Compromising evidence

Dmitry Tymchuk was caught spreading misinformation.In Lately Dmitry Tymchuk is like an information mouthpiece. He speaks, and they believe him, as a source in the first instance. Great position for abuse. The more often you see him in the news, the more vague doubts torment you. One person cannot be an information monopolist, he is not a speaker reading out material, he delivers news and draws conclusions, shaping the thinking of society. And then, once and for all, everything fell into place. Infa did not pass. On his Facebook page, Dmitry Tymchuk often writes about events that have received public response. According to Tymchuk, using various sources and having coordinated the received information with the command of the Donbass battalion, the IS group restored the course of events, when on May 23 in the area of ​​the village. Karlovka, Donetsk region, the battalion was ambushed and took the fight. In the battle, the separatists had an armored personnel carrier, heavy machine guns, grenades and sniper. The bulk of it broke through. 50% of the personnel were wounded, many lost a lot of blood. The wounded were taken to the army block post in Krasnoarmeysk - from Semyon Semenchenko, edited on the Facebook page. The battalion managed to break out of the cordon, suffering significant losses. As early as May 23, at 11:28 a.m., Dmitry Yarosh announced that the PS fighters had come to the rescue and released the main forces of the volunteer formation. Yarosh spoke about those killed and wounded by the PS and accused them of incompetence or betrayal of the atosh leadership. And again - few weapons for ours, limited ammunition and excellent weapons for terrorists. It seems that the leadership of deja vu and Facebook ministers, the ATO managers are more afraid of armed Ukrainian patriots than the enemies of the state - armed separatists. On the morning of May 24, Dmitry Tymchuk reported on his own investigation and stated that he did not find any signs of the activities of the PS representatives in the area of ​​​​combat clashes of this unit with terrorists, referring to the fact that the battalion leadership also does not confirm the attitude of PS representatives to these events. Against such information in social networks, protests immediately arose. Dmitry Tymchuk has not yet lost confidence enough to claim that he deliberately carries misinformation to the masses, in some places they still justify him. They hope that Dmitry Tymchuk was misled, or simply the top leadership does not want the presence of the PS in the East to scare local residents. The worst option is on the eve of the elections to Dmiriy Yarosh and the PS, which became legitimate on May 22 political force put the pig in. The participants in the battle from the PS themselves hope that Tymchuk will refute this and apologize to the Right Sector and our guys who led the Donbass group and among them 2 wounded. Dmitry Tymchuk did not give a refutation, but gave an excuse: We do not claim that representatives of the Right Sector were not at the scene. We report that the data on his participation in the events are not confirmed. I would not like to think that the public strike of the head of the IC on the PS is a blow on the candidate Yarosh on the day of information silence. Linking Tymchuk to a certain political force amused him very much, but Tymchuk did not have big arguments in support of himself and the stupidity he had done. Only the question remained: why was it necessary to voice unverified information, more like counter-propaganda?

People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation


Born in Chita (RSFSR) on June 27, 1972. He spent his childhood in the GDR, where his father in 1978-1983. served in a group Soviet troops. He spent his youth in Berdichev in the Zhytomyr region.

He graduated from the Berdichevsky Polytechnic College, and in 1995 - the Faculty of Military Journalism of the Lviv Higher Military-Political School, where he received the profession of "military journalist".


In 1995-1997, Dmitry Tymchuk served in the Air Defense Forces.

From 1997 to 2000 he worked at the headquarters National Guard Ukraine.

From 2000 to 2012 Dmitry Tymchuk worked in various structural divisions Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Since 2008 - Chief Editor Internet publications Fleet-2017, head public organization Center for Military-Political Research.

During business trips Dmitry Tymchuk visited the Ukrainian contingents peacekeeping forces UN in Iraq (three times), Lebanon and Kosovo.

Dmitry Borisovich began his journalistic activities of an opposition nature at. Since then, he is stepping up his activities, regularly publishing materials on the Crimean theme.

Since March 2014, Dmitry Tymchuk has been the coordinator of the Information Resistance group, whose task is to receive, process (verify) and disseminate operational information regarding. The main goal is to counter the lies of Russian propaganda with facts and create a real picture of events in the information space.

Dmitry Timchuk has become one of the most popular Internet figures in Ukraine. In particular, in social network Facebook has over 190,000 followers on its IP breaking news page.

It is noteworthy that in Russian media there was an idea that Tymchuk is a "fictional virtual" character who is used in the "cyber war". Such accusations lost their relevance after the activist appeared on television.

Since November 2014, people's deputy of the VIII convocation. In the 2014 early parliamentary elections, Tymchuk entered parliament for the first time from party number 13.

Place of Birth. Education. Born in Chita (RSFSR). He spent his childhood in the GDR, where his father in 1978-1983. served in the group of Soviet troops. He spent his youth in Berdichev in the Zhytomyr region. He graduated from the Berdichevsky Polytechnic College, and in 1995 - the military journalism department of the Lviv Higher Military-Political School.

Career. In 1995-1997, Dmitry Tymchuk served in the Air Defense Forces.

From 1997 to 2000 he worked at the headquarters of the National Guard of Ukraine.

From 2000 to 2012, Dmitry Tymchuk worked in various structural divisions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Since 2008 - editor-in-chief of the Flot-2017 online publication, head of the public organization Center for Military-Political Research.

During business trips, Dmitry Tymchuk visited the Ukrainian contingents of the UN peacekeeping forces in Iraq (three times), Lebanon and Kosovo.

Dmitry Tymchuk was one of the first to inform about the occupation of Crimea and Donbas and opposed Russian propaganda. He became one of the initiators who created the Information Resistance group. Since March 2, 2014, Dmitry Tymchuk has been the coordinator of the Information Resistance group - this is a non-governmental project, main task which is the receipt, processing (verification) and dissemination of operational information regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the occupation of Crimea. IS participants are reserve officers and officers serving today in various departments (both in management structures and in military units). The main goal is to counter the lies of Russian propaganda with facts and create a real picture of events in the information space.

According to Russian media, for some time he was considered a fictional character until he appeared on television.

Thanks to the work of the Information Resistance, Dmitry Tymchuk has become one of the most popular Internet figures in Ukraine. In particular, on the social network Facebook, the number of those who follow its page with current IP news exceeded 268,000 users (as of June 2019).

Dmitry Tymchuk regularly covered the problems of the temporarily occupied territories, events in the Donbass and Crimea, denounced the fakes of terrorist groups of the LNR/DNR. He sharply criticized the actions of the Kremlin and the President of Russia, and also spoke about the problems and opportunities of the Ukrainian army.

Quotes: About the army: "If we were a NATO member, we would feel more relaxed. But we are not part of the Alliance, so we can only rely on ourselves ... All types of the Armed Forces are developing. This is exactly the answer that we give to the possibility of Russia's large-scale aggression".

On parliamentary elections: "Their first strategic line is to achieve pro-Russian forces coming to power in Ukraine, respectively, then all the problems of the Kremlin are generally solved. With those of them whom Moscow considers negotiable, and which can even be positioned by us as completely pro-Ukrainian and patriotic. These candidates will try for some dividends, through some kind of bargaining, to gain loyalty to themselves from the Kremlin, and Moscow will achieve some goals in the Donbass."

On the Kremlin's position on Crimea:“The Russian government is screaming at every corner that “Crimea is a region of the Russian Federation.” That is, it must be assumed that in the eyes of Putin, Crimea does not differ in status from any other subject of the Russian Federation. However, we do not see “representations” of Mordovia in Brussels, Khakassia or Tyva, while the occupied Crimea urgently needed it for some reason.It gives the impression that the Kremlin itself does not believe that Crimea is "Russian."

Political career. Since November 2014 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VIII convocation dated (No. 13 on the electoral list). Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on national security and defense. Tymchuk initiated many changes to the legislation that concerned the national security and defense of Ukraine. In total, he submitted 69 bills and 66 deputy requests. He practically did not miss the plenary sessions of the Verkhovna Rada, as evidenced by statistics from the BP website.

Regalia. In 2017, he retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Death. Died June 19, 2019 as a result of a gunshot head wound. The investigation considers suicide as the main version of the death of Dmitry Tymchuk.

military expert whose finest hour came in 2014. Then he became the first to inform about the events in the Crimea and Donbass and began to resist Russian propaganda. However, he himself was accused of lying.

Dmitry Borisovich Tymchuk was born June 27, 1972 in the city of Chita (Russian Federation). Dmitry's father served in tank troops Soviet army. After Chita, he was transferred to East Germany. At the age of eleven, Dmitry moved to the Zhytomyr region.


Dmitry Tymchuk was not going to follow in his father's footsteps and connect his life with the army. In Berdichev, after graduating from school, he entered the localengineeringcollege. There he became the editor of the wall newspaper. For her, Dmitry spent first journalistic investigation. This determined his future profession.

Tymchuk went to get higher education in Lvov. In 1995 hereceived a diploma in military journalismat the Higher Military-Political School. In addition, he was given the rank of lieutenant. Dmitry Tymchuk spent the next two years in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Served in air defense, where he becamedeputy commander of an automobile company.


Dmitry Tymchuk married. The wife's name is Anna. The people's deputy has no children.


After air defense for three yearsworked in the press service of the National Guard.After its disbandment in 2000, Tymchuk spent the next twelve years in the Ministry of Defense.

In parallel with his work in the Ministry of Defense, Dmitry Tymchuk led the non-governmental organization Center for Military-Political Research, and also headed the editorial office of the Fleet-2017 online publication.

Already in 2008, after the Russian-Georgian war, the journalist foresaw the danger of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. Like a military journalistvisited hot spots many times: Iraq, Lebanon, Kosovo.

Since March 2014, Dmitry Tymchuk became the head of the Information Resistance group, which disseminated information about the invasion of troops Russian Federation to Ukraine, as well as the occupation of the Crimean peninsula.

At that time, an information vacuum formed in the country. Ukrainian state structures nothing was told about the events in the Crimea and Donbass. Russia has been spreading disinformation. Therefore, the main task of the volunteer group was to counter false information from the northern neighbor.

That year, Tymchuk became one of the main providers of news on the Internet.

In the context of pressure on funds mass media among others, she mentioned Dmitry Tymchuk.


In accordance with the electronic declaration , which the people's deputy filed in 2018, he does not have his own real estate. The wife of Dmitry Tymchuk owns an apartment in the capital with an area of ​​​​fifty square meters. The apartment was purchased for three hundred and fifty two thousand hryvnias in 2013.

The wife also owns the only car in the family of the MP. Mitsubishi Outlander 2011 Anna bought almost half a million hryvnia in 2016.

Salary in the Verkhovna Rada for the year, Dmitry Tymchuk amounted to two hundred and forty-four thousand hryvnia. His wife earned 10,000 hryvnias from the public organization Center for Military Legal Research.

Dmitry Tymchuk and his wife do not have a bank account. The parliamentarian does not have cash either. Anna Tymchuk has declared four thousand dollars.

People's Deputy of UkraineVIII("People's Front") convocation. Coordinator of the "Information resistance" group


Tymchuk Dmitry Borisovich was born on 06/27/1972. A native of the city of Chita in the Russian Federation.

He spent his childhood in the German Democratic Republic, as his father served in the army of the USSR. The youth of Dmitry Tymchuk was held in Berdichev, Zhytomyr region (Ukraine).

In Berdichev, the future People's Deputy Dmitry Tymchuk graduated from the Polytechnic College.

In 1995, Tymchuk graduated from the Higher Military-Political School in Lvov. He studied at the faculty of military journalism.

In 1995, Dmitry Borisovich Tymchuk joined the army and served in the air defense forces for two years.

Blogs, personal pages:


After the army, the future People's Deputy Dmitry Tymchuk worked for the National Guard of Ukraine for three years.

And after Tymchuk worked in various structures of the Ministry of Defense until 2012.

In 2008, the future people's deputy Tymchuk Dmitry Borisovich became the editor of the Internet publication "Fleet-2017" and at the same time directed the organization of the Center for Military-Political Research.

During his career, Dmitry Tymchuk has been on many military missions in Iraq, Lebanon, Kosovo.


Dmitry Tymchuk appeared on the political arena only in 2014. When he became people's deputy VIII convocation on the lists of the "People's Front" (No. 13), which was headed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk.


In 2014, Dmitry Tymchuk becomes the coordinator of the Information Resistance. The purpose of this resistance was to obtain, process, verify and disseminate information about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

But in fact, it turned out differently - the information that was disseminated by the publication of Dmitry Tymchuk "Information Resistance" was very often questioned due to the lack of facts or the presence of deliberately false fake evidence.

Tymchuk Dmitry Borisovich also carried out information about the news from the ATO zone on his page on the Facebook social network. Basically, this information had the same type of structure: the Ukrainian military won a battle over the supposedly Russian regular army in the Donbass, the enemy suffered big losses, there are no losses from the Ukrainian side. Tymchuk did not confirm his information in any way.

Because of a large number photos and videos from the ATO zone, where real losses in equipment and manpower from the Armed Forces of Ukraine were captured, which did not coincide with the testimony of the leader of the "Information Resistance" Dmitry Tymchuk, his data were perceived as false.

It was then and why Tymchuk received a satirical nickname - Dmitry "No Loss" Tymchuk, gaining fame as a chronic liar.

Tymchuk Dmitry Borisovich also supported the law banning Komsomol symbols.

Many say that Dmitry Tymchuk is not a real person, since no one has ever seen him. And the coverage of the information of his activities is so great that it is too difficult for one person to cope with it. Moreover, people's deputy Tymchuk is also known for posting false information on social networks. After such a statement, Tymchuk nevertheless appeared on television.