Since it is customary to bathe on Maundy Thursday, many people are interested in exactly when to take water procedures for the best effect. A detailed answer to this question is given below.

When to bathe on Maundy Thursday

Throughout the year, perhaps only 2 days come when the water becomes special properties- This is the feast of Epiphany and Maundy Thursday. In 2018, it will come on April 5, and already on April 8, many people will celebrate Easter.

This day is called clean because, according to legend, Christ washed the feet of all 12 disciples during the Last Supper. And since this event happened at night, you also need to swim before sunrise. You can organize bathing on Wednesday night, you can get up early in the morning - here everyone can do as he pleases.

In Rus' for several centuries there was interesting tradition. Already on Saturday evening they brought to the bathhouse a large number of water and firewood, kindled the stove, and at night the whole family went to swim. Of course, in modern conditions, a bath or shower has become an alternative to the bath, which, however, does not detract from healing properties water. The main thing is to properly tune in to this holiday and know not only when, what time to wash in Maundy Thursday but also how to do it.


Clean Thursday was called by the people. And according to church tradition, it (like all days of Holy Week) is called great. It was the last day of the earthly life of Christ. He arranged an evening meal with his disciples (supper), and the very next day he was put on trial and crucified on the cross.

What to say on Maundy Thursday when you wash

Whether to go swimming at night or in the morning before sunrise, the most important thing is to tune in to this fun and rewarding event. What does it mean? You just need to let go of all extraneous thoughts, sincerely wish happiness to yourself and your loved ones, and forgive all insults to your enemies. After all, each person has his weaknesses, what can you do.

And to make swimming a joy and energize and health for the whole year, you can use these useful tips:

  1. It is best not only to lie in the bath, but also by all means take a cool shower, the Wordyou portal informs. If you stand up and feel the pleasant fall of the jet, you can easily imagine how it destroys everything unnecessary and endows you with its love and care.
  2. As soon as you really feel the beneficial power of water jets, you can imagine how all anxieties, unnecessary thoughts, blues and other problems go away.
  3. But before washing off the soap, you can say these words:

You can also say some other phrases that come from the heart. You can say them both out loud and to yourself. Repeat three times or more. The main thing is to do everything in a natural way, intuitively understanding how best to do it.


On a clean Thursday, when you need to bathe before sunrise, it is useful to rinse your face with water from a silver dish. If there is none, you can simply put a silver ring or earrings at night to recharge the water. It is believed that thanks to the procedure, the skin will become elastic and will look attractive throughout the year.

Firsthand: The Priests' Opinion on the Right Time to Bathe

The rules described above refer rather to folk tradition than to strict church canons. In fact, there are no strict requirements when exactly and how to swim on this day, what to say or think at the same time. Church representatives believe that this can be done at any time.

At the same time, it is important to understand this nuance. Yes, cleansing the body (and at the same time general cleaning in the house) is the right one, good way preparation for Easter. However, the main meaning of the holiday is the purification of the soul. In what way can it be expressed? For example, we can ask for forgiveness for long-standing grievances, see those with whom contact has been interrupted, perhaps for not the most compelling reasons.

Yes, and you yourself can stop being offended by various trifles, trying to understand and accept the point of view of another person. In this way, we remove the psychological burden, as if washing our souls from unnecessary emotions, thanks to which the Easter holiday will surely sparkle with brighter colors.

“If filthy and ungodly thoughts begin to overcome you, or if evil witchcraft is cast on you, wash your hands and face in clean water. And the vigilant spirit will leap, and you yourself will be clean, and live joyfully.

So the Slavs spoke, emphasizing the special, sacred role of water. Special meaning has bathing in Clean Thursday in Holy Week (April 13, 2017).

Our ancestors always woke up on this day before sunrise to bathe, wash their hands and body clean water. The ablution performed on this day gives health to the soul and body. The rite should be performed at dawn, when dawn is just breaking on the horizon. It is better to do it near a river, a lake, a spring, a well or in a bathhouse, informs w. However, at least even over a basin of water or at the washbasin. They believed that water on a clean Thursday relieves not only the visible dirt that sticks to the body, but also from the one that settles in thoughts, in the soul, sent by a malicious sorcerer.

Bathing on Clean Thursday should be started with hands, pouring water from palm to palm and saying: “Voditsa, our godmother mother! Wash away the fool from my hands, grant the purity of the dawn-dawn. Amen". Only then can the body and head be changed. The main verdict on this day is as follows: “What the body and soul is washing, everything Clean fourth washes away. Amen".

The cult of water among the Slavs was so great that simple washing of hands as an elementary act of washing off dirt was only a small part of human interaction with water. In everyday life, there were many magical ritual ablutions, in which the hands played the main role.

"My right hand is honey, and my shuytsa is fiery", - they said in the old days, implying the sacred power of the supreme gods, who with their right hand (right hand) sent fertility, abundance and prosperity to the earth, and with their left (shuitz) - bodily, mental strength and victory over the enemy. People accompanied the washing of hands with magical whispers, remembering the holy veneration of water. Here is one option: “Water-voditsa, earthly resin! Do not let any dirt stick to me and send me God's grace. Amen". After washing, they usually did not wipe their hands, but exposed them to the wind or the sun, being sure that the right hand - right hand, and shuytsa - left hand absorb the power of the wind and the warmth of the sun. Another option: the hands will receive a particle of the power of such almighty gods as Stribog and Yarila.

Through water, through water, in water, people carried out cleansing from diseases, the consequences of witchcraft, and even from sins. It is unlikely that the ancestors knew about the energy channels going from the fingertips to internal organs and regulating their work, but one thing is indisputable - they knew something like that. It is no coincidence that when performing a ritual washing of hands, designed to remove witchcraft spells (damage, evil eye, illness, mortal longing or even death itself), a person turned to water with a request: “Spring water, seven times seven times blessed by the powers of heaven! Wash my hands, draw out bodily ailments through my fingers (evil damage, black evil eye, fierce death, etc.). It was taken from the fingers, removed by water, crucified by the powers of heaven. Amen". Without wiping his hands, the man touched his forehead, chest and knees with his fingertips. Then he went home. If a crippled or sick person could not come to the water himself, relatives performed the ceremony at home over a tub of clean water.

Washing is not just a hygienic procedure, but a magic that gives youth and beauty. So, washing their face and neck in the morning, unmarried girls said: “Whiteness - from a swan feather, blush - from a clear sun, from silk - smoothness, from pure water - a long youth, so that my girlfriends marvel at me, and the guys admire me. Amen". The older women whispered their own: “Voditsa belfry, take old age off your face. To be for me forever and ever a white-faced, ruddy youth. Amen". They dried themselves with a clean towel with a short sentence: “I drain the water, I return the beauty.” Since ancient times, water has been revered as a talisman. And to this day, pouring clean water over small children after bathing, mothers say: “From the goose is water, and from (they name) all the thinness.”

Bathing before dawn on Maundy Thursday is an important ritual for every believer. In addition, on Pure Thursday you need to clean up your housing and enter a new happy life cycle with cleanliness!

Everyone knows that Maundy Thursday is a holiday when you need to wash and bathe. But few people thought about WHAT EXACTLY needs to be done on this day, and why it is of such importance.

Maundy Thursday is also called Maundy Thursday, which, as it were, emphasizes its importance for all Christians on Earth. They say that if you leave dirt in the house on this day, then all a year will pass under the sign of disorder, quarrels and dirt.

But let's get down to specifics.

Starting from Thursday and until Easter itself, nothing can be taken out of the house, especially in debt.

Do not give, no matter how anyone asks: no money, no “use” of some things. This is a bad omen.

You can not even share kitchen utensils or products with relatives or neighbors.

Soaked linen that has not been washed and unwashed dishes cannot be left overnight from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday.

As on the rest of the days of Holy Week, next Thursday you can’t guess, have fun, celebrate holidays, sing and dance.

You can’t eat fast food on this day (from obsolete soon, old glory scrum - fat, oil).

But what, on the contrary, to do VERY desirable:

It is critically important to start cleaning that day in the morning. So even if you have no time, and you leave for work that day, first clean up at least something at home! You can, for example, wash the dishes and take out the trash ...

The most daring can swim on Maundy Thursday. Our ancestors believed that this rite would help "wash away all diseases."

Maundy Thursday is the best day of the year to give your little ones their first haircut. Peasants "for good luck" on this day used to shear even livestock.

So that you have money for the future, count them all on this day, and three times!

If possible, you can also shoot a gun or at least rearrange the furniture ...

This is the best day to remove the damage induced by enemies from yourself. You just need to wash yourself early in the morning, before dawn. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce the words of an elementary prayer: “I wash off what was let loose on me, what my soul and body toils with, everything is removed on a clean Thursday. Amen".

If you are a single woman, then in order to find your happiness, on this day, when washing your body, you need to say a prayer: “As pure Thursday is bright and red, so I will be a beautiful slave (name) for everyone. Amen".

Maundy Thursday is the day of remembrance of the Last Supper, at which Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, showing an example of brotherly love and humility. This is a unique day for cleansing.

What to do on Maundy Thursday

On a clean Thursday, you need to have time to redo a lot of things. On this day, you can eliminate the negative energy impact, damage, the evil eye, and a magical attack. Also on a clean Thursday, you can attract good luck, protection and material wealth. Since ancient times, magic rites have been performed on Maundy Thursday. The one who is not too lazy and does everything right will not only attract prosperity and goodness to the house, but also reliably protect it from negativity.

Preparing Thursday Salt

Thursday salt

Thursday salt will help to establish peace in the family, get rid of damage. On Thursday night, it is burned in the oven or on a baking sheet, frying pan. To do this, pour rock salt in a cloth bag and put it in a preheated oven or oven for ten minutes. Thanks to the heating, all unnecessary information is erased from the salt crystals, and the vibrations of the holy day help to recharge the pure crystals with healing energy. If the salt is additionally consecrated, then it will receive powerful, sacred vibrations and, thus, will turn into a biological vibration corrector. This salt is good for cleaning your home from negative energy, process gifts that raise suspicion of the presence of a negative program in them.

