The mother of actress Larisa openly spoke about the reasons for her daughter's divorce from Nikolai Fomenko and her new marriage

39-year-old actress Maria Golubkina came to the opening of the Moscow Film Festival in wedding dress. For greater persuasiveness, she put on a white veil, forcing journalists to believe in a happy event in her life. However, after a couple of days on the American "Davidzon Radio", the adopted daughter of Andrei Mironov stated that it was just outrageous and a joke of humor. Express Gazeta decided to talk to Maria herself and her mother, actress Larisa Golubkina.

After the opening of the MIFF, the presenters of the American Davidson Radio asked Maria Golubkina comment on your entry. The editorial office of Express Newspaper has a recording of this broadcast.
“I hope Russian listeners don’t find out about this,” Golubkina clarified, “and New Yorkers have not lost their sense of humor. Everyone had a feeling of some kind of action. It was just outrageous. I wanted to produce a safe shock. Everyone is interested in marriage, divorce, death and nothing else! I achieved my goal: I received a lot of printed materials. Even fellow actors began to ask me: “Are you married?” I just wanted red carpet photos in a white dress. But now, when I’m talking to you, I’m naked, I’m sitting with my legs spread in the salon and doing epilation in the bikini area, ”Masha added in the end.
Maria answered all our questions on the phone clearly:
"Pay me some money and I'll tell you about the wedding." I have already agreed to talk to a glossy publication, however, without photographs and mentioning my husband's last name.
But even having received an impressive amount, Golubkina turned out to be laconic on the pages of the magazine: - Andrei is a pilot, but, Maybe will someday fly into space. Now he should be promoted to lieutenant colonel. We are parishioners of the same church, so we got to know each other. Two months ago, I didn't even think about getting married. Once he gave me an interesting pearl ring, which became an engagement ring. My mother-in-law insisted on a white dress. She wanted everything, like people do - for the first time she marries her son. We performed the wedding ritual of all pilots and astronauts - to the monument Yuri Gagarin daisies were laid in Star City. We live separately: my husband is in a service apartment, but I don’t want to leave my house. I come to him, he comes to me. Nikita Mikhalkov sent a basket of flowers - here are the most informative excerpts from the interview.

Fomenko cheated

But Maria couldn’t not tell her mother about the wedding, so we decided to meet with Larisa Golubkina. Larisa Ivanovna had her own plans, so she invited Express Gazeta to take a ride with her in a red Mini Cooper. There was a note on the windshield of the car: "I will buy your car."

- Someone good taste- said Larisa Ivanovna. - I do not plan to sell it, I myself have only been driving for a year. True, I went to draw up CASCO, and on the way a car crashed into my rear bumper. It didn't fix it...
IN mall, where we stopped by for gifts, the actress looked into a couple of shoe boutiques. Having tried on fashionable sneakers, Golubkina did not find the right size 39 and decided to go further. Leaving the parking lot was not so easy: an incorrectly parked car blocked the road, and the people's artist and I got into an accident, damaging the front bumper of the Mini Cooper. And while we were waiting for the police officers, it was time to talk about important things.

- Larisa Ivanovna, were you at Masha's wedding?

- Yes, but everything was very modest - only the closest people.

Are you happy with your daughter's husband?

- Stupid question. This is what she should be asking. Our trouble, as Masha says, is this: “There are no men in our profession, vicious circle". Not that Masha is some kind of seeker, but she is right - there are few men standing around. I’m worried, of course, I want everything to work out for my daughter in a new relationship. After all, today the concept of "married" does not correspond to reality. I do everything myself: I buy jewelry for myself, I also drive myself. I would like to hire a driver - yes, there are no funds.

“You now have a son-in-law!”

- He busy man

- Do you communicate with Fomenko's former son-in-law?

- Relations with Nikolai are normal. He shouted that he would tear everyone for me. In the end, you know how it turned out. Kolya found another, and his daughter was alone for five years. In this, Masha and I are similar - both are in love with her. She was very upset by the divorce.

- And why did Masha still leave Nikolai: did he drink a lot?

- Fomenko went on a spree! I would have experienced this moment in her place. But it's easy to talk when you're not in her place.

- By the way, Masha repeats your fate: your first husband is Nikolai, and she has ...

- So is the second marriage with Andrei! Well, I just realized now...

- What about your personal life? There are women who marry at an advanced age ...

- I'm not one of those. Svetlana Svetlichnaya- a disgrace, talks about a young lover. This is from complete despair and something nervous ... There was a case: when I was over 50, a young man looked after me. I asked him once: "Why?" He answered: “I fell in love - I stopped drinking and smoking.” And my soul does not lie - I compare it with Mironov all the time.

Father - Shcherbinsky

IN family secrets Golubkinykh - Mironovs is not easy to understand. Masha, without blinking an eye, calls the actor her father Andrey Mironov, although from birth he has a surname - Golubkina. Her mother Larisa Golubkina, who became famous after the role of Shurochka Azarova in the film "The Hussar Ballad", for a long time didn't tell her daughter about her biological father. Economist Nikolai Shcherbinsky gave an interview to our publication for the first time, stating, however, that Maria was not his daughter, since Larisa Ivanovna at that time was married to the director Vladimir Dostal(). Masha Golubkina, having read the interview of her father, became angry: she believes that the newspaper had no right to reveal the secret of her birth. And Larisa Ivanovna for a long time denied the fact of marriage with Dostal. And only today, for the first time, she told Express Gazeta why she hid the truth from her daughter for so long.

“I did not consider it necessary to tell Masha about Shcherbinsky and Dostal,” says Golubkina. “If she were a plumber's daughter, she wouldn't know. But kind people told her: "Mironov is not your father." Then Masha, as they say, pressed me: “Inject!” Her real father Nikolay did not participate in our life in any way. Some of his relatives once called and offered to help, but I refused. Of course, Masha is unpleasant that Shcherbinsky, the old fart, is now talking nonsense, disowning his daughter. She has his hands, and she looks like. Nikolai probably forgot how, after the death of Andrei Mironov, he told me on the phone: “Now we can live together.”
How stupid, now that I am 73 and he is 67, to reveal the secrets of the Madrid court. Young fool, I believed Shcherbinsky: it seemed to me that he talented person. He wrote poems, I remember by heart those dedicated to me:
Saint, in a casket of cypress
Keeping God's writings
The sound is light "Larisa"
Gave the white bird names.
Seeing a seagull between the waves,
In their Byzantine silence
Whispered with cold lips:
"Tse dove is coming to us" ...

And I, like a cow, followed him. Bribe that Nikolai Shcherbinsky was not an actor.

Why such hostility towards hypocrites?

- Influence of the father - he was a military man, sportsman well danced. Fabulous man. Of course, my father was jealous of me: pretty, slender - from an ugly duckling she became a swan. And he found me a husband designer by last name Okunev, beautiful and humblest man. Dad even prepared a house for him at our dacha. My father had his own ideas: he thought I needed a man, not a weakling. And in 1963 I lived in the Astoria Hotel and met my nephew Nicholas II he laid eyes on me. I'm just a girl, he's 18 years older. But I was immediately isolated from him ... Dad said about my suitors: “He doesn’t look like that, he’s not smart.” You can understand a parent: three years ago I went to school, and after the “Hussar Ballad” I became a star. Such a metamorphosis was a drama for him...
And years later, I found out that my father in Germany had made a child from a German woman - the daughter of Dogmar. He sent them his cards - here, they say, is your dad. The father could have renounced paternity, but he did not, because a real man. Unfortunately, I didn’t communicate with my sister - because of my mother: I was as a woman offended for her. And she doesn't know Russian.

- Shcherbinsky denies the fact of Masha's paternity, saying that out of pure motives he let you live in his apartment when you were married to Dostal.

- Volodya Dostal is not to blame for anything. I married him and six months later I realized: I can’t get a family. She returned to Nikolai Shcherbinsky. I got pregnant a year and a half after my divorce from Dostal. Masha was born in 1973, and I divorced in 1971. I'm not an elephant - to bear a child for a year and a half.
Kolya thinks that Masha and I will demand the inheritance from him. No one will come to him and ask for nothing. Let him not worry.

Didn't want to get married

- You understood that you love Shcherbinsky. Why did you marry Dostal?

- Volodya Dostal made me the first proposal in 1961, when I was 21 years old. Then Shcherbinsky appeared, and I fell in love. Shcherbinsky and I could talk on the phone for hours. Should have been concerned: normal people do not speak for a long time. Kolya grew up with his grandmother and mother, who behaved terroristically towards him. I worked from morning to night, and Shcherbinsky sat at home: he wrote poetry, and he also wanted me to push through his scripts. But most importantly, he did not want to marry me! Kolya got me so bad that I wanted to run away from him. And then Dostal proposed again - and I still married Volodya. There was no wedding with Dostal as such - I did not want this. Dostal was the most strong man of all and loved me very much. At that time he worked as a second director for Sergei Bondarchuk in the Waterloo painting. But Shcherbinsky did not leave my life, and Volodya commented on the situation like this: “ Suvorov endured, and I will endure Shcherbinsky. One of them - Kolya or Volodya - had to take the situation into their own hands and put an end to it. But neither one nor the other did. Kolya asked me to come back: he fainted, he ended up in the hospital - he put pressure on compassion. And I got divorced. Which, by the way, I sometimes regret ... But Shcherbinsky again hushed up any talk about the wedding. I, a fool, decided: “We must give birth to him. And then everything will be fine.” When Masha was born, I dragged Shcherbinsky to the registry office under a stick. Then I got tired of being humiliated, and I left him ...
Nicholas envied me. I went abroad and brought beautiful things from there. Somehow Shcherbinsky trampled on my hat because I did not bring a book to his relative. And I felt like a stuffed fool: his mother was lying in bed, scratching her belly, her grandmother was sick, and I was such a Cinderella, I looked after everyone. Yes, and stop “trampling your hats” - I’m tired of these relationships ...
Indeed, many envied me that I was invited to film festivals abroad. Only few people knew how difficult it was. Put the head of the theater up to date, take a testimonial, take it to the political department. One general, on whom the decision depended, once said: “Why are you wearing such wide trousers?” Somehow, in the local committee, one such boss, Sergei Sergeevich, did not sign my petition. I say, “What difference does it make to you? I will remember you kindly." I got down on my knees and didn't sign. You, he says, often travel abroad.
I also encountered the concept of envy in the theater. Once I overslept the afternoon performance, they started ten minutes late. The head of the troupe gave me a trial: the old people gathered. I saw how they hate me because they are jealous. She got up in court and crossed herself: “Thank you for overslept. I saw how you treat me. I tore everyone apart, and we parted ways. And Kolya envied me ...

- Why is Shcherbinsky angry with you years later?

- I once called him to the transfer to Kira Proshutinskaya and added: “Kolya, forgive me if I offended you with something.” For some reason Kolya went berserk. I am struck by his vicious temper. I have not seen him for 40 years, I have not received a penny from him! I thought for a long time why he behaves like this? Maybe if he had a family and children, he would be kinder.


- Larisa Ivanovna can shout that the earth is flat, - says the former civil husband Golubkina and Masha's father Nikolai Shcherbinsky. - Yes, I was not at Masha's wedding. But why should I be interested in her weddings? What is my daughter? You never know what the f*** what he says. Didn't Larisa Golubkina get anything else from me? Maybe even clap? Masha's mother was cunning all her life and did the devil knows what: the oldest profession, squealing after trips abroad. She came to me with a belly that could be carried on a wheelbarrow. Dostal's daughter, you know, is not interesting to me. Larisa broke up with him in 1972. The gestation period is not three days, therefore, if you calculate, then Masha's date of birth will just turn out. At first she claimed that the father of her daughter was Mironov, then it was me. Do they hope to get something from the inheritance with Masha? But I made a will, and these citizens are not there.

Natalia Murga

Maria Andreevna Golubkina (nee - Shcherbinskaya). She was born on September 22, 1973 in Moscow. Russian actress theater and cinema, presenter.

Adoptive father - famous Soviet actor.

Cousin - screenwriter, prose writer and poet Kirill (Kira) Laskari Jr. (b. August 11, 1977 in Leningrad), marketing and promotional director of the Friday! TV channel.

The fact that the real father of Mary is not Andrei Mironov, but Nikolai Shcherbinsky, she learned already in her teens. “I didn’t consider it necessary to tell Masha about Shcherbinsky and Dostal,” says Golubkina. “If she were the daughter of a plumber, she wouldn’t have known. But kind people told her: “Mironov is not your father.” Then Masha, as they say, pressed me: “ Kolis! Her real father Nikolai did not participate in our life in any way. Some of his relatives once called and offered help, but I refused, "said her mother, Larisa Golubkina.

True, Nikolai Shcherbinsky himself never recognized paternity and always told reporters that Larisa Golubkina came to live with him already being pregnant.

Nikolai Shcherbinsky - the biological father of Maria Golubkina

When Maria was one year old, her mother began to live with Andrei Mironov, who at that time was married to actress Ekaterina Gradova. And only after two years life together Mironov divorced. Despite the fact that the actor had a daughter, Masha, from his first marriage, Andrei Aleksandrovich raised Maria Golubkina as his own.

Studied at the Moscow secondary general education school № 18.

Since childhood, Maria knew what the atmosphere of the theater is. Therefore, she did not face the question of where to go after school. In 1995 she graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theater School.

She began her career at the Satire Theater, where her stepfather Andrei Mironov previously played. Subsequently, she worked at the Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin.

The film debut came in 1990 - she played leading role(Nastya) in the film by Vyacheslav Krishtofovich "Adam's Rib", for which she was awarded the Constellation Award of the Russian Screen Actors Guild.

Maria Golubkina in the film "Adam's Rib"

Also successful was the shooting in the melodrama "Wedding" (the role of Sveta), in which she starred with her half-sister.

In 2005-2006, she was a member of the jury of the games of the major league of KVN, aired on Channel One.

In 2007, she hosted a daytime show on Mayak radio.

Since 2012, she has become the host of the show "Girls" on the Russia-1 TV channel, along with Irina Saltykova, Olga Shelest, Alla Dovlatova, Rita Mitrofanova, Yulia Kuvarzina, Tutta Larsen, Anastasia Golub and Yulia Baranovskaya.

In 2014, she returned to Mayak radio, becoming the co-host of the daytime show Love and Doves together with Margarita Mitrofanova.

In 2015, she took part in the literary and educational project "To be a poet!".

Maria Golubkina in the program "Alone with everyone"

For more than 20 years he has been fond of equestrian sports.

The growth of Maria Golubkina: 165 centimeters.

Maria Golubkina's personal life:

In 1995-2008 she was married to famous musician, actor and showman Nikolai Fomenko. The couple had two children: daughter Anastasia (born 1998) and son Ivan (born 2003).

Divorced, according to rumors, because of the numerous betrayals of Fomenko.

In 2013, it became known that the actress remarried.

In July 2013, Maria Golubkina appeared at the opening of the Moscow Film Festival in a wedding dress. True, a couple of days later, on the American Davidson Radio, she stated that it was just outrageous.

Nevertheless, the actress said that she has a legal husband. His name is Andrei, he is a pilot-cosmonaut. But she didn't give any other details.

"Andrey is a pilot, but perhaps someday he will fly into space. Now he should receive the rank of lieutenant colonel. We are parishioners of the same church, so we met. Two months ago I didn’t even think about the wedding. Once he gave me an interesting ring with a pearl ", which became the engagement. My mother-in-law insisted on a white dress. She wanted everything, like people do - she marries her son for the first time. We performed the wedding ritual of all pilots and cosmonauts - they laid daisies at the monument to Yuri Gagarin in Star City. We live separately: my husband - in service apartment, but I don’t want to leave my house. I come to him, he comes to me. Nikita Mikhalkov sent a basket of flowers, "she said.

Maria Golubkina in a wedding dress, 2013

Voiced by Maria Golubkina:

2004 - Capital souvenir (animation) - Masha, fashion model

The childhood of Maria Golubkina

Maria was born in the family of Larisa Golubkina, a talented and popular actress, and Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev. Masha's father was engaged in foreign economic relations, and in his free time from his main job he acted as a director and cameraman of documentaries. Unfortunately, the marriage of Maria's parents broke up, and her mother married a second time - to Andrei Mironov. Larisa and Andrei got married after Andrei broke off relations with his first wife, Ekaterina Gradova. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Maria Mironova. Andrei officially adopted Masha Golubkina.

The relationship between Masha cannot be called sisterly, despite the fact that both of them "went into actresses" and even once played in the same film.

Carier start

As is often the case, Mary continued acting dynasty, although she had every chance to play sports professionally. From the age of eleven, she was engaged in equestrian sports and earned the title of master of sports. But acting genes took their toll, and Golubkina decided to enter the Shchukin School. Already at the age of sixteen, she received her first film role. It was the role of Nastya in the film "Adam's Rib" (1990) by Vyacheslav Krishtofovich.

Five years later, after graduating from the B. Shchukin Theater School, Maria began working with the troupe of the Moscow Theater of Satire, and then at the Theater. Pushkin. After another five years, she leaves the theater, disagreeing with the procedure for appointing the artistic director of the theater.

Maria claims that the fame of her parents did not affect her ascent to the star Olympus. The only help she received from her parents was support and advice.

Maria Golubkina in the cinema

In 1992, while still a student at the school, Maria starred in the movie Fandago for the Monkey. Then there was the Detective Bureau Felix (1993), Khorovod (1994), Tomorrow .. Love in the Forbidden Zone (1995).

Next was the role that brought Golubkina fame and recognition from the audience - the role of Sveta in Pavel Lungin's film "Wedding", and a little later the role of a journalist in "Scam".

Maria Golubkina's personal life

After graduating from the Shchukin School, Maria married famous actor and showman Nikolai Fomenko. For Nicholas, this marriage was already the second in a row. They had two children - Nastya and Ivan.

The union, which promised to last a lifetime, broke up in 2008, which was an absolute surprise not only for the couple's relatives, but also for their devoted fans. The reason for it was new love Nicholas - Natalia Kutobaeva, whom he later married.

Like everyone strong man, Maria tried to distract herself from this blow. She spent the whole summer Ryazan region together with the children, where she was invited to take part in the filming of the series "Village Comedy". Golubkina got one of the main roles.

Despite the divorce, Nikolai Fomenko and Maria Golubkina maintain friendly relations in order to protect their children from any negativity associated with the divorce of their parents.

Show must go on

Maria Golubkina is not going to stop there. She successfully continues her acting career both in cinema and on the theater stage.

Maria Golubkina about the Orthodox path of Russia

She has roles in films such as Moscow Heat, Personal number”, “Brezhnev”, “Jackpot for Cinderella”, “Yesenin”, “Leningrad”, “Frenchman”, “The Fifth Corner” and many others.

In addition, she continues to work at the Pushkin Theater. Now Maria is playing in the play "Ladies' Tailor".

With Nikolai Georgievich Shcherbinsky, who worked for many years at Mosfilm, who shot fifty documentary films, collaborated with leading domestic directors, we discussed the problems of modern cinema. And, to my amazement, when asked about famous actress Larisa Golubkina Shcherbinsky, sighing, suddenly said: "She was my wife." And he struck me with the following confession: “I - father Masha Golubkina.

In fact, for many years, viewers and fans have been struggling with the “mystery of two Mashas” - Mironova and Golubkina. According to rumors, Masha Mironova does not want to consider Golubkina her sister. There is talk that Golubkina is not her own, but the adopted daughter of Andrei Mironov. Masha herself in her interviews calls Mironov's dad.

Perhaps our frank conversation with Nikolai Shcherbinsky will shed light on this foggy story...

How did Shcherbinsky meet Golubkina?

Shcherbinsky met with the popular and beautiful actress Larisa Golubkina December 27, 1968 at the House of Writers.

I remember this date, because on this day it was 30 years since the death of Mandelstam, - says Shcherbinsky.

In the House of Writers, he - an author recognized in those years, a strong prose writer and a talented poet - "dined" almost every day. And Golubkina sang here ...

Nikolai, a refined, well-groomed handsome man, erudite and polyglot, immediately attracted the attention of the actress. They say that he courted her very subtly, dedicated lyrical poems to her ... Very soon, Golubkina and Shcherbinsky began to appear together at social receptions. Nikolai knew about Larisa's long-standing friendship with Andrei Mironov.

Golubkina was introduced to Mironov by Natalya Fateeva at her birthday party on December 23, 1963. According to Larisa Ivanovna, Mironov fell in love with her and made marriage proposals several times. But she was not going to get married and invited Andrei to remain friends. In 1971, Mironov, tired of waiting, began to intensively look after Gradova, and they got married.

Golubkina at that time was already living with Shcherbinsky under the same roof. As they say, after some time Golubkina wanted to “legitimize” relations with Nikolai, but he pulled everything.

In a conversation with me, he said about Golubkina - “my ex-wife". "Official?" I asked. He avoided answering, but then nevertheless admitted: “We were not scheduled. But they lived with Larisa for six years.

As they say, happy life did not work out for both couples.

Nikolai's mother did not get along very well with Larisa. And Larisa and Nikolai themselves often quarreled over the cinema. Nikolay believed that it was necessary to work with serious scripts, and did not support his beloved when she agreed to play in films for the sake of earning money.

Maybe you shouldn't have criticized Larisa's work so much?

But I not only criticized her, but offered her a sensible one! But she didn't need all that. My screenwriting did not captivate her either ... Then I was still somewhat less prepared for family life ...

Father's daughter taken away?

According to Shcherbinsky, their common daughter with Golubkina was a long-awaited child.

He met Larisa from the hospital, he himself gave the name of the newborn - Masha, in honor of his beloved grandmother Maria Konstantinovna.

Masha was registered under her father's surname. And in the birth certificate they wrote: “Maria Nikolaevna Shcherbinskaya, born on September 22, 1973.”

In the maternity hospital where Golubkina gave birth and where the midwife who delivered her childbirth works, to this day they wonder why Larisa Ivanovna calls Andrei Mironov the father of her daughter. He just never came to visit her in the hospital. Everyone saw another, tall, handsome man, whom Golubkina addressed by name - Kolya ...

After the birth of her daughters, the life of Mironov - Gradova and Shcherbinsky - Golubkina changed.

First, in January 1974, when Masha was six months old, Larisa and Nikolai broke up.

Well, it's just that our relations with Larisa have reached a dead end, - Nikolai Georgievich reluctantly explains. Well, maybe partly my fault. Partially according to Larisina. There were many adventures there.

Were you offended?

It's a shame that - that she went to Mironov? But I left her! I just became unbearable in my own house. He left without even planning to leave. I went with a case on business to Goskino in bad mood. And I think: why such a terrible mood - because you have to return? Or maybe not come back? Took it and didn't return. She then lived in my apartment for a year and a half. Well, what can you do, people disperse and part with their children ...

Larisa Ivanovna never talks about the existence of Shcherbinsky in her life, but about Mironov in her memoirs she reports that Andrei Alexandrovich already in February 1974, without divorcing Gradova, moved into her house.

Mironov and Gradova officially divorced in 1976. Gradova did not interfere with the meetings of her daughter and father. Golubkina, on the contrary, as Nikolai says, from the very beginning tried to "turn off" him from her and her daughter's life.

Nikolai Georgievich, how did you leave your daughter?

The child, according to the laws of our kingdom, remains with the woman. Larisa said reasonably that a child should not have two fathers and Mironov is better than me ... She, as a mother, considered that Mironov could give Masha more. I don't even blame her for it.

But could you somehow come and meet with your daughter?!

How could I come? I will come, so what? The door won't open for me. And they will say: "I'll call the police now." They drive you through the door, and you climb out the window? It's just stupid ... You see, it's very easy for a child to explain that dad is a scoundrel and a scoundrel. The little man lives in the brains of his mother. Especially the girl...

From the memoirs of E. Gradova:

“Andrey and I talked a lot, we worked in the same theater. My Masha, out of the kindness of her heart, once wrote a letter to Masha Golubkina. But received no answer. I think Andrei himself slowed down this acquaintance for some reason of his own ... Larisa wanted to give her daughter the name Mironova ... He said that this was utter vulgarity - two Masha Mironovs.

From the memoirs of L. Golubkina:

“Andryusha did not want unnecessary problems. He went there separately and lived here separately ... Katya Gradova claims that her girl is the only heiress of Andryusha, only daughter. Let him approve. Andrei has two daughters, he knew this, and only this matters ... "

According to actress Tatyana Egorova, Golubkina forbade Shcherbinsky to see her daughter.

“Apparently, she told Masha that her father was Mironov,” says Yegorova. - Larisa Ivanovna is a special person. I think Kolya Shcherbinsky was very worried about her. Yes, and she said that she still loves Kolya "...

Hope dies last?

They say that Shcherbinsky was very upset by parting with Golubkina.

To drown out the pain, he went to work with his head. And - succeeded. In 1983, director Igor Slabnevich made a feature film based on his novel “According to the Law of War”. Filmed from his scripts art films“Somewhere the oriole is crying”, “The road to yourself”.

Two more scripts by Shcherbinsky were already being launched at Mosfilm. But... the work was closed by Elem Klimov.

“Do you know why? - asks Shcherbinsky. - For the "commercialization of Russian cinema"! But cinema is a commercial art, it cannot be unprofitable! Personally, I bought from the heiress of Varlam Shalamov the rights to film adaptation of his "Kolyma" stories. I wrote a script that was launched in Bondarchuk's association, but Bondarchuk died soon after...

But if there are sponsors, would you agree to make a film based on Shalamov?

Certainly! And I am sure that they will watch Shalamov! Prison escape is a universal theme. After all, every person subconsciously wants to free himself from something: from work, from the country, from his wife ... "

The freedom of Shcherbinsky from his family turned into the fact that he lost his daughter. He never married. Apart from Masha, he has no children. Now he can only sigh: - I would have raised Masha differently. Perhaps he would have advised her not to go into actresses, but ... what about the past now?

Nikolai Georgievich is watching the fate of his daughter. Sometimes only a few steps between the stage and the audience separate him from her...

Does Masha know that you are her real father? - I ask Nikolai Georgievich.

Don't know. I never had any contact with her. She says everywhere that her father is Andrei Mironov. If she likes it so much - so what?

Did you go to Masha's performances?

Walked ... And stopped walking. Why bother a parent...


Nikolai Georgievich SCHERBINSKY-ARSENIEV - comes from a noble noble family (paternal grandfather was an admiral of the Baltic Fleet under the tsar, and maternal grandfather was a vice-governor of Novorossia).

Graduated from Moscow aviation institute and the Gorky Literary Institute. Worked at the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations. At the same time he was engaged literary activity. Author, director and cinematographer of more than fifty documentaries, for this work he received three prestigious international awards.

Masha GOLUBKINA: I don't know who Shcherbinsky is

Masha Golubkina works from morning to night. And it's hard to catch her. Through the PR director, we asked the actress about Nikolai Shcherbinsky. Masha replied that this name did not tell her anything, she did not know this person. When we explained that Shcherbinsky claims that he is her own father, the actress said that she had not heard anything about it, and advised her to contact her mother, Larisa Golubkina, for comments.

Larisa GOLUBKINA: I won't tell you anything!

Larisa Ivanovna reacted very violently to our questions. She was very upset and flatly refused to communicate with us. And to the question “Is it true that you had a husband, Nikolai Shcherbinsky?” almost shouted out, "That's not true!" and hung up...

Well, let the last word will remain with the woman. Although, to be honest, Nikolai Shcherbinsky has no particular reason to invent this story - he does not pretend to anything ... So if Masha nevertheless decides to meet with him - in the editorial office of KP, Shcherbinsky left his phone number for her ...

With Nikolai Georgievich Shcherbinsky, who worked for many years at Mosfilm, who shot fifty documentary films, collaborated with leading domestic directors, we discussed the problems of modern cinema. And, to my amazement, when asked about the famous actress Larisa Golubkina, Shcherbinsky, with a sigh, suddenly said: “She was my wife.” And he struck me with the following confession: “I am the father of Masha Golubkina.”

In fact, for many years, viewers and fans have been struggling with the “mystery of two Mashas” - Mironova and Golubkina. According to rumors, Masha Mironova does not want to consider Golubkina her sister. There is talk that Golubkina is not her own, but the adopted daughter of Andrei Mironov. Masha herself in her interviews calls Mironov's dad.

Perhaps our frank conversation with Nikolai Shcherbinsky will shed light on this foggy story...

How did Shcherbinsky meet Golubkina?

Shcherbinsky met the popular and beautiful actress Larisa Golubkina on December 27, 1968 at the House of Writers.

I remember this date, because on this day it was 30 years since the death of Mandelstam, - says Shcherbinsky.

In the House of Writers, he - an author recognized in those years, a strong prose writer and a talented poet - "dined" almost every day. And Golubkina sang here ...

Nikolai, a refined, well-groomed handsome man, erudite and polyglot, immediately attracted the attention of the actress. They say that he courted her very subtly, dedicated lyrical poems to her ... Very soon, Golubkina and Shcherbinsky began to appear together at social receptions. Nikolai knew about Larisa's long-standing friendship with Andrei Mironov.

Golubkina was introduced to Mironov by Natalya Fateeva at her birthday party on December 23, 1963. According to Larisa Ivanovna, Mironov fell in love with her and made marriage proposals several times. But she was not going to get married and invited Andrei to remain friends. In 1971, Mironov, tired of waiting, began to intensively look after Gradova, and they got married.

Golubkina at that time was already living with Shcherbinsky under the same roof. As they say, after some time Golubkina wanted to “legitimize” relations with Nikolai, but he pulled everything.

In a conversation with me, he said about Golubkina - "my ex-wife." "Official?" I asked. He avoided answering, but then nevertheless admitted: “We were not scheduled. But they lived with Larisa for six years.

As they say, a happy life did not work out for both couples.

Nikolai's mother did not get along very well with Larisa. And Larisa and Nikolai themselves often quarreled over the cinema. Nikolay believed that it was necessary to work with serious scripts, and did not support his beloved when she agreed to play in films for the sake of earning money.

Maybe you shouldn't have criticized Larisa's work so much?

But I not only criticized her, but offered her a sensible one! But she didn't need all that. My screenwriting did not captivate her either ... Then I was still somewhat less prepared for family life ...

Father's daughter taken away?

According to Shcherbinsky, their common daughter with Golubkina was a long-awaited child.

He met Larisa from the hospital, he himself gave the name of the newborn - Masha, in honor of his beloved grandmother Maria Konstantinovna.

Masha was registered under her father's surname. And in the birth certificate they wrote: “Maria Nikolaevna Shcherbinskaya, born on September 22, 1973.”

In the maternity hospital where Golubkina gave birth and where the midwife who delivered her childbirth works, to this day they wonder why Larisa Ivanovna calls Andrei Mironov the father of her daughter. He just never came to visit her in the hospital. Everyone saw another, tall, handsome man, whom Golubkina addressed by name - Kolya ...

After the birth of her daughters, the life of Mironov - Gradova and Shcherbinsky - Golubkina changed.

First, in January 1974, when Masha was six months old, Larisa and Nikolai broke up.

Well, it's just that our relations with Larisa have reached a dead end, - Nikolai Georgievich reluctantly explains. Well, maybe partly my fault. Partially according to Larisina. There were many adventures there.

Were you offended?

It's a shame that - that she went to Mironov? But I left her! I just became unbearable in my own house. He left without even planning to leave. I went with a case on business to Goskino in a bad mood. And I think: why such a terrible mood - because you have to return? Or maybe not come back? Took it and didn't return. She then lived in my apartment for a year and a half. Well, what can you do, people disperse and part with their children ...

Larisa Ivanovna never talks about the existence of Shcherbinsky in her life, but about Mironov in her memoirs she reports that Andrei Alexandrovich already in February 1974, without divorcing Gradova, moved into her house.

Mironov and Gradova officially divorced in 1976. Gradova did not interfere with the meetings of her daughter and father. Golubkina, on the contrary, as Nikolai says, from the very beginning tried to "turn off" him from her and her daughter's life.

Nikolai Georgievich, how did you leave your daughter?

The child, according to the laws of our kingdom, remains with the woman. Larisa said reasonably that a child should not have two fathers and Mironov is better than me ... She, as a mother, considered that Mironov could give Masha more. I don't even blame her for it.

But could you somehow come and meet with your daughter?!

How could I come? I will come, so what? The door won't open for me. And they will say: "I'll call the police now." They drive you through the door, and you climb out the window? It's just stupid ... You see, it's very easy for a child to explain that dad is a scoundrel and a scoundrel. The little man lives in the brains of his mother. Especially the girl...

From the memoirs of E. Gradova:

“Andrey and I talked a lot, we worked in the same theater. My Masha, out of the kindness of her heart, once wrote a letter to Masha Golubkina. But received no answer. I think Andrei himself slowed down this acquaintance for some reason of his own ... Larisa wanted to give her daughter the name Mironova ... He said that this was utter vulgarity - two Masha Mironovs.

From the memoirs of L. Golubkina:

“Andryusha did not want unnecessary problems. He went there separately and lived here separately ... Katya Gradova claims that her girl is Andryusha's only heiress, her only daughter. Let him approve. Andrei has two daughters, he knew this, and only this matters ... "

According to actress Tatyana Egorova, Golubkina forbade Shcherbinsky to see her daughter.

“Apparently, she told Masha that her father was Mironov,” says Yegorova. - Larisa Ivanovna is a special person. I think Kolya Shcherbinsky was very worried about her. Yes, and she said that she still loves Kolya "...

Hope dies last?

They say that Shcherbinsky was very upset by parting with Golubkina.

To drown out the pain, he went to work with his head. And - succeeded. In 1983, director Igor Slabnevich made a feature film based on his novel “According to the Law of War”. According to his scripts, the feature films “The Oriole Is Crying Somewhere”, “The Road to Yourself” were shot.

Two more scripts by Shcherbinsky were already being launched at Mosfilm. But... the work was closed by Elem Klimov.

“Do you know why? - asks Shcherbinsky. - For the "commercialization of Russian cinema"! But cinema is a commercial art, it cannot be unprofitable! Personally, I bought from the heiress of Varlam Shalamov the rights to film adaptation of his "Kolyma" stories. I wrote a script that was launched in Bondarchuk's association, but Bondarchuk died soon after...

But if there are sponsors, would you agree to make a film based on Shalamov?

Certainly! And I am sure that they will watch Shalamov! Prison escape is a universal theme. After all, every person subconsciously wants to free himself from something: from work, from the country, from his wife ... "

The freedom of Shcherbinsky from his family turned into the fact that he lost his daughter. He never married. Apart from Masha, he has no children. Now he can only sigh: - I would have raised Masha differently. Perhaps he would have advised her not to go into actresses, but ... what about the past now?

Nikolai Georgievich is watching the fate of his daughter. Sometimes only a few steps between the stage and the audience separate him from her...

Does Masha know that you are her real father? - I ask Nikolai Georgievich.

Don't know. I never had any contact with her. She says everywhere that her father is Andrei Mironov. If she likes it so much - so what?

Did you go to Masha's performances?

Walked ... And stopped walking. Why bother a parent...


Nikolai Georgievich SCHERBINSKY-ARSENIEV - comes from a noble noble family (paternal grandfather was an admiral of the Baltic Fleet under the tsar, and maternal grandfather was a vice-governor of Novorossia).

Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the Gorky Literary Institute. Worked at the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations. At the same time he was engaged in literary activity. Author, director and cinematographer of more than fifty documentaries, for this work he received three prestigious international awards.

Masha GOLUBKINA: I don't know who Shcherbinsky is

Masha Golubkina works from morning to night. And it's hard to catch her. Through the PR director, we asked the actress about Nikolai Shcherbinsky. Masha replied that this name did not tell her anything, she did not know this person. When we explained that Shcherbinsky claims that he is her own father, the actress said that she had not heard anything about it, and advised her to contact her mother, Larisa Golubkina, for comments.

Larisa GOLUBKINA: I won't tell you anything!

Larisa Ivanovna reacted very violently to our questions. She was very upset and flatly refused to communicate with us. And to the question “Is it true that you had a husband, Nikolai Shcherbinsky?” almost shouted out, "That's not true!" and hung up...

Well, let the woman have the last word. Although, to be honest, Nikolai Shcherbinsky has no particular reason to invent this story - he does not pretend to anything ... So if Masha nevertheless decides to meet with him - in the editorial office of KP, Shcherbinsky left his phone number for her ...