Increasingly appearing in the press and on the Web, information about the supposed safety and benefits of marijuana often becomes an argument for young people in favor of smoking “weed” or other use of cannabis. Information about this plant is indeed contradictory, because since ancient times its stems, foliage and inflorescences have been used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and industrial production, thanks to the beneficial substances it contains. But it is one thing to use the plant for good, and quite another to smoke the marijuana obtained from it. What is this substance and what is the harm of marijuana?

A few words about marijuana and cannabinoids

There is no clear opinion about the origin of the name marijuana, but this definition is used to denote a psychoactive substance derived from the Cannabis plant. It is thanks to the botanical name of the plant, which has 3 species (Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis), cannabis is considered its official name, and the active substances produced by hemp are cannabinoids. The best known and most potent cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinol, is found in the first two species in high amounts, while Cannabis ruderalis contains the least amount.

Marijuana is an integral part of many Asian cultures, traditions and meditations. For example, there are three varieties of cannabis used in India:

  • bhang, the cheapest drug, obtained from stems, leaves and seeds, and with the least potency;
  • ganja made from inflorescences cultivated plants female;
  • Sharas, known as hashish, is made by pressing pollen crystals and has a powerful effect.

In most countries of the world, marijuana is recognized as a narcotic substance, and smoking cannabis is punishable by law.

Physiological and psychological effects of marijuana on the body

The narcotic and analgesic properties of cannabis are mentioned in ancient Chinese and ancient Indian manuscripts. But marijuana became most widespread with the advent of Eastern countries Islam. This religion does not allow its believers to drink alcohol, and hashish, due to its intoxicating effect, has become, as it were, a substitute for alcohol. This, of course, is not the benefit of marijuana, since the drug addiction that occurs when smoking cannabis is stronger and more dangerous than alcohol. What is the harm from smoking cannabis on the human body?

Physiological signs

The effect of cannabinoids on the body is manifested by the following physiological signs:

  • dry mouth;
  • pupil dilation;
  • redness and unhealthy gleam in the eyes.

Despite some of the anti-nausea effects of cannabis, high doses of marijuana can cause nausea and even vomiting. At high doses, pain and aches in the bones can also be observed, although the pain-relieving properties of cannabis are known.

But the harm from smoking and inhaling marijuana doesn't stop there. The greatest trouble awaits the smoker from the psychological impact.

Signs of psychological impact

Usually, psychological impact of marijuana per person is largely determined by the internal setting, the expectations of the smoker himself. It is not for nothing that hashish is sometimes called a group drug, because a person drunk from its influence begins to involuntarily copy the behavior of the people around him. If for the first time a smoker gets a cigarette with cannabis by accident, he may not even notice the harm from it, since he will not feel anything unusual. Repeated "smoke breaks" will already be accompanied by physiological signs, psychological ones will also appear:

  • loss of speech intelligibility;
  • hypertrophied perception of the world - excessive brightness of colors, loudness of sounds and contrast of objects environment, time acceleration;
  • impaired motor function;
  • loss of ability to think;
  • painful carelessness, reaching to foolishness, or vice versa - suspiciousness;
  • unaccountable anxiety, fears, anxiety;
  • at high doses - the appearance of auditory and visual hallucinations.

The harm from the systematic smoking of cannabis is aggravated by the fact that, together with cannabinoids, heavy resins and combustion products enter the human body. Although supporters of smoking weed claim that smoking regular cigarettes is much more harmful. But all of the above dispels doubts about the harm of smoking cannabis, because such a strong psychological effect on the body can lead to schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

Signs of addiction to cannabis

With severe drug addiction a person is not able to cope on his own, so you should not bring your body to such a state. Addiction occurs imperceptibly, but it can be suspected by signs:

  • a sharp feeling of hunger after getting out of intoxication;
  • fatigue, weakness, general malaise;
  • in the future - by loss of appetite, nausea, insomnia;
  • increased sweating, tachycardia, trembling in the body;
  • loss of mood, depression, irritability, malice, obsessive anxiety and fear.

With prolonged use of cannabis, breathing problems, headaches (compressive) pains, heaviness and pain in the heart and chest area may appear.

What causes chronic marijuana intoxication?

As a result of prolonged smoking of cannabis, signs of chronic cannabis intoxication appear.

In addition, men may experience a decrease in sexual function - a decrease sexual attraction and satisfaction, decreased potency, gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands) and hypogonadism (underdevelopment of the genital organs).

The most common cause of death for cannabinoid addicts is lung disease (cancer) or heart disease. The harm of cannabis lies in the occurrence of addiction and the practical impossibility of getting rid of it on your own.

Can marijuana be helpful

Speaking about the harm that marijuana brings, one cannot ignore it. beneficial features that have been talked about so much lately.

Despite numerous myths, it is not so much the benefits of smoking cannabis that are meant, but rather the effectiveness. medicines based on cannabis.

  1. Such pharmacological properties of marijuana as analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-nausea, sedative have long been confirmed.
  2. Research recent years showed the ability of marijuana to alleviate the condition of patients undergoing chemotherapy procedures.
  3. Cannabis is used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and others.
  4. Marijuana is being monitored for its effectiveness in the fight against oncological diseases, such as prostate cancer.
  5. Smoking marijuana in small quantities can lower intraocular pressure.

