We set a goal and outlined tasks, designed a title page and a list of references. It would seem that you can relax and enjoy life. But no, in any work the results must be summed up and conclusions drawn. So hands to feet - and write a conclusion. And we will help you.

The conclusion is an indispensable part in the structure of the work. How to write a conclusion in an abstract? Many students want to know the answer to this question. After all, GOST and teaching aids do not provide rules for the design and content of the conclusion. And by the way, the conclusion is the most important part of the abstract, since it summarizes and structures the entire material.

The conclusion is the conclusions that are based on the tasks and objectives of the study.

The result (conclusion) of the abstract is the conclusions correlated with the goal and objectives with a personal assessment and their own conclusions. The main feature of the conclusion is the following: the conclusions are formulated in their own words, and not quoted by phrases from parts of the work. The results in the conclusion should be substantiated and supported by facts from each section of the abstract.

How to write a conclusion? Strict and scientific. The conclusion is stated in a scientific style: without personal pronouns and "water" words - only facts and own conclusions.

The conclusion should:

  • disclose the purpose and objectives of the study;
  • provide statistics and analytics;
  • articulate clearly and unambiguously.

The conclusion should contain only conclusions on the work. No tables, graphs and links to third-party sources.

If a student "became attached" to the subject of the work, then when summing up, there is a personal attitude to the problem or prospects for further research.

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Please note that the conclusion should correspond to the tasks of the work that are set in the introduction. A bad conclusion is a summary of the sources on the topic, a good one is the author's thoughts about the topic's problems.

Phrase templates for the conclusion to the abstract

To avoid tautologies in the conclusion and to formulate conclusions clearly and clearly, we recommend using speech patterns and clichés:

  • based on the analysis of the studied literature...;
  • but summing up the above... ;
  • thus, it can be argued... ;
  • the work done allows ... ;
  • in conclusion, it should be noted ... ;
  • summarizing the above... ;
  • based on analysis... ;
  • research has shown... ;
  • the material presented in the work allows us to conclude ...;
  • on the basis of the work carried out, it can be assumed ...;
  • determined that... ;
  • research authors come to... ;
  • we researched (received) ...;
  • we succeeded...

If logic is not your forte, then do not suffer in vain, trying to sum up the abstract. Let the professionals do it. You only need to contact

An abstract is a test of knowledge, so when creating it, you have to try to do everything as correctly as possible. One of the required elements is write a conclusion in an abstract. Basically, it's a report, so Special attention pay attention to, compliance with standards and regulations. The conclusion in the abstract is the final stage of work on the main section. If it is strong, then even a mediocre presentation of the topic can save. Competent conclusions will avoid questions from the teacher.

The conclusion in the abstract is a section that makes up 5-10% of the total volume. The purpose of writing a conclusion is to systematize knowledge, summarize, highlight statements, and indicate what has been achieved. The verifier must understand what problems have been considered, whether it is possible to practical use.

Conclusion of the abstract:

  • analyzes and structures the content;
  • determines the main
  • answers the main question;
  • summarizes the theoretical practical part;
  • creates a positive impression of the material.

The purpose of the conclusion of the abstract is to emphasize the significance of the work, to pay attention to the most important. This section briefly describes all the work, methods for achieving the goal, results, characteristics of the problem, recommendations of the author. The most important thing is to write harmonious conclusions to each paragraph of the abstract in the conclusion.

How to draw conclusions in an abstract

Although conclusions at the end of chapters are not mandatory according to GOST, they improve the quality of the material, as they systematize the content. This is the attitude of the author, the opinion about the information presented, A New Look on her. The conclusions are related to the tasks and goals set in the introduction of the abstract.

To write conclusions in the abstract does not mean to rewrite in other words the information presented in the work. This is the systematization of the studied material in order to create one's own point of view on the research problem. Novelty is not needed, but the opinion of the author is required. From the point of view of syntax, these are logical judgments, consisting of previously expressed and proven theses, substantiated by each other. This does not mean that the rationale is created by the author. It is the conclusion of the authors whose works are used in the material.

The results are subject to the laws of logic. They are based on specific work. Methodologically, this is a generalization, a definition general characteristics subject, testifying to the ability to highlight the common from various approaches and concepts.

No wonder most teachers consider the conclusions in the abstract the most difficult part. These are the thoughts of the author, an indicator of the degree of elaboration of information. Conclusions are closely related to the objectives, purpose and content. The main characteristic is the specificity, clarity of the wording, based on statistical and analytical data.

Conclusions - statements based on the analysis of sources and the results of the study. The author insists on the assertion because he has verified its authenticity and can prove it. This is his point of view, which he is ready to defend.

There are 3 methods used to write conclusions:

  1. deductive - from general to generalization;
  2. inductive - from individual facts to a generalization;
  3. based on other people's findings.

Using the first method, conclusions should be written for each paragraph. This requires fluency in information related to the topic. If the student encounters new information, knowledge may not be enough to present the data in a logical sequence. In such situations, instead of systematization and generalization, duplication of information is obtained.

The second method is based on external sources. The third method can be used if it was possible to find data that is fully relevant to the topic. If this condition is not met, the conclusions are absurd, standing out against the background of the main text.

How to write an essay conclusion

After writing the main part, you need to collect conclusions to the paragraphs, systematize them, rephrase, get rid of contradictions. If the volume is not enough, additional data should be added, focusing on the subject and purpose of the study. The conclusions in the conclusion of the abstract should have the same focus as the material as a whole. These are brief thoughts that do not contradict the topic, the essence of the problem under consideration.

If the teacher does not require the formation of conclusions at the end of each chapter, the conclusion should be written as a logical conclusion to the work. Read the main part again and try to retell the abstracts. Write down the theses - they will become the basis of the conclusion. It is not necessary to review every chapter. The main condition is to stick to the topic indicated on and. All points should create an integral structure, smoothly flowing into each other.

The conclusion in the abstract should be written separately from the general part. On a separate page, “Conclusion” is written, aligned in the middle. 2 indents are made. The font, size and line spacing are the same as in the main part. It is unacceptable to issue a conclusion in the form of an enumeration.

Try to write the conclusion in such a way that the conclusions do not contain meaningless words. Try to avoid the same or the same root words too close to each other. You can copy phrases from the material. The style is journalistic, partly scientific.

The conclusion to the abstract can be written using the phrases:

  • Summing up, it can be argued;
  • conclusions can be drawn from the research results;
  • Summing up the results of research and analysis, we can note;
  • we came to the conclusion;
  • summarizing, we can say;
  • Based on the above, we can conclude.
Do not include new information in the conclusion. This is a summary of the abstract, a listing of the results.

Sample conclusion in the abstract

Sample conclusion in an essay on the topic “Fundamentals healthy lifestyle life":

So, in the conclusion of the abstract, it can be noted that the careless attitude of some people in our society to their health causes socio-economic and moral-psychological damage to the family, production team and society as a whole; largely depends on the shortcomings in the functioning of the system physical education children and youth in the recent past.

On condition human body psychosomatics has a significant impact, therefore, the following conditions of a healthy lifestyle are sometimes distinguished: emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being. You can not question the benefits of the regime of the day. Therefore, a systematic approach to the distribution of time is needed. Properly selected mode is the change of periods of physical and mental work periods of relaxation of the body. Thus, sleep should consist of 7-8 hours per day for an adult.
The importance of rationally selected nutrition has also been clarified. A healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with proper nutrition.

Physical education is one of the fundamental elements of a healthy lifestyle. The current level of development of technological progress has greatly simplified human life, but at the same time positive influence significantly decreased physical activity person. Nowadays, people walk much less. Movement is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Choice physical activity depends only on age physical abilities and individual desires.

An example of a correct conclusion in an abstract

An example of the conclusion of an essay on the topic "Modern industrial city and sports practices"

At the end of the abstract, we will make brief conclusions according to the results of studying the problem:

— It was revealed that in the conditions of modern industrial cities, certain conditions in which this activity could manifest itself as a sport and reinforce it with appropriate social attitude the state, regional and municipal development policy is called upon physical culture and sports. One of the main tasks is to ensure the territorial and price accessibility of sports and leisure facilities, mainly sports schools. This also requires the development and implementation of municipal policy in the development of sports practices in large industrial cities.

- The development of the subject of research is hindered by three large blocks of problems: economic, social and political. At the same time, the study of the practice of implementing municipal programs aimed at developing sports practices in major cities shows that the city administrations determine the goals, directions and timing of the modernization of the system additional education sports orientation. A number of authors believe that with a sufficient level of funding for these mechanisms for implementing programs on the topic studied in the abstract, it will help to bring the development of sports in large cities to a new level, subject to further commercialization of the development of sports practices at the municipal level.

How to finish an essay

Anyone can write a good opinion. To, in the conclusions, give some advice on solving the problem. You can also indicate the value of the study. It would not be superfluous to assess whether the tasks set were achieved, what was achieved by the study.

A prerequisite for writing an essay is a high level of literacy. Even for a student of the basics of economics, it is unacceptable to turn in work with punctuation and stylistic errors.

Well, it's time to start writing the final part thesis, which will reflect the conclusions and results of the study. The attitude of students towards writing conclusions is ambiguous. Many believe that there is “nonsense” left, all the hardest things are behind. But many graduate students sit at the monitor for days, clasping their heads in their hands: the conclusion is not glued, and that's it!

What is the difficulty in writing a conclusion? The fact that you need to write conclusions - that is, do not write off from the book, and not even describe the experiments, but harmoniously and logically formulate the results of the work done. In other words, think independently to the fullest.

If you do not know how to write a conclusion to a thesis, professionals can do it for you. You can have a studentlancer and solve this problem with minimal effort.

The second option is to figure out how to write a conclusion in a thesis, using our article.

What should be written in conclusion?

The conclusion of the thesis is obligatory, following immediately after the main part, before the bibliographic list and references. The content of the conclusion is:

- the most important conclusions on the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem, which the author came to in the process of writing the work;
— the final assessment of the empirical research(if any) with a brief description of its results;
– protection of the main provisions that distinguish this thesis research from the works of its predecessors;
– practical proposals that can be implemented in practice (if there is a practical part of the thesis);
— opinion on further prospects for the study of the topic;
— summing up the general results (whether the goals and objectives set in the introduction have been achieved, whether the hypothesis has been confirmed).

In other words, the conclusion is short review the results obtained in the process of graduation research, and independent analytical conclusions made on their basis.

Like the introduction, the conclusion is regulated in form and content, but there are some differences. The regulation deals rather with the elements of the conclusion and the requirement of compliance with the introduction. If it is relatively easy to write according to a template, then there are more personal thoughts in the conclusion, since this part of the thesis is devoted to the conclusions of the author.

The structure of the conclusion and its volume

In terms of volume, the conclusion is usually 3-4 pages. As a rule, it is somewhat smaller than the introduction, although their main elements correspond to each other (the hypothesis, goals, tasks mentioned in the introduction are also reflected in the final part of the diploma). However, if the introduction and conclusion are equal in volume, this will not be a mistake; the main thing is to adhere to the principles of capacity and conciseness, to write to the point.

The structure of the conclusion should be as follows:

  1. Introductory part. Some graduate students start right off the bat: "As a result of the study, we confirmed the hypothesis that ...". So, this is an example of how not to write a conclusion to a diploma. Dedicate a few sentences of the introductory part, an introduction to the problem to which you have devoted your scientific work.
  2. The main part of the conclusion contains conclusions, results, results of the study. You must reflect all the points of the theoretical and practical parts, give answers to the questions that you posed in the introduction. To make the conclusion logical and coherent, do not download how Mountain sheep, over the rocks. State the conclusions sequentially, adhering to the structure of the main part of the thesis. It will be logical to look at the presentation of the conclusions according to the tasks set in the introduction. The main part of the conclusion is completed by stating that you have achieved the goal of the work and proved the hypothesis.
  3. The final part of the conclusion (such a tautology) is devoted to confirming the practical value of your work. Here you need to give out your invaluable recommendations on improving the object of study, the possibility of putting your developments into practice.

How to simplify the process of writing a conclusion to the diploma, examples

  • The conclusion to the diploma should be written briefly, but capaciously and in detail. The simplest option, which can pass for a life hack - just collect the conclusions by points and chapters and slightly process them (a simple copy-paste will not work). But this approach will bring you, most likely, no more than a "troika".

To get a high score, you need not just move the conclusions made in the process to the conclusion. Conclusions need to be summarized, to achieve their integrity. A serious mistake is the poor compatibility of conclusions on theory and practice. That is, the student devotes half of the conclusion to the conclusions on the theoretical part, half - on the practical. So how should it be? And you need to write a general conclusion on all the diploma, linking theoretical and practical implications together. After all, the purpose of the conclusion is to give integrity, completeness to the work.

