What does the Volga mean for Russia? For every inhabitant of our vast country, the Volga is not just one of the largest rivers on Earth (3530 meters). Not just the central water artery of Russia: 15 regions, 4 cities with a population of more than 1 million are located on the Volga. And not just a river of major economic importance: 8 hydroelectric power plants, a center for shipping and fishing. Of course, all this is not important. The Volga is the soul of Russia: I am sure everyone who cares about our country will agree with this, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, from Novaya Zemlya to Sochi.

How many songs have been written about her! “The Volga River Flows” is immediately remembered, in the famous performance of Lyudmila Zykina. “Because of the island on the line” with Stenka Razin: “Volga-Volga, dear mother, Volga is a Russian river ...” And “Dubinushka”, a song of the Volga barge haulers, which Fyodor Chaliapin made famous all over the world with his bass! Yes, and the modern "From the Volga to the Yenisei" people fell in love with: a cheerful and sincere song about our "Race", which is inextricably linked with the Volga ... The Volga is also our literature: Nekrasov, Maxim Gorky, Ostrovsky and his "Dowry". And our history. “There is no land for us beyond the Volga” - these words of the legendary sniper Vasily Zaitsev became the spirit of the fighting Stalingrad. The Volga is the frontier for which our grandfathers fought without sparing their lives. That's what the Volga means for our country.

I myself saw the great Russian river twice. Not in its widest places - in the Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions. But it's still impressive: you can't see the other side. But my late grandfather grew up on the banks of the Volga, in the Ivanovo region. Harsh, but sincere, hard-working, less words - more deeds, sincere, always ready to "cut the truth": a real Volga character. How much the Volga meant to him is hard to imagine. I still remember how he sang: “Hey, let's go! Yes, hey, let's go!" is his favorite song. It went straight from the heart ... But, I repeat once again, even for those who have never seen this great river, it is our national treasure. Which we may soon lose...

The death of the Volga. It is precisely such a terrible prospect that now presents itself to specialists. A few days ago, the Volga Humanitarian Institute hosted the conference "Volzhsky - noospheric city", at which more than a dozen doctors and candidates of sciences, ecologists, experts in the field of anthropology adopted an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation. It refers to the need to transfer the cascade of the Volga HPP to an ecological (natural) mode of operation. “The damage to the state from the degradation of the Volga ecosystem cannot be calculated,” scientists explain.

“More than 40% of the population of Russia, living in 39 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, whose territories are wholly or partially located in the Volga basin, depend on the Volga ecosystem. Therefore, the transfer of the cascade of the Volga-Kama HPPs to the ecological (natural) mode of operation is the first necessary step in the revival of the Volga ecosystem. The initiative from the Volgograd region and other subjects of the federation to transfer the cascade of the Volga-Kama HPPs to an ecological mode of operation is natural and justified.
The total installed electric capacity of HPPs in the Volga basin exceeds 11,400 MW, and the average annual electricity generation is 38.5 billion kWh, which is about 4% of the total generation in the country. But the damage to the state from the degradation of the Volga ecosystem is beyond economic calculations. In addition, about 25 thousand square meters were flooded under the reservoirs. km of fertile land, which is comparable to the area of ​​small states of the Earth,” writes correspondent Olga Poplavskaya on the news portal “Free Press - South”.
What, in fact, is happening with the Volga?

There has not been such low water on the river for 100 years.

Ecologists are asking the President of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation to look into the true causes of the environmental disaster in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain. The most difficult situation is now in the settlements on the left bank of the Volga and on Sarpinsky Island, the largest river island in Europe in terms of area. The wells have dried up. People don't even have enough drinking water not to mention watering gardens. According to the Free Press - South portal, a few days ago, residents of Sarpinsky Island almost ran into summer residents who turned on the irrigation pump. Ended up being young local penetrated the territory of the pumping station, turned off the pump, and indignant summer residents answered all the claims: “Only over my corpse!”. Thanks exclusively to the intervention of the police, there were no casualties.

Of course, the situation has affected not only people: plants, fish, birds and animals are dying in natural park Volga-Akhtuba floodplain. Due to the unprecedentedly small discharge of water from the Volga Hydroelectric Power Plant, moisture did not enter the eriki, lakes and channels of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.
According to the official version of hydropower, the reason for the low water was a little snowy winter. The press service of the Volga HPP refers to the spillway regime established by the Federal Agency water resources. RusHydro, it would seem, did not remain aloof from the crisis. An alarming publication "The Great Volga Land" is posted on its portal. They illustrate the situation with the Volzhskaya HPP with a schedule of water inflow and outflow at HPPs located upstream: Rybinskaya, Zhigulevskaya, Kuibyshevskaya. The conclusion they draw: "In fact, we are dealing with a natural disaster, the consequences of which are greatly mitigated by the cascade of reservoirs on the Volga." As a result, energy experts call, it is necessary “to save water and get used to living in conditions of low water. According to scientists, we are at the beginning of a low-water phase on the Volga, which can spill for another 20-30 years.” They also point out that “the modes of operation of HPPs are determined not by power engineers, but by a state organization - the Federal Agency for Water Resources (Rosvodresursy). It is she who determines how much water to pass (or not to pass) through hydroelectric power plants, and hydropower companies are obliged to strictly comply with the regimes prescribed by the Federal Water Resources.”

Well, this is not the first and not the last call to "tighten your belts" and "wait for better times." The only thing that has changed is that earlier “tighten their belts” sounded like an order (who even asks you?!), and now they have to present a “scientifically based” version of why people should once again put up and endure. Is it justified?

“The Volgograd reservoir is, in fact, a colossal reservoir for water, which is created with the help of a dam blocking the riverbed,” explains how exactly it is possible to artificially change the climate and cause drought somewhere, and flooding in other places, environmentalist, chairman of the regional branch of the Green Alliance party Lyudmila Solovieva. - The water pressure created by the dam makes it possible to generate electricity at hydroelectric power plants. Reservoirs store water when there is a lot of it and release water when it is scarce. Accordingly, the water level in the reservoir is not constant. By spring, it is minimal - during the winter, hydroelectric power plants produce a lot of water for electricity generation. In the spring, after the snow begins to melt, there is much more water in the rivers, and the reservoir begins to fill up. We believe that the management of the Volzhskaya HPP in the spring period discharges less water from the reservoir than enters it. The logic of the behavior of the HPP managers, who have been freed from real control and responsibility for their actions by the reform of the electric power industry, seems simple and comparable to the logic of the Volzhskaya HPP management of the “everything for profit” principle.

What is the reason for such a decision by the power engineers? The higher the reservoir is filled, the lower the cost of energy generated by the hydroelectric power station, and, accordingly, the higher its income. Perhaps one of the solutions that is possible in this situation is an immediate independent audit of the state of affairs: the water level at the Volzhskaya HPP, discharge indicators. The fact is that, according to environmentalists, water is being discharged at a rate of 10 thousand cubic meters per second, the maximum discharge was 16 thousand cubic meters per second. And in order to achieve any acceptable water level, this indicator should be 25-26 thousand cubic meters. Such data are reported by the chairman of the regional branch of the Green Alliance party, Lyudmila Solovieva, an ecologist by training. She also claims that even in the most dry year of 2006, power engineers discharged 18 thousand m 3, and it was a disaster, since water did not enter the floodplain, and eriki and lakes dried up, floodplain meadows died. This year, the water did not enter the floodplain at all. Lyudmila Solovieva is surprised: what prevented the hydrologists from giving 26 thousand cubic meters for two days, so that the water would at least enter the floodplain?

According to environmentalists, the catastrophic consequences that await the floodplain are the consequences of gross violations of the rules for regulating the flows of the Volga-Kama cascade. These rules, although developed in the 1980s, have not been abolished. Yet no one takes them into account now. The cost of electricity generated at the Volzhskaya HPP is six kopecks per kilowatt per hour, and the selling price is six rubles. It is more profitable for HPPs to generate electricity in large volumes in winter, because there is more dark time of the day and cold, so that the maximum water flow is discharged through the turbines. Not enough for spring. As for references to a winter with little snow, environmentalists object here too: the Volga-Kama basin is designed for long-term regulation, and if the rules were followed, it would be possible to freely withstand three dry years in a row, ensuring a normal spring flood. The current situation was the result of the fact that business is put at the forefront, and not the interests of Russia as a whole and the region in particular.

Here is how the ex-vice-chairman of the board of the Volgograd Regional Environmental Fund Konstantin Glushenok comments on the situation: “Saying that the current year is low-water, hydrologists, in my opinion, are cunning. For comparison, let's take 2011, when the annual flow of the Volga was lower than in the previous year, 2014. Then it was 201 cubic kilometers, and the spring discharge of water from the Volga hydroelectric power station in the peak phase reached 25 thousand cubic meters per second. In 2014, the annual flow was 224 cubic kilometers, which is 23 cubic kilometers more than in 2011. However, the release during the spring flood of 2015 reached only 16 cubic meters per second. That is, with significantly larger water reserves in the Volga, hydroelectric power plants discharged a significantly smaller volume of water this spring, hiding behind unsubstantiated statements about water shortages.

The reason for the oddities and inconsistencies in the figures, according to the expert, will become clear if we analyze the volumes of winter water discharge from the Volzhskaya HPP.

“During the winter months, with the standard winter discharge of 4.2 cubic meters per second, there were days when the discharge was more than six thousand cubic meters per second,” Konstantin Glushenok told the Volgograd news portal v1.ru. – This is what, in my opinion, puts hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of those who are the managers of JSC RusHydro. Therefore, now, when we see that they bought gloves and garbage bags for volunteers along the banks of the Akhtuba and the reservoir, this, in my opinion, is hypocrisy and is incommensurate with the billions of dollars of damage that, I believe, they cause to such a unique object as Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.

The head of the department agrees with the conclusions of Konstantin Glushenok " Complex use Water Resources and Ecology” VolgGAU, Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Loboiko.

“On the situation with the floodplain and low water, Vice Governor Alexander Belyaev asked me to express my opinion,” said Mr. Loboiko. - I, in turn, asked them to request the data of our Volgograd gauging station of the Hydrometeorological Center. All this information was provided to me. I analyzed them, after which it turned out that, indeed, with an objective need for 4,200 in winter and autumn, five to six thousand cubic meters were discharged through the Volga hydroelectric power station. In winter, these floods are absolutely not needed. In some previous years, not in 14-15, but earlier, when I was a deputy of the Volgograd Regional Duma, during winter discharge it reached 14 thousand cubic meters per second, and the water rose into the floodplain, into the eriki, which is unnatural for natural conditions. There is no reason for such winter discharges, except that six kopecks is the cost of generating a kilowatt-hour of electricity at hydroelectric power stations and six rubles is the selling price, in my opinion, no. I believe that what is happening is nothing more than elementary corruption and collusion between RusHydro and Rosvodresursov.”

What did representatives of RusHydro respond to these accusations?

Elena Vishnyakova, press secretary of RusHydro, made an official statement, which was published on the Free Press - South portal. First of all, she confirmed that the operating mode of the Volga HPP determines federal agency water resources (Rosvodresursy). And the agency takes these decisions on the basis of the recommendations of the interdepartmental working group (IWG), which includes representatives of the administrations of all regions of the Volga region, all the Volga basin departments (territorial divisions of the FAVR), the Ministry of Agriculture, the Federal Agency for Fishery, Rosmorrechflot, JSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System, Rostekhnadzor, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and hydropower. Elena Vishnyakova also pointed out that the priority is to ensure uninterrupted supply of the population and socially significant facilities, and the interests of power engineers are in last place. As an example, she cited situations with the shutdown of the Rybinsk and Uglich HPPs in order to fill the reservoir to a level suitable for navigation. As factors that led to the catastrophic situation in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, she named low-water inflow and low water reserves in reservoirs, also indicating that all information on snow reserves can be found on the website of Roshydromet.

Elena Vishnyakova also disputes the assertion that due to the unprecedentedly small discharge of water from the Volga Hydroelectric Power Plant, moisture did not enter the eriki, lakes and channels. According to her, 16,000 cubic meters is not a low discharge rate, but, on the contrary, a normative value (according to the Rules for the Use of Water Resources). As for water, according to a representative of the RusHydro company, it still entered the floodplain, albeit in small quantities.

As for the increase in discharge at the Volzhskaya HPP, according to Elena Vishnyakova,

this will cause a sharp devastation of the Volgograd and Kuibyshev reservoirs, since the costs of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station will also have to be increased. In conditions of low water, such measures will lead to a socio-economic and environmental disaster in the settlements located on the banks of these reservoirs.

Elena Vishnyakova spoke in particular about the situation with the water level in the HPP. Refuting the claims of ecologists that in winter time large discharges were observed, she refers to the hydrological Informer, which is located on the RusHydro website (Informer does work, but, judging by its data for December 2014 - March 2015, the discharge almost every day was at least slightly, but exceeded the standard 4200 m3 / s - P.K.).

Other representatives of RusHydro respond in even harsher terms: “In every region we have at least one expert who believes that everyone is deceiving, and only he is the bearer of the truth”; “You can’t just take and, as Volgograd experts say, “merge to the left” half of the Volga”; “And besides, there are no discharges in winter. If there were discharges in winter, then the dam of the Volga hydroelectric power station would be covered in ice. Because water turns into ice in winter, there is such a principle of natural science. In addition, it is planned to create a "School of young power engineers" for journalists and experts.

Such arguments of RusHydro representatives are emotional, but, unlike the appeal of the company's press secretary Elena Vishnyakova to figures and facts, they are hardly convincing to the expert community.

They are even less convincing for the population of the affected region.

While there is controversy in the media and at conferences, the situation continues to heat up. As of June 24, 2015, there were no emergencies and collisions yet. But there are fears that the case will not follow them. In the meantime, a video of a massive fish kill on the Volga near Astrakhan is gaining a lot of views on the Internet. These are the consequences of low water: the fish could not enter the water meadows to spawn. Ecologists report that this means that there will be no fish on the Volga in the next two years. Once the most fishy river that fed thousands of people on its banks, the Volga turns into a shallow swamp...

Local residents and environmentalists do not give up. Experts sent a letter to the Prime Minister Russian Federation YES. Medvedev with a call to take action against the power industry. Environmentalists are asking the head of government to take action, involve the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General's Office to identify individuals or organizations responsible for the current environmental situation. Under the letter of D.A. Medvedev was also signed by hundreds of residents of the Sredneakhtubinsky district, where the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain is located.

Meanwhile, Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev promised to send specialists to the Astrakhan region, neighboring Volgograd, to deal with the causes of low water. The Astrakhan region is also suffering catastrophic losses. At a recent conference call with the Ministry of Agriculture, the regional leadership reported that the lack of water has led to the fact that more than 300,000 hectares of natural grasslands have remained unfilled, which leads to a decrease in their fodder capacity and the volume of roughage for the autumn-winter stall period.

The dispute between power engineers and environmentalists is argued. But every minute the situation is getting worse. The only possible option for resolving the situation is the arrival of the country's top leadership to the site of an environmental disaster, accompanied by experts in order to establish the current state of affairs and take immediate measures. During the catastrophic flood in the Far East, the country's leadership kept abreast, acted promptly and decisively. Drought is no less a natural disaster. Moreover, if it turns out that it was created artificially, this is already a large-scale crime against the country's security. Ecograd magazine will closely monitor the situation and promptly inform our readers about it.

P.S. Ecograd magazine is closely following the rescue of our other national treasure - Lake Baikal, which is threatened by a new danger...

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Why is the river called a river? Why was the Volga called the Volga?

Reservoirs have always been important for human life. Any settlement directly depended on the source of water. Therefore, in the composition of the mandatory vocabulary of all languages ​​there is one or more words to designate a stream of water flowing along a constant channel. In Russian, this is the noun "river". Now the semantics of this word has been lost, one can only guess what meaning those who invented it put into it. But why is the river called a river? And what lies in the names of such water arteries as the Volga, Lena, Dnieper, Neva? What was washed in the Moika, who turned the Euphrates upside down? All this is discussed below.

Etymology of the word "river"

This lexical unit appeared in Russian in the 11th century. The fact that it existed in Proto-Slavic proves the existence of many words with similar sound and meaning in other linguistic systems. For example, riueka in Serbo-Croatian, rzeka in Polish, rieka in Slovak, reka in Czech and Slovenian, rіka in Ukrainian. Since it is present in the Slavic languages ​​​​of both the eastern, and western, and southern groups, it becomes clear that all these words had a single progenitor. Also, in Russian there are words that are no longer singled out as cognates in modern morphology, but it turns out that they were such earlier. We are talking about the lexemes "swarm", "rush", "fly". They all have one common seme - something to do with movement.

There are at least two versions of where it came from. According to the first theory, the Slavic root "river-" was formed as a result of alternating vowels from the Old Irish rian with the meaning "river, road". In Old English there is a word rid (stream), in Middle German - rin (flow of water). The Latin rivus means "brook", and this also speaks in defense of this theory. Well, from him came river (river) in modern English.

The second version says that the morpheme rek is of Indo-European origin. It is related to the ancient root renos, meaning "flow". Supporters of this theory cite as an example the name of the river Rhine, which, in their opinion, means "flowing". Similar semantics in the ancient Indian rayas. You can also pay attention to riyate (to move, start to flow). And over time, the word went through a phonetic transformation for a more convenient pronunciation. That is why the river is called river.

There is also the ancient Indian word rekha (row, stripe, scratch). It is more similar to the noun under discussion in Russian, but it does not really converge in semantics.

Almost all hydronyms on the territory of modern Russia are the same age as the word "river". Therefore, their origin is also a kind of mystery, shrouded in darkness. But you can still find out about some of them at least something.


Why was she named that? There is a fairly simple and logical explanation. Some linguists are sure that the hydronym Volga comes from the word "moisture". The fact is that when people settled near a reservoir, it was their only source of moisture. Usually they did not know about the existence of some other water bodies due to the fact that they did not have the opportunity to travel. It is not surprising that most of the hydronyms in translation from ancient languages ​​simply mean "river", "water", "moisture".

In the Old Russian language, there was a full vowel, that is, the development of secondary vowels: gates - gates, hail - city. So the river was first called Moisture, and then this proper name was transformed into Vologa, but over time it was reduced to a shorter form "Volga".

There is another version according to which the name of this river has Baltic roots. In this language group there is a word valka, which means "a stream flowing through a swamp." Indeed, the Valdai Upland, where the source (beginning of the river) is located, is called a very humid area. This is the land of swampy lakes.

There are unscientific but beautiful assumptions about why the Volga River was called the Volga. They are based on random consonance. For example, some researchers saw a similarity with the name of the oriole bird, others - with the word "wolf". Someone even tied here the Turkic people of the Bulgars, who lived near this river in the 5th century. Like, the katoikonym "Bulgar" was transformed into "Volgar", and the name came from it water body around which these tribes settled.

The discussed hydronym is also associated with the word "will". This explanation is clearly sewn with white thread, but nonetheless. They say that the runaway laborers, having crossed to the opposite bank of the river, shouted: "Freedom! Ga! Freedom! Ga!"

Someone sees a similarity with the name of Princess Olga the Great (abbreviated as V. Olga). There was also in Russian mythology the hero Volga, who was able to plow this river with a plow.


Fans of false etymology tend to explain such onyms in their own way. But the name of the river is not connected with any Elena, even the Beautiful. Also, it is not necessary to attribute here the word "laziness", they say, the water flows slowly, measuredly, and therefore it was christened like that.

So why was the river named "Lena"? In fact, this is a Russified version of the hydronym Elyu-Ene, which in translation from Evenki means "big river". This name was recorded in the 17th century by the discoverer water artery Cossack Penda. In the 18th century, the Tungus, who lived along the riverbed, called it Lenna, according to the historian F.I. Miller.

If you do not dig deep, then the origin of this hydronym can easily be associated with the public baths that were built there in the 18th century. The earliest documented name for this body of water is Mya. This word, in turn, comes from the Izhora-Finnish "muya", meaning "mud". Many swampy rivers in the vicinity of St. Petersburg have kept it in their names. And the water in the Moika was also muddy, muddy. Historians of the 18th century wrote about this, for example, A. I. Bogdanov. But over time, the hard-to-pronounce word was transformed into something more consonant with Russian vocabulary, here the similarity with the verbs "wash", "mine" worked.


Previously, there were swamps and swamps on the site of St. Petersburg. This fact is also reflected in the name of the main river of the city, which, most likely, comes from the Finnish word neva (swamp). In general, in the north-west of Russia, many hydronyms can be explained from the standpoint of the Finno-Ugric language. For example, Ladoga, Seliger and even the Moscow River.

Other linguists are supporters of the Indo-European version. They believe that the name comes from the root neṷa, meaning "new". The Neva is a relatively young river, formed by a breakthrough of waters from Lake Ladoga. Eyewitnesses of this event noted given fact giving her a name. That is why the river was called the Neva River, that is, the new one.


In ancient Russian chronicles, the name of the Dnieper River was written as Dnepr. It is known that the sound "b" arose in place of an even more ancient "y", and "ѣ" - where the sound combination "ay" was. If we substitute these equivalents into the first part of the Old Russian name "Dan", we get the word "Danube". What does "pr" mean? This element once meant fast movement. Its traces can be seen in the words "nimble", "strive", as well as in the names of other rivers (Prut, Pripyat). If you combine both parts, phrases with the meaning "Danube River" will come out. And according to The Tale of Bygone Years, it was from there that the first settlers came to the banks of the Dnieper. And they gave the new river the name of the one on which they grew up.


It is the largest river in Western Asia. The Euphrates (this name translates as "smooth flow") originates in the Armenian Highlands, in Transcaucasia, and flows into the Persian Gulf. Flowering valleys were a tasty morsel for the conquerors, in particular for Pharaoh Thutmose the Third. When the Egyptian troops arrived in this area, they were extremely surprised by the direction of the Euphrates. They compared it to the main artery of Egypt, the Nile, which flows from south to north and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. And it seemed to them that the water was moving in the opposite direction, that is, not in the way they used to observe. That is why the Euphrates was called the inverted river. This is exactly how she is mentioned in the annals of Thutmose the Third about this campaign.

There are many of them around the world. Barnaul stands on Barnaulka, Vologda - on the Volga. Often people did not fool their heads once again and named their village in the same way as the river on which it appeared. Here are examples of those cities whose name sounds exactly like a hydronym: Samara, Pumice, Kazan, Narva, Tuapse, Kostroma, Voronezh, Vyatka, Moscow. Some do have short form possessive adjective on behalf of the river: Omsk (from Om), Tomsk (from Tom), Yeysk (from Yeya), Lensk (from Lena), Labinsk (from Laba), Angarsk (from Angara).

All hydronyms, as well as other toponyms, are truly an inexhaustible topic for research. Linguists have not yet come to a common denominator why the river was called the river, the lake - the lake, and the sea - the sea. So new versions have the right to appear.


What does the word Volga mean?

Has it ever occurred to you that the vast majority of geographical names seem to us now meaningless. If small tracts, hills, streams, lakes, usually have understandable names, such as: "Rubezhenka River", "Holy Lake", then large rivers, lakes, mountains have most often mysteriously obscure names. What does the word "Dvina" mean? What do the words "Caucasus", "Ural", "Onega" mean? Is it extremely strange to assume that our ancestors called their rivers with a meaningless combination of sounds? Linguists try to find its meaning in each such name and often find that this or that “meaningless” geographical name for us was a word with a completely exact meaning in one of the ancient languages. However, this work is by no means easy. Often two or three different points of view on the same issue are put forward at once. It is interesting, for example, to listen to what linguists say about the meaning of the word "Volga". So, what does the word Volga mean? The Volga was not always called "Volga". She was known to the ancient Greeks under the name "Ra" (and "Rau"). The name "Ra" is very curious. This word was also called the rhubarb plant. “Not far from the Don,” writes the ancient writer Ammianus Marcellinus, “the river “Ra” flows, on the banks of which there is a plant root of the same name, suitable for various medicinal uses.” It is likely that the Russian word rhubarb (rhubarb) just came from the name "Ra" ("Rau"). It is difficult to say now what language the name "Ra" belonged to: in any case, it is very ancient origin. It can, however, be noted that among the Mordovian ethnic group living in the Volga region, the Volga is still called "Rau" today. In the Middle Ages the old name "Ra" was forgotten; a new name appeared - "Itil" ("Idil", "Ethel", "Atel", depending on the pronunciation). So the great river began to be called, so was the name of the main city of the Khazar kingdom standing on it. We find an explanation for this word in the Chuvash language, where the word "itil" even now means "river". It remains to be said about the third, the newest name of our great river. The name "Volga", judging by our chronicles, appears from the very beginning of Rus'. Previously, many linguists assumed that it comes from the word "moisture", but this is just as wrong as the well-known old assumption that the name "Slavs" comes from the word "glorious". Other scholars have given great importance similarity between the words "Volga" and "Volgar". (As you know, a whole tribe of "Volga Bulgarians" lived in ancient times along the middle reaches of the Volga.) According to Senkovsky, the Volga was called "Volga-Itil" in the old days. We have already said that "itil" means "river". Obviously, the word "Volga" should be a definition for the word "itil". Among the Volga ethnic group of the Mari, the word "Volga" means "holy." From this point of view, it turns out that the geographical name "Volga-Itil" in translation into Russian means "Holy River". If this is so, then in ordinary Russian the combination of the words "Volga-river" the word "river" is a simple replacement for the word "itil". Subsequently, the word "itil" was discarded, only one name remained: "Volga". However, it must be said that this explanation is not final. There are other words in Russian that are close in form to the word "Volga". Let's remember the name of another big Russian river - "Volkhov". Let us recall the name of one of the heroes of our epics "Volga", who, moreover, was a "sorcerer", that is, a magician. The connections between all these words are not fully understood.


Did the Volga River have an old name

Education June 9, 2018

Have you ever thought that on our Earth there are the most ancient witnesses of the entire history of mankind? These are rivers. In this regard, the Volga River is one of the key witnesses of Russian history. But how many of us know that this river had other, ancient names?

First mentions

The Russian state arose rather late, especially in relation to such European civilizations as the Roman Empire or Byzantium. The initial Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" dates back to the 12th century. The first Russian chronicler Nestor calls the river the Volga. But there were much more ancient chronicles in which we first meet our heroine under other names. It is no coincidence that the name of the river directly depends on which civilization the chronicler belonged to. So, the ancient Roman and ancient Greek chronicle mentions the old name of the Volga River briefly - Ra. However, ancient Arabic sources indicate that a river called Atel flowed in this area.

Each author has his own point of view on the origin of the mentioned names. For example, Ra, according to different versions of linguists, means "generosity" (if we turn to Roman roots) or " calm water"(if we take Indo-European dialects as a basis). So is it fair to say that there is an old name for the Volga River?

Old or different?

By the way, the Arabic name of the Volga River turned out to be more tenacious, in various variations it went down in history and on the maps of many peoples. There is a widespread point of view that the old name of the Volga River is Itil. But to call him old is not entirely correct. This is, rather, one of the names that the tribes living in its lower reaches gave in their own way to the river. Namely, the Bulgars. The language spoken by the ancient Bulgars was Turkic, largely related to and borrowed from Arabic. The word Itil (Atal, Etel) in this group of languages ​​means literally "river".

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origin of name

Whether this is the new name or the old name of the Volga River, history does not confirm exactly. Such is the nature of this science - precision is not its part. But you can figure out the origin of the most native and closest name to us - the Volga. The word has Slavic roots - most researchers agree on this. The words "volgly", "vologa" the tribes that lived along the banks of the river, from ancient times denoted the concepts of moisture, wet, swampy. The Volga, indeed, like most large rivers, originates in a wet swampy area.

However, there is another curious theory that says that the old name of the river (Volga) itself is primary. It was from the name itself that the concepts of volgly appeared - wet, wet. This theory is based on the principle: the more significant the geographical object and the more important its role in the life of mankind of past historical periods, the more ancient its name.

Other versions of the title's history

If we recall that even before the 9th century, the Finno-Ugric peoples settled in the upper reaches of the Volga, and with the advent of Rurik these lands were completely inhabited by Scandinavians, the version about the origin of the name of the river from the Finnish “Valge”, which means “bright”, appears quite logical.

There is a somewhat naive version about mythological origin the most ancient name of the river, first mentioned in the annals of Ptolemy. Ra is the old name of the Volga River, and for children it is clear that Ra is also the Egyptian god of the Sun. Hardly anyone would call the river of the Central European plain in honor of the sun god of the ancient Egyptians. But in addition, the root "ra" in Latin and Greek means literally "outflow".

Another assumption about the origin of the word "Volga" again sends us to the Baltic peoples. "Valka" in the dialect of the Balts meant "flowing stream".

What does the name Volga mean to us?

We found out the old name of the Volga River, and where it came from. Now it is difficult to imagine that this word could come into our language from somewhere outside, it is so familiar and close. In addition, the very name of this great river gave the name to many large cities (and not only cities), which is forever rooted in our language. Let's try to count how many cities and towns are named after the Volga River: Volgograd, Vologda, Volgodonsk, Volgorechensk, Volzhsk and Zavolzhye, Volzhsky and Zavolzhsk. And what about the legendary car "Volga", produced at the GAZ automobile plant in Nizhny Novgorod? This brand remains one of the best in the domestic auto industry today. And it is named after the same great river, and in many ways it is similar to it.

The name of the river has entered into all spheres of art: literature, poetry, painting, music and cinema. The author's and folk songs beloved by all, which will never leave the lips of a Russian person, immortalized the name of the Volga River. Famous Russian artists found in its waters an inexhaustible source of inspiration. I. I. Levitan, B. M. Kustodiev, F. A. Vasiliev, the Chernetsov brothers and many others were in love with the Volga.

Now it does not really matter to us whether the Volga had ancient names, what their origin is. The important thing is that for our children and grandchildren she will remain the same kind mother and breadwinner that she was for our distant ancestors.

Source: fb.ru

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[email protected]: What does the name of the river mean

The most ancient, attested from the second century BC, the name of the river was the word Ra. It is possible that it was preserved in the modern Mordovian name of the river Rav (Rava). According to one hypothesis, the basis of this name of the river could be an ancient word with the meaning "calm river". The Chuvashs called the river the word Atal, the Tatars - Idel, the Bashkirs - Idel, the Mari - Yul. All these names were associated with the middle and lower reaches of the river and, as some researchers believe, when translated into Russian, they mean "river; great (big) river." But the generally accepted name of the river for most of the peoples of our country, and for many peoples of the world, was the word Volga. Researchers have repeatedly tried to understand the history of this name, to answer the question why the Volga is called the Volga. Unfortunately, we have to admit that there is still no unequivocal answer to this question. Several assumptions-hypotheses have been made, but none of them has undeniable scientific evidence. This, by the way, is typical for the study of the origin of the names of many large rivers. After all, the larger the river, the, as a rule, its ancient name. And the older the name, the more difficult is the strictly scientific establishment of its origins. Among such difficult-to-explain names is the river hydronym Volga. Many researchers paid attention to the fact that one of the tributaries of the Dnieper is called the Volga, that the Volga is in the Vistula basin (Poland). In this regard, it has been suggested that the Volga is a Slavic name in origin and is associated with such common words as Volgly, Moisture (Old Russian Vologa). Objecting to such an explanation of the name, some researchers believe that the root Volg - meaning "wet, wet" - is very rare in the Slavic names of small rivers, and is not used at all in the names of large rivers. In this regard, attention was drawn to the root Volg with the meaning "white, light", common in a number of Finno-Ugric languages. In particular, the Mari Volgydo, Estonian Valga, Karelian Valga, etc. are associated with it. It is believed that the name of the Vologda River, after which the city of Vologda is named, is also associated with it. Opponents of this hypothesis point out that the Volga Finno-Ugric peoples (Mordovians and Mari) do not call the Volga the Volga. Accepting this fact, however, it cannot be ruled out that the hydronym Volga could have arisen on a Finno-Ugric basis in the upper reaches of the river, at least to the north of those territories where the Mordvins and Maris currently live. The idea was also expressed about the possible connection of the name of the Volga with the Baltic languages, which include the languages ​​​​Latvian and Lithuanian. In particular, the presence in these languages ​​of the common word valka with the meaning "flowing stream, wetland, puddle" was noted. It is assumed that the sources of the river could be called with a similar word. In Russian use, the roll changed into the Volga "and spread to the entire river. Finally, some researchers, for example, academician B. A. Serebrennikov, believe that the name Volga is by origin associated with ancient and now non-existent languages. With this approach, the question of the possibility explanation of the origin and original meaning of the hydronym Volga disappears by itself, since the possibility of finding a common word that once became the basis of the name Volga also disappears.Thus, the question of why the Volga is called the Volga has not received a generally accepted answer. originated in the upper reaches of the river.One of the earliest names for the Volga is from Nestor in the Tale of Bygone Years, that is, it exists in parallel in the upper reaches of the Volga among the Slavs, at the bottom of the Itil among the Turks.

GA is movement. Ox (bull) GA, road, karGA, etc.

The ancient authors of the first centuries A.D. e. (Claudius Ptolemy and Ammianus Marcellinus) The Volga was called Ra, lat. Rha (compare Moksh and Erz Rav - both names of Iranian origin). The Byzantine chronicler Theophanes the Confessor, describing the geographical names of the Northern Black Sea region, repeats several times "the greatest river flowing down from the ocean through the land of the Sarmatians and called Ατελ". The Latin translation, made "about half a century after the creation of the Greek original", is Atel. In the Middle Ages, it was known as Itil (cf. the modern names of the Bashk. Iҙel, Tat. Idel, Kazakh. Edil, Chuvash. Atӑl, Kalm. Iҗl). Modern Mari Yul comes from other -Turkic. jul "source, stream". The Russian name Volga (st.-Slav. Vlga) comes from the Proto-Slavic *Vьlga, cf. volgly - vologa - moisture. The presence of the rivers Vlga in the Czech Republic and Vilga (Polish) Russian speaks for the Slavic version of the origin of the name. in Poland . Based on the fact that the upper Volga is located in a zone where hydronymy of Baltic origin is widely represented, an etymology from the Baltic languages ​​is proposed: ilga “long, long” → lake. Volgo → r. Volga; valka "stream, small river". Alternative versions derive the name of the river from the Baltic-Finnish (Fin. valkea "white", cf. Vologda; vyrusk. Valgõ) and Volga-Finnish (Other Mari *Jylγ (from Turk.), modern Mar. Yul) languages .

From the Slavic word Moisture (It means the endless river Itil) So the Slavs who lived in the lower reaches of the river called it ... I have a question: Why write texts when a person needs one sentence of an answer!


Ra, the ancient name of the Volga River

 Ra, the ancient name of the Volga River

the ancient name of the Volga River (see).

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907.

  • Ra, John
  • Ra, Egyptian deity

See what "Ra, the ancient name of the Volga River" is in other dictionaries:

    Ra is the ancient name of the Volga River - see Volga ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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    Central district of Tver - Central district Country Russia Status district of the city Included in Tver Head of administration Arseniev Alexei Borisovich ... Wikipedia

    Central District (Tver) - This term has other meanings, see Central District. Central district Country Russia Status district of the city Included in Tver ... Wikipedia

    Moscow (river) - This term has other meanings, see Moscow (meanings). Moscow View from the Crimean bridge in Moscow upstream ... Wikipedia

    Vyatka (river) - Vyatka Vyatka near Kirov Characteristic Length 1314 km Basin area 129 00 ... Wikipedia

    Vyatka (tributary of the Kama) - Vyatka Vyatka near Kirov Characteristic Length 1314 km Basin area ... Wikipedia

    Tsaritsyn is a county town of the Saratov province, one of the most important trading centers of the Lower Volga region on the right, elevated bank of the Volga River. The Tsaritsa River divides the city into two parts, the Old and New Towns, or the Zatsaritsyno outskirts; in addition, there are more ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Ivan the Terrible - "John IV" redirects here; see also other meanings. On the name and names associated with him Ivan the Terrible (meanings) Ivan IV Vasilyevich ... Wikipedia

    Volga - Volga. River basin. 1. Finland 2. Belarus 3. Uzbekistan Volga (the ancient name of Ra, in the Middle Ages Itil), a river in the European part of Russia, the largest in Europe. The length is 3530 km, the area of ​​the basin is 1360 thousand km2. It originates on Valdai ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"


  • Seal of the pharaoh, Natalia Solntseva. Do you know that the ancient name of the Volga River is Ra-river?.. According to legend, the Great Ra, tired of divine deeds, went to rest not just anywhere, but to the Volga. Why would it? Banking ... More Buy for 99.9 rubles e-book

Name, Hero Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev will be assigned to one of the new streets in the Kirovsky district of Volgograd.
Novaya Street is located at the intersection of Sanatornaya Street and Grigory Zasekin Street, in the Kirovsky District.
Recall that 2016 in the Volgograd region was declared the Year of Commemoration of a fighter pilot of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev.

In memory of heroes

Volgograd School No. 24 was named after the famous pilot Alexander Fedotov.
Alexander Vasilyevich Fedotov graduated from this school in 1947. Fedotov Hero of the Soviet Union, test pilot, Major General of Aviation.
Alexander Vasilyevich Fedotov was born on July 23, 1932 in Beketovka, lived on Armavirskaya Street. In 1940, Alexander went to the first class of the 24th school. As a child, he was actively involved in sports, was fond of books about aviation, knew its history well. In 1947 he entered the Stalingrad Air Force Special School No. 7, in 1950 he entered the Armavir Flight School, where he, as the best cadet, was offered to remain an instructor.
In 1958, he became a test pilot at the Mikoyan Design Bureau and graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute on the job. It was Fedotov who tested the MiG-23 fighter in critical flight modes and set 18 world aviation speed records.
In total, the pilot flew aircraft of various types into the sky about 9000 thousand times and spent almost 5000 hours in the air. Alexander Fedotov more than once got into difficult emergency situations, he was forced to eject three times. For 26 years, he created and implemented his own methodology.
Alexander Fedotov died on April 4, 1984 during a test flight on a MiG-31.
For courage and heroism shown when testing new aircraft, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. He is a laureate of the Lenin Prize, awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor.
There is Fedotova street in Volgograd. And a few years ago, an exposition in memory of Alexander Fedotov was opened in the museum of school No. 24 of the Kirov district of the Volgograd region.

“This is not Volgograd, this is some kind of Chicago”

On December 31, 2015, the outstanding architect Yefim Levitan, who determined the image of the post-war Stalingrad, would have turned 100 years old.
Efim Iosifovich could become a tanner, like his father, an accountant, like his older brother, a photographer ... But he became an architect, at that time it was an honor. His teachers were Panteleimon Golosov, the elder brother of Ilya Golosov, one of the most famous constructivists of the 1920s, and Leonid Pasternak, brother of the poet Boris Pasternak.
Yefim Levitan studied in the capital, at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Could have stayed in Moscow, but was sent to Stalinsk (now Novokuznetsk) in 1941.
Levitan was born in Kirovograd, in present-day Ukraine, but soon the family moved to the village of Bogorodskoye, Nizhny Novgorod region, where the architect spent his childhood, adolescence and youth. His career begins at the saddlery factory for the manufacture of parts for cars of the Gorky Automobile Plant.
In 1943, Levitan arrived in Stalingrad. Together with the builders, he had to restore the destroyed city. His first position was a foreman at the restoration of residential buildings in the "French" settlements of the Krasny Oktyabr metallurgical plant. He supervised the work of German prisoners of war on the assembly of Finnish panel houses in Vishnevaya Balka, on the construction of a school and a maternity hospital in a northern town.
In the spring of 1944, Levitan received two rooms in "Little France", and his wife came to him from Stalinsk. In order to somehow improve his life, he made pots and dishes from parts of downed German planes with his own hands. In general, he was an amazing needleworker, and also a passionate person - he was engaged in mountain climbing, photography, painted beautifully and was very fond of ice fishing.
Yefim Levitan fell in love with Stalingrad with all his heart and felt in his element.
One of the first serious works of Levitan was the restoration of the house of the Rysin brothers - now the House of the Architect, then, according to his project, the pre-revolutionary school of Kulibin, now the Pobeda cinema, was restored. Since 1949, he has been designing houses, complexes, buildings. According to his projects, many landmark objects for our city were built - this is the building of the regional party school, for which, together with Simbirtsev, Levitan was awarded the Stalin (State) Prize (now it is the Volgograd State medical University), as well as the Main Post Office, the city Palace of Pioneers, the Mayak restaurant. Residential buildings on Mira Street, Alley of Heroes, House of Political Education. He planned a square on the Square of the Fallen Fighters, and the second workshop of the Volgogradgrazhdanproekt, under his leadership, designed the modern quarters of the Krasnoarmeisky district, inside which Staraya Sarepta was preserved. The last object of Efim Iosifovich is a cardio center in the Kirovsky district of Volgograd.
But in the city of Bogorodsk, in which Levitan grew up, they did not know about him. And this city was "given" to the famous fellow countryman by his daughter and Sergei Sen (architect-restorer).
Few have heard of the fact that Levitan, as a stage designer, worked at the Stalingrad Drama Theater on the play “In Search of Joy” by V. Rozov. People who knew him say that he was a man of many-sided talent. But the most important thing in his life he considered architecture. up to the very last days Levitan followed the changing face of Volgograd, and he did not like much. Levitan's last trip to the city and acquaintance with the new architecture took place in 2006. “We went to the Park House,” Sergei Sena recalls, taking the elevator to the upper level. Then the atrium was absolutely free, Yefim Iosifovich took out a cigarette, preparing to smoke. I warned: "It's not allowed here, the sensors will work." Then he leaned on the railing and said: “This is not Volgograd, this is some kind of Chicago!”

Shadchina, V. "This is not Volgograd, this is some kind of Chicago!" / V. Shadchina // Volgogradskaya Pravda. – 2015 – December 30. – S. 23.

Life long love

The name of Alexander Ivanovich Potapenko is known to many, including far beyond the borders of our vast country. An outstanding Russian scientist-breeder, biologist, historian, writer, philosopher, author of books from the scientific monograph "Bioregulation of Plants" to the poetic "Old-timer of the Russian Land", artist, author of amazing landscapes and portraits, honorary Cossack, honorary citizen of the Dubovsky district.
A lot of information about him can be found in scientific journals, collections, the Internet. Many, but not all. His wife, friend, colleague Lyudmila Pavlovna, told us about the not very well-known pages of the biography of Alexander Ivanovich during the war years.
The Potapenko family was known in the Stavropol Territory as a family of a practical vine grower, a test breeder, who had interesting observations and experience in growing different varieties grapes. Sasha's childhood and youth were spent in labors and worries.
And then 1941 broke out, and Sasha, like his father and brother, goes to the front. Here is what they write about this in the Cossack magazine Kazarla: “Alexander Ivanovich was sent to the front as a rifleman of a motorized rifle battalion, participated in the battles of the Southern Front. At the end of the war, they entered Romania with the Ukrainian front. In October 1945 he returned home. Awarded with the medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". Here is such a dry wording, but behind it is a whole life, 5 years of war.
Already in the first days of service, young Alexander and his comrades were entrusted with a huge responsibility - demining the railway junction, along which people, provisions, and weapons were transported from Siberia to Moscow. After the war, Alexander Ivanovich would bring back from the army a huge wooden suitcase, tied with twine, containing about a thousand notes. The Germans invested these notes in bombs - who and when made them. After demining, the notes ended up in the hands of Potapenko. He kept them for a very long time, and only before moving from Novocherkassk did Alexander Ivanovich burn the contents of the suitcase. He remembered one of these notes for the rest of his life.
On a frosty winter day, a train with an important cargo was supposed to pass by rail. And a few hours before his appearance, the Germans dropped a huge bomb weighing 900 kg on the way. It fell flat into the middle of the railroad tracks and didn't break.
The incoming train stopped. The bomb went deep underground. They called the entire air defense unit, but no one wanted to risk their lives, and only the young, single Potapenko, and even the commander, decided on a desperate step. They began to dig up a bomb ... and only at 13 meters did they find it. They made a narrow hole, Potapenko undressed and went down the rope into it. It was dark, damp, cold there ... Do not turn around, do not breathe. Alexander Potapenko spent 9 hours in the “dungeon”, when he dismantled the bomb and got close to the fuse itself, he stopped: his whole life flashed before his eyes ...
He never prayed, and at that moment he remembered a prayer, whispering it with parched lips. He was cold, his legs and arms were numb, he started to feel chills. He gathered his last strength. He took out the fuse and ... fainted. Waking up, I looked at the fuse - it was damaged. There was also a note from the anti-fascist association "Rotfront", explaining that the bomb had been deliberately damaged at the factory and would never explode.
With the last of his strength, Potapenko began to scream, but only a faint squeak came out, which, fortunately, was heard.
Being in Romania and having received a leave of absence, he went through the forest to a nearby castle, to the mistress, who had an excellent vineyard. Alexei took notes during the service: he described the climate, compared it with the Russian one, learned about new grape varieties.
Love for viticulture, for learning new things, for scientific research overcame all the hardships and hardships, all the hardships and trials on the life path of A.I. Potapenko and determined his future fate.
After all, only from great love could such lines be born:
Girl's hands, starry eyes,
Like a fairy tale, from row to row,
Even confusing winters with springs,
I plant my grapes.

Stavitskaya, I. Life-long love / I. Stavitskaya // Facets of Culture. - 2015. - No. 23-24. – S. 23.

To the centenary of the architect

An exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Honored Architect of the RSFSR Yefim Levitan has opened at the Museum of Local Lore. In Volgograd, many of his creations have long become the hallmarks of the city: Glavpotamt, Medical University, the Mayak restaurant, the Pobeda cinema and other buildings. The exposition includes unique photographs, documents and personal belongings of the architect.

Master time.

In Volzhsky, the workshop of the legendary sculptor was turned into an interactive educational platform.
The name of the People's Artist of the RSFSR, honorary citizen of Volzhsky, monumental sculptor Pyotr Malkov is associated not even with one era, but with a whole series of "diverse" eras. His work covers the period from the last years to the beginning of the new century of the new country, and each decade the artist displayed in his own way.
To imagine the work of the master, it is enough to name his most famous works. Volgograd and Volga residents see these monuments and monuments in front of them every day: a memorial wall on the Pavlov House, a monument to sailors from the North Sea, a panel on the overpass of the Volga hydroelectric power station. Monuments in Volzhsky - A. S. Pushkin, G. K. Zhukov, soldiers of the Civil and Patriotic Wars, Dmitry Karbyshev, a monument to soldiers-internationalists ...
The master passed away a year and a half ago at the age of 90. Since then, the sculptor's workshop, which has remained unchanged, contains unfinished works, sketches, models, sketches of monuments, archives, a rich music library, a photo lab, and the sculptor's tools, carefully preserved by his heirs.
On October 23, the next birthday of Petr Malkov, an exhibition dedicated to his work will open in the Volzhsky Art Gallery. But the main thing is that exactly one year later, in October 2016, the most unusual museum in our region will open its doors in the sculptor's workshop.
The museum will be created as part of the "Master and Workshop" project, which became the winner of the 12th grant competition of museum projects "Changing Museum in a Changing World" of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation.

Novitsky, S. Time of the master / S. Novitsky // AIF NP. - 2015. - No. 43. - P. 6.

"Let's live by the sundial..."

To the 70th anniversary of the birth of our countryman Vladimir Miguli.
The songs of Vladimir Miguli are known and loved by millions of people. He was born in Stalingrad in 1945, grew up on one of the quiet streets of Volgograd in a small house surrounded by greenery and flowers. Few could imagine that in the future a wonderful composer would grow out of this boy.
Vladimir Migulya studied at the Volgograd Medical Institute and successfully completed his studies. Then he went to Leningrad to enter the conservatory and became a student of the composer department. Thanks to his amazing musical gift, he created songs on which more than one generation grew up and which continue to sound to this day. In the very heyday of creativity, his life ends. But what remains is what he managed to create.
Vladimir Migulya lived a little over 50 years, and his fate is inextricably linked with our city. Memoirs will still be written about him, his creative biography will be studied. The materials of Vladimir Migulya are stored in the regional museum of local lore, on their basis the new exhibition tells about the life and work of the composer-countryman - this is an old piano "Belarus", his personal belongings: concert costumes, notes, posters, books, gramophone records, including one of the first disc giants "Vladimir Migulya and the group" Zemlyane "with an autograph of the composer and singer.
After graduating from the conservatory, Migulya successfully worked in the chamber and symphony genres. He is accepted into the Union of Composers of the USSR. In Leningrad, Vladimir first tried his hand at the professional stage. Then he first appeared on television.
Vladimir Migulya immediately entered the stage and firmly took his place in it. The song "Talk to me, mother" (lyrics by Viktor Gin) performed by V. Tolkunova became a laureate of the "Song-74" contest. The song “Do not cool your heart, son” (lyrics by V. Lazarev) performed by Yuri Bogatikov won the “Song-76” contest, and “Sundial” (lyrics by Ilya Reznik), performed by Yaak Yoala - in the “Song- 78". 1977 was the most successful year for Miguli. In the "Song-77" competition, two of his songs were noted at once: "I love this world" (lyrics by L. Derbenev) and "Song of a Soldier" (lyrics by M. Agashina)
And there was also the Intervision competition "Sopot-77", where the composer and singer Vladimir Migulya for the songs "Victory Lives" and "Ave Maria" received the Polish radio and television award - the "Amber Nightingale" prize and the title of laureate.
Miguli's song work is widely recognized. Every year several of his works become popular. They are performed by famous singers: Iosif Kobzon, Valentina Tolkunova, Edita Pieha, Jaak Yoala, Valery Obodzinsky, Sergey Zakharov, Lev Leshchenko. Miguli's songs are also sung by foreign ensembles and artists. “Migula is also helped by the fact that he sings himself… Migula is a talented musician looking for new forms. Migula the composer is helped a lot by Migula the singer,” said Iosif Kobzon about his work.
Variety is a momentary art. What is good today may be outdated tomorrow. But for the short moments of being on the stage, true musicians leave an indelible mark on the souls of thousands of people. Variety is an art that brings its servants not only joy and success. Migulya took a full sip of the grief that falls to the lot of composers working in the mass genre. He didn't adjust. Fashionable ensemble hits, the words in which are unintelligible, the rhythms of which are similar, did not fit into his musical system in any way. Vladimir could not give up his conviction that the song should carry a deep meaning, that the words in it sound no less than music, even more than that - they are the fundamental principle. Now we can already say that Migulya was right in his choice.
“Let's live according to the sundial, not sparing an open heart,” Vladimir himself sang in the 1970s, and they determined all his work. He was truly a sunny person, he knew how to give people the warmth of his soul through the music he wrote.
That's how he was known. That is how he will be remembered. And the best memory of him is all his songs that are still being heard.

Erokhina, N. “Let's live by the sundial…” / N. Erokhina // Facets of Culture. - 2015. - No. 14 (June). – P. 7.

Dear ordinary courage.

Not a single visitor to the Museum of Health History can pass by an amazing exhibit - a surgical scalpel more than a meter long. This gift, as a symbol of surgical power, was once presented by the employees of the medical unit of the Petrov plant to the oncologist surgeon Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shcheglov ...
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shcheglov was born in 1914 in the city of Tbilisi in the family of a mining engineer. After graduating with honors from school, Shcheglov enters the shipbuilding institute in Leningrad, but knowledge of higher mathematics is insufficient, and in 1935 he goes to Stalingrad, where he is enrolled in the newly opened Stalingrad Medical Institute.
In 1940, after graduating from a medical institute with honors, Shcheglov was drafted into the Red Army and became a regimental doctor.
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich met the Great Patriotic War in Brest, and ended up on the Oder: he participated in the defense of the legendary fortress, was an underground worker, a prisoner of a concentration camp, a surgeon in a field hospital.
The post-war path of Shcheglov is no less bright.
So, with the direct participation of V.V. Shcheglov, candidate of medical sciences, excellent health worker, veteran of labor, honored doctor of the RSFSR, the formation of an oncological service in our region was taking place, forms of conducting medical examinations were being developed. For the organization of two-stage prophylactic examinations, Shcheglov, together with a group of participants in this unique experiment at that time, was awarded the USSR Minister of Health, and later also the Gold Medal of VDNKh.
An educated doctor, a talented surgeon, he gave a lot of strength, energy and attention to the treatment of patients. Many Volgograd residents - and not only them - owe their health and life to this excellent doctor, whose life credo was the following statement: "No previous successes and awards exempt from responsibility for today's affairs."
And in the museum of the regional oncological dispensary, along with many other exhibits, a bas-relief of V.V. Shcheglova and a cast from his hands - the wonderful hands of an outstanding surgeon.

Dear ordinary courage // Health and ecology. - 2015. - No. 7. - S. 2-3.

Vladimir Migulya was brought to the art school by his best friend.

Few people know that Vladimir Miguli had two birthdays - August 11, when he was really born, and August 18 - the date that was recorded in his documents. He necessarily celebrated both of these dates: only one in the circle of acquaintances and friends, and the other with relatives.
Vladimir Migulya had a bosom friend Vladimir Yudin, a talented singer who instilled in Migulya a love for music and then pushed him to professionally engage in it.
The fates of the two Vladimirs were closely intertwined for many years, and even friends passed away almost simultaneously.
And it all started like this ... Two Vladimirs lived not far from each other, were friends since childhood, both grew up without fathers, childhood was difficult. The guys played football, played music, the ability for which the friends showed up early.
They really became friends later - within the walls of the Volgograd Medical Institute, where Migulya entered immediately after graduation, and Yudin, having served in the army and studied for several years at the art school in the vocal department.
Yudin brought a friend to the Volgograd School of Arts. At first, the teachers did not discern musical and vocal talent in Migul. And only one teacher - Sergei Alekseevich Pishchalnikov saw something rare and special in him.
After graduating from the Volgograd School of Arts, Migulya entered the conservatory without any problems, after completing his studies, where he began his creative career. He writes many songs, works with many famous singers, musical groups. However, the real fame of the young composer was brought by the song “Talk to me, mother”, which was performed by Valentina Tolkunova.
Further success awaited the composer and singer Vladimir Migulya, foreign tours, trips around the country, performances in the most prestigious concert halls. Music critics write about him, songs are heard on radio and television.
However, problems with the vocal cords made themselves felt more and more often - doctors discovered this disease at the beginning of his musical career. Problems rained down on the composer one after another: the funds that he invested in the music production center disappeared, unknown ill-wishers tried to blow up the car in which the composer was driving, as a result of which his driver died, and he miraculously survived, having received serious injuries.
At the age of fifty, Migulya was struck by a rare and incurable disease. Neither fellow doctors who came to treat him from America, nor expensive medicines, nor healers and healers from all over Russia, saved him. Until the last minute of his life, the composer continued to work and compose his bright and joyful songs.
Vladimir Miguli died on February 16, 1996. He died at the age of 51.

Grechukhin, Y. Vladimir Migulya was brought to the art school by his best friend / Y. Grechukhina // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2015. - August 17.

"I'm tired of the war"

To the 90th anniversary of the Volgograd writer Pyotr Seleznev.
Pyotr Ivanovich Seleznev was born in the old merchant settlement Dubovka in 1925. As a newborn, he was taken to the village of Novonikolskoye, Bykovsky district. That is why the inhabitants of both the city of Dubovka and the village of Novonikolsky consider him to be their native. The village of Novonikolskoye was remembered by the writer for one of his birthdays, when his mother gave him the first nickel, for which he bought an eraser. “I will draw and write. And if it turns out wrong, badly, I’ll erase it, ”wrote P.I. Seleznev in his autobiographical story Belated Revelations. In early childhood, Peter and his parents moved to Stalingrad. “They lived poorly, they lived on postnyak. Meat was rare, they bought it in 300 grams. Then, I remember, they said - "for the spirit."
In Stalingrad they sold herring, poppy seeds, frozen cranberries, but there was no bread. The Torgsins appeared - everything was absolutely there: both chocolate and butter, and the best sorts of flour… But you could buy it for silver and gold…” – this is how Pyotr Seleznev recalled our city in the early 1930s. During these years, Peter Ivanovich became addicted to reading, reveled in adventure literature. In his studies, literature was easy, and mathematics and physics were difficult, and he was also fond of drawing, attended a school art studio, tried to paint in oils. The writer's works were exhibited, he was selected for the art school of Stalingrad, but on the advice of his father he entered the paramedic school. Peter received a certificate of its completion a month before the Germans approached Stalingrad. Then it turned out that this medical specialty did not allow him to die in the hard times of war. During the street battles for Stalingrad, Pyotr Ivanovich picked up a well-bound clerical book in which he wrote down what he saw, but it was not possible to save it.
Pyotr Ivanovich went through the camps, but returned from the war alive ... “I came to literature from the war. If my youth had been easy, I would not, you see, write.
After the war, Pyotr Seleznev lived for some time in Stalingrad, and by winter he moved to the Khlebny farm. “We lived in an adobe kitchen, slept on an earthen floor. Two years on the farm were hungry and difficult. He wrote his first books in the city of Dubovka, where he lived from 1948 to 1968. There P.I. Seleznev worked at the sanitary and epidemiological station as an assistant epidemiologist. During this period, he wrote extensively for the local newspaper. Printed by P.I. Seleznev began in 1951 in the "Literary Almanac", and in 1955 his first story "The Beginning of the Road" appeared, which in 1957 was published as a separate book.
In 1968, Petr Ivanovich moved to Volgograd. During these years, his most famous works "Collapse" (1969), "Southern Cross" (1974), "Ice" (1983), "Pain" (1993) and others were published. The goal of the writer's life is to create a book that will live after him, in our opinion, it has been achieved, he is known and read by real generations.

Petrova, I. "I'm tired of the war" / I. Petrova // Facets of Culture. - 2015. - No. 14 (July). – P. 3.

Boris Rubashkin: "The happiness of a man lies in his personal freedom."

The fate of this man, a world-famous singer, a talented dancer and our countryman Boris Rubashkin, is truly amazing. It can be used to study the history of our country.
His father, the hereditary ataman Semyon Chernorubashkin, fled Russia at the age of seventeen when his older brother was killed by the Bolsheviks. He lived in Turkey for several years, then moved to Sofia, where he began working as a paramedic in the Russian Hospital.
There he met a young Bulgarian Teodora Lilova and immediately fell in love. So Boris and Konstantin were born. From childhood, Boris showed talent for singing, he knew many Russian songs, but dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer. In Bulgaria, he received a choreographic education and became a soloist in a large folklore ensemble.
As a young man, Boris went to study at the Prague Institute of Economics. Having no funds, he worked part-time dancing on the stages of many theaters in Czechoslovakia. In 1962, Rubashkin and his wife emigrated to Austria. Again, I had to start from scratch. Once friends brought Rubashkin to the Russian restaurant "Firebird", where he sang several Russian songs. The owner of the restaurant admired his voice, and he offered Boris a two-year contract. Thus began Rubashkin's singing career. In the same restaurant, fate brought him to the professor of the Vienna Conservatory Maria Brand, from whom Boris began to take opera singing lessons. And two years later Rubashkin became the first baritone of the Salzburg Opera.
Another achievement of B. Rubashkin can rightfully be considered the dance “Cossack” staged by him, which brought him world fame.
Then Boris Rubashkin began touring: as an opera singer, he performed in theaters in Europe, the USA and Australia, while simultaneously giving concerts of Russian songs around the world. In 1989, Rubashkin first came to his historical homeland. Then he was already a famous maestro with a worldwide reputation. His tour was a huge success! And in 1993, Boris Semenovich visited his small homeland - the farm Zapolyanka, Danilovsky District, Volgograd Region, where he met with his relatives.
All his life B. Rubashkin with great love kept the memory of his ancestors, collected and popularized Russian songs around the world. Two years ago, he donated to Volgograd part of his stage costumes and gramophone records with dedicatory inscriptions. On his visit today, Boris Semenovich gave a charity concert for veterans, dedicating it to the 70th anniversary of the great Victory.

Kamysh residents celebrated the 99th anniversary of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev.

Every year, on the birthday of the hero, thousands of citizens gather at the monument on the square that bears his name to honor the memory of a fellow countryman. Young reeds, who especially distinguished themselves in studies, sports and public affairs, are handed passports of Russian citizens here.
Born and new tradition: on Maresyev's birthday, here in Kamyshin, since this year, awards with the Sign "For the will to live" have been held.

Proskuryakova, T. Kamyshan celebrated the 99th anniversary of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev / T. Proskuryakov // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2015. - May 22. – S. 2.

Man is famous for good deeds.

In November 1980, Sergei Rogachev came to work at the Sebryakovskiy cement plant. The young man, who had recently served in the ranks of the Soviet Army and had little work experience, was accepted as an electrician in the department of automated control systems and instrumentation for the repair and maintenance of computers. This was the first page work biography at the city-forming enterprise of Mikhailovka.
In early 2002, S.P. Rogachev was appointed General Director of OAO Sebryakovcement. The fate of Sergei Petrovich is an example of what a person can achieve thanks to his perseverance, work, knowledge and talent. He thoroughly knows the production, where over 35 years of work he has gone from electrician to general director and has proven himself to be an excellent specialist in all areas of work. Sergey Petrovich took the high post of director of the country's largest cement plant solely due to his professionalism, responsible attitude to his work, perseverance and perseverance in achieving his goal. His work has been marked by several high awards, he is an Honored Builder of Russia, awarded the Order of Honor, the diploma "Best Manager of Russia", the honorary badge "Golden Steering Wheel" for effective management of the enterprise's economy. By the decision of the Mikhailovskaya City Duma, Rogachev was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Mikhailovka".
But in addition to professionalism, as colleagues say, he did not lose his best human qualities over the years of work.
April 12 Sergei Petrovich Rogachev celebrated his birthday. A significant event is an occasion to look back and think about the future. Meanwhile, two weeks ago, negotiations between the specialists of Sebryakovcement and the well-known international company FLSmidth. The forward movement continues.

Usacheva, G. A person is famous for good deeds / G. Usacheva // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2015. - April 11. - p. 5.

The man who led the defense of Stalingrad turned 110 years old.

The former head of our region, Alexei Chuyanov, whose 110th birthday was celebrated on March 30, was not a military man.
His name, along with the names of Andrei Eremenko, Vasily Chuikov, Alexander Vasilevsky, Konstantin Rokossovsky, is forever inscribed in the history of the great battle for Stalingrad, since it was Chuyanov who at that hot time headed the city defense committee.
A. Chuyanov was born in Temryuk, in large family, where he was 13 children.
In 1934, having successfully graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology of the Meat Industry, Alexei continued his postgraduate studies. In 1937, as a promising worker, Chuyanov was called to work in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and a year later he was sent to Stalingrad. At the age of 33, he became the 1st secretary of the city committee and regional committees of the party.
4 months after the start of the war, in the fall of 1941, Alexei Chuyanov was elected chairman of the newly created City Defense Committee (GKO) of Stalingrad. Immediately Alexey Semenovich took up the organization of the construction of defensive structures on the outskirts of the city. Thanks to this, by the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad, 2752 km were built on the territory of the region. defensive lines, which played an important role in protecting it from the enemy.
On the shoulders of the chairman of the city defense committee these days lay all the worries about the life of the region and Stalingrad in front-line conditions, including the production and repair of T-34 tanks, artillery pieces, the organization of the people's militia, self-defense workers.
In July 1941, the executive committee of the regional council decided to build an underground command post in the center of Stalingrad. This secret object received the code name "98-bis metrostroy" in the document.
On August 23, 1942, Chuyanov met the monstrous bombing of Stalingrad at the same command post of the city defense committee.
At midnight on August 24, a meeting of the GKO was held, at which the question was decided whether to undermine the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. It was decided to save this enterprise.
After the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, on February 3, 1943, Chuyanova traveled all over the city from Beketovka to the Tractor Plant and realized that almost nothing was left of Stalingrad. The city had to be raised from the ruins. Soon, under the leadership of Chuyanov, a powerful Cherkasov movement unfolded in Stalingrad.
After the end of the Great Patriotic War, in 1946, Chuyanov was again recalled to Moscow, where he worked in a number of important state and economic posts. In 1970, by decision of the Volgograd City Council, Alexei Chuyanov was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Volgograd." For his many years of selfless work, Alexei Semenovich was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, and the Order of the October Revolution.
Chuyanov died in 1974 and, as he bequeathed, was buried on Mamaev Kurgan.

Litvinov, A. The man who led the defense of Stalingrad turned 110 / A. Litvinov // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2015. - March 28. - S. 1, 7.

Vladimir Turov, even at the age of 95, does not give himself the right to take a break.

Participant of the Battle of Stalingrad Vladimir Semenovich Turov celebrated his 95th birthday.
Vladimir Semenovich entered his first battle with the Nazis on the Western Front. He defended Tula and Moscow, Kaluga and Stalingrad. In 1943 he fought near Orsha, liberated Belarus, Lithuania, crossed the Neman River. He was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War of the first degree and the second degree, the Red Star, medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Stalingrad".
At the end of the war, he commanded a company in the 23rd separate disciplinary battalion, served as an assistant on duty to the military commandant of the city of Litnitsa.
At 95, the veteran writes books, runs the Stalingrad club, and conducts tours and Victory lessons for schoolchildren. Today the club unites more than 100 people, including not only veterans, but also teachers and schoolchildren.
Since its inception, the club has been working on a program of patriotic education of youth on the example of military history.
V. S. Turov easily finds a common language with young people. The club is located in the basement of Pavlov's house.

Shadchina, V. Vladimir Turov, and at the age of 95 does not give himself the right to respite / V. Shadchina // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2015. - March 20. - S. 1, 2.

Life for Volgograd.

Honorary citizen of the city of Volgograd Vladimir Atopov turned 86 years old. Vladimir Ivanovich is a famous person in our city, he is a real legend. By the age of 86, his sense of concern for the life and future of his native city had not subsided at all.
After graduating from the Stalingrad Mechanical Institute, he built the first lock of the Volga-Don Canal, then for 12 years led the Volgograd Institute of Urban Economy, and headed the entire city as chairman of the executive committee of people's deputies of the regional center.
Vladimir Atopov entered the history of Volgograd as the mayor, who built a high-speed tram known for half the world.
Among other brainchildren of Atopov are the bank protection program, the construction of the 3rd Longitudinal Highway, the programmed yield system and much more.
Vladimir Ivanovich considers the brightest periods of his life to be those during which he was the initiator, participant or finisher of great deeds. And his whole life consists of such things.

Grineva, E. Life for the sake of Volgograd / E. Grineva // City news. - 2015. - March 12. – P. 4.

75 years ago, on March 4, 1940, the Stalingrad poet Nikolai Otrada (Turochkin) heroically died in the Soviet-Finnish war. Over time, the poems written by him were included in the collection of works by Soviet poets who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, although Nikolai did not live to see it.
There were four children in the Turochkin family, Nikolai was the youngest and most talented of all the brothers. Already from the 7th grade he began to write poetry. His poetic gift, as relatives believe, came from his grandmother, who knew how to speak in verse.
Kolya Turochkin was familiar with the future Stalingrad poet Misha Lukonin. Both were engaged in a literary circle, both were madly in love with football, both wrote poetry at night and read them to each other in the morning. Then they began to be published in the regional newspapers Molodoy Leninets and Stalingradskaya Pravda.
In 1936, Turochkin, together with Lukonin, entered the literary department of the Stalingrad Pedagogical Institute. There Nikolai met his first and only love, with Fields Pochevolova.
In the autumn of 1939, nineteen-year-old Nikolai Otrada and Mikhail Lukonin decided to continue their studies at the Moscow Literary Institute, but the Soviet-Finnish war soon began, and the guys went to the military registration and enlistment office.
So Stalingraders Nikolai Otrada and Mikhail Lukonin became fighters of the 12th ski battalion of Moscow volunteers.
Mikhail Lukonin returned from this war alone. Nikolai died 6 days before its completion.
In 1960, Nikolai Otrada was posthumously admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR. Eight years later, also posthumously, he was awarded the N. Ostrovsky medal as a laureate of the All-Union literary competition.
At the end of the summer of 1975, the largest street in the new microdistrict of Volgograd, Spartanovka, was named after Nikolai Otrada.

Litvinov, A. He was the first Soviet poet to die at the front / A. Litvinov // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2015. - February 27. - S. 1, 6.

The defender of Stalingrad Vladimir Ananyev was awarded an award in the Kremlin.

The second in the country was awarded the jubilee medal "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" our fellow countryman, a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad Vladimir Ananiev. Vladimir Fedorovich Ananiev was presented with a high award by the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin.
V. F. Ananiev was a sapper in the war and never made a mistake, as you know, sappers make mistakes once in a lifetime. He laid mines, made passages in minefields, built bridges and blew up bridges - such was his hard army work. The sapper battalion, in which Vladimir Ananiev served, made regular raids on the German and Romanian rear, placing mines there. The sappers also strengthened the defenses of their army, set up various types of wire fences so that the enemy would not break through to the Volga.
Vladimir Fedorovich went a long way in battle, he took part in the liberation of Rostov, Donbass, Sevastopol, Belarus, Lithuania, in battles in East Prussia.
He met the victory in May 45 in Moscow, where he was sent from the front to study at the military engineering school.
Then, in May of the 45th, Vladimir Ananyev was awarded the first officer rank - the rank of junior lieutenant. With this asterisk on shoulder straps, he served further as part of a group of Soviet troops in Germany.
Since 1991, he has been actively involved in the veterans' movement of our region.

Litvinov, A. Defender of Stalingrad Vladimir Ananiev was awarded in the Kremlin / A. Litvinov // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2015. - February 25. – S. 2.

Five Orders of Mikhail Tereshchenko

Oleg Milyukov (a young parliamentarian) invited Mikhail Tereshchenko, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and members of the Brosko dance group to the Battle of Stalingrad museum-reserve.
Mikhail Tereshchenko is a unique person. To date, this is the only veteran in the Southern Federal District who has been awarded five Orders of the Red Star.
Our compatriot received two of them for distinction on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, and three more - for the impeccable performance of military duty and a great contribution to the development of new equipment at the Kapustin Yar training ground. Despite the fact that Colonel Tereshchenko has crossed his 90th birthday, he is in the ranks, actively participates in the work of the veterans' organization, and visits schools.
The front-line soldier told the schoolchildren who came to the museum about his combat way, about how he fought on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge, liberated Kyiv, Lvov, fought Poland, crossed the Vistula and the Oder.
After the service, he was sent to Kapustin Yar, where he served for 20 years. Tereshchenko worked with the famous scientists Korolyov, Kurchatov, Khariton, participated in the testing of all samples of new military equipment. He worked with the first electronic computers, the progenitors of modern computers. Tereshchenko told about all this at a meeting with children in the museum.

Borisov, V. Five Orders of Mikhail Tereshchenko / V. Borisov // City News. - 2015. - January 24. – P. 4.

Man of the Year came out from behind the screen

Zhukova / A. Bugaev // City news. - 2015. - January 17. - S. 6.
The man of the year stepped out from behind the screen. The final ceremony of the competition of creative intelligentsia "Tsaritsyn's Muse" took place in Volgograd.
The title "Person of the Year 2014" and the Audience Choice Award were given to the leading actor of the Volgograd Regional Puppet Theatre, Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Vershinin.
Puppeteers are always hidden behind a screen, their faces are unfamiliar to the public, so for some time the laureate, literally and figuratively, found himself in the rays of glory.
Among the nominees for the "Tsaritsyno Muse" were named the poet, prose writer, author and performer of songs Oleg Bazhanov; leading actor of the Volgograd Youth Theater Vladimir Zakharov; artistic director of the vocal ensemble "Tsaritsa" Oksana Kalinkina; folklore ensemble of the Volgograd social Pedagogical University Pokrov and its artistic director Victoria Putilovskaya; artist, author of the series of paintings "The Image of Tsaritsyn" Mikhail Chalov; sculptor, Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Shcherbakov.

Grechukhina, Yu. The man of the year came out from behind the screen / Yu. Grechukhina // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2015. - January 17. – S. 2.

For personal merit

Maxim Zagorulko returned from the capital with a high state award. Honorary resident of Volgograd, participant in the Battle of Stalingrad, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Maxim Zagorulko was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. The award was presented to him in Moscow by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Maxim Maksimovich Zagorulko - "man-epoch", "man-legend". M. M. Zagorulko devoted his whole life to science. The first rector of the Volgograd State University - he stood at the foundation of the creation of the Volgograd State University and now continues to work within the walls of his beloved institution; in charge of the Research Institute for the Problems of the Economic History of Russia. He wrote the "Encyclopedia of the Battle of Stalingrad", which was recognized as the absolute winner of the competition "The Best Books of 2013 in Russia". "Not a day without work!" - this is the motto of the scientist.

Komarova, E. For personal merit / E. Komarova // Volgogradskaya Pravda. – 2014 – December 30. - P. 1; The same // Cossack circle. - 2014. - December 26. – S. 2.

On November 24, our countryman Viktor Semenov would have turned 95 years old!

Only 5 years after the death of the composer, a monument appeared on his grave.
Semenov is an honorary citizen of the region, an honored worker of arts of Russia. It was he who wrote the music that sounded at the Eternal Flame on the Alley of Heroes.
The three-minute work consists of 3 parts. 1st part - an image of a mournful procession, 2nd - Mother's cry (it is performed by a female choir), 3rd - a major song about Volgograd in an orchestral arrangement.
The speakers were installed in a niche under the tiles, creating a wonderful acoustic effect. Music, as it were, was born by the flame itself. Since the mid-60s, this melody has been the musical "calling card" of the hero city. It was listened to by millions of tourists. It's quiet here now.
“Unfortunately, they forgot about Semyonov,” says V. Madyanov, a musicologist from Volgograd. At house number 7 on the street. them. The 13th Guards Division, where the composer lived, does not even have a memorial plaque (and this man graduated from the Moscow Conservatory together with A. Pakhmutova), although it is supposed to be installed according to status.

Khairulina, N. Volgograd residents forgot the music at the Eternal Flame and its author / N. Khairulina // Evening Volgograd. - 2014. - November 25. – p. 21

For loyalty to the Fatherland. In Volgograd, the City Duma adopted a decision “On awarding the honorary badge of the Hero City of Volgograd “For Loyalty to the Fatherland”

It is proposed to mark the director of the State Treasury General Educational Institution “Cossack Cadet Corps named after I.I. Hero of the Secular Union K.I. Nedorubov "Eduard Davydovsky, Ataman of the Volgograd Regional public organization"Volgograd district of the Don Cossacks" Viktor Seleznev, director of the Volgograd municipal cultural institution "Centralized system of city libraries" Tamara Orekhova and others.
The badge of honor of the Hero City of Volgograd "For Loyalty to the Fatherland" was established in 2001. It was awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for the highest and labor prowess, special merits in state and public activities and a significant contribution to solving the socio-economic and cultural problems of Volgograd.

"From words to deeds!" - under this name, an exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of M. Zagorulko was held in the State Archive of the Volgograd Region

The State Archives of the Volgograd Region hosted an exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of M. Zagorulko - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Volgograd, Honorary Doctor of Volgograd State University and Volgograd State Pedagogical University, honorary member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Education (Institute), legendary scientist.
M. M. Zagorulko is a man of unusual destiny. He was born in the village of Staronizhesteblievskaya, Krasnodar Territory, into a peasant family. In the summer of 1942 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army and defended his homeland from the Nazi invaders.
For participation in the Great Patriotic War, Maxim Matveyevich was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals "For Courage", "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For the Liberation of Prague", "For the Victory over Japan".
In 1947, M. Zagorulko entered the Stavropol Pedagogical Institute, and in 1950 received a diploma in history teaching.
Since 1971, he was appointed to the post of rector of the Volgograd Pedagogical Institute. A. S. Serafimovich, since 1980 - Volgograd State University.
M. Zagorulko also writes books about the Great Patriotic War, about the history of Tsaritsyn.

Kotova, I. "From words to deeds!" / I. Kotova // Facets of Culture. - 2014. - No. 20 (October) - P. 4

For services to the Motherland

Maxim Matveyevich Zagorulko was awarded one of the most honorary awards of Russia - the Order of Alexander Nevsky. M. M. Zagorulko - scientist-economist, doctor of economic sciences, professor, active member several branch academies, participant of the Battle of Stalingrad, Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Volgograd, public figure.
M. Zagorulko was awarded the Order for merits in scientific and pedagogical activities, for the training of qualified specialists and for many years of conscientious work. M. Zagorulko celebrated his 90th birthday on August 23, 2014.
Interestingly, this is the only award that existed in the award systems of both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union and modern Russia.

Mikhailova, V. For services to the Motherland / V. Mikhailova // Volgogradskaya Pravda. - 2014. - November 6. – S. 1

There is a cliff on the Volga

Valentin Vasilyevich Lednev (1924-2009), poet, prose writer, mentor of young authors, public figure and the long-term head of the Volgograd branch of the Union of Writers of Russia, a military pilot of the Great Patriotic War, would have turned 90 years old.

Mavrodiev, V. There is a cliff on the Volga // Fatherland. - 2014. - No. 3. - P. 176-180

Singer of the native land

The poet - Nikolai Gennadievich Lunev in his work pays great attention to the theme of war. Memories are dear to him, which not only deeply hurt the heart, but also make him endure life's trials. Here are a few lines from his poem:
Cossack land, dear to the heart ...
I stand, holding my breath,
At the obelisk over the grave
Soldiers who died for me...
N. Lunev is a poet from the earth. His new collection "The Commandment of Love", in which the poet passes on to his descendants "Living memory, so that the connection between generations does not break." Cossack Nikolai Lunev became the president of the literary poetic club "Vocation" of the Surovikinsky district. The poet is our countryman, a native of the Surovikinsky district, the owner of honorary regalia and awards.

Despite the fact that in Russia there are many different beautiful rivers However, the Volga is the most valuable for her, the population of the country calls her majestic, based on the fact that the Volga is the queen of all Russian rivers. Scientists geologists determine by deposits in the earth's crust, what kind of immeasurable long history The lands of significant areas of the present Volga region have more than once turned into the seabed. One of the seas slowly receded to the south about twenty million years ago, and then the Volga River flowed in its wake. The Volga did not begin in Valdai, but near Ural mountains. She, as it were, cut a corner, taking the direction from there to the Zhiguli, and then carried the waters much more east than now. Movements of the earth's crust, the formation of new heights and depressions, sharp fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea and other reasons forced the Volga River to change direction.

Origin of the river's name

From the facts of ancient history, it is known that a well-known Greek scientist at that time named Ptolemy in his Geography called the Volga River by the name "Ra". Not looking at the fact that he lived far from the Volga, on the coast of Africa, in the city of Alexandria, but rumors about this great river also reached there. It was in the 2nd century AD. Later, in the Middle Ages, the Volga was known as Itil.

According to one version, the Volga acquired its modern name according to the ancient Mari name of the Volgydo River, or, which in translation meant “bright”. According to another version, the name of the Volga comes from the Finno-Ugric word Volkea, meaning "light" or "white". There is also a version that the name Volga comes from the name Bulga, associated with the Volga Bulgarians living on its banks. But the Bulgarians themselves (the ancestors of modern Tatars) called the reuk “Itil”, a word that means “river” (there is, however, another version that the meanings of the hydronyms Volga and Itil then did not coincide with modern ones), it is believed that the origin of the ethnonym “Volga "from the Proto-Slavic word meaning Volgly - vologa - moisture, thus the possible meaning of the name of the Volga is like" water "or" moisture ", if I can put it, "big water" is also suitable, due to the huge size of the river. The presence of the rivers Vlga in the Czech Republic and Vilga in Poland speaks for the Slavic version of the origin of the name.

The source of the Volga

The source of the Volga is the key near the village of Volgoverkhovye in the Tver region. In the upper reaches, within the Valdai Upland, the Volga passes through small lakes - Small and Big Verkhity, then through a system of large lakes known as the Upper Volga lakes: Sterzh, Vselug, Peno and Volgo, united in the Upper Volga reservoir.

Geographic location of the river

The Volga originates on the Valdai Upland (at an altitude of 229 m), flows into the Caspian Sea. The length of the Volga is 3530 kilometers. The mouth lies 28 m below sea level. The total fall is 256 m. The Volga is the world's largest river of internal flow, that is, it does not flow into the oceans. The source of the Volga is the key near the village of Volgoverkhovye in the Tver region. In the upper reaches, within the Valdai Upland, the Volga passes through small lakes - Small and Big Verkhity, then through a system of large lakes known as the Upper Volga lakes: Sterzh, Vselug, Peno and Volgo, united in the so-called Upper Volga reservoir.

The river can be conditionally divided into three main parts, these are:

upper Volga, the largest tributaries of the upper Volga - Selizharovka, Darkness, Tvertsa, Mologa, Sheksna and Unzha. After the passage of the Volga through the system of Upper Volga lakes in 1843, a dam (Upper Volga Beishlot) was built to regulate the flow of water and maintain navigable depths in low water. Between the cities of Tver and Rybinsk on the Volga, the Ivankovskoye reservoir (the so-called Moscow Sea) with a dam and a hydroelectric power station near the city of Dubna, the Uglich reservoir (hydroelectric power station near Uglich), and the Rybinsk reservoir (hydroelectric power station near Rybinsk) were created. In the region of Rybinsk - Yaroslavl and below Kostroma, the river flows in a narrow valley among high banks, crossing the Uglich-Danilov and Galich-Chukhloma uplands. Further, the Volga flows along the Unzha and Balakhna lowlands. Near Gorodets (above Nizhny Novgorod), the Volga, blocked by the dam of the Gorkovskaya hydroelectric power station, forms the Gorky reservoir.

The middle Volga, in the middle reaches, below the confluence of the Oka, the Volga becomes even more full-flowing. It flows along the northern edge of the Volga Upland. The right bank of the river is high, the left is low. Near Cheboksary, the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station was built, above the dam of which the Cheboksary reservoir is located. The largest tributaries of the Volga in its middle reaches are the Oka, Sura, Vetluga and Sviyaga.

Lower Volga, where in the lower reaches, after the confluence of the Kama, the Volga becomes mighty river. It flows here along the Volga Upland. Near Tolyatti, above the Samarskaya Luka, which is formed by the Volga, skirting the Zhiguli mountains, the dam of the Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was built; above the dam extends the Kuibyshev reservoir. On the Volga, near the city of Balakovo, the dam of the Saratov hydroelectric power station was erected. The Lower Volga receives relatively small tributaries - Sok, Samara, Big Irgiz, Eruslan. At 21 km above Volgograd, the left branch - Akhtuba (length 537 km) - separates from the Volga, which flows parallel to the main channel. The vast space between the Volga and Akhtuba, crossed by numerous channels and old rivers, is called the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain; the width of floods within this floodplain reached 20-30 km before. On the Volga, between the beginning of the Akhtuba and Volgograd, the Volga hydroelectric power station was built; the Volgograd reservoir extends above the dam.

The Volga delta begins at the point of separation from its channel Akhtuba (near Volgograd) and is one of the largest in Russia. There are up to 500 branches, channels and small rivers in the delta. The main branches are Bakhtemir, Kamyzyak, Staraya Volga, Bolda, Buzan, Akhtuba (of which Bakhtemir is maintained in a navigable state, forming the Volga-Caspian Canal).

Territorial division of the river

Geographically, the Volga basin includes Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Moscow, Smolensk, Tver, Vladimir, Kaluga, Orel, Ryazan, Vologda, Kirov, Penza, Tambov regions, Perm Territory, Udmurtia, Mari El, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Kalmykia, Komi, Moscow, and some others.

The Volga is connected to by the Baltic Sea Volga-Baltic waterway, Vyshnevolotsk and Tikhvin systems; with the White Sea - through the Severodvinsk system and through the White Sea-Baltic Canal; with the Azov and Black Seas - through the Volga-Don Canal.

The main food of the Volga River is melted external waters. Rains, which fall mainly in summer, and groundwater, due to which the river lives in winter, play a lesser role in its nutrition. In accordance with this, in the annual level of the river, there are: high and prolonged spring floods, a fairly stable summer low water and a low winter low water. The duration of the flood is an average of 72 days. The maximum rise in water usually occurs in the first half of May, half a month after the spring ice drift. From the beginning of June to October - November, a summer low water is established. Thus, most of the navigation period, when the Volga River is ice-free (on average 200 days), coincides with the period of low low water levels (2 - 3 m).

History of the Volga River

It is believed that the first mention of the Volga is found in the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (V century BC). In the story about the campaign of the Persian king Darius against the Scythians, Herodotus reports that Darius, pursuing the Scythians across the Tanais (Don) River, stopped at the Oar River. They try to identify the Oar River with the Volga, although Herodotus also reported that the Oar flows into the Meotida (Sea of ​​Azov). Sometimes they also see the Volga in another river, about which in the 1st century. BC e. said Diodorus Siculus.

At first, the Scythians lived in very small numbers near the Araks River and were despised for their infamy. But even in ancient times, under the rule of one warlike and distinguished by strategic abilities of the king, they acquired a country in the mountains to the Caucasus, and in the lowlands along the coast of the Ocean and Meotian Lake - and other areas up to the Tanais River.

In the written ancient Roman sources of the 2nd-4th centuries, the Volga is geographically identified as the river Ra - generous, in the Arabic sources of the 9th century it is called Atel - the river of rivers, the great river. In the earliest ancient Russian chronicle, The Tale of Bygone Years, it is said: “From that Volokovsky forest, the Volga will flow to the east and flow ... into the Khvalisskoye Sea.” Volokovsky forest - the old name of the Valdai Upland. The Caspian Sea was called Khvalisskiy.

The geographical position of the Volga and its major tributaries determined already by the 8th century its importance as a trade route between East and West. It was along the Volga route that the flow of Arab silver poured into the Scandinavian countries. Fabrics, metals were exported from the Arab Caliphate, slaves, furs, wax, and honey were exported from the Slavic lands. In the 9th-10th centuries, such centers as the Khazar Itil at the mouth, the Bulgar Bulgar at the mouth played a significant role in trade. Middle Volga, Russian Rostov, Suzdal, Murom in the Upper Volga region. Since the 11th century, trade has been weakening, and in the 13th century, the Mongol-Tatar invasion disrupted economic ties, except for the upper Volga basin, where Novgorod, Tver and the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus played an active role. Since the 15th century, the importance of the trade route has been restored, and the role of such centers as Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and Astrakhan has been growing. The conquest of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates by Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century led to the unification of the entire Volga river system in the hands of Russia, which contributed to the flourishing of the Volga trade in the 17th century. There are new large cities - Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn; Yaroslavl, Kostroma, and Nizhny Novgorod play an important role. Large caravans of ships (up to 500) go along the Volga. In the 18th century, the main trade routes moved to the West, and the economic development of the lower Volga was hampered by sparse settlement and nomad raids. The Volga basin in the 17th-18th centuries was the main area of ​​action for the rebellious peasants and Cossacks during the peasant wars led by S.T. Razin and E.I. Pugachev.

In the 19th century, there was a significant development of the Volga trade route after the connection of the Mariinsky river system of the Volga and Neva basins (1808); a large river fleet appeared (in 1820 - the first steamboat), a huge army of barge haulers (up to 300 thousand people) worked on the Volga. Major shipments of grain, salt, fish, and later oil and cotton are carried out.

The development of the Civil War of 1917-22 in Russia is largely connected with the establishment in 1918 in a number of cities of the Volga region of the power of the Constituent Assembly Committee. The restoration of Bolshevik control over the Volga is considered an important turning point of the Civil War, as control over the Volga provided access to grain resources and Baku oil. An important role in the Civil War was played by the defense of Tsaritsyn, in which I. V. Stalin played an active role, which was the reason for renaming Tsaritsyn to Stalingrad.

During the years of socialist construction, in connection with the industrialization of the whole country, the importance of the Volga route increased. Since the end of the 30s of the XX century, the Volga has also been used as a source of hydropower. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, the largest Battle of Stalingrad took place on the Volga, which preserved the name of the Volga in the history of the Liberated Territory. In the post-war period, the economic role of the Volga increased significantly, especially after the creation of a number of large reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations.

The natural world of the Volga

Large forest areas are located in the basin of the upper Volga, large areas in the Middle and partly in the Lower Volga region are occupied by grain and industrial crops. Developed melon growing and horticulture. There are rich deposits of oil and gas in the Volga-Ural region. Near Solikamsk there are large deposits of potash salts. In the Lower Volga region (Lake Baskunchak, Elton) - table salt.

In terms of fish diversity, the Volga is one of the richest rivers. There are 76 different fish species and 47 subspecies of fish in the Volga river basin. Fish enter the Volga from the Caspian Sea: lamprey, beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, thorn, whitefish, anadromous Volga or common herring; from semi-anadromous: carp, bream, pike perch, roach, etc. Fish constantly live in the Volga: sterlet, carp, bream, pike perch, ide, pike, burbot, catfish, perch, ruff, asp. Beluga is the most legendary fish of the Caspian basin. Its age reaches 100 years, and its mass is 1.5 tons. At the beginning of the century, beluga whales weighing over a ton lived in the Volga, the weight of caviar in females was up to 15% of the total body weight. Red fish - the glory of the Astrakhan region. Five species of sturgeon live here - Russian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, spike and sterlet. The first four species are anadromous, while the sterlet is a freshwater fish. Farms also breed a hybrid of beluga and sterlet - bester. Herring-like fish are represented by the Caspian shad, common sprat and black-backed and Volga herring.

Of the salmon-like fish, the whitefish is found, the only representative of the pike-like fish is the pike. Carp fish of the lower reaches of the Volga include bream, carp, roach, rudd, gold and silver carp, asp, silver bream, gudgeon, grass carp, white and motley silver carp.

Perch fish in the Volga are represented by river perch, ruff, as well as pike perch and bersh. In stagnant shallow freshwater reservoirs of the lower reaches of the Volga, the only representative of the stickleback order, the southern stickleback, is found everywhere.

The influence of the Volga in creativity

In the figurative perception of the essence of the Russian people, the Volga plays an exceptional and central role, it is the root and core of the entire Russian people, a figurative ideal. She is always animated, human qualities are attributed to her, and the ideal Russian person must correspond to the image of this river. In literature and art, the Volga is not found too often, but truly cult works are associated with its image. In the culture of the 19th and early 20th centuries, the most “popular” representatives of culture are associated with the Volga: N.A. Nekrasov, Maxim Gorky, F. I. Chaliapin. Soviet art made full use of the image of the Volga created by the democratic art of pre-revolutionary Russia. The Volga is identified with the Motherland, it is a symbol of freedom, spaciousness, breadth and greatness of the spirit of Soviet people. The film "Volga-Volga" and the song "The Volga Flows" performed by Lyudmila Zykina played a central role in the construction of this image.

Volga Delta

The Volga Delta is the place where the first in Russia was created in 1919 biosphere reserve. Five years ago, another federal state nature reserve appeared in the Astrakhan region - Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky. We understand that the nature reserves constantly have many problems, the solution of which cannot be postponed, therefore the financing of their activities is largely the responsibility of the regional budget. Astrakhan residents are proud that Maly Zhemchuzhny Island received the status of a federal natural monument last year. This is one of the most valuable natural reserves of the Northern Caspian. In addition, 800 thousand hectares of the delta have the status of a wetland of international importance. There are four state natural reserves of regional significance in our region.

The Volga Delta is recognized as the most ecologically safe delta in Europe. Our task, despite the fact that the territory for economic use is highly valued here, is to expand the boundaries of nature reserves. Now, for example, the idea of ​​creating so-called biospheric polygons in the region is being worked out. We are among the first in Russia to do this. 300,000 hectares of the Northern Caspian and the Volga delta are to be reserved for them. In these spaces, mostly water, modern methods of economic activity will be tested, which will not damage the unique environment. We are for the openness of environmental information and always promptly respond to any signals about an emergency and problems.

The largest river valley in Europe, the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the delta of the Volga River, as well as the desert surrounding them, have always attracted the attention of botanists. The first studies mainly concerned the species composition of the flora. At different times, the region was visited by: P. S. Pallas, K. K. Klaus, E. A. Eversmann, I. K. Pachosky, A. Ya Gordyagin, and many other prominent travelers and botanists. In the late 1920s, more attention began to be paid to floodplain habitats. To one of the first researchers of the vegetation cover of the Lower Volga valley - S. I Korzhinsky (in 1888) - the floristic composition of its meadows and swamps initially seemed rather monotonous, but subsequently these ideas began to change. Mr. Ramensky (in 1931) noted a change in the composition of the herbaceous communities of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and delta as one moved downstream the river.


Until the 30s. In the twentieth century, the Volga was practically used only as a transport route and a fishing basin. The main organic shortcomings of the Volga trade route for many centuries were the lack of water connections with the World Ocean and the gradation of the depths. The first shortcoming was once tried to be overcome by the organization of portages. But only very small ships could be dragged across the watersheds. Peter I organized work to connect the Volga with the Don and the Baltic Sea. However, due to the lack of equipment that corresponded to the scale of the work, the efforts expended to connect the Volga with the Don were not crowned with success. The fate of the work on the Upper Volga was different. In 1703, they began and in 1709 completed the construction of the Vyshnevolotsk system. Through the rivers Tvertsa, Tsna, Meta, Volkhov, Lake Ladoga and Niva, goods transported along the Volga got access to the Baltic Sea. The limited capacity of this water system made it necessary to look for other ways of developing water links between the Volga basin and the Baltic.

In 1810, the Mariinsky water system came into operation, connecting the Volga with the Baltic through the rivers Sheksna, Vyterga, Lake Onega, the river. Svir, Lake Ladoga and Neva, and in 1811 - the Tikhvin water system, which did the same through the rivers Mologa, Chagodoma, Syas and the Ladoga Canal.

In 1828, the construction of the Württemberg (North-Dvinsk) system was completed, connecting the Volga basin through the Sheken River, Toporninsky Canal, Siverskoye and Kubenskoye Lakes with the river. Sukhona, Northern Dvina and the White Sea. In the first half of the XIX century. work began to actively develop and to overcome another major drawback of the Volga transport route - the gradation of depths.

Along with shipping, fishing has been of great importance in the Volga basin since ancient times. The Volga has always been abundant in non-water, semi-anadromous and anadromous fish. Sharp fluctuations in catches in the Volga basin were also noted in those times when the impact of human economic activity was practically insignificant. Mills were built on small tributaries of the Volga even in pre-Petrine times. During the time of Peter I, the energy of water began to be used for metallurgical plants created in the Urals.

At the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX century. it became clear that the exceptionally favorable position of the Volga in the very center of the European part of Russia, the richest land, water and mineral resources, the huge fish wealth of the Volga basin, the availability of qualified workers in the industrial regions - Moscow, Ivanovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Ural - cannot be used in fully without developing a proper energy base.

Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. Route 30 passes through the famous Fisht - this is one of the most grandiose and significant natural monuments in Russia, the highest mountains closest to Moscow. Tourists travel lightly through all the landscape and climatic zones of the country from the foothills to the subtropics, spending the night in shelters.

Trekking in Crimea - 22 route

From Bakhchisarai to Yalta - there is no such density of tourist facilities as in the Bakhchisarai region anywhere in the world! Mountains and the sea, rare landscapes and cave cities, lakes and waterfalls, the secrets of nature and the mysteries of history, discoveries and the spirit of adventure... Mountain tourism here is not difficult at all, but any trail surprises.

Adygea, Crimea. Mountains, waterfalls, herbs of alpine meadows, healing mountain air, absolute silence, snowfields in the middle of summer, the murmur of mountain streams and rivers, stunning landscapes, songs around the fires, the spirit of romance and adventure, the wind of freedom are waiting for you! And at the end of the route, the gentle waves of the Black Sea.

The Volga River is the largest river in the European part of Russia and the largest river in Europe. It originates on the Valdai Upland at an altitude of 228 m, from a spring in the village of Volgo-Verkhovye, Tver Region, and, flowing throughout Central Russia, flows into the Caspian Sea.

Our ancestors, the Slavs, called the Volga River "big water". It seems to be due to its huge size. You look at her, you look - and it seems that time stops. According to Alexandre Dumas, the Volga is the queen of our rivers. She is a protector, nurse and intercessor. The river feeds and waters people, it is a natural barrier from enemies. Volga is called mother. After all, it was the Volga that was the main route connecting Europe and Asia.

The Volga is considered a favorite symbol of Russia. In various songs and poems, she has always been famous as "Mother River", "Mother Volga". Volga legends were passed down from generation to generation, there were legends, legends. This folklore tradition attracted the attention of many poets of the last century. The theme of the Volga in Russian poetry has long occupied a special place. In folklore, the work of writers, poets, artists, the theme of the Volga mother, the Volga nurse is widely reflected. Summarizing these images, we can say that for a Russian person, the Volga is Life itself.

No matter how the Volga changes in the future, it will not cease to be beautiful, majestic, mysterious for a Russian person. And for writers - a source of inspiration.

The Volga has always inspired cultural figures: the works of many writers are devoted to the life of its inhabitants - for example, P.I. "Oh, the Volga, my cradle, did anyone love you like I do!", the world-famous Maxim Gorky, who was born on the Volga and truthfully described the life of its simple people.

The brilliant bass Fyodor Chaliapin, a Volzhan by birth, whose signature number was the folk song "Dubinushka", also dedicated to the plight of the Volga barge haulers, also became a famous singer of the great river. Many poets were inspired by the Volga for poems and songs, many painters - for wonderful canvases. The Volga was painted by the remarkable Russian landscape painters F. A. Vasiliev, I. I. Levitan, I. E. Repin.

For each poet, the theme of the Volga is solved in a peculiar, unique way. And, nevertheless, it seems possible to find something in common, related in the perception and reflection of the great river.

The image of the Volga in the poetry of I. I. Dmitriev

The Volga theme in poetry declared itself only at the end of the 18th century, but it also developed in folklore long before that. Widely known are such folk songs as "Oh, the Volga, the Volga-mother", "Volga, the river is deep", "Down the mother along the Volga", "Volga, my mother", etc. The main song about the Volga for Russians is already for almost half a century, Oshanin's epic poignant one remains: "From afar, the Volga River flows for a long time, the Volga River flows, there is no end," in which human life and the course of the river are woven into a single whole. Where would our draft folk song take its only strength if we did not have the Volga, in addition to our uterine earthly expanses?

As is known, N. M. Karamzin (Volga, 1793) and I. I. Dmitriev (To the Volga, 1794) are considered to be the pioneers of the Volga theme in poetry.

The Simbirians N. M. Karamzin and I. I. Dmitriev, “resurrected” by the Volga, composed hymns in her honor, thereby trying to exalt “on a weak lyre” the “most sacred river in the world”, “leave a humble tribute in sincere verses.” Admiring the majestic Volga, sung by her pets Karamzin and Dmitriev in Simbirsk, let us honor her with grateful greetings and where she is still, so to speak, in infancy, flows quietly and humbly.

Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev was born on September 10 (21), 1760 in the family of a Simbirsk landowner. His poetic work lasted a little over ten years. Dmitriev himself wrote that his “active pitiful life. lasted only eleven years. The personality of the poet Ivan Dmitriev and his worldview were shaped not only by the high culture of the family, its spiritual self-sufficiency. Syzran district, Simbirsk and Samara lands of the times of Dmitriev - the southeastern outskirts of Russia. Around - the Volga steppes, rivers, lakes and the Volga. The expanses are such that even if you ride for three years, you won’t get anywhere. The city of Syzran is poorly built, but extraordinarily beautiful in its location: in the Volga Bay and separated by the Krymza River. The floods of the rivers in the spring created picturesque views of extraordinary beauty that aroused the imagination. And the combination of water, blue sky and the sun filled the being with inner and outer peace. Dmitriev significantly expanded the genre diversity of sentimental poetry.

In the poem "To the Volga" (1794), a lyrical image of the poet appears, admiring the beauty and grandeur of the Volga:

The end of a safe run!

Lower the sails, folks!

And you, who brought to the shore,

Oh Volga! rivers, beauty lakes,

Head, queen, honor and glory,

Sorry!. But first honor

Turn your attention to the lyre

Singer, unknown in the world,

But resurrected by you!

My vows are fulfilled;

What you wished happened

Even in infancy,

When I stretched out my hands

To you from the father's bushes,

Looking at the ships, running

On fast white sails!

It's done, and I bless fate:

Gorgeous mature picture!

There is a helmsman, extending his hand,

Through the dense forest to the mound,

He broadcast, calling his companions:

“Razinov was here, friends, camp!”

He broadcast and plunged into thought;

Cold sweat spilled over him

And the finger trembled in the air.

Burdened by the “boring non-commissioned officer service,” Dmitriev often asked for long vacations, which he spent in his native places on the Volga. He devoted his leisure time to the study of the "rules of poetry" and poetry, imitating mainly French authors of light poetry. The first, published anonymously in 1777-1782, literary experiments were unsuccessful and did not bring success. Once, while in the theater, Dmitriev heard that his poems were called "stupid", and for a long time he stopped publishing. Dmitriev died on October 3 (15), 1837, surrounded by honor and respect, although his work looked old-fashioned against the backdrop of the accomplishments of the Pushkin era. His ashes rest in the Moscow Donskoy Monastery.

The image of the Volga in the poetry of N. M. Karamzin

One of the first Karamzin sang the Volga ("Volga", 1793)/./p>

The image of the Volga attracted the attention of N. M. Karamzin. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was born on December 1, 1766 near Simbirsk in a noble family. His childhood passed on the banks of the Volga - the majestic river, "the most sacred in the world" (as it is called in one of his poems). Surrendering to writing, he became one of the first Russian professional writers. On the banks of the Volga, he leads a "scattered lifestyle": he makes visits to familiar families, does not shy away from the card table, and attends balls. At the same time, he reads Shakespeare and translates Edward Jung. Having an interest in the activities of "free masons", Karamzin, together with I. A. Turgenev, a colleague of Novikov, left Simbirsk for Moscow. Perhaps the main merit of Karamzin as a landscape painter is the awareness of the deep poetry of nature itself as an object of contemplation and a source of inspiration. The words "Nature", "Nature" are written by Karamzin with a capital letter: in his work, for the first time, in line with Rousseauist influences, a poetic cult of nature as such is created, hence the significance of the landscape as a means of "educating the soul." In the poems "Poetry", "Gifts" - the landscape poet's reflections on the highest goals of his work, a call to contemplate nature, which ennobles morals and pacifies passions with its beauty. In Karamzin, for the first time, poetry in general, and landscape poetry in particular, reflects on itself.

The most sacred river in the world

Crystal waters queen, mother!

Do I dare on a weak lyre

You, O Volga! dignify

Inspired by the goddess of song,

Surprised by your glory?

I dare to play my strings,

Under the noise of your proud waves -

Irrigated with their thin foam,

Refreshing with coolness in the heart -

Praise the beauty of your shores,

Where cities, villages flourish,

The undulating fields are shining

Under the shadow of dense forests,

In which anciently it was distributed

A single terrible roar of beasts

And the echo never repeated

The amiable voice of people,

Bregov, where they used to live

Hordes Golden tribes;

Where arrows whistled in the air

And where are the unfaithful banners

Often stained with blood

Saints but weak Christians;

Where the crows ate corpses

Unfortunate ancient Russians;

But where is one power now

Peoples live in silence

And everyone worships one goddess,

Goddess of happiness and glory

In his works, Karamzin depicted images of relatives and friends, views of the Volga nature. His poem "Volga" (1713) opens an anthology about "the river, the most sacred in the world, the crystal waters of the queen mother." Karamzin's lines from a letter to his brother (dated June 6, 1808) became textbook: "Simbirsk views are inferior in beauty to few in Europe." This inescapable love made him more than once fly by “imagination to the banks of the Volga, the Simbirsk Crown.” Karamzin’s words to I. Dmitriev in a letter dated July 9, 1825 are permeated with tragedy: “Dear Simbirsk, Volga, Sviyaga! I probably won't see you anymore."

The death of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin echoed deep sadness in the hearts of his contemporaries. For them, he was a noble example of serving the motherland, the last chronicler of her past and the first writer of the 19th century. P. A. Vyazemsky gave Karamzin a figurative assessment: “Karamzin is Kutuzov of the 12th year: he saved Russia from the invasion of oblivion, called her to life, showed us that we have a fatherland, as many learned about that in the twelfth year” .

The image of the Volga in the poetry of N. M. Yazykov

The Volga acquires different meanings in the era of romanticism in the works of K. N. Batyushkov, P. A. Vyazemsky, N. M. Yazykov and others. Their landscapes, where the Volga is a symbol of Russia, can be called "patriotic". Very often, their poems are built on the antithesis "homeland - foreign land", which makes it possible to express love for their native country and the beautiful river more vividly, more emotionally. The theme of the Volga is inextricably linked with the theme of the Motherland.

An unsurpassed singer of the water element, its refreshing effect on a person, N. M. Yazykov, a Simberian, especially loved the Volga.

I pray holy providence:

Leave me the hard days

But give iron patience

But turn my heart to stone.

Let, unchanged, a new life

I will come to the mysterious gates,

Like the Volga shaft is white-headed

Comes whole to the shores

He devoted the largest number of poems of all major Russian lyric poets to her. To Yazykov's ebullient gift, the image of an agitated, splashing, shocked element is dear. He can be considered the founder of that line in the development of the national landscape, which emphasizes not the modest, humble charm of Russian nature, but its proud spaciousness, brightness, pomp, majesty ("My Motherland", "Foreign Land", "Motherland").

Where is your homeland, young singer?

Where the shore is lined with rows of mounds;

Where the Slavs fought with the songs of bayans;

Where the Volga, like the sea, waves rustle.

There is the memory of heroes, there is a land of inspiration,

There is everything that is dear to me, than the heart burns;

There the proud singer will fly,

And the strings will awaken the past genius!

Chapter II. The image of the Volga in the poetry of the 19th-20th centuries

The image of the Volga in the poetry of N. A. Nekrasov

In the middle of the 19th century, thanks to the poets of the revolutionary-democratic camp, the motif of the "working" Volga, burlachistvo, enters Russian poetry. Here the romantic tradition gives way to the realistic one. The theme "nature and labor", organic for the poet, is sometimes conveyed with Koltsov's cheerfulness, but more often it takes on a tragic sound. He contrasts the "spectacle" of blooming nature with the "shame" of ignorance, poverty, lack of rights.

They associate the river primarily with their small homeland: their native village, city, home. They notice how much the native Volga has changed, looking at the steamships running along it, their hearts break with pain, when they look at the forests cut down along the banks, at the "spitting of the Gorynych of steel", at "like a blue quilted jacket Blacks tirelessly black oil."

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich spent his childhood on the banks of the Volga, he constantly came here and, being a famous, recognized poet. He dedicated his best lines to the Volga. Since childhood, the familiar Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir expanses have always been close and dear to Nekrasov's heart. The mighty expanses of the Volga, modest villages scattered along its banks, forests, fields, water meadows constantly attracted the poet. Now the Volga and Nekrasov are concepts that are hardly separable from each other in the history of Russian culture.

In the late autumn of 1824, the future poet, together with his father and mother, first arrived at the Greshnevo family estate. Greshnevo is located near the Volga; around the hills, water meadows, fields. On the right side of the Volga, the golden domes of the Babai Monastery are visible, which Nekrasov tells about in the poem "Woe of Old Naum". Down the Volga - starch and syrup factories, the Kostroma lowland flooded in the spring flood, Kostroma, the Ipatiev Monastery - a majestic monument of ancient architecture

The Nekrasov family home stood at the very end of Greshnev. Its windows overlooked the high road - the Yaroslavl-Kostroma grassroots tract, which was popularly called Sibirka. In the estate, according to Nekrasov, the most remarkable thing was the old vast garden, surrounded by dense lindens.

In the depths of the garden, behind the house, there were outbuildings: a kitchen, a bathhouse, a servant's room, and in the farthest corner stood an outbuilding with a brick ground floor and a wooden second floor. Serf musicians lived in it. This house was called "musician". It has survived to our time. A very special place, like no other of the Russian writers, is occupied by the Volga in the life and work of Nekrasov. Here in Greshnev, in his father's house, Nekrasov learned to "love and hate." The Volga River flowed not far from Greshnev. Together with his village friends, Nekrasov often visited the Volga coast. He spent whole days here, helping the fishermen, wandering around the islands with a gun and admiring the free expanses of the great river for hours:

Oh Volga! my cradle!

Has anyone loved you like me?

But one day the boy was shocked by the picture that opened before his eyes: along the river bank, almost bending his head to his feet, a crowd of exhausted barge haulers pulled a huge bark with their last strength. And over her, as if, a dreary, groan-like song hung:

And was unbearably wild

And terribly clear in silence

Their measured funeral cry -

And my heart trembled.

("On the Volga")

news about deadly disease poet brought his popularity to the highest tension. Letters, telegrams, greetings, and addresses poured in from all over Russia. They brought great joy to the patient in his terrible torment. The "Last Songs" written during this time, due to the sincerity of feeling, focusing almost exclusively on memories of childhood, mother and the mistakes made, belong to the best creations of his muse. In the soul of the dying poet, the consciousness of his significance in the history of the Russian word also clearly loomed. In the beautiful lullaby "Bayu-bayu", death tells him: "Do not be afraid of bitter oblivion: I already hold in my hand the crown of love, the crown of forgiveness, the gift of your meek homeland. The stubborn darkness will give way to the light, you will hear your song over the Volga, over the Oka, over Kama. Nekrasov died on December 27, 1877. Despite the severe frost, a crowd of several thousand people, mostly young people, accompanied the body of the poet to the place of his eternal rest in the Novodevichy Convent.

The image of the Volga in the works of I. A. Goncharov

I. A. Goncharov sang the Volga in his own way. He saw in her, in the landscapes that surrounded her, first of all, a craving for harmony, for beauty. For the writer, the Volga, the inhabitants of its banks, is an integral part of Russia, its yesterday, today and tomorrow. The inclusion of the Volga River in the composition of "Cliff" helped in many ways to depict the uniqueness and individuality of the characters.

The Volga River, its image, is shown in the "Cliff" in the summer months, and the novel itself was born on its banks, not without reason Goncharov repeatedly emphasized this circumstance4.

“In 1849, I went to the Volga, to Simbirsk, to my homeland - and there, over the course of four summer months, a plan for a new novel was born and developed into an extensive program for me - namely, “Cliff”.

Listing in "An Extraordinary Story" what episodes he recounted to Turgenev, Goncharov does not forget to mention the "paintings of the Volga". In 1870, asking his correspondent: "Can I say when this novel was conceived?" - the writer answers: "In 1849, when I myself was on the Volga - and although I was born there, it was as if I saw this land and people for the first time. Vera was also conceived there, which never existed - this is my then ideal. Marfinki I never knew any, and in Grandmother some of the features of my mother were embodied - as I notice now myself (when all of it poured out from me) - another old woman whom I knew as a student in Moscow "6.

The Volga River in Goncharov is more than just an "object of nature." Communicating with her, more often indirectly than personally, the characters of the novel, sometimes without noticing it, reveal their own character, dreams and moods themselves. Outside the Volga River, the novel could hardly have been built. Its action is impossible, for example, "on the banks of the Neva"; or somewhere outside of Russia, like, say, I. S. Turgenev's novel "Smoke"; it is difficult to imagine the deeds and fates of the heroes of "Cliff" in another Russian province where there is no mighty Volga. The historically established way of life is largely predetermined by the place of action. So, in "Cliff" "on the one hand, the Volga with steep banks and the Trans-Volga region; on the other, wide fields, cultivated and empty, ravines, and all this was closed by the distance of blue mountains" (Part I, Chapter VII). This is both the geography of the novel and the author's indication of the main landscape of his book. And here is the topography of the "Cliff": it is short description a small family estate, inherited by Boris Raisky "from his mother." "It all consisted of a small land lying right next to the city, from which it was separated by a field and a settlement near the Volga, from fifty souls of peasants, and from two houses - one stone, abandoned and neglected, and another wooden house built by his father" (h . I, ch. II). It was here that Grandmother lived with two, also cousins, orphaned granddaughters.

At one time, it was noted that in the "Cliff" there is no landscape of the Tushino "lair", Tushino's "Smoke". The reason for this, in our opinion, is the location of Ivan Ivanovich's estate with a steam sawmill. Physically, it is far from the Volga, and the entire composition, the entire structure, is subordinated to it in the novel. Let's not forget that the individuality of Goncharov's landscape is the Volga expanse.

The famous river sometimes has a figurative, and even fateful meaning and meaning. This Goncharov's allegory appears in the book carefully and unobtrusively.

The image of the Volga, its presence is felt literally in all episodes of the novel, the image of the river permeates all the cells of the work. Mother Volga, as part of the novel's structure, influences the course of action. It is Vera's journeys across the Volga River, to the Trans-Volga region, that constitute an important eventful side of the work, reveal the essential features of the difficult character of the heroine, and influence the experiences of either Raisky or Tushin.

Looking ahead, we note: the Volga is the dominant of the Russian landscape in Goncharov's book. From the point of view of the frequency of references and a detailed description of the river, the first parts of the novel are noteworthy, which deal with Raisky's fresh impressions after his arrival in Malinovka. Raisky cast a glance at the Volga, forgot everything, and froze motionless, peering into its pensive current, watching how it spreads across the meadows in wide spills.

The image of the Volga helps the author more clearly and convincingly show the internal contradictions of the then Russia. So, the Volga landscape in "The Cliff" is the structural element that contributes and helps the reader to understand the spiritual quest of Goncharov's heroes, these people of the middle of the 19th century. , their hopes, moods, their spiritual needs, and finally, the power of love. If the world of Russian nature in the novels of I. S. Turgenev is closely connected with the Oryol and Kursk provinces, then I. A. Goncharov's great love for Russian nature is concentrated on the Volga, its open spaces, its banks and, of course, on the people living there

The image of the Volga in the poetry of D. N. Sadovnikov

Sadovnikov Dmitry Nikolