinions explaining why you should not sleep in front of a mirror. Believe them or not - everyone decides for himself.

  • Mirrors are capable of accumulating negativity. For years, various events pass before them, including misfortunes and deaths. The mirror accumulates all this negative energy and one day can transfer it to the one who looks into it. Based on this, if you really want to install a mirror near the bed, then it is better that it be brand new. In this case, it has not yet been saturated with negativity and is completely safe.
  • In a dream, the soul of a person in some incomprehensible way leaves the material body and can accidentally fall into the other world hiding behind the mirror surface. She is no longer able to return - and the sleeper simply dies.
  • The mirror can age people. It is especially dangerous in this regard for pregnant women and young children.
  • Large mirrors cause insomnia, make people irritable, which leads to disagreements in the family.
  • If the bed is reflected in the mirror surface, then failures are doubled. If a married couple is reflected, then betrayals occur.

Can you sleep in front of a mirror? Signs in different cultures

Medieval dream interpreters assured that the mirror surface is essentially a vampire, sucking out all the strength from the sleeping ones. According to northern shamans, mysterious eyes are watching the sleeping people from behind the looking glass. Because of this, unpleasant things like bad sleep and quarrels over trifles happen. According to ancient Russian signs, a double of a person lives in a mirror, capable of stealing his soul during sleep. An old Chinese legend says that before there were no barriers between our world and the world of mirrors. Then the inhabitants of the mirror world tried to capture our reality, but failed. Because of this, they are doomed to forever remain behind the mirror and repeat the movements of people looking in the mirror. Consequently, the danger is great that these unfortunate conquerors may try to re-enter the real world and take it over. According to Feng Shui, it is categorically not recommended to place the bed near the mirror, as the corners will be reflected in it, and they supposedly bring evil. Also, you can not install two mirrors opposite each other, so as not to create a mirror corridor for harmful spirits.

Other signs associated with mirrors

  • Mirrors can crack themselves if they accumulate too many negative emotions.
  • Mirrors should not be given, as this can lead to separation. Together with watches, they are a forbidden gift for couples in love. It is also believed that if the donor is an unkind person, then gradually all his negativity will begin to pass to the one to whom he gave the mirror.
  • You can not hang a mirror in front of the entrance to the house. It is believed that luck comes through the front door. Seeing her reflection, she supposedly might think that another Luck already lives in this house, and leave in search of another home.
  • The mirror must be cleaned of dust and stains. It is believed that dirt distorts the image, and this can adversely affect the fate of the one who looks into the mirror surface.
  • If the mirror is broken, then a period of failures will begin. This belief originated relatively recently, but simultaneously in several countries. Perhaps this is due to the fact that during wars and cataclysms, mirrors are the first to break.

As you can see, since ancient times, the mirror surface has caused concern among representatives of completely different peoples and cultures. She was invariably associated with a kind of window into another world - unknown and frightening. The mystery of the mirror fascinated our ancestors, made them take a closer look at themselves.

But even if we discard medieval prejudices, it cannot be said that sleeping near a mirror is absolutely harmless.

The real danger is the possibility of scaring yourself

Specular reflections are so realistic that in low light they are quite capable of creating frightening illusions. Once upon a time, doctors used mirrors during hypnosis sessions. Of course, falling into a trance has little to do with normal healthy sleep.

We perceive our own reflection in half-asleep as a phantom. In the first moments after waking up, the brain is not able to analyze reality normally. The presence of mirrors at such moments leads to the fact that a person's perception of space and coordination deteriorate. At night, a person wakes up for short periods of time (less than one minute) and does not remember this. If during such an awakening someone looks at his reflection, he can be very frightened. Until the end of the night, he will most likely have nightmares, and he will wake up completely broken. But if he is afraid of his reflection old man, core or a very impressionable child, then the consequences can be even more unpleasant. In addition, some people find it really hard to fall asleep in the presence of a mirror "double". On a subconscious level, they feel as if someone is watching them, and therefore they cannot relax. That is, their transition to sleep is accompanied not by appeasement, but constant stress. Finally, if the mirror is large and unreliable, then it is quite capable of falling. If during sleep man will fall a heavy mirror, then he can not only get scared, but also get hurt or even die. Perhaps this is the most prosaic and reasonable explanation of why you can not sleep near the mirror.

Either way, trust your intuition. If she tells you that without a mirror in your bedroom it will be better, then listen to her. There is no way to move the mirror to another room? Just hang it up while you sleep. If it doesn’t bother you at all, then don’t worry about signs - after all, this is your bedroom, your world, and it’s up to you to decide how to equip it.

Rearrangement of furniture in a room important procedure. Not only comfort, but also the fate of the residents depends on it. Since ancient times, mankind has been worried about the question: "Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?" Someone says that this is not allowed only for married couples. There is an opinion that it is undesirable for children to do this. And someone even places his bed opposite his favorite dressing table and does not believe in these strange signs.

Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door?

A large mirror is a must-have item not only in the bedroom and bathroom, but also in the hallway. Before leaving home, evaluate your appearance, to make the final touches in the hairstyle or make-up.