  • When writing a conclusion, it is necessary to use a scientific style of presentation. The well-established introductory formulations that can be used in conclusion in the thesis will help to simplify the work, for example:

When stating the results that demonstrate your achievement of the goal set in the introduction and the solution of the tasks set, you can use the following well-established expressions and speech formulas:

  • To get an idea of ​​how to write a conclusion, take a couple of diplomas written in your department (preferably from your own supervisor). You will have before your eyes a sample of the conclusion of the thesis, which you need to focus on.

The writing of the conclusion must be taken seriously. It is the introduction and conclusion (and sometimes only the conclusion) that in most cases are read by those who want to get acquainted with the student's thesis research. If the conclusion is written successfully, then the work will look complete, solid. The conclusion itself will form the basis of your defensive speech.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterov A.K. How to write an introduction and conclusion [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

It takes some effort to write an introduction and a conclusion. You can't write in 10 minutes. Inserting pieces of text from textbooks instead of elements of introduction and conclusions in the conclusion is also not suitable.

Why you need to write a good introduction and conclusion

Introduction and conclusion are an important part of the diploma, term paper, essay. In fact, a well-written introduction and conclusion of the thesis account for about 30% of the successful completion and defense. Here are some tips for writing the introduction and conclusion. After that, it will be much easier to answer the question, how.

Before, you need to decide why you need to write an introduction and conclusion at all. It should be noted that the introduction and conclusion in the diploma and term paper form the basis of the work, and they are given the most serious attention by teachers.

Each term paper or thesis must pass the defense procedure. On the defense, the task of the teacher or the commission is to evaluate the knowledge of the student and the disclosure of the topic of the term paper or thesis. First of all, the completeness of the disclosure of the topic is assessed by the introduction and conclusion of the term paper or diploma.

Write the correct introduction and conclusion- it's hard work. Moreover, as the complexity of the work increases, the complexity of these structural parts also increases.

For example, write an introduction to an essay or control work you can do it in 20-30 minutes, and it will take up a little more than half of an A4 sheet. IN term paper the introduction should be at least two pages long and must include the relevance, purpose and objectives of the course work. For a course project, the situation is even more complicated, since it implies a serious practical work on the study of the topic and the development of measures to improve the situation at the object of study. In the thesis, the volume of introduction is from 3 pages and in addition to the above, the subject, object, research hypothesis, etc. are added.

The conclusion of the course or diploma contains conclusions on the work done, the results of the study and the overall result of the work done. Also, in the conclusion, an assessment should be made of the degree of achievement of the goal of the thesis or term paper and the fulfillment of the research objectives indicated in the introduction.

For these reasons, if write an introduction and conclusion in compliance with all the rules, then the overall impression of the work of the teacher increases. This is the basic principle why write an introduction and conclusion.

Write good introduction and conclusion- this important aspect successful defense of a diploma or coursework.

Now let's move on to how to write an introduction and conclusion.

How to write an introduction

In the introduction of the diploma and coursework, the relevance of the topic is revealed, the goal and main tasks, the subject and object of the study, the chronological framework and the information base of the study are determined.

The introduction of the diploma and coursework should contain clear, clear statements of relevance, goals, objectives, etc., and the conclusion should contain conclusions for each chapter and an assessment of the results obtained. Fulfillment of these requirements is special meaning when assessing the quality of term papers and dissertations, since it is the introduction and conclusion that are " business cards"Thesis work and on their basis a general opinion is formed about the work as a whole during verification and defense. To write an introduction means to lay the foundation of your work.

The relevance of the topic studied in the course and diploma is revealed in the following aspects:

  • firstly, the objective and subjective necessity of its research in modern conditions and in relation to a specific real object in a country, region, field of activity or field of scientific knowledge;
  • secondly, the degree of its scientific elaboration in the works of scientists, prominent specialists, practitioners and the essence of the problem itself, the inconsistency of this topic that needs to be addressed in the current situation;
  • thirdly, the meaning, role of the subject of research and its influence on the state in the country, region, specific field of activity or field of scientific knowledge.

The correct disclosure of the relevance of the topic of the diploma and course project indicates the ability to separate the main from the secondary, to find out what is known in science, practice and what is still unknown in the subject of research.