As you can see, marijuana cannot be classified as an absolutely harmful substance, but thoughtlessly smoking cannabis is also unreasonable. Proponents of cannabis smoking believe that addiction to it can be eliminated in just 2-3 days, having endured the so-called "withdrawal" (withdrawal syndrome). But narcologists warn that it is impossible to determine the dangerous dosages of cannabinoids when smoking, you can smoke both a weak and a potent variety of cannabis, and it is almost impossible to predict its effect on the body.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling another myth associated with the imaginary benefits of marijuana smoking. Supporters of the legalization of this "light drug" cite as an example the incredible achievements of the greatest celebrities, which they committed under the sweetish smoke of marijuana. In their opinion, this fact refutes the assertion about the negative effect of cannabis on brain activity, but on the contrary, emphasizes its beneficial effect.

However, narcologists are relentless and advise to remember under what circumstances these great heavy smokers ended their lives. The vast majority ended up in insane asylums or committed suicide. Therefore, we will not rush to conclusions and wait for the conclusion of official medicine regarding the harm or benefit of smoking marijuana.

There is an opinion among men that marijuana has a beneficial effect on potency. This is one of the reasons for the rapid spread of cannabis addiction. Young people are trying weed for a new sexual pleasure. Marijuana smoking has been linked to increased male erection, prolonged intercourse time, increased orgasmic experience, and even the ability to experience it multiple times.

How marijuana affects potency

Studies show that cannabis has a negative effect on the body of a man. Yes, at the beginning of its use, a young man gets increased pleasure from sex due to changes in consciousness. As the body adapts to cannabinoids, increasing the dose of marijuana is required to achieve the same results.

  • Persistent hormonal changes.
  • The fading of libido against the background of an altered consciousness and a redistribution of priorities.
  • The development of prostatitis due to violations of the trophism of the prostate.

If a man uses hashish or weed for a long time, the state of the vessels changes irrevocably. Including those that provide a rush of blood to the penis. The end result is impotence and infertility.

When using weed or hashish for a long time, the state of the vessels changes irrevocably.

Scientists report cases of intense pain in the genitals during orgasm after smoking weed. This is the response of cannabinoid receptors located in the penis to an increase in the dose of THC. The suffering was so intense that men lost the desire to have sex for a long time, and the pleasure of another cigarette with marijuana remained available.

Is there a positive impact

The psychogenic effects of cannabis depend on the individual mood of the person. If he smokes grass to relax, he gets the effect of inhibition, if for cheerfulness he becomes laughing and talkative, and if to increase potency, he will feel a surge of sexual strength. Naturally, the effects of marijuana are individual, but its dependence on the psychological mood has been scientifically proven.

Andrologists claim that a persistent and strong erection against the background of a smoked “joint” is the fruit of a fantasy altered by cannabinoids. The statement is also relevant regarding unforgettable sex and enchanting orgasm after using marijuana.

The verbal description of the effects by the "experienced" becomes the reason for the desire to try the drug and the basis for the feeling of "benefit" similar to the described effect. The man gets what he expects.

Prolongation of sexual intercourse smoking weed occurs under the "anesthetic" action of THC. This substance is able to dull pain, and therefore is used in medicine. If a person switches from marijuana to concentrated types of drugs (hashish), his sensitivity decreases significantly, and getting an orgasm requires the use of an increased amount of marijuana.

Signs of intoxication

The threshold effective dose for THC is 50 mg/kg. After adapting to it, the “coming” occurs when using a stronger weed or smoking an increased amount of cannabis. After a couple of months of regular marijuana smoking, a man needs a dose of 100–200 mg/kg THC. If the smoker continues to increase the dose, there is a risk of intoxication. It manifests itself:

  • Rapid heart rate.
  • An increase in blood pressure.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Inhibition of all reactions.

After using large doses of marijuana, it will be possible to induce an erection only after 6-10 hours.

In the presence of sexual attraction, contact is doomed to failure. After using large doses of marijuana, it will be possible to induce an erection only after 6-10 hours. Due to changes in vascular tone, she will be inferior, and a man is unlikely to reach orgasm. This indicates the onset of a critical moment - if a man does not stop using cannabis, he will soon become a drug addict, impotent and lose interest in life.

Influence on other functions of the male body

The harm of marijuana lies in the slow destruction of the psyche of a man. Over time, he switches to finding new sources of pleasure, as the effect of weed becomes too weak. Disturbances in the work of the body have already happened and other drugs only accelerate their progression.

Regular use of marijuana causes a complex of toxic-organic lesions. They occur in all tissues and organs, but are often disguised as the effects of other, hard drugs. If a man smokes a lot, problems appear most quickly respiratory system. A little later, changes in the psyche will be noticeable.


Hemp cannabinoids disrupt the natural balance of acetylcholine in the body. This is a protein compound that transmits excitation along nerve cells. Inhibition of its synthesis is the main mechanism for the development of "retardation" in smokers. Under the influence of marijuana, vasoconstriction occurs, and as a result, ischemia of large areas of the cerebral cortex develops. Edema of the perivascular tissues is fraught with the death of neurons. Consequences - violations of the thought process, the gradual loss of cognitive abilities, impaired coordination of movements, memory, loss of skills.

