Games and exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress in children, to reduce aggression and weakening negative emotions, on awareness effective forms behavior


The child lies on his back on the carpet. Legs are freely spread. Slowly he starts kicking, touching the floor with his whole leg. Legs alternate and rise high. The force and speed of kicking is gradually increasing. For each kick, the child says no, increasing the intensity of the kick.

2. "Cam".

Target: promotes awareness of effective forms of behavior, displacement of aggression and muscle relaxation.

Place a small toy or candy in your child's hand and ask him to clench his fist tightly. Let him hold the fist clenched, and when he opens it, the hand will relax, and there will be a beautiful toy on his palm.

3. Doll "Bobo".

Target: promotes emotional relaxation and relieves muscle tension.

Aggression in a child accumulates gradually, and when he manages to throw it out, he again becomes calm and balanced. If the child is given the opportunity to take out aggression on any object, some of the problems associated with his behavior will be solved. For this purpose, a special "Bobo" doll is used. It is easy to make it yourself, for example, from a pillow: sew hands and feet made of fabric to an old pillow, make a "face" - the doll is ready. You can make it denser by stuffing a dense cover with sand or cotton wool. A child can calmly beat and kick such a doll, taking out negative feelings accumulated during the day on it. By painlessly expressing their aggression, the child becomes more calm in everyday life.

Sometimes an adult wants to kick such a doll. Feel free to do this, and you will see for yourself how quickly negative, aggressive feelings pass.

4. Pillow fight ".

Target: Promotes awareness of effective behaviors and muscle relaxation.

This game is usually very popular with children, it causes a whole storm of positive emotions, in addition to this, pillow fights help the child to throw out his aggression outside without causing physical harm to others. There are a variety of options for conducting pillow fights, one of them is on a gymnastic bench, with its narrow part turned upwards. Two children take part in the battle.

The goal of the players is to knock their opponent off the bench using a pillow.

Target: awareness of effective forms of behavior.

Each participant builds a high tower from pillows, and then tries to storm it, climbing to the very top. The winner is the one who is the first to "take" the tower without destroying it.

5. "Future Champions".

Target: this game allows the child to take out in game form their aggressive tendencies, their "fist energy" on an inanimate object.

Many children want to become great athletes, world champions and Olympic Games... This requires a lot of training. For example, small boxers should have a good kick. Invite the children to “work out” it. To do this, you will need something large and soft: a pillow, a sofa ottoman, a feather bed, etc. The future boxer strikes this pillow with all his might, trying to make the blow as strong and accurate as possible.


The child stands facing an object on which the aggression will be taken out (a bed, a soft chair, or a bunch of pillows). He strikes at this object. The blows should be strong, but delivered with a relaxed hand. You can apply them with a plastic beater, badminton racket, hand, or baseball bat. The entire body is involved in striking, and you can shout out any words that express feelings of anger.

8. "Caricature".

Target: the game helps you to understand your personal qualities, gives the opportunity to "look at yourself from the outside."

One child is selected in the group. Children discuss which personality traits they value in this child and which ones they don't like. The group is then asked to draw this child in a playful way. After drawing, you can choose the best drawing. In the next lesson, another child may become the “subject” of discussion.

9. "We make a fairy tale".

Target: working with plasticine makes it possible to shift the “fist energy”. Kneading plasticine, the child directs his energy to him, relaxes his hands, which allows him to indirectly realize aggressive feelings. In addition, the game develops and consolidates the skills of joint activities.

Children are invited to make a fairy tale together. When choosing a fairy tale, it is important to take into account that there should be enough characters in it so that each child can sculpt one of them. Before playing, the children discuss the fragment that they are going to depict and relate their ideas to each other. The fairy tale "Three Bears" is well suited for this exercise.

10. Break the circle.

Target: strengthen the sense of unity, develop tactile perception.

This active game contributes to the greater involvement of children in the group.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands tightly. One child must break this circle with a running start and be inside it.

One of the variants of this game is the game "Breaking the chain". Children are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, opposite each other at a distance of 10-15 m. One team calls a participant from the other, who

must run up and break the chain of players. If it is for him

succeeded, then he takes one of the players of this team into his own, if not, he himself becomes into it. The next player is called by another team.

11. "The Sun", "Snowflakes".

Target: removal of emotional stress, team building.

The children stood in a circle. We joined hands. Silently rise on their toes, take a deep breath, silently lower themselves and exhale. They smile.

12. "Kitty"

Target; removal of emotional stress.

The exercise is performed on a carpet. A fairy tale is invented about a cat basking in the sun, stretching, scratching the rug, washing, etc.

Musical accompaniment of the audio cassette lesson "Magic Voices of Nature": "Kid in the Forest", "Kid by the River", "Kid and Birds", etc. (in order to relieve emotional stress, contributes to a special emotional mood)

13. "Tree"

Target: increased confidence.

Press down hard with your heels on the floor, clench your hands into fists, clench your teeth tightly. "You are a mighty, strong tree, you have strong roots, you are not afraid of anyone."

14. "You are a lion"

Target: increased confidence.

"Close your eyes. Imagine a lion - the king of beasts, strong, powerful, self-confident, calm and wise. He is handsome, self-possessed, free. This lion is called like you. He has your name, your eyes, your body. You are the lion! "

15. "Kinder Surprise"

Target: removal of emotional stress. Promotes awareness of effective behaviors and muscle relaxation

“Imagine that you have a small helpless animal in your hands. Stretch out your palms. Take it in your palms, warm it, fold your palms, hide the animal in them, breathe on it, warming it with your breath, put your palms to your chest, give it your affection, kindness. "

16. "Binding thread"

Target: developing a sense of closeness with other people, contributes to the acceptance of each other by children.

Children sit and pass a ball of thread to each other in a circle so that everyone who has already held the ball will take up the thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by statements about what they feel now, what they want for themselves and what they want to wish to others.

"I'm glad to meet you because you ..."

17. "Glue rain"

Target: promotes group cohesion.

Children stand behind each other and hold the shoulders in front of the one standing. In this position, they overcome obstacles:

Get up and down from the chair;

Crawl under the table;

Go around the lake;

Jump over the ditch;

Walk quietly through the dense forest, so as not to wake the sleeper in
the den of an evil bear;

Hide from wild animals

18. "Magic balls"

Target: removal of emotional stress.

Children sit on chairs in a circle

"Make a boat out of your palms and close your eyes."

The leader puts a glass ball in the palms of everyone.

“Take the ball in your palms, warm it, fold your palms, roll it, breathe on it, warming it with your breath, give it your affection, kindness.

Open your eyes. Look at the balloon and now take turns talking about your feelings. "

19. "Balls"


Children stand in a circle. They raise imaginary balls from small to large from the floor, depict their weight.

20. Outdoor games: "Two rams", "Two bears"

Target: removal of emotional stress. Promotes muscle relaxation.

21. "Battle of two tribes"

Target; removal of emotional stress. Promotes muscle relaxation.

We use children's plastic sabers or pillows. We give permission, thereby removing the ban on aggression.

22. "Over the bumps"

Target: removal of emotional stress.

Promotes awareness of effective behaviors and muscle relaxation

The bumps are hoops. Frogs jump from bump to bump. If the frogs are cramped, then one of them jumps further or pushes a neighbor into the swamp, and she is looking for a new bump. If a conflict arises between the children, then the presenter helps to find a way out.

23. "Go away, anger, go away!"

Target: removal of emotional stress. Promotes muscle relaxation.

The players lie down on the carpet in a circle. Closing their eyes, they begin to kick the floor with all their might and shout: "Go away, anger, go away!"

The exercise time is 3 minutes.

Then the children lie in the "star" position, lie quietly, listening to music.

24. Sports game "Tournament".

Target: Voluntary control is brought up, affective behavior is corrected, courage, self-confidence develops, the child stands in different positions: a competitor, a judge, a spectator.

Game progress: Children choose the judge and the athletes. Sports games are held:

- "Hit the pin."

- "Get through your hands."

- "Fight of the roosters".

- "Sit down - get up."

25. Birthday game.

Target: To unite the group, children are given the opportunity to express all grievances, relieve disappointment.

Game progress: The birthday boy is chosen. All children give him gifts, gestures, facial expressions. The birthday boy is invited to remember if he offended someone and fix it. Children are invited to dream up and come up with a future for the birthday boy.

26. The game "Baba Yaga".

Target: Correction of the emotion of anger, training the ability of children to influence each other.

Game progress: Children sit on chairs in a circle, facing each other. The psychologist asks to show what is the facial expression, posture, gestures in adults when they are angry with children. Why are adults most often angry with you? (Children act out 2-3 scenes). How do your elders scold you when you are very scared? Threatening to punish, take the belt? (The guys talk and show). What do you do in response: crying, smiling, fighting, afraid? (2-3 scenes played out).

27. Game "Two friends".

Target: A game to compare various character traits, to develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one’s own, correction emotional sphere child.

Game progress: Children listen to the poem "Two Friends" by T. Volina performed by a psychologist. Children assess the behavior of both children, assign roles. The presenter reads the poem again, and the children illustrate it pantomimically.

28. Etude "It will be fair."

Target: Emotional awareness in children negative traits your character. It teaches you to understand what kind of behavior, what character trait corresponds to and how it is assessed.

Etude progress: the psychologist invites the children to listen to the story and evaluate the actions of the brothers. “Mom went to the store. As soon as the door closed behind her, the brothers began to indulge: they ran around the table, then fought, then threw to each other, as if it were a ball, a sofa pillow. Suddenly the lock clicked - it was Mom returned. that the door was opening, he quickly sat down on the sofa.

pillow. He threw the pillow up and hit the chandelier. Chandelier

began to sway. Mom, angry, put the guilty person in a corner. The older brother got up from the sofa and stood next to his brother.

Why did you stand in the corner? I didn't punish you! - said my mother. So it will be fair, - the eldest son answered her seriously.

After all, I came up with the idea of ​​throwing pillows.

Mom smiled with emotion and forgave both brothers. "

29. Study "Meeting with a friend".

Target: To develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express their own. Develop expressive movements.

Etude progress: The psychologist tells the children a story: "The boy had a friend. But then summer came, and they had to leave. The boy stayed in the city, and his friend went south with his parents. It's boring in the city without a friend. A month has passed. down the street and suddenly sees his friend getting out of the bus at the bus stop. How happy they were to each other! " Children can act out this scene if they wish Expressive movements: hugs, smile, sadness, emotion of joy.

30. Game "Three characters".

Target: A game of matching different characters. Correction, the emotional sphere of the child.

Game progress: Children listen to three pieces of music by D. Kabalevsky: "Angry", "Crybaby", "Revushka"; together with a psychologist, they give a moral assessment of anger for crying, compare states with good mood revushki. Three children agree on who will portray which girl, and the rest of the children must guess by facial expressions and gestures which girl is playing whom. If there are few girls in the group, then the boys are portrayed as the angry and crybaby.

31. Game "Fakirs".

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Children portray fakirs. They sit on the floor (on the rug) with their legs crossed in a Turkish fashion, hands on their knees, their hands hang down, their backs and neck are relaxed, their head is down (the beard touches the chest), their eyes are closed. While calm music is playing, the fakirs are resting.

32. Game "Karabas-Barabas".

Target: Reflection of internal negative emotional stress.

Game progress: Let's play, I will be Karabas, I will be angry with you, catch and grab, and you will run away from me and shout: "Karabas-Barabas, we are not afraid of you!" The presenter, growling terribly and shouting: "I'll catch up, I'll grab it, I'll put it on one palm, I'll slap the other," - runs after the children, and they tease him. Then they change roles 2-3 times. After tre-ningra, children become hedgehogs, then barmaley, then Karabases, or offer the psychologist to be a hero, evil, whom they fear, do not like: a wolf, a crocodile, a dragon. In conclusion, the polka "Good old beetle".

33. Game "Emotion of anger".

Target: Teach children to distinguish emotions, show expressive movements.

Children sit on chairs in a circle facing each other. The adult asks to show what are the facial expressions, posture, gestures in adults when they are angry with children. Questions to children are similar to those of the Baba Yaga game.

Games to help relieve aggressive states


Target: Breaking the emotional sphere of the child.

The child is asked to answer the question, "What emotional states are depicted on the cards?" After that, the child is asked to remember when he himself was in this state. How did he feel being in this state? Would he like to return to this state again?

Could this facial expression reflect a different state of the person? And in what states, which are depicted on the cards, do you still experience? Let's draw them. An adult writes down all the examples from life given by the children on a sheet of paper. After 2-3 weeks, the game can be repeated, while you can compare those states of the child that were characteristic of him earlier and those that have arisen recently. You can answer the questions: “What states were there more over the past 2-3 weeks - negative or positive? What can you do to experience as much as possible positive emotions?».


Target: To teach in an acceptable form to throw out the anger accumulated in an aggressive child.

Content: " Guys! Now we are going to play the role of good little ghosts. We wanted to play a little hooligan and scare each other a little. According to my clap, you will make this movement with your hands (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and utter the sound "U" in a terrible voice. If I clap quietly, you will quietly say "U", if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are kind ghosts and only want to joke a little. " Then the teacher claps his hands. “Well done! Joked and enough. Let's be kids again! "

3. "FORTY"

Target: Teach children to interact with peers, to promote the cohesion of the children's team.

Content; Several children (5-10 people) stand one after another, holding on to the waist of the one in front. At the command of the leader, the Centipede begins to simply move forward at first, then crouches, jumps on one leg, crawls between obstacles (these can be chairs, building blocks, etc.) and performs other tasks. the main task playing - not to break a single "chain", to keep the Centipede intact.

4. "MAGIC BALLS" (Pavlova Ya. A.)

Target: Removal of emotional stress.

Content: Children sit in a circle. An adult asks them to close their eyes and make a "boat" out of their palms. Then he puts a glass ball in the palms of each child - “bolik” - and gives instructions: “Take the ball in your palms, warm it, put your palms together, roll it, breathe on it, warm it with your breath, give it some of your warmth and affection. Open your eyes. Look at the ball and now take turns talking about the feelings that arose during the exercise.


Target: The game helps to break the feeling of empathy, the ability to work in a group.

Content: Children stand in a circle. Then the adult says, “Guys! A parrot came to visit us. He wants to meet us and play. What do you think we can do to make him like it with us, so that he wants to fly to us again? Children suggest: “Talking to him kindly”, “Teach him to play, etc. e. An adult carefully transfers a plush parrot (bear, bunny) to one of them. A child, having received a toy, should press it to him, stroke it, say something pleasant, name affectionate name and transfer (or transfer) the parrot to another child. It is best to play the game at a slow pace.


Target: The game helps children assess their condition, analyze their behavior.

The child looks at the petals, names the emotion and says when he was in one state or another.

During school year you can conduct such activities many times, and at the end of the year discuss with the child whether his views on others and on himself have changed. For example, if a child at the beginning of the year said that he is happy when gifts are given to him, and after 2 - 3 months he said that most often he is happy when other children take him into play, then you can talk to him about this and ask why his ideas have changed.


Target: Play contributes to the formation of a sense of empathy, the establishment of mutual understanding between an adult and a child.

The child accompanies the drawing with a description of his adventures "in a fairy tale".

An adult, in the process of drawing, asks him questions: “What would you answer to the hero of the fairy tale if he asked you ..?”, “What would you do in the place of the hero?”, “What would you feel if the hero fairy tales appeared here ..? "


Target: The game contributes to the formation of empathy, the ability to assess the situation and behavior of others.

In the process of reading, the child puts several cards on the desk, which, in his opinion, reflect the emotional state of the hero in various situations.

At the end of the reading, each child explains in what situation and why it seems to him that the hero was cheerful, sad, depressed ...

This game is best played either individually or in a small group. The text of the fairy tale should not be very large, it should correspond to the volume of attention and memory of children of a certain age group.


Target: The game promotes the development of the ability to interact with peers, relieve muscle tension, and unite the children's group.

Content: All children move, run around the room, preferably with fast music. Two children, holding hands, are trying to catch their peers. At the same time, they say: "I am sticky-sticky, I want to catch you." Velcro takes each child caught by the hand, joining him to their company. Then they all together catch others in their "nets".

When all the children become Velcro, they dance in a circle to calm music, holding hands.

If musical accompaniment impossible to implement, the adult sets the pace for the game by clapping his hands. In this case, the pace that is fast at the start of the game slows down as the game progresses.

10. "CAT" ()

Target: Removing emotional, muscle tension, establishing a positive emotional mood in the group.

♦ basking in the sun (lying on the rug);

♦ stretches;

♦ washes his face;

♦ scratches the rug, etc. with its clawed paws.

As musical accompaniment

you can use the audio cassette recordings "Magic Voices of Nature": "The Kid in the Forest", "The Kid by the River", "The Kid and the Bird", etc.

11. "SILVER HOOF" ()

Target: The game contributes to both the removal of excessive muscle tension, and the emergence of trust in others, the rallying of children.

Instructions: Imagine that you are a beautiful, slender, strong, calm, wise deer with your head held high. There is a silver hoof on your left leg. As soon as you hit the ground three times with your hoof, silver coins appear. They are magical, invisible, with each new coin that appears again, you become kinder and more affectionate. And although people do not see these coins, they feel the kindness, warmth and affection emanating from you. They are drawn to you, they love you, they like you more and more.

Note: This game can become a group ritual in a children's team, one of the ways to resolve conflicts in a group.

Anxiety Relief Games

1. "Praise"

Target: The game helps to increase the child's self-esteem, increases his importance in the team.

Content: All children sit in a circle (or at desks). Everyone receives a card on which any action approved by others is recorded, the child must "voice" the card. Moreover, starting with the words "Once I ...". For example: “I once helped a friend at school,” or “Once I very quickly completed homework"Etc. The task is given 2 - 3 minutes to think over, after which each child in a circle (or in turn) does short message about how he once performed that action well or made that positive action that is indicated on his card.

After all the children have expressed their opinion, the adult can summarize what was said. If the children are ready to generalize without the help of an adult, let them do it themselves. In conclusion, you can conduct a conversation that every child has some talents, but in order to notice this, you need to be very attentive, caring and kind to the people around us.

2. "WHAT DOES MY MOTHER LOVE ME FOR?"Target: Raising the importance of each child in the eyes of the children around him.

Then you can ask one of the children (who wants to) to repeat what the mother loves for each child present in the group. If it is difficult, other children can help him.

After that, it is advisable to discuss with the children whether it was pleasant for them to know that everything they said was remembered by other children. Children usually conclude on their own that they need to be attentive to those around them and listen to them.

Note: at first, children, in order to seem significant to others, tell that mothers love them because they wash the dishes, do not interfere with their mother's dissertation, because they love their little sister ... Only after repeating this game many times, children come to the conclusion that they are loved simply because they are.


Target: The game helps to increase the child's self-esteem, the development of empathy.

Content: An adult and children draw pictogram cards for several sessions. Discuss with the children what each pictogram means. For example, a picture of a smiling man can symbolize Fun, with a picture, for example, of two identical drawn candies - Kindness or Honesty. If children can read and write, instead of pictograms, you can write on each card some positive quality child (always positive!). Each child is given 5-8 cards. At the signal from the presenter, the children try to fix all the cards on the backs of their comrades (with the help of tape, stickers, etc.). At the next signal from an adult, children stop playing and usually eagerly remove the "prey" from their backs. At first, of course, it happens that not all players have a lot of cards, but with repeated repetition of the game and after discussions, the situation changes. During the discussion, you can ask the children if it is pleasant to receive the cards. Then you can ask which is more enjoyable: giving Nice words to others or to receive them yourself. As a rule, children say that they like both giving and receiving. Then the presenter can draw their attention to those children who did not receive cards at all or received very little. Usually these children admit that they were happy to give gifts, but they would also like to receive a card as a gift. More often than not, when the game is repeated, there are no “rejected” children left.

4. "SCULPTURE" (famous game)

Target: Development of the ability to control the muscles of the face, arms, legs, etc., reduction of muscle tension.

♦ a child who is not afraid of anything;

♦ a child who is happy with everything;

♦ a child who has completed a difficult task, etc. Themes for sculptures
can be suggested by an adult, or children can choose. Then children can
switch roles. A variant of group sculpture is possible.

After the game, it is advisable to discuss with the children how they felt in the role of a sculptor, sculpture, what kind of figure it was pleasant to depict, which one it was not.


Target: The game contributes to the release of muscle clamps, the development of tactile sensations.

Many children like this game, but, unfortunately, it is not very suitable for anxious boys and girls, because, trying to unravel the ideas of their playmate, they can get worried, worried, as a result of which they strain their muscles more and more. Therefore, we propose a modification of this game.

An adult tells a child the following: “You and I will draw on each other's backs. What do you want me to draw now? Sun? Good". And with a soft touch of his fingers depicts the outline of the sun. "It seems? How would you paint on my back or hand? Do you want me to draw the sun for you with 'gentle' chalk? " And an adult draws, barely touching the surface of the body. "Do you feel good when I draw like this? Do you want a squirrel or a fox to draw the sun with its" gentle "tail? Do you want me to draw another sun, or the moon, or something else? " After the end of the game, the adult “erases” everything that he has drawn with gentle movements of the hand, while lightly massaging the back or other part of the body.

6. "FIGHT"

Target: The exercise helps to relax the muscles in the lower face and hands.

Think: maybe you shouldn't fight? Exhale and relax. Hooray! The troubles are over! Shake hands. Are you feeling relieved?

Appendix: This exercise is useful not only with anxious, but also with aggressive children.


Target: The game helps to release muscle clamps in the arm area, increase the child's confidence.

Content: The child is given a small doll or other toy in his hands and is told that the doll is afraid to ride on a swing. Our task is to teach her to be bold. First, the child, imitating the movement of a swing, slightly shakes his hand, gradually increasing the amplitude of movements (movements can be in different directions), then the adult asks the child if the doll has become bold, if not, then you can tell her what she should do to overcome your fear. Then the game can be continued again.


Target : The game helps to relax the muscles of the face.

Content: The adult invites the child to remember the various heroes of his favorite fairy tales. Then asks the child to answer next questions: “Which of these heroes is the kindest? Who is the most evil? Who is the funniest? Who is the saddest? What other heroes do you know (surprised, frightened, etc.)? " Then the child draws all the named characters on a sheet of paper. After that, the adult says: “Now I'm going to try to imagine one of these characters and show you what he looks like. Guess who it is. " The adult makes a cheerful expression. The child guesses which of the drawn characters is like that. Then the child depicts the expression on the face of any hero, and the adult guesses who it is. This game can be recommended for anxious children and their anxious parents.

Games for the prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers.

Vanyeva Anna Yurievna, educational psychologist at MBDOU kindergarten No. 35, the city of Kovrov.
Description: I bring to your attention a set of games for the prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers. Games are designed for children 4 - 7 years old. This material will be useful for educational psychologists and educators preschool institutions.

Prevention of psychoemotional stress in children

Harmonious development of children preschool age, assumes not only certain level development of knowledge and skills, but it is necessary to have enough high level development of his emotional sphere. Emotions play an important role in the formation of the child's methods and techniques for mastering activities. Emotions play an evaluative role, encourage the child to take action, influence the accumulation and actualization of his experience, and also take part in the formation of any creative activity.
Emotions are understood to be the experience of their own state. All emotions can be divided into two large groups, i.e. positive and negative. The child experiences the most acute and persistent negative emotions with a negative attitude towards him of the people around him, especially the educator and peers. Negative emotions come in the form of various experiences: disappointment, resentment, anger, or fear. They can manifest themselves vividly and directly in speech, facial expressions, posture, movements, actions. A child's emotions are a “message” to the adults around him about his condition.
Children 3-5 years old are already able to recognize their inner emotional state, the emotional state of their peers and express their attitude towards them, i.e. the preschooler understands perfectly well that his friend is upset, offended or scared. Through this, emotions are involved in the formation of social interactions and attachments.
Emotional distress can lead to psycho-emotional stress and various violations behavior. Several types of behavioral disorders can be distinguished:
First- it is unbalanced, impulsive behavior characteristic of quickly excitable children. Negative emotions in this case can be caused by both serious reasons and the most insignificant ones.
The second type of behavior characterized by sustained negative attitude to communication. Resentment, discontent, dislike linger in memory for a long time, but they are more restrained than children of the first type.
The main feature of children's behavior third type is that they have multiple fears. It is necessary to distinguish the normal manifestations of fear in children from fear as evidence of emotional stress.
Children often find themselves in state of psycho-emotional stress, since they still do not know how to relax, anticipate and control the situation, and therefore are largely dependent on their environment and adults. Adults need to be extremely attentive to the emotional state of each preschooler, adequately interpret his behavior, understand the cause of mental discomfort and choose the most effective form of influence in a particular situation.
The problem of preventing psychoemotional stress in preschool children remains one of the most important. Most effective method prevention is play activity... The whole life of children is full of play. Play exercises are based on the principles of developmental education, the methods and organization of which are based on the patterns of development of the preschooler. Play is a psychologically comfortable activity for children, which involves: the removal of all stress factors, emancipation, development creative activity... Theatrical games are always loved by children. They create an atmosphere of safety and remove emotional stress in children.

10 games for the prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers

Purpose of the games:- prevention of psychoemotional stress in preschoolers.
1. Relaxation, reduction of muscle tension and fatigue.
2. Development in children of the ability to be aware of their emotions and recognize the mood of their peers.
3. Fostering goodwill relations in the children's team.
4. Formation of teamwork skills and group cohesion.
5. Development of positive emotions.

1. "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did - we will show"
Rules of the game : A driver is selected from among the children. He goes out the door, and the teacher and the children come up with a reenactment of some action (washing in the bathroom, drawing, picking berries in the forest, calling on the phone, washing floors, painting lips, playing ball, dressing, combing, eating). Each show is preceded by the well-known phrase: "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show." When the leader returns to the group, the teacher with the children silently shows the intended action. He needs to guess what his comrades are doing. Then a new driver is selected and the game continues.

2. "Find out who called?"
Rules of the game: The driver is selected. He stands at the end of the room and closes his eyes. One of the participants says his name. The driver needs to guess who called him. If he guesses, then the comrade who called him becomes the driver himself. If not, then he drives again.

3. "The sea is worried"
Rules of the game: The teacher invites children to play sea waves. Children need, at the command of the teacher, to freeze in place, showing some figure (animal) or object. The teacher commands: "The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the sea figure freezes in place." Children freeze, portraying the inhabitants of the sea. The driver must guess what was hidden.

4. "Touch ..."
Rules of the game: All players are dressed differently. The presenter shouts out: "touch ... blue!". Children should instantly orient themselves, find something blue in their clothes and touch this color. Colors change periodically. The one who did not have time is the leader. An adult makes sure that each participant is touched.

5. "Velcro"
Rules of the game: 2 drivers are selected from among the children. All children under fun music running around the room. The drivers, holding hands, are trying to catch their peers, while they say: "I am sticky-sticky, I want to catch you." Each child caught by the Velcro is taken by the hand, joining him to their sticky company. Then they all catch other children together.

6. "Cheerful greeting"
Rules of the game: Children stand in a circle. The teacher says that when people say hello, they shake hands. And then invites them to say hello in a circle various parts body (fists, backs, knees, tummies, foreheads).

7. "Fox and chickens"
Rules of the game: the teacher becomes a fox, and the children become chickens. While the "fox" sleeps, the "chickens" peck at grains, run, flap their wings - their arms. The awakened fox is trying to catch the chickens, and they run away to the house. The chicken that is caught becomes a fox and the game continues.
Note: you can use music. While the music is playing, children can run, and the fox can sleep in the hole. As soon as the music stops, the driver runs out and tries to catch or hit any player.

8. "Golden Gate"
Rules of the game: two children stand side by side, holding hands, and raise their hands up. It turns out "collars". The rest of the children in pairs stand behind each other and join hands. The resulting chain should go under the gate. "Vorotiki" say:
Golden Gate
Not always missed!
The first time he says goodbye
The second is prohibited,
And the third time
We will not let you pass!

After these words, the "collars" abruptly drop their hands, and those children who were caught also become "collars". Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain of people running through decreases. The game ends when all the children are the gate.

9. "Uncle Trifon"
Rules of the game: children stand in a circle and join hands. The teacher becomes the driver and stands in the center of the circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and chant the words:
"Like Uncle Tryphon
There were seven children
Seven sons
They didn't drink or eat,
Everyone looked at each other.
At once they did, as I did! "

At last words everyone begins to repeat the movements of the driver. The one who repeated the movements best of all becomes the new driver, and the old driver turns into an ordinary player.

10. "Centipede"
Rules of the game: “Can you imagine how difficult it is for a centipede to live, because it has as many as 40 legs! There is always the danger of confusion. Let's play centipede. Stand behind each other and place your hands on your neighbor's shoulders. We begin to move forward. Slowly at first so as not to get confused. Now, a little faster. Oh, how tired our centipede is, she literally falls from fatigue. Let's get some rest. "

Consider the subject


Participants are invited to choose from those offered by the presenter or find any small subject that will interest them. appearance, and take it in hand. “Sit comfortably, relax and just look closely at the object in your hands. Concentrate on it. Now only this object exists for you, everything else has receded into the background ...

What interested you in this subject? .. See what its color, shape ?. ... What does it feel like? .. Inspect it from all sides, in all details ... Concentrate for a minute or two on this object, notice its features that are not visible at first glance ... "

The meaning of the exercise

“You see how many interesting things can be found even in the simplest thing, if you look at it carefully! We are running somewhere, anxious, fussing and just lost the habit of looking at what surrounds us. If you want to relax, feel calm and confident - stop your fuss for a minute, open your eyes wider and just take a close look at what is around. And you will surely see a lot of interesting and unusual ... "


Each participant demonstrates his subject and tells what interesting things he managed to notice when examining it in detail.



Participants assume a comfortable posture, close their eyes, and breathe deeply and evenly. “Now we are going to learn to relax with the help of breathing. Imagine that you have a balloon in your stomach. You breathe in slowly, deeply, deeply, and feel how it inflates ... Now it has become large and light. When you feel that you can no longer inflate it, hold your breath, slowly count to yourself to five, then exhale slowly and calmly. The ball is deflated ... And then - "it is deflated again ... Do this five or six times, then slowly open your eyes and sit quietly for one or two minutes."

The meaning of the exercise

An effective stress relief technique involving both breathing exercise and an element of meditation. When you feel that you are very frightened or lose control of yourself due to irritation, it is enough to breathe in this way for two or three minutes, and it will become much easier.


Seven candles


“Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable ... You breathe deeply and evenly ... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you ... Take a slow, deepest breath. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow in its direction as hard as possible, exhaling air completely.

The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out ... You take a slow deep breath again, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven ... ”The exercise is best performed with calm, quiet music, in a semi-dark room.

The meaning of the exercise "

Simple and efficient technique relaxation, combining concentration on an imaginary object and breathing exercises.


How did the participants' condition change as they completed this exercise? Where in real life situations may be proficient in such a technique?



Participants are asked to sit comfortably, relax and close their eyes. They are given the following instruction: “Imagine that you have a bright lamp covered with a lampshade inside you, at chest level. When the light goes down, you are warm, calm and comfortable. But sometimes, when we start to get nervous, the lampshade turns the lamp up ... The harsh light hits our eyes, blinds us, it gets hot and uncomfortable.

Imagine this situation. But it is within our power to fix it. Imagine how the lampshade slowly and smoothly turns down, takes on a normal position. The blinding light disappears, you feel warm, cozy and comfortable again ... "

The meaning of the exercise

This technique can be used for express regulation of one's emotional state, for quick stress relief.


How detailed did you manage to imagine the described situation? How did the participants' state change as they mentally turned the lampshade? Where and how in real life can you use this self-regulation technique?

Gretsov A., Bedareva T.

Psychological games for high school students and students

MBDOU number 122,
E. A. Pisareva


Kinesiology is the science of development
mental abilities and physical
health through certain movements
kinesiology as a science should be sought in
famous philosophical
antiquities. The secret of beauty and youth
Cleopatra was that she was on
used throughout her life
kinesiological exercises, due to which I kept my brain in
active state. It is known that the aging of the body begins with
aging brain. By keeping the brain young, we do not
let the whole body grow old.
Modern kinesiological
techniques are aimed at enhancing
different parts of the cortex of large
hemispheres, which allows you to develop
correct problems in different
areas of the psyche.

If the interhemispheric interaction is not formed,
there is a full exchange of information between the right and left
hemispheres, each of which comprehends external world in their own way.
Under the influence of kinesiological training in the body,
positive structural changes. Development of the interhemispheric
interaction is the basis intellectual development child.
1. "Drawing with eyes".
Try to draw in the air with both hands at the same time.
mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters, numbers.

2. "Rings".
Raise the palms of both hands up and begin to connect in turn
into the ring thumb with index, middle, ring and little fingers.
Executed from the beginning right hand, then left, then both.
It is recommended to change the pace of the exercise, then speeding up, then
slowing it down.
You can use the text of the poem.
On a visit to the big finger
Came straight to the house
Index and middle,
Nameless and last.
Little finger itself
I knocked on the threshold.
A friendly family of fingers -
They cannot live without each other.
3. "Cross movements".
Put your hands on your knees in a cross - crosswise, on command you have to slap in
hands and change hands.
4. "Ear - nose".
Grasp the tip of the nose with your left hand, and
with the right hand behind the opposite ear.
Release ear and nose at the same time, slap in
change the position of the hands
exactly the opposite. "
All these exercises improve mental activity, develop
self-control and arbitrariness of activity.
Games and exercises aimed at removing muscle
and emotional
5. "Affectionate crayon"
entertainment - to paint or

write different pictures or letters on each other's backs, and then
guess what was shown.
Many children like this game, but, unfortunately, not very much.
suits anxious boys and girls, as they, trying to unravel
the game partner's ideas can be worried, worried, as a result of which
strain the muscles harder and harder. Therefore, we propose the modification
of this game.
You and I will not guess what we painted on our backs, we
imagine ourselves as artists and draw beautiful on each other's backs
landscapes. Everyone chooses a "canvas" for drawing - the back of a neighbor and
proceeding to the creation of the landscape. First, let's write "Seascape". Then
change the "canvases" and write "Mountain landscape". After the end of the game
it is necessary to "erase" everything that you "drew" with light movements of your hand.
The game contributes to the release of muscle clamps, the development of tactile
Games and exercises with body-oriented elements
Psychological defense mechanisms and associated protective
behavior with which we compensate for our stress, fear, pain,
uncertainty and much more, lead to the formation of "muscle
shell "or" clamp ". That is, repressed, unrecognized or
unprocessed emotion is expressed in unnatural tension
different muscle groups, which makes the gait angular, disrupts posture
(hunched over or, conversely, a straight back and gait like a robot),
constricts breathing.

To reduce the chronic stress of each group
muscles have been developed special techniques and methods. Your attention
some of them will be presented.
6. Exercise "Curious Barbarian".
Turn your head to the left, try to do it so as to see how
you can go further / inhale /. The muscles in the neck are tense. Return to original
position / exhalation /. Likewise in the other direction. The movements are repeated over
2 times in each direction.
Curious Barabara
Looks to the left ...
Looks to the right ...
And then forward again -
Here he will rest a little.
7. "The sun and the cloud."
The sun went down behind a cloud, it became fresh, cool - to shrink into a ball,
to keep warm / holding your breath /. The sun
came out from behind a cloud, it got hot, wasted on
the sun - to relax, / on exhalation /.
8. "Snowman".
The presenter invites the players to turn
into a snowman. To do this, you need to strain as much as possible
stronger every part of the body and stand still
few seconds.
So our snowman stood all winter, but now
spring came, the sun warmed up, and the snow began to melt / participants in the game
gradually relax, lower
hands, "go limp", substitute the face
sun and squat /.
9. "Fire and Ice".
At the command "Fire!" start
perform heavy traffic
with the whole body. Smoothness and degree
everyone chooses the intensity of the movements arbitrarily.

At the command "Ice!" you need to freeze in the position in which the team overtook,
straining the whole body to the limit.
After tension, the phase of natural relaxation begins.
The presenter alternates both teams several times, arbitrarily changing the time
performing one and the other.

These games promote
development of self-organization,
self-control, relieve muscle clamps, develop a sense of self
body, imagination, reduce tension, anxiety, increase
stress resistance.
To charge you with positive energy and relieve your fatigue,
I suggest you take a walk in the Australian rain.
10. Game "Australian rain".
Purpose: to reduce the level of physical and emotional stress.
Do you know what is australian rain? Not? Let's get together then
let's hear what he is. Now I will show the movements, and you will
to repeat.
 The wind has picked up in Australia. (The leader rubs his palms).
 It starts to rain. (Finger snaps).
 The rain is getting worse. (Alternate clapping of hands).

 A real downpour begins. (Hips clapping).
 And here is the hail - a real storm. (Stamping feet).
 But what is it? The storm subsides. (Hips clapping).
 The rain subsides. (Claps of palms).
 Rare drops fall to the ground. (Finger snaps).
 The quiet rustle of the wind. (Rubbing palms).
 Sun! (Hands up).
Thank you for your cooperation!
I wish you creative success!

Games and exercises that help relieve muscle and emotional tension

"Wax sculpture".

Participants sit in a circle with closed eyes and create one and the same sculpture from each other in turn, remaining in a fashioned pose until the last "copy" is completed.

"Living Picture".

Participants create a "living picture" - a scene for any subject, freeze and wait for the host to guess the name of the picture.


During any outdoor game, the participants agree that the one who is eliminated must sit on the bench, i.e. on a specially prepared chair, until the end of the game. If he gets up or spins, the team gets a penalty point.


Participants imagine themselves as parts of a car (wheels, doors, hood, etc.), from which one participant assembles a car. After that, he gets into the car and makes a few circles around the room.


The group members are divided into two teams. Team members should take turns walking along the free wall, holding on to it with at least 3 limbs. Whoever tore off or moved two limbs at once, he "fell into the abyss" and must return to the start. The winner is the team that first reaches the opposite corner with its entire composition. This game also promotes the integration of the group.

"Earth and Air".

Participants stand in a circle. One of the players throws the ball up and names a word, for example, a bird, an insect, etc. If you call a creature that moves or runs on the ground, you need to catch the ball when it bounces off the ground. If a creature that flies is called, the ball must be caught in the air. The one who is wrong gets out of the circle.

"Edible - inedible."

Participants stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other. At the same time, they name different objects. If the item is edible, the ball must be caught. If not, push it away. The one who made a mistake is eliminated from the game.

The Power of Honesty.

The participants are divided into two teams. Each team member must "honestly" do push-ups on the floor. If he does not succeed, he is replaced by a teammate, and he becomes at the end of the line. The winner is the team that squeezes out 100 times faster.

Forbidden Movements.

The presenter stands in front of the participants in the game. They follow his movements and repeat all movements, except for the forbidden one, which is called prematurely. Anyone who breaks the rules is eliminated from the game.


The coach offers to choose a leader. After that, all participants begin to walk around the room as they like. At the command of the presenter: "Stop" - everyone freezes. The presenter is trying to cheer up the "bewitched". If this succeeds, the "disenchanted" joins the leader. The game ends when all participants are “disenchanted”. The most persistent win. The first "disenchanted" becomes the leader.

"We listen to ourselves"

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes for 1-2 minutes, relax and think: what each person feels, what his mood is. At this time, hang a poster of various emotional states: Joy; anger; fear; sadness; astonishment; calmness. Ask the children to tell how they feel (without opening their eyes), what their mood is. Then open everyone's eyes and look at the diagram. Describe. Sketch your condition in the diary.


It is comfortable to sit down, imagine a light, airy rainbow, a wonderful play of colors and yourself in a calm, pleasant, relaxed state, having a rest. Discussion of feelings. Then stand up, stretch, draw a rainbow arc with your hands above your head.


Press with your heels on the floor, hands into fists, and grip your teeth tightly. You are a strong, mighty tree, you have strong roots and you are not afraid of any winds. In difficult life situations, when “cats are scratching” at heart, you want to cry or fight - become a strong and mighty tree, tell yourself that you are strong, you will succeed and everything will be fine. This is the pose of a confident person.


Walk around the room, feel your body ... Imagine that you have turned into something very, very light - namely, into a small feather. Begin to move so that your body expresses lightness, depict soaring, a dance of a feather carried by the wind. Gradually, the feather calms down and flies into place.

"Center of gravity"

Participants are encouraged to determine where a person has a center of gravity. To do this, you need to sit down, stand up, walk like a cat. Find your cat's center of gravity. And where is the center of gravity of a monkey, a rooster, a fish, a sparrow? Perform movements and actions that are characteristic of these animals. Animals and small children best example lack of muscle clamps.

"They reached out - they broke."

Participants stand, arms and body stretched up (do not lift the heels off the floor). The presenter suggests stretching up, higher, higher ... It is mentally necessary to tear the heels off the floor in order to become higher (do not do this in real life). And now the hands seemed to be broken, hanging, elbows were broken, shoulders fell, head hung, you broke at the waist, your knees buckled, you fell to the floor ... Lie on the floor relaxed, limp, comfortable ... Listen to yourself. Is there any tension left? Reset it.

"Cleansing the Brains".

This ritual sets up the group to increase creativity and activate creativity; soothe anxiety; increase self-esteem. Please stand up and stretch. We need to prepare for a procedure that can give us courage. Stand firmly, legs slightly apart, hold one hand to the right of the head at a distance of about 20 cm from it, the other in the same way to the left. Imagine holding a thread of colored wool in your hands. Imagine now that you are pulling this thread back and forth - through one ear, through the entire head, through the other ear. Take a look around - you can see that everyone else is doing the same. Try to adjust to common work so that you all pull the thread in a single rhythm. If now someone looks at us, we will explain to him what we are doing here: we are cleaning our brains! We want to think clearly, we want our talents to be able to unfold completely freely. And now that our brains are cleaned to shine, we are ready for new educational adventures.