Author: Grishchenko S. A. educator MBDOU No. 31, Armavir.
Purpose of the lesson:
Drawing up a pattern from a smoothly curving branch with berries, leaves, curls, herbs.
Continue to introduce the art of Khokhloma
Continue to learn to draw a pattern in a certain sequence (border, branch, berries, curls)
To form the ability to combine in a pattern the colors characteristic of Khokhloma painting: black, red, gold (ocher). Develop children's creativity.
To cultivate accuracy, the ability to objectively evaluate children's work.

Demo material:
Multimedia, tape recorder, objects with Khokhloma painting, brushes, gouache, oilcloths, napkins, brush stands, water cans, palette,
Preliminary work:
Excursion to the museum, acquaintance with Russian folk art crafts, teaching classes on Khokhloma painting, examining samples.
Course progress.
Everyone sat down at their desks, everyone looked at me, so that the lesson turned out to be interesting, creative, we start the lesson with a good mood.
Show children demo material with Khokhloma pattern. Look at the screen slide #1, #2.
What is this item?
Children: this is a plate, this is a bowl, spoons,
What patterns are on the plate?
Children: Khokhloma.
Today we will learn to draw a small plate with a Khokhloma pattern. Look at the bottom and top on the product straight strips are drawn, repeating the shape of the object. Slide number 3 is a border.
What is the pattern on the bowl? (From a branch with berries, leaves, curls and herbs). Slide number 4.
Oscillators are the simplest element of the pattern. It is performed with a slight movement of the brush tip from top to bottom.
Blades of grass are strokes with a slight smooth thickening.
Droplets are drawn by applying the brush to the paper.
The antennae are drawn as a continuous line of the same thickness, twisted into a spiral.
Curls are made with light pressure in the middle of the element.
The bush is the most complex element, all elements of grass ornament can participate in its image.
What branch? (curved). How are the berries and leaves arranged on the branch? Where are curls and grass located? Name the colors with which the elements of the patterns are drawn. Slide number 5.
And now let's talk in detail about the methods of applying elements of Khokhloma painting. Slide number 6. The order of drawing the elements of the pattern: a border is drawn at the top and bottom of the product, then a slightly curved branch along the bowl; berries are depicted on it, leaves (three each), then on all free places curls and thin curved grass are depicted on a branch.
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
Flowers reach for the sun.
Stretch with them too.
The wind blows sometimes
Only it's not a problem.
Flowers lean
The petals drop.
And then they get up again
And they are still blooming.

We continue to draw. When the children draw berries and leaves, it is advised to draw small details to the berries at their ends (dots or “antennae”, and veins (black) on the leaves). Draw curls and grass with the tip of the brush.
A small preview of completed work. Correct execution. Accuracy in execution. We select the most successfully completed work.
Error analysis. Conclusion. Presentation. A small survey to determine the types of Khokhloma ornament.

Prototype development in Uncategorized and published on May 30th, 2015
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Galina Dovgaleva
Summary of GCD on decorative drawing in preparatory group"Khokhloma painting"

Synopsis of GCD

OO "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Decorative drawing

V preparatory school group

Subject: « Khokhloma painting»

Educator MBDOU d / s No. 4 "Cinderella"

Dovgaleva Galina Vasilievna

Starodub 2014

Program content:

1. Continue to introduce children to the elements Khokhloma painting -"curl" and the way it is depicted.

2. To form the ability to make a pattern from familiar elements in a certain sequence Khokhloma(berries, sedge, leaves).

3. Develop compositional abilities by placing elements on the silhouette.

4. Raise interest in folk crafts.


Demo: Khokhloma dishes, sample elements Khokhloma painting, a piece of paper to show the way drawing"curl"

Dispensing: Gouache 4 colors (for each table, paper silhouettes of dishes, toned in black, yellow, red colors different forms, sheets of paper for training drawing"curls", squirrel brushes No. 3, paper poke, rags, cups of water (for each).

What I see! What a marvel!

How much joy around!

Really, children, it's beautiful here?

It's breathtaking!

Come in and see what kind of dishes we have here. She is not simple.

It was made by Russian craftsmen from Khokhloma.

Look! These things have come to visit us today,

To tell us the secrets of ancient, wonderful beauty.

To introduce us to the world of Russia, the world of legends and goodness.

To say that there are miracle people in Russia - masters!

V .: Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now?

Q: What seasons do you still know?

D. Autumn, spring, summer.

B. Children! Look at this dish and tell me what season it reminds you of!

D. The pattern on this dish is reminiscent of autumn!

Q. Why do you think so?

D. Because this dish is bright, colorful, just like nature in autumn. Only at this time of the year the trees put on colorful outfits, a lot of yellow, red, orange leaves, berries. Autumn is called golden and Khokhloma also called gold.

V: Right. Look at her and remember such lines:

"Golden autumn, a scattering of scarlet berries,

Groves - copses, silk splashes,

Sunny - honey beauty of foliage.

Q. See if all the dishes in our exhibition are bright and colorful?

D. No, not all! Still there is and not painted!

Q. Yes, children! The masters have run out of paint in order to paint the dishes! Let's help them finish the job, paint the dishes?

D. Yes, we will help!

Q: But before we start paint tell me what's different Khokhloma pattern from others?

What background Khokhloma masters apply their pattern?

D .: On a yellow, red and black background.

Q: What are the elements of this murals you already know and can paint?

D .: "sedges", "grass", "antennae", "droplets". "Leaves"

V: And today we will paint the most complex and most beautiful element Khokhloma -"curl".

Watch carefully.

I pay attention to how you need to hold the brush in relation to the paper. (hand is above the table): with three fingers, vertical to the paper.

First we start draw with the end of the brush, stretch a thin strip, and then press and make a rounding, the strip becomes wider, stretch again and gently lift the brush and again draw with the end of the brush to get a thin strip. With further twisting of the "curl", the pressure on the brush is weakened.

(After my showing, showing and explaining to a child)

Now try it on your leaves, practice paint"curl" (children are exercising) .

And now we will rest a little and prepare our fingers to the main work.

Here are my helpers, as you wish, turn: (looks at open palms)

And like this, and like this, they will not be offended in any way. (Rubbing hands)

One two three four five. (clap hands)

They don't fit again. (shake brushes)

knocked, (knock on table) turned (circular rotations with a brush)

and wanted to work. (rubbing hands)

Work a little (clap hands)

we will let them rest. (put palms together)

knocked, (knock on table)

turned (circular rotations with a brush)

and back on the road again. (clap hands)

V .: So we rested, and now it's time to get to work.

Go to the table and choose your blank (children choose and sit at the tables). Let's remember in what order you will paint your product.

1. First, draw curls.

2. We outline the berries and draw the berries with a poke (pay attention to the color berries: on a black background - red berries, on yellow - red or black berries, on red - black berries)

3. So that the pattern does not turn out to be pale and not bright, we need to decorate it! How can we decorate it? (draw leaves)

4. A border is drawn.

Children draw.

The teacher individually approaches all children who find it difficult to show again on their piece of paper.

C. We finish the work, wash the brushes, blot them on a napkin and put them in place. While your work is drying, come to me and see what kind of work you got?

At the end of the analysis of children's work.

Who got the roundest "curls"

Does everyone have the right berry color?

Who got the real one khokhloma pattern?

V .: Well done, guys, we got the real Khokhloma dishes which is so pleasing to the eye.

And when your work is dry, we will arrange an exhibition for everyone to admire.

Thank you guys for this beauty!

IN: Our activities are over. Let's say goodbye to our guests. Let's put the tables in order.

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Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Golden Khokhloma. Painting of a plate based on Khokhloma painting” (made in an unconventional technique: wax pencils and watercolors).

Author of the work: Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher additional education for art activities. MBDOU No. 202 Kindergarten general developmental type "Fairy tale"
Description: this summary will be of interest to educators of senior and preparatory groups, teachers of additional education in art activities, as well as just creative people.
Target: expansion of knowledge about folk craft Khokhloma painting.
- to form children's ideas about the appearance of dishes in ancient time;
- talk about the appearance of Khokhloma painting;
- learn to consistently perform work in non-traditional techniques;
- learn to beautifully arrange the pattern over the entire surface of the plate;
- to promote the development of aesthetic taste;
- to promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands, through the drawing of small curls;
- to cultivate interest in the folk crafts of Russia, pride in our craftsmen;
- to cultivate interest in drawing, through the use of non-traditional techniques.
Preliminary work: the study of dishes, folk crafts in the classroom around the world.
Methodical methods: story, conversation-dialogue, visual material, practical work.
Lesson progress:
caregiver- Every day we use different utensils: kitchen, dining, tea. These dishes are metal, porcelain, glass. There are dishes that we use every day, and there are beautiful holiday sets that are taken out only on holidays to set the table. Do you know how the dishes appeared?
Dishes have been around for a very long time. At first, ancient people used the bark of trees to scoop up water or nut shells, for example. They tried to hollow out vessels from stone and wood. Sea shells were used as spoons, it was convenient to scoop up food with them. Gradually, the dishes improved. People have learned to make dishes from clay, to burn it.

And of course, since ancient times, people have tried to make the dishes not only convenient to use, but also beautiful, so from ancient times they began to put a variety of drawings on the dishes. The first patterns were simple, they were made with thin wooden sticks, this geometric figures, people, animals.

So, wooden, earthenware and ceramic dishes appeared, and later people learned how to make porcelain, which we use now.
Wooden utensils exist in our time, but now they are more often used to decorate the interior. Beautiful, bright, it stands on a shelf or in a closet and pleases the eye with its unique pattern. Does anyone of you know the name of this dish?
Children- Khokhloma.

caregiver- Right. This wooden dish is painted with floral ornaments. What does vegetable mean?
Children- these are grass, flowers, berries.
caregiver- Yes, these are all kinds of plants: grass and leaves, berries, flowers with beautiful curls. According to legend, this painting was created by a talented master - icon painter Andrey Loskut. He worked for the king and he generously rewarded him for his work. But the master loved freedom most of all. One night he left the royal court and went to live in the forest. Andrei wanted to paint not only icons. He dreamed of creating something simple, necessary and at the same time beautiful, like native nature around. This is how the first wooden utensils appeared. And since the master lived in the forest, he began to paint it with flowers, berries, leaves, twigs. The fame of the amazing master reached the surrounding lands. Many came to him to see these dishes, someone stayed forever, wanting to learn how to create the same wonderful products. Andrei Loskut passed on the secrets of his skill to fellow villagers, his skill has been preserved, to this day pleasing the eyes and souls of people. And since all this was in the village of Khokhloma, the painting became known as Khokhloma. This painting is distinguished by obtaining a golden color without the use of precious metal. Therefore, they often say "golden Khokhloma".

Now we will paint our plates based on the Khokhloma painting.
For this we need:
- wax pencils yellow and red;
- black watercolor;
- wide brush No. 5 or No. 6.
1. First, with a yellow wax pencil, draw three leaves at the bottom of the plate.

2. With a red wax pencil over the yellow leaves, draw three large strawberries.

3. between the berries with a yellow pencil, draw leaflets-droplets from smaller to larger.

4. draw curls between the lower leaves

5. add small flowers and curls at the top.

6. paint over the entire plate with black watercolor.

The painting of the plate based on the Khokhloma painting is ready.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the preparatory group.

teacher Veselova Natalya Vyacheslavovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"

Educational area:"Artistic Creativity"

Subject: "Magic Curl Khokhloma"

View: productive activity (decorative drawing)

Type: final, integrated.

Integration of educational areas:"Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction”, “Socialization”, “Health”, “Music”.

Target: development of children's interest in folk arts and crafts, artistic creativity in decorative drawing.


Artistic Creativity:

  • To develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned methods of drawing when creating patterns based on Khokhloma painting.
  • Improve the ability to draw with the end of the brush, poke; perform the pattern in a certain sequence.
  • To develop independence in choosing the color of the painting, depending on the main tone, a sense of color, creativity, fantasy.


  • To expand and clarify the ideas of children about the objects of folk art craft of Russian masters - Khokhloma dishes, the features of its painting.
  • Develop sensory skills: hand-eye coordination when drawing Khokhloma patterns, fine motor skills hands


  • Improve your ability to answer questions.

Reading fiction:

  • Develop aesthetic and emotional feelings when perceiving the artistic word.


  • Develop creative imagination; to cultivate interest in folk arts and crafts and the traditions of the Russian people, a sense of pride in their country and respect for the work of folk craftsmen.


  • Develop the need for physical activity.


  • Develop emotional feelings when perceiving works of folk art.

Preliminary work.

Informative conversations about folk arts and crafts.

Viewing visually - didactic manual"Khokhloma", products of applied art, stylized samples.

GCD cycle in the field of "Artistic creativity" (decorative drawing).

Drawing elements of the Khokhloma pattern, composing compositions, painting silhouettes in joint activities educator with children and independent artistic activities of children.

Didactic games "Golden Khokhloma", "Make a pattern on the dishes", "Guess", "Continue the pattern", "Collect objects".

Reading fiction, memorizing poems.

Listening to musical works of Russian folk art.

Making blank templates for Khokhloma painting with children. Template toning.

Learning to dance to the children's song "Puff, puff, Samovar."

Demonstration, handout material and equipment.

Khokhloma products, an audio recording of folk music, an envelope painted with Khokhloma painting, a presentation "The Magic Curl of Khokhloma", a visual and didactic manual "Khokhloma", cut pictures for the game "Collect the Objects", tinted blanks-templates of Khokhloma dishes, brushes, pokes, gouache ( red, green, black, yellow), jars of water, napkins.

A tape recorder, a CD with a recording of a Russian folk melody, a presentation of the “Magic Curl of Khokhloma”, an audio recording of the song “Puff-puff, Samovar”.

The course of direct educational activities

Educator. Hello guys!

Knock on the door. Send an envelope.

Educator. Children, look what an unusual envelope they sent us!(the envelope is decorated with Khokhloma painting)

Who do you think could send it to us? (children's answers) Guys, I think you are right - these are Khokhloma masters. Do you know anything about Khokhloma painting. What is it used for? (children's answers) Well done! Let's see what's inside the envelope.

(The teacher takes out small envelopes with split pictures from a large envelope.)

Children, Khokhloma masters invite us to play the game "Collect items". Do you agree?

Children. Yes!

Exercise. Children must collect cut pictures and name the resulting objects.

Educator. Well done! They did the job very well. But that is not all. There is a message in the envelope: “Dear guys! An exhibition of folk and decorative crafts opens today. We invite everyone, everyone, everyone! At the exhibition, you could try yourself as a craftsman and “paint” the dishes. We are waiting for you!!!” Children, would you like to visit this exhibition?

Children. Yes!

Educator. But first, we must remember the basic rules of conduct at exhibitions! Name them.

Children. Keep quiet!

Listen carefully to the narrator!

Do not interfere with others to listen!

Educator. Well done boys! Then I invite you to the exhibition! (children enter the prepared room and sit on chairs)

Children, we are with you at the Golden Khokhloma exhibition, look how many wonderful beautiful things are here. All this is created by the hands of masters.

A long time ago, in the vicinity of the city Nizhny Novgorod folk wood craft was born. There was a village with the cheerful name Khokhloma, where dishes were made from soft woods (linden, birch, alder). Fairs selling wooden utensils have been held in this village since ancient times. This gave the name to the whole industry.

Look, kids, how bright they are! And how do they become so beautiful?

First, the dishes are cut out of wood, dried on a machine, then covered with a layer of liquid clay and dried. Yellow metal powder is combined with butter and melted, after heating in an oven, the product is given a unique golden sheen. That's where the name "Golden Khokhloma" came from. "Golden" because all products shine like gold.

The guys, as well as the Khokhloma masters, prepared a presentation for us so that we could see the beauty of the Khokhloma painting.”

(showing the presentation “The Magic Curl of Khokhloma”, during the presentation the teacher reads the poem “Golden Khokhloma”).

Golden Khokhloma.

Like a sorceress Firebird,

Doesn't go out of my mind

Enchantress - craftswoman,

Golden Khokhloma.

And rich and beautiful

Happy guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, bowls and ladles.

And what's missing here:

Clusters of fire ash,

Sunny summer poppies

And meadow daisies.

I took it all in like a memory

Dawn red rays

And patterned ornament

Ancient Suzdal brocade.

The leaves are reddening, not thinning,

From the breath of winter.

We enter the kingdom of Berendey,

To the world of magical beauty.

Carved spoons and ladles

Look, don't rush.

There the grass curls and flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

They shine like gold

As if sun-drenched.

All the leaves are like leaves

Here, everyone is golden.

The beauty of such people

They call it Khokhloma.

Educator. Children, did you like the presentation? Would you like to try yourself as masters and paint dishes?

Children. Yes!

Educator. Then take a seat at your jobs. Each of you has several patterns of Khokhloma dishes. Choose any you like. Now you will feel like real folk craftsmen. Each of you will come up with a pattern for Khokhloma dishes. Before we start decorating the dishes, let's remember the sequence.

Where will you start? (From the border at the bottom and top of the product, or in shape if it is round).What will you draw after?(Curl, curved twig). Why? (A curl is the main element of Khokhloma painting, because all other elements are painted on it).

What will you depict on the curl first, then what?(First, large elements: berries, leaves, then small elements: droplets, grass, curls, etc.).

How to draw grass and curls?(With the end of a thin brush, alternating colors).

What can we use to draw berries?(Brush, poke).

What colors will you be using?(Red, black, green, yellow).

Well done guys, you know everything!

And now, a little warm-up for the fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

Here are all my fingers, turn them as you like:

And like this, and like this, do not be offended in any way(rubbing hands).

One two three four five(clap hands).

They don't fit again(shaking brushes).

They knocked, they turned,

We wanted to draw.

Now, young masters, you can safely get to work! Surprise your guests with Khokhloma patterns!

(To the folk music, the guys start drawing. Independent activity. The children get needed help individually).

Educator. I'm very curious to see what you've got. I see it's all over. Guys, let's arrange an exhibition of your work.

(Children, with the help of a teacher, hang their work on a pre-stretched rope with clothespins).

Educator. Guys, look what a wonderful dish turned out. It is no different from the work of the masters. You are true masters!

Well, guys, “every business ends well”, so I invite you to dance with a surprise “Samovar”!

(dance is performed)

And here, children, and a surprise, the samovar is not simple, there are treats inside.

(Children help themselves, give their work to guests).

Educator. Guys, it's time for us to return to children. cue garden. Thanks to all! Goodbye!

Nadezhda Viktorovna Suyurova

Recently, the children and I talked about what products of folk and modern art contain curls. Recall various elements of decoration.

I used snippets for this. decorative painting, where there are various curls.

Offered to the children themselves draw gouache curved twig - curl to decorate it curls, flowers, berries, leaves.

Before the beginning work showed the children drawing the main curl and side branches curls.

Having handed out blanks of red colored paper to the children, she offered to think about what color of paint would go well with it. (yellow, black, green).

reminded that draw big, in the entire sheet of the workpiece.

The children worked very hard and beautifully painted decorative blanks.

The branch gently curved

Next to a three-fingered leaf

Here is such a beauty

Got it guys!

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