The consequences of marijuana use are violations of the thought process, coordination of movements, memory, loss of skills.


Inhalation of acrid smoke while smoking marijuana damages the receptors in the mouth and nasal cavities. Hashish and other cannabis drugs increase the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, and lungs. Trying to get the best effect, smokers keep the smoke inside themselves for a long time, which is harmful to the bronchi. Due to the worsening social status, there are many TB patients among marijuana users. The life of every smoker is accompanied by chronic bronchitis and obsessive cough.

Endocrine system

The undesirable effect of marijuana on the body's humoral regulatory system appears later than all other effects. Over time, the balance of all hormones in a man is disturbed, the thyroid gland and pancreas suffer. Digestion is disturbed, metabolism worsens. The man shows signs of gynecomastia. Due to a significant decrease in testosterone levels, a guy can become effeminate and gain weight. The body's defenses suffer, immunity decreases, ARVI becomes more frequent. Violation of the adrenal cortex provokes the appearance of edema, foci of inflammation, unreasonable pain.

The use of marijuana is fraught with serious problems with the thyroid gland.

Psychological changes

Panic attacks and bouts of aggression, loss of motivation and social connections, frequent lethargy, weakness and apathy. All these are manifestations of the negative impact of weed on nervous system men. Among mental disorders - prolonged depression, neurosis, psychosis, schizophrenia. Under the “high”, a man loses his understanding of “bad” and “good”, and becomes asocialized. Large doses of THC can cause severe auditory and visual hallucinations. During such attacks, the addict can commit suicide, injure himself and others.

reproductive functions

The negative effect of weed on the male reproductive system is manifested by impaired fertility. The testicles decrease in size, become loose, stop producing male sex hormones, the main of which is testosterone.

Spermatogenesis is impaired, and spermatozoa lose their ability to fertilize the egg. Becoming hyperactive under the influence of THC, they “burn out” before approaching it. Even if a spermatozoon can fertilize an egg, there is a risk of fetal abnormalities, since THC causes gene mutations. The spermogram of “plan” lovers reflects the deterioration of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm, which significantly reduces a man’s chances of conceiving a child.

Men should not use cannabis to stimulate potency. Even a single positive effect of marijuana on sex is not guaranteed, but the load on the heart will definitely occur. Only a healthy man can be a good lover, and cannabis and health are incompatible concepts.

- Marijuana is the most "popular" drug after ethyl alcohol (in fact, marijuana is a bronze medalist among addictions, nicotine is in the first place, but if we count substances recognized by public opinion as causing pathological addiction, then alcohol and cannabis remain). Like an older comrade, cannabis has a complex and confusing effect. Most other drugs (for example, opiates) simply and without fanfare put pressure on some relatively simple neurochemical mechanism (opiate or serotonin receptors, dopamine transporter, etc.). With cannabinoids, everything is not easy - only alcohol is more difficult.

What is the addictive potential of cannabis?

- If there is intoxication, there will be abuse, this is without options, people don’t know how to do it differently. Therefore: a) there is a dependence, of course, and b) well, it depends on what to compare with. For a person who first tried cannabis, the chances of developing dangerous abuse within 24 months are 2-4%. Here are the relative risks of further dependence for occasional users: tobacco 31.9%, heroin 23.1%, cocaine 16.1%, alcohol 15.4%, amphetamines 11.2% and cannabis 9.1 %. Of current users (people with at least one drug intoxication during last month) there are signs of dependence in about 11-16%. 90% of cannabis addicts start at age 15-35, typically within the first 10 years of use. With regular abuse (at least once every two days), about one in three people show signs of addiction. It takes several years of daily or almost daily use to form a pronounced withdrawal syndrome. All figures are American, there are no Russian statistics, but it is unlikely that they differ much in our country.

- What receptors does the “weed” act on?

- In the early 90s, cannabinoid receptors (cannabinoid receptor, hereinafter referred to as the CB receptor) were discovered, in humans they are of two types. CB2 is the periphery, the drug does not affect them, and we are not interested in them here. CB1 - central receptors, we will talk about them. Their native substances to these receptors are called "endogenous cannabinoids", the most famous of them is anandamide. "Ananda" from Sanskrit is "highest bliss and enlightenment", "amide" from Latin is amide (derivatives of carboxylic acids). Anandamide is not the only such enlightened substance: there are six such substances in total. The second most important is 2-AG. He did not get a beautiful name, so we call him by a simple one: 2-arachidonoylglycerol. All these substances are derivatives of arachidonic acid, it is also vitamin F. Combining exogenous and endogenous cannabinoids into one group has only clinical meaning, chemically these are completely different compounds. But CB receptors do not know about this and accept everyone as family.

Recall that receptors are ionotropic and metabotropic. When activated, an ionotropic receptor opens a channel and passes a charged ion into or out of a cell, this changes the charge of the membrane, and an electrical impulse goes through or rises through the neuron. Ionotropic receptors are fast and unpretentious. Metabotropic trigger chemical cascades in the cell, which changes cellular metabolism. These receptors are slow, but the effect of their activation can be very diverse. In particular, cannabinoid CB receptors are typical metabotropic G-protein coupled receptors.

