It has long been proven that breathing exercises bring great benefits to the body, because with their help you can get rid of a wide range of diseases. Strelnikova's breathing exercises are very popular among people. At one time, the author developed it in order for singers to train their vocal cords. Later, gymnastics became an effective general health complex and is still recommended in the treatment of many diseases.

Treatment with breathing exercises

Strelnikova's method is suitable for both children and their parents. Breathing exercises are used to lose weight in the abdomen, with asthma, stuttering or bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases. Its effectiveness is explained by the fact that when performing exercises, the work of the lungs stabilizes, all human organs are saturated with oxygen. If you are worried about any disease, even a chronic one, be sure to try Strelnikova's breathing exercises.


  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • asthma;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • nervous disorders, stress;
  • curvature, other diseases of the spine;
  • stuttering
  • diseases of the speech apparatus.


Although breathing exercises are worthy in most cases positive reviews doctors, they are still not recommended for:

  • fever, elevated body temperature;
  • brain injury;
  • spinal injuries;
  • long-standing osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • severe myopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • heart disease;
  • increased pressure;
  • bleeding.

A set of exercises

base element gymnastics is a sharp, short, energetic breath through the nose. You need to exhale through your mouth, slowly and smoothly. If you do this abruptly, then there will be hyperventilation of the lungs. During classes, be sure to count rhythmically. It is advisable to use the rhythm of marching steps, keep a constant pace. Performing breathing exercises, it is even allowed to sit if the body is weakened. When you get used to training, you can double the load.

Strelnikovskaya gymnastics is represented by many exercises, but the most common are:

  • "The chauffeurs". You should spread your legs wider than your shoulders, clench your fists, press to your lower back. Inhaling the air, sharply lower your hands, spreading your fingers. Try to push them hard. Do eight sets 8 times a day.

  • "Palms". Stand straight, bend your elbows, point your palms away from you. Inhaling noisily, clench them into fists. Perform 20 sets 8 times a day.

  • "Pump". Stand, spread your legs, hands freely lower down. On a loud inhale, make a smooth tilt, while exhaling, slowly rise back. Do 8 sets eight times a day.

  • "Cat". Slightly spread your legs, stretch your arms along the body. Inhaling, sit down and turn your torso to the right. Exhaling, rise up. Accompany the next squat with a turn to the left. Do 12 sets eight times a day.

Strelnikova's mother began to create this extremely exceptional set of breathing exercises in the 30s of the last century. Her goal was to create a set of gymnastic breathing exercises that would help cure asthma. After a while, Alexandra Strelnikova herself, using the achievements of her mother, began to develop inherited knowledge.

The result of the joint work of their family duet was breathing exercises, which were rather difficult to surpass in effectiveness, and which helped return the lost voice, healed the respiratory organs, heart, blood vessels, digestive system, nervous disorders, sexual and dermatological problems, psellism, obesity.

And although this technique, called controversial much later, was officially recognized by medicine only in 1973, it was successfully used by many Soviet performers.

The general basis of Strelnikova's warm-up is a quick and powerful breath (necessarily through the nose) and passive exhalation, performed arbitrarily. Inhalation of air is accompanied by dynamic contractions pectoral muscles. It is thanks to this that the amount of oxygen in the tissues increases, which helps to improve health. In addition, the work of the respiratory muscles is activated.

The results will be felt almost immediately. After ten minutes of exercise, breathing will be easier, strength will appear, mood will rise and performance will improve.

Breathing exercises involves the implementation of eleven training exercises, while they are divided into an introductory part and a main one. To begin with, it is worth learning the first three exercises based on breathing. After that, for each lesson, you will need to connect one more exercise daily. And so on, until you reach the final, eleventh, task.

Introductory part of breathing exercises from Strelnikova

  1. Warm-up exercise "Palms".

To begin, we take 4 loud nasal breaths. Pause for 5 seconds. And again 4 breaths. So you need to repeat 24 times, that is, in the end you must take 96 breaths (the so-called “hundred” of Strelnikova).

At first glance, everything seems very primitive, but for the correct execution of the “Palms” exercise, you need to follow a number of rules:

- inhaled through the nose, exhaled through the mouth - easily, inaudibly and barely perceptible;

- do not hold the breath or push it out;

- active and noisy, so that it can be heard throughout the room, breath - your thoughts should be fixated on this. Exhalation, on the contrary, will be passive and quiet, you should not think about it.

- inhaling, just slightly close your lips, while not squeezing them tightly, everything should be natural and without tension;

- before exhaling, open your lips - so the exhalation will pass freely, inaudibly and naturally;

- you need to inhale, without grimacing, and without leaving your stomach;

- shoulders in the process of breathing are not involved in any way - it is forbidden to raise and lower them;

Do not focus on where to direct the inhaled air. Just imagine that you are sniffing it - quickly and loudly, like slapping palms together.

You can perform this exercise both standing and sitting.

An impeccably performed exercise “Palms” should fill the body with oxygen, so a slight dizziness may occur out of habit. You should not worry - this is a completely predictable reaction of the body to oxygen saturation.

To begin with, we make the "eight" - 8 non-stop breaths. After that, rest for 5 seconds. We repeat the eight. In total, you must repeat a block of 8 breaths with five-second breaks 12 times. And again, Strelnikova’s “hundred” is formed - those same 96 breaths.

You need to take 8 breaths again and rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 12 times.

You need to start classes with these three tasks. It is worth allocating at least 10-20 minutes for this - this is exactly the duration of the introductory lesson.

It is necessary to perform gymnastics in the morning and in evening time. At the same time, adjustments need to be made to the “Palms” exercise in the evening - if in the morning you have to take 4 breaths, in the evening their number should be increased to 8, and the number of repetitions will be 12.

On the second day of classes, you will already be doing 4 exercises - the “Cat” exercise will be attached to the three introductory ones.

  • "Hug your shoulders"
  • "Big Pendulum"
  • "Head Turns"
  • "Ears"
  • "Pendulum Head"
  • "Rolls"
  • "Steps"

When you are retrained from the category of beginners to professionals, it will be possible to increase the number of breaths. To begin with - up to 16, and then up to 32. At the same time, the time of respite remains unchanged - from 3 to 5 seconds. That is, 16 breaths, 3-5 seconds to rest, again 16 breaths, etc.

As the number of breaths increases, the number of repetitions decreases. So, if you begin to take 16 breaths through your nose, then you will need to repeat them 6 times, if you take 32 breaths - the number of repetitions is 3. The total should always come out 96.

If you have increased the number of breaths to 32, the pause can be extended if necessary up to 10 seconds.

Do not neglect these small breaks - they will help gymnastics be productive. Without following these rules, classes according to the Strelnikova method will simply cease to be effective.

And again, we recall the rules that must be observed before you do the main part of the Strelnikov exercises:

- we concentrate only on active nasal inhalation - we train a sharp, loud and short breath. Like clapping hands.

- exhalation through the mouth should not be delayed or pushed out. Exhalation passes silently, passively.

- all movements are performed on inspiration;

- breathing exercises provide for the observance of the rhythm of the drill step when inhaling and exhaling air;

- Classes can be held in a sitting, standing or lying position.

Breathing gymnastics archery exercises in pictures

Starting position (IP): stand straight.

The arms are bent at the elbows (we point the elbows down), palms - "look" forward. Eventually it should be similar to the psychic pose.

In this position, it will be necessary to make fast, uninterrupted and noisy nasal breaths, accompanied by synchronous squeezing of the palms (as if you are grabbing onto something). They took 4 such breaths with simultaneous characteristic grasping movements, rested for up to 5 seconds, while lowering their hands, and repeated again. And so 24 times (do not forget about Strelnikov's "hundred").

This activity can also be done sitting or lying down.

At first, symptoms of dizziness may appear, but you should not worry. You can change the position, for example, continue sitting, or pause for 10 seconds. After a few days of practice, this will pass.

IP: we stand up straight, fingers clenched into a fist, pressed to the stomach in the zone of the belt.

We take 8 breaths in a row with eight simultaneous pushing of the fists to the bottom, straightening the arms completely and without using the shoulders. As if you are stretching your fists to the floor. We return the hands to the IP and inhale again.

In total, you should get 8 breaths and 8 movements. Repeat 12 times.

IP: we stand up straight, we place our legs a few centimeters narrower than the width of our shoulders, our arms are relaxed at the seams.

Now we easily bend down and stretch our hands to the floor, but do not touch it.
Bending down, at the same time we take a breath. At the same time, you need to inhale already in the second half of the slope - quickly and loudly. The inhalation should end with the inclination. After that, we rise again (but do not straighten) and repeat the tilt and breath. All movements should be rhythmic and synchronous, you should not bend low - maximum to the level of the belt. The back should be slightly rounded, the head should be lowered down. It should all be like pumping car tire. And don't forget about the rhythm of marching.

In the absence of restrictions on this exercise, it should be done 12 times. Thanks to him, sometimes it is possible to stop heart attack, asthma attacks and pain in the liver.

Restrictions for the "Pump" exercise:

  1. Injured spine.
  2. Severe head injury.
  3. Increased pressure (cranial, ocular, arterial).
  4. Chronic osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
  5. Stones in the kidneys, urinary, liver.

If any of the above bothers you, then keep an eye on the slopes - they should not be carried out too low. In this case, the breath should be carried out as expected - quickly, sharply and loudly. We also exhale correctly - passively, with a half-closed mouth.

IP: we stand straight, place our legs together or at a very small distance, bend our arms at the elbows and raise them to the level of the belt. In this case, the palms look down, the hands are relaxed.

Watch your feet - they can not be torn off the floor.

Now you need to dance half-squat and at the same time turn your torso to the right. At the same time, we take a breath. Then we make a similar turn, but to the left. We exhale arbitrarily, but when you returned to the IP. During execution, the knees should bend and unbend a little - easily and springy. You don't need to fully squat.

When you turn, you need to perform grasping movements with your hands. The back is straightened, and the turns are carried out in the waist area.

We repeat 12 times.

IP: we become, bend our arms at the elbows and raise them to the shoulders.

As you inhale, you need to throw your arms out with force, as if you are trying to wrap your arms around your shoulders. Exhale as you spread your arms. You don't need to spread them too far.

Normally, you need to take 8 breaths-movements 12 times. IP can also be anything.

Restrictions for the exercise "Hug your shoulders":

  1. Postponed heart attack.
  2. Ischemic heart disease.
  3. Congenital heart disease.

In these cases, start the exercise after two weeks of training. If you are concerned about well-being, then the number of breaths should be reduced to 4 or even 2.

For women, the exercise needs to be slightly changed from the 6th month of pregnancy. The head should not lean back. Only hands should work, keep your back straight, look straight ahead.

IP: we stand straight and place our legs a little narrower than shoulder width.

We lean forward, trying to reach the floor with our hands and at the same time taking a breath. We exhale along with straightening, after which we bend in the lumbar region and lean back. At the same time, we clasp our shoulders with our hands and take a nasal breath. Exhale between breaths. Repeat 12 times. You can perform the "Big Pendulum" while sitting.

Limitations for this exercise:

  1. Osteochondrosis.
  2. Spinal injury.
  3. Spondylolisthesis.

With these diseases, it is necessary to control the range of deflections - the slopes should be insignificant.

This exercise should be connected when the previous five exercises have been well mastered and, if performing them, you do not feel pain or discomfort. When they are given to you without difficulty, begin to engage in the "Big Pendulum". To begin with, inclinations should be done slowly, gradually increasing the range of motion as it is mastered.

IP: same as above.

Rotate your head to the right while inhaling. Without stopping in the middle of the movement, turn your head to the left and also inhale.

The neck should be relaxed, exhale through the mouth after each breath.

Run 12 times.

IP: same as above.

We tilt our head slightly to the right, as if trying to touch our shoulder with our ear, inhaling through our nose in parallel. Then the same movement to the left side.

Performing tilts, the head should sway slightly, and the gaze is directed forward. It's kind of like Chinese bobbleheads.

Remember: the movement is inhalation, exhalation is passive through the parted mouth.

Norm - 12 times.

IP: same as above.

Lowering your head down (while looking at the floor), we take a quick sharp breath. Picking up head (looking at the ceiling) up, lean back a little and also inhale. Exhalations are made arbitrarily between breaths.

Repeat 12 times.

Restrictions for the exercise "Pendulum head":

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  2. Recent traumatic brain injury.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Increased pressure (intraocular, intracranial, arterial).
  5. Osteochondrosis in the cervicothoracic region.

In the presence of such problems, try not to jerk your head sharply, bowing your head not much, while remembering to inhale loudly, quickly and sharply.

You can perform the exercise for greater comfort while sitting.

IP: stand up straight, left leg push a little forward, and move the right back.

And now you will need to transfer your weight to your left leg. During this, the body and leg should be straightened. After that, we bend the right leg and put it on the toe so that it can help maintain balance, while not fully leaning on it. Half-squat on the left leg while inhaling. Immediately after the squat, we straighten the left leg and transfer the center of gravity to the other leg (keep the body straight) and squat again while inhaling.

  1. We squat on the breath.
  2. We move the center of gravity to the supporting leg (the one on which we will squat).
  3. Squat-inhale, straightening the legs with a simultaneous roll from foot to foot.

Perform 12 squats, then change the position of the legs, making the supporting right leg. Also repeat 12 times.

Front steps.

IP: we stand straight, placing our legs already shoulder-width apart.

We pull the left leg to the stomach, while bending it at the knee (below the knee, the leg is straight, the toe is extended) and we squat in parallel on the right leg. All this is done on inspiration (quick, loud and sharp). We return the legs to the IP. Repeat the exercise, now raising the right leg. During the exercise, the body is kept straight. Take 8 breaths-movements 8 times.

Restrictions for front steps:

  1. Coronary artery disease.
  2. post-infarction condition.
  3. Congenital heart disease.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

With such diseases, you should not lift your leg too high.

With injured legs, thrombophlebitis, it is better to perform an exercise with IP while sitting or lying down, to control every movement. You can extend the pause up to 10 seconds.

You should not raise your knees high and with stones in the urinary system or pregnancy.

Back steps.

IP: same.

We take back the left leg, bent at the knee. At the same time, we squat on the right leg. All this must be done while inhaling. Exhaling, we return the legs to the IP. We repeat the exercise, moving the right leg back.

The back step can only be performed with the IP standing. The number of repetitions is 4 sets of 8 breaths-movements.

What to choose: Strelnikova breathing exercises or athletic gymnastics?

The video below will help. Practice has shown that athletic warm-up exercises have a much greater healing effect on the body than Strelnikov's gymnastics.

Video on this topic

Breathing exercises Strelnikova A.N. quite popular and famous a large number people. The effects that are achieved during the execution of the proposed exercises are amazing.

Correct and regular implementation of a set of exercises helps to stop suffocation in case of illness, get rid of sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, laryngitis.

A set of exercises according to the Strelnikova system in its parameters is perfect for older people. Experts recommend doing gymnastics to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and.

Good effects from breathing exercises are received by pensioners who have the following diseases:

  • Gynecological diseases (myoma, cyst and others);
  • Urological diseases of men;
  • People who have lost their voice, stuttering;
  • Various ;
  • Skin diseases.

The tonic effect of Strelnikova's breathing exercises is received by women during pregnancy.

The main advantage of these movements is that recovery occurs without the use of medicines. Treatment is based on the person's desire and morale for recovery.

Exercise rules

For the correct performance of classes, it is necessary to develop the correct rhythm of breathing. Breathing should be developed so that the chest and shoulders do not participate in this process.

Inhalation plays the main role, it is performed in a sharp, noisy, forceful effect, similar to clapping hands. Exhalation does not need to be delayed and can be performed through the mouth.

The basic rules that are necessary when performing gymnastics:

  1. It is necessary that the breath coincides with the moment of muscle tension;
  2. The relaxation of the respiratory muscles (exhalation) should coincide with the relaxation of the skeletal muscles of the body and limbs;
  3. Exercises are performed in a rhythm corresponding to 120 breaths and exhalations performed per minute;
  4. It is necessary to count in 8 cycles, this method is convenient, familiar and perceived comfortably;
  5. After completing 8 cycles, a break of 5 seconds is taken;
  6. After a month of classes, you can increase the cycles of 16 or 32 breaths with breaks up to 10 seconds;
  7. You need to get used to classes gradually and do it not in a rush, but gradually, adding one new exercise at a time;
  8. They spend 30 minutes on classes in the morning and in the evening before meals;
  9. There are no special rules for performing exercises, they can be done lying down, sitting, standing.

Execution rules:

  • When doing these exercises, pay attention to breathing through your nose. The breath should be sharp;
  • Exhalation is performed immediately after inhalation, preferably through the mouth and without noise;
  • D movement and inhalation should be combined, as well as exhalation.


  1. In the presence of high blood pressure;
  2. Transferred ;
  3. Appearance;
  4. The presence of a disease.

It is necessary to start training under the supervision of a specialist. Continue practical implementation classes are recommended after the training course.

Correct execution provides pleasure and maximum effect of breathing exercises.

Video: Breathing exercises by A.N. Strelnikova

Breathing exercises Strelnikova exercises

Breathing exercises provide effective treatment lung diseases through a set of exercises.

The presented gymnastics has basic exercises that must be present in the course of treatment. You can perform exercises in any position - sitting, lying, standing.


This exercise is the best warm-up. We take a standing position, bend our elbows, and put our palms in front of us, as if showing them to the audience. Inhaling the air, we clench our palms into fists, exhaling - we relax our hands. Squeezing is performed only with fingers.

Shoulder straps

We stand in a straight position, we press clenched fists to abdominal cavity at waist level.

While inhaling, you need to lower your hands down, spreading your fingers. The shoulders are tense, exhaling, we take the initial position.


This activity is performed using an object in the form of a stick in the hands. First, we lean forward, keep the torso parallel to the floor, arms are bent near the chest. Then, without straightening the back, we make sharp throws of the arms and again to the chest.

When doing this exercise, inhalation is performed when the arms are thrown out, and exhalation is performed when the hands are pressed to the chest.

This exercise is similar to the movement when we pump tires, bicycle wheels and more. This workout is done in rhythmic movement.


When performing this exercise, there should be a picture in front of your eyes that resembles a cat hunting for a sparrow. When performing the lesson, it is necessary to copy the movements of the cat as much as possible.

Squatting on our knees, we spring our legs at the knees and turn our torso. When turning, we take breaths. When turning, the body weight is alternately transferred from one leg to the other. When performing body movements with fingers, we grab a sparrow.

Embrace your shoulders

We take a standing position and raise our arms bent at the elbow joints, palms up. Taking a breath, we spread our arms and hug the body by the shoulders, trying to touch the shoulder blades with our hands.

In this case, one hand should pass behind the shoulder, and the other in the armpit. The exercise is easy and relaxed. At the moment of hugging, inhale with the thought: "I am pinching where the disease has expanded."

big pendulum

The presented training is characterized by a set of exercises, including "Hug your shoulders" and "Pump", each of which is performed 2 times in a row.

You need to start with the exercise "Hug your shoulders" with the transition to the implementation of "Pump". Inhalations are performed from the lower body.


We take a standing position and put our right foot forward. With these movements, we sniff our nose and roll from heel to toe and back.

Then we change the leg and perform the same movements, sniffing loudly.


We stand straight and perform movements similar to marching, while repeating to ourselves: “Right” - we take a breath, “Left” - breathe again.

From Strelnikova's respiratory gymnastics complex, the Steps exercise is considered the simplest and is recommended for the initial learning phase of exercises.


This exercise can be performed in any position: sitting, lying or standing. We perform alternating inclinations: to the left - to the left shoulder - inhale; then to the right shoulder - inhale. Do not perform shoulder movements. When tilting, try to do tilts without helping with your shoulders.

head turns

We occupy a comfortable position, perform turns to the right - inhale, to the left - inhale. We do not move the rest of the body. We relax the cervical vertebrae, do not lower the shoulders.


For the correct and high-quality performance of a series of exercises, it is necessary to observe the regimen, frequency and perseverance. Starting breathing exercises, you need to be responsible for your health and well-being.

Gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova is recommended to be carried out in the morning for vivacity, increasing vitality or in the evening to relieve fatigue and tension after labor day. When performing these exercises, all parts of the body are warmed up, and blood circulation is increased.

Video: Breathing exercises Strelnikova

The well-known breathing exercises by N.A. Strelnikova is often confused with other healing methods. It is they who spoil the reputation of this clinically tested method of restoring a singing voice and increasing lung capacity. Often this system are mentioned in the same row with various cleansing, fasting, treatment with enemas and similar manipulations that have nothing to do with either health or medicine.

Fortunately, today Strelnikova’s breathing exercises have an official resource on the Internet, which directly states that it should not be equated with Semenova starvation or other controversial things. Forced breathing through the nose and free exhalations - business card systems. However, if we digress a little from therapeutic gymnastics, you can find something similar in the code of pranayamas of yoga. But Strelnikova's gymnastics is significantly different, if only in that in the process of performing it, a person changes the position of the body, and does not sit still, concentrating on inhalations and exhalations.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova. If you try, you can find videos of all exercises on Youtube for free. There are only three basic exercises, the rest are movements of the second level and are mastered only after the practice of the first three has become a habit for a person.

The most important thing is to master a sharp breath through the nose. It is a bit similar to what is done in the “bodyflex” system, but it is required not to relax the stomach, but rather, to sniff with the nose and at the same time push the anterior abdominal wall inward. This is a feature of gymnastics - breaths are taken as if through the resistance of the diaphragm, there should be a feeling that the unfolding lungs overcome the obstacle.

Exhalations through the system are not forced, but calm. This is what distinguishes it from different gymnastics for weight loss.

The basic movements are:

  • "Palms". Stand up straight, bring your shoulders parallel to the floor and bend your elbows. Squeeze your fingers on the inhale and unclench them on the exhale. Perform 4 to 20 repetitions. Sometimes they write that the number of repetitions must always be a multiple of an even number.
  • "The chauffeurs". A similar stance, arms lowered, bent at the elbows, on inspiration - a sharp extension and return to the original stance on the exhale.
  • "Pump". Stand up straight, perform a soft bend in hip joints. On inspiration, bend in the thoracic region, providing additional resistance to the respiratory movement. As you exhale, straighten your spine.

Repetitions in all three movements are similar to the mode of the first exercise. Gymnastics should be done in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening, an hour after a light meal.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Most people like to attribute properties to exercise that they don't actually have. ON. Strelnikova created her own gymnastics in order to regain her singing voice. The goal was to increase lung capacity, and nothing else. Later empirically it was found:

  • breathing exercises increase the useful capacity of the lungs. In children who were engaged in this system and, improvements were noted. Therefore, gymnastics began to be considered an auxiliary method of treating this disease;
  • in general, movement and deep breathing improve blood circulation. This allows you to better nourish the tissues with oxygen, and contributes to a better recovery and normalization of cellular metabolism;
  • deep breathing decides a number psychosomatic problems. Positive dynamics was achieved in patients with bronchial asthma. Almost all people notice an improvement in well-being, mobility, and more harmonious sensations in the body;
  • gymnastics has shown effectiveness in the complex treatment of stuttering and speech disorders in children. Sometimes used as an independent method by speech therapists.

Myths about Strelnikova's gymnastics

For the layman, for some reason, this direction is associated with gymnastics for weight loss. It is generally accepted that at least some movement is already a great feat in the field of one's own health and real way reset excess weight. Entire articles have been written about how oxygen in cells burns fat. However, physiologically, the mechanism of lipolysis has nothing to do, for example, with burning a piece of cotton wool on a match with a large air flow. The breakdown of the fat layer is a process triggered at the hormonal level. Therefore, it can hardly be caused by arbitrarily deep breathing. Strelnikova's gymnastics is not something that replaces balanced diet and increased physical activity.

The exercises of the Strelnikova system are not so energy-consuming as to be considered an independent method of losing weight. Rather, 1 minute of such movements will help “burn” about 3 kcal, and not 7-8, such as running or walking uphill with a significant slope. Therefore, in the context of the "calorie equation" - this is not the best way.

However, as hygienic gymnastics, this complex can help fat people adjust and improve mobility. Gradually, you can move from simple to complex. Or do breathing exercises for vigor, for example, before a long walk.

Absolutely all the results in the treatment of diseases show us that this is a good auxiliary general strengthening method, but not an independent method of treating diseases, and even more so, not an alternative to traditional treatment. The same respiratory diseases are treated comprehensively, and medications are not canceled for the duration of the gymnastics.

In some sources, you can find very obvious exaggerations about this gymnastics. Many people write that it turns back time and stops aging. Unfortunately, such funds are in the arsenal modern science absolutely not. Regular execution of any exercise gives cheerfulness, calmness, health and longevity, but is not able to change the fact that over time the body will age, and appearance- change. In general, before starting classes, it is worth consulting with specialists in the profile of diseases, and do not cancel another treatment yourself if you are undergoing it.

Strelnikova's respiratory gymnastics was developed in our country at the end of the 30s and is a unique author's method of treatment. Alexandra Strelnikova was an opera singer and, having lost her singing voice, together with her mother came up with a special system of exercises to restore it. Gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method is based on taking short and sharp nasal breaths with chest compressions. This set of exercises involves a large part of the body - therefore, it affects many organs and helps with a variety of diseases: bronchial asthma, hypertension, VSD, stuttering, etc. The benefit of this gymnastics also lies in the fact that with its help it is possible to restore nasal breathing in a situation where the patient, even in the absence of any obstructions in the nose, has developed a breathing reflex through the mouth.

Strelnikova's technique can be successfully used for the prevention and treatment of diseases both in adults and in children with adolescents. If gymnastics is a method of treatment, then it needs to be done twice a day. And if this is a prevention method, then you need to do it only once: in the morning, as an alternative to regular exercise, or in the evening to relieve stress after a working or school day.

By practicing this system, you can stop slouching and improve the flexibility of your body. Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, they are effective in developing myopia - it is possible to stop visual impairment. "Gynecological Complex" Strelnikova has a therapeutic effect in some typical female diseases, such as polycystic ovaries and endometriosis.

Warm up

It is logical that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for warm-up offer to master first of all. There are only three of them: "Palms", "Pogonchiki" and "Pump".

"Palms". You need to stand up straight and turn your palms away from you forward, without taking your hands far from the body. Then take 4 breaths through your nose at intervals of 3 to 5 seconds. In total, you need to do about 24 repetitions (i.e., in general, 96 movements come out). And to exhale, on the contrary, it is necessary with the mouth, quietly and effortlessly. Nasal breaths should be done without squeezing the lips too much. After inhaling, the lips should be slightly opened, then you will exhale as it should, spontaneously. Also, make sure that your shoulders do not heave during the exercise. Don't be alarmed if you feel a little dizzy at first - it will disappear in the process.

"The chauffeurs". Stand with a straight back and press your hands to your sides in fists. 8 breaths are taken without pauses, then a break for 4–5 s and a repeat. The norm of the exercise is 12 repetitions. While inhaling, forcefully push your hands down, as if throwing something. When you inhale, your shoulders should tense up, your arms should stretch to their full length, and their fingers should spread out.

"Pump". Stand with a straight back, and then slightly bend over. Your back should be round and your eyes should be directed to the floor. Breathe in at the bottom position. Raise yourself slightly, exhaling through your mouth. It is necessary to perform successively 8 inclinations with breaths, then interrupt for 3-5 seconds and do it again. In total, 12 repetitions are required, as in the second exercise. However, there are contraindications to the implementation:

  • injured spine,
  • traumatic brain injury,
  • old osteochondrosis,
  • significantly higher intracranial, arterial or ocular pressure,
  • kidney, liver stones, bladder stones.

Three warm-up exercises should take 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening. Then master one of the exercises offered by the "Basic Complex" per day.

Fundamentals of gymnastics

Strelnikova's gymnastics is divided into different complexes, but among them the most popular is the so-called main complex, consisting of 10 exercises, not counting the warm-up exercises. Following this method, it is important to remember a few basic rules and always follow them:

  1. Inspiration is always jerky, short and noisy. During classes, you need to concentrate only on nasal breaths.
  2. Exhalation should be done by itself, without tension, through the mouth. When you exhale, there should be no noise.
  3. Each movement takes one breath.
  4. The score is always only 8.

It is permissible to exercise standing, sitting, and lying down.

The first exercise will be "Cat". Without taking your feet off the ground, do a shallow, springy squat, at the same time turn to the right and inhale. Repeat this on the left side. Do not bend your back and use your hands to move as if you are grabbing something. A total of 12 repetitions of 8 breaths with movements are required.

"Hug your shoulders." Your starting position is standing, with your arms raised to your shoulders and elbows bent. Make a strong throw of hands, as if you want to hug yourself by the shoulders; inhale with all movements. Do not spread your arms too far apart, try to keep them parallel. You need to inhale 8 times for 12 repetitions. Contraindications for implementation:

  • history of heart attack
  • heart defects,
  • ischemic heart disease.

"Big Pendulum". Place your feet a little less than your shoulders apart. Lean forward with your arms outstretched to the floor with an inhalation. Without any pause, bend back and wrap your arms around your shoulders, also with an inhalation. Remember to exhale only passively. Perform 8 times 12 repetitions. Contraindications:

  • injured spine,
  • old osteochondrosis,
  • displaced intervertebral discs.

Only after the qualitative development of the three warm-up exercises and the first three basic exercises you can start to master the whole complex as a whole. Lengthen your sessions by one new exercise per day.

"Head Turns" Place your feet at a width less than your shoulders. Make head turns in different directions without stopping in the middle and inhale at all turns. Exhale through your mouth. It is necessary to perform 12 repetitions of 8 times.

"Ears". The starting position is the same. Make shallow tilts of the head to the left and right, directing the ear to the shoulder; inhale while bending over. And so 12 repetitions of 8 times.

"Pendulum head". The starting position does not change. With breaths, lower and raise your head, and so 12 repetitions. Contraindications for performance:

  • old cervical osteochondrosis,
  • traumatic brain injury,
  • epileptic seizures,
  • significantly higher intracranial, intraocular or arterial pressure.

"Transitions". Step your left foot forward and your right foot back. Bend your right knee and squat on your left leg while inhaling. Immediately change to the right leg, bending the left, also while inhaling. 12 repetitions of 8 breaths.

"Forward step". Stand with your feet a little less than shoulder-width apart and lift your left leg with a bent knee towards your stomach. Squat on your right leg with an inhalation and straighten back. Do the same with the other leg. 8 repetitions of 8 breaths. Contraindications:

  • ischemic heart disease,
  • history of heart attack
  • heart defects.

If your legs are injured in any way, do not perform this exercise while standing. Do not throw your legs too high during pregnancy.

"Back step". Put your left leg back, crouching a little on your right with a breath. Return to the starting position with an exhalation. Repeat with the other leg. In total, you need to perform 4 repetitions of 8 breaths.

How to study Strelnikova's program correctly

The breathing training methodology offered by Strelnikova's gymnastics program is studied in a certain order. At first, you do only three warm-up exercises - "Palms", "Crosses" and "Pump". On the second day, add "Cat" to them, on the third - "Hug your shoulders", on the fourth - "Big pendulum", then, if you feel the need for it, work out these six exercises. After practicing, add other exercises in turn: “Head Turns”, “Ears”, “Pendulum Head”, “Rolls” and “Steps”.

When you feel that you have mastered the technique of the exercise to a sufficient extent, do 16 breaths instead of 8, and then you can go up to a maximum of 32 breaths in a row. Start any new exercise with a minimum number of breaths. No matter how many times you inhale, your rest should last from 3 to 5 seconds, sometimes up to 10, but no longer. best time for training - morning and evening, before meals or an hour and a half after.

The maximum benefit from training according to the Strelnikova method is possible only when you practice regularly. Dr. Shchetinin, a follower of Alexandra Strelnikova, advises practicing breathing exercises and all your life, making it a habit to keep in constant good shape. Gymnastics Strelnikova, however, has some general contraindications to classes:

  • arterial, intracranial or ocular pressure exceeding the norm,
  • a high degree of myopia,
  • spinal injury,
  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • traumatic brain injury,
  • fever,
  • gallstones and kidney stones,
  • old cervical osteochondrosis,
  • glaucoma,
  • thrombophlebitis in acute form,
  • the presence of diseases with internal bleeding.

So be sure to consult a doctor before starting classes according to the Strelnikova method. Greatest Benefit from this type of gymnastics is manifested precisely during classes on an individual approach, taking into account all contraindications and features. This technique also does not tolerate deviations from the order of exercises - they are built according to the principle “from simple to complex”, and therefore the sequence is so important.