Many schools for young parents and their babies offer their future mothers and fathers such a type of activity as dynamic gymnastics for babies. But not everyone knows what kind of gymnastics it is, why it is needed and how safe it is for the baby. Without giving any advice and without making specific decisions for the child's parents, we offer our readers the opinions of two experts about this gymnastics.

Dynamic gymnastics is included in the general course of wellness and developmental activities with a newborn, along with activities such as massage, games,. Let's define the concepts, because not every parent has a clear idea about these trainings, and therefore, about the opportunities that they provide to the child.

Dynamic gymnastics is a system of developmental exercises for infants, common in a variety of modifications. Dynamic gymnastics includes elements of massage, regular gymnastics, exercises for the development of the vestibular apparatus. Only the degree of such impact in dynamic gymnastics is higher. The main difference between this gymnastics and the usual one is large quantity dynamics (movements), in contrast to traditional complexes, where the baby, as a rule, lies, and an adult moves his arms and legs in one direction or another.

There are many options for dynamic gymnastics - from extreme scenarios of its implementation to gradual and soft ones. Unusually, some of the exercises are performed not on the table, but in the air. Many of the "air" exercises are described as early as the beginning of the 20th century. When working with a baby, an adult holds him: by two or one arm, by two or one leg, he wraps his arms around the torso. The main movements are hangings, swings, rotations, inverted exercises ("upside down"), tossing and even throwing on the arm, shoulder or thigh of an adult. Most children are happy to accept this way of communicating with an adult and with their own body. These exercises are easy for the child because of the high congenital mobility of his joints. With the right grips and movements, the risk of injuring the child is small.

What is dynamic gymnastics for?

By doing this type of developmental exercise with a child, we simultaneously achieve several goals.

First, it is important for physical development baby. Dynamic gymnastics is a tool for correcting a child's muscle tone. It is known that after birth, the child remains in a position for several months, which we call "intrauterine" - with bent arms and legs. This is due to increased tone flexor muscles, and this tone is unevenly increased in different muscle groups. Look closely at your child when he sleeps and you will see that one arm is bent more than the other; the same with the legs. This is due to the inconsistent work of different areas of the brain at this stage of life. It's like "flashes": the excitation of any area of ​​the brain leads to a contraction of the corresponding muscle of the body. Such unexpected muscle twitches can frighten even the child himself, for example, in a dream. As a result, the level of arousal caused by excess stimulation emanating from own body. To help the child's body harmonize, streamline the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous and, as a result, in the muscular system, massage and dynamic gymnastics are used. It is good if a person who is very trusted by the child is involved with the child - first of all, this, of course, is his mother. The mother "sculpts" the body of the child with her own hands, marking its boundaries, while influencing tactile and muscular-articular sensitivity. As a result, excess muscle tone is removed. In addition, these exercises activate intestinal motility, strengthen the cardiovascular and immune systems, adapt the body to stress, and therefore, to the stressful effects of environmental changes.

Secondly, this is, of course, another way for a child to communicate with his mother - the opportunity to see her smile and eyes and his reflection in them, hear her voice, feel her hands. The child recognizes itself through the mother's eyes. It's like a mirror for him. It is no coincidence that in psychotherapy treatment with a mirror and a smile is used: the patient looks in the mirror, smiles to himself, recognizes himself. Eyes give the child a sense of confidence that he is being held and cared for. The child of the first months of life should receive a large portion of auditory, visual, tactile sensitivity from the mother. As a result, a basic trust in the World appears, a desire and ability to interact with it is formed, which will respond favorably in the adult life of a growing person. Thus, conducting dynamic gymnastics contributes to the mental and the formation of harmonious maternal-child relationships.

Who is dynamic gymnastics for?

Now about which children need these classes in the first place. Indications and contraindications can be agreed with the pediatrician. But a special conversation about children - "Caesarites". The fact is that in the case of a planned caesarean section the child is removed from the uterus ("born") at the 3-5th minute from the start of the operation. As a result, such a child is deprived of the adaptation period with all its phases, as happens when passing through the natural birth canal for several hours. According to the laws of adaptation theory, the body has a need for physiological stress as necessary condition development. Let us recall the definition of the founder of the theory of stress, physiologist Hans Selye: "Stress is a non-specific response of the body to any requirement presented to it." As a result of such a response, the body realizes its need to carry out an adaptive function and restore a normal state. At the same time, one of the basic instincts of the body, the survival instinct, is activated and strengthened. And it begins with the situation of the birth process with its suddenness of onset, many hours of increased muscle tension, an increase in oxygen starvation during contractions and an unpredictable change in the environment with the need for further survival in conditions of various sensory loads. The duration of the process allows the child to adapt to changing conditions by developing adaptive reactions. In the case of a caesarean section, the child gets "from the ship to the ball", not having time to prepare, losing some phases of the adaptation process.

In perinatal psychology, it is believed that intranatal (birth) experience is important for the further development of a person, the formation of such qualities as purposefulness, endurance, patience in achieving a goal, and is reflected in the ability to manifest these qualities in future adult life. It can be assumed that, being deprived of the "incoming" experience of overcoming a stressful load, a person to some extent (taking into account the perinatal memory of the body) may be distinguished by a decrease in volitional sensory in the future. This is when there is a goal, but the way to achieve it has not been mastered. At the moment of its birth, the body did not know its experience. This is, of course, doable. This is where dynamic gymnastics can come to the rescue in order to teach the body (and hence the psyche) of the child to endure, experience increased, threshold loads, and develop adaptive stability. The child grows more energetic, mobile, active, practically does not get sick. He has excellent coordination, quick reaction, good appetite and sound sleep.

Basic rules of dynamic gymnastics

Classes are held at an air temperature of 22-25 ° C, indoors or outdoors. If you have already begun to harden your child, then the air temperature in the room may be lower. It is important to touch the baby with warm, soft hands - confidently and gently. Before this, you can soften your hands with a scrub, which will increase their sensitivity. The body of the baby is not lubricated with cream.

For classes, use the time the child is awake, when he is most disposed to contact, but not earlier than an hour after eating. For reference: periods of wakefulness increase sharply after 1.5 months of life during the transition from the normal autistic phase of an infant's development (when he clearly preferred sleep to wakefulness, which protects from excessive influence external environment) to the beginning of the formation of subject-object relations - interaction with others. From this age, you can expand the complex of developmental exercises. Such a complex should be performed daily or several times a day, starting each time as a warm-up with traditional massage techniques of stroking, rubbing, kneading, passive exercises for the arms and legs, and then moving on to dynamic effects. Examples of exercises included in the complex of dynamic gymnastics are swaying the child back and forth in a grip by the arms, rotating the child by the arms or legs around the vertical axis, and others.

Where to begin?

You should start with the simplest exercises, observing the law of gradual increase in load - week after week, increasing the pace, amplitude and time. In a sense, such exposure is stressful for the child. It is important to know the measure, to observe the law of the golden mean. During classes, there may be resistance to an abrupt increase in load in the form of muscle tension, fear, discontent, and even crying. In this case, it is advisable to linger on what has been achieved or even go down to a lower level. Each child has their own pace of mastering the exercises. In each session, set the stage for more difficult exercises. Sometimes you need to pause the lesson, change the exercise, hold the child close to you in order to continue again, but without strain, without effort.

Strength is born where there is no effort!

Elena Zueva
obstetrician-gynecologist, PhD,
psychotherapist, perinatal psychologist

If we talk about dynamic gymnastics, then the following points should be noted.

Firstly, if you have made your choice in favor of such a somewhat extreme option for the physical development of your baby, you should know that there are contraindications for doing dynamic gymnastics, which should force parents to categorically refuse dynamic gymnastics. Such contraindications, in particular, include: hip joint - a disease in which the elements of the hip joint are incorrectly located (you can read more about its therapy in the article "Treatment ... with diapers", published in No. 9 of the magazine "9 months"), increased muscle tone, increased range of motion in the joints, the cause of which is the features of the connective tissue. It is clear that parents themselves are not able to determine the presence or absence of such conditions or diseases in the baby. Therefore, before embarking on such a practice, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is known that the first examination by an orthopedist and neuropathologist, who can exclude these conditions and diseases, for most children occurs at 1 month, while many innovative parents begin to work with children from the first days after birth - immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital. Therefore, if you decide to deal with the baby with the help of dynamic gymnastics, then do not forget to consult a doctor.

Secondly, it should be noted that in young children, the ligaments are very elastic and tender. Pulled the handle incorrectly - injury: subluxation or dislocation of the joint. While the change in the state of the cartilage and ligamentous apparatus occurs mainly due to impaired blood circulation in these areas. Under the conditions of the created (lack of oxygen supply to the area of ​​​​the joints), their structural changes occur, which leads to a loss of elasticity and elasticity.

In addition to this, dynamic gymnastics is risky due to the high probability of falls, which can result not only in a harmless bruise, but also in serious intracranial hemorrhages and other injuries.

On the other hand, the recommendations of instructors about starting dynamic gymnastics as early as possible are also justified, since if you start exercising after 6 months, then the baby’s mass is already large, that is, untrained ligaments immediately experience heavy loads and the risk of injury increases.

Thirdly, only a specialist can take into account and evaluate all contraindications and side effects in a timely manner, so do not try to deal with the baby yourself. Exercises should be carried out by a chiropractor or a rehabilitation doctor who has undergone special training.

The only indisputable positive aspect of the classes is that young parents tend to communicate more with the baby, to develop it. But after all, in order to deal with a child, develop him physically and intellectually, you can also use other, long-developed, well-proven methods, such as massage, finger gymnastics. In fairness, it must be said that any technique requires prior consultation with a specialist. The more communication, love, affection, smiles a baby receives from the first days of life, the easier it will be to adapt and more trust in the world.

Of course, the choice of the option for the development of the baby, as well as the responsibility for the chosen method, lies entirely with the parents. Therefore, when choosing a methodology, it is necessary to study all its aspects and carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Elena Zueva
Dmitry Raysky


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01.12.2008 16:29:35, Elena

the article is interesting and I had a question: what exercises could you advise at home for me and the child, because. I can't find an instructor nearby

06/28/2007 17:17:00, Olga

I have never heard anything about dynamic gymnastics as some kind of special system of exercises, although, as it turns out, we do it. The fact is that all sorts of hangings, tossing, flying, twisting and spinning - our baby really likes it (we are 4.5 months old), it makes him wildly delighted. Even if the baby is naughty, it is worth taking him by the brushes and lifting him up, giving a little emphasis on the legs, immediately a smile, and this can go on for hours. By the evening, I’m just plain, but I’m glad to do it, because for me it’s training. And the baby is already drawing biceps-triceps on the handles, the legs are very strong. The only thing that upset me was that you can’t do it with dysplasia - our nuclei have not yet ossified. But I don't think we can live without it.

Dad and I are engaged in danamichka with our son, because I can’t twist it like that anymore, it’s heavy. He also worked with his eldest daughter, who is almost eight. A wonderful healthy and well-developed physically girl, though her dad is still spinning her: she really likes it. The youngest likes the same thing, he smiles and laughs (by the way, after seeing a neurologist for the first time in three months), he highly advised the speaker, respectively, for children without neurological pathologies.

To be honest, I do dynamics with both of my children. They are my weather, so I see how differently they perceive these activities. My personal opinion is that dynamics is necessary and useful. Just be sure to start with an instructor. And (my personal opinion) never consult a doctor.

07/15/2005 03:33:49 AM, Alexey

One comment on this topic: those who want to make dynamics for their child, talk to those who did it for their children and these children have already reached the age of 5-7. Ask what are the impressions of the dynamics, the consequences and whether they will do it to other children. 70% of the mothers who did the dynamics with whom I talked do not do it to their second children. Although they do not deny its usefulness for the first, they still see a sufficient number of minuses. In the further development of the child, of course. (I am one of them too). The main thing: with regular classes in dynamics, the child's body gets used to receiving constant adrenaline. And already demands it. When parents are no longer able to throw up and spin the child, it is necessary to look for further ways to receive it. There are two ways out: parents are constantly looking for a way out (sports sections, swimming pool, hiking, etc.) or the child finds them in various other options, forced (jumping from a great height with further problems, tantrums, some aggressiveness, obvious manifestations of choleric temperament and etc.). And one more thing: dynamics is not suitable for all children. Not everyone has good joints and ligaments from birth. I am not a categorical opponent of dynamics, but simply suggest that before you impose something on your child, think. And analyze the options and their further possibilities. (I’ll clarify once again: we “twisted” the dynamics for our eldest daughter from birth until the moment we could raise it - about 8-9 months (she was quite large). And one more thing: we didn’t do it for more than 10 minutes and always did only when my daughter liked it).

I think that dynamic gymnastics is an extremely useful thing. I worked with the child from 3 weeks of age and as long as I could still hold him on weight. Well develops motor skills, strengthens the muscular system, relieves tone, helps with colic. However, there is another side. It was probably a mistake on my part to abruptly introduce gymnastics into the life of a child. They showed it to me at the school for pregnant women where I studied. The instructor came to our house and for 1.5 hours showed what and how to do directly on the child. The next day, my previously calm baby began to sleep very badly and cry a lot. He calmed down only in the arms of his mother or when he eats. And then the dream didn’t get better, but the trembling of the hands was added, and the neuropathologist became our friend for up to a year. So here, it seems to me, gradualness and caution are very important - then it will be useful.

10/14/2004 02:22:33 PM, Natalia

Comment on the article "Dynamic gymnastics"

I agree with Maria D. - there are quite a few articles that dynamic gymnastics is not as useful as it is believed.


At three months to start - that's it! We did dynamic exercises (those exercises that the baby liked) from birth until the moment my back began to fall off (about a year). Undoubted pluses that are already visible: Sasha crawled rather briskly, walked early (10 months), already rushed about a year in such a way that just hold, jump, climb the stairs. Now she is 2 years 5 months old. She speaks in complex sentences ("Mom, I'm sure it's time for me to drink juice. Please get off the chair, put on your slippers, fetch an orange and make me juice immediately!"). I'm not sure, of course, that this is the merit of dynamic gymnastics - but in the complex, probably. The main plus, obviously connected with the dynamics - Sasha absolutely does not get sick in transport, the vestibular apparatus works perfectly. Neither in the car nor on the plane, we have no problems at all. Despite the fact that I myself can hardly stand the car (except for driving).
We started like this: first, the midwife showed us some light exercises (Sasha's age is 9 days), then we went to one lesson with L. Kitaev (3 months). Then, having learned the basic grips, you can improvise a little.

01/27/2004 10:54:12 am, Zoya at work

My trusted orthopedist told me that, apart from dislocations, he did not see any result from dynamic gymnastics in his practice. Massage, regular gymnastics, swimming are good things, but the dynamics ...

01/26/2004 02:42:28 PM, Marquise

From 3 months we do dynamic gymnastics and swimming. My daughter liked the exercises and swimming very much - she had fun to the fullest.


Larisa, you are lost somewhere and have not written to me for a long time. Or is my mail server naughty?

Larisa. Our little girl is almost 2 years old. We swim and do dynamic gymnastics with her all the time.

We did not reduce the temperature of the water, but immediately poured it as cold as possible. But there were still similar problems. It seems to me that they are connected with the child's well-being in the water (for example, something can pinch or itch). We did not insist on dousing and bathing. And for several days they simply dipped their daughter in warm water looked at her reaction. If she didn’t like it, then they quickly washed it and wiped it with a towel. After a while, the problem went away by itself. This problem arose several times at different ages and we solved it in the same way.

We started doing dimamic gymnastics at the age of 3 months. The child didn't want to. It seems to me that it is not true to refer to dynamic gymnastics as physical exercises. This is a parent-child communication, and for a child it is also a cool game. So why interrupt it. These tasks should be done as much as you or dad have enough strength. Our daughter now has more than 10 kg. Most of the exercises are already difficult to do, but most of the simple ones, the daughter herself asks to do.

01/09/2000 00:47:23, Alexey & Tanyukha


They did it, from about 5 days of age, naturally, at first they stroked it on their knees, quietly turned the head to the sides, raised and spread the handles, then gradually hang, swing, lift ... Lenya Kitaev taught, the child was pretty, and even now sometimes ( he is 3 years old) hangs on his dad, like twist, well, dad will rock him up and down a couple of times :)) I only have enough strength for somersaults :))) The main thing for a child, according to Kitaev, to whom I join, 1. Gradually, 2. Feel the child and his reactions, 3. Do not do anything that causes resistance (muscle clamps, crying, feeling unwell)

Good day! I decided a long time ago that I would go to courses, because, firstly, I am one of those future mothers who cannot normally enter a new mode with a book, a movie and an afternoon nap (I'm talking about maternity leave), secondly, once again hearing what they are broadcasting about will not hurt; thirdly, communication, communication and once again communication, which it can. missed during a two-month "care leave". I got there, though at 34 weeks and decided to take everything at once in a month ...

✿ Exercises for a mother with a child under 6 months If you have difficulty doing these exercises, at first repeat each of them about 10 times, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 15 - 20 times. All exercises are performed smoothly, without jerking. 🔷 Exercise for biceps (shoulder muscles). I.p. - standing, the child, lying on the arms of the mother bent at the elbows, is supported by the hands and forearms (at the beginning, when you are just training, for ...

In order for articulation gymnastics for preschoolers to bear fruit, you need to do it daily. All exercises should be repeated at least 4-8 times; if the exercise is static (that is, it consists in holding a certain mimic posture), it should be performed for 15-20 seconds. The optimal schedule for articulation gymnastics is 3-4 five-minute “approaches” per day, each “approach” should contain no more than three exercises. View on Yandex.Fotkah It is best to conduct classes ...

Finger gymnastics in verse and finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their charm is also that they instantly switch the baby's attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and soothe. This is an interesting activity when the child has nothing else to do (for example, on the road or in line). Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak tree, He plays a silver trumpet. Look at Yandex.Fotkah A swan swims along the river. Above, the bank carries its head ...

Stomach massage - stroking Pink tummy, purrs like a cat, He purred like a puppy, gurgled like a stream, Oh, tummy, you are the stomach, Who lives in the tummy? Who interferes with the little hare? We will stroke the tummies of fat watermelons. The puppy is sleeping, the kitten is sleeping, the child is smiling! Stroking the head and face I have a question, where do we have a snub nose? Where are our eyes, they are not more beautiful in the world. Where are our cheeks, cheek-petals? Where are our ears, burlap ears? Where is our head, let's nod deftly! Where do we...

A newborn baby is vital not only sleep, nutrition and mother's warmth, but also physical activity. Many parents use regular exercises, while others choose dynamic gymnastics. Only it should be performed correctly and very carefully so as not to harm the baby. What outweighs in application - benefit or harm? How to do it right? Let's figure it out together.

Dynamic gymnastics - what is it?

Dynamic gymnastics, developed by M. Trunov and L. Kitaev, differs from ordinary exercises in a more energetic set of exercises aimed at shaping and strengthening the muscles of an infant. In addition to the usual elements of charging and massage, dynamic gymnastics also combines exercises to improve the vestibular apparatus. So, an adult throws, swings and rotates the baby, holding the arms or legs. Outsiders are most often horrified by such acrobatic etudes, automatically recording "desperate" moms and dads as crazy.

Indeed, such exercises are not quite common, so parents, before moving on to practical exercises, need to carefully study and understand the sequence of applying dynamic charging and increasing the load on babies.

So, there are several types of dynamic gymnastics exercises:

  • hardening;
  • massage;
  • ball exercises;
  • air exercises.

All these procedures must be combined so that their effect on the baby is as effective as possible.

Benefits for newborns and babies

Adherents of this set of exercises are confident in its great benefits for kids. Among the advantages of dynamic gymnastics, its positive impact is usually distinguished not only on physical development, but also on general psychological condition newborn babies. What else is it useful for?

  1. Dynamic charging helps the baby to better navigate in space.
  2. It allows you to correct the muscle tone of the baby, strengthens the muscles, develops the joints of the arms and legs and develops flexibility.
  3. With her help, effective development and improvement of the vestibular apparatus in the newborn.
  4. It strengthens the nervous system of the baby, its immunity.
  5. Also, such a set of exercises is considered a good opportunity to establish trusting and friendly relationships with adults and, accordingly, with the outside world.
  6. It is believed that dynamic gymnastics compensates for the lack of birth experience in children born by caesarean section.
  7. Parents who use dynamic exercises to work with babies note that they have a good appetite, sleep soundly and are much less likely to be capricious.
  8. Early training reduces the level of injuries in the rest of your life. Babies, trained from the first days of life, are unlikely to twist their leg or break their arm while actively playing sports.

Possible harm to babies

Let's see if dynamic exercises are as good as they say. Such acrobatic "tricks" look quite risky, and many experts question the safety and benefits for babies of this kind of exercise. What arguments do opponents of dynamic gymnastics give?

  1. Such physical exercises are stressful for the newborn. After all, dynamic charging often begins to be used within a couple of weeks after birth. It is believed that the increased release of stress hormones in infancy can lead to the appearance of hyperactivity in preschoolers.
  2. Dynamic gymnastics is based on the innate reflexes of babies - in particular, the grasping reflex and the Moro reflex. Exercise artificially stimulates them, while normally they should gradually fade away by 2-4 months (read the article on reflexes).
  3. It is sometimes difficult for inexperienced parents to calculate the optimal load. Therefore, intensive exercises can lead to sprains of the newborn, microtrauma of the tissues of the joints, and impaired blood circulation. In the future, problems with the ligamentous apparatus are possible.
  4. Psychologists are sure that due to the fact that the baby from an early age gets used to the sensations of speed, takeoff and fall, he does not develop a natural fear of heights. At an older age, underestimating the danger of a situation can cause a variety of injuries.

Avoiding negative consequences: the rules of gymnastics

So, you have seen a lot of arguments both in favor of dynamic gymnastics and against it. Of course, only parents make the final decision. If you are sure that such exercises are necessary for your baby, we will tell you how to secure classes.

  • Exercise should begin four weeks after the baby is born.
  • Consult with your pediatrician first about the presence or absence of contraindications. If the baby is healthy, he can be engaged in dynamic exercises.
  • Do not perform exercises based on materials from the Internet or teaching aids. To get started, contact an experienced instructor for advice and services. He will show and teach how to properly organize classes.
  • Minimize the chance of injury - secure your training area to avoid consequences due to possible falls.
  • Correctly assess your own strength, avoid using extreme exercises. Choose a gentle exercise program.
  • Start the exercises after a warming massage, thereby preparing the muscles and ligaments for work. The duration of the first lessons is 8-10 minutes. Do them slowly and very carefully so as not to scare the baby, increase the load and pace gradually.
  • Do not exercise immediately after feeding, wait at least an hour. This is especially important for ball exercises.
  • If the child is not in a good mood, do not force him to do exercises because you need to. Better wait for the time when everyone will have a wonderful mood. Dynamic gymnastics should become as common a ritual for a baby as feeding or bathing.

We take into account contraindications

Dynamic charging can be useful for a newborn, subject to a competent approach and taking into account contraindications. The danger of such exercises is as follows:

  • the presence of dysplasia hip joints in a baby and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system of the child;
  • neurological diseases, including increased intracranial pressure.

Dynamic gymnastics is strictly contraindicated for six-month-old babies who have not previously received such procedures. If the baby has not been engaged with the baby on a regular basis since the age of one month, then at the age of six months such exercises will only bring harm, not benefit. You should also remember that if the child did not like the classes or he feels bad after them, be sure to cancel the gymnastics. You should not experiment with the health of the baby!

When choosing dynamic gymnastics to improve the physical development of a newborn, study all the pros and cons, consult a pediatrician about possible contraindications. Only if you take precautions will exercise help your child grow up healthy and happy.

READ ALSO: fitball exercises with kids

Dynamic Gymnastics for babies (3 months), where to start?

Video: Dynamic gymnastics for kids

The main exercises of dynamic gymnastics: hangs, cross, humpty dumpty, octopus, shorties:

P.S. Many experts are sure that the sooner you start working with the baby to develop certain skills, the sooner he will receive the abilities and skills that are important for a full life. Numerous systems of early education and development of children are built on this principle. We offer a brief description of the most popular methods today so that you can navigate and choose the one that will help you maximize your child's inclinations - An overview of popular methods of early child development with video consultations and films

What parent doesn't want their baby to be healthy? That is why modern mothers and fathers are increasingly turning to methods of early development of children, as well as various sets of exercises that are designed to strengthen the body of a crumb that is only adapting to the conditions of the outside world. And one of the most optimal, albeit controversial, options for realizing these goals is dynamic gymnastics, which is suitable for newborns, infants and children over a year old.

The essence of dynamic gymnastics

This complex of intensive classes of a therapeutic and health-improving nature is designed for the development of babies from birth to a year and older. The main feature of the exercises is that, along with traditional massage elements, they also include:

  • gymnastics with the support of the child by the arms or legs;
  • games;
  • hardening.

In addition, dynamic gymnastics is the first experience of communication between parents and a baby in a language of sensations and touches understandable to a toddler.

The main principle of dynamic exercises is that both the baby and the parent enjoy the exercises.

Opinion of pediatricians

The attitude of doctors to this method of child development is ambiguous. Some argue that active physical training with a newborn contributes to:

  • reduce the risk of childhood injuries;
  • improvement of the vestibular apparatus;
  • harmonious mental development;
  • stabilization of the digestive tract;
  • the speedy development of the skill to hold the head, roll over, sit and walk;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • establishing trusting relationships with loved ones, which means the formation of a self-confident personality - benevolent and open to the world.

You can start classes only when all the theoretical aspects of the methodology have been studied and all the questions of interest to the specialist have been asked.

As for the antagonists of the technique, they focus on such aspects as:

  • lack of consideration for the individual characteristics of the newborn (the little one is introduced to active pastime or hardening when it is still difficult to say what his temperament is);
  • injury risk of some exercises (sharp scrolls, turns);
  • erasing in a child the boundaries of what is safe and dangerous to health (many babies after a year do not feel anxiety before jumping from a great height or falling).

For those who have not yet decided on their attitude to dynamic gymnastics (dynamics), it will be useful to know the opinion of the famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky. Evgeny Olegovich reconciles opponents with a recommendation not to go against himself, that is, not to perform those exercises that cause fear (in mother and baby) or seem extreme.

At what age to start classes

Heated debates about the age at which dynamic gymnastics is allowed to begin do not stop to this day. Some pediatricians claim that it is possible to practice from the second week after birth, since at this time injuries of the joints and tendons are practically excluded due to the proportionality of the development of the muscles of the little one to its low weight. Other experts insist that dynamics should be practiced from the age of one month, when the baby has already more or less adapted to the world around it. And still others are generally of the opinion that it is necessary to introduce such active sets of exercises only from 3 months in order to give the muscles and bones a little stronger.

Opinion on the most appropriate age to start dynamics classes differ.

Rules for holding

In order to protect the baby from injuries as much as possible, the first classes with him should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. But if this is not possible, then parents should clearly understand the following rules.

  1. The best time for dynamics is an hour after eating during the waking period.
  2. The lesson lasts for 10-20 minutes.
  3. Exercises are done every day, and begin with stroking - a kind of "warm-up".
  4. The hands of an adult should be warm and smooth.
  5. At home, it is better to choose a place covered with a mat, or perform gymnastics over a sofa.
  6. You do not need to massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium where the liver is located.

If possible, it is better to conduct classes outdoors.


You should carefully study the features of gymnastics. Then classes will bring only joy and benefit.

  1. All actions are done smoothly and at the same pace.
  2. We start the dynamics with the exercise that the baby especially likes, and then alternate between “favorite” and “unloved”.
  3. If the little one became nervous during the performance of some exercise, then it must be interrupted, and the child should be calmed down with something that causes him positive emotions. But it is necessary to return to the unpleasant later.
  4. If, when performing some movement, the handle or leg of the crumbs began to click, the exercise must be interrupted and make sure that the child is not in danger. If his mood has not changed, then you can return to the lesson, but try not to load the clicked joint.
  5. The number of repetitions of exercises should match the number of feedings per day.

Whatever exercise you do, remember that safety is paramount

Methodology of Mikhail Trunov and Leonid Kitaev

Specialists in early child development, baby yoga, swimming and hardening instructors Mikhail Trunov and Leonid Kitaev in 1993 published the book “Ecology of infancy. The First Year, which made a splash in the countries of the former USSR with its revolutionary views on therapeutic gymnastics with newborn babies.

The technique of dynamic gymnastics was used even by physicians of the East in ancient world, and at the beginning of the twentieth century, elements of dynamics were used to adapt children who were born with birth injuries.

According to original methodology Classes can be done both in groups and individually.

The authors described 400 exercises for gymnastics, during which the parent should hold the child by one or two arms, legs, as if describing circles around his body. Thus, the baby gets acquainted with:

  • swings;
  • visas;
  • tossing;
  • rotations.

Trunov and Kitaev in their book claim that such training:

  • eliminate hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscles of the newborn;
  • activate the nervous system of the crumbs, since during the dynamics the child experiences many feelings, which provokes his brain to process thousands of signals about changing conditions, thereby coordinating the actions of all parts of the body;
  • strengthen the baby's muscles and reduce the risk of injury later;
  • develop flexibility;
  • improve coordination.

Moreover, regular exercise contributes to the fact that the child develops intellectually faster, and also imbued with confidence in parents.

Followers of the methodology

Many moms who are interested in the dynamics do not use the whole range of classes, but only some of the exercises.

Followers of the original methodology complement the system with baby yoga exercises

In addition to Trunov and Kitaev, Tatyana Sargunas, the founder of the movement for the development of perinatal culture in Russia, dealt with gymnastics with elements of hardening and swimming. Its methodology is based on the works of the Soviet and Russian teacher Boris Pavlovich Nikitin, one of the founders of the system of early development of children, as well as the author of the child's aqua development program Igor Borisovich Charkovsky. But in the gymnastics of Sargunas there are more water exercises, while Trunov and Kitaev pay attention to classes, games, and swimming. Hardening elements in the original method are introduced by the fact that the exercises are carried out in a well-ventilated, cool room, and the baby must be naked.

Dynamic gymnastics in action: progress in a year - video

Dynamics for newborns

Consider a set of exercises for the smallest.

Warm up

  1. We undress the baby.
  2. We stroke the tummy and legs.
  3. With light movements, massage the fingers and feet.
  4. Slightly turn the feet of the crumbs in one direction, and then in the other direction.
  5. We stretch our legs: “walk”, “run”, “ride a bicycle”.
  6. We hold the child by the knees and spread the legs in the hips to the sides.
  7. We turn the little one on the tummy.
  8. We spread his legs, making a "frog".
  9. We stroke on the back, directing movements to the heart.
  10. We substitute our palm under the heels of the baby and thus make an emphasis. We put a bright toy in front of the eyes so that the child has an incentive to push off from the support.

At any age, you need to start the dynamics with a warm-up


Experts in dynamic gymnastics recommend monitoring the mood of the crumbs during classes and gradually increasing the number of exercises (their maximum number should coincide with the number of feedings per day - do not forget), starting with 2–3 of the simplest ones.

Exercises for newborns - table Classes on fitball and other elements of dynamics for babies up to 3 months - video

Dynamics for babies up to a year

From 2-3 months, the exercises become more active, turns, hangs, etc. are included in the complex of exercises. But you need to introduce such active elements gradually, starting with one (what the pediatrician will advise), and then adding the rest. From now on, gymnastics can be carried out on the street, and even in winter. But still, do not forget about the warm-up described above.


To the already mentioned rules of gymnastics, a few more are added:

  • do not try to do something that you are not sure about;
  • do not do exercises that the baby is afraid of;
  • to master the correct grip, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Grip when performing twists, turns and hangs should be worked out with a specialist


Starting dynamics with a child, remember that only a doctor can choose the right complex after a thorough examination of the baby. But there are 5 exercises that, in the absence of contraindications, are suitable for everyone.

When performing exercises at height, you need to ensure that the baby is not afraid

Exercises for children up to a year - table A set of dynamics exercises for 3 month old babies - video


As already mentioned, the dynamic gymnastics complex must be approved by a pediatrician. As for the general warnings, they include the following points.

  1. Incomplete possession by parents of the technique of conducting dynamics.
  2. Lack of systematic classes up to six months. The fact is that the elasticity and mobility of the joints decreases every month, which means that exercises can harm the unprepared body of the baby.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Musculoskeletal problems such as hip dysplasia.
  5. Deviations of the neuralgic plan, including increased intracranial pressure.

Before starting the dynamics, the child should be examined by medical specialists

Dynamic gymnastics for babies is effective method help the baby develop harmoniously, not only physically, but also intellectually. And the most important thing is that in the process of classes the child receives a powerful charge of positive energy from an adult. Not without reason, for some families, dynamics is an ideology. But it is strictly forbidden to start exercising without the consent of the doctor.

  • about the author
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Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.


For newborns and infants in the first year of life, physical development plays important role. After all, the baby gradually learns to control his body, learns the skills and abilities that will help him adapt to life in a new world for him. And every parent wants their baby to be healthy. And many experts insist that sport from an early age is very useful for the development of children. And one of the ways physical training kids are doing dynamic gymnastics. Although many doctors are negative about this type of exercise, this gymnastics has been popular for a long time. When do you need to start exercising, and how to protect the baby from injury during exercise?

The principle of dynamic gymnastics: what is the point

From the moment the child is born, pediatricians recommend doing light massage and gymnastics every day. This mandatory procedures to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Only normal physical development is the key to the fact that the baby will learn to hold his head, then sit, crawl, stand up and then walk. But some parents prefer more energetic exercises - dynamic gymnastics.

Dynamic gymnastics includes a set of exercises during which the child's muscles are strengthened and developed. And also contributes to the training of the vestibular apparatus.

During classes, the instructor or parents swing, rotate and toss the baby

The exercises that adults perform with babies are more like acrobatic etudes, so many are perplexed at how such exercises can be performed with children under the age of one, when the baby's spine and bones are so fragile that they can easily be damaged. Dynamic gymnastics experts warn that not all parents can work with their children on their own. At first, it is recommended to attend classes with an instructor or invite him to your home.

Improper exercise technique can lead to various injuries to the baby. Therefore, parents should be extremely careful when exercising with tiny dynamic exercises.

Such gymnastics includes several types of exercises that must be performed in combination:

  • hardening: this does not mean that babies are poured with cold water from birth, absolutely not. The principle of hardening is to wear light clothes at home, the baby spends a lot of time without clothes, taking air baths. Older babies walk on the floor without socks. Every evening the child should take a cool bath, but they accustom the baby by gradually lowering the temperature of the water;
  • air activities: it is this stage that causes the most controversy among parents and doctors;
  • massage: helps to strengthen, relax the muscles of the whole body;
  • fitball exercises: recently, classes on this kind of simulator are very popular. Women begin to engage in even during pregnancy, then adapt to such activities and their child. Doctors speak positively about fitball exercises, tk. during classes, the muscles of the neck and back are strengthened, and the vestibular apparatus is also trained.

Positive aspects: what are the benefits for infants and newborn babies

  1. It has a positive effect not only on the physical development of children, but also on the psycho-emotional state.
  2. Thanks to vigorous exercise in infants, muscles are strengthened at an accelerated pace, the joints of the limbs are developed, and the flexibility of the whole organism develops.
  3. A close relationship with parents allows the baby to better perceive the world, because the child feels the closeness of the closest people and trusts them in everything.
  4. Children quickly learn to orient in space. This is due to the fact that during the exercise, the baby sees objects from different angles.
  5. It has a positive effect on muscle tone: it strengthens and increases their activity.
  6. Strengthens the body's defenses, improves immunity.
  7. Plays an important role in the development of the nervous system of the baby.
  8. Improves coordination of movements in children.
  9. Helps correct torticollis, normalizes the digestive system.
  10. All metabolic processes in the baby's body are activated. Children with whom they are engaged in dynamic gymnastics can boast of an excellent appetite.
  11. Based on the experience of parents, children who are actively involved in this type of gymnastics sleep well, are less naughty and completely non-irritable.

Fitball exercises are not only useful, but also fun

Experts in dynamic gymnastics believe that such a set of exercises is especially useful for children born by caesarean section. Indeed, at the time of birth, babies do not pass through the birth canal, which is provided by nature. During the exercise, there is a kind of compensation for insufficient generic experience. Thus, the mechanisms of adaptation of the child in the outside world are launched faster.

Dr. Komarovsky speaks positively about dynamic gymnastics with babies. However, he pays special attention to the observance of all the rules for the safe exercise, and also only at the request of the baby. If the baby is afraid, cries and does not want to do it at the moment or at all, you should not force him. All classes must take place in game form to make the baby feel comfortable and safe. The same applies to parents: if adults are not confident in themselves, their knowledge and skills, you should not even start. It is better to go to an instructor or choose completely different exercises for your crumbs.

If you personally are scared - do not force yourself. In the end, scrolls and flips are completely optional. Those. I am for gymnastics, but without extremism.

What can be dangerous exercises of this kind

  1. The first argument against dynamic gymnastics is given by doctors: many of them believe that such exercises are a huge stress for the baby. The child is just beginning to get acquainted with the world around him, new people and objects. Even the ability to get food and perceive it requires some effort, because all the organs and systems of the crumbs adapt to the new living environment. And during such energetic activities, a huge release of stress hormones occurs. Experts suggest that this situation can cause hyperactivity at an older age.
  2. Not all parents are experts in the implementation of a set of exercises. Therefore, mistakes during classes can cause injuries to the vertebrae, sprains in the baby, microtrauma of the joints, as well as circulatory disorders.
  3. Some psychologists put forward a theory with which many parents agree. Its meaning lies in the fact that children from birth get used to the feeling of flight, speed, but they do not fall, because. they are always held by the hands of an adult. In this regard, babies do not have a fear of heights, so for older children this can cause various kinds of injuries.

Video: Dynamic gymnastics for a baby of the first year of life

Author's method of dynamic gymnastics

In the early 90s, the book “Ecology of infancy. First year". The authors of this publication are swimming and hardening instructors, as well as baby yoga instructors Mikhail Trunov and Leonid Kitaev. The book made a mixed impression among young parents and doctors, because. on its pages were described very extreme exercises with newborn children.

The authors of the dynamic gymnastics methodology emphasize that they did not discover something new, but simply rely on historical data. In ancient times, women could not afford to simply sit at home with a newborn child. The loads and pace of life forced them to engage in physical labor almost immediately after childbirth. Therefore, they sought to adapt the baby as early as possible and adapt it to the new world, where great attention was paid to physical development.

Dynamic gymnastics is aimed at fast development baby's physical data

The essence of the technique is to develop the physical potential of the child in the first year of life. And only after that, parents can begin to develop the intellectual abilities of the baby. In their book, the authors described more than 400 different exercises, in the process of which parents throw up the baby at a very active pace, shake and rotate it. At the same time, holding the baby by one or two arms, legs, and also rotating the baby around his body.

According to this technique, it is necessary to start exercising with babies from the first months of life and continue as long as the parents can hold the baby and perform exercises with him. But it is worth paying attention: if the child did not begin to study before six months, this cannot be done later. The fact is that the muscles of the crumbs are not prepared for these types of exercises and classes can cause sprains and injuries.

One of the main rules of dynamic gymnastics, according to the authors, is a properly organized space for classes:

  • the room should be well ventilated immediately before starting the exercises;
  • cool air in the room;
  • the baby must be completely naked.

Many parents do not use the full set of exercises, but choose only parts. Fitball classes are most popular, because. they do not require much preparation and special knowledge from parents.

Video: Dynamic gymnastics with a three-month-old baby

When and where to start

The opinions of experts on the optimal age at which you can start doing dynamic gymnastics with an infant differ:

  • some of them claim that the first classes can be carried out as early as two weeks after the baby is born. They argue their position by the fact that in this case the baby is protected from tendon sprains and joint injuries;
  • many pediatricians recommend starting exercises from the age of one month, when the baby gets a little stronger. The earlier classes begin, the better the child adapts to a new environment for him due to close contact with his parents;
  • however, there are also doctors who insist that it is better to practice dynamic gymnastics no earlier than the child is three months old. But the authors of the methodology argue that this is a rather late date.

Most experts are of the opinion that it is necessary to start accustoming the baby to dynamic gymnastics exercises from four weeks after birth.

Video: We start dynamic gymnastics

Basic rules for conducting classes

  1. Before starting to introduce the baby to these types of exercises, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the pediatrician and the neurologist do not mind, you can try to start exercising with the baby.
  2. At the beginning, it is recommended to invite an experienced specialist who will show and explain how to properly perform various exercises.
  3. The first lessons should not last longer than 8-10 minutes, so that the child is not tired and scared.
  4. It is worth remembering that active exercises in the air should be done only after the massage, so that the muscles and ligaments are warmed up and prepared for further exercises. Otherwise, you can stretch the tendons in the baby.
  5. It is recommended to perform classes daily, gradually increasing the procedure time from 10 to 20 minutes. It is not recommended to engage in more than this time with babies.
  6. You can’t do it immediately after eating: it should take at least an hour and a half before starting the exercises. It is also not recommended to do dynamic gymnastics before going to bed: in the evening, the baby should be calm and relaxed.
  7. In the warm season, when the air temperature outside is 20–25 C, it is better to do gymnastics outside.
  8. During classes, the child should not be wearing clothes, or something very light: panties and a T-shirt, a bodysuit or one diaper.
  9. If the child does not want to study, is naughty or cries, do not force him. It is better to postpone the exercises for another time or day. Accustom the baby to classes gradually so that he begins to perceive this as a kind of obligatory ritual.

The authors and followers of the methodology note the obligatory positive emotional state of the baby during the exercises. Parents should calmly talk with the baby during the massage, be sure to stroke it warm hands so that the child is not afraid. At the first stage, trusting contact is established between the baby and parents. Therefore, during the performance of such active elements of gymnastics, children are not at all afraid and are ready to trust adults in everything.

You can’t start classes immediately from the active part: the baby needs to be prepared through massage and conversations

How to avoid injuries and negative emotions: safety precautions

  1. Despite the fact that all exercises are quite active, they are recommended to be performed at the same pace and smoothly so that the child is not afraid of sudden movements and does not stray from the familiar rhythm.
  2. It is recommended to lay mats on the floor, and conduct classes in a free room or room where there are no sharp corners and other objects nearby that the baby can hit.
  3. Instructors recommend always starting classes only with those exercises that the child likes, and then moving on to new ones or those that the baby does not really perceive.
  4. If the baby is frightened during classes, parents should immediately stop doing the exercise and distract the baby. You can move to the ball, or show him a toy, relax the baby with light stroking movements. Then smoothly perform several exercises that the child perceives easily and with pleasure. But the next day, it is recommended to try again to complete the task that the baby did not like.
  5. Often, during the execution of some elements, the baby clearly hears clicks in the joints of the arms or legs. This should not be so, therefore, the lesson must be stopped and checked if everything is in order with the child: you can bend the limbs, if the baby does not react with crying, then everything is in order. In the case when the mood of the crumbs is good and nothing hurts, the lesson can be continued, but make sure that there are no clicks and do not put a lot of stress on those joints that clicked.

Video: How to hold a baby

In what cases is dynamic gymnastics contraindicated?

Such exercises can be useful only if contraindications are taken into account. In some cases, a specialist may categorically forbid parents to engage in dynamic gymnastics with an infant. Therefore, children who have the following diagnoses cannot practice these types of active activities and exercises:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • lesions and disorders in the work of the nervous system;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • the age of the child is six months and older to start classes.

How to deal with newborns

As we said earlier, dynamic gymnastics consists of several stages. For newborns, only massage and fitball exercises can be performed. The most active set of exercises - exercises in the air, is allowed to start no earlier than the baby is one month old. And in the first month of life, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the body and physically develop the baby with the help of massage and exercise. First of all, you should do a massage and warm-up for the crumbs in order to prepare the body for more active exercises in the air:

  • position on the back, with stroking movements from top to bottom, runs along the arms and legs of the baby, along the stomach;
  • then you should perform a light massage of the fingers of the crumbs. You can use rubber balls;
  • foot and toe massage. Turn your feet to one side and the other;
  • alternately bend the baby's legs;
  • grab the child’s knees with your hands and spread your legs apart;
  • in the position on the stomach, spread the legs of the crumbs to the sides: the “frog” position;
  • perform stroking movements on the back, legs and arms of the baby.

Fitball exercises must be performed after a warm-up and active exercises in the air.

Table: Exercise for newborn babies

It should be remembered that one exercise should be repeated as many times as the number of feedings the child receives per day.

After the massage, you can move on to more active activities - exercises on the fitball:

  • the baby should be placed on the stomach. An adult holds the baby behind his back with one hand, and both feet with the other. We begin to rock the baby back and forth, and then to the sides. The exercise can be repeated five to six times;

    Light swaying trains the baby's vestibular apparatus

  • we continue to rock, but the baby lies on its back;

    During the exercise, you need to talk with the baby

  • This exercise is performed in two positions: first on the back, then on the stomach. Put the baby on the fitball, hold the legs with one hand, and press the buttocks a little with the other so that the ball under the child springs a little;

    "Spring" exercises can be performed both on the stomach and on the back

  • the child lies on his stomach. We put a bright toy on the floor. Holding the baby by the legs, you need to tilt the ball so that the baby tries to touch the toy.

    This exercise perfectly trains the muscles of the neck.

These two stages must be performed in a complex daily, so that the child gradually gets used to and perceives physical exercises as a mandatory, daily ritual. A month after birth, the baby will calmly accept massage and ball exercises in order to move on to more dynamic elements.

Video: Fitball classes with a baby

Dynamic gymnastics exercises for children up to a year

Starting from two to three months, you can supplement daily activities with more active elements. But you should not try new exercises all at once: you should start with one, if the child perceives it well and performs it with pleasure, after a few days you can add another, etc. When performing such actions, it is worth remembering the safety rules so as not to harm the baby:

  • the technique of performing all new elements must be shown by a specialist. The fact is that the correctness of the exercise depends on the capture. But it is difficult for parents to independently understand how to properly hold the child. In order not to harm the baby, it is better to come for a consultation with a specialist;
  • instructors do not recommend doing exercises when parents are unsure or afraid. The fact is that the effectiveness of the element depends on clear movements. But if mom or dad slows down or loses rhythm, it can lead to a sprain or dislocation of a limb. It is better not to risk the health of the baby;
  • if the child is afraid of some exercise, do not insist and continue to perform it. The correct option is to put this element aside for a while and try it later.

Video: Exercises with a four-month-old baby

Experts recommend choosing a set of exercises for each child individually, depending on the characteristics of the physical development and health of the crumbs. At the beginning, the instructors show the baby the simplest exercises so as not to scare the baby. With a two-three-month-old baby, you can perform the following exercises in the air:

  • sipping: the baby rests his feet on the stomach of mom or dad. Parents, in turn, pull the baby by the arms closer to them. Then lower the crumb to its original position;
  • rocking in the air: take the baby by both hands and lift it into the air. Then slowly spread your arms to the sides and back;
  • lift the child up and down, holding him by the hands;
  • while continuing to hold the baby by the hands, transfer the weight to one hand, and release the other for two seconds, then do the same with the other hand;
  • swing the baby forward, backward and to the right, to the left.

    Rocking a baby in your arms is one of the first dynamic gymnastics exercises that a baby is introduced to.

We must not forget that all exercises in the air are possible only after a massage.

Video: Massage and gymnastics for three-month-old babies

As soon as the child gets used to the first exercises in the air, more complex exercises can be added. Experts recommend introducing your baby to a new exercise every three days. But this is provided that the child perceives the previous one well. There are times when the baby is happy to complete tasks, but he is afraid to do some elements or it is unpleasant for him. Do not force the baby, it is better to choose other exercises. Consider the most popular exercises that can be performed with children of three to four months:

  • cross: to perform this exercise, it is necessary to spread the child's arms in both directions. Adults take the baby and slowly lift it up, and then gently lower it back. This exercise can be done in a slightly different way: take the child by the hand with one hand, and the other by the leg. And spread both limbs in different directions;

    This exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the baby's arms.

  • monkey: securely grab the baby by the hands and gradually swing it. Then you need to take the child by the arm and leg and swing it in this way;

    As practice shows, kids love this exercise very much: it gives them the feeling of flying

    pendulum: take the baby by both legs with both hands. And start swinging the baby, first in one direction, then in the other direction. You can also lift the baby up and down. Then take the baby by the hands and repeat the exercise in this position;

    The exercise is performed by holding the baby first by the arms and then by the legs.

    fitball exercise: put the baby on the ball with your stomach, holding it by the ankles, slowly tilt it forward, then return it back. This not only trains the vestibular apparatus, but also strengthens the muscles of the neck and back.

As soon as the baby gets used to the head down position, swinging in different directions, you can start practicing flips, rotations and other elements that are more like acrobatic studies. From four months, you can supplement the classes described above with the following exercises:

  • rotation: take the baby with one hand by the leg, the other by the arm. Begin to actively rotate it, crossing your arms, first in one direction, then in the other;
  • casting: take the baby by the hands and start swinging in different directions. Gradually, the speed and amplitude of movements must be increased so that the baby's legs are higher than his head. When the child's body reaches this position, the adult takes one hand away from the chest, and presses the other, and the child's legs are thrown onto the adult's forearm. But you need to calculate in such a way that the baby leans his stomach on the hand of an adult;

    Casts can be performed by holding the child with one hand by the arms, the other by the legs.

  • straight scroll: holding the child by the arms, swing him back and forth. Increasing the pace of movement, the adult helps the baby to make a fat back. But you should carefully monitor the baby's wrists: as soon as the child performs a scroll, the adult must turn his hands around so that there is no dislocation in the baby's wrists;

    It is better not to perform this exercise on your own: the instructor should show it the first few times.

  • throw over the back: the child must be held by the legs and slowly rocked. Gradually, the adult increases the pace and throws the baby over his head. Here you need to be very careful so that the baby does not hit the instructor's back. To return to the starting position, you need to hold the baby over your shoulder.

    One of the most dangerous exercises, because. there is a risk of injury to the infant

Dynamic gymnastics experts explain that parents choose a set of exercises on their own, based on the wishes of the crumbs. Those activities that cause fear and negative emotions in the child should be excluded from the set of exercises.

Video: Elements of dynamic gymnastics for a six-month-old child

Instructors warn that before starting classes and performing exercises in dynamic gymnastics, it is obligatory to consult doctors: a pediatrician, a neurologist and an orthopedist. Even the most minor birth trauma can serve as a contraindication to the implementation of such active elements. Parents who have never encountered this kind of exercise should definitely consult with experienced instructors who will help you understand the many intricacies of the technique.

Video: If the baby is afraid of what to do

Dynamic gymnastics for babies is quite a popular trend today. Many parents understand and agree with the statements that sports and early physical development are mandatory for the baby. However, not everyone understands the rather extreme types of exercises that are performed with children from the age of one month. In any case, the decision on the advisability of doing dynamic gymnastics is made only by a particular family, together with the doctor observing the baby. But if the doctor forbids such exercises, you should not neglect his recommendations so as not to harm the health of your crumbs.

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Knowledge of new things and self-improvement are the main criteria in the work that I always try to do with high quality!


Babies experience the world through touch. It is important to accurately choose ways for the full development of the child's body. In addition to mother's tender words and affectionate smile, the baby needs help in psychological and physiological improvement.

What gymnastics to do to a newborn?

Caring mothers conduct massage exercises for children, engage in water procedures or prefer to walk outside often. There is a set of actions aimed at the development of newborns.

These procedures are as follows:

  • performing simple gymnastics;
  • massaging;
  • game;
  • classes to improve the vestibular apparatus;
  • water exercises;
  • hardening;
  • dynamic gymnastics.

Dynamic gymnastics implies rapid physiological and mental development. During dynamic gymnastics, the baby is held by the torso, arms or legs and thrown up, turned over.

Dynamic gymnastics is performed in conjunction with massage, hardening, simple gymnastics.

Procedures are performed in the air, it is useful to combine exercises with a fitball. The whole complex takes place in the form of a game.

From what age is dynamic gymnastics used for newborns? Judgments differ in the instructions on the age stages of the initial actions. It is recommended to start classes from different ages:

  • from birth (immaturity of the joints allows the body to support its weight);
  • 2 weeks;
  • 3 weeks;
  • 4 months (strong joints).

In any case, the decision will be made by the parents together with the pediatrician. Great importance is given to the health and mental readiness of the baby to perform classes.

The benefits of dynamic gymnastics for newborns

Dynamic gymnastics is of great benefit to a growing baby:

  • Rich interaction with mother or father. Adults feel the newborn better. The baby develops confidence in the new world outside the mother's tummy.
  • Maturation of the nervous system, friendliness, self-confidence, equanimity of character are developed.
  • The ability to navigate well in space is being formed - the child can see in three dimensions the objects around during classes.
  • Muscle tone is corrected - relieving tension or increasing muscle activity.
  • Normalization of physiological development.
  • Elimination of clubfoot and torticollis.
  • Regulation of the intestinal tract - constipation and colic.
  • Strengthening the immune and cardiovascular systems.
  • Development of adaptation mechanisms, especially in children after caesarean section.
  • Improved coordination of movements, elasticity of joints, vestibular apparatus.
  • Gaining understanding of the work of their own body - the baby understands his potential, learns to sit and walk earlier.
  • Activation of metabolic processes.
  • The abundance of oxygen in the body stimulates intellectual development.
  • Removal of psycho-emotional stress - perfectly and calmly falls asleep and wakes up.
  • Excellent appetite.
  • Elimination of prenatal and birth injuries.

There are many positive aspects. When establishing a trusting relationship between the baby and the mother (father), dynamic gymnastics will bring great joy and benefit to the participants in the process.

Why is dynamic gymnastics dangerous for babies?

Dynamic gymnastics is denied by some neonatologists and pediatricians. However, the benefits of classes are obvious - children's knowledge of the world is much more active, diseases are less common, colds are more easily tolerated, and all organs and systems are intensively formed.

The baby needs to be examined in advance. In some cases, dynamic gymnastics has limitations:

  • intracranial hypertension. With a strong excitability of the nervous system, dynamic gymnastics will harm the baby.
  • Uncompensated heart disease. The load on the child's body should be determined on an individual basis.
  • Disease of the joints genetic level. Restrictions are associated with a high load on the arms and legs.
  • Dysplasia, hip dislocation.
  • Classes older than six months. The weight of the baby and strengthened joints can provoke subluxations and injury to the joints.

It is necessary to observe the reaction of the newborn. Lack of interest or poor health at the end of the procedures indicates the need to stop this method of child development.

A set of exercises

Before classes, you need to prepare:

  • The baby needs to be "warmed up" - strokes and soft touches.
  • Simple massage.
  • Ordinary gymnastic exercises: the child lies on the back or on the tummy during the lesson.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies video:

At the end of the initial stage, a basic set of exercises is performed. It is recommended to follow the rules for:

  • Everyday lessons.
  • The procedure should take 10-20 minutes, age and number of days are taken into account.
  • Dynamic gymnastics is not done after meals and before bedtime.
  • Morning exercises for newborns are the best time to do it.
  • Exercises are best done outdoors (20-25 degrees) or in a ventilated room.
  • Light clothing or no clothing.
  • Good mood.

The first exercises must be performed in the presence of an instructor who will teach you how to correctly grip the arms and legs of the baby, then you can do it yourself.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies 3 months. Dynamic gymnastics covers exercises in a hanging position with the help of pulling up and swinging - "Vasyulka", "Pendulum", "Wheel", "Stoechka", "Planochka". The instructors call these exercises differently, but the essence of their implementation is the same.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies 3 months video:

Dynamic gymnastics for babies 4 months. At this age, the baby is doing basic exercises well. You can add complicated exercises - rotational actions, throwing up, throwing on the thigh, arm or shoulder of an adult.

Dynamic gymnastics delivers delight and pleasure to mother and baby. If all the prescriptions and instructions for performing dynamic gymnastics are observed, the excellent development (physiological and mental) of the child is guaranteed.

Publication date: 24.05.2018 22:08

Dynamic gymnastics for babies

Dynamic gymnastics (DG) provides parents with an effective tool for solving a wide range of tasks related to the physical development of the child. It is a powerful tool for correcting a number of deviations, such as hypertonicity and hypotonicity, various asymmetries, clubfoot, torticollis, etc. Some exercises activate intestinal motility, help with constipation, relieve the intestines from gases.

In general, DG is applicable to one degree or another almost everywhere where they practice. different kinds massage, and in many cases is not inferior to them in effectiveness. At the same time, it is designed not for specialists, but for parents, it is quite easy to master and, having become an element of a lifestyle, allows you to constantly and fully work with the baby.

In terms of the physical development of the child, DG is very versatile. With its help, not only effective training of the musculoskeletal system is achieved, but it also has a beneficial effect on all body systems. The high energy consumption of the child during exercise activates metabolic processes, stimulates the work of internal organs. DG classes develop coordination of movements and the vestibular apparatus, which contributes to mental development. The role of DG in the prevention of childhood injuries is also important, since it significantly strengthens the joints and develops in the child the ability to adequately respond with the body in a traumatic situation.

DG is perfectly combined with hardening procedures. During classes, the child is usually naked, and if the exercises are done on the street, then the sun's rays can also be received along the way. When performing exercises in cold air, the cold exposure can be much higher than usual, which contributes to the development of a more powerful thermoadaptive response.

During DG classes, the child experiences a lot of various sensations, his nervous system is loaded with a stream of signals necessary to coordinate the work of all body systems under conditions of high and rapidly changing loads. His motor reflexes are constantly stimulated, reactions to various external influences are fixed and trained. Such sensory loading perfectly strengthens and stimulates the development of the entire nervous system.

Carrying out exercises is possible in such a way that they will have a calming effect on the nervous system of the baby, promote quick and deep relaxation. Or, on the contrary, you can excite, activate an overly lethargic, “inhibited” child.

Possessing great opportunities in relation to the child, the DG is not a closed, self-sufficient system. It goes well with other health and developmental activities - aqua training, hardening, massage, with almost any kind of active work with the baby. Depending on the personal inclinations of the parents and the characteristics of the child, the emphasis is always shifted in one direction or another.

The results of the DG classes ultimately depend on the degree of mutual understanding between parents and the child. The development of DG begins precisely with the establishment of this mutual understanding, which occurs at the level of sensations. Only when the parent deeply feels the state of the baby, his mood, desire to engage, those problems that are most relevant at the moment, you can count on the child's full confidence in his actions, and also achieve an understanding of the child what is happening to him.

Based on the knowledge about general development and the condition of the child, about the most urgent problems that require attention, parents determine the course of the lesson, its goals, place the necessary emphasis, carefully watching the child's reactions, changes in his condition and, of course, adequately changing the course of his work. Parents should also remember that all the nuances of their condition will be sensitively captured by the baby and will certainly affect his reactions and the course of the lesson.

First of all, it is necessary to convince the baby that all actions performed with him are completely safe. It is necessary to eliminate that wariness in relation to the DG, which is an expression of his instinct for self-preservation, to "open" the child to classes. Fear, distrust of the actions of parents - this is the first obstacle to establishing contact. Because of this, the element of dialogue completely disappears, gymnastics is reduced only to physical training, the adequacy of the exercises performed to the development and condition of the baby is easily violated.

Next, you need to awaken the child's interest in activities, the perception of DG as a game, fun, exciting, varied, which may sometimes be difficult to play, but always great. Moreover, all the difficulties in this game are temporary, if something did not work out now, it will work out in the future.

The child should feel the state of dialogue with the parent, be exactly a partner in communication, and not an object of parental influence. It is bad when a child perceives classes as an inevitable procedure, and parents as a kind of element, the manifestations of which are completely impossible to control. This leads to a loss of contact between the child and the parent, reduces classes to training, which the child only stoically endures, even, it would seem, with a benevolent attitude. At the same time, the absence of negative reactions of the baby is not a criterion for the correctness of the actions of the parents - the learned experience tells him that all this can be experienced, that it will all end soon. At the same time, the child learns the stereotype of the inability to influence the situation with their reactions. Such an attitude towards the DG introduces the child into a retarded, indifferent state, leading to depression and passivity. In this case, there may be cases when the child will patiently endure even those actions of the parents that exceed his capabilities.

The kid must gain confidence that all his reactions that express his attitude to the lesson, caused by the sensations and experiences he experiences, are sensitively caught by the parents and taken into account, that is, in other words, the situation is controlled by him to some extent. Accounting for reactions should not be understood as an instant termination of the lesson at the slightest displeasure on the part of the child. Such displeasure is sometimes inevitable, especially in the initial stages. But it is important to "respond" to the reaction in some way - change the exercise, switch to massage, just hug the baby to yourself and calm down, etc. With experience, parents develop options for such responses, which eventually allow them to overcome the difficulties that arise.

Solve all of the above problems necessary skills, to introduce the child from the first days into the world of various movements, sensations and experiences, without exposing him to danger and without giving him trouble associated with the insufficient ability of the parents, the incompleteness of their sensations and knowledge about the child, allows the construction of the DG as an evolutionary system. This is expressed in the fact that any exercise, any specific movement is a continuation and development of a movement that is simpler, less intense and more acceptable to parents and the child. Starting the development of DG with completely neutral effects on the child, as we develop practical skills, grow confidence, as the child gets used to and develops, we can smoothly, without jumps, move on to any arbitrarily complex movements.

In the process of development and complication of movements, it is advisable to be guided by the following general considerations:

  1. Never do what you yourself are not sure of, what is not yet fully understood, not mastered in practice, in which even the slightest danger is felt;
  2. Do not overpower active protest, the child's resistance to increasing loads and complicating movements. With such resistance, it is advisable to linger on what has been achieved, and sometimes even temporarily descend to a lower level. There should always be a feeling of ordinaryness, "normality" of the lesson.
  3. Subject to all these restrictions, always try to reach the highest level of your and the child's capabilities, make the work as diverse and complex as possible, introduce as many variations as possible, develop them.

Mastering the DG begins with touching the child, that is, with offering him communication in the most understandable language for him. Shortly after feeding, when the baby is awake, calm, when he is in contact, you need to open him, put him on his back and cover with your palms. Since in the early days many children are frightened by the movements of their own arms and legs, it is advisable to bring the arms and legs of the baby to the body, giving it a semblance of intrauterine posture. It is necessary to ensure that the hands covering the baby are relaxed, warm, the touch must be confident, firm, but gentle. The kid should perceive this touch not as an external irritant, a source of anxiety, but as a manifestation of love, care for him, protection, warmth and tranquility. It’s good to rub your hands against each other before this until you feel warm, which will make their touch more pleasant for the child, and also increase their sensitivity.

Imagine that your hands merge with the body of the baby, you become one, there are no barriers and obstacles between you in mutual understanding. Do this every time before starting the exercises and very soon you will feel this interpenetration for real. It is from this moment that we can talk about DG as a means of purposeful communication, as a dialogue between a parent and a child.

If there is no sensation of contact, if the touch irritates the child, worries him, if he starts to cry, tenses up, pulls his arms, pushes his legs - of course, an attempt to make contact cannot be called successful. You need to think about what is hindering your contact. Perhaps the very condition of the child is unfavorable for any external influences, maybe for him in currently something else is relevant (hunger, fatigue, full intestines, etc.). More often, however, the cause of failure is the condition or nature of the adult's actions. It can be fear, self-doubt, fear of harming the child, stiffness, readiness to withdraw your hands at any moment without understanding the response.

Another situation is also possible: the parent “knows too well” what he is doing, immediately offering the child a certain program, in the expediency of which he is deeply convinced and expects that the child should - indeed should - accept this program and appreciate it. In this case, the introductory part is considered as an insignificant formality, which can be omitted. The thoughts of the parent in this case are focused not on the child, but on the development processes, on the desire to get maximum results in the shortest possible time. Accordingly, the actions become obsessive, assertive and even rude, causing a protest in the baby.

Once you understand the causes of failure, try to eliminate them. At the same time, there should not be a feeling of failure, since these difficulties are quite natural and surmountable.

So, the initial contact with the baby in touch has been achieved. Touching gradually turns into stroking in all directions, from general to individual parts of the body. Then, together with stroking, we try to move it with arms, legs, feeling the degree of their mobility, tone, strength. We learn to relax, to harmonize our own movements with the movements of the child. First we follow his movements, then we try to control them. Management, the proposal of some of our movements is not rigid, mechanical in nature, but is consistent with the baby’s own movements: we simply support those that correspond to our desires, while others smoothly translate into a new direction, but so that the baby does not feel resistance to their movements. So gradually the child's attention switches to the actions that are offered to him.

These movements can be very diverse. For handles, this can be crossing on the chest or spreading to the sides (hereinafter - stretching), circular movements with straight arms, bending at the elbows, stretching the arms up above the head, etc. Likewise for the legs. Taking the child's hands in one hand and his feet in the other, we will be able to work simultaneously with the arms and legs. Gently stroking the baby's head, we can put our hand under the back of his head. Continuing to stroke it with the other hand, you can begin to move the head in different directions giving strain to the neck. The increase in the range of motion is gradual and smooth.

At this stage, there is no reason to prefer one movement over another, since the main task is to establish contact. But still, the most promising are those movements, the development of which will bring the baby to the hanging position. This is sipping on yourself by the arms and legs, raising the head by the back of the head. However, you should not focus on these movements.

Gradually increasing the amplitude of these simple movements, we get 6 separate exercises:

A further increase in the range of motion in some of the described exercises gives a number of new, more complex exercises:

  • "casts".
  • "Side scrolls".
  • "Direct scrolls".
  • "rerolls".
  • "Sun".
  • "Carousel".

    This series of exercises, as you can easily see, is mainly aimed at developing the muscles and joints of the arms and shoulder girdle of the child, also affects the respiratory and cardiac vascular system and vestibular apparatus. The exercise "casts" gives a massage to the abdomen and is good for digestive problems.

    Taking the child in a hanging position facing away from you, you can perform the same movements, getting similar, but slightly different exercises in terms of the nature of the load.

    In general, most of the exercises fit into a fairly easy-to-remember scheme that allows you to select exercises. This is a table, the "columns" of which are various captures, and the "rows" are the so-called basic movements. This serves as the basis for the DW structure. The exercises described above complete one column in the "double grips" table. The name of this column is "grabbing the handles facing you", and the names of the rows correspond to the names of the exercises. The next column is "grabbing the handles facing away from you."

    Some exercises do not fit into this table. For example, the following two movements.

    The next pair of grips, in which the 12 basic movements described above are performed, are leg grips facing you and facing away from you.

    In hanging on legs facing away from you, the child is brought from a supine position. The preparatory stage - stroking, stretching, lifting - takes place in parallel with similar exercises with the baby's hands. As a rule, children (and parents) learn hand and foot hangs almost simultaneously.

    In order to be able to conduct classes with the child's legs, you need to learn how to relax them first (with handles, as a rule, this problem does not arise). Shaking, spanking, stroking, massaging movements will help here. With some skill, performing these techniques calmly, gently, observing the measure of intensity and duration, constantly alternating them, it is possible to relax even the legs of children with increased tone to a "working" state.

    Also, since, as a rule, the appearance of the exercises does not change much depending on how you hold the child by the legs - facing you or away from you - the drawings are given for only one grip option (Fig. 20-31).

    • "Pendulum".
    • "monkey".
    • "One leg rotation".
    • "Rocking back and forth".
    • "Side scroll".
    • "casting".
    • "Direct scroll".
    • "Sun".
    • "Carousel".
    • "reroll".

      The next two columns of our table will fill in the exercises performed in the grips for one arm and one leg of the child in positions facing you and facing away from you. These grippers exist in two mirror-symmetrical versions, not separately classified. Usually these grips are mastered when the child is accustomed to hanging on the arms and legs, and at first they turn out to be an intermediate position when moving from one hang to another. Variations of basic movements are performed as if by the way, gradually the time spent in these grips, the number and amplitude of variations increase, work in these positions takes an equal place in overall structure classes, these grips are especially convenient in cases where asymmetries are noted in the tone or development of the child. Figures 32-36 selectively show exercises in these grips.

    • "Cross".

      You need to master these grips as early as possible, at the same time as hanging by the arms and legs. Their difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to get used to holding two limbs gently and securely in one hand at the same time. In addition, in these seizures, the child may feel constrained at first. However, it makes sense to make efforts to master them, because in this way it is possible, without very loading the baby, to perform movements of maximum amplitudes, training the child’s vestibular apparatus, and also giving him the opportunity to get acquainted with the sensations of flight, takeoff and fall, speed. Such an experience will allow the child to quickly master the exercises performed in the hangs by the arms and legs.

      Performing exercises in all grips, you need to properly hold the child by the limbs. Almost always, with obvious exceptions, the child is held by the hands or feet, i. it is necessary to ensure that the wrist and ankle joints of the baby are adequately loaded, and not blocked in the hands of the parent and not excluded from work. In addition, gripping the handles should contribute to the implementation of the grasping reflex (Robinson) in the infant. As a rule, not all fingers of an adult are involved in holding a child's limb. In this case, free fingers are located, without fixing, near the forearm or lower leg of the baby, providing insurance.

      Common to all of these grips is that the child is held by two hands of an adult, while the hands of the parent are always removed from one another.

      Accordingly, the above system of exercises was called " Dual Grip Meshes". In addition to this option, another option is possible - when the child is held either by one hand of an adult, or by two, but at the same time they are brought together. The combination of such grips allows us to build another system of exercises called" Grid single grips".

      This numbering also applies to figures 49-53.

      Unlike "double", "single" basic movements are easily combined. So, performing, for example, rocking from side to side, you can "impose" rotations on them, or rocking up and down, while complicating the movement and getting completely new exercises.

      There are much more "single" captures than "double" ones. Only the most significant are listed here. In the vast majority of them, all basic movements are implemented, the way they are performed is not difficult and is clear from the drawings.

      Figure 47 shows the execution of basic movements in the grip "with one hand on the two legs of the child." Holding the baby in this way, does the adult pass the index finger between the ankles?

Seeing your child developed and healthy is the dream of all parents. Some, in order to achieve the goal, resort to traditional early age massage and gymnastics. Others opt for dynamic gymnastics, which, at first glance, looks like a uniform mockery of a baby - they twist it, throw it up, lift it by the arms and legs, like a rag doll. Is dynamic gymnastics so scary and dangerous, how to do it at home, we will tell in this article.


Dynamic gymnastics is completely different from the usual exercises for newborns and infants. The technique was invented and “released to the masses” by physiologists, specialists in early development Mikhail Trunov and Leonid Kitaev. Therefore, it is often called simply "gymnastics according to Trunov-Kitaev."

The main difference is that with classical gymnastics, exercises are carried out for a baby who is in a static or slightly mobile state. With dynamic gymnastics, the effect on the muscles occurs with a more intense movement. As a result, not only the baby's muscles are trained, but also his vestibular apparatus.

The Trunov and Kitaev complex includes hardening, massage, exercises in the air and exercises on a gymnastic ball. Despite the wide distribution and popularity of these authors, their methodology has a considerable number of opponents, among which are most of today's pediatricians, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky.

Opponents argue their position by the fact that the use of dynamic gymnastics at home is a big risk to the life and health of the baby. During acrobatic stunts, the baby can get seriously injured, because even very loving parents are not professional massage therapists and exercise therapy specialists, they do not have a detailed and detailed idea of ​​​​the anatomical location of individual muscles and ligaments in the human body.

Supporters of dynamic classes assure that learning the methodology of labor is not, but the benefits, according to them, are obvious:

  • the orientation of the baby in space improves;
  • the increased muscle tone characteristic of all infants decreases;
  • the vestibular apparatus develops and the nervous system improves;
  • the child learns to trust an adult, relying on his strong hands.

Supporters and fans of dynamic exercises for babies argue that this technique allows you to compensate for a child who was born by caesarean section, the lack of birth experience necessary for harmonious development. Kitaev and Trunov also assure parents that children who grow up on such exercises are less likely to be injured by accident in the future - it will be much more difficult to break an arm or leg when falling with a trained vestibular apparatus and the ability to group.

What should be taken into account?

When deciding to start practicing the Trunov and Kitaev system, parents should weigh the pros and cons well. Many pediatricians and child psychologists argue that possible dangers cannot be ignored. Even if parents are in favor of dynamic gymnastics with both hands, they should know everything against in order to minimize the risks.

First of all, such gymnastics is an indisputable stress for a newborn. Not just stress, but intense stress. Nowhere in nature is it customary to shake, toss and twist cubs in the air. See how carefully a cat carries kittens, how carefully other animals do it. Human cubs, from the point of view of natural laws, also do not have any prerequisites from birth to start flying and turning over in the air. That is why stress is inevitable.

It can only be minimized with the right approach - knowing when to start such exercises, how to increase the load. It is better to introduce dynamic exercises gradually so that the baby has a smoother transition to an atypical body position.

Many exercises of the Kitaev and Trunov system are based on the use of the baby's innate reflexes. But such reflexes should disappear by the age of 3-4 months, this is quite natural. If you overdo it with dynamic gymnastics, there will be a slow extinction of infant reflexes, which will slow down the development of the child.

Traumatologists warn that it can be difficult for parents to measure their strength, and therefore, after the first experiences of dynamic gymnastics without the participation of a specialist, children often end up in the hospital with sprains, fractures and other injuries. And psychologists warn that the baby may develop an incorrect perception of height, which in the future can make him a brilliant skydiver or climber, but can also cause fatal injuries due to the lack of a natural sense of fear necessary for survival.

General rules

If, despite all the warnings, parents are determined to do dynamic gymnastics with their baby, you must definitely sign up for a special group led by the so-called baby trainers, exercise therapy specialists, to see how professionals do it, learn the techniques. We are talking about the health of your baby, here bargaining, as they say, is inappropriate.

It is important that the child has no contraindications. We will talk about them below. Therefore, good and correct trainers always ask their parents for a certificate from the pediatrician that the doctor does not mind training. You also need to prepare for the fact that doctors usually refuse to give such a certificate - no one wants to take responsibility for the life of the baby if the parents decide to test certain methods on him.

The Internet and video tutorials, which can be very useful in mastering the techniques of classical massage and gymnastics for babies, are not helpers in matters of dynamic gymnastics. You cannot study remotely.

It is recommended to proceed directly to dynamic exercises after a 10-15-minute massage and elements of static gymnastics, so that the muscles and ligaments of the child are warmed up.

After eating, you should wait about an hour so that the baby does not burp. The place of employment should be thought out to the smallest detail and completely safe, even if a fall occurs (and this can happen!).


Dynamic exercises are strictly contraindicated for children with the following problems:

  • birth trauma;
  • hip dysplasia, physiological immaturity of the joints;
  • underweight (low birth weight);
  • the presence of an inguinal or umbilical hernia;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • various neurological disorders, including ischemia.

hip dysplasia

Underweight newborn

The concept of "dynamic gymnastics" is widely heard by many parents today. However, not everyone decides to spend it with babies. Why? There are objective pros and cons. But there are also subjective fears of parents.

What is dynamic gymnastics?

This is a complex of general health-improving and developing physical exercises for infants. This includes elements of conventional gymnastics, massage and exercises for the development of the vestibular apparatus. The main difference between this type of gymnastics and passive charging lies in the active dynamics (hence the name) of the exercises. It's one thing when the baby lies passively, and his legs and arms are bent. This is for the lazy ones.

It certainly has its uses. And it’s completely different when a child does pirouettes in the air with the help of mom or dad. In dynamic gymnastics, an adult holds the baby by one (or both hands), by one (or both legs), by the arm and leg, by the torso. Most often, swings, rotations, hangs, tosses, throws on the shoulder, arm or thigh of an adult are performed. Despite the apparent difficulty of these acrobatic numbers, they are given to children easily. This is due to the fact that the joints of babies are characterized by extraordinary flexibility and elasticity.


❀ Most children get an indescribable delight when they are rotated and tossed. These are precious moments of joy and an opportunity to communicate. Dynamic gymnastics exercises allow you to feel your own body, develop confidence, and help to establish emotional contact with loved ones.

❀ Many newborns retain muscle tone. For several months after birth, the baby maintains the “embryo” position: bent arms and legs. Dynamic gymnastics is one of the best ways to remove and correct muscle tone. These exercises well harmonize the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system.

❀ The kid learns to feel the boundaries of his own body and interact with space: up-down, right-left.

❀ When performing dynamic elements, the cardiovascular, immune and nervous system. (Only for some grandmothers, the latter only loosens at the sight of what they do with their grandchildren.)


You need to master dynamic gymnastics as early as possible, gradually increasing the load and expanding the set of exercises. After all, if untrained ligaments, muscles and joints are overloaded, this can lead to injuries. Some parents learn the technique of dynamic gymnastics from books and educational videos. It is better to get experience directly from the instructor, who will explain all the nuances (for example, how you can and how not to hold). Today, there are many specialists in developing schools who support this practice. Look for a reliable and competent instructor who will teach you the correct, that is, safe technique. Watch carefully the condition of the baby during dynamic gymnastics. What exercises does he like, and what is he afraid of? Also, watch your emotions: do not give your baby a bad mood!

SPECIALIST CONSULTATION. Before starting dynamic gymnastics, you need to consult with a pediatrician and narrow specialists - first of all, with an orthopedist and a neuropathologist. It is important for every parent to know the contraindications to this type of exercise. They are installed by a doctor. It must also be remembered that there are different types of dynamic gymnastics: from primitive and simple things to extreme elements. You can choose what suits your baby and does not harm his health.

Trust but check!

By the way, not every adult child will provide his body. As a rule, the closest person deserves maximum trust - mom or dad. Statistics show that dads are more likely to do dynamic gymnastics with their children. They have more physical strength and confidence in their actions, fewer fears that the child will fall or be injured. It is very important when performing dynamic exercises to establish eye-to-eye contact with the baby. It is in the eyes that he reads the confidence and calmness of his “coach”.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies. Video