CB1 receptors in humans great amount, more than dopamine, serotonin and adrenaline combined, ten times more than opiates.

Why, if there are so many of them, were they discovered so late (the same dopamine and serotonin have been known since the 50s)? The fact is that there are cannabinoid receptors, but there are no cannabinoid-ergic neurons. For glutamate, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and all the others, there are both receptors and neurons that work on them, and for cannabinoids, only receptors.

What's the matter? And the fact is that CB is a strictly presynaptic receptor. There is a synapse, as a place of signal transmission from neuron to neuron. There is a neuron that emits a signal, and its presynaptic membrane. There is a neuron that receives a signal and its postsynaptic membrane. Between them is the synaptic cleft. The receptors are both there and there. But cannabinoid CB1 receptors are only on the supply side, this is the mechanism feedback. This is a universal way for the receiving neuron to snap its fingers and say, "That's it, thanks, that's enough."

Therefore, there are so many CB receptors, and they are not the main players here.

Their work is mediated, auxiliary and modulating. Cannabinoids themselves do nothing, but affect everyone (although, I must say, everything is more complicated there, but for ease of understanding, I cut off all the nuances).

How exactly do they do it? But this is the most interesting.

The effect exerted by the activation of the CB receptor is called "depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition DSI, depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition" (in the original it sounds even cooler). The bottom line is that during depolarization (excitation) of the postsynaptic membrane, the cell throws anandamide back into the synaptic cleft, thus giving a reverse retrograde signal. Anandamide activates the CB1 receptor, which triggers a cascade of reactions and ultimately reduces the release of GABA (well, or any other mediator), and, as a result, suppresses the inhibitory effect of the inhibitory neuron. In other words, this is a way for an excited neuron to lock itself up after receiving a signal to work and put up a sign “Busy. Do not disturb". These external influences are not necessarily inhibitory, the cannabinoid system is not specific, it works with any type of external influence. This may well be the excitatory effect of glutamate neurons (especially pronounced in the cerebellum), and then it will be called “depolarization-induced suppression of excitation” (DSE). The general principle is that endogenous cannabinoids, after the neuron has passed the threshold of excitation, prevent any additional external influences on the cell. However, this function is blurred in the case of taking exogenous cannabinoids, since tetrahydrocannabinol causes long-term potentiation of all CB receptors, which suppresses the release of all other neurotransmitters in all brain structures where these receptors are contained.

Here's how it goes.

The main intoxicating effect is due to tetrahydrocannabinol (Tetrahydrocannabinol, hereinafter THC), but besides it, hash resin also contains other cannabinoids (under 85 names in total), mainly cannabidiol (Cannabidiol, hereinafter CBD). As already mentioned, only THC has a clear psychoactive component (however, cannabidiol, cannabigerol and cannabichromene also have a THC-like effect). At the same time, in percentage terms, hemp contains cannabidiol (CBD) the most. The action of CBD and THC partially overlaps, partially opposite. SVD enhances the action of anticonvulsants, increases the convulsive threshold, has an inhibitory effect, reduces anxiety, removes all emotional highs and lows (both towards depression and towards mania). THC, on the contrary, disperses anxiety, restlessness and unpleasant arousal (if you are not lucky) or causes euphoria, revival and pleasant arousal (if you are lucky). That is, CBD kills, THC accelerates. There is more CBD in the drug, but THC is more active, the final intoxication comes mainly from the balance of these compounds.

Why is that? Because THC is a direct CB1 agonist, it clogs all the receptors and displaces its own anandamide.

CBD, on the other hand, has a very moderate effect directly on receptors, it more suppresses the reuptake and destruction of endogenous cannabinoids (2-AG mainly), that is, it enhances their own action. That is, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) works instead, and cannabidiol (CBD) works together. This explains that in the early stages of cannabis intoxication, hypomania, revival, associative disinhibition with an exit either into foolishness or anxiety (because the THC is more active) predominates. When the dosage is increased, the inhibitory effect of CBD begins to predominate (because there is more of it in cannabis), and we get a picture of sedation, drowsiness, lethargy, up to stunning.

Another interesting fact. IN South Africa there is a variety of cannabis known as dagga that has a very low CBT content, much lower than Asian marijuana. And in Africa, complications in the form of psychotic disorders are widespread among smokers of dagga, mainly in the form of manic psychoses, which are practically not found among users in Europe, America and Asia.

- What are the mechanisms of drug intoxication with cannabinoids?

– Anandamide and the group are of great importance in the formation of hunger and eating behavior, for the emotional background and depression, in the processes of memorization, reproduction, and the formation of pain sensations. In the brainstem and deep structures, these receptors are practically absent, which explains the low cerebral toxicity of marijuana and hashish in overdoses (the lethal dose is several thousand times higher than the average intoxicating one).

Depending on which transmission the cannabinoid inhibits, we will have activation in some brain structures and inhibition in others. There are many CB1 receptors in the sensory and motor areas, therefore (due to the effect on the substancia nigra and the cerebellum) the basal locomotor activity decreases, but the response to external stimuli increases.

In the limbic system, CB receptors are most abundant in the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and anterior cingulate cortex.

The limbic system is involved in the formation of emotions, the internal nodes of the system (for example, the amygdala) are excited, but cannabis suppresses its outputs to the cortex, that is, it cuts off consciousness from basic emotions, so marijuana has a general antidepressant and anti-anxiety effect - but it may end up being exactly the opposite. the result is an exacerbation of fear, anxiety, paranoid thoughts. In the prefrontal cortex, chaotic and unstable excitation occurs, neurons randomly and briefly add up in chains. The hippocampus is involved in memory, attention and spatial orientation. As a result of hippocampal influences, cannabinoids have negative effect on short-term memory, spatial orientation and learning. In the hippocampus, activation of CB receptors leads to both long-term potentiation and long-term inhibition of intersynaptic transmission, depending on the type of neuron. In particular, cannabinoids inhibit the release of glutamate, which reduces the activation of NMDA receptors involved in memory processes (memory becomes worse). At the same time, the weakening of the inhibitory effects of GABA makes it difficult to selectively inhibit competing processes. All together, this leads to a characteristic "jump of ideas and associations", chaotic and unstable attention, inability to concentrate, reduced learning abilities and, in general, to consistent and productive mental activity, and at the same time gives the illusion of "special understanding", "aggravation of intuition", "insight". ".

Biologically endogenous cannabinoids are important for the inhibition of aversive (that is, negative, punishment-based) memory. In mice, under the influence of cannabinoids fade faster conditioned reflexes associated with frightening and/or painful stimuli.

People in cannabis intoxication report increased auditory and/or tactile sensitivity, often in this intoxication there are paresthesias - the music suddenly becomes especially impressive, the content of television programs suddenly turns out to be very interesting, and the like. However, an increase in visual or auditory perceptual abilities is not objectively confirmed: taste, hearing, vision are not aggravated, rather the opposite. This happens because cannabinoids have no effect on the perception of external sensory stimuli, they even somewhat suppress perception, but they significantly affect the interpretation and analysis of these data in the prefrontal cortex. That is, we feel the same or even worse, but we vigorously analyze and interpret.

For example, for mice it is described "popcorn effect".

A group of mice were pumped with THC. Mice in general are very fussy and mobile creatures, but under the influence of cannabinoids they calmed down, sat quietly and “stuck”. Sedation and absence of normal murine motor activity, but at the same time they reacted violently to external sounds and tactile signals: in response to claps or pricks, they jumped high in place, like popcorn grains in a pan. On my own behalf, I want to add that, of course, I didn’t stand in their laboratory with a candle, but the design of the experiment suspiciously resembles typical cannabis ideas.

People are looking for lulz, like "let's smoke a cat." This "popcorn effect" is also observed in people, only, unfortunately, they do not react so funny.

Cannabinoids are involved in both the formation of hunger and eating behavior. Anandamide - one of the key "hunger peptides", increases appetite, increases the amount of food eaten. That “it breaks through the havchik” is also a well-known fact. This is true in both human and animal models. Thus, the introduction of the blocker of cannabinoid receptors rimonaband in newborn mice led to their rejection of mother's milk and death within four to eight days. Cannabinoids also facilitate the release of dopamine in the ventral tegmental area (VTA, ventral tegmental area, origin of dopamine pathways, an important participant in the reward system). It has synergy to opiate receptors, which explains the analgesic effect of cannabis. That is, as mentioned above, they do not seem to do anything directly, but indirectly affect everything and everyone.

Only the facts

A subjectively pleasant effect from marijuana is noted by a little more than half of those who used it. For about one in five, cannabis causes mostly discomfort.

Among more than a thousand users of marijuana aged 18-25, 22% reported cases of panic attacks, 15% - obsessive thoughts and even auditory hallucinations.

In another study (268 cases, average age 19 years old) 61% of respondents indicated relaxation and stress relief as the main motive for drinking, 27% - joy and good mood. Negative effects - anxiety, depression, paranoid ideas - were noted by 21%. Decreased motivation, fatigue and a general "decreased energy" - also in 21%.

British study from 1997, 2800 users. About 60% reported subjectively positive effects from marijuana use, primarily on relaxation. 26% spoke about calming down and getting rid of stress, 9% about the growth of personal intuition and ability to understand, 5% about good mood, 2% about sociability. Adverse effects were reported by 21% of respondents, memory loss - 6%, paranoid intrusive thoughts- 6%, about apathy and laziness - 5%, about panic attacks - 2%. I want to emphasize we are talking about subjective personal assessments, not about objective changes.

- Why do people do it?

- The subjective narcotic effect is:

- a violation of consciousness, described as "narrowing the fields of interested observation" with an increase in "introspection" and attention to internal state;
- a change in the perception of time, with stretching and slowing down the flow of time, when "minutes stretch into eternity";
- slowing down reactions, "crushing and fragmentation of thinking" and incoherent speech;
- mood changes: moderate euphoria, less often - uncontrollable fun;
- a feeling of separation and alienation from reality, a syndrome of derealization / depersonalization.

Is there a cannabinoid addiction?

- Dependence, of course, is, but how does it manifest itself? It is clear that there are standard ICD criteria for any addiction: primary pathological attraction, loss of alternative interests, change in tolerance / reactivity, unsuccessful attempts to stop or reduce use, etc. But what exactly will happen to a person because he loves this business and regularly abuses it?

The key specific symptom complex is called "amotivational syndrome". It includes:
— decrease in cognitive function and productivity of thinking;
- Decreased interest in general, with apathy and passivity;
— reduced motivation to work, productive work, disinterest in the final result of the activity;
- decreased energy and fatigue;
- instability of mood;
- slow concentration;
- loss of interest in caring for appearance and hygiene.

The description of the amotivational syndrome comes from everyday experience, it is the position of an observer and a naturalist. These observations are both clinical and general. Many people are familiar with such people - eternally stoned blissful friendly meaningless vegetables in the grass.

Above were good news for those who say no to drugs. And now the good news for those who advocate the legalization of marijuana. It is highly doubtful that this amotivational syndrome objectively exists. It is not at all a fact that its manifestations are the direct effect of cannabis on the brain, and not the consequences of the lifestyle of a person who “bloats” every day and does nothing else.

For example, under laboratory conditions, volunteers who smoke twelve joints a day for three weeks have no negative impact on work productivity. All studies in which the "motivational" syndrome was reliably detected were conducted among socially maladjusted observables or among poor and disadvantaged groups (unskilled laborers, seasonal agricultural workers, the unemployed, etc.). At the same time, among university students, there were no significant differences in academic performance, achievements, and social success between using and non-using groups.

It is reliable that the prevalence of anxiety and depressive states, alexithymia and neuroses is higher for cannabis abusers, but it is not clear what comes first here.

Perhaps this is because people with sensitivity to anxiety and depression are beginning to use cannabis to relieve symptoms. In animal models, anxiety behavior is generally reduced by blockade of the anandamide-degrading enzyme fatty-acid amide hydrolase FAAH, and FAAH inhibitors are currently being investigated as a possible new class antidepressants, but there are no such drugs on the market yet.

Does cannabis cause depression?

“Studies say that among regular marijuana smokers, the frequency of depressive episodes is 4-6 times higher. Other studies say - no, it's just the opposite, it's the depressive who smoke weed as an antidepressant, so this dependence, and other things being equal, no links between depression and marijuana are found. Others say that everyone is right. It's just that there are common basic risks - character stock, social conditions and predisposition. The same people have increased chances both addiction and depression.

The only certainty is that people who currently meet the criteria for cannabinoid abuse are significantly more likely to meet the criteria for at least one episode of major depressive disorder during the current year. And vice versa.

- Can you go crazy?

- Large dosages of THC can easily lead to the development of intoxication psychosis. But this psychosis is an extreme degree of intoxication, the person has sobered up - the psychosis has passed. The existence of own chronic psychotic disorders as a result of hashish/marijuana use is highly questionable. A total of 390 cases have been described, most of them from areas of endemic growth, and all of them are very doubtful. Chronic cannabis psychosis either does not exist at all, or it is an exclusively exotic pathology that is relevant for places of traditional consumption.

What about schizophrenia?

- In the group of cannabis abusers, exacerbations of schizophrenia occur significantly more often. Meanwhile, marijuana does not in itself cause schizophrenia, it can only provoke and exacerbate. “Cannabis and schizophrenia” is a relevant and biased topic, and discussions on this issue have been going on with raised voices for a long time (well, as far as it is permissible in scientific community). In general, we can say this: yes, there is a correlation, no, there is no causal relationship.

- Is it true that marijuana is "the gateway to the world of big drugs"?

- Young people who meet the criteria for a heavy user (50 times or more in a year) are 140 times more likely to start using opiates, stimulants or hallucinogens. At the same time, the use of marijuana does not directly lead to dependence on other drugs.

Is there a withdrawal syndrome?

“There is definitely a withdrawal syndrome with long-term cannabis use. Both in humans and animal models. What is? Primarily conditioned craving for marijuana, decreased appetite, sleep disturbances, emotional instability, aggression, anger, restlessness, agitation, excitability, insomnia, depression, sleep disturbance, nightmares, anxiety, stomach pain, nausea, and sweating. All together or separately. All this was accompanied by the release of stress-dependent corticotropin-releasing factor in the amygdala of the brain, as well as a decrease in dopamine production in the VTA. There are strong but still unclear links between the CB and opiate receptors. Thus, blockade of the CB receptor significantly reduces the intake of opiates in animal models with free access to the drug, and also significantly alleviates the naloxone opiate withdrawal syndrome.

- And if you quit, everything will pass?

- And if you quit, then everything will pass. All Negative consequences is the direct toxic effect of cannabinoids. They do not cause any persistent organic changes.

There are a lot of studies, eight large meta-analyses, the number of those surveyed goes to tens of thousands.

On batteries of neuropsychological tests, people in active addiction and acute weed withdrawal show clear and severe declines in intelligence, memory, and learning. This comes to light on days 0, 1 and 7 of a significant withdrawal from cannabis. But after a month everything goes away. By the twenty-eighth day, all indicators are aligned with the control group. No long-term residual pathology was found.

The name of this annual plant is known to everyone, it causes a smirk among young people and hostility among the older generation. However, few people know that in addition to smoking for the purpose of obtaining pleasure, it is used for other purposes. What is cannabis? What are the varieties and uses of the plant.


What is cannabis? This is the name of an annual plant of the cannabis family. Some varieties of the plant are used for agricultural purposes. The plant can be identified by the following external features:

  1. The cannabis bush has a height of 60 cm to 4 m, depending on the variety.
  2. The leaves are multi-lobed, have pronounced notches along the edges and a fleshy vein in the middle.
  3. Plants exist both male and female. The flowers of the male bush resemble a panicle, the female flowers resemble a spikelet. Cannabis flowering occurs as the bush matures, if we are talking about weed hemp, or when the necessary conditions for warmth and daylight are created.
  4. The fruit has the appearance of a rounded nut, inside which are nutrients to ensure germination at planting.

Not so long ago, breeders bred monoecious varieties of cannabis, which simultaneously have both male and female inflorescences. The cultivation of such varieties is greatly facilitated. They are used exclusively for agricultural purposes, as they contain an extremely small amount of psychotropic substances.

Hemp seed

Cannabis sativa or cannabis sativa is a dioecious annual plant. It is characterized by leaves with five narrow lobes that have serrated edges. The seed variety is often grown for oil, which is used as food, and also serves as the basis for paints. The fiber is used for the manufacture of burlap, ropes, canvas.

The medicinal use of the plant is known. To do this, take only the upper inflorescences of female bushes, the so-called cannabis cones. Dried plants are used as bedding for livestock, as they absorb moisture well.

Cultivation of cannabis is possible only with a specialized license, as the plant is often used as a drug due to its high content of cannabinol.

weed hemp

Weed is commonly referred to as wild-growing cannabis. This term was first introduced by the botanist D. Yanishevsky. It grows everywhere - along roads, in landfills, in plantings. It has a short stature - up to 60 cm, although with the provision ideal conditions can reach a height of 2 meters.

The plant is very similar to cannabis, but has differences: weakly pronounced branching of the stems, smaller leaves and inflorescences.

Indian hemp

What is indica cannabis? Indian hemp is different appearance- the bush has a conical shape and a pronounced branching of the stems. In addition, the leaves of such hemp have wider lobes than those of the seed variety.

Inflorescences are large, slightly sticky to the touch, large in size. Indian hemp is cultivated in countries with a hot climate. Despite its name, it is most commonly grown in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Due to the high content of cannabinol, it is used for the production of hashish for smoking. The cultivation of cannabis of this variety is prohibited by the laws of many countries.

Medicinal use

The use of cannabis in medicine belongs to non-traditional methods of treatment and is officially prohibited by Russian law. However, in some European countries it is allowed and often practiced. One of the most famous countries where marijuana is legalized is the Netherlands.

In medicine, hemp is used due to the chemical composition, which includes cannabinol. It effectively affects the brain receptors that are responsible for pain. Thanks to this, the plant is able to reduce soreness. In addition, cannabis is used to suppress nausea and improve appetite in cancer or AIDS patients who are taking special therapy.

Effect on the body

In some countries, cannabis is known as a cure for headaches, but in addition to suppressing pain, it has the following negative effects:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, so the user often has the effect of red swollen eyes;
  • increased heart rate;
  • relaxation;
  • feeling of strong hunger;
  • feeling of calm;
  • decreased concentration;
  • fast slurred speech;
  • increased tactile sensitivity;
  • temporary memory impairment;
  • decrease in adequate perception of reality.

In addition, with an overdose, the following symptoms are noted:

  • paranoia, the appearance of obsessive thoughts;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • panic attacks;
  • auditory or visual hallucinations;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • difficult speech, like porridge in the mouth.

According to these signs, it is easy to identify a person who smoked cannabis. In addition, the user will give out the characteristic smell of marijuana, which remains on the body, clothes, hair after smoking.

Negative effects of prolonged use

For medical purposes, a single use of small doses of the plant is allowed, this is due to the inadmissibility of the development of addiction. Regular smoking can cause addiction, as well as nervous and physical disorders:

  1. Influence on mental abilities, deterioration of short-term memory, inability to perform simple tasks and build logical chains. People who have been exposed to long-term marijuana smoking experience dullness, which is associated with intake a large number psychotropic substances found in marijuana. A person under the influence of cannabis may not remember the actions taken after consumption. Long-term use tends to cause persistent states of panic, psychosis, as well as irreversible structural changes in the brain.
  2. Cannabis smoking, like tobacco smoking, causes changes in the human respiratory system. At the same time, resins settle in the lungs, which can cause chronic bronchitis, which is invariably accompanied by a smoker's cough. Frequent use can provoke the development of cancer of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.
  3. With prolonged smoking of cannabis, a decrease in testosterone levels in men is noted. In adolescence, there may be a delay in the development of sexual function. In severe cases, there may be a decrease in sperm activity, as well as their number.
  4. Cannabinoids tend to accumulate in the organs of the female reproductive system, which causes problems during pregnancy. Inability to bear a fetus, various developmental anomalies, severe pregnancy - all this can be

The use of cannabis as a medicine or differs only in dosage. As a rule, when prescribed as a medicine, the dosage is much less, and the use is reduced to a single use.

technical hemp

To date, the industrial cultivation of technical hemp is hampered by the current legislation. Everyone who wishes must obtain a special permit for cultivation, as well as ensure round-the-clock protection of the field.

Cannabis leaves and stems are used in the weaving industry to create a strong fiber. Further, it goes to the production of clothing, footwear, household goods. For sale, such household items can only be found at specialized fairs, in online stores.

Hemp oil, produced from technical hemp, is an excellent antioxidant and is recommended for consumption in case of respiratory problems, oncological diseases, diseases of the digestive system.

In addition, raw materials from cannabis are used in the production of fishing nets, paper, carpets, and burlap.

Varieties of technical hemp

The following varieties of technical cannabis are distinguished, the content of psychotropic substances in which is less than 0.08%:

  • Southern maturing 6;
  • Southern maturing monoecious 1;
  • Dneprovskaya 4;
  • Krasnodarskaya 35;
  • Poltava monoecious 3;
  • South Pavlogradskaya;
  • Southern Cherkasy.

What is technical cannabis? Varieties are specially bred with a high fiber content, which is suitable for industrial use. In addition, industrial cannabis should be easy to cultivate in regions with temperate climate for maximum yield.

Marijuana (anasha, bosses, ganj, ganj, ganzhubas, ganzhubas, hashish, golovach, drape, dope, pipe, kuzma, hemp, greens, materka, uterus, motherboard, plan, poskopon, stas, staff, grass, schmal, hash, Speck, Shala, Shishki, Filimonych, Filich, Phil, Hashbrown, Khimka) is one of the most common drugs in the world. The name of the drug changes depending on what variety, part of the plant, method of production it was made from. final product. Marijuana grows almost all over the world. There are three main types of cannabis: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis, the latter containing extremely low levels of psychoactive substances. According to the British medical journal Lancet, marijuana ranks 11th in terms of harmfulness in the list of harmful narcotic substances (alcohol And tobacco ranked 5th and 9th respectively).

Marijuana contains over 400 chemical compounds, but the main active ingredient that has an intoxicating effect is cannabinoids. There are approximately 60 cannabinoids found in nature, the most potent of which is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The minimum toxic dose of THC is 25 mcg/kg body weight when smoked or 50 mcg/kg orally. The lethal dose is 2.16 g/kg. However, no reliable case of death of people without heart disease from an overdose of marijuana is known, since it is practically impossible to consume such an amount at one time. (you need to smoke about 60 g of marijuana with 5% THC content, or eat 1-2 kg of grass). However, this does not mean that marijuana use is safe.

After entering the body, cannabinoids quickly leave the bloodstream, being distributed in tissues rich in lipids: fat deposits, brain, lungs, genitals, cell membranes. Penetrating through the walls of membranes into the nuclei of cells, cannabinoids cause changes in biochemical processes and cellular metabolism, disrupting the synthesis of RNA, DNA and cellular proteins. As a result, cellular activity falls or stops, which results in the suppression of the corresponding function of the body.

Let's take a look at how marijuana use affects the human body:
Effects of marijuana on the brain:
Marijuana affects thinking abilities, the ability to understand, abstract thinking, learning, and short-term memory. Depending on the strength of the drug and the user's susceptibility, marijuana can cause panic, anxiety, and toxic psychosis. Long-term consumption can lead to structural and functional changes.
The effects of marijuana on the lungs:
Smoking marijuana causes all the harmful effects inherent in smoking: bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, lung cancer. Marijuana to a greater extent, contributes to the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and edema.
Effects of marijuana on the heart:
Marijuana causes increased heart rate, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Smoking marijuana is especially dangerous for people suffering from heart disease.
The impact of marijuana on the reproductive system in men:
Marijuana lowers testosterone, the main male hormone. Persistent and prolonged use can change hormonal background so much so that the development of the sexual function of adolescents is disturbed. In severe cases, there is a decrease in the number of spermatozoa and their motility and an increase in the number of abnormal cells in the semen.
Effects of marijuana on the reproductive system in women:
Marijuana accumulates in the female reproductive organs. Marijuana alters brain activity, which can lead to ovulation disorders and reduced fertility. Marijuana can have toxic effect on the development of the fetus during pregnancy, causing deviations in gestation, difficult delivery and early death babies. The so-called "fetal marijuana syndrome", characterized by a decrease in birth weight and developmental abnormalities, is observed 5 times more often than "fetal alcohol syndrome". Together with mother's milk, marijuana passes into the child's body during feeding.
Effects of marijuana on motor functions:
Marijuana can affect mental and physical reactions. Marijuana disrupts coordination and increases reaction time. The response of a person to light and sound signals is disturbed, the ability to perform sequential operations and the degree of perception deteriorate. There is a strong need to move, walk, talk, unnatural postures at rest are characteristic.

The worst thing is marijuana leads to stronger drug use. Recent studies have found that users of crack, heroin, and hallucinogenic substances have almost always used marijuana before.

Currently, cannabis, its preparations and all THC isomers are included in List No. 1 of the UN Convention and the corresponding List No. 1 of the Standing Committee on Drugs of the Russian Federation, which prohibits use for any, including medical purposes.