But not every person can boast of a large hallway quadrature, sometimes there is only a place for a mirror opposite the door.

Here's how dangerous this location is:

  1. Chinese discipline Feng Shui gained high popularity in our country. If all the furniture in the house is arranged correctly, then wealth, luck and love will always be present. Each resident of the house will feel comfortable, and harmony will always flourish in the family. The front door is an open space, through which all positive energy quickly enters the house. A mirror located in the hallway can disperse all its flow;
  2. The mirror has the ability eat" emotions. If it stands opposite front door, then it will absorb the negative coming from the neighbors and distribute it throughout the house. And vice versa, everything positive and positive will go to the stairwell;
  3. The most ancient sign promises that the mirror is able to call ill-wishers into the house.

There are several dozen cases of confirmation of such a sign. Eyewitnesses claim that after a slight rearrangement in the hallway, they lost their soulmate, they had financial losses and completely abandoned luck.

The mirror seems to feed on the energy of people, which is why fatigue becomes a frequent companion when staying at home.

Can you sleep in front of a mirror?

Why were the ancestors so afraid of such a seemingly ordinary object as a mirror? The fact is that it is a guide to the other world. There are several signs that prove this fact.

Name of sign


ancient rite

There has long been a popular maiden rite, if a young lady wants to see her future husband, then she must dissolve the braid, light a candle, stand in front of a mirror and call her betrothed. It was believed that if you look at the reflection through the fire for a long time, then you can see your future husband in it.

curtain of mirrors

Another of the most ancient signs is the curtaining of reflective objects after the death of the tenant of the house. There is an opinion that the presence of a mirror will open a portal between the otherworldly and the real world and the soul cannot rest.

Broken mirror - broken life

The meaning of the sign is that in no case should a person look at his reflection through a mirror on which there is at least one crack. After such rash act he can get very sick.

All of the above legends prove that in fact, the reflection is connected with the other world. In a dream, a person is relaxed, which makes him the most vulnerable. His soul leaves the body for a certain time and can go to another dimension.

Mirror in the bedroom opposite the bed

There is more several reasons why it is strictly forbidden to put a mirror in front of the bed:

  1. Psychologists say that the mirror distorts the human subconscious. It has been proven that those people who sleep in front of a mirror have disturbed sleep, have nightmares and are constantly anxious. In the morning, a person can completely get lost in space. Over time, weakness and slight dizziness may appear;
  2. Experienced healers have their own point of view on this matter. They believe that the mirror itself, located in the bedroom, does not harm a person. But that's only if we are talking not about married couple. Such a seemingly harmless item in the bedroom can simply push a spouse to cheat. In addition, the mirror will attract misunderstanding, discord and other family troubles;
  3. You can not put a reflective object near the bed and those people who are not protected by patronage higher power, that is, who did not undergo the rite of baptism.

You should also pay attention to the fact that a person after a long sleep does not look the best. in the best way. Such a picture can spoil his mood for the whole day, so you need to think several times before putting a mirror in front of your bed.

How to protect yourself and keep yourself out of trouble?

Favorite mirror stood in front of the bed for several years, but the person found out that it was Bad sign which could harm his health. What to do in such a situation?

Of course, first of all you need to move the mirror to another place. However, many apartments are no different large area and such a shift can become difficult.

  • You need to try to place the mirror in such a way that the bed does not fall under its reflection. If this is not possible, then it is better to put it in another room or corridor;
  • At night, it is better to cover it with a dark, impenetrable cloth. It is believed that such a simple action contributes to the overlap of the other world. A person can sleep peacefully and not worry that there is a mirror in front of him;
  • On the dressing table itself, you should put icons, amulets or hang a cross. Such sacred symbol will protect the person and protect him from possible problems.

This sign applies not only to the mirror, but also to other reflective objects. For example, to negative consequences a wall or shelves can lead in which you can see your appearance.

The most dangerous source in the house are mirrored ceilings, especially if they distort the reflection.

Other signs associated with the mirror

Consider a few more signs related to mirrors:

  • Beauty salons, fitness centers - all these modern establishments equipped with mirrors. However, since ancient times it has been known that it is strictly forbidden for several people to look into one reflective space. According to healers, one girl can take the fate of another girl without knowing it herself. As for the small mirror, located in a lady's handbag, it should be individual, don't let other people see it;
  • It is better for a woman to admire herself through a mirror that has rounded shapes, then her life will be smooth and even;
  • You should not bring a baby to him, he can greatly distort objects familiar to him;
  • It is believed that if a person forgot something and he had to return home, then he needs to look in the mirror. If he does not do this, then he will be in trouble on the road;
  • You can not place a mirror opposite the bath with water, this leads to frequent failures.

Perhaps there are people who cannot immediately understand why it is impossible to sleep in front of a mirror. Many people claim that they have been doing this for several decades and do not notice the appearance of failures. In such a case, one can say that each person creates his own destiny .

Video: do not sleep in front of the mirror

In this video, the famous esoteric Margot will talk about the reasons and consequences due to which highly undesirable sleep in front of a mirror: