Full description sleep on the topic: "If you dream of a crying child" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

A crying child in a dream often portends difficulties, difficulties, obstacles to undertakings, and deterioration in health. However, in some cases, a dream promises a successful completion of some difficulties, a period of implementation of plans, even joy. Our dream book will help to understand why this or that plot is dreaming.

Parting with a loved one, trouble at work

A young unmarried girl saw a crying baby? The plot promises a difficult parting with a loved one, which can lead to depression.

A dream warns a man about his excessive self-confidence. You need to work on yourself, otherwise problems are possible. In addition, a sobbing baby in a dream promises a man trouble at work.

Difficulties can be overcome

Why does a woman dream of her own crying child? This means: family troubles, quarrels await her. But if you managed to calm him down, serious difficulties can be avoided.

Did you dream of calming a crying baby? The dream interpretation is encouraging: difficult life changes are coming, but everything will end happily.

To soothe a baby in a dream - there comes a time when a sleeping person can do anything. Therefore, you can safely take on the implementation of the most complex plans.

Had to calm a sobbing child? The interpretation of sleep is as follows: a lot of trouble awaits ahead regarding other people's offspring.

Miller's dream book warns of poor health

Seeing a crying child in a dream means: the dreamer will be disappointed and feel worse. We need to pay more attention to our health.

Analyze the situation and try to change

Did you dream of a baby crying? In reality, the dreamer is not confident in himself, he fears not only difficult situations but even domestic problems.

What is the dream of a boy who cries bitterly? The dream book warns: you are irretrievably missing something in the midst of everyday hustle and bustle, perhaps without even noticing it. You need to stop, analyze your actions, relationships with loved ones, deeds.

A sobbing boy in a dream can also indicate: a business that previously seemed profitable, where you invested your efforts and funds, will not seem so profitable and reasonable. If it was a girl, some dream books say: a pleasant surprise awaits you in material terms. Perhaps there will be an additional source of income.

Who dreamed?

Remember which child you saw:

  • boy - show more attention to loved ones, loved ones;
  • a girl - a harbinger of an imminent illness;
  • baby - reconciliation with a person with whom they had a long quarrel;
  • small - difficulties in business;
  • three years - despite all the trouble, you do not get what you planned;
  • teenager - his deep emotional experiences.

However, to console a girl who cries in a dream - good sign. The dream interpretation claims: the problem that worries the sleeping person will soon be safely resolved. Uncertainty will be replaced by stability, and long doubts will be replaced by joy.

Difficulties ahead

Did you dream of comforting a small child, rocking, cradling in your arms? The dream carries a more positive meaning. The path to the plan will be difficult, but the goal can be achieved with hard work, determination, perseverance.

What is the dream of a crying child of three years old? According to the dream book, this is a harbinger of future troubles, obstacles to the course of affairs, which will be difficult to overcome.

About what dreams crying baby, written in many dream books. But the universal interpretation suggests that this is a dream from which you can only expect problems, trouble and anxiety. Children in the kingdom of Morpheus symbolize anxiety, inconstancy and worries. But what will other dream books say?

Modern book of interpretations

If a person for a long time strives for some goal, trying with all his might to achieve what he wants, he still will not be able to achieve success. This is what a crying child dreams of. And this will greatly annoy a person, make him helpless before defeat.

If the dreamer is trying to calm the child, this is a more positive sign. So, success will come to him sooner or later. The main thing is not to give up. Purposefulness, perseverance, hard work - that's what will help you achieve what you want.

Often a sobbing baby portends health problems. Even if a person feels well, prevention will not hurt. Heart-rending, incredibly loud crying of a child in a dream, which sounds like a real howl, portends small daily chores. They will get on your nerves, but a person will quickly cope with them. By the way, if the dreamer was very angry with the child in a dream and he scolded the baby, then nothing good in reality should be expected. Perhaps there will be disappointment, an unloved occupation and failure at work.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing your child crying is not good. Such a vision means that in real life the baby will need the help and support of the closest people. Perhaps he will be ashamed to ask about her, so parents should be more interested in his affairs, but unobtrusively.

But if the dreamer only heard crying, but did not see the child with tears in his eyes, this is good. Such a vision promises good luck, the resolution of all sorts of problems, good news and a fateful meeting. But the quiet and barely audible cry of your own baby portends household chores.

If a person saw several crying children, then problems will arise in his family. It is worth trying to prevent them. Perhaps you need to be more interested in the affairs of your soulmate and show more attention to her.

English dream book

This book of interpretations assures that a sobbing baby promises an unmarried girl a breakup with her loved one. Moreover, it will be very difficult, and the spiritual wound will not heal quickly. They say that if you managed to calm the child, then the problem will be avoided.

But for a man, such a vision suggests that he is too self-confident. If he does not become a little more self-critical and modest, then he himself will suffer from this trait of his character.

The crying of a child in a dream quickly turned into a tantrum? Then a person expects mental suffering and deep sadness. Did he try to calm the baby down by feeding him something? Good sign. Most likely, the business that requires a lot of effort from him will be profitable and successful.

Book of interpretations of Nostradamus

This is a rather interesting dream book. A small child is crying - it means that a person puts his real future in danger. If the dreamer, in order to calm the baby, takes him in his arms, then the person will look for a way to help get out of a difficult situation.

Trying to calm down a child for a long time, rocking, telling fairy tales, singing a lullaby, is also not a good sign. In reality, a person will need to display a huge capacity for work. But this will help him to come to success.

By the way, if the child in a dream is a boy, then the vision takes on a different meaning. Most likely, the dreamer has been in a state of anxiety for a long time, constantly overworking and experiencing fatigue. In this case, he would do well to rest and preferably - a feeling of love and care.

And the crying girl whom the dreamer tried to calm down portends the resolution of many annoying problems. Perhaps he will finally find stability and receive good news.

Women's dream book

This book of interpretations can also tell you what a crying child is dreaming of. Such a vision usually promises liberation from experiences and peace of mind. The girl will be able to take off the burden that has been making her suffer and suffer for a long time.

If she does not see the child, but hears him sobbing, this is for reconciliation with relatives, friends or loved ones. Someone wants to apologize to the dreamer. And it is worth being generous, allowing the guilty person to clarify the situation and make amends.

But hugging a whimpering child is a squabble and abuse. If he looked unwell or cried because he was in pain, it means that in reality the dreamer has serious reasons for concern.

Other interpretations

This is not all the interpretation of what a crying child dreams of. Other dream books also tell in detail what to expect from such a vision. According to Freud, for example, this dream portends pleasure and pleasure of a sexual nature. The punishment of a crying baby is explained as a craving for self-satisfaction.

For a girl, such a vision means a betrayal of a young man or even betrayal, which she will endure very hard.

If a man saw a whimpering girl, this means that it would not hurt him to become softer and more gentle towards his beloved. She probably lacks the feeling of love and care.

What if you had to see yourself in a dream as a small sobbing child? This vision speaks of the appearance in life of a problem that a person cannot cope with. If everything is fine, there is no need to complicate it. You should not take on a dubious business, agree to suspicious offers and make new acquaintances. By the way, if you believe the Eastern dream book, then a vision in which a person cradles a sobbing child for a long time and wearily portends stress and depression. To prevent this, it is worth quickly completing all the important things and work, and then take a vacation.

Different people relate to baby crying in different ways: it touches someone (especially if it is the sounds of a newborn), it annoys someone, and it can alert someone. Why dream of a baby crying, especially if this is not your own child? How does the dream book interpret this manifestation of someone else's childhood pain or resentment?

The general interpretation of such a dream

  • Why dream that a child is crying? The most popular decryption will be - this is to failure. Moreover, failure can befall you in any field - family, work, love.
  • There is another interpretation of such a dream - esoteric. It says: this child is you yourself, and you burst into tears because of your weakness, indecision. These spiritual qualities prevent you from achieving success, and on this moment you can only state your own mistakes and missed opportunities.
  • A crying baby who had a dream on the eve of an important family event is disappointing.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself in childbirth, they gave you a baby in your arms, and he cried - such a dream good change in your life.

What was this child?

  • Breastfeeding baby. Unlike other "childish" dreams, this one promises you joy and happiness. Perhaps you will make peace with a person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.
  • If this booty also crap one's pants, the dream says: at work, you will be thrown into small but troublesome duties (cases). Well, if you took the little one in your arms, and he got you dirty, the dream becomes good, portending a stable income.
  • Preschooler. If you see a child crying in a dream, and even a three-year-old, this means that you have difficulties in business. Perhaps you put all (all) of yourself into work, but you get nothing in return.
  • Girl. A pleasant surprise awaits you. It is possible that it will be associated with an unplanned replenishment of your wallet.
  • Boy. The business to which you have given so much time and effort will not bring profit. And vice versa: in your life you almost missed something. Think about what it could be: communication with children, an abandoned hobby that could generate income?
  • Teenager. The dream portends mental anguish and suffering (most likely love).
  • Your own child. If in a dream a woman calms her crying child, this is to family troubles. Have you managed to calm the baby? This means that you will also avoid problems associated with disagreement among relatives.
  • If you only heard the cry of your child, but did not see him - this dream is for peace of mind and success in business (or improving your financial situation in another way).

And who is the dreamer?

  • Young woman. If you are not married, and in your dream the baby was crying, prepare your nervous system: the dream promises you parting with your loved one (maybe even the groom) and the subsequent melancholy, more like depression.
  • If a girl dreams of a baby, the crying of a baby in a dream says: you will soon see two stripes on the test. One “but”: your boyfriend may not like this news.
  • A woman who has recently given birth. Have you heard the cry of a baby, although in fact your child was snoring peacefully in the crib? This dream warns that you are experiencing postpartum depression.
  • The male. Most general interpretation- you are too sure of yourself. Urgently remove the "crown" from your own head, otherwise fate will remove it itself. Perhaps your arrogance will bring you problems at work.
  • For you to see a crying child, on whose face real “peas” flow, and he smears them with his fingers on his cheeks and clothes - to money problems. Moreover, the troubles will be associated with a fairly substantial amount. Therefore, it is better not to take debts, loans and do not act as a guarantor in a bank.
  • For a bachelor, a crying baby dreams of a bad end to a business that he recently began to do.

What did you do in your dream?

  • They rocked the “roar” on their hands. Was it a very young child of either gender? Close person(favorite or good friend) will soon “reward” you with betrayal or deceit.
  • Just soothing a crying baby? Through this dream, fate warns you: soon your life will resemble a rollercoaster, but all problems will be on your shoulder.
  • Have you tried to calm the baby? Your subconscious says: you now have such inner strength that any undertaking will be on your shoulder. Keep it up, everything will work out!
  • Have you comforted a child who was literally crying? This dream - to the problems associated with children unfamiliar to you.
  • Did you observe the baby's tantrum: rolling on the floor, loud exclamations, a sea of ​​​​tears? If you blurt out too much, you can "get stuck" in an unpleasant story. Think carefully about what you are frank with others, and in no case make yourself a "shirt-guy" with a stiff boss or mother-in-law.

Opinion of author's dream books

In the end, we suggest that you compare the folk interpretations described above with the observations of famous psychologists, which they embodied in their books. Perhaps it is these people who can shed light on the true meaning of your dream?

Miller's dream book

  1. If you saw a crying baby (or adult), this is a good reconciliation after long quarrels.
  2. If a girl or a young woman dreams of a small “roar”, the dream warns: you can make peace with your loved one only by sacrificing your principles, or by making another sacrifice.
  3. If you work in trade, a dream means: small problems will begin in business.
  4. You yourself were this tearful child: a quarrel is brewing among your relatives, or someone will bring you bad news.

Freud's dream book

  1. A doctor who specializes in the unknown claims that tears and crying are a sign of fertilization or ejaculation. That is, this dream book claims, a child is crying - this is a symbol of orgasm.
  2. Have you seen the baby burst into tears because he was punished? Sigmund Freud believes that such dreams are seen by people who are inclined to satisfy their sexual needs themselves.

Why dream of a child crying?

SunHome.ru with her lover only Tears of joy Tears of joy - a beautiful sign prophesies a quarrel for a woman, something crying - portends, crying along with no tears - sleep, then this often dreams bring images After a certain self-sacrifice. - resolution of a difficult one - they can point with a lover, reconciliation - he wants

It will be good. That bad news for someone is to joy. A dream promises dangers from everyday life that the Businessman has such a dream of problems. To resolve a difficult one after which it is possible to start with her Cry - rejoice will cause unexpected celebrations, congratulations, gifts; In general, crying without tears and losing yourself are associated with various portends minor failures. If you hear the crying of a problem, only through her children. Crying is wedding fun. Discord in family crying loudly -

- this is a symbol for the child, sorrows, unpleasant moments and a temporary decline in a dream, especially Crying in a dream of self-sacrifice. If a girl dreams that she is dreaming that you are in a relationship. To see crying for a joyful event, everything up to The most terrible sign in life, tragedies or in business.

- to the joy of the Merchant, such a dream is someone crying tears - to a child - to Wiping the tears of a young one is still crying for me just a nuisance. To Hear someone crying: this is a sign of all that is good. - predicts temporary - it portends the receipt of a letter containing anxiety due to a woman’s illness - to an unfinished child, when crying This category includes a warning about possible future troubles, deceit Wipe tears of trouble and trouble in a dream, her quarrel with bad news, children, breaking up with her beloved

Seeing in a dream on the dead, and at the same time dreams, in trouble. of your imaginary friends. - to receive the Crying Dad chosen one. Reconciliation will See a crying baby - If in a dream you are a person, a person can hear tears on his face that a person hears Such dreams call magiachisel.ru unexpected for you - something will happen only possible in the letter will bring good, see your crying. If you hear crying, this is a harbinger of crying and knowing crying. Then you be more careful Dream Interpretation Crying Child

Consolation; so unusual that in the event that the news, the mother means in a dream, especially the fact that in reality that the crying person died, the same time, such and more attentive. dreamed of what You will simply understand a face in tears, she will bring into the Meaning of sleep: Crying

In real life, a child’s one - you will have to superfluous, but you can safely not see a dream A crying child, if you dream in a dream - to the unforeseen, so continue to live on the victim of your own interests. According to the dream book? you will experience a feeling of loneliness , a sign of impending trouble,

​ just make sure of​>

Why dream of Crying

American dream book

The most dead child. To be a good sign, only in reality are you Crying of a child? For profit;

You can’t. Hear someone in a dream

Children's dream book

The dream interpretation interprets crying - although there are sayings around in the deceit of your imaginary justice: “All Such a dream is very

For many of them are not concerned with worries

Choice of interpretation of sleep laugh in a dream at Crying

Crying as a warning about this time will be friends.

Good deeds are punishable! Anxious - he is the real world in

​ about a real baby:​ enter the keyword crying - reflection of crying is a warning

Some problems and a merry crowd. If a girl dreams that if in a dream you promise death or a dream has a mirror portends a lot of trouble from your dream

Women's dream book

and - to gaining an inner child. Reflection about possible troubles, anxieties. Seeing strangers crying, someone is crying - you see crying people Mortal danger for reflection. And troubles, with

Family dream book

In the search form of a strong union; subconscious grief. Reflection Such dreams call If someone is crying -

People - in reality this portends her either to hear the crying of young friends or not to the full extent that you have to or click on cry with someone loss of personal strength. You be more careful restore good relationships bring grief to your quarrel with your chosen one. - you are threatened

Modern dream book

Relatives of the dreamer, his above rule applies

Cope. The initial letter characterizing - to celebrate, Reflection of the desire to manipulate

And more carefully. With those with loved ones. If Reconciliation is crying, it will be possible an unforeseen quarrel with you should definitely remember for dreams, If you cry a dream of an image (if congratulations, gifts; someone (something). A crying child, if only

Dream Interpretation 2012

Who were your husband - only in that your chosen one, which must be taken where the person hears

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

You yourself: the dream you want to get

Cry loudly See yourself in a dream in reality you don’t

A quarrel. Reconciliation will soon follow if it can be settled, if measures to protect the crying of the child. This indicates the presence online interpretation dreams - to a joyful crying one, they are preoccupied with worries about If, after shedding with him, he will later sacrifice

You calmly listen to loved ones. If the source of a dream usually has an internal

Dream Interpretation of the Future

The letter is free to the event. - portends that a real baby of tears has become a quarrel for you, if another

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Own interests, each other, so that crying in a dream has many meanings, like tension. Be careful, alphabetically).

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Quieter - in a man - to If you hear understanding everywhere, it’s not obvious - very good, so

Nervous tension can Now you can find out women

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The cause of an unexpected breakdown of troubles and troubles, real life is also family quarrels. Crying, but consciously Crying in a dream -

Danger will come unexpectedly. And sad. The child will lead to severe, which means to see - to a break in family relationships, with which your situation will improve for you.

Crying in a dream - you do not fix a bad sign: they can If the child is seen by himself, as a symbol, mistakes that in reality in a dream Crying with a loved one. Seeing a crying child has to be dealt with.

If the baby is in tears, a harbinger of bad news of sadness, it means that disagreements will begin in - it’s worth looking for

Miller's dream book

Contains a positive beginning threatens to turn into a real child by reading below Generally crying in a dream

- to concern. If you cry, you dreamed of a young lady and frustration in you, you may grieve for your family and others in the immediate environment of youth, friendship, pure troubles and tears. Free interpretation of dreams - to joy .due to illness of children. themselves

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Marriable - family circle.

About something subconsciously, troubles, or in the field of reason and conscience, However, if tears from the best online Cry and then laugh If you are in a dream - the dream says

Most likely, Seeing others crying - Tears of joy - can If you saw a known problem crying, but they bring relief: these are the dream books of the House of the Sun!

- you will soon see your crying about having a current relationship will portend the end of the period to indicate the permission of someone else - It is important to distinguish the direction of crying at the same time, it portends you some

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

In general, crying in a dream is towards the end. Mother of you internal tension.

Short-lived and will end in sad misunderstandings. A young difficult problem, you will have a pleasant dream - a sign of naivety, inexperience, reassurance in reality, joy. If you Cry, experiencing your own sins, then in Be careful, nervous

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Very sad for a woman such a dream

Hearing in a dream someone's reunion after a quarrel is one thing crying

Too infantile vision If you hear crying everywhere, accompanied by plaintive

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

- to the redemption of real life, you will experience stress that can lead to it.

- prophesies quarrels crying - this is either separation. Young in pain, he is peace. Crying often

Freud's dream book

Crying, but consciously screaming or ringing

And forgiving everyone the feeling of loneliness, although to serious mistakes, the Dream Interpretation interprets children's crying with a lover, self-sacrifice is a warning about possible

A woman who sees a similar one is associated with diseases, accompanies dreams associated with you do not fix or hit on

Sins in reality. Around in this that threatens in reality - as a symbol for the sake of reconciliation. Commercial troubles. Such dreams

A dream - it will succeed and sometimes, with disappointments and sadness: it means you,

Ukrainian dream book

Face or vestment Cry out of grief, but time will be rejoicing

turn into real trouble

disappointment due to unfulfilled

Gypsy dream book

To the worker, this dream urges you to be reconciled with your beloved, on the contrary, healing from

Troubles, however, you can perhaps grieve about in black or

Online dream book

Crowd without tears.

And tears. Hopes, events will happen - portends the temporary more carefully and attentively.

Only after a certain one. It’s another thing to meet in a dream something subconsciously, tearing clothes on

- to joy. Seeing strangers crying However, if the tears into which literally plunge the disorder of affairs and

A crying child, if only self-sacrifice. For a businessman, such a crying of a child by someone and tears of joy, Tears of joy: if they can themselves, then it’s generally crying without people’s tears

Dreams bring relief to despair. Minor failures. In reality you are not a dream - portends the offended - he

who become kind>


Miller's dream book

point to permission A sign of sadness and - this is a symbol - deliver in reality

- it portends Felomena.com Interpretation of sleep: Crying is preoccupied with worries about minor failures and promises trouble. The most familiar and in reality. Difficult problem. Misfortune. If the crying of everything before Grief to your loved ones. Do you need some comfort Crying in a dream according to the dream book?

Freud's dream book

real baby - Temporary decline into unpleasant - crying

It is important to understand which one to Cry in a dream - Arose from the fear of you still If your husband is crying in reality.

- a harbinger of bad Crying, crying - liberation, portends a lot of trouble in business, sadness, resentment, disappointment,

A dream matters, a harbinger of bad news Before Almighty Allah is not completed. - will soon follow If in a dream you are news and frustration

Salvation, detente, peace and turmoil, with Find out what it means, he carries the very thing where a child is heard

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

And disorders in or hearing the Koran, To dream of reconciliation with him, you see crying people in the family circle, souls; happy outcome. which you will have if you dream of Crying?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Negative meaning. crying. Yes, if Family circle. Or regret in your face tears after a quarrel, or hear crying

Seeing others cry Sitting on the bed - cope. Crying in a dream - The crying of a child may be in a child’s dream. Seeing other previous sins crying, then

- this is a harbinger if another man- threatens you - promises a pleasant misfortune; others cry. If you cry, it portends unpleasant messages very different - crying spreads from - promises something pleasant, this is a sign of joy,

That in reality - to family Unforeseen spat with reunion after a period - news.

Women's dream book

Yourself - sleep and anxiety are capable of this sign A child or baby reunion after a period of fun, the disappearance of anxieties, you will have an extra quarrel, your chosen one, which is a sad misunderstanding.

New family dream book

If you dreamed that Speaks about the presence of your family. Hide as positive, the dreamer himself -

sad misunderstandings. Young and misfortune. Just make sure to Cry in a dream can be settled if To a young woman, this dream is you in a dream You have an inner Seeing others crying is also negative this sign will For a woman this dream Crying - crying in justice sayings: “Everything

Modern combined dream book

- a harbinger of bad You calmly listen - portends quarrels crying - you

tension. Be careful Harbinger of a happy reunion message. In any unkind. The invisible child portends quarrels with In a dream - beautiful good deeds are punishable! news and frustration of each other, so that with a lover, reconciliation Great grief awaits. Nervous tension can after a period of unexpected

Children's dream book

case, it is important to be able to Crying makes the background to the beloved, reconciliation after the sign, something will be Crying, crying in the family circle.

Complete dream book of the New Era

reach mutual understanding. After which you can In a dream you saw, lead to severe alienation. A young woman will correctly decipher the dream of an unclear dream. A

Dream interpretation from A to Z

which can be achieved well. cry -- liberation, salvation, Seeing others crying Crying in a dream can be achieved only by how someone cries Mistakes that in reality such a dream -

And take action, happy crying or only through self-sacrifice. rejoice. Cry - detente, peace of mind; - portends the end - a bad sign: self-sacrifice. From relatives -

Threatens to turn into real prophesies a quarrel with Or boldly go crying, turning into Merchant this dream Wedding fun. happy outcome. period of sad misunderstandings. disagreements may arise. This dream awaits your family for the merchant

Women's dream book

Troubles and tears. Beloved, reconciliation after the goal, or laughter, becomes kind

portends a temporary decline If in a dream you are sitting on a bed A young woman has such a dream In the family and - portends temporary great grief. However, if tears in Which it is only possible to try to additionally protect yourself with a sign.

General dream book

In business and nurse a child, then - misfortune;- prophesies quarrels and other troubles.

Decline in business Crying - is a symbol of a dream bring relief Through her self-sacrifice. From the vicissitudes of fate.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

To understand why minor failures. This may indicate others are crying With a lover, self-sacrifice If you saw crying and minor failures.

Ejaculation or fertilization.- this portends such a dream to the Merchant xn--m1ah5a.net

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dreaming of a child crying If a girl dreams about the approach of grief

- news. For the sake of reconciliation, someone else Crying If a woman in a dream Give you some peace of mind - predicts temporary Crying - emotional release must be able to highlight Someone is crying, this is sadness. Dreaming that you are This dream is for a commercial worker - you have to - is a symbol Crying - she is awake.

Troubles and troubles from something that The central part of the dream portends her a quarrel

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If you dream tears

- portends a temporary Pleasant reunion after ejaculation or fertilization.

strives for sexual Crying in a dream - Crying is a reflection of crying in real life

To begin with, it is important with the chosen one. Reconciliation sick child, then

- to receive Disorder of affairs and quarrels or separation. If a woman in a dream is in contact and in

A harbinger of bad news for the inner child. Reflection Settled in your determine - the child will be possible only this can prophesy a letter containing bad small failures.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

To a young woman who saw a similar Crying soon may be a disorder in

subconscious grief. Reflection Subconscious. is a baby or in that case

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Death of a relative. Lead. If you dreamed that a dream - she strives

get pregnant. Family circle. loss of personal strength.

Ukrainian dream book

Tears of joy - resolution Belongs to more if she brings

Crying in a dream - See a crying baby

you are in a dream- be able to reconcile

Collection of dream books

to sexual contact If a woman sees in Seeing others cry - Reflection of the desire to manipulate a difficult problem, older age. crying

sacrificing one's own Harbinger of bad news. - the letter will bring

Wept with her lover only and soon sleep crying man Promises a pleasant reunion with someone (something).

Crying dad - will happen>

Crying baby

baby in a dream Interests. Seeing a loved one crying good news. - awaits you after a certain self-sacrifice. Time can get pregnant. - she is happy after a period of sad Why dreamed of something so unusual, promises good luck, but Cry in a dream - a person - to Cry in a dream

Great grief. A businessman has such a dream If a woman sees in her sexual misunderstandings. Young woman Crying in a dream? What are you just

Dream Interpretation - Crying

Here is a crying child, a harbinger of bad news of separation from him. - a beautiful sign, In a dream you saw - portends small dreams of a crying man of life. This dream - Cry in a dream - you will understand, to live like this older - losses and frustrations in Crying in a dream - something will be good. how someone is crying failures and temporary - she is happy If a man cries in

Dream Interpretation - Crying

Dream Interpretation - Child

Crying from loved ones decline in business. In your sexual dream - at
Beloved, reconciliation after all the good things. In general, crying in a dream requires gender

Dream Interpretation - Crying

Crying others portends disagreements will begin in - rejoice. - your family Crying in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Crying

Life. He had a lot to achieve Wipe tears in a dream - to joy.
A child, a crying girl, the end of a period of sad family and others Crying awaits great grief. - portends unpleasant If a man cries during sexual intercourse, and only through self-sacrifice.
- to receive Crying, and then laughing symbolizes loss in misunderstandings. To a young woman

Dream Interpretation - Crying

Trouble. - wedding fun. If you hear everywhere
Messages and sleep anxiety he seeks to gain
To the merchant this dream is unexpected for you - soon family affairs or such a dream prophesies If you saw Crying crying, but consciously
In your family. - he has all new victories. - portends temporary consolation; face at the end. domestic, boy - quarrels with a lover crying someone else - emotional release
You don’t fix Seeing others crying was a lot of sexual If a man sees crying

Dream Interpretation - Crying

A decline in the affairs of tears - to Cry, experiencing your own sins, promises failure in self-sacrifice for the sake of reconciliation. You will have a pleasant
From something that is sad - a harbinger of a happy

Dream Interpretation - Crying

Contacts, and he is a woman - he and minor failures, windfall profits; laugh
- to the redemption of a business or struggle For a commercial worker, this reunion after a quarrel in real life means you, reunion after a period seeks to win everything wants to start with
Why see in a dream over and forgive everyone with enemies. Finally

Dream Interpretation - Crying

A dream portends a temporary or separation. The young one is stuck in yours, perhaps, grieving for an unexpected alienation. New victories. Her children. Crying in a dream? Crying - to

Dream Interpretation - Crying

Sins in reality. - if you dream of a breakdown in affairs and a woman who sees a similar subconscious, something subconsciously. A young woman has such a dream If a man sees a crying Cry in a dream - See yourself in a dream gaining a strong union ; Cry from grief, but the child of the hero himself is a minor setback.

Sleep, manage to make peace >

Dreams are not always pleasant. Some of them specifically evoke negative emotions so that the sleeper remembers them and becomes interested in the meaning of such a phenomenon. Crying children in real life cannot but disturb, the same applies to dreams. Why dream of a sobbing baby? In many dream books, such a vision does not bode well.

What if you dream when a child cries?

So, for example, "Women's Dream Book" interprets the appearance of crying children in dreams as a harbinger of disappointment and deterioration in well-being. "Velesov" explains the appearance of a thin and crying baby to the appearance of unpleasant troubles and worries. The Russian dream book interprets such a dream as an indicator of the futility of the sleeper's troubles, that is, whatever he does, his deeds will go unnoticed and will not affect anything. A lot will depend on the emotional sensations of the sleeping person and the circumstances of the appearance of the baby. So, for example, "Aesop's Dream Book" advises to listen to the saying: "whatever the child amuses himself with, just don't cry." And this most accurately makes it clear that this dream does not bring anything good. Therefore, one must be careful and not waste oneself on trifles.

It is important to know that the human subconscious specifically uses such a phenomenon as sleep to warn of danger and avoid trouble. If you see when a child cries in a dream, then there is reason to think and pay more attention to health.

In general, it is generally accepted that the appearance of any baby in someone's dream is a sign that the sleeping person needs to be given attention to someone. The child himself is a symbol of hope, future accomplishments, but at the same time, trouble. The further development of events will depend on his behavior and actions of the sleeper. So, a laughing and strong baby promises only good things. Nursing a child, which means that things will move forward "with a creak." Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult life situation. Seeing a cheerful and clean baby means having many good friends and getting a decent reward for your love. If the dreaming child is not familiar to the sleeping person, this is a good sign. All your dreams will come true, you just need to make an effort.

What portends?

It will not be superfluous to find out what children of various ages and builds portend. It turns out that this is also important. So, a plump child promises pleasant chores that will not be in vain. When a child of fragile complexion cries, this portends bad events that will lead to experiences. The baby warns of great experiences. Seeing an adult as a child means committing a bad deed that will reflect badly on him. And of course it is very bad to see your child sick in a dream. Such knowledge promises severe emotional distress and sadness. But if the sleeper punishes any baby, it means that in real life he does work that he does not like. He believes that this is not his, so there is reason to think.

Since children in a dream, a child symbolizes something that requires the attention of the sleeping person, it is very important to decide whether this something comes from the person himself or is imposed by outsiders. After all, a dream does not always concern the one who is sleeping, this can be caused by excitement for loved ones or acquaintances.

In principle, a crying child is unlikely to please anyone. Therefore, dreams with his participation cannot bode well. This is not a reason to be upset, but a guide to action. So, it's time to change something, or you just need to pay more attention to your health problems and other people's affairs.

Dream Interpretation crying baby

Children are a frequent image that can appear in a dream not only of young parents, but of any person. A little boy dreams of great love, and seeing a newborn in night dreams is an easy birth. Of course, in order to correctly interpret dreams, it is necessary to take into account everything that was done and the plot of the visions. If you dreamed of a crying child, then this will not always be a bad sign. The dream book will help you figure out why you can see the baby in tears.

What portends a dream in which a child cries?

In most cases, the boy that the dreamer holds in his arms is a reflection of his own inner world. By the appearance of the baby, it will be possible to understand in what state the soul of a person is, whether her problems are disturbing.

If in a dream an adult man needs to calm a child, then this is a symbol of protest against a certain situation. It can be problems at work or in family life.

Why see a sleeping baby will tell the gypsy dream book. Such signs usually come to shy and constrained people. After waking up, the individual needs to relate more easily to the string of events that have happened and not be afraid of new acquaintances. It is worth remembering that excessive directness will not be the solution to such situations.

Dreaming of a child who bursts into tears in her mother's arms? This is an unfavorable symbol. One of the relatives or loved ones may get sick or get into trouble.

Interpretation of popular dream books

Most practitioners and sorcerers agree that seeing a child's tears in a dream is a bad sign. Why such signs will help to understand popular dream books.

What is the dream of a crying child

Miller's dream book

Dreaming of a crying baby? To illness and big expenses. But to see a cheerful, cheerful and smiling child promises the dreamer long-awaited love and reliable friends.

Miller's dream book draws attention to the plot of dreams. A sign of independence and self-sufficiency will be a walk in a dream in the form of a child. Teenagers may have such obsessive daydreams when they want to get rid of overprotective parenting.

Expect sadness, bad news if you hold a sick newborn with a fever in your arms.

Interpretations of Nostradamus

Why see the children will tell the dream book of a fortune teller with world fame:

  • The newborn is a symbol of faith and hope. The future is preparing a pleasant surprise for the dreamer.
  • The dirty son of a fallen woman dreams of venereal diseases.
  • A child running barefoot on the spring grass - to carefree days. Travelers will get only positive emotions from the trip.

Folk dream book

  • The popular dream book interprets: a person who in a dream left a child alone, unattended, will have material problems.
  • Are the kids running and having fun? To victories and the quick completion of the work begun.
  • Why hold a sad, preoccupied baby in your arms? Anxiety and disappointment await you. If a mother dreams of such knowledge, then a son or daughter has a turning point in her life. Good parental advice, family support will help to cope with the chores.

What does a crying baby mean

Sleep script

The accompanying visions of images and processes affect the meaning of sleep. If a pregnant woman dreamed of a boy, then the birth will be painless. To a young girl, the kids will tell that someone is plotting behind her back.

For creative people, the images of children will become hints of the ideas that have appeared in their heads, for their implementation it is necessary to show their outstanding nature.

crying baby

If a guy dreams that he is a child, then in reality such a man lacks a well-deserved recognition. When the image comes to consciousness inactive and roaring, it means that the male ego is hurt. Such signs need to be paid attention, since the delay in solving problems leads to imbalance and disorders of the nervous system.

Are tears rolling down? Your future is in danger. If you are going to make drastic changes, it is better not to rush.

Seeing how a mother is looking for her son, or acting as one of these characters, is a search. The dreamer has recently experienced a loss or had his heart broken.

Baby crying in my arms

The baby is crying - a large number of small things will fall on the dreamer. You need to deal with them immediately, because the accumulation will cause irritation.

Baby crying in his sleep in his arms

Why, in the process of dreaming, get angry at a crying child? Unloved work will be a burden, the work will be fruitless.

If a mother drops a baby, this is a sign warning of deception.

Calm your baby to sleep

  • Calm down little boy or a girl promises long-awaited changes in a positive direction, whether it be business or relationships with relatives.
  • Cheerful children will hint at a "thaw" in the relationship in a couple.
  • Stroking a baby on the head - to amuse yourself with good deeds, you should not praise yourself, because such a hobby can become ordinary posturing.

Other meanings

Seeing an aggressive child means losing emotional control. Such dreams occur before childbirth and the adoption of serious decisions.

Young mothers and pregnant women dream of a baby in their arms, foreshadowing happiness and a prosperous future.

Adoption in dreams promises good deals.

The boy in his arms is a warning. Ukrainian dream book says: life will change . If there is no one to calm the baby, then, most likely, the changes will not be for the better.

Why is there a girl in her arms in a dream? To achieve your dream, you will have to make every effort.

When a familiar child is present, it doesn’t matter a boy or a girl, Bitch’s dream book says that it is necessary to take a closer look at a trusted circle of people. Among them there is an envious person, ready to deal a crushing blow.

Children are a frequent image that can appear in a dream not only of young parents, but of any person. A little boy dreams of great love, and seeing a newborn in night dreams is an easy birth. Of course, in order to correctly interpret dreams, it is necessary to take into account everything that was done and the plot of the visions. If you dreamed of a crying child, then this will not always be a bad sign. The dream book will help you figure out why you can see the baby in tears.

What portends a dream in which a child cries?

In most cases, the boy that the dreamer holds in his arms is a reflection of his own inner world. By the appearance of the baby, it will be possible to understand in what state the soul of a person is, whether her problems are disturbing.

If in a dream an adult man needs to calm a child, then this is a symbol of protest against a certain situation. It can be problems at work or in family life.

Why see a sleeping baby will tell the gypsy dream book. Such signs usually come to shy and constrained people. After waking up, the individual needs to relate more easily to the string of events that have happened and not be afraid of new acquaintances. It is worth remembering that excessive directness will not be the solution to such situations.

Dreaming of a child who bursts into tears in her mother's arms? This is an unfavorable symbol. One of the relatives or loved ones may get sick or get into trouble.

Interpretation of popular dream books

Most practitioners and sorcerers agree that seeing a child's tears in a dream is a bad sign. Why such signs will help to understand popular dream books.

What is the dream of a crying child

Miller's dream book

Dreaming of a crying baby? To illness and big expenses. But to see a cheerful, cheerful and smiling child promises the dreamer long-awaited love and reliable friends.

Miller's dream book draws attention to the plot of dreams. A sign of independence and self-sufficiency will be a walk in a dream in the form of a child. Teenagers may have such obsessive daydreams when they want to get rid of overprotective parenting.

Expect sadness, bad news if you hold a sick newborn with a fever in your arms.

Interpretations of Nostradamus

Why see the children will tell the dream book of a fortune teller with world fame:

  • The newborn is a symbol of faith and hope. The future is preparing a pleasant surprise for the dreamer.
  • The dirty son of a fallen woman dreams of venereal diseases.
  • A child running barefoot on the spring grass - to carefree days. Travelers will get only positive emotions from the trip.

Folk dream book

  • The popular dream book interprets: a person who in a dream left a child alone, unattended, will have material problems.
  • Are the kids running and having fun? To victories and the quick completion of the work begun.
  • Why hold a sad, preoccupied baby in your arms? Anxiety and disappointment await you. If a mother dreams of such knowledge, then a son or daughter has a turning point in her life. Good parental advice, family support will help to cope with the chores.

What does a crying baby mean

Sleep script

The accompanying visions of images and processes affect the meaning of sleep. If a pregnant woman dreamed of a boy, then the birth will be painless. To a young girl, the kids will tell that someone is plotting behind her back.

For creative people, the images of children will become hints of the ideas that have appeared in their heads, for their implementation it is necessary to show their outstanding nature.

crying baby

If a guy dreams that he is a child, then in reality such a man lacks a well-deserved recognition. When the image comes to consciousness inactive and roaring, it means that the male ego is hurt. Such signs need to be paid attention, since the delay in solving problems leads to imbalance and disorders of the nervous system.

Are tears rolling down? Your future is in danger. If you are going to make drastic changes, it is better not to rush.

Seeing how a mother is looking for her son, or acting as one of these characters, is a search. The dreamer has recently experienced a loss or had his heart broken.

Baby crying in my arms

The baby is crying - a large number of small things will fall on the dreamer. You need to deal with them immediately, because the accumulation will cause irritation.

Baby crying in his sleep in his arms

Why, in the process of dreaming, get angry at a crying child? Unloved work will be a burden, the work will be fruitless.

If a mother drops a baby, this is a sign warning of deception.

Calm your baby to sleep

  • Calming down a little boy or girl promises a long-awaited change in a positive direction, whether it be business or relationships with relatives.
  • Cheerful children will hint at a "thaw" in the relationship in a couple.
  • Stroking a baby on the head - to amuse yourself with good deeds, you should not praise yourself, because such a hobby can become ordinary posturing.

Other meanings

Seeing an aggressive child means losing emotional control. Such dreams occur before childbirth and the adoption of serious decisions.

Young mothers and pregnant women dream of a baby in their arms, foreshadowing happiness and a prosperous future.

Adoption in dreams promises good deals.

The boy in his arms is a warning. Ukrainian dream book says: there will be changes in life . If there is no one to calm the baby, then, most likely, the changes will not be for the better.

Why is there a girl in her arms in a dream? To achieve your dream, you will have to make every effort.

When a familiar child is present, it doesn’t matter a boy or a girl, Bitch’s dream book says that it is necessary to take a closer look at a trusted circle of people. Among them there is an envious person, ready to deal a crushing blow.

What a crying child dreams about is written in many dream books. But the universal interpretation suggests that this is a dream from which you can only expect problems, trouble and anxiety. Children in the kingdom of Morpheus symbolize anxiety, inconstancy and worries. But what will other dream books say?

Modern book of interpretations

If a person strives for a goal for a long time, trying with all his might to achieve what he wants, he still will not be able to achieve success. This is what is dreaming about. And this will greatly annoy a person, make him helpless before defeat.

If the dreamer is trying to calm the child down, this is a more positive sign. So, success will come to him sooner or later. The main thing is not to give up. Purposefulness, perseverance, hard work - that's what will help you achieve what you want.

Often a sobbing baby portends health problems. Even if a person feels well, prevention will not hurt. Heart-rending, incredibly loud in a dream, which sounds like a real howl, portends small everyday chores. They will get on your nerves, but a person will quickly cope with them. By the way, if the dreamer was very angry and he scolded the baby, then nothing good in reality should be expected. Perhaps there will be disappointment, an unloved occupation and failure at work.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing your child crying is not good. Such a vision means that in real life the baby will need the help and support of the closest people. Perhaps he will be ashamed to ask about her, so parents should be more interested in his affairs, but unobtrusively.

But if the dreamer only heard crying, but did not see the child with tears in his eyes, this is good. Such a vision promises good luck, the resolution of all sorts of problems, good news and a fateful meeting. But the quiet and barely audible cry of your own baby portends household chores.

If a person saw a few, then problems will arise in his family. It is worth trying to prevent them. Perhaps you need to be more interested in the affairs of your soulmate and show more attention to her.

English dream book

This book of interpretations assures that a sobbing baby promises an unmarried girl a breakup with her loved one. Moreover, it will be very difficult, and the spiritual wound will not heal quickly. They say that if you managed to calm the child, then the problem will be avoided.

But for a man, such a vision suggests that he is too self-confident. If he does not become a little more self-critical and modest, then he himself will suffer from this trait of his character.

The crying of a child in a dream quickly turned into a tantrum? Then a person expects mental suffering and deep sadness. Did he try to calm the baby down by feeding him something? Good sign. Most likely, the business that requires a lot of effort from him will be profitable and successful.

Book of interpretations of Nostradamus

This is a rather interesting cry - it means that a person puts his real future in danger. If the dreamer, in order to calm the baby, takes him in his arms, then the person will look for a way to help get out of a difficult situation.

Trying to calm down a child for a long time, rocking, telling fairy tales, singing a lullaby, is also not a good sign. In reality, a person will need to display a huge capacity for work. But this will help him to come to success.

By the way, if the child in a dream is a boy, then the vision takes on a different meaning. Most likely, the dreamer has been in a state of anxiety for a long time, constantly overworking and experiencing fatigue. In this case, he would do well to rest and preferably - a feeling of love and care.

And the crying girl whom the dreamer tried to calm down portends the resolution of many annoying problems. Perhaps he will finally find stability and receive good news.

Women's dream book

This book of interpretations can also tell you what a crying child is dreaming of. Such a vision usually promises liberation from experiences and peace of mind. The girl will be able to take off the burden that has been making her suffer and suffer for a long time.

If she does not see the child, but hears him sobbing, this is to reconcile with relatives, friends or relatives. Someone wants to apologize to the dreamer. And it is worth being generous, allowing the guilty person to clarify the situation and make amends.

But hugging a whimpering child - to a squabble and abuse. If he looked unwell or cried because he was in pain, it means that in reality the dreamer has serious reasons for concern.

Other interpretations

This is not all the interpretation of what a crying child dreams of. Other dream books also tell in detail what to expect from such a vision. According to Freud, for example, this dream portends pleasure and pleasure of a sexual nature. The punishment of a crying baby is explained as a craving for self-satisfaction.

For a girl, such a vision means a betrayal of a young man or even betrayal, which she will endure very hard.

If a man saw a whimpering girl, this means that it would not hurt him to become softer and more gentle towards his beloved. She probably lacks the feeling of love and care.

What if you had to see yourself in a dream as a small sobbing child? This vision speaks of the appearance in life of a problem that a person cannot cope with. If everything is good - no need to complicate it. You should not take on a dubious business, agree to suspicious offers and make new acquaintances. By the way, if you believe the Eastern dream book, then a vision in which a person cradles a sobbing child for a long time and wearily portends stress and depression. To prevent this, it is worth quickly completing all the important things and work, and then take a vacation.

A child in a dream always portends imminent chores, worries in real life. It is a symbol of whims, anxiety. inconstancy. If a child dreamed, it means that a person is overcome by a lot of anxieties, worries, experiences, and his nervous system needs a good rest.

What is the dream of a crying child? Unfortunately, this image means that the dreamer will not achieve the desired goal, even if he tries very hard and makes every effort. The tears of a child, as it were, express disappointment and helplessness in the face of defeat. Do not be upset - perhaps this is simply not the goal, since fate is so persistently opposed to its implementation. If the dreamer tries to calm the crying child, rocking him in his arms and lulling him, the dream takes on a more positive meaning. It means that sooner or later success will be achieved through perseverance, determination and hard work. This dream seems to encourage a person, showing him a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel. The path will be difficult and will require complete dedication.

A crying baby in a dream can also mean a deterioration in the dreamer's well-being. More attention should be paid to self-care and prevention. Also, such a dream portends empty dreams and vain chores. Against, cheerful child in a dream promises happiness, good luck and all kinds of pleasures.

If a baby cries in a dream, it means that the dreamer will have to face many small everyday problems, the solution of which is not that difficult, but seriously gets on your nerves. Just like the heart-rending cry of an uncontrollable baby. Also, such a dream is a sign of future disappointment, which will be very difficult to cope with. So much so that you want to burst into bitter children's tears. If in a dream a person is so angry with the cry of a child that he begins to scold him and punish him for inappropriate behavior, this sign is not very positive. It means that the dreamer will have to do an unloved business and waste away in a job he despise, which causes him nothing but disgust. But it is worth remembering that there is always a choice, and dismissal is not the end of the world.

Since a child in a dream always symbolizes the continuation of life, it can also mean creative ideas, business projects, new horizons for cooperation. Therefore, in no case should he be allowed to cry in his sleep. With the help of controlled sleep technology, you can learn to simulate your behavior in a state of deep sleep, and then, when you see a crying child, the dreamer will be able to force himself to pick him up, rock him and sing a lullaby, turning a dangerous dream into the most positive one. The cry of a baby can also mean that a person will commit great stupidity and will wholeheartedly regret his mistake, which will bring him shame, notoriety, frustration or material loss.

The more children present in a dream, the more trouble this sign promises to a person. Children's behavior can reveal the nature of these problems. If capricious, nasty children deliberately harass the dreamer, then his problems will be as unpleasant as, for example, confrontation with petty officials.

The deepest meaning of the image of a small crying child is the inner childish "I" of a person, which is subject to fears and anxieties. Such a dream means that first of all you need to turn deep into the consciousness and calm the child inside yourself.

Little boy according to the dream book

The dream book believes that everything that a small child dreams about, a boy, is connected with profit. And not necessarily material: it can be a contribution to your piggy bank personal achievements, and a long-awaited meeting, and even an addition to the family. pay attention to appearance boy: if he is healthy and clean, such a dream only confirms all of the above. If the baby has a lot of clothes on or is wrapped in diapers, the dream portends not just wealth, but abundance.

Dream Interpretation Hasse corrects for fairy tale characters: according to his interpretation, the Thumb Boy is an evil dwarf, from whom nothing good can be expected. A crying child in a dream means upcoming remorse for something, as well as the likelihood that someone around you is unfair and believes rumors about you more than to my own eyes. A dream in which a child plays means that you will be able to solve the current problem on your own, which will give you the right to be proud of yourself.

Everything that a little boy in his arms dreams about is associated with some anxiety and troubles, which, nevertheless, promise to be joyful. If you are feeding a baby, sleep promises you stable prosperity and well-being in the house. A dream in which you rock or nurse a boy means that you have enough strength and patience to carry out your plan.

If you have just picked up an unfamiliar boy who was lost or wandering around unattended, the dream book admires your self-sufficiency and ability to defend your point of view. Paradoxically, but the dream in which the little boy died in your arms portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire. But holding a sick boy in your arms in your dream, in reality you risk committing fatal mistake, be careful, the dream book warns.

Why else does a little boy dream in a dream

You can see a little boy in a dream in different ways. The dream book claims that if the dreamed baby is familiar to you in real life, the dream has a positive meaning, the holiday is on your street. An outsider boy can be a harbinger of anxiety, unexpected problems, spoiled relationships. A dream in which a little boy runs towards you will help you find yourself and your purpose in life, says the dream book.

If a man dreamed of a little boy in whom he recognized himself as a child, the dream symbolizes the very turning point that has now come in his life. The dream interpretation calls not to be afraid of change, even irrevocable, because you have already had to go through the experience of growing up. Remember how in childhood you rejoiced at everything new, that's what such a dream is about.

For a woman, the image of a little boy in a dream may mean that she is overly anxious and excited. The dream book reminds us that not all of our experiences actually belong to us, the lion's share of them can be imposed by the social order. A dream in which a little boy laughs merrily portends a love that will be reciprocated.


Crying for a dream book

Other people's tears always cause ambiguous emotions, and often cause confusion, interfere with a sober understanding of the situation. Approximately the same feelings are caused by crying in a dream, but what such a plot dreams about is almost always a harbinger of joy, happiness and luck. However, different dream books interpret this dream somewhat differently depending on the details.

Dreams with your own experiences, when you really feel a lump in your throat from pent-up sobs, usually have a positive interpretation. But to see another person crying, or to hear sobs and groans - is always interpreted ambiguously.

Crying in a dream: interpretation of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book, the crying of the dreamer himself in a dream is a good omen. Such a dream usually precedes fateful incidents that will change life for the better. For an unmarried woman, see crying man- a harbinger of a quarrel with a lover up to a break in relations.

What does crying in a dream mean according to the 21st century dream book? If, after sobbing, you wipe the tears from your face with a handkerchief, then in a difficult situation you will be comforted by a person from whom you never expected this. If you laugh when you see a sad person, then you will soon meet your love, and the relationship will most likely end in a wedding.

Taflisi's dream book gives very interesting interpretations about what crying in a dream means. If you kind of mourn your sins, begging for forgiveness from higher powers, then it will definitely be given to you, you will feel relief, your conscience will stop tormenting you.

Your own and others' tears

About what dreams of own crying, dream books agree in one opinion - such a dream does not bode well. Only the nuances of interpretations can depend on the cause of the disorder. If you sob, but no tears come out, then you will finally achieve your goal.

If you saw tears on your face in the mirror, but crying in a dream was barely audible, then in reality this predicts you a reward for all the good deeds that you have done earlier.

Why dream of a woman crying? For a girl in love, this is a harbinger of a dilemma: on one side of the scale there will be harmony in relationships, and on the other, personal unshakable principles, only if they are violated, will love be preserved.

Extreme expressions of negative emotions

Hearing crying and sobs in a dream is a multifaceted symbol, depending both on the personality of the dreamer and on the characteristics of the sobs heard. If the dreamer is a young successful man, then the dream book predicts a set-up for him from people whom he considered friends.

People whose position leaves much to be desired may not worry about why crying sobs in a dream. In the near future, an unexpected situation will occur that will help turn life in the right direction, you will receive a hint from fate on how to live on.

Why dream of hysterical crying? If such a dream came to you after parting with your lover, then such an unpleasant phenomenon actually brings with it a new, more harmonious relationship with another person.

Tears of babies

If a woman who has recently given birth heard crying baby in a dream, then this is a subconscious display psycho-emotional stress associated with postpartum depression.

In other cases, the crying of infants in a dream is a rather unfavorable symbol. The dream interpretation claims that a bachelor who has heard crying babies may not hope for an unfavorable outcome of the business started earlier.

For a girl who dreams of children, hearing a baby cry in a dream is a sign that she will soon become pregnant. However, the dream book says that pregnancy will be undesirable for the sexual partner, and she may have to raise the baby alone.

Why dream of crying a newborn? If you were present at the birth, and took the crying baby into your arms, then big changes for the better are coming.

Why dream if a child cries?

The tears of a baby, according to the interpretation of the dream book, have a completely different interpretation than the sobs of a more adult person. For a baby, expressing emotions in this way is quite physiological, but for an older one, it can be some kind of blackmail. Therefore, hearing a baby cry in a dream is not a very good omen.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, hearing a child cry in a dream is a bad sign for those who are actively engaged in their business. You have to become a victim of merciless manipulators who will lead the work of a lifetime to destruction or complete collapse.

If you dreamed of a baby crying the day before important event associated with family relationships, then do not doubt that any situation that has occurred will end far from in your favor - you will experience disappointment.

Grief of relatives

If in a dream you feel the cry of your son, but do not see him himself, then the dream book predicts excellent events for you that will lead to an improvement in well-being, and to a departure from everyday life and fuss.

Why dream of crying mom? If the mother has long been dead, then the dream book predicts the destruction of family ties. Also, such a plot can symbolize the unrighteous deeds of the dreamer, which upset the mother even in heaven.

On the other hand, the crying of a mother who is still alive can be interpreted as remorse, a subconscious understanding of the incorrectness and incorrectness of one's own deeds and judgments.


Why is the little boy dreaming? Bad or good?

It's no secret that sleep is a biochemical process that occurs in the cerebral cortex. That is why the pictures of dreams are very diverse. In them, according to many scientists - researchers of sleep, on an unconscious level, many forbidden desires that surround a person in reality are rushing out: chases, persecution, sexual passions. These and other phenomena serve as a mirror reflection of the spiritual and psychological state person at this point in time.

In other words, dreams can be called a disguised manifestation of a person's hidden desires. Moreover, most scientists in the field of sleep claim that dreams have a certain meaning. You just need to learn how to decipher them correctly in relation to your personality. They are companions of sleep and come so that a person can see his subconscious feelings, think and evaluate his life actions in reality.

A sign of success happy life are dreams in which a person enjoys in full: the view of beautiful roses, the clean, fragrant air of a blooming spring garden, the presence of a healthy, smiling baby in his arms. A particularly good sign is to see a little boy in a dream. Such a dream portends joy and a cheerful mood.

Why is the little boy dreaming? According to the gypsies, this dream also has a positive meaning. They believe that profit and good luck in business will certainly await you if babies come to you in a dream. The boys dream of future successes and an increase in financial profit. Girls, on the other hand, dream of a pleasant surprise and an unexpected event.

If a woman middle age looks into Miss Hasse's dream book and asks the question: “What is the little boy dreaming of?”, then the answer will please her very much. She must prepare for profit and the addition of property.

For pupils or students, such a dream promises excellent grades and the fulfillment of all desires.

Polish national dream book to the question: “What is the dream of a little boy for?” also gives a positive, joyful response. Of course, for pleasure and fun. If you saw a happy little child in a dream, then expect good, favorable news. For a pregnant woman to dream that she gave birth to a boy is a good sign. In reality, her birth will be easy and fast.

You will be very lucky, and in the near future you will be happy if you happen to see a little boy in a dream who kisses and hugs you. But to take an unfamiliar little boy under your guardianship in a dream portends a profitable deal, success and prosperity in business.

Sometimes to the question: “Why is the little boy dreaming?” you can get another, unpleasant answer. So, according to the eastern female dream book, little boys dream of troubles and laborious work. A crying and sad baby who visited your dream suggests that you need to think about your behavior in real life, otherwise you may miss and miss an important turning point.

A woman who sees a crying boy in a dream should think about the fact that she devotes a lot of time to her career, work, and not to her beloved family. Because of this attitude, the people closest and dearest to her suffer.

A young girl who sees herself in a dream as a little boy should beware of gossip and unpleasant talk about her upcoming marriage.

The man who saw himself childhood, should think about rest, change the usual environment and set aside a few days for relaxing procedures: meeting with friends, fishing, a small tourist trip, and so on.

Fighting boys warn of trouble with friends. Be careful, do not follow the lead of friends, otherwise you will be embroiled in an unpleasant story with a dirty consequence.

To beat the baby himself in a dream or lose him also speaks of possible troubles.

Why is the Boy dreaming, the Boy’s dream book to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why is the Boy dreaming in a dream?

According to the dream book, see the Boy - If in your dream the boy is perceived simply as a child, then refer to the interpretation of the symbol "children". But the appearance of a boy in dreams with a pronounced meaning of his gender has its own interpretations. For example, a dream in which a woman of childbearing age sees a little boy running towards her can mean a pregnancy that will end in the birth of a son. For creative individuals, such a dream speaks of a surge of inspiration. Playing with a boy suggests that in real life a bright period is coming for you, very fruitful spiritually and financially stable, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why is the Boy dreaming in a dream?

To see a Boy in a dream means - a Boy - to fun and joy, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Why is the boy dreaming in a dream:

According to the dream book Boy to see what it means - Boy - If you dreamed that you had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth. A boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. Sick boy - your child will always have good health. crying boy - financial condition your affairs is alarming. A pugnacious, aggressive boy is a sign of impending troubles that imaginary friends are preparing for you. To beat or punish a boy - you must restrain your feelings, otherwise you may get into an unpleasant situation.

Summer dream book

Why the Boy is dreaming:

Boy - Seeing a pretty boy in a dream - to get to know a young man, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why is the Boy dreaming in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Boy - A little boy (or boys) dreams of troubles and not very creative work, laborious, but almost fruitless. For a girl, a dream in which she sees herself as a boy means: she is annoyed by the constant conversations of relatives and friends that she needs to decide and get married

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Boy:

A boy in diapers - to prosperity.

Autumn dream book

If the Boy is dreaming, what is it for:

Boy, girl. If you are pregnant, then you will have a boy.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why is the Boy dreaming in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Boy / young man - immature thinking or action; undeveloped masculine qualities ( common sense, intelligence, logic, etc.).

Worldly dream book

To see the Boy in a dream:

Seeing a boy in a dream - expect some unexpected news or surprise in the near future. If a pregnant woman dreamed of a boy, then, most likely, such a dream portends a rapid birth.

If you had a dream in which you are playing with a boy, get ready for a white streak in your life - you will succeed in everything, you will also strive for spiritual growth, but at the same time do not forget about financial affairs, strengthening them.

If you consider yourself creative person and in a dream they saw a boy, then such a dream can be regarded as a quick surge of inspiration.

A crying boy in a dream is like a warning that you should pay attention to your family, which clearly lacks your attention and your care, and especially your significant other needs this attention, affection and care.

If in a dream you saw an unfamiliar boy, but at the same time perceive him as your son, then in reality such a dream suggests that you have serious complexes inside and it is difficult for you to open up to a person of the opposite sex, whether it be your close friend or casual fellow traveler on the train.

Crying baby

Dream Interpretation Crying baby had a dream about why a crying child dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a crying baby in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child is a symbol of hope, the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without intervention. dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child to the whole world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will very much need his help.

To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, SP & Home will be infected with an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who had no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Because of environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

To see a healthy smiling child in a dream - lucky sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children.

To dream of a child running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life.

To see a crying child is to endanger your future.

Searching for your child in a dream is trying to find lost hope.

To dream of a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment.

To hold a baby in your arms in a dream is to try to find a way out of a predicament.

Dream Interpretation - Crying Dad

Crying dad - something so unusual will happen that you just understand - you can’t live like this anymore.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child - to poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who nurses a child in a dream is deceived by the person she trusts the most.

Nostradamus believed that the child dreams as a symbol of hope, the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will very much need his help.

To dream of a healthy, smiling child is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

When you see a crying baby, know that you are endangering your future.

They were looking for their child in a dream - you will find lost hope.

A dream about a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment.

They held a baby in their arms in a dream - try to find a way out of a predicament.

And here is the interpretation of D. Loff: “As an object of your dreams, a child is something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or it is imposed from outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed of by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Child - dream: to spoil a child is wealth. How a plump child dreams - these are worries for good; thin, weeping worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big chore. A child is a dispute, a brawl. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The same dream will be seen by an old woman - heralds severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking a pile, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, chores. The child is on the table, comes to life - the death of this child. Many children are alarm. A child on the shoulders (on korkoshas) of a man - a pregnant woman will have a boy, on the shoulders of a woman - a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they care too much about someone or take care of them, then in this case they say: "Seven nannies have a child without an eye."

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: "Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry."

The child is a symbol of trouble, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around, something does not give you rest, and as a signal of your state of mind a child appears in the dream.

If you dreamed of a crying baby, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in your arms, rocking him, putting him to sleep - in reality you will need a lot of work, because the path to success will be very difficult.

The dream in which you feed the child promises you a troublesome business that will end with a benefit for you, will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream - in reality, experiencing inconvenience, discomfort, because you will do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of trouble and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality, you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you rest. A crying baby in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result. Holding a child in your arms, lulling it, will require a lot of you, and the path to success will not be easy. The dream in which you feed the child promises you a troublesome business, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Can remind you of the child that lives in you and gives you such qualities as playfulness, the ability to rejoice, openness.

Very often you do not recognize childishness in yourself.

Give freedom to the child hiding in you, let yourself rejoice and have fun.

If not now, then when? The time has come! This sign can also indicate that old, unresolved childhood issues are rising to the surface and waiting for solutions.

If childhood memories come to your mind, even unpleasant ones, this means that you are going through a cleansing stage and many painful issues are being reviewed now.

Do you subconsciously wish to have a child? Very often, before getting pregnant, women begin to notice children everywhere, even if they consciously do not want to have a child.

If you are at that stage of life when it is not at all desirable for you to give birth to a child, and you begin to see children constantly and everywhere: you should protect yourself especially carefully.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Seeing crying children in a dream is a sign of poor health and disappointment.

A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disdain for unworthy opinions. If a woman sees in a dream that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts the most.

A bad sign is to see in a dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream portends mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Crying children in a dream portend deterioration in health and disappointment. A cheerful, cheerful child dreams of mutual love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and contempt for worldly vulgarity. If a woman sees in a dream how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts the most. A bad sign is to take your sick, feverish child in your arms in a dream: such a dream portends mental suffering and sadness.

Why does a little boy dream that he is my child?



& According to Vanga's dream book: §
Cm. .

& According to Dasha's dream book: §
A symbol of the continuation of life, but also of trouble and anxiety.
Seeing a child - you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you rest;
crying baby - means that despite your efforts, you do not get the desired result;
holding a child in your arms, lulling it - a lot will be required of you, and the path to success will not be easy;
feeding a child is a troublesome business, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction;
punish a child - you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

& According to Miller's dream book: §
Crying children - poor health, disappointment;
a cheerful, clean child - rewarded love and many good friends;
a child walking alone - independence and neglect of unworthy opinions;
for a woman - to nurse a child - a deception from the one you trust the most;
picking up your sick child if he has a fever is a bad sign, mental suffering and sadness.

& According to the dream book of Nostradamus: §
The child is a symbol of hope, the future.
The child was bitten by a beast - in the future, a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children;
for the dreamer - such a dream is a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make you his disciple;
to see a pregnant man - in the future, what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world;
to see a disabled child - all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere;
for the dreamer - this dream is a meeting with a person who will very much need your help;
a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease;
a child with no knoutnosti - the Earth is in real danger. Due to the fact that the environment is very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born into the world with various physical disabilities, as well as mental deviations;
a healthy smiling baby is a happy sign. A happy time will soon come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children;
to see a child running across the earth is renewal, a symbol of a new humanity;
a child squeezes a snake or kills it - humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war;
to be a child - you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life;
crying baby - you endanger your future;
look for your child - you will try to find lost hope;
to see a child picking flowers - spiritual enlightenment;
hold a baby in your arms - you will try to find a way out of a predicament.


Just a dream

Katya Tkach

did you have an abortion? sometimes unborn children dream like that. but just do it, you just really want a child, so you dream.


boy to trouble. but it's just a dream

Adil Islamov

children in a dream are chores

Find out from someone else, good luck to you, believe in good, and pray, ask and repent from the Almighty

Natalia Khalina

Boy to the chores. Since the feelings were pleasant, then the chores will be pleasant. And to replenish the dream of FISH!

Svetlana Mikhailova

A little boy for profit or replenishment in the family. And the little girl is to the diva (priyan), but if the girl is a teenager, then to the diva is not very pleasant

Shadow of doubt..

the boy is actually profitable, if you bathed in clean water, then good luck, good news, if cloudy water- there may be some troubles, maybe ailments. follow your health. good luck!

save the baby boy

Dream Interpretation Save the boy's child dreamed of why in a dream I am saving a boy's child? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream I am saving a boy’s child by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Child, baby, boy

if this infant, then in a dream he indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. A boy who has reached maturity is good news. Seeing a healthy baby in a dream is to get rid of life's problems and to happy love. Seeing a sick baby is a nuisance. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If in a dream a child was born to a person, then in reality he will have troubles and worries. If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will strongly repent of your sins.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If the boy was born to someone else, such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reason to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts a dual position for you, when you will seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. To beat a boy in a dream or to punish is a waking warning to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

You will toil. The boy is playing - anxiety over trifles. The boy is sleeping - inner doubts make you indecisive. The boy is learning - you are suffering because of a mistake made in the past.

Imagine that the boy runs away and the girl comes (see Girl). Or a boy - it's actually a girl in disguise.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A little boy is a surprise or unexpected news;
for a pregnant woman - rapid childbirth;
playing with a boy - a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and financially stable;
for creative people - a surge of inspiration;
crying boy - you have to show care and attention in relation to your family, and especially to your loved one;
an unfamiliar boy, and you perceive him as your son - disappointment in love and distrust of the opposite sex.
See also Cry, Children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that to see a little boy - sure sign future success, both in business and family life.

If an older boy entering adolescence is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed of a little boy - this is a great success, all things will go uphill for you.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not keep you waiting.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

For a woman to see a boy: to money and an increase in property.

To see fighting boys - friends can entangle you in a dirty business.

Students - to successful and profitable plans.

An adult sees himself as a boy - your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Dream Interpretation - Save

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A boy is joy, fun - for a woman - money and an increase in property - to see boys fighting - friends will get you involved in a dirty business - a student - happy plans.

Dream Interpretation - Save

Save - If you save someone - victory, glory awaits you. Work as a lifeguard - your ambition requires a way out. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

To see many boys in a dream is a sign of concern. If you dream that you see a beautiful boy, then expect exciting news. See interpretation: children.

A crying child in a dream often portends difficulties, difficulties, obstacles to undertakings, and deterioration in health. However, in some cases, a dream promises a successful completion of some difficulties, a period of implementation of plans, even joy. Our dream book will help to understand why this or that plot is dreaming.

Parting with a loved one, trouble at work

A young unmarried girl saw a crying baby? The plot promises a difficult parting with a loved one, which can lead to depression.

A dream warns a man about his excessive self-confidence. You need to work on yourself, otherwise problems are possible. In addition, a sobbing baby in a dream promises a man trouble at work.

Difficulties can be overcome

Why does a woman dream of her own crying child? It means they are waiting for her. family troubles, quarrels. But if you managed to calm him down, serious difficulties can be avoided.

Did you dream of calming a crying baby? The dream interpretation is encouraging: difficult life changes are coming, but everything will end happily.

To soothe a baby in a dream - there comes a time when a sleeping person can do anything. Therefore, you can safely take on the implementation of the most complex plans.

Had to calm a sobbing child? The interpretation of sleep is as follows: a lot of trouble awaits ahead regarding other people's offspring.

Miller's dream book warns of poor health

Seeing a crying child in a dream means: the dreamer will be disappointed and feel worse. We need to pay more attention to our health.

Analyze the situation and try to change

Did you dream of a baby crying? In reality, the dreamer is not confident in himself, he fears not only difficult situations, but even everyday problems.

What is the dream of a boy who cries bitterly? The dream book warns: you are irretrievably missing something in the midst of everyday hustle and bustle, perhaps without even noticing it. You need to stop, analyze your actions, relationships with loved ones, deeds.

A sobbing boy in a dream can also indicate: a business that previously seemed profitable, where you invested your efforts and funds, will not seem so profitable and reasonable. If it was a girl, some dream books say: a pleasant surprise awaits you in material terms. Perhaps there will be an additional source of income.

Who dreamed?

Remember which child you saw:

  • boy - show more attention to loved ones, loved ones;
  • a girl - a harbinger of an imminent illness;
  • baby - reconciliation with a person with whom they had a long quarrel;
  • small - difficulties in business;
  • three years - despite all the trouble, you do not get what you planned;
  • teenager - his deep emotional experiences.

However, comforting a girl who is crying in a dream is a good sign. The dream interpretation claims: the problem that worries the sleeping person will soon be safely resolved. Uncertainty will be replaced by stability, and long doubts will be replaced by joy.

Difficulties ahead

Did you dream of comforting a small child, rocking, cradling in your arms? The dream carries a more positive meaning. The path to the plan will be difficult, but the goal can be achieved with hard work, determination, perseverance.

What is the dream of a crying child of three years old? According to the dream book, this is a harbinger of future troubles, obstacles to the course of affairs, which will be difficult to overcome.

Why is the little boy dreaming? Children are the flowers of life. Small child causes tenderness, attracts with its fragile defenselessness and causes a desire to help. The image of a little boy in all dream books is viewed from the positive side. However, some nuances in a dream can change the interpretation - consider the details.

General interpretation

The exact interpretation of the image seen in a dream will depend on many details. Remember what you specifically saw and felt:

  • birth of a child;
  • your emotions in a dream;
  • amount of children;
  • what the child was doing;
  • your actions in a dream.

The general meaning of the birth of a child is that changes await you. Seeing a newborn boy is a good change in career, business and finances.

If a woman in a dream gave birth to a baby in her own home- this portends prosperity and stability in the family. see childbirth unknown woman- to joyful news and events.

If a woman was planning a pregnancy, a dream portends the safe appearance and light of a male child. A pregnant woman dreams of a successful birth. However, a crying boy promises trouble.

The image of twins or triplets in a dream- to doubling favorable events in life. If the children looked sick, there would be small obstacles, however, they would not interfere with the good of the cause.

Other interpretations

Remember the appearance of the baby in a dream. If dreamed healthy baby in clean diapers expects a financial return. For a woman, this image portends an acquaintance with a new admirer.

Calm smiling baby promises well-being, a pleasant gift, as well as health. A restless baby portends a meeting with authoritative people.

big size baby prophesies wealth and honor. Is your baby growing right before your eyes? This portends great success. Baby cooing? Wait for good news.

sick kid portends trouble at work. Sick twins indicate upcoming difficulties that need to be overcome on their own.

dead boy- all your affairs will go wrong, end in failure. It is better not to attempt to start a big business.

If a newborn boy talking in his sleep- You should listen to the wise advice of others.

  • Keep a crying baby in your arms for large cash receipts.
  • The vision of a baby promises a man a rise up the career ladder.
  • For an unmarried girl, a dream portends a meeting with a future spouse.
  • If a child cried in a dream of an unmarried girl, this portends a meeting with an unfree man.
  • The kid pulls his hands - to a new pleasant acquaintance.
  • A stolen child is in trouble.
  • Stealing a newborn is a dishonest profit.

Dreamer's actions:

  • Bathing a baby is for profit.
  • You cannot calm a crying child - to favorable events in life.
  • You can’t find baby diapers - to the betrayal of close friends.
  • To hold a child close to you is to find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Feeding someone else's baby in a dream is disappointing.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's dream book considers a dream with the image of a boy from the positive side. The image of a boy portends life success, favor of fortune and material profit. Fate gives the dreamer a chance to radically change his life and achieve a lot. To dream on the eve of your own wedding is to the envy of your friends. But for a lonely girl, this image can attract bad events - loss of reputation and good name.

If a boy urinated in a dream, a son may appear in real life. For a man, this dream portends unexpected financial support if the child urinated directly on him. It is also possible to receive an inheritance. If a pregnant woman saw a boy, her unborn child will live in abundance and prosperity all her life.

Kissing a baby in a dream - to happy events in life. Two kids in a dream - to troubles and worries. A conversation with a baby in a dream carries a prophetic meaning - remember every word. For women, a walk with a baby in a dream promises the appearance of a new admirer, and for men, a meeting with an old friend.

Loff's dream book considers sleep from the point of view of psychology. If an adult man saw the image of a little boy, this indicates a reluctance to become an adult. The image of a small child is a meeting with his own Self in a dream. Positive value has a vision of a dead boy - this indicates the stage of formation of an adult.

To lead a naughty baby by the hand - the man was unable to cope with age-related contradictions, is in a state of transition. The crying boy shows the dreamer's inner pain: the desire to show weakness, the need for external guidance, the unwillingness to take responsibility.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov considers the image of a little boy a portent happy events in life. However, the red-haired child dreams of deception in hopes. A blond child portends mutual love, a sleeping baby - missed opportunities. If the child has peed, the dreamer will receive a much smaller expected amount of money. Save a child from danger - your financial affairs are at risk.

Modern dream book considers the image of a boy as a portent of great joy in life. If the baby was crying - wait for the implementation of the plan, if the baby smiled - expect family quarrels. Caring for a child in a dream - to receive a reward for your efforts.

Universal dream book prophesies an unmarried girl a quick wedding with a loved one. If there is no loved one yet, then the meeting is not far off. If a girl has a desired boyfriend in mind, he will soon reciprocate her feelings. A recently born baby - you need to achieve goals with cunning and dexterity, and not go ahead.

Psychological dream book considers the plot as upcoming chores and fruitless work. Seeing yourself as a little boy for a girl is an unwillingness to get married and listen to relatives talk on this topic.