The conclusion, along with the introduction, is also the most important part of the work. It should be 1~5 pages (depending on the type of work) to state the main conclusions.

The conclusion outlines the following aspects:

  • - conclusions made by the author of the work on the study of the theoretical part of the work;
  • - results of the analysis of the subject of research;
  • - recommendations for improving the subject of research.

It is good if the conclusion to the thesis begins with a short introduction on the topic of the work. The conclusions in the conclusion should be short, concise, but summarizing the essence of the analyzed issue. Copying parts of the text from the introduction or the main part of the work in the conclusion is not allowed.

Often teachers are asked to write a conclusion in accordance with the tasks. Then in the conclusion the phrase will look good: "In in the process of performing the work, its goal was achieved, and the tasks were solved. The main sources on the research topic were analyzed in the work ... In the thesis work, the main provisions of the theory were revealed using an example.

The conclusion can be created in the form of continuous text or a numbered list. In the second case, as a rule, they write: As a result of the work done, the following conclusions were drawn. And then there is a numbered list.

In conclusion, it is allowed to carry out brief retelling work. When retelling the content of the work, the following phrases can be used.

"IN The first chapter of the work analyzed the theoretical issues of the study ... ".

"In the second chapter of this work, the main directions of the enterprise's work were considered,

"IN third chapter of this thesis measures for improvement were described ... "

If a hypothesis was put in the introduction, then in the conclusion it is necessary to indicate whether it was confirmed or refuted. For example, in As a result of the work done, the hypothesis was confirmed, as a result of the carried out pilot study found that children with general violation speech, there are difficulties in compiling a coherent text.

It is better to finish the conclusion with a general conclusion on the topic of the work, as well as the prospects for applying the developed recommendations in other conditions or on other subjects of research.

For example: "The study made it possible to develop the following design and practical recommendations and assess the possibility of their implementation:

  • 1. The first direction of the proposed recommendations is related to overcoming staff turnover by providing special working conditions for employees in comparison with other St. Petersburg firms by providing additional vacation days and bonuses.
  • 2. The second direction is related to reducing the significant workload on staff on busy days by attracting additional staff and additional cash payments.
  • 3. The third direction of increasing the effectiveness of the motivation system is associated with the development of non-material incentives for personnel. Here it is possible to introduce various bonuses, certificates, verbal thanks.

It will also look good in the work to highlight the prospects for researching the topic of the work. For example: "Prospects for the study of this topic lie in the need to study the methods of staff motivation, the features of optimizing the costs of motivation. At the same time, it should always be remembered that a motivated employee makes better use of his abilities, new opportunities technical means which leads to the desired result and more efficient operation of the entire organization.

The full version of writing the conclusion to the thesis is given in the appendix.

Thus, the conclusion acts as a generalization of the results of the work, its results.

According to its structure, the course work consists of an introduction, the main part, conclusions, a list of used. Since the teacher annually has to check hundreds of course projects, he most often pays attention to the introduction, conclusion.
The introduction contains information about how relevant the topic chosen by the student is, what is the purpose of writing a term paper, what tasks the author has set for himself to achieve this goal.

In addition, the student usually indicates the methodological, information base research, lists the most prominent researchers within the selected topic, describes the structure of the project.

Conclusion is closely related to the introduction, as it contains the results of the fulfillment of the tasks set, the results of the study and the developed recommendations are described. That is, everything that shows how the student was able to achieve the goal of writing.

Types of conclusions of the course project

The conclusion in the coursework can be a summary, which is placed at the very end, or it can describe the results achieved by one particular chapter.
The volume of the final conclusion is two or three pages. It also contains the results of the entire study.

Conclusions for the chapters are written after the end of the presentation of the materials.

How to write a conclusion to a chapter of a term paper?

Summing up the results of a separate chapter should contain the results of completing the tasks obtained when writing two or three paragraphs of the chapter. We recommend that you set aside one paragraph in order to sum up each item. Sometimes the teacher asks to number these conclusions to simplify the search for answers to each question posed.

Since at the end of each paragraph you need to write a brief conclusion and that summarizes the analysis, you already have a basis for drawing conclusions. It is enough just to paraphrase the already written text, and if necessary, reduce the volume.
It is possible to use such introductory words and turnovers like: “Thus”, “based on the analysis, we can conclude that ...”, “So”.

  1. "Based on the analysis carried out, we can talk about improving the quality of the bank's investment portfolio, increasing the efficiency of its management, and reducing the riskiness of investment activities."
  2. “Thus, it is advisable to use a balanced scorecard to ensure effective management investment security of the bank. These indicators should be calculated using special software products.”
  3. “So, analyzing the information provided, it can be noted that the concept of positioning a beauty salon is the semantic core that sets the direction of marketing communications coming from the brand.”

How to write a final conclusion of a term paper?

After you have finished writing the theoretical and practical part, it's time to think about what is the conclusion of the course work. The results can be very different: confirmation or refutation of the hypothesis, generalization of theoretical material on the issue under study, formulation of a new interpretation of the term, development of practical recommendations. They should be written in the conclusion.

The conclusion of the course work is written in this way: first there is a mention of the goal, then the assigned tasks are indicated with a list of the findings.

Let's give an example of the conclusion of a term paper

Topic: Development of goods and adoption of marketing decisions on the example of the organization Metal Holding LLC.
The project consists of two practical sections. To cover the topic, the following tasks were set: to characterize the rolled metal market, to determine the share of our company; determine the opportunities and threats of the enterprise at the beginning of sales of non-ferrous metal products to the market; develop a marketing strategy for launching a new product for the organization; justify the choice of the target market for a new product.
After completing the study, you can write the following conclusion:
« The purpose of this project this is the development of a marketing strategy for bringing a new product of Metal Holding LLC to the rolled metal market. This is an enterprise that has been operating in the Russian metal-roll market for more than 15 years. It occupies a significant position, provides services related to the sale of rolled metal products. The company's share is approximately 2.9% of the Russian market.
In the course of work the practical implementation of the project for the development and implementation of a new direction for the enterprise - the sale of non-ferrous metals was considered.
The Polish market was chosen for implementation. The features of these markets were considered. It was revealed that the Polish market is more promising due to the convenience of transporting products, growth rates.

The trends of the non-ferrous metals market of this country were determined, namely: the high rates of economic development of Poland and the growth of the domestic market of metal products contributed to the emergence a large number traders and, as a result, a high level of competition between them; gradual reduction in the price of metal products; increased competition and reduced profitability of this type of business has led most Polish traders to supplement the sale of metal products with a whole range of metalworking services, the sale of semi-finished products and finished products; traders are constantly expanding the range of services that increase added value and reduce potential risks.

Among the most common are: sheet or profile processing, polishing or grinding products, laser, water jet cutting; in order to increase the efficiency of their activities, as well as the quality of customer service, traders invest in the optimization of production processes, improvement of logistics and warehouse operation, and the formation of long-term relationships with customers.

Based on the analysis of the features, it was determined that opening a company with a warehouse in Poland in direct competition with local traders in their market is not advisable. A more appropriate format is a narrow-profile trader specializing in certain commodity items that are not widely represented in the assortment of local traders with the ability to provide services for metalworking. It is advisable to use broad market penetration strategies.

Promising types of products were identified, which should be introduced to the non-ferrous metals market in Poland, and the economic feasibility of implementing this idea was calculated. It was found that the introduction of a new product in the Polish market is economically feasible, and the very idea of ​​selling new products in new markets is a natural continuation of the development of the enterprise.”

As you can see, all the main points of the project are covered, the achievement of the research goal is shown. Therefore, the study can be successfully completed.

What is the fastest way to write the conclusion of a term paper?

Here are a few practical advice how to write a conclusion in a term paper as quickly as possible:

  • Use chapter-by-chapter conclusions to write. You can simply draw the final conclusion from them. However, it is still desirable to paraphrase the text.
  • Use a summary of the work items to describe the results for each task set in the introduction. And then make up the text of the final conclusion from them.
  • Copy the main points, and then delete everything that you think is the least important. Do this until the volume exceeds two or three standard pages.
  • Keep the plan in front of you as you draw conclusions. Usually the number and essence of tasks is determined by the features and number of points of the course project. There is no need to skip the results for any item, as this will most likely cause a flurry of questions. The teacher may begin to doubt the correctness of the analysis. Better spend a little more time on refinement.
  • Quite often there is a requirement to number individual provisions of the conclusions, indicating the beginning and end of the results within the framework of considering one task. GOST does not contain such a requirement, it is rather just a teacher's wish, but its implementation will add points to you in his eyes.
  • Write a conclusion at the very end of the course project. So you don't have to change it if you need to make any changes.
  • Keep track of the level of uniqueness of the text.

It is highly desirable that it approaches one hundred percent. Teachers check the introduction and conclusion in plagiarism detection systems especially carefully.

The absolute uniqueness of the text testifies to the self-conducted research.

General requirements for the content and structure of the course work


The structure of the course work is determined by the individual purpose of the study, the chosen object of study and the specific topic of the work. The structure of the work is considered reasonable if, within its framework, it is logically possible to achieve a full disclosure of the chosen topic.

With a relatively free choice of the structure of the course work, the following structural elements must be included in its composition:

Title page. (It is drawn up strictly in accordance with the requirements of LOU VPO VIB)


1. Theoretical and methodological foundations studying the problem.

2. Analysis of the state of the problem under study on the example of an enterprise (industry, market).


List of used literature.


Coursework review form.

Allowed and encouraged to use additional information in the form of the last structural section - applications (tables, graphs, photographs, sample document forms, etc.). The given applications should correspond to the topic of the course work.

Each chapter should end with conclusions or at least a statement of results. When formulating conclusions, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the results should be specific judgments about what is being said and what is being affirmed;

2) own results must be clearly identified. At the same time, their difference from the results of other authors is indicated;

3) reasoned and critical assessments substantiate the novelty of the result in comparison with known solutions for all aspects of the problem under study;

4) the truth of the result is substantiated (based on the accepted and formulated prerequisites and definitions of concepts introduced into the work on the basis of the rules and laws of formal logic).

Scientific and practical tasks are indicated, which are solved with the help of the results obtained.

The conclusion for each chapter begins with the words:

This chapter discusses the theoretical aspects of marketing in the strategic management of an enterprise. The concept of marketing is defined - it is a system for organizing all the activities of an enterprise…………

A paragraph conclusion can begin with the words: " In this way, …."; “Summing up this paragraph….”; “In conclusion, we note ......”, etc.

In order to improve the quality of term papers and qualifying papers of students of the Volgograd Institute of Business, the Directorate decided on the mandatory verification of all term papers and qualifying work in the Antiplagiarism system. The final assessment of the originality of the work applying for the assessment of "Satisfactory" must be at least 50%. If the final assessment of the originality of the work is less than 50%, then the work is not allowed to be submitted / defended.

The student independently checks the work on the site The supervisor is presented not only with the work itself, but also with a report on the Anti-Plagiarism program. In the absence of a report on the work for its verification using the Antiplagiarism program, the work is not allowed to be submitted / defended.

It is not allowed for two or more students from the same group to have the same topic. If students intend to write a term paper on coinciding problems, then appropriate additions and clarifications should be made to the title of the topic.

There are several ways to do correct conclusion to the abstract.

The first way is to prepare preliminary conclusions for the chapters that the information presented allows us to draw. This method assumes fluency in information on a given topic in order to easily draw qualitative conclusions. While, if the information is perceived for the first time, it will be difficult to make any conclusions, knowledge is clearly not enough for this. In this case, it will not even be possible to clearly formulate at least one sentence, or the information presented in the written paragraph will be repeated. The conclusion should be grouped and logically presented, however, it is not allowed to duplicate the results obtained earlier, it is possible to draw a general conclusion based on them.

The second method involves using external sources. To make the work of writing conclusions to the entire abstract easier, you should highlight the main ideas from each chapter and paragraph. In this case, it is very convenient to use various printed publications to collect information about the problem under study, because they will necessarily contain conclusions. At the same time, it is important not to take into account the conclusion as a whole, but to use only the information that relates to the topic of the abstract, but it should be borne in mind that the findings did not contradict the purpose of the study.

After writing the abstract, the collected conclusions must be systematized and rephrased to fit your style of presentation of the text, remove conflicting opinions, if any, supplement the missing information and bring it into line with the purpose and subject of the study. After processing, the conclusions will look consistent, and most importantly, logical, because the opinions of people who are quite clearly oriented in the issue will be taken as the basis.

The third way involves borrowing other people's thoughts. It is recommended to use it if you can find information that will fully correspond to the topic of the abstract. Otherwise, the text will clearly stand out against the background, and look ridiculous, in addition, it will definitely not be an output.

So, in order to correctly draw a conclusion, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The conclusion should summarize the above information for the chapter and for the abstract as a whole.
  2. The conclusion should be in the same direction as the work, it is not allowed to indicate conflicting points of view.
  3. The conclusion should be short and specific and should correspond to the essence of the problem.
  4. In the text of the abstract, if it is supposed to draw a conclusion after the chapter, the following expressions should be used: “taking into account the data obtained, we can draw a conclusion”, “in the end, it should be noted”. Some teachers do not recommend specifically drawing up conclusions after each chapter, therefore, it is better to clarify how to write the paper correctly.
  5. The conclusion should be the logical conclusion of the abstract, the result of the research, based on the tasks that were set in the introduction.

With proper writing of the work, it will be quite easy to draw up a conclusion. We will tell you how to do it.

How to sum up in writing

In order to correctly write the conclusion, you must first approach the work with all thoroughness. Regardless of whether it is a graduation project, term paper or just an essay, essay, you will have to achieve the set research and educational goals when writing it. They will form the basis of the future conclusion.

Moreover, it will be more convenient to sum up after each individual chapter of the written work. In this case, you don't actually need to think about how to write the output. You will only combine existing items into one logically related text.

In general, the sequence of actions when writing the final part of the work will look like this:

  1. State the main goal of the work. What was required to find out, prove, demonstrate. Did you manage to do it? If so, what was your end result at the end of the work?
  2. Make a content plan. What questions were considered? What conclusions were drawn from each of them?
  3. Carefully study the mini-conclusions after each chapter of the work. Are they consistent and logical enough?
  4. Start combining mini-totals into a common final conclusion. Here, too, you need to follow a certain plan.

Conclusion writing plan

  1. Start with what goals were set at the very beginning. Take this information from the introduction to the work. Begin this part of the conclusion with the words “In this work, we considered the question ...”, “At the beginning of the work, we set ourselves the goal of finding out ....” etc.
  2. Note what you managed to learn in the course of considering the issue, focusing on the results of each chapter / section. This part can be formalized, for example, in the following expression: “In the course of research work we found out that…”
  3. Draw your final conclusions. Here it would be appropriate to write something like: “In conclusion, we can sum up the following result - ...”.

Remember that you do not need to rewrite the existing text - replace words with synonyms, rephrase expressions, change the structure of sentences. At the very end, sum up the general conclusion that follows from all the above results.

With regard to the length of the conclusion, it will be correct to write a conclusion of about one paragraph for each chapter of the work. The final conclusion for essays, abstracts can be made in the amount of 1-2 pages. For course and diploma projects that involve complex in-depth research, more detailed conclusions can be drawn. However, please note that the total volume of the introductory and final parts should not exceed 25% of the total volume of the text, otherwise these parts will seem "watery", which is unacceptable for high-quality research work.

Also some tips on how to write conclusions for various written works, you will find in the article.