Not all Internet users understand exactly what a dash and a hyphen are. What is the difference between them? It is wrong to use them interchangeably from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language. Each character has its own meaning and input method. Moreover, in fact, more than two characters have been developed to indicate dashes in the text.

What is a hyphen

The hyphen is spelling mark, which separates parts of a word. It looks like a short horizontal dash.

Since it is part of the word, it does not beat off with spaces. The only case where a space is placed to the right of this sign is in enumerations in which only the first part of the word changes, while the second part remains the same. For example: television and radio broadcasting.

Sometimes a non-breaking hyphen is used instead of a regular hyphen. It is needed so that the constituent parts of words are not broken into different lines. In this case, the word will either remain on the previous line, or will be completely transferred to a new one.

When is a hyphen used?

To understand when a hyphen is put, and when a dash, you need to remember the rules of the Russian language. A hyphen is placed inside words.

General rules when you need to write words with a hyphen:

  • repetition of one word: quietly, barely;
  • repetition of words with the same stem: long ago, alone;
  • a combination of synonyms: quietly and quietly, clever - wise;
  • compound words, the first part of which is a numeral written in numbers: 100 percent, 25 years;
  • increments after ordinal numbers: 7th, 12th;
  • special terms and names, which include a single letter of the alphabet: α‑rays, β‑rays;
  • abbreviations of complex adjectives that are written together: w.‑d. (railroad) - but railway. (Railway).

In addition, nouns are written with a hyphen in such cases:

  • compound words without connecting vowels -o-, -e-: cafe-restaurant, diesel engine;
  • names of political parties and their members/supporters: social-democracy, social-democrat;
  • complex units of measurement: man-day, kilowatt-hour, but workday;
  • intermediate cardinal directions, including foreign ones: northwest, northwest;
  • compound surnames: Mamin-Sibiryak, Rimsky-Korsakov;
  • some geographical names: Kamenetz‑Podolsk, Orekhovo‑Zuyevo;
  • words with the first part ober-, non-commissioned officer, lifeguard, ex-, vice-: vice president, non-commissioned officer;
  • application for the word being defined: an old mother, a beautiful girl.

Now consider when to write adjectives with a hyphen (with examples):

  • formed from nouns that are written with a hyphen: social democratic, diesel engine;
  • consist of equivalent components: meat and milk, English and German;
  • indicate shades of colors: white-blue, yellow-green.

These are the main cases when you need to write words with a hyphen. The use of dashes in complex words is considered a blunder.

What is a dash

The dash is a punctuation mark. It is placed between individual words. On both sides it must be beaten off with spaces, and on the left - inseparable. This is necessary so that the sign "sticks" to the previous word and does not wrap to the next line (or wrap immediately with this word). A newline can only start with a dash if a dialog is passed.

The dash is usually divided into long and short dashes. Each of them has its own use cases. Let us consider in more detail the features of the use of dashes and hyphens. What is the difference between these characters?

When to put an em dash

Let's analyze the basic rules for a dash. In the case of a long sign, there are more of them, since this is the classic dash that we met at school. In other words, we have to remember the rules for punctuation in sentences.

The dash is used in the following cases:

  • Between the subject and the predicate, if they are expressed by nouns in nominative case or indefinite forms of the verb: to love is to live. The teacher is my friend.
  • After listing before the generalizing word: russula, mushrooms, ceps, he collected a lot of mushrooms.
  • Before the appendix at the end of the sentence: Petya came to visit me - my best friend.
  • In place of the missing members of the sentence: I left the room, and my friend followed me.

In some cases, you need to put a dash between sentences (see examples below):

  • In case of sharp opposition or unexpected turn events: he turned around - but she was not there.
  • Between the parts of the complex unionless proposal, if the second part indicates the result of what the first says: I told the truth - it became easier.

Of course, there are many more rules for dashes, these are just the main points that occur most often. The use of a hyphen in such cases is unacceptable.

What is an en dash

Let's try to understand even more deeply the difference between a dash and a hyphen. What is the difference? We need to get acquainted with one more sign - an en dash (it is also called an average). Today, it is extremely rare on the Internet. The problem is that in most cases this symbol is simply not familiar to specialists developing websites. And there are reasons for this: the symbol came to us from the English-language printing house.

In width, it is equal to the letter N, which is why it was called en dash. By the way, a long character is equal to M in width, which is why it is called em dash.


For a long time to indicate the range, an em dash without spaces was used. But today it is increasingly being replaced by a short one, and many resources are accepting it as a standard. That is, the spelling should be like this: 2000-2010, 10-12, 63-70.

The character is not preceded by a space, because the range is semantically one whole. But if we are talking about an indefinite interval with a difference of one step, then you need to put a hyphen: 2-3, 4-5.

Many are wondering what sign to put between the years - a dash or a hyphen? The answer is obvious: an en dash, because we are talking about a specific period of time: 1900-1902.

For temperatures, this method is unacceptable, since these units may have negative values. Here the range must be set through ellipsis.

Phone numbers

To date, there is no consensus on the writing of telephone numbers. In particular, orders to use a hyphen, and this option is considered generally accepted. En dash spelling is gaining popularity. However, from a logical point of view, both theories are incorrect. The hyphen is still a spelling mark, and it is put in words. Also phone number is not a range.

A special symbol has been developed for numbers - the so-called figure dash (digital dash).

What is the minus sign

As a minus, a regular hyphen is often used. Sometimes there is a variant with an en dash. In fact, a separate sign has also been developed in this case. The bottom line is that the minus in width should be equal to the plus. The minus character is longer than a hyphen, but slightly shorter than a dash.

The minus, like other mathematical symbols, must be beaten off with non-breaking spaces: 25 - 5 = 20.

How to put a transfer

A hyphen is often indicated with a hyphen. This is almost the right choice. The "ideal" hyphen is a soft hyphen, or soft hyphen. Sometimes it is called shy hyphen. Although outwardly it does not differ from a hyphen, it is he who has the meaning of separating words at the end of a line. If you put hyphen, for example, in the word "book" ("book-ha"), then it turns out that we are talking about compound word, which consists of two parts: “book-” and “-ga”. But soft hyphen will show that this is one word, only separated by a hyphen.

How to insert symbols

We now know that in Russian, dashes and hyphens should not be confused, and in some cases special characters should be used, despite common practice. But the question arises: how to insert these characters into the text?

To do this, turn on Num Lock and enter certain combinations on the numeric keypad.

Please note that outwardly the signs may look almost the same. For this reason, users may mistakenly confuse them. However, they have quite different meaning, and each of them is designed for specific cases. You can not put a spelling mark instead of punctuation. It's also illogical to use a minus in phone numbers since we're not subtracting anything.

Use the non-breaking hyphen with care. On the one hand, a double surname broken into different lines looks ugly. Moreover, it is contrary to the rules of the Russian language. However, this character may not always be read correctly. mobile applications. In this case, the user will see an empty square in its place.

Symbol on the keyboard

But in practice, users most often use a symbol on the keyboard, rather than inserting the characters listed above. No wonder: it is much faster and easier than entering combinations, especially since they still need to be remembered. Usually such a character is called a hyphen.

But in fact, its name sounds like a "hyposominus". Outwardly, it does not differ from the usual hyphen, but in meaning it is not. The term itself suggests that this is an indefinite sign. It is used instead of all other dashes if it is impossible to put the correct character for technical reasons. But if you have the opportunity to insert the desired character, then it is better to do so. With the help of the hypsominus, we only show the reader that a certain dash should stand in this place. By itself, it means nothing.


We learned when dashes and hyphens are used and what is the difference between them. The rules require not to confuse characters and use them for their intended purpose. Even if the signs look similar on the outside, they still have different meanings. The usual defisominus for everyone should be used in extreme cases, because today most users have the opportunity to enter the desired combination.

Dash and hyphen- outwardly very similar signs that resemble a small horizontal line, but differ significantly in use. Very often on the Internet and even in printed publications, authors and editors do not pay attention to correct usage dashes and hyphens.

Hyphen(old. division from it. Divis- connecting sign, division sign, from lat. division- (time) division), dash- a non-alphabetic spelling mark in Russian and many other scripts that separates parts of a word. Graphically, a hyphen is shorter than a dash.

  • It divides a word into syllables when it breaks to a new line, and also divides parts of compound words, for example, brick red, wardrobe, bright yellow, firebird, southwest, social democrat, Mamin-Sibiryak, Rostov-on-Don, Don Quixote.
  • Abbreviations are also written with a hyphen island(society), dr(doctor), etc.
  • A hyphen is used to attach some prefixes or particles to a word: say it in english.
  • Particles are written through a hyphen something, something, something.
  • When wrapping a word from one line to another, the hyphen always remains on the first line. The hyphen is written together with the words both preceding it and following it, that is, the hyphen is never separated by spaces. The only case when a space is placed after the hyphen is when the first two parts are substituted in turn for the second part of the compound word. For example: radio-, tele- and video performances.

Dash(fr. tired, from tirer - stretch) - one of punctuation marks used in many languages. The dash was introduced into Russian writing by the writer and historian N. M. Karamzin. The dash is medium (it is also called short) and long.

  • En dash also called “en-dash”, “n-dash”, because its length is equal to the width of the letter N. An en dash is placed between numbers, for example, 5–10. In this case, the en dash is not set off by spaces.
  • Em dash also called "em-dash", "m-dash", because its length is equal to the width of the letter M). The em dash is the dash. It is placed between words syntactic level and is separated from the surrounding words by spaces, that is, it separates parts of the sentence: subject and predicate, which are nouns in the nominative case. An em dash indicates a long pause in a sentence. For example, "Dash is a punctuation mark." The dash is also used in incomplete sentences when there is no predicate or both main members of the sentence. For example, "Overhead - clear sky". A dash expresses a special intonation. The em dash is used in direct speech.

Not only ordinary Internet users do not know when to put a dash and when a hyphen, but most copywriters do not know which character to use when writing text. And if we also take into account the fact that a number of unnecessary movements must be made to put down a dash, then one should not be surprised that in every second text published on the Internet, a hyphen is used as a dash.

What is the difference between a hyphen and a dash?

A hyphen is a spelling mark, like the same letters, that is embedded inside words. A hyphen is a short dash (-) and no spaces are made between it and word parts. The hyphen is also used as a hyphen.

A dash is a punctuation mark, like a comma, colon, period, and others, which is written between words and, as a rule, separated from them by spaces. There is an em dash (‒) and an em dash (-).

When is the en dash used?

Most writers are not used to distinguishing between hyphens and dashes. Therefore, these people do not always know when a dash is put and whether it should be short or long. But here you don’t need to memorize a lot, because an en dash must be placed between numerals or as a minus. In all other cases, as a rule, an em dash is used. Including the design of bulleted lists.

Many copywriters think about putting a dash or a hyphen between the numbers. These are echoes of the rules of the Russian language, once studied, but forgotten. A connecting short dash is placed between the numbers, which is not separated from them by spaces.. For example: 2002–2016, 2–3, II–VI, GOST 548–80, IEC 65797–96, 90–60–90.

An en dash is often used as a minus sign.. Although this dash should be shorter than a dash and longer than a hyphen. If the minus is written between the numbers, then it is separated from them by spaces (4 - 2 = 2). When it comes to temperature, the minus is not separated from the number by a space (‒1°C).

When is the em dash used?

Every copywriter needs to know where to put a dash and where a hyphen. Many people think that bulleted lists should have a hyphen. But this is a misconception. Lists must be formatted using em dashes. This rule follows from traditional Russian typography, where an em dash has always played the role of a list marker. It is also mentioned in the requirements for paperwork, according to GOST 2.105‒95 unified system design documentation (ESKD).

Between the numerals in the meaning "from the first number to the second" an em dash is placed. For example, "five to eight months", meaning "from five to eight months." The same is true when designating the time interval - "in February - October 2016, 25 houses were built." This means that between February and October 2016, 25 houses were built.

When indicating quantitative, temporal, spatial limits and routes in the meaning "from and to", an em dash is used, which is separated from words by spaces. For example: Moscow - Simferopol, Siberia - Kazakhstan - Urals, Australia - America, XI - XIV centuries, two - three days.

Company names usually include an em dash between the names of cities or the names of two merged firms. Examples: "VKO Brilliant - Shungite", " Insurance Company Moscow - Sochi»

An em dash must be placed:
- in place of the missing member of the sentence (They love this cake, and I - very much);
- when highlighting direct speech (- I want to live in an ideal world, she shouted);
- between the subject and the predicate (Three times three - nine);
- when marking pauses (And he took it and turned away!);
- before “this”, “this is”, “here”, “this means” (Romance is what she dreams of);
- between the generalizing word that stands after the enumeration (Neither the singing of the nightingale, nor the voice of the rooster - nothing will wake her up);
- before the application, which is placed at the end of the sentence (She does not like this grass - wormwood);
- between two independent sentences, if the second contains an addition or opposition to the first (He has been everywhere - and yet he has not been anywhere);
- between two predicates;
- between homogeneous members of a sentence or two sentences connected without the use of unions, in order to express a sharp contrast (It is not surprising to destroy relations - it is not surprising to save);
- between two sentences that are connected without unions, if the result is in the second sentence (Stars strewn the sky - night has come);
- between two sentences related in meaning, where the subordinate clause comes first, and at the same time there are no subordinating conjunctions(Gruzdev called himself get in the body);
- in order to indicate the place of disintegration simple sentence into two word groups, unless other punctuation marks are used (Everyone obeys me, but I obey no one);
- in sentences in which they are inserted in the middle of a sentence in order to clarify or supplement when it is better to omit the brackets (Only once - at the very beginning of our journey - a strange incident occurred);
- when it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence in a common application, standing after the noun being defined (In front of the club - a log house - a large crowd gathered);
- as an additional decimal point, before a repeating word that connects the main sentence with a new, developing, reinforcing or complementary one (Now she realized that all these shameless people - they will all be punished for their deeds);
- as an additional sign after the comma separating the main sentence from the subordinate clauses preceding it, when it is necessary to emphasize the split into two parts (Who did this, why and why, no one will know this);
- between proper names that denote scientific institution or any teaching (Boyle's gas law - Mariotte).

When should you use a hyphen?

Most people familiar with the rules of the Russian language know that if a word is compound noun, borrowed from foreign language, then it contains a hyphen. For example, vice president or ex-champion. In adjectives denoting shades and combinations of colors, hyphenation is also necessary. For example, light gray, red-yellow.

When you can put “or” between numerals, a hyphen is indicated (two or three days, one or two members of the sentence). In addition, hyphenation between numbers and letters is recommended. For example: 5-thousandth, 100-millionth, 6-hundredth. You can read more about which words use a hyphen.

How to type em dash, en dash and hyphen?

This part of the article will be especially useful for copywriters. In order not to forget its contents, it is recommended to add this publication bookmark or make an announcement on the wall of a social network.

To create an em dash, you need to type "2014". And then, having selected this number, press the Alt and X buttons. The number will become a long dash “-”.

To create an en dash, you need to type "2012". Next, you need to do the same as in the previous case. The result is an en dash "‒".

With a hyphen, everything is much easier. There is a button on the keyboard, when pressed, this spelling character is typed. Otherwise, you can create a hyphen by typing the number "2011", highlighting it, and pressing the Alt and X buttons. The result is a short dash "-".

When is a dash, and when is a hyphen? Examples

Today, Marina was able to enjoy a new laptop, which she bought in a store hung with red and blue posters. She did not like this shop, as well as its tasteless decoration. But such low prices like there, she could not even imagine. She got a brand new computer for next to nothing.

In this computer shop - a tiny room, a crowd of buyers always gathered. And as a rule, the seller could not cope with his duties at all. Therefore, people had to stand for a long time to get what they needed.

All this - a small room and an endless queue greatly strained Marina. But when her computer burned out, on the recommendation of her friend, she decided to go to the store that disgusted her. It seemed to Marina that she had to stand in line for 2-3 hours until she was able to pick up the object of her desire - a brand new laptop.

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Putting a dash in a sentence.

A dash in a sentence is put:

I. A dash can be placed between the subject and the predicate:

1. In the absence of a linking verb between the subject and the predicate, the expressed forms of the nominative case of the noun (before the words this, this means, this means a dash is always placed):
1) in sentences containing a logical definition or characterization of an object by indicating an essential feature:

Geology - it's science about the structure, composition, history of the earth's crust.
Book - source knowledge.

2) in the proposals of scientific and journalistic style:

Appearance new medicine -result several years of work of many scientists;
Preparation residential buildings for winter -here is the task of paramount importance.

3) after homogeneous subjects: Flattery Andcowardice - the most stupidvices .

2. Before the predicate, expressed idiomatic turnover: Aporch - God bless another prince .
3. To clarify the meaning of the sentence: Compare:

SeniorBrother - my teacher,
my brother - teacher .

4. If the subject and predicate are expressed by the infinitive or one of the main members is expressed by the nominative form of the noun, and the other by the infinitive:

Lifelive - not fieldgo . Purpose each person -develop in itself everything human, general andenjoy them.

5. If the subject and predicate are expressed as numerals in the form of the nominative case, or if one of the main members is expressed in the form of the nominative case of the noun, and the other - as a numeral or turnover with a numeral:

Two by two is four.
Big Dipper - Seven Stars in the form of a bucket south of the North Star.
weight gold - 19.3.

Possible options:

, a sequence of events that are closely related to each other, short (you can use the union "and")

- cause-and-effect relationships (the first part is the cause, the second is the effect), (and therefore ...).

: conditionality, the second part is the cause (because).

Exercise: explain the punctuation marks in the BSP.

 Some ant was of exorbitant strength, which was not heard in ancient times; he even (says his faithful historian) could lift two large grains of barley.

 Oblomov listened and waited: someone grabbed the ring at the gate, and at the same moment there was a desperate barking and the dog began galloping on the chain.

 Therefore, it is my custom: there is no other way to make peace with wolves than by taking off their skins.

 Flies buzzed, mosquitoes whined, a cricket crackled somewhere.

Zhilin began to peer: something looms in the valley, like smoke from chimneys.

 You wake up and, before you open your eyes, you hear: the rakita has come to life. (Rakita - a tree or shrub growing along the banks of rivers - willow).

 The crimson rays of the sun poured blood over the walls and towers of the city, the glass of the windows shone ominously, the whole city seemed wounded.

 And a gloomy winter is coming to us: the steppe has dried up, the forest is dying and turning yellow, the autumn wind, catching up the clouds, has opened animal manholes in the bushes.

 A small garden lay motionless in front of me, all illuminated and, as it were, calmed by the silvery rays of the moon, fragrant and moist; broken in the old way, it consisted of one oblong clearing.

 Clouds float low in the blue sky above the small square of Capri, bright patterns of stars flash, blue Sirius flashes and goes out.

 Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the matter was arguing in his hands.

 The ignoramuses judge exactly like this: what they don’t understand is everything is a trifle for them.

 Not a storm of falcons brought across the wide fields - flocks of jackdaws rush to the Great Don.

 Another moment - the end of anxiety, expectation, longing.

 Do not shout about yourself - let others talk about you quietly.

 He will look - he will give a ruble.

 I was driving here - the rye was starting to turn yellow.

Miscellaneous cases placing dashes in a sentence.

(The teacher can use these materials in accordance with the objectives of his lesson).

1. Subject and predicate - infinitive. ( Fighting alone - you can't turn life upside down).

2. Subject and predicate - a noun in the nominative case. ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is a real gem of ancient Russian literature).

3. The subject is a noun, the predicate is an infinitive. ( The highest human happiness is to strive for something greater than personal happiness.)

4. Incomplete sentences.(Other herbs bloom every month, cactus - once in a century).

5. Common applications.(We, keeping our grandfather's custom, bring home from the mountains prey - a deer shot down by an arrow).

6. Plug-in designs. My arrival - I could notice this - at first somewhat embarrassed the guests.

7. Homogeneous members of a sentence with opposition relations.(Not a small fishing sail - I dream of ships. I wanted to go around the whole world - and did not go around a hundredth).

8. Homogeneous members of a sentence with a generalizing word.(The backs of horses, harnesses, reins, wheel tires - everything is wet and glitters in the sun, as if varnished).

9. Homogeneous members of the proposal, introductory word generalizing word.(But common sense, firmness and freedom, ardent participation in other people's troubles and joys - in a word, all her virtues were definitely born in her).

10. A group of homogeneous members of the sentence, the nature of the explanation, the logical stress on the generalizing word, there is no warning pause.(Everything around - fences, houses, trees - sways in some strange fog, as if from the wind. Everywhere: above your head, under your feet and next to you - iron lives, rumbles, celebrating its victories.)

11. Inconsistent definition expressed by the infinitive (namely).(I had one desire - to get home as soon as possible).

12. Agreed and inconsistent definitions, dash to emphasize their semantic significance, as it performs the function of an explanatory member of the sentence. ( Before the eyes of the captain stood this merchant - small, withered, in a long-sleeved robe, in a velvet cap and brightly polished boots).

13. Appendix at the end of the sentence, which provides an explanation.(They were scared by a raccoon dog - a small shaggy animal).

14. Appendix are explanatory.(Partisans - men and women - escorted captured soldiers).

15. Appendix at the end of the sentence contains an explanation.(Only the watchman lived at the lighthouse - an old deaf Swede, a former skipper).

18. Dialogue.

What, do you have a book? Konovalov asked.
- Eat.
- Will you read to me?
- OK…
- That's good! You know? I'll live for a month, take the money from the owner and half - to you?
- For what?
- Buy a book...

19. BSP, the first sentence with the value of the condition.(I’ll think about it - I’ll hide the big rivers for a long time under oppression).

20. BSP, opposition. ( It was long past dusk—she was still sitting in the living room.)

21. BSP, the second sentence with the meaning of the consequence.(Praises are tempting - how not to desire them?)

22.BSP, first sentence with a time value. (The nightingale trills ceased - the forest plunged into predawn silence).

Dash not only an indicator of the semantic relations between the parts of the sentence, but also their sharp delimiter.

In linguistics, there is a concept - intonation dash - such a dash, which writers and poets resort to as a means of expressiveness of speech, in order to focus on the word that is important for the writer, to express the emotional and expressive mood of the author himself, to create a special rhythm of the work.

1. It's too early - not to be!
It's still early - don't burn it!
Tenderness! cruel scourge
Otherworldly meetings.

2. Curtain waterfalls, like foam -
Needles - flame - noise.
There is no secret at the curtain - from the stage.
(The stage is you, the curtain is me).

3. Serve - without a break - forever,
And live - for life - without neg!
Oh, alive - get up a little! Than light!
To the archive, to Elysium crippled!

4. Foot in the stirrup! - through fire and water!
Where riding - where crawling - where swimming!
| Reed - willow - swamp,
And where the horse does not take - there in the summer,
All the winds are cloaked in a cloak!

M. Tsvetaeva.

With the help of a dash, Tsvetaeva highlights the emotionally and semantically most important, meaningful words and expressions. Tsvetaeva's favorite signs are a dash and an exclamation point. Only they are able to convey the intensity of passions, the riot of feelings that seizes the lyrical heroine of Tsvetaeva's poetry.

Individual-author's dash : conciseness of speech, stinginess in verbal means of expression. For example, the text of Tsvetaeva, condensed to the limit, often contains only semantic guidelines, those keywords, which cannot be guessed, yet other elements of the statement are omitted, since in this case they do not carry main idea.

Area. - And sleepers. - And the last bush

In hand. - I'm letting go. - Late

Hold on. - Sleepers.

Saint Petersburg

All cases of setting a dash.

Material prepared by students

One of the effective and interesting methods of working on the rules of Russian punctuation is the independent selection by students of examples for the rule passed from various texts. These can be works of both domestic and foreign literature, both classical and modern. Moreover, it can be not only works of art, but also texts of a scientific or newspaper-journalistic style (fragments or individual sentences from encyclopedias, articles, etc.). The only prohibition is not to use educational literature, especially Russian language textbooks. It is very simple to check whether the student found an example on his own: ask everyone to indicate the author (surname and initials) of the book from which the sentence is written, as well as its title. By checking the performance of this task, you will not only get an idea of ​​​​the ability of each student to produce syntactic and punctuation analysis of the text, but also learn the reading habits of your students. Classes in Russian become more interesting, livelier. The best examples should be dictated to the class and analyzed. Be sure to name the person from whose notebook the proposal is taken. The children are also interested in learning more about each other: what they read, what they are interested in besides the school curriculum. Do not forbid choosing examples from children's books, even if your students are high school students. In A. Miln's fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh", translated by B. Zakhoder, one can find almost all possible cases in Russian of setting a dash and a colon.
Gradually, you will collect a collection of wonderful examples that you will use in your lessons instead of boring and boring examples from textbooks for everyone (and especially for you).
Here are sentences collected by my students on one of the most "extensive" punctuation topics. These examples are suitable for a generalizing repetition on the topic “Dash”, when all private topics have been covered: a dash between the subject and the predicate, before generalizing words, when highlighting applications, plug-in structures, between parts of a complex non-union sentence, etc.


1. Between the subject and the predicate with a zero link, if the main members are expressed by a noun, an infinitive, a quantitative numeral in the nominative case, as well as a phrase containing the indicated parts of speech.

Is it really, I thought, that my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people's hopes? ( M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time)

Love beautifies life.
Love is the charm of nature... ( MM. Zoshchenko. Blue book. Love)

Love is a form, and my own form is already decaying. ( I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons)

Let me note by the way: all poets are dreamy friends of love. ( A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin)

And genius and villainy are two incompatible things. ( A.S. Pushkin. Mozart and Salieri)

- Prokatilov - power! - the company began to console Struchkov. ( A.P. Chekhov. on a nail)

Know my destiny is to cherish dreams
And there with a sigh in the air
Spread fiery tears.

(A.A. Fet. Rocket)

It's typical foppery to rob a poor widow. ( I.Ilf, E.Petrov. The twelve Chairs)

2. Before words this, that means standing between the subject and the predicate.

And reduce the amount human lives for 50 million years is not criminal. ( E. Zamyatin. We)

But we know that dreams are a serious mental illness. ( E. Zamyatin. We)

Live forever in torment
in the midst of deep doubts
This is a strong ideal
Creating nothing, hating, despising
And shining like crystal.

(N. Gumilyov. Evil genius, king of doubt...)

3. If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, a dash is placed in the following cases:

A) in the logical selection of the pronoun:

She is the culprit of that transformation. ( I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov)
You are a ladder in a big, foggy house. ( V.V. Nabokov. Ladder)

b) in opposition:

I thirst and hunger, and you are an empty flower,
And meeting with you is more dreary than granite.

(B.L. Parsnip. Miracle)

Here we are, partners in gatherings.
Here Anna is an accomplice of nature...

(B.A. Akhmadulina. Anna Kalandadze)

V) in reverse word order:

The swan is here, taking a deep breath,
Said: “Why far?
Know close your fate,
After all, this princess is me.

(A.S. Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan)

G) with structural parallelism of parts of a sentence:

He is all a child of goodness and light,
He is all - freedom triumph!

(A.A. Block. Oh, I want to live crazy!)

4. If there is a pause in place of the missing main or minor member in incomplete sentences.

Wandering eyes, Ivan Savelyevich declared that on Thursday afternoon he got drunk alone in his office at the Variety, after which he went somewhere, but he doesn’t remember where, he drank starka somewhere else, but where he doesn’t remember where he was lying under the fence, but again, he doesn’t remember where. ( M.A. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

In winter, there was a lot of light on Peschanaya Street, it was gray and deserted, in spring it was sunny and cheerful, especially when looking at white wall archpriest's house, on clean glass, on the gray-green tops of poplars in blue sky. (I.A. Bunin. Cup of life)

Fire is met with fire
Trouble - misfortune and ailment treat ailment ...

(W. Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. Per. B.L. Pasternak)

5. Intonation dash between any members of the sentence.

The dead lay - and babbled a terrible, unknown speech. ( A.S. Pushkin. Feast in Time of Plague)

The prince removed the lock, opened the door and stepped back in amazement, even shuddered all over: Nastasya Filippovna stood before him. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Idiot)

This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor. ( I. Ilf, E. Petrov. The twelve Chairs)

6. In the notes, the explained word is separated from the explanation by a dash (regardless of the form of expression of the predicate).

Sibyl Samiiska - from the name of the island of Samos. ( D.S. Busslovich. People, heroes, gods)

7. With generalizing words:

a) if the generalizing word is after the homogeneous members of the sentence:

Disgrace, execution, dishonor, taxes, and labor, and hunger - you have experienced everything. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

The triumph of self-preservation, salvation from the crushing danger - that was what filled his whole being at that moment. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment)

b) when a generalizing word is in front of homogeneous members, a colon is placed after it, and a dash is placed after homogeneous members if the sentence continues after them:

everything around: the blood-drenched field, the French lying in a pile everywhere, the scattered dirty rags in the blood - it was disgusting and disgusting. ( L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace)

A crowd of buildings: human, barns, cellars - filled the yard. ( N.V. Gogol. Dead Souls)

8. Between words and numbers to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits ("from ... to").

The milestone was once along the large waterway Voronezh - Azov. ( M.A. Sholokhov. Quiet Don)

Note. If between nouns - proper names or numbers you can insert or, then put a hyphen.

There were also two or three former literary celebrities who happened then in St. Petersburg and with whom Varvara Petrovna had long maintained the most elegant relations. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

9. To isolate the application, if it is of an explanatory nature.

Another thing - getting money - met with obstacles in the same way. ( L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina)

10. Before an application at the end of a sentence, if it is logically selected.

In my room I found the clerk of the neighboring estate, Nikita Nazaritch Mishchenko. ( A.I. Kuprin. Olesya)

He walked the whole Bogoyavlenskaya street; finally it went downhill, my feet rode in the mud, and suddenly a wide, foggy, as if empty space opened up - a river. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

11. To isolate common agreed definitions at the end of a sentence, especially when listing:

This is in some showcases, and in others hundreds of ladies' hats appeared, and with feathers, and without feathers, and with buckles, and without them, hundreds of shoes - black, white, yellow, leather, satin, suede, and with straps, and with pebbles. ( M.A. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

12. To isolate the secondary members of the sentence, expressed by the infinitive, which are of an explanatory nature, both at the end and in the middle of the sentence:

Cat Vasily took a spring vacation - to get married. ( A. and B. Strugatsky. Monday starts on Saturday

Because of Sibgatov, Dontsova even changed direction scientific interests: she delved into the pathology of the bones from one impulse - to save Sibgatov. ( A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Cancer Corps)

13. For separating plug-in structures.

Killed him - what a strange word! - a month later, in Galicia. ( I.A. Bunin. Cold autumn)

But don't try to keep for yourself
Given to you by heaven:
Condemned - and we know it ourselves -
We squander, not hoard.

(A.A. Akhmatova. We have the freshness of words ...)

14. Between parts of a compound sentence, if the sentence contains a contrast or indicates a quick change of events.

The horses walked at a pace - and soon they stopped. ( A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter)

The hetman has reigned - and it's great. ( M.A. Bulgakov. White Guard)

15. For the intonational separation of the subordinate and main clauses (often in sentences with structure parallelism).

If death is light, I die
If death, I will burn lightly.
And I do not forgive my tormentors,
But for the flour - I thank them.

(Z. Gippius. Martyr)

And today the air smells of death:
Open a window - what to open the veins. ( B.L. Parsnip. Gap)

16. In non-union complex sentences, if:

a) the second part is opposed to the first:

They were chasing me - I was not embarrassed in spirit. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

Do good - he will not say thank you. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

b) the second part contains a consequence, a result, a conclusion from what is said in the first:

Veli - I will die; commanded - I will breathe only for you. ( A.S. Pushkin. stone guest)

I met you - and all the past
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm...

(F.I. Tyutchev. K.B.)

I'm dying - I have nothing to lie. ( I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons)

c) the second part contains a comparison with what is said in the first:

It will pass - as if the sun will shine!
Look - the ruble will give.

(ON THE. Nekrasov. Jack Frost)

d) the sentence expresses a quick change of events, an unexpected addition:

Come to me for a glass of rum
Come - we will shake the old days.

(A.S. Pushkin. Today I'm at home in the morning...)

e) the first part indicates the time or condition for performing the action referred to in the second part:


God willing - ten, twenty years,
And twenty-five, and thirty he will live.

(A.S. Pushkin. Miserly knight);

I don't give a damn, Varvara Ardalionovna; whatever you want, at least now fulfill your intention. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Idiot)


And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn,
And azure, and midday heat ...
The time will come - the Lord will ask the prodigal son:
“Were you happy in your earthly life?”

(I.A. Bunin. And flowers, and bumblebees...)

e) with the explanatory meaning of the second part (you can insert a union before it What); however, a colon is usually used in this case, compare:

I know there's a nail in my boot
more nightmarish than Goethe's fantasy!

(V.V. Mayakovsky. A cloud in pants)

I will tell you with the last
All just nonsense - sherry brandy -
My angel.

(O.E. Mandelstam. I will tell you...)

g) the second part is a connecting sentence (it is preceded by or you can insert the word This):

Screaming stones state -
Armenia, Armenia!
Hoarse mountains calling to arms -
Armenia, Armenia!

(O.E. Mandelstam. Armenia)

17. With direct speech.


Between subject and predicate, expressed nouns, if:

1. Before the predicate there is a negation, an introductory word, an adverb, a union, a particle:

I really regret that my husband is not a doctor. ( A.P. Chekhov. Name day)

One more question: how do you feel about the fact that the moon is also the work of the mind? ( V.M. Shukshin. cut off)

Compare with a pause:

Styopa was well known in the theater circles of Moscow, and everyone knew that this man was not a gift. ( M.A. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

That is how they begin to understand.
And in the noise of a running turbine
It seems that a mother is not a mother,
that you are not you, that the house is a foreign land.

(B.L. Parsnip. That's how they start...)

2. The predicate is preceded by a minor member of the sentence related to it:

[Trofimov:] All Russia is our garden.

(A.P. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard)

Compare with a pause: Mr. G-v serves, and Mr. Shatov - former student. (F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

Silencing the whispers of inspired superstition, common sense tells us that life is but a gap of faint light between two perfectly black eternities. ( V.V. Nabokov. other shores)

3. Nominal compound predicate precedes the subject:

What a glorious place this valley is!

(M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time)

4. The subject in combination with the predicate is a phraseological phrase:

“Another's soul is dark,” Bunin answers and adds: “No, my own is much darker.”

(I.A. Ilyin. Creativity I.A. Bunin)

5. The subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case:

Yes, Lewis is a type. Of course, he is a bore, but his vocabulary is gigantic. ( J. D. Salinger. Catcher in the rye)

6. In sentences conversational style:

What hair! Nonsense hair! This is what I'm saying! It's even better if it starts to fight, I'm not afraid of that ... ( F.M. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment)