They met on August 19, 1969, when she was celebrating her thirty-second birthday in a restaurant. It was in Narva, on the set of King Lear. We got married almost immediately.
In 1973, again on her birthday, on the set of the Omega Option in Tallinn, he gave her a bucket of roses. Exactly thirty-six pieces. And there, in Tallinn, introducing her to Rolan Bykov, he said proudly and significantly: "Liza Eichenbaum, she is also Countess Apraksina, she is now Dal."
She was not going to change her maiden name, but he looked at her so sternly at the registry office and beamed like a child when she agreed to take his last name ...
« New Newspaper"already talked about Oleg Dal, and last time- most recently (No. 20(D) dated May 25-28, 2000). Among the reader's responses to this publication was the following: "The only thing that was missing was photographs of Oleg Dal's wife and a little more information about her." I visited Elizaveta Alekseevna Dal again, took photographs, and we talked about her.
It seems to me that Lisa's life is interesting even without Oleg Dal. Although, of course, it is a blessing that Oleg Dal was in her life.
Let me remind the dear reader that Elizaveta Alekseevna is a granddaughter, and her mother, Olga Borisovna, is the daughter of Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum, a famous literary critic, literary historian, scientist of world renown.
August 8 this year it will be a year since Olga Borisovna Eikhenbaum passed away.
And in the spring next year it will be twenty years since Oleg Ivanovich Dal passed away.
Juliette Mazina was once asked: “Is it difficult to be the wife of a genius?” Federico Fellini's wife replied: "That's better than being the wife of a fool."
Elizaveta Alekseevna Dal was the wife of a genius

When Dal and Lisa got married, they began to change their Leningrad apartment for Moscow. Changed for a long time - two years. We found an option on Novatorov Street (“Olechka said: in settlements”), Khrushchev, two-room. It took Dahl an hour and a half to get to the theater. Taxi cost 5 r. And Oleg received 160 re in the theater. There was also no money from the cinema on a particularly large scale. Dahl did not act in films in order to earn money. And more refused than agreed. So: there was not always money for a taxi, and Dal hated to ride a bus, they recognized him, pestered him with questions, drunks offered him a drink.
The apartment was tiny, the audibility was terrible, downstairs the grandmother was indignant: your kittens are stomping and disturbing my sleep ... However, Dal did not lose heart. “The four of us lived there,” Lisa recalls. - Oleg, me, mom and a sense of humor.
Once Liza went out to the store for a minute, and when she returned, she found this picture: Oleg and his mother are lying on the floor and painting the battery with different paints. The battery is hot, the paint evaporates and smells, and the painters laugh to tears and make Lisa admire their skill: the battery is all the colors of the rainbow, it's beautiful, it's avant-garde! And on the pink door of their bedroom, Dahl painted a naked woman in the Garden of Eden. Liza shyly sketched the details for her. Then, when they moved to Smolensky Boulevard, the people who moved into their apartment on Novatorov Street, looking at the battery and the door, were surprised: who lived here? Kindergarten...
With the white house on Smolensky Boulevard, everything was also strange. Once Dal with actor Igor Vasiliev drove past this house - it was still under construction - and said: I will live here, this will be my home.
Said and forgot. I remembered it only ten years later, when I came here with a viewing order.
Dahl was happy in this apartment. Three rooms, a huge hall, and you go up to the window - a lot of sky and roofs are visible. “This is not an apartment,” Dahl said, “This is a dream.” Even on Innovators, he once confessed to Lisa: “I dream of such an apartment so that when they call me on the phone, you could, without prevaricating, say:“ I’ll see if he’s at home or not.
Then they made him an office out of the hall. And happiness became transcendent. He could, when he wanted, be alone with himself. Read, write, draw, listen to music.
Now he was saying to Elizaveta Alekseevna seriously and ceremoniously: “Madame! You are free for today. I will write at night. And then I’ll fall asleep on the couch, in the office. ” Olga Borisovna exclaimed: “Olezhechka! But the sofa is narrow. “I am also narrow,” Dal reassured his mother-in-law.
Oleg brought his mother to Smolensky Boulevard. Both mothers, both Oleg's mother and Liza's mother, did not work, both were pensioners. And Lisa didn't work. So wanted Oleg. He said: “When you serve me, you bring more use to cinematography than sitting at an editing table. They can replace you there."
And Lisa began to serve Oleg. And never regretted it.
The wife of one actor once passionately said to Lisa: “Of course he loves you! And why not love ... You tell him every day from morning to evening that he is a genius. Lisa laughed. If she told Dahl that he was a genius, then only as a joke, seriously, he would not allow her to do this ...
Maya Kristalinskaya, with whom Dahl once introduced her at the House of Cinematographers, looked carefully at Lisa and said: “You must be very happy.” Lisa thought for a moment and after a pause said, “Yes.” But since then, this question has been answered without hesitation.
Elizaveta Alekseevna tells me: it is very important to know that you are happy at the very moment when you are really happy; not later, not later, when everything will pass and you suddenly catch yourself and start to kill yourself: oh, it turns out that I was happy then and did not know, did not guess about it; no, you need to know about your happiness at the moment of its birth, at the moment of existence.
At first, she was selfishly offended when he, even when he was sober, came home in a rage and vented his evil on her. Then I realized that this did not apply to her, that he just needed to be discharged. She learned to be patient. And - learned. And having remained silent, without bucking, immediately, five minutes later, she received from him such dumb gratitude for taking everything upon herself, swallowing and smiling, not at all offended ...
She felt the main thing: it helps him a lot - to know that he can come home as he is, and he will be understood. He did not have to spend extra energy on pretending, acting, acting at home too.

Lisa introduced Dal to Shklovsky, Andronnikov, Kaverin. Dahl was alone in the acting environment. And these great old men adored. And they loved him dearly.
Shklovsky called Dahl "a man of perfect movement."
Andronnikov, after listening to Lermontov's poetry performed by Dahl, said: "He owns the secret of Yakhontov - the secret of slow reading."
And Kaverin admitted: “I was deeply shocked to learn about his untimely death. I hoped that in time we would become friends.”

The first telegram she received from him (not yet married): "Let me kiss you."
Then there were miracle letters. He liked to write to her from the tour. He could suddenly write: “I dream of you cheerful and in a sundress.”
Or here - from 27.9.70. From Moscow - to Leningrad:
"This morning, wandering through yellow leaves covering the cold earth, thought of you with beautiful longing.
With the beautiful because she was bright.
My heart is good and calm, because you are in my thoughts.
My mood is calm and blissful. I share it with you generously, like autumn.
I gently and gently hug you and barely touch your face, kiss and breathe with your eyes.
I don't know what love is. I don’t know how to understand this designation of a certain feeling or its meaning.
But it seems to me that I feel something extraordinary, like a child who is waiting to wake up after new year's eve. The air smells of tangerines, a Christmas tree, plush hares, and I want to keep my eyes closed for as long as possible ... "

In February 1980, Dahl said: "First Vysotsky will leave, and then I will."
Vysotsky died in July 1980. Dahl died on March 3, 1981.
And a month before, Lisa woke up and found him sitting in front of the TV. He watched cartoons early in the morning. He looked so seriously, intently, that she was frightened. She came over and hugged him. He raised his head and softly said, "I'm so sorry for the three of you." Meaning her and the two moms. “Why, Olezhka? Lisa asked. - We are happy with you. - "With me ... And without me?"
“After everything,” a friend said to Lisa: “Now he will be imagining you all the time. You will leave the house, and suddenly someone's gait, someone's turn of the head, someone's facial features will remind him.
But no one, ever, anywhere, and nothing reminded her of him.
“Even before I met Oleg, when I was just watching him in the cinema, he struck me with some kind of otherness. So unearthly and remained.
He really is so unlike anyone that you still involuntarily wonder: is he of earthly origin?
I want to believe that the earth. Otherwise, it's a shame for humanity.

I'm afraid, I again got not only about Liza, but more - about Oleg and Liza, or even Oleg too much ... Although, no, Oleg Dal cannot be too much. For her.

Spouse famous actor Liza Dahl made public the famous actor's intimate letters, which are not inferior to Pushkin's in imagery and sincerity

The personal fate of Oleg Dal is replete with sharp turns. The actor was an uncompromising, sharp and closed person even from friends. Dissatisfaction with oneself, those around them, the roles that one had to play often spilled over to loved ones. Given Dahl's addiction to alcohol, life with him is called easy tongue won't turn back. It is all the more surprising to read Oleg Ivanovich's letters to his wife Lisa, with whom they lived for 10 years, until the death of the actor in 1981.

“This morning, wandering through the yellow leaves covering the cooling ground, I thought of you with wonderful longing,” Oleg Dal writes to his wife. - With the beautiful because she was bright. My heart is good and calm, because you are in my thoughts. My mood is calm and blissful. I share it with you generously, like autumn. I gently and gently hug you and barely touch your face, kiss and breathe with your eyes. I don't know what love is. I don’t know how to understand this designation of a certain feeling or its meaning. But it seems to me, I feel something extraordinary, like a child who is waiting to wake up after New Year's Eve. The air smells of tangerines, a Christmas tree, plush hares, and I want to keep my eyes closed for as long as possible ... "

Oleg Dal has not been with us for 35 years, and there are still many mysteries in his biography. The actor himself was very closed person almost never gave interviews. After his departure, Dahl's widow, Elizabeth, lived another 22 years. And one of the few people to whom she told about her life with the artist and entrusted correspondence with her husband was Alexander Ivanov, a film critic, author of several books about Oleg Dal.

I met Liza, the widow of Oleg Dal, in the second half of the 1980s. She was barely fifty. A pretty, even beautiful, very hospitable woman. Our communication gradually grew into a friendship that lasted more than a decade and a half. Our conversations with Lisa about her and about Oleg Dal continued almost constantly (sometimes daily) for nine years. And if at first, back in the 80s, we dreamed of creating a certain book of her memoirs about Oleg, then after a couple of years she very nervously asked a question to one of our mutual acquaintances: “I tell Sasha about something that I didn’t even share with my own mother ! Isn't there too much frankness ?!

The seemingly rhetorical question was resolved on September 5, 1997. On this day, Liza and I, according to the usual scheme, talked "only on one specific topic." Either the conversation itself dragged on for an indecently long time and finally tired her (we talked about Oleg Dal's literary experiments for eight and a half hours!). Whether it was precisely at this meeting that she felt a certain final limit and realized for herself: not a word is needed further, but only I have never been to Oleg Dal's house again. We parted, meanwhile, in an amicable way, expressing the hope for tomorrow's meeting. It was a very cold evening, and Liza wrapped my neck right over the jeans with Oleg's woolen scarf. We kissed goodbye...

Then there were many telephone conversations, and our personal meeting took place only in 2001. Lisa then asked me: “Do you take good care of the materials of our conversations with you?” - "Forest own eye". She paused and said: “I wonder how all this will be perceived in fifteen years? .. Will they still remember Oleg? About me in his life? Will you publish? .. "-" We'll see ... "

And now fifteen years have flown by. November 27 marks 46 years since the beginning of the ten-year marriage of two people: artist Oleg Dal and editor Lisa Apraksina ( maiden name Elizabeth Alekseevna. - Approx. ed.), who became a faithful "squire" of this unusual, complex, contradictory, sometimes cruel, the most talented person. Do you know geniuses who are different?

Sometimes you have to go for some ... provocations, or something. Therefore, having agreed on the next meeting with Lisa Dahl on her unoccupied day with household chores, I already had a rough idea of ​​​​what we would talk about. Exactly at noon on March 31, 1996, I called the apartment on Smolensky Boulevard. Five minutes later, Liza and I were sitting opposite each other in Oleg's office. It was her favorite place for tête-à-tête conversations. My first question puzzled her somewhat: Liza put aside her knitting.

AI: We talk a lot and constantly about your feelings with Oleg towards each other. One thing turns out, then another. But for many years I have never heard anything that would confirm his love for you as a woman. Not all the figs and blinks there, but Love. Are there any examples of this?

She answered a little bewildered:

ED: Well… yes.

AI: Tell me, please, I beg you. In our business, you never know when it might come in handy. And what will come in handy, I'm sure.

ED: Sounds convincing. Good! I'll tell you "about Love", but with one condition.

AI: How?

ED: You won't use anything... what you heard... as long as I'm alive.

AI: Well, well, well! First, I don't want to define the length of your life with this conversation! And then... if it's that personal...

E.D.: No! You asked for it. Now sit, listen and write. About Oleg's two arrivals home by taxi ... The first is on the day the main work on the film "On Thursday and Never Again" was completed. Oleg drank during the filming. At times, a lot. But gradually it faded away. Then he "sewn up" in early July. Everything. Another man. And that day there was his phone call. From somewhere from the machine, but already in Moscow. He returned from Pushchino, which means he was with someone. "Please, come out of the house and meet me on the street."

Went outside. There are wastelands around our new building. It was impossible to get there! And at the same time everything is covered with clover, daisies, colza. And in the middle grows a huge fragrant rosehip bush, left over from some almost pre-revolutionary country gardens that once were there. The birds are singing wonderfully. Very hot. Quiet some special, after-dinner. Bees and bumblebees buzz. In general, everything is conducive to love. (Laughs.) How not to be on the outskirts of Moscow. I hear: dryn-dryn-dryn ... A taxi slowly moves along the potholes. Drives right up to me. Oleg comes out of it. And, without paying, without taking things, he comes up to me. Gently embraces with both hands and begins to kiss on the lips. So, with great passion, I would say.

The driver was just amazing. He brought Dal (he recognized him) somewhere to the settlements, and he began to hug and kiss with some woman! I see out of the corner of my eye: the man turned away, then lit a cigarette, leaning on the car. Silent. Waiting. What will happen next. Then Olezhechka raises one hand and runs her fingers through my hair. And he starts stroking his head with his fingertips. On the back of the head. And yet we continue to kiss. My legs begin to give way, but he holds me very tightly with his other hand. Apparently, I was completely stupefied, because when at some second I tore my face away from him, I said something ... well, something like this: “Tyn ... pyn ... stop ... please ... luista ...” Oleg burst out laughing. Then he took the bag from the back seat, and gave the driver five rubles. And he says to him: “Chief! And this is my Lizonka. He replies: “I understand, Oleg Ivanovich, can I go?” Oleg laughed again. Here is such a ... plot! Well, is there "Love"?

A.I.: Mmmm. Yes. There is.

ED: By the way, it didn't end there. It was a day of love. It was a night of love. It was the dawn of love that we met together. Sitting on the windowsill of the open window. If Oleg wanted us both to be well for a long time, he knew how to create such holidays. And there was a holiday. Because no matter how hard I strain my memory, I just can’t remember: where was Olya all this time ?!” (Laughs.) (Liza talks about her mother, Olga Borisovna Eikhenbaum, with whom they lived together. - Approx. ed.)

"Second Taxi" So let's call another story. It was in the same place, on Novatorov Street, on November 27 of the same 1977. Oleg was returning from Vilnius. After speeches from the "Kinopropaganda" (the Film Propaganda Bureau organized creative evenings for filmmakers throughout the country. - Approx. ed.), as he called it.

And just like in the summer, he asked me to go outside. It was cold. I also came by taxi. And he comes out of it ... with a huge bouquet of absolutely marvelous scarlet roses. Some heavenly scent. I turned forty this summer. He gave forty-one flowers. I believed in even-odd, as if it were a sign. Then, already at home, he says: “Maybe you will also ask me for gifts?” I replied: “Are they asked?” - "Sometimes ... as if they are asking." I went and sat on the floor at his feet, and he sat in a chair. And I say: “Dal, but Dal! Where are my gifts? He took out a very beautiful mirror from his bag, an amazing hairbrush and a notebook, where a dedicatory inscription had already been made. While I was considering all this, he carefully and very gently stroked my head with his hand.

I already wanted to get up, but it was so pleasant and good somewhere inside that I sat for another five minutes just like that. Enjoying. It was our seventh wedding anniversary. Valya Nikulin later told me that Oleg rushed about for another three weeks and told him: “The date is critical! Kulya, seven years is seven years! Lizka needs to somehow ... Togo ... Mark! At the same time, Olezhechka constantly pretended that he did not remember any of our dates at all. Even, it was the case, defiantly asked: “Remind me later about our day!” Though he remembered better than me.

A year earlier, came home. Ate. Lie down to rest. He says to me: “Elizaveta Alekseevna, and how long have we been ...“ legally constituted ”?” I was just about to “jump” when he pulls a box out of his pants pocket. And she has a ring. With six stones. To me. For our sixth birthday. And his Lithuanian gifts still serve me! And a mirror and a comb. And a little book. Only Oleg was offended and condemned me for the fact that I began to write down in it cooking recipes. “And what do you think I need to write in it?” - “It would be better to write something about me! And in separation - re-read. In general, over the years, he gave vent to his sentimentality more and more. Which was completely out of his character and rules. To my gifts, for example, he invariably reacted with irony. But absolutely harmless.

Our love relationship did not fade over the years, but, on the contrary, developed in an increasing manner. And if at first Oleg could call me at home and simply: “Apraksina, come here!” - then I became Dalyuga. And then Dalyusha. There was a warming up. Which ended with my acceptance into his "clan of people". At the same time, caution in communication ... not caution, namely caution, was present in all the years of our lives. This also has the most direct relation to the concept of love between two people. And this led to the fact that at the end of the summer of 1980 I suddenly stopped understanding: does Oleg love me or not? But there, however, the year turned out to be extremely rotten for him: terrible losses, wild breakdowns, complete creative loneliness. What kind of love is this?

I see, my friend, that you are sad to listen to all this, right? Lisa interrupted our conversation. - And I'm sad to remember. But we have to. I want it to stay the way it was. Oleg, shattered by life recent months still leaned on me. And as a wife, I supported him as much as I could. Both humanly and in terms of creativity ... And this cannot be erased. Everything. Upset ... Now. Wait a minute. Not because of your questions, no. This is different. We have reached the extreme point of revelation. We don’t talk about our love with him anymore. Do you want some tea? Let's have a drink now.

So. Fine. I can still pull myself together. It's good. (Laughs.) Let's finish on a fun one, shall we? You know, but Oleg at first showed himself to be a very experienced provocateur. In the first months of our living together he brought me to tears in a second. Elementary. My mother stood up for me. Once she could not stand it and literally yelled at Oleg: “Maybe you don’t LOVE her at all ?!” He answered her very passionately, in a rough voice: “Yes! I DO NOT LIKE!" I howled like an idiot in a bad Italian movie. Oleg groaned: “Oh, my God, my God! To Moscow! Only to Moscow!” I went into the hallway and started getting dressed.

I rushed to him and, sobbing like a complete fool, hung on Dahl's chest. He picked me up and put me on my feet. Then he hugged him tightly. He blots my wet nose and tears on my cheeks with his handkerchief and says: “You are my poor wife ... Nobody loves you! Well nobody! Even the daughter of Professor Eichenbaum (Olga's father - Lisa's mother - Boris Eichenbaum, a well-known literary critic, author of books about the work of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Akhmatova. - Approx. ed.). You have only one me in your life - hope and support ... ”No, can you imagine: what a scoundrel (in a good sense of the word) you have to be to arrange such family pranks, bringing two women to tears and hysteria. One word - Artist!

Of the ten years I lived with Oleg, only the first three years we lived in different cities. The rest of the time we practically did not part. This explains such a small number of our personal letters.

(A.I.: I’ll add one more fact from myself. I remember how I was struck by the “photo chronicle” of their family. There is a series of photographs from the Leningrad registry office taken on the day the marriage was registered. There are a number of photographs from Vagankovsky: Lisa says goodbye to Oleg at the coffin. And in the middle between these two dates - ten years of "photo-emptiness". At most a dozen random shots. Despite the fact that there are about fifteen thousand photographs of Oleg Dal: from birth to funeral. In my opinion, this is also a telling circumstance. In all these " family albums» Liza and Oleg just didn't need to.)

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

“My dear!

I yearn for you all the time. Looks like you bewitched me with "witch grass." God grant that everything is as it is and as you want! I kiss you. A low bow to Olga Borisovna and tender greetings to Minka (Dal refers to the teddy bear that he gave to his wife. - Approx. ed.).

P.S. (C&L) Guess what it is. And I will break into your domain on a dashing horse and take you as my concubine. Know this and tremble!

6.9.70. Moscow".

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

“Hello, my dear, sad and gray-haired old woman! Do not worry! Hold your tail with a gun. Everything will be tip-top! I predict incredible torment for you from me ... But you love me! I need you. I need your shoulder; after all, I am a poor fellow and a madman, weak-willed.

I kiss you and hug you tightly.
Love me like delicious sweets.
Love like autumn, like rain.
Love, love and wait!

Well, how? I'm waiting for reviews.

(T and K) - Guess!

16.IX.70 Moscow".

E.D.: (C and L) - kiss and love. (T and K) - I could not guess for a long time. T - sad. K - probably, “I bite”, so it was, for example, in a telegram dated October 2, 1970: “I WILL MEET WITH A 3 ARROW I DO NOT HAVE TO BITE OD”. Oleg adhered to this rule: if he flew somewhere (it doesn’t matter for how long), he must either call or give a telegram, even if it was insignificant in content. It was an unspoken agreement, we did not agree on purpose, but I got used to it: if Oleg flies by plane, then I get news from him very quickly. This was not dictated by the fear that there would be some kind of catastrophe, but due to the fact that the plane was always delayed, the flight was canceled or something else was happening.

In general, he loved it when “they don’t worry about him”, therefore, in those cases when he got “on a spree”, he no longer understood anything and disappeared - it was terrible. In general, the telegrams were often unnecessary, but they were precisely the signals that he had arrived safely, and he knew that I was calm. This was important to him. But such a telegram as, for example, “I’ll come then, it’s not necessary to meet” is just a joke. He hated it when I saw him off, and usually forbade me to do so, but he also liked it very much when I met him, although he never spoke about it directly. For the only time in all the years he called (I forgot where) and said: "Please meet me, because I'm carrying so many books that I can't handle it myself." He was well aware that if he wrote “it is not necessary to meet,” I would rush to the station. So that's what he wanted. In general, using the services of the telegraph, he was always extremely concise. For example: “OLEG ORDER” (Klaipeda) or “VSO CHOROSCHO OLEG” (Prague).

E.A. Apraksina - O.I. Dahl

“Greetings, Dear Celebrity!

Taking advantage of your favor, I take the liberty of taking possession of a few minutes of your precious time. Please note that I try to write neatly and legibly. It's difficult. Let me rejoice for your success, both in the field of art and with beautiful Ladies. (Damn them!). From all sides I hear: Dal, Dal, etc. I do not want, dear famous Dal, to admit that I am jealous of you. But it is so.

True, I am a courageous woman. Until recently, I was calm, believing that you should appreciate the feelings of a titled person in whose veins flows blue blood. The countess fell in love with you, graying, it is true, but still capable of lofty feelings. Suddenly my peace came to an end. Photographs were found in the dusty Count's archive, which cast doubt on my noble origin. A child who has had a passion for fences since childhood, who has not lost this passion when he is already an adult, is unlikely to belong to the Count's family. And a legend that was not taken seriously in our family is no longer a legend. Yes, my grandmother, the countess, threw herself into the arms of a gypsy and gave birth to my father. The dissolute old woman is to blame for the fact that I, a poor child, hang out on the fence, and God knows what attracts me behind this fence. Let's even assume it's a coincidence. Still small. But here is another document. It is no longer a child sitting on the fence, and the expression on his face is by no means a count. Thus, everything fell into place. It’s also good that it’s on the fence, and not under it.

Now, MY LORD, you know all about my inglorious origin. The surname that I bear, I am unworthy. But, I dare say, there is something in this: half countess, half gypsy. Don't leave me, huh?

My call today ex-husband- TO.<…>He asked if we were really getting married, and made strange hints. I sent him to approximately the same place where you sent your Ladies.

Now I'm happy to get to work. I think about you, gladly give all my shoulders, and maybe something else for you? And that one shoulder! Yes, please continue to write poetry. I will publish them.<…>I kiss you everywhere. Come quickly, let's sit somewhere together on the fence. Bow to Praskovya Petrovna. Olga Borisovna loves you tenderly and waits. We kiss everyone and Minka. Be healthy. Lisa.

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

After the rain


This morning, wandering through the yellow leaves that cover the cold earth, I thought of you with beautiful longing. With the beautiful because she was bright. My heart is good and calm, because you are in my thoughts. My mood is calm and blissful. I share it with you generously, like autumn. I gently and gently hug you and barely touch your face, kiss and breathe with your eyes. I don't know what love is. I don’t know how to understand this designation of a certain feeling or its meaning. But it seems to me, I feel something extraordinary, like a child who is waiting to wake up after New Year's Eve. The air smells of tangerines, a Christmas tree, plush hares, and I want to keep my eyes closed for as long as possible ...


27.IX.70 Moscow.

E.A. Apraksina - O.I. Dahl

"Hello, Blue-eyed!

After your letter, my head went round with joy and tenderness for you, I sat down to write a letter, and there were circles before my eyes. Sorry, I'm writing in circles. Thank you, my dear, for the golden leaves, for the golden words, for tenderness and longing. Thank you for the sadness about you, for waiting for you and life ahead. I want to wander with you through the leaves, and through the snow, and through the spring, and through the sea. And also drink beer. I'm not afraid that you are useless, anyway, it seems that we are on the way. You know, it's really hard to write when your head is spinning. My affairs are nothing to myself, I work calmly, everything turned out quite simply. Today I saw a glimpse of Grig. Mikh., he was in a hurry, he only had time to say hello to you. And Shapiro kissed me too tenderly, and his expression was touching. Lear at the finish line. It's cold at home, we sit in the kitchen and warm ourselves by the oven. My picture ends on November 30, so you can try it somehow on "Shadow". We will see. Well, my O.D., I'll try to unwind. I don't think you'll read this letter again. I kiss you tightly, I really look forward to it and I still want you to be very close.

C.T.G.P. etc.

Lisa 29/IX 70"

E.D .: I thought how unusual, impossible and completely unrealistic that Oleg - the same Oleg whom I loved and knew very well - could find time to free his head from everything and write letters for me. In general, I had a somewhat reverent attitude towards our family union. And not because he was famous artist, but because he was and remains for me some kind of unattainable mystery. In live, direct communication, he was much more stingy with words and emotions, in addition, life and life are things in which feelings dissolve. When you get words on paper, it's completely different. This is the power of letters. And so each of his letters to me was an amazing holiday. Sometimes I re-read them now, and I get the feeling: could it be? And not at all because I wonder: could Oleg love me at all? I believe he loved me. But all the same, it’s a miracle and it’s unusual that, with his attitude to life, to words, he could sit down at the table, switch off from everything and write me at least a few lines, sometimes resulting in a whole letter. It has always been a miracle for me: then and now ...

O recent weeks Lisa recalled the life of Oleg Dal: “In the winter of 1981, Oleg began to sleep a lot and for a long time. Sometimes I woke up at night and, jumping up in horror, listened: was he breathing? Breathe. Barely audible and somehow infrequently. The sleep is surprisingly deep. This was not even during the rest in Repin, which I consider the standard of his personal peace. Almost immediately upon arrival in Monino, he began to write a lot. Poems, essays, prose sketches, some written plans for my future work. All this somehow burst outward. He works for an hour or two and comes to my kitchen: “Listen.” He reads what has just been written ... Once, I was leaving for Moscow on business. Olya stayed with Oleg. I returned in the morning. He says: "Am I good at writing?" - “You write beautifully! And you will write even better. Olezhechka, you have both an inclination and a gift for this. Then he says: “And I finished the staging according to Olesha. It would be necessary to show Viktor Borisovich ... "(Shklovsky - A.I.)" What kind of staging? When did you finish?!” And there, in Monin, he made "Envy" - at a time. In several passes. I think, as a response to Volodya Sedov's attempt to stage "Foma Gordeev" in the Maly. Oleg did not really like the whole story ... with the exclusion of the role of Yezhov. He took - and wrote for himself the material for the work.

From the last verses... I can't remember what exactly. Came to me. Fried omelet with sausage. "Can I read to you?" - "Well, of course!" I read it very quietly. I walked over and kissed him on the cheek. He was as shy as a child! God, who? Me? He blushed, lowered his head and left the kitchen. I turn around, and everything in the pan is completely burned!

But this poem, written in February 1981 in Monin very early in the morning, he read to me three times that day ...

"If the soul of a man
Grind into powder
If you spit from the hill into the river
And jump to the top
Pull up, tighten up
Turn away, don't nod
And disagree with nothing
You can break your head!

First he read it at breakfast. Well, I listened: "Good!" Then he came down to lunch and said in the kitchen: "I want to ... read you poetry ... morning." Reads the same. But somehow... that's how... "breaking into the soul"... That's what they say, right? I listened silently. In the evening, before going to bed already: “Liza, listen to my poems. Those. Morning…” And he began to read them again. I could not stand it anymore and, interrupting him, I say: “Olezhechka! How do you feel?!" He answered, all tensing up: “It’s okay… What is it?!” Well, I really got carried away here: “No! Abnormal! Why the hell are you reading everything to me for the third time?! I'm not an idiot! What are you?! What happened to you?! Tell! Tell me please! You feel bad?!" Oleg looked at me so strangely ... I was frightened. Blue-purple lips. And absolutely empty eyes. Well, I ... I felt sick myself ... He drank his pills. I am validol ... Then I asked him for forgiveness for screaming. He kept silent. He pulled his hand out of my palms: I wanted to stroke it. ice fingers in a hot house. Icy... Starting from this evening... let's go... it started... I won't tell you... about that. Okay? Don't be offended - I don't want to... You know... it was on Saturday, February 28, 1981... We came to Monino for a day. Pick up things. Something he needs for a trip to Kyiv the next day.

Oleg Dal passed away on March 3, 1981. He was found in a hotel room by employees of the Kyiv film studio, concerned about Oleg's absence from the set. Lisa survived her husband by 22 years ...

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    Oleg was born in the city of Lyublino in the Moscow region. The family of his father goes back to the famous linguist, dictionary compiler Vladimir Dal, and the parent of the future actor himself served in railway and held an honorary position. Oleg's mother was a teacher, and in addition to a talented son, the couple raised him older sister IraiduDal grew up as an ordinary mobile boy. After the war (and he was born a month before the Nazi invasion of the USSR), he began to get involved in sports - he played basketball. At one of the classes, the child became ill, after which it turned out that Oleg had congenital heart problems. Doctors immediately forbade him to exercise.

    As a teenager, he became interested in the arts. Oleg was especially fascinated by literature, but also art the ardent young man also did not deprive him of his attention. On schoolwork the boy read "A Hero of Our Time" for the first time. Pechorin impressed him so much that Dahl wanted to become this famous hero himself. Did he know then that in 15 years he would fulfill his dream?!

    After some time, he realized that his fantasy, perhaps, can be realized. For this you need to become an artist! The young man shared his guesses with his parents, but they took his son's plans with hostility, saying that the earnings of people in this profession are too fickle, and besides, Oleg burrs!

    Therefore, he went to act after school, having quarreled with his family. I read Gogol and my adored Lermontov at the entrance to Sliver, and entered the first time. Oleg corrected the natural burr, which had haunted the guy since childhood, by stubborn speech lessons already in the junior years.


    film "My little brother" (1962)He was one of the most talented students, which is why the Sovremennik artists who came to watch the graduation performance singled him out. Oleg was offered to appear to the chief director (then he was Oleg Efremov), and he took the young actor to the troupe.

    Dal quickly joined in, because Sovremennik always promoted its isolation and at a distance felt the natural nobility of the artists. Innate intelligence, subtle features, blue eyes and graceful hands - this is what, in addition to talent, helped the artist get into this particular theater.

    However, for five whole years the actor was trusted only with supporting roles. Galina Volchek showed his dramatic charisma to the entire theatrical Moscow when she staged "At the Bottom" and invited Dahl to play the role of the thief Vaska Pepel.

    He prepared for her in a special way. For long evenings I wandered around Moscow with my partner Alla Pokrovskaya, discussing the subtleties, all the facets of the characters of their characters, and once said that she should play a shy goat.

    Alla was dumbfounded: it was at least strange to hear slang from the lips of such an intellectual. When Oleg began to explain himself, it turned out that he was not going to use slang. Dal really associates the heroine of Alla with this animal, so he asks to endow her with wild, animal manners.

    All life is theater

    film "Chronicle of a dive bomber" (1967)He has always been considered more theatrical than film actor. So changes in his personal life began to happen to him in the theatrical environment.

    Dahl's first significant love was Nina Doroshina. The actress, known to the viewer for one of the main roles in the film "Love and Doves", she played Nadezhda there, the mother of the family, which is at the center of the story.

    Dahl urgently decided to get married. The actress was introduced to the groom's family, the wedding is scheduled. But, according to the memoirs of the actor's sister, Nina disappeared somewhere right at the celebration, and Oleg Efremov disappeared with her.

    There was no doubt: they disappeared together and did not appear long time. Half of the evening own wedding the actor was alone until the bride just as suddenly reappeared. Following her, Efremov suddenly showed up in the crowd of guests.

    Oleg did not doubt the betrayal of his beloved and, in revenge, he disappeared somewhere after the wedding for three whole days. After mutual disappearances, the young lived together for another week. Apparently, they did not succeed in clarifying their relationship, because after a week they simply parted.

    Not a walker

    film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha" (1967)This incident was one of those that will break the artist and gradually make his character the way Dahl's relatives remember: heavy, inflexible, uncompromising.

    He had already starred in several films and became famous, he was already taking shape as a person with an irrepressible temperament and endless longing in his eyes, who seemed to be eating himself from the inside, as if he himself did not know what he wanted from life when he met his second wife, actress Tatyana Lavrov.

    With her, joint happiness also did not work. He has already begun to show his negative qualities and, little by little, apply to the bottle. She, also a creative and temperamental actress, could not tolerate this, moreover, she herself demanded increased attention. They dispersed quickly.

    There were not many women in the life of Oleg Dal. His friends remember: Dahl was not a walker. And growing up, indeed, rather sought to go home, to the family. Or maybe it was his third wife, Elizaveta Apraskina, whom he met while working on the set of King Lear.

    Happiness in personal life

    k / f "Bad good man» (1973)Lisa worked on the film as an editor. He immediately laid eyes on her, and it was completely impossible to refuse the swift handsome man, in whom, according to the recollections of the actor’s relatives, the masculine principle was always felt.

    After the wedding, the young people settled with Lisa - they lived with her mother in a very small apartment, and only much later the family received their own, more spacious housing. There is a whole story to this as well.

    According to the actor's widow, when he came home, he never started a conversation until he cleaned his shoes, he had such a fad. So on this day, he rubbed them with special care, and then said: “We are going to see a new apartment. Here's the warrant."

    The house where Dal brought his wife and mother-in-law was built for senior military officials. The apartments are huge, the windows - on the Kremlin, the district - you will admire. When the family first entered Oleg's last residence, the rooms were flooded with midday sun.

    Dahl's wife noted: new apartment he became the best family man. Then he was already really drinking deeply, but even drunk, robbed to the skin by street hooligans or drinking companions (sometimes he came without shoes, without outerwear), late at night and early in the morning, always went home.

    Was he happy? In any case, with his Lisa, he is much happier than at other periods of his life.

    Went to die

    k / f "Shadow" (1971) Nervous and explosive, talented Dal was always as if broken somewhere deep inside, but most of all his Pechorin alienation, a sense of the meaninglessness of life began to manifest itself after the death of Vladimir Vysotsky.

    It was at the funeral that he predicted his own death: "I'm next," the actor said, laughing hysterically.

    They had a difficult relationship, but after the funeral of the great actor and musician, Dahl seemed to understand how close death was walking next to life. This thought changed him before his eyes. The eternal theatrical definition: "he is sick with a mania for perfection" now began to look like a real diagnosis.

    Oleg Ivanovich became more demanding of others, but he always tried to achieve the highest result from himself.

    After another binge, Dahl agreed to "sew in a torpedo" - to encode from alcoholism in the then accepted way. He was on tour in Kyiv, when, leaving a table in a restaurant, he explained: "I'll go to my place to die." The actors with whom Dahl toured decided that this was another portion of black humor from the maestro. To contact us.

    Oleg Ivanovich Dal was born just before the start of the war, on May 25, 1941, in the town of Lyublino near Moscow, which today is part of the territory of the capital. In addition to Oleg himself, the family of the railway engineer Ivan Zinovievich and the teacher Pavla Petrovna had a daughter, Iraida.

    AT school years the boy began to play basketball, but very soon left these classes due to discovered heart problems. After that, poetry, literature and painting became his hobbies. Like any boy who grew up during the war years, he dreamed of the heroic profession of a pilot or sailor. But childhood dreams were not destined to come true due to the mentioned health problems. After reading the work "A Hero of Our Time", Dahl set about trying to become an actor in order to play Pechorin someday. And after 15 years, his dream will come true.

    In 1959, after graduating high school Oleg Dal decides to enter the theater school. Parents strongly oppose such a decision of their son. Their first argument was the instability of the acting profession and, accordingly, salaries, and the second was that Oleg had burred since childhood.

    And yet, he went to take the entrance exam. For him, I prepared Nozdrev's monologue from Gogol's "Dead Souls" and an excerpt from "Mtsyri" by his beloved Lermontov. After successfully passing the exam, the talented young man was enrolled in the course of N. Annenkov at the Shchepkinsky Theater School. And became his classmates.


    In the magazine "Youth" the story "Star Ticket" was published, written by director Alexander Zarkhi in 1961. After the selection among students of theater schools, several dozen people were selected and tests began, as a result of which Oleg Dal was selected for the role in the film (who got the role of Alik Kramer). In the summer of 1961, location shooting began in Tallinn. So the film "My little brother" appeared on television screens.

    After the release of the film, two eminent directors immediately turned their attention to Dahl: Leonid Agranovich and. Agranovich even trusted young actor leading role in his film called The Man Who Doubts. The plot of the film was a detective-psychological one. It was based on the following events: after the murder of a schoolgirl, the investigating authorities arrested an innocent acquaintance of the murdered Boris Dulenko (who was performed by Dal).

    Oleg Dal in the film "The Man Who Doubts"

    In 1963, when this film was released, Dahl had just completed his studies at the theater school. His graduation performance was attended by an actress of the Sovremennik Theater, who was so impressed with Dahl's work that she invited him to work in her theater. After passing a two-stage competition, the young actor was enrolled in the troupe. But it did not bring a big breakthrough. For several years, Oleg Dal played exclusively supporting roles in Sovremennik.

    Dahl's next television work was the film "The First Trolleybus", filmed at the Odessa Film Studio. The picture was released in 1964 and was very warmly received by the public due to the light and cheerful plot.

    Oleg Dal in the film "The First Trolleybus"

    Over the next couple of years, Oleg had only two minor works in the cinema (the films "A bridge is being built" and "From seven to twelve"). In 1966 he was noticed by the director of "Lenfilm" Vladimir Motyl. Dal, recommended to Motyl by his colleagues, immediately fell into the image of the main character of the film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha" presented by the director. The picture was received negatively by public leaders and, despite the wide success with the audience, was replicated by a very small number of copies.

    Oleg Dal in the film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha"

    Nevertheless, all these problems did not affect the growing popularity of Oleg Dal. His next work was the film "Chronicle of a dive bomber", in which he played the role of a pilot named Yevgeny Sobolevsky. This picture brought the actor all-Russian fame. Thus, the end of the sixties became the peak in Dahl's career both in cinema and in the theater. In Sovremennik, where he returned after a long break, he was entrusted with his first significant role. She became the role of Vaska Pepel in the play "At the Bottom".

    In 1968-1969, Dahl came to the attention of such well-known film directors as Nadezhda Kosheverova and Grigory Kozintsev. It was Kozintsev who introduced Dahl to his "King Lear" for the role of the Jester, which later became one of the brightest in the actor's piggy bank. This film, which was released in 1971, won several international awards at festivals in Chicago, Milan and Tehran.

    Oleg Dal in the film "King Lear"

    Soon the actor moves to Leningrad and joins the troupe of the Leningrad Drama Theater. In the early seventies, several more interesting film roles were added to the actor's piggy bank.

    In 1972, the actor began work on the film "Sannikov Land", which soon became disillusioned. In his opinion, they made a cheap spectacle out of quality material. After this picture, Dahl more carefully approaches the choice of roles.

    Oleg Dal in the film "The Adventures of Prince Florizel"

    In 1973, his childhood dream came true - he embodies the image of Pechorin on the screen in the film "Through the Pages of Pechorin's Magazine". During 1973-1974, Oleg Ivanovich starred in five more films.

    Personal life

    Many were in love famous actor, but Dahl could not find his soul mate for a long time. First there was an affair with an actress, then there was. However, due to the difficult nature of Oleg Ivanovich, both unions broke up.

    And on the set of "King Lear" Dahl met the one who was finally able to "tame" him. Fateful acquaintance took place on August 19, 1969.

    The chosen one of the actor was Lisa Eichenbaum, who was involved in the work on the picture as an editor. Soon the lovers got married. They managed to maintain that feeling of early love, which gives a special charm to relationships throughout for long years. Oleg Ivanovich was very proud of his wife, and Elizabeth always took care of her husband. She was the only one who managed to find the key to such a talented, but such difficult person. AT last years the life of the actor, Elizabeth surrounded her husband with even greater care.


    Toward the end of the seventies, Oleg Ivanovich slows down in cinema. The last notable work in the work of the actor was the film "Vacation in September", which was released in 1979. The actor began to have problems with alcohol, which he did not solve. In addition, the actor's health was affected by heart problems and more frequent conflicts with directors.

    Oleg Dal passed away during a business trip in Kyiv. He died on March 3, 1981 in a hotel room. Cause of death named heart attack, which could be provoked by the use of alcohol. In addition, Oleg Ivanovich himself, some time before his death, said that he foresaw death.


    • My little brother
    • The Man Who Doubts
    • Zhenya, Zhenechka and "Katyusha"
    • Chronicle of a dive bomber
    • King Lear
    • Sannikov Land
    • Can not be!
    • Option "Omega"
    • golden mine