Didactic game

to get to know nature

"Who eats what?"


To consolidate children's knowledge of what different domestic and wild animals eat;

Develop thinking, attention; speech, as well as to develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Encourage respect for wild and domestic animals.

Required inventory

Play maybe two ways:

2. Look for which of the animals loves the selected treat, for example, "So, we have a carrot, who likes to eat carrots, who let's feed carrots?"

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"Didactic game "Who eats what?""

Didactic game

to get to know nature

"Who eats what?"


To consolidate children's knowledge of what different domestic and wild animals eat;

Develop thinking, attention; speech, as well as to develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Encourage respect for wild and domestic animals.

Required inventory: Cardboard animal prints glued to the outside of matchboxes, animal food prints glued to the inside of the boxes.

Two can play ways:

1. Pick up a treat for the animal, for example, "Guys, the cow wants to eat, let's find a treat for her, what does the cow like to eat?"

2. Look for which of the animals loves the chosen treat, for example, "So, we have carrots, who likes to eat carrots, who will we feed with carrots?"

Babies love opening and closing boxes! Notice what cannot be! (a cow doesn't eat bones, and a cat doesn't eat honey...)

Marina Pirogova

Dear Colleagues!

I bring to your attention didactic games for the 2nd junior group made by hand.

All games are quite simple to manufacture, have inexpensive consumables. They can be used as educational activities, as well as in free time. Children play with great interest and enthusiasm.

D / and "Games with clothespins"

Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of the hands. To form the ability to distinguish and combine objects by feature and color. Develop children's speech.

For this game, you need to prepare figures (I found it on the Internet, printed it out and laminated it, and of course, the clothespins themselves. Ordinary linen plastic multi-colored clothespins. It would be better if the colors are more “real” (i.e., blue, yellow, etc.). etc.)

D / and "Pick up the cups to the saucers"

Purpose: To develop the ability of children to distinguish colors and use the name of colors in speech. Develop fine motor skills, attention.

For this game, you need to cut out “cups” and “saucers” from colored cardboard (it is better to use primary colors). Children need to assemble a tea pair in accordance with the color.

D / and "Pick up wheels for cars"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to compare objects in size, choosing from two given values.

For the game, you need to cut out silhouettes of cars of two sizes from cardboard. They have matching wheels.

D / and "Decorate the Dymkovo toy"

Purpose: To enrich children's knowledge about the Dymkovo folk toy, its heroes, details and color of the painting. To form the ability of children to beautifully reproduce the pattern, conveying the features of the Dymkovo painting.

For this game, it is necessary to cut out the silhouettes of simple Dymkovo figures from thick cardboard (I also laminated it). Children should circle the template and color it in accordance with the features of the Dymkovo painting.

D / and "Hide the mouse"

Purpose: To introduce the six primary colors, to develop the ability to distinguish between them. To consolidate knowledge of the concepts of "large-medium-small". Develop speed of reaction, attention, thinking.

The material for this manual is simple: squares of six primary colors of the same size. In the middle of each square is a white square - a "window" of three different sizes with the image of a mouse (I found the mouse on the Internet). Each colored square with a “window” is accompanied by a corresponding “door” square. I wrapped all cardboard items with a transparent self-adhesive film.

D / and "Decorate a butterfly"

Purpose: To develop the ability of children to group objects by color. To consolidate knowledge about a geometric figure - a circle, about the concepts of “one-many”, “big-small”. Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention.

For the game, you need to cut out the silhouettes of butterflies from colored cardboard or thick colored paper (more interesting, the spruces will be different) and circles of different colors and sizes.

I hope that these unpretentious games will interest and captivate your pupils. And you will be useful in achieving your goals!

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Visual aid for children 2-5 years old.

Purpose: Activation of interest in the knowledge of the world. Expanding horizons. Refinement and concretization of newly emerging and accumulated knowledge


- develop fine motor skills of the hands.

- learn to find the right figure, classify objects according to given characteristics.

- develop visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.

- develop sensory skills (color, shape, size).

- develop visual memory, perception and attention.

- Learn to follow the example.

- improve auditory perception.

Games using the "Magic Box"


Purpose: development fine motor skills

Game progress:

The child is offered ribbons for weaving and tying

"Hide and Seek"

Purpose: development of tactile sensations, activation of speech.

Game progress:

Toys decided to play hide and seek with you. A lot of toys are hidden, but you find the dog. Just look with your fingers, touch, and peep. Or: "Find a round and smooth one"

"Pick up the shape of the liner to the slot"

Purpose: Development of visual perception, attention, the ability to compare the shape of the liner with the slot.

Game progress:

The child is offered different liners, explaining that they can close all the windows.

"Stringing beads of different colors"

Purpose: to exercise in alternating objects by color.

Game progress:

The child is offered to string beads on a string, alternating them in color.

"Name a Color"

Purpose: to exercise children in naming colors and shades (by lightness).

Game progress:

The leader chooses a flower and approaches one of the sitting children, and he calls the color and he calls the color and shade of the flower. If he cannot answer, the flower is shown to another child. The one who answered becomes the leader, and the first child sits in his place.

"Noise makers, rustlers"

Purpose: to improve auditory perception.

Game progress:

The teacher shows a closed case, rattles it and offers to guess what is inside. Find toys that sound the same.

"Flower field"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills, fixing primary colors.

Game progress: (for 2-3 years old)

- the child is invited to arrange the flowers in a clearing in random order. Then match the center to the colors by screwing the corresponding color cover.

(for 4-5 years old)

- the child is invited to arrange the flowers in the meadow according to the scheme or as directed by the teacher: right, left in the center, top, bottom.

"Flight of the Butterflies"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of the concepts of one - many, consolidation of the ability to fasten locks and buttons.

Game progress: (for 2-3 years old)

- the child is invited to place one butterfly near each castle, and attach a flower to its other end. By unbuttoning or fastening the lock, show the path of the butterfly to its flower.

(for 4-5 years old)

- the child is invited to place one butterfly near each lock as directed by the teacher: in the center, above, below, and attach a flower of the same color at its other end. By unbuttoning or fastening the lock, show the path of the butterfly to its flower.

- put one bead or many beads on the thread; separate the red beads as well as the green ones.

"Happy Friends"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of weaving skills, consolidation of the concepts of big - small.

Game progress: (for 2-3 years old)

- the child is invited to braid the braids of her friends and give them big or small bows.

(for 4-5 years old)

- pick up bows according to two criteria (color, size)


Purpose: development of fine motor skills, color fixation.

Game progress: the child is invited to tie bows.


Purpose: development of fine motor skills.

Game progress: the child is invited to lace up the rings; tie knots.

"Wonderful Pockets"

1. Purpose: development of tactile sensations, activation of speech.

Game progress: the child is invited to feel 10 cards with his finger; find among them: soft, hard, prickly, smooth, rough, fur, paper; show cards with a surface similar to the skin of animals, clothes; Feel the cards and say what the surface looks like.

2. Purpose: fixing geometric shapes and colors.

Game progress: the child is invited to name a geometric figure, its color and pick up objects similar to a long figure in shape.

"Magic box" is made of a box covered with foam rubber and lined with fabric of different colors. On each side of the box (there are 5 in total), details are sewn from different material. On one side: sewn-in zippers, threads with beads, as well as butterflies and flowers on rivets. On the second side, girls' faces are made of thread, fabric and cotton wool, as well as satin bows with rivets. On the third side there are bottle caps and fabric flowers. On the fourth side of the box, lacing is made using metal rings and laces, as well as denim pockets with plaques for storing cards are sewn on. And on the fifth side of the box, i.e. bows are sewn on top.

The game "Didactic Box" - with your own hands: familiarization with color, speech development, development of fine motor skills, familiarization with the seasons.

Game Author- teacher-defectologist Makhaneva Olga. Olga works with children from two to ten years old. This game won the Best speech game» at our do-it-yourself educational games competition of the Internet Workshop of educational games "Through the game - to success!" — 2015. This is not Olga's first game, which receives prizes in the competition, because Olga has been participating in our project for the third year and always shares her ideas with other teachers and parents.

Description of the game "Didactic box"

The game "Didactic Box" is made of a round tin box from sweets or cookies. The bottom and lid of the box are glued on the inside with multi-colored felt in sectors. The side face of the lid is glued with magnetic tape.

The bottom of the didactic box consists of sectors of four primary colors - blue (winter), green (spring), red (summer), yellow (spring).

Didactic box lid the inside is divided into eight sectors according to the colors of the rainbow plus white.

The lid of the box is divided into 4 sectors on the outside and glued with white, gray, orange, brown felt. These are the main colors of animal fur that can be called: white bunny, orange fox, brown bear, gray wolf.

Side part of the lid of the didactic box sealed with magnetic tape. Planar black and white images of animals or birds can be attached to it, calling their color and nuances of shades (brown, red).

Now add cubes:

- on the first cube- images of forest animals (on one side - one animal),

- on the second cube- the actions of animals (how they can move),

- on the third cube- color of animals (white, gray, red, brown, gray-white, white-red, etc.),

- on the fourth cube are numbers or dots.

An example of a game with cubes can be found in the article.

How to use the Didactic Box game

The game can be used to introduce children to color, the seasons, geometric shapes, the development of fine motor skills (exercises using clothespins), the development of the child's speech.

Options for tasks with the game:

- pick up a pair (attach red clothespins to the red sector, yellow ones to the yellow one, and so on in accordance with the color of the sectors),

- What color are the animals?- a game with a box cover (voice grammar game for mastering the coordination of adjectives and nouns: gray bunny, gray mouse, gray cats). We place the animal figurine on the side magnetic panel of the lid in the sector corresponding to the color and name the animal and its color,

- seasons (arrange pictures with signs of the seasons into sectors and explain your choice - why the child believes that the picture shows spring, and not summer or autumn),

- development of fine motor skills: a) attaching clothespins different colors in accordance with the color of the sectors, or b) clothespins with figures on the side of the box. (For example, in the game "find your house." If the toy has a bow of blue color, then his house is blue. And the animal figurine must be attached to the blue sector. If red, then red, etc.),

- classification. The task is to spread geometric figures different shapes, size, thickness by color by sector into a box (the child needs to highlight the leading feature - color, not paying attention to different thickness figurines and their size and shape)

- collect the months of the year(we name the months of each season, if the child correctly named the month, then he attaches a clothespin to the corresponding sector).

- find neighbors(name the neighbors of the month - for example, the neighbors of January are December and February).

The box can also be used as house-teremok for director's games with kids.

We wish you interesting games!

The game "Didactic Box" - with your own hands: familiarization with color, development of speech, development of fine motor skills, familiarization with the seasons. This game won the "Best Speech Game" award at the do-it-yourself educational games competition of the online educational games workshop "Through the game - to success!" – 2015.

I work with children from 2 to 10 years old (2-3 years - play support group; 3-10 - logopedic correction, defectological support for children with disabilities). I propose multifunctional allowance which I use myself.

The game "Didactic Box" is made of a round candy or cookie tin box. The bottom and lid of the box are glued on the inside with multi-colored felt in sectors. The side face of the lid is glued with magnetic tape.

The bottom of the didactic box consists of sectors of four primary colors - blue (winter), green (spring), red (summer), yellow (spring).

The cover of the didactic box is divided from the inside into eight sectors according to the colors of the rainbow plus white.

The lid of the box is divided into 4 sectors on the outside and glued with white, gray, orange, brown felt. These are the main colors of animal fur that can be called: white bunny, orange fox, brown bear, gray wolf.

The side part of the lid of the didactic box is glued with magnetic tape. You can attach planar black-and-white images of animals or birds to it, calling their color and nuances of shades (brown, red).

Now add cubes:

- on the first die - images of forest animals (on one side - one animal),
- on the second die - the actions of animals (how they can move),
- on the third die - the color of the animals (white, gray, red, brown, gray-white, white-red),
- on the fourth die - numbers or dots.

How to use the Didactic Box game

The game can be used to introduce children to flowers, seasons, geometric shapes, to develop fine motor skills (exercises using clothespins), and to develop the child's speech.

Options for tasks with the game:

- pick up a pair (attach red clothespins to the red sector, yellow ones to the yellow one, and so on in accordance with the color of the sectors);

- name the color of the animals - a game with a box lid (a speech grammar game for mastering the agreement of adjectives and nouns: a bunny is gray, a mouse is gray, cats are gray). We place the animal figurine on the side magnetic panel of the lid in the sector corresponding in color and name the animal and its color;

- seasons (arrange pictures with signs of the seasons into sectors and explain your choice - why the child believes that the picture shows spring, and not summer or autumn);

- development of fine motor skills: a) attaching clothespins of different colors in accordance with the color of the sectors, or b) clothespins with figures on the side of the box. (For example, in the game “find your house”. If the bow of the toy is blue, then its house is blue. And the animal figure must be attached to the blue sector);

- classification (decompose geometric shapes of different shapes, sizes, thickness by color into sectors in a box. The child needs to highlight the leading feature - color, not paying attention to the different thickness of the figures and their size and shape);

- collect the months of the year (name the months of each season, if the child correctly named the month, then he attaches clothespin on the corresponding sector);

- find neighbors (name the neighbors of the month. For example, the neighbors of January are December and February).

The box can also be used as a house for director's games with children.

The game guide, as you can see, is extremely multifunctional. I am sure you will find your own versions of educational games with it.

The playing field is a square divided into 9 equal parts with subject pictures. Handout pictures are double-sided, on the one hand they duplicate the playing field, and on the other they are split plot picture. This gives the toy variability. Here are ideas for using the square.

I option. We lay out the handout cards across the field, on the corresponding subject pictures. We name the location of each picture. We check the correctness of the task by turning over the laid out cards - you should get a plot picture.

II option. The sequence of actions is the same, only now the adult names the location where to put the card.

III option. We perform the same manipulations with cards, we only develop speech: the child voices where he puts the card.

IV option. At this stage, you can introduce a magnetic fishing rod into the game, with which we “catch” the pictures and lay them out in any previously described way.

V option. We make a cut picture. We turn over the card at the named location or name the object, put it on the subject picture on the field.

VI option. We determine what is superfluous in each vertical, horizontal, diagonal, we voice why.

Teaching orientation on the playing field and the ability to name parts of the field can be divided into a separate stage. When the children are familiar with the game, work in pairs can be offered. Before starting the game with a fishing rod, you can name its main color, auxiliary ones, count the stripes of each color. For each picture, you can pick up a riddle (guess what I have?), A quatrain (they should be spoken reflectively or rhythmically, using noise instruments).

Play with your children for your own joy, for their benefit!

Olga Makhaneva, defectologist teacher
Additional information about the didactic toy you will find on the site