From proving the relevance of the topic studied in the course and diploma, it is necessary to move on to formulating the goal of the diploma or course project, which is to solve the problem situation by analyzing it, identifying patterns, trends, shortcomings and developing specific recommendations.

Based on the goal of the diploma and course project, tasks are determined that are disclosed in the form of listing the following "key" words: analyze, identify, study, define, describe, establish, show, find out, develop, generalize, implement, etc. The wording of the tasks should be carefully thought out and stated, since the description of their solution is the content of the chapters, sections of the diploma and coursework. As a rule, the headings of chapters and sections follow directly from the tasks of the work.

Similar requirements apply to the introduction to the abstract. In addition, the abstract, representing an overview literary sources on the chosen topic, has a very small introduction - no more than 1 page. Thus, in the introduction to the abstract, the relevance of the topic, purpose and objectives should be very succinctly and concisely expressed. Also, in the abstract, design tasks should be abandoned in favor of purely research ones. This is due to the fact that the abstract involves the study of a certain aspect without solving applied problems related to the topic of the abstract.

In the introduction, in the diploma and coursework, the subject of research is determined by what is being studied, analyzed in the diploma or course project. When specifying the object of research in the introduction to the diploma and coursework, it is necessary to focus on the level of research (for the country as a whole, a separate region, enterprise, specific field of activity or field of scientific knowledge).

Note that similar recommendations in relation to the subject and object in the introduction apply to the abstract. In most cases, an indication in the introduction to the abstract of relevance, purpose, tasks, subject and object of research is sufficient to complete the abstract.

The information base of the study can be general statistical information, periodicals, the results of various studies, reports and other sources of an official nature. The time frame depends on information base research, the availability of digital material and the main objectives of the diploma or coursework.

Outdated data significantly reduce the quality of the diploma, term paper, abstract and the degree of adequacy of the formulated conclusions current situation as part of a study conducted in a diploma, term paper or essay.

How to write a conclusion

Coursework, diploma, essay have a logical conclusion - the conclusion.

Write a conclusion- this is the result of the coursework, diploma and essay.

At the conclusion of the diploma, term paper, abstract, brief conclusions are set out for each chapter (specifically, points), reflecting the degree of disclosure of the topic, the achievement of the goal and the tasks set.

The conclusion to the diploma and coursework is in the form of a synthesis of the theoretical, analytical and applied or recommendatory results obtained in the course of the diploma and coursework research. To write a conclusion, you need to draw adequate conclusions from the results of the work. As a rule, the conclusion of the term paper and the diploma is the results of the study, containing new knowledge in relation to the original knowledge and being the subject of discussion during the defense of the diploma and course paper. In this regard, the conclusion in the diploma should not be replaced by a mechanical summation of conclusions at the end of chapters and questions, but should reflect the final results of the research on the topic of the graduation project. As for the coursework, here the requirements are less stringent, however, the conclusions in the coursework should be based on the conclusions obtained during the coursework.

As for the conclusion to the abstract, here it is necessary to list the main aspects of the studied issue and express own point view on this issue. The result of the abstract is precisely the opinion of the author, expressed in the conclusion. However, in the abstract, the indefinite personal form should be used when formulating one's own conclusions in the conclusion of the abstract.

A term paper is a kind of research by a student of a certain topic issued by an educational institution. Coursework is written, as a rule, once a semester, when a course of a certain subject is taken. Most often, this work is issued to a student in a specialized subject, which makes sense to study deeper.

It is quite difficult to write a term paper on your own if you do not initially delve into the training manual and do not use all the tips and recommendations given by the teacher.

To write on my own quality work, do not postpone the start of work until the last day. It will be much easier to master and structure the material if you allocate your time and energy adequately. In the same way, you can keep nervous system and good spirits.

To begin with, you should study all guidelines to the term paper very carefully, paying attention to every little thing. If something remains unclear to you, do not hesitate to contact the curator of the course work. We do not recommend seeking advice from classmates, since no one guaranteed the quality and relevance of their information.

After you have delved into the methodological recommendations and understood what is required of you educational institution, try to collect as much information as possible on your topic. Only current and short info containing no extra information.

When you have selected and processed the information, leaving only what you need, you can begin to solve the practical part of the course work, which includes your calculations of the tasks set by the teacher.

Next, you need to give your work an appropriate structure. This is very important as coursework should be readable and easy for your instructor. The text should be short, understandable and formatted in accordance with all rules and standards.

The structure of the course work implies writing the work according to the following scheme:

  • Title page;
  • Content;
  • Introduction;
  • The main theoretical part;
  • The main practical part;
  • Conclusion and conclusions;
  • Applications;
  • Bibliography.

Each of these points should be performed correctly and according to all the rules. This article will focus on, perhaps, the most important section, which sums up all the results of the work. Teachers pay special attention to the conclusion when checking the work. It's about the conclusion.

Conclusion in the course work: what is it

The conclusion in the course work plays a major role, since it should contain all the material described in the main part, only briefly and harmoniously designed, your own conclusions about the work done, answers to the introduction questions, recommendations and further wishes.

In addition, the conclusion in the course work should be a harmonious continuation of the main part. As a rule, this section has a volume of 2 to 3 sheets of A-4 format, but contains the main idea of ​​your term paper on these sheets.

The conclusion in the course work very closely intersects with the introduction. The conclusion should contain information about how the goals and objectives of the course work have been fulfilled and whether they have been fulfilled at all. This should definitely be emphasized.

The relevance of the chosen topic and its justification are mandatory information for the conclusion. You must come to these conclusions on your own and express your own thoughts on this matter, based on your research.

In addition, the conclusion in the course work should contain a description of the activities you have carried out, the actions taken, which must be summed up. That is, you should briefly describe the content of the main part and tell about your actions when performing the practical part. All information must be supported by your conclusions and recommendations, which you yourself must draw up on the basis of the work done.

The conclusion in the course work is not complete without an analysis of your activities, or rather, the failures and obstacles that you had to face while researching a given topic. You should not put a strong emphasis on the events that failed you, but you can’t do without describing them either. Just focus more on your accomplishments.

All your recommendations and conclusions made on the basis of the practical part must be supported by evidence. Your calculations, applications or references to laws and regulations. You can give several proofs of your rightness at once.

Take a very responsible approach to writing a conclusion, because when checking a term paper, they will pay attention first of all to it. The conclusion in the course work is the face of your activity. So that you can correctly write and structure the conclusion, we offer you some tips about writing it.

How to write a good conclusion in a term paper

So that you do not forget to write in conclusion necessary information, we recommend that you structure this section sequentially, following the following order of actions:

  1. Read the goals and objectives described in the introduction again. The conclusion in the course work should reflect them and be closely related to the introduction. Describe in detail the extent to which you were able to complete the tasks and achieve your goals in your study.
  2. At the end of each section of the main body, try to write short description this section. This is sort of the conclusion to this part. Summarize, structure, combine and harmoniously enter all the conclusions obtained in the course of writing a term paper, without violating the structure of the conclusion. Remember that each paragraph should be linked to the previous one.
  3. When you have made conclusions about the theoretical part, proceed to summarizing the practical part. Feel free to talk about your calculations, make suggestions and recommendations, describe your motives and methods. You must show that you can think and make decisions on your own.
  4. Tell us about your opinion on this topic, describe the problems you encountered in the study, highlight the features of your study. Remember that your conclusions, and especially their description, should be interesting, informative and relevant. The teacher should be aware that the topic of the term paper is interesting to you, and you really tried to study it. Your narrative should be alive, and the information should be extremely clear.
  5. Review the written conclusion and remove everything from it detailed descriptions, because they are already contained in the body. The conclusion in the term paper is a very brief narrative about all the main things that you consider it necessary to highlight.

How to start writing a conclusion in a term paper

You can start writing the conclusion when your term paper is completely ready. You can understand this by reading the introduction. If you have already been able to complete all the tasks set in the introduction and achieve the goals that you planned to achieve, then we can say that your work is completed, and you can start writing a conclusion.

Your conclusion in the course work can begin with the following words:

  • So;
  • In this way;
  • Summarizing;
  • Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded;
  • Having written a term paper, I came (came) to this conclusion;
  • The results of the conducted research showed that;
  • Based on the development of the received topic;
  • The relevance of the course work is;
  • In conclusion, it can be noted that;
  • Summarizing the research carried out;
  • We state the following features of the study;

Thus, writing a conclusion is extremely milestone coursework research. Be careful and watch every step you take. Listening to our advice and following all our recommendations, you will be able to write a high-quality and readable conclusion to the term paper, which will only emphasize your professionalism.