Charging soap

Easter soap

On the night from Wednesday to Maundy Thursday, you can take a piece of new red or white soap to the street or balcony. It is believed that by washing with it, a person acquires attractiveness and health. And on this day you need to swim before sunrise. After washing with a “charged” soap in the bath, look at the leaving foam and read a conspiracy-prayer that helps get rid of all problems:

“As confession cleanses, as dirt is washed off with water, so you, Clean Thursday, cleanse me (your name) from all evil and resentment, deliver me from bad rumors and other people's blasphemy, from evil conversations, from vain disputes. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

We wash ourselves

On Thursday night, you can scoop up a new mug of water from a river, a well, or even a bucket of water and take it outside or a balcony. Cross yourself three times, cover the mug with a new towel. At two o'clock, cross yourself three times and douse yourself with water from a mug, pour the remaining water at the bottom onto bushes or flowers, you need to do this before three in the morning. You can't wipe off. You must wear clean clothes. The body after this rite becomes, as it were, reborn.

You can leave the water collected on Thursday until Happy Easter, and in the morning put a coin in it or better any silver thing and wash it, this ritual will give beauty and wealth.

We carry out general cleaning of the house

Fumigation of the house with smoke

Put dry herbs in a bowl: heather, lemon balm, St. John's wort, juniper, mint, chamomile. Step over it and then set fire to the herbs and fumigate your house with smoke. It is imperative to carry out a general cleaning of the apartment on this day in order to get rid of dark influences.

Counting money

On the morning of Maundy Thursday, it is necessary to count all the money in the house three times, with the aim that they never be transferred. From this day until Easter, it is better not to give anything from home.

If a girl can't find a husband

To find a husband, you should give the towel with which the girl wiped herself on Maundy Thursday to the beggars at the church, along with Easter cake and krashenka eggs. After that, she will soon get married.

With the first strike of the church bell, the girl should cross herself and say: “Christ is risen, and the suitors are coming to me. Amen"

Also, with the first strike of the bell, you can ask for good health, for this you should cross yourself and say: "Christ is risen, and health has come to me (name)." Even a seriously ill person can recover.

About when to wash on Clean Thursday before Easter in the morning or in the evening, they say a variety of folk omens for Maundy Thursday. If we consider the church Christian tradition on this day, it is connected, first of all, with the establishment by Jesus Christ in last days his life on earth among the people of the sacrament of communion. This happened during the Last Supper - the last meeting with the disciples. But then Jesus Christ gave not only the sacrament of communion to the disciples.

At the end of the meal, Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, and here the tradition and belief that water on Maundy Thursday has a special healing power comes to the fore. Especially if it is necessary to say special prayers over it, swim or even just wash. Be sure to wash yourself, but how to do it right from a popular point of view, we will consider further.

How to bathe on Maundy Thursday

Bathing is not carried out at night, you need to deal with everything either at dawn, or later during the day, as it will turn out. It is recommended that this day go to the bath or just take a bath, shower. Moreover, to wash or not, the answer will be rather positive. Because often in folk beliefs on this day, you can find exactly the legends about the lush soapy foam, washing away not only dirt from the body, but also sins from the soul.

folk tradition says that, even if certain prayers and conspiracies are not read over the water, on this day a priori it will be healing, cleanse the body and protect the soul, wash away negativity and illness. But it is important to accept water procedures with sincere faith in the soul, with a prayer to the Lord God, with joyful and kind thoughts.

How to speak water

If you need to not only wash yourself, but be sure to give yourself youth and preserve beauty, then you will have to speak some water additionally. There is nothing difficult in this. It will be necessary to get up before sunrise on this day, draw cool water into a vessel and, saying a special conspiracy, wash your face.

Confess and take communion

By washing on this day, of course, you can cleanse the body and even make specific important steps for the purification of the soul. But in the church they will say that it is possible to cleanse the soul from sin and negativity only if you partake of the Mysteries of Christ. Therefore, it is on Maundy Thursday in churches that there are long queues for such important sacraments throughout the year for every Christian as communion and confession.

After the morning ablution on Maundy Thursday, the people always went to church in order to confess and take communion after the service. If during Great Lent the rules of strict nutrition were not observed, then on this day it is imperative to fast, which is before these sacraments important training.

General cleaning in the house

In addition to the fact that on this day of Holy Week you need to cleanse your soul and body, in no case should you forget about the surrounding space. Because the things that surround a person in one way or another affect his energy. General cleaning on Maundy Thursday is a sure sign for the proper cleansing of space, and not just getting rid of dust and debris.

It will bring a lot of joy and happiness. Clean house on the eve of Easter is also a religious moment. Because,
since Good Friday and then during the first festive Easter week, religious people do not clean their houses. Also, the people believed that cleaning on this day would help to find long-lost items. During cleaning, such gizmos are in the most unexpected places. Other