John Rockefeller once said, "I know ways to make money that you have no idea about." The way to do well and around the clock hard work never leads to real success. A clean mind and fresh ideas are the most fertile ground for income growth, and inspiration is best motivation for successful business. Business Insider has compiled a hundred phrases that inspire and inspire action. We followed suit.

1. “A man can achieve everything that he is able to comprehend and accept with the mind.” - Napoleon Hill.

2. "Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life" - Steve Jobs.

3. “Strive not to succeed, but to ensure that your life has meaning.” - Albert Einstein.

4. “And if it becomes unbearable to live, I will remember the old choice involuntarily: the fork of two roads - I chose the one where you bypass travelers for a mile. Nothing else matters.” – Robert Frost

5. “Businessmen often ask the question: “Why?”. it good question, but no less important: “Why not?” - Jeffrey Bezos.

6. “In 100% of cases, attempts not made will not succeed.” - Wayne Gretzky.

7. “I missed over 9,000 times in my career. I lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted to make the decisive shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over again in my life. And that’s exactly what made me successful.” – Michael Jordan

8. “Every strike gets me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth

9. “Definiteness of purpose is Starting point all achievements.” – W. Clement Stone

10. “Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans” - John Lennon.

11. “We become what we think about.” – Earl Nightingale

12. “In twenty years, you will regret more what you didn't do than what you did. Therefore, discard doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch a tailwind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open up.” – Mark Twain

13. “Your life depends 10% on what happens to you and 90% on how you react to these events.” - John Maxwell.

14. “If you do what you always did, then you will get what you always got.” - Tony Robbins.

15. “Our consciousness is everything. You become what you think about.” – Buddha

16. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today” (Chinese proverb).

17. "The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates.

18. "80% of success is the ability to always be in sight" - Woody Allen.

19. “Don't wait. The time will never be right.” –Napoleon Hill

20. “Winning is not everything, but the desire to be prepared to win is everything.” - Vince Lombardi.

21. “I am not the product of my circumstances. I am the fruit of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

22. “All children are artists, and the challenge is to remain one when you grow up.” – Pablo Picasso

23. “You will never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus

24. “People will forget what you said; people will forget what you did; but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

25. “We all have two options: we can just live, or we can create our own life and destiny,” Jim Rohn.

26. “If you think you can do something, you are right; if you think you can’t do something, you are right too.” – Henry Ford

27. "The two most important days in your life: the day you were born and the day you understood why.” – Mark Twain

28. “Whatever you dream of, start working on it! And then real miracles will begin to happen in your life, ”- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

29. "The best revenge is a huge success" - Frank Sinatra.

30. “It's often said that motivation doesn't last long. Well, so, the same thing happens with a refreshing shower, which is why it is recommended to take it daily. ”- Zig Ziglar.

31. "Inspiration, when it comes to me, finds me at work" - Pablo Picasso.

32. “When something in you says:“ You are not an artist ”, immediately begin to write, my boy, only in this way will you force this inner voice to silence” - Vincent Van Gogh

33. “If you want to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing,” Aristotle.

34. “Obstacles are those terrible things that you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” - Henry Ford.

35. "Your only destiny is to become who you choose to be" - Ralph Emmerson.

36. “Follow your dreams confidently. Live the life you want to live.” – Henry David Thoreau

37. “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I hope that I will not have wasted talents, and I will be able to say: “I used everything that You gave me” - Erma Mombek.

38. “Successful people are always looking for an opportunity to help others, people who are far from successful are always asking the question: “What is the benefit for me personally?” - Brian Tracy.

39. “The eye can stop at the details, but you need to strive only for what the heart has stopped at” (ancient Native American proverb).

40. "Believe that you can - and you are already halfway there" - Theodore Roosevelt.

41. “Everything you dream about is on the other side of your fear.” – George Eddeir

42. “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The true tragedy of life is when an adult is afraid of the light.” – Plato

43. “Once you start hoping, anything is possible.” – Christopher Reeve

44. “Do what you can with what you have and where you are” - Arthur Ashe.

45. “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that the most important thing in life is to be happy. When I went to school, they asked me what I want to be when I grow up.

I wrote happy. They told me “you didn’t understand the task”, and I answered “you didn’t understand life” - John Lennon.

46. ​​“Fall down seven times, get up eight times” (Japanese proverb).

47. “When one door to happiness closes, another opens, but we look at the closed door for so long that we don’t notice the one that has already opened wide for us,” Helen Keller.

48. “There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it,” - Confucius.

49. “It’s good that no one has to wait another minute to start making the world a better place.” – Anne Frank

50. “When I let go of who I am, then I become who I could be.” - Lao Tzu

51. "The difference between successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will,” Vince Lombardi.

52. “Happiness does not come in finished form. It comes from your own actions.” – The Dalai Lama

53. “The best way to find the boundaries of the possible is to cross them and enter the territory of the impossible.” – Arthur Clarke

54. “First, formulate a clear practical idea, goal, object; secondly, find ways to achieve it: wisdom, money, material objects and methods; thirdly, direct all this to the realization of the chosen goal, ”- Aristotle.

55. “If the wind has died down, grab the oars” (Latin proverb).

56. “Of course you won’t fall if you don’t climb up. But there is no pleasure in living a lifetime on earth” (Author unknown).

57. “You need to love, love as much as possible, for true power lies in love, and whoever loves a lot, he does a lot and is capable of a lot, and what is done with love is done well,” Vincent Van Gogh.

58. “Many of us don’t live our dreams because they live our fears.” – Les Brown

59. “Difficulties make our lives more interesting, and overcoming them fills our lives with meaning.” - Joshua Marin.

60. “The sure way to start something is to stop talking and finally start doing.” – Walt Disney

61. “I am amazed at the urgency of action. Knowledge by itself is not enough, it must be applied. Having a desire is not enough, you need to act.” – Leonardo da Vinci

62. “Limitations exist only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.” – Jamie Paolinetti

63. “Only a huge imaginary fear brings you face to face, leads you to a confrontation with yourself. Look deep, look at the roots of this horror. Then the fear will lose its strength, and the fear of freedom will recede and disappear. You are free.” – Jim Morrison

64. “What is money? You are successful if you get up in the morning, go to bed at night, and do whatever you want in between.” – Bob Dylan

65. “I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to get it wrong.” – Benjamin Franklin

66. “In order to succeed in life, your desire to succeed must prevail over your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby

67. “The man who never made a mistake never tried something new.” – Albert Einstein

68. “A person who says that something cannot be done should not prevent others from doing it” (Chinese proverb).

69. “Ideas are like rabbits. You'll get a couple to learn how to care for them, and pretty soon you've got a dozen." - John Steinbeck

70. “You become what you believe in.” – Oprah Winfrey

71. "I'd rather die of passion than boredom" - Vincent van Gogh.

72. “Really rich is the one whose arms embrace their children, despite the fact that they are empty” (author unknown).

73. “Not what you yourself did for the children, but how you taught them to act for their own good, will subsequently make them successful people- Ann Landers.

74. "If you want your kids to grow up good people spend twice as much time and half as much money on them as you do now.” – Abigail Van Buren

75. “Work on your dreams or someone else will hire you to work on someone else’s.” – Farrah Gray

76. “Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible.” – Frank Zappa

77. “Education costs money. Ignorance, too.” – Sir Klaus Moser

78. “Remember that the most happy people not those who get more, but those who give more.” —Jackson Brown Jr.

79. “It doesn’t matter how slowly you move forward as long as you don’t stop.” – Confucius

80. “Let the improvement and improvement of your own life occupies you so much that you don't have time to criticize others." - Jackson Browne Jr.

81. “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes real smile of fate- Dalai Lama.

82. “You can’t use up creativity, because the more you use it, the more of it you have.” – Maya Angelou

83. “Dream big and make mistakes.” – Norma Vaughan

84. “Our life comes to an end when we begin to be silent about important things.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

85. "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are" - Theodore Roosevelt

86. “People most often lose their powers when they think they don’t have them.” – Alice Walker

87. “After all, dreams are also a form of planning.” – Gloria Steinem

88. “This is your place in the world, your life, so go ahead and do your best to make it the life you want to live.” – Mae Jemison

89. “You may be disappointed when you lose, and that’s okay, but you will be doomed to failure if you don’t make a single attempt to succeed.” – Beverly Sills

90. “No one can make you feel bad, unless you yourself allow it.” - Eleanor Roosevelt.

91. “Life is always the way we made it, always has been, and always will be.” - Granny Moses.

92. “My dear friend, who will allow you? - It is not important. The main thing is who will stop me?” - Ayn Rand.

93. “When it seems that the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind.” - Henry Ford.

94. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that matters, but the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln

95. “Change your thoughts and you will change your world.” – Norman Vincent Pial

96. “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.” – Benjamin Franklin

97. “A dream is just a dream. The goal is a dream with a plan in time, Harvey McKay.

98. “The only way to do great things is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

99. “If you can dream of something, then you can achieve it.” – Zig Ziglar

If someone said something well, there is no need to repeat it, it is enough to quote. Successful people, whose words have come down to us through many generations, knew what they were talking about, their thoughts were denounced in a concise form, clear and understandable. Their activities served the peace and development of our civilization, and the historical characters and prominent figures themselves influenced the development of all mankind. Perhaps the quotes of the great ones can bring clarity to the thoughts of many people living today and future generations. Some of them are selected by topic and are given in this article.

On the fear of change

"Change before life forces you to" - Jack Welch

“Anxiety is a sign of dissatisfaction, and discontent is the first sign of the need for progress. show me completely a contented person and I'll show you the crash" - Thomas Edison

"We can't solve problems by thinking the way we thought when we created them" - Albert Einstein

“To get better, you have to change. To achieve perfection, you need to change often.” – Winston Churchill

“It is not the smartest who survive strong views, and those of them that most quickly respond to any changes.” - Charles Darwin

About personal development

"Investment in knowledge gives the greatest return" - Benjamin Franklin

“You have brains in your head. You have your feet in boots. You can choose any direction for yourself.” - Dr. Seuss

“Without constant development and progress, words like improvement, achievement, and success are meaningless.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world" - Nelson Mandela

"Failure provides an opportunity to try again, and this time more intelligently" - Henry Ford

"The most important thing is not success, but the desire to win" - Vince Lombardi

“He who ran ingloriously yesterday will not win today either.” – Babe Ruth

"The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat" - Lily Tomlin

Think about the future

"By living like no one else today, you can live like no one else tomorrow" - Dave Ramsey

"I just want to leave a mark on the universe" - Steve Jobs

"How you start is not so important, it's more important how you finish" - Zig Ziglar

"Limits we set in our own minds" - Napoleon Hill

ex-presidential wisdom

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone" - Ronald Reagan

"Without purpose and direction, there is not enough effort and courage" - John F. Kennedy

“A pessimist sees possible difficulties, while an optimist is one who sees opportunities despite difficulties.” – Harry S. Truman

"The best thing about the future is that it's only one day away" - Abraham Lincoln

"It's better to make no excuses than to make bad excuses" - George Washington

About work and discipline

“A man must be generous enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to benefit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” - John Maxwell

Those for whom motivation is not available are left to be content with mediocrity, despite all their possible talents - Andrew Carnegie

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and achieving them" - Jim Rohn

"There is no shortage great ideas, lacks the will to carry them out." - Seth Godin

“There are two main rules: do your best and do it the best you can. Only then can you ever achieve something.” - Colonel Harland Sanders

“Working only for the money will not achieve success, but if you love your job and always put the client first, luck will be yours” - Ray Kroc

Faith and attitude towards success

"Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow he will take care of his own: enough for each day of his own care ”- Jesus (Mat. 6:34)

"Happiness does not depend on external factors, but only on the level of our psychological attitude "- Dale Carnegie

"Opportunities in business are like buses - there will always be another one." - Richard Branson

"Faith is the ability to take the first step, even when you can't see the whole ladder." Martin Luther King Jr.

So let these words prominent people inspire you on your way to success!

In difficult moments of life, we need motivation and words of support that will energize us and give new strength to continue our journey. We have collected the best motivational quotes from the most wise people different eras.

Motivational Quotes

The future of man lies in himself; it lives in him at this very moment
Abraham Maslow

Learn from the experience of yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Albert Einstein

A successful person is always an amazing artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, but imagination is limitless.
Albert Einstein

“An investment in knowledge pays the highest dividends.”
Benjamin Franklin

“All successful people have a vision. They have the ability to clearly see what they want before it happens.”
Bill Gates

When it came to your mind a good idea- acts immediately.
Bill Gates

Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you really like between these two events.
Bob Dylan

Never underestimate yourself. What others do, you can do
Brian Tracy

It doesn't matter where you come from. What matters is where you're going
Brian Tracy

Defeat is not defeat unless you recognize it as such in your mind.
Bruce Lee

Great minds set goals; other people follow their desires.
Washington Irving

I'm going to become a man, and if I succeed in this business, I will be able to do anything.

If you can't do something, you're right. If you say you can, you are right too.
Henry Ford

Mind is the best healer

If you give up on your dreams, what is left?
Jim carrey

If you take all the money in the world and divide it equally among everyone, then soon they will again be in the same pockets in which they were before.
Jim Rohn

Either you rule the day or the day rules you.
Jim Rohn

The best moments of the flow of life are fading away, and we see nothing but sand. Angels come to visit us, and we understand this only when they have already left our house
George Eliot

Collect, evaluate and then act. Knowledge without action is helpless.
Donald Trump

Solutions should be bigger than your problems. Who is the head in this house?
Donald Trump

The pleasure of criticizing prevents one from enjoying the beautiful.
J. La6ruyere

Mediocrity in the eyes of mediocre people looks like perfection

If you don't like something in your life - Act now! If you can't act, change your attitude. Compare the situation to something terrible or look at it from a different angle. Sitting and complaining and feeling sorry for yourself is absolutely useless and unpleasant.

Leadership is not a title, degree or level. Anyone can become a leader at any time.
Carly Fiorina

Happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.
L. Tolstoy

Whenever you innovate, be prepared to be called crazy.
Larry Ellison

Earn money first, and then think about what to spend it on ”- this is the most best rule for people who want to be successful.
Paul Gett

Business opportunities like buses - the next one will always come.
Richard Branson

A good company runs like a family. If your son is confused, you won't kick him out of the house, will you?
Richard Branson

“Invest time in gaining knowledge, then go out into the real world and try. Start small, because mistakes. AT real world people learn from mistakes.”
Robert Kiyosaki

I can give an account for every million earned, but never for the first.

Great souls have will, weak souls have only desires.
old chinese proverb

Strive to become market leaders. Own and control critical technologies in everything you do.
Steve Jobs

Learn from your mistakes, admit them and move on.
Steve Jobs

Constantly learn from your employees and people outside your company.
Steve Jobs

can change a person in such a way that it becomes impossible to recognize him.

Nothing in the world can replace perseverance. Talent cannot: Talented losers are the most common occurrence. Genius cannot: unrecognized geniuses have become proverbial. Education cannot: the world is full of educated fools. Only perseverance and determination are omnipotent.
Thomas Watson

There is a power hidden in your subconscious mind that can turn the world upside down.
William James

If you can invent something, you can do it.
Walt Disney

Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't have a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant.
Warren Buffett

Do business with people you like and who share your goals.
Warren Buffett

It can take 20 years to earn a reputation. In order to destroy it, 5 minutes is enough. If you understand this, you will act differently.
Warren Buffett

The price is what you pay. Value is what you can get.
Warren Buffett

Life is given to us not for endless complaints and self-examination, not for the analysis of emotions and bitter regrets. Our life is given to us for action, and only action determines its true value.

There is nothing more demoralizing than a small but steady income.
Edmund Wilson

Self-discipline is the ability to force yourself to do what you have to do when you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not.
Elbert Hubbart

When I think, I don't act. In order to act, I need to set myself up. My success is not a consequence of luck, but a consequence of my constancy in actions.
Estee Lauder

And the unwillingness to do something completely captures you ...

In my opinion, it is at this moment that some kind of replenishment from the outside is required ... We need a source that would support and help move on to our own, to our dreams. To compose and achieve goals and results, it is better, of course, together, for this very reason, we created.

Just recently I found on the Internet and posted these motivating quotes. Perhaps for you they will also turn out to be a source of inspiration and motivation, a source that will give strength and support any of your movement and direction of development.

Watch the video: Common Instagram Mistakes

Check out and memorize these motivating quotes right now:

To do something worthy in the world, one cannot stand on the shore, trembling and thinking about cold water and dangers for swimmers. You have to jump into the water and swim out as you can / Sydney Smith

Who can, he does, who cannot, he criticizes / Chuck Palahniuk

Always do what you're afraid to do / Ralph Waldo Emerson

Success more often falls to the lot of those who act boldly, but it is rarely achieved by those who are timid and constantly afraid of the consequences / Jawaharlal Nehru

If you want to have what you never had, start doing what you never did / Richard Bach

To live is not to breathe, it is to act. Not the person who lived the most who can count more years, but the one who felt life the most / Jean - Jacques Rousseau

There is victorious music in every attack / F. Nietzsche “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”

The real properties of a person are revealed only when the time comes to show, to prove them in practice / Ludwig Feuerbach

The contemplative life is often very bleak. You need to act more, think less and not be an outside witness to your own life / Nicola Chamfort

Even if you lose, time will pass, and you will understand that the words “I tried and failed” sound much more worthy, more honest, higher and stronger than the banal excuse “I could if I tried” / Al Quotion

Put off until tomorrow only what you don't want to finish until death. Action is the main key to success / Pablo Picasso

Do not waste a second, immediately and decisively take a place on the battlefield, whose name is life, not be content with what you have, never accept defeat, because the world exists to be conquered / Winston Churchill

Watch the video - Why do some people achieve the goal, while others do not?

Motivational Quotes

It's better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret it twice.

He who can and does nothing is worse than he who cannot but tries to do something / William Blake

Desire is the driving force of the soul; a soul devoid of desires stagnates. One must desire in order to act, and act in order to be happy / Claude Adrian

Helvetius Life manifests itself not in states, but in actions / Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A person can recognize his abilities only by trying to apply them in practice / Seneca

Take the first step by believing. You don't need to see the whole staircase - just step on the first step / Martin Luther King

They don’t joke with valor: you don’t dare, you retreat once, you have to retreat a second time, and so on - to the last: in the end, you will face the same obstacle as at the beginning - wouldn’t it be better to decide right away? / Gracian y Morales

Many things seem impossible until they are done / Nelson Mandella

It is necessary to act, boldly grab life by the mane. I only regret inactivity, indecision, hesitation. About actions and deeds, even if they sometimes bring sadness and longing, I never really regret / Andrzej Sapkowski

The future depends on what you do today / Mahatma Gandhi

Trust only the movement. Life happens at the level of events, not words. Trust the Movement / Alfred Adler

The best idea in the world won't do you any good if you don't act on it. People who want milk shouldn't sit on a chair in the middle of a field hoping the cow will come back to them / Curtis Grant


When a person thinks, he doubts, but he is sure when he acts / Anatole France

Action does not always bring happiness, but without action there is no happiness / Benjamin Disraeli

When I think, I don't act. In order to act, I need to set myself up. My success is not a consequence of luck, but a consequence of my constancy in actions / Estee Lauder

Problems should not push you in the back, but lead your dreams forward / Douglas Everett

You will not grow if you do not try to do something beyond what you already know perfectly / Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can't win or lose until you race / David Bowie

The biggest mistake is that we give up quickly. Sometimes you just have to try one more time to get what you want / Thomas Edison

Heaven does not help people who do nothing / Sophocles

It is better to work without a definite goal than to do nothing / Socrates

He who does nothing is never wrong / Theodore Roosevelt

The person who could move a mountain started by dragging small pebbles from place to place / Chinese proverb

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

Act, act! It is better to saw wood than to dream, at least the blood will not stagnate in the veins! / Alphonse Daudet

Don't wait for something to happen by itself - roll up your sleeves / Garth Heinrichs

Instead of just wanting fish, start spinning nets to catch it / Chinese wisdom

The biggest mistake we can make is the constant fear of making a mistake / Elbert Hubbard

The best way to start doing is to stop talking and start doing / Walt Disney

Trying to succeed by doing nothing is like trying to reap a harvest where you have not sown anything / David Bly

No one stumbles while lying in bed / Japanese proverb

Even if you are on the right way You will be run over if you just sit on the road / Will Rogers

While you are looking at the kettle, it will not boil / English proverb

Sometime later" - most dangerous disease who sooner or later will bury your dreams with you / Timothy Ferris

The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most main secret despite its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, and right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now. An entrepreneur who succeeds is one who takes action, not slows down, and takes action right now / Nolan Bushnell

Go and do; you always have time to justify yourself later / Grace Hopper

He who watches the wind, he will not sow, and he who looks at the clouds, he will not reap / From the Bible. Ecclesiastes 11:4

You can't wait forever for the right moment, you just have to create it.

He who waits for good luck never knows if he will have supper tonight / Benjamin Franklin

If you wait for the minute when everything, absolutely everything will be ready, you will never have to start / Ivan Turgenev

To reach the goal, you must first go! / Honore de Balzac

Whoever wants to go upstairs will invent a ladder / Japanese wisdom

Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live what others cannot / Jared Leto

Waking up in the morning, ask yourself: "What should I do?" In the evening, before falling asleep: "What have I done?" / Pythagoras

The lesson I learned and followed all my life was to try and try and try again - but never give up! / Richard Branson

The decision becomes real only after you have started to act. If you don't act, you haven't made up your mind / Tony Robbins

Actions speak louder than words

If there is a choice between "yes" or "no", then "yes"! Do it. Kiss, hug, catch up, meet, tell. And let the nonsense come out, but at least they tried / Johnny Depp

Do at least once what others say you can't do. After that, you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions / James Cook

Try all the possibilities. It's always important to know that you've done your best / Charles Dickens

If you always wait until the last obstacles are removed, then you will never be able to do anything / Samuel Johnson

Motivational Quotes

Everyone stumbles in his own way, but whoever continues on the path reaches the heights / Luule Viilma

This is trite, but this is the law of life: to move forward, to develop, in order to eventually endure more ordeal that make you rise above yourself. There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome / Bernard Werber

True desire is expressed by action. And only action brings results / Joel Teutsch

Who does not go forward, he goes back: there is no standing position / Vissarion Belinsky

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must move / Albert Einstein

People who decide to act are usually lucky; on the contrary, it seldom accompanies those who weigh and delay / Herodotus

Until you try to do something that you supposedly can’t do, you won’t be able to move a millimeter forward / Ronald Osborne

In a year, you may regret not starting today! / Karen Lamb

If you don't try to get what you want, you will never get it. If you never ask, your requests will always be answered in the negative. If you do not take a step forward, you will forever remain where you are now.

Success is clearly linked to concrete actions. Successful people don't stop moving all the time. They make mistakes, but they never leave the game / Conrad Hilton

“Forward” is my favorite rule / Alexander Suvorov

"I can't do it" never achieved anything. "I'll Try" has always worked wonders / George Burnham

Beware of inactivity towards your goal. The person must act. He who misses this opportunity is lost to the world / Thiru-Valluvar

In a moment of indecision, act quickly and try to take the first step, even if it is superfluous / Leo Tolstoy

Life requires movement / Aristotle

Take the first step and you will understand that not everything is so scary / Seneca

Fear stops action. Action Stops Fear / Margaret Burke-White

In 20 years, you will be more disappointed with the things you didn't do than with the things you did. So depart from the quiet harbor, Feel the wind in your sail. MOVE FORWARD! DREAM! OPEN! / Mark Twain

The one who runs falls. He who crawls does not fall / Pliny

Man is made for action. Not to act and not to exist for a person are one and the same / Voltaire

Life goes on: who does not keep up with it - remains lonely / Maxim Gorky

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible / Albert Einstein

Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like achievement / Thomas Carlyle

Most of the important things in the world have been done by people who kept trying when there seemed to be no more hope / Dale Carnegie

Sometimes it's better to make the wrong choice than not choose at all. You have the courage to go forward - this is rare. He who stops at a crossroads, unable to decide where to go, will never achieve anything / Terry Goodkind

Any " Good times is always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow seeds every day! If you relax your concentration even for a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back / Donald Trump

The mere fact that you have achieved something - set a goal and achieved it - means a lot. Here real life without any there "could, would have done, would have achieved ..." / Chuck Palahniuk

You need to keep your eyes and ears open to understand what the future will bring you and not be afraid to jump into any abyss. There is always a bottom / Ville Valo

Who if not me? When if not now?

The difference between those who have achieved something and those who have not achieved anything is determined by who started earlier / Charles Schwab

Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not in ability or a unique idea, but in the courage to stake on their ideas, take calculated risks and act / André Malraux

One more or less capable person can produce big changes and do great things in the world, if he has previously worked out good plan and, without distraction, will devote all his attention and strength to the fulfillment of this plan / Benjamin Franklin

Success is a ladder you can't climb with your hands in your pockets / Zig Ziglar

A gem cannot be polished without friction. Similarly, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts / Confucius

If you want to get high, use your own legs! Do not let yourself be carried, do not sit on other people's shoulders and heads! / Friedrich Nietzsche

And how do you like these motivating quotes for every day? Did you write them down or choose to memorize them?

In fact, you can find a lot more such statements, who knows, maybe one of your phrases will fall into this list. The main thing, in my opinion, is to never give up and move towards your goal by any road, by any means.

With you, Igor Zuevich Igor Zuevich https://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/logoizbl2.png Igor Zuevich 2015-02-11 00:54:44 2019-03-15 17:30:10 Motivational Quotes - 99 Best Motivational Quotes

Failure is not the end

There are no failures, there are only opinions, and how we respond to these opinions determines our success.

Having failed, you can do different things - abandon your idea (this will be a real defeat), ignore what others say, and try again (also not too smart, because the need to perform the same actions and expect them to different results speaks of mild degree insanity) or change your approach and try again.

At the heart of any dizzying success is a series of failures. Here are 65 quotes to inspire you to take action and make changes that are sure to lead to great things.

1. Failure is not fatal, unwillingness to change is fatal." - John Wooden
2. Many people who have achieved nothing in life have no idea how close they were to success at the moment they gave up." - Thomas Edison
3. A person who has never made a mistake has simply never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein
4. Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill
5. A person who doubts himself becomes his own worst enemy and prepares to fight himself. He is guaranteed to fail because he is already convinced of it." - Alexandre Dumas
6. Any misfortune, failure or heartache carries the grain of an equally or greater favorable course of things." - Napoleon Hill
7. Take your failures as a basis and use them as a springboard. Close the doors to the past. Don't try to forget your mistakes, but don't focus on them either. Don't let them consume your energy, time and space." - Johnny Cash
8. It's not about how deep you fall, it's about how high you bounce." - Zig Ziglar
9. Everything you want is on the other side of fear." - Jack Canfield
10. Success is usually achieved by those who simply do not know that failure is inevitable." - Coco Chanel
11. Great success is achieved by those who are not afraid of great failure. - Robert F. Kennedy
12. The Phoenix must burn to be reborn." - Janet Fitch
13. If you're not willing to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original." - Ken Robinson
14. An inventor can make a mistake 999 times, but one single luck outweighs everything, and then all previous attempts can be considered simple training. "- Charles F. Kettering
15. Our strength is not that we never fail, but that we know how to overcome them." - Oliver Goldsmith
16. If you put in a lot of effort and failed, no doubt you are better than those who never really tried." - George Elliot
17. A person can fall more than once, but it cannot be considered a failure until he says that someone pushed him. - Elmer J. Letterman
18. If you don't shoot, you're guaranteed to miss." - Wayne Gretzky
19. A person must be noble to admit his mistakes, smart to learn from them, and strong to correct them. - John C. Maxwell
20. There are no failures. There is only experience and how we react to it." - Tom Krause
21. A life full of mistakes is more honorable and valuable than a life spent in inaction." - George Bernard Shaw
22. When you take risks, you know that successes and failures are inevitable, and both are equally important." - Ellen DeGeneres
23. Failure instills in us the right view of success." - Ellen DeGeneres
24. Failure is when you stop trying." - Chris Bradford
25. I'm not a loser. I just found 10,000 non-working options." - Thomas Edison
26. Celebrating a win is great, but it's more important to learn from a loss." - Bill Gates
27. Don't be ashamed of failure, learn from it and start over." - Richard Branson
28. Success is not the end, failure is not fatal if you have the courage to move on." - Winston Churchill
29. Fear of failure is the only thing that prevents the fulfillment of a dream." - Paulo Coelho
30. The greatest risk is the refusal to take risks. In a world that changes very quickly, those who take no risks are guaranteed to fail." - Mark Zuckerberg
31. Not a single person has yet aroused the interest of the public, because he has never made a mistake. The more often you make mistakes and change something, the better you become. Have you ever met someone who achieved their goals without any effort? He's probably crazy. Or it just doesn't exist." - Chris Hardwick
32. Living in fear of making mistakes is the greatest mistake you can make." - Elbert Hubbard
33. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, you will get the same results all the time." - James P. Lewis
34. Pain is temporary, but if you back off, it will haunt you forever." - Lance Armstrong
35. Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill
36. I'd rather be partly great than completely useless." - Neil Shusterman
37. We are all losers - at least the best of us." - J. M. Barry
38. The real mistake is the one that teaches us nothing." - Henry Ford
39. Try and fail! Every mistake brings you closer to what you're good at." - Louis C.K.
40. I always thanked God for my mistakes - maybe not immediately, but after some thought. But I never felt like a failure just because something I tried didn't work." - Dolly Parton
41. The memory that I will die soon is the only thing that has always allowed me to make important life decisions. Because almost everything - expectations, pride, fear and shame - pales in the face of death, leaving only what is really important." - Steve Jobs
42. Being human means learning to be responsible for your successes and failures. You can not envy, blame others and assume that their successes make you a failure. It's notoriously a dead end." - Kevin Bacon
43. I can accept defeat, we all make mistakes in something. But I can't stop trying." - Michael Jordan
44. Giving up is the only sure way to fail." - Jena Showalter
45. Those who don't try don't fail, but it takes strength of character to live the life you want." - Richard Yates
46. ​​Failure should be your teacher, not your gravedigger. Failure is a delay, not a complete defeat. This is a bypass road, not a dead end. Failure can only be avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing." - Denis Whateley
47. Failures are signs on the road to success." - C. S. Lewis
48. Winners are not afraid to lose, but losers are afraid. Failure is an integral part of the process. Those who avoid failure also avoid success." - Robert T. Kiyosayaki
49. Failure is very important. We talk about success all the time, but it is the ability to survive failure that usually leads to great accomplishments. I've met people who didn't do anything because they were afraid of failure." - J.K. Rowling
50. genius people don't make mistakes. They do everything consciously, trying to make a discovery." - James Joyce
51. Failure is nothing. It takes a lot of courage to make a fool of yourself." - Charlie Chaplin
52. I know about the danger, but I want to do it just because I want to. Women should try what men have already tried. If they fail, others will be motivated to try again." - Amelia Earhart
53. We must admit that we do not always make the right decisions - sometimes we screw up like royalty, not realizing that failure is not back side success, but its essential component." - Arianna Huffington
54. In fact, there is only one failure in life, and that is not to be faithful to the best of what you know." - Frederick William Farrar
55. To get better, you need to learn to accept defeat. - LeBron James
56. I don't want the fear of failure to make me give up on what's really important." - Emma Watson
57. Do not be afraid of mistakes. You will learn what failure is and you will be able to move on." - Benjamin Franklin
58. When I was young, I was wrong nine times out of ten and worked ten times as hard." - George Bernard Shaw
59. Failure is an opportunity to start over, and this time smarter." - Henry Ford
60. Think soberly and do not be afraid of anything - neither failures, nor suffering, nor even death. Only in this way you will take everything from life. Live here and now, push the boundaries, create a legacy. It will live forever." - Chris Jamy
61. It's not your failure that worries me, it's your dissatisfaction with it." - Abraham Lincoln
62. Success is built not on success, but on failure, on dissatisfaction with oneself, sometimes even on disasters. - Sumner Redston
63. Failure happens every day. You get better when you respond to them in the right way." - Mia Hamm
64. When we allow ourselves to make mistakes, we give ourselves room for improvement." - Eloise Rystad
65. What's the point of living if you don't try to do something remarkable?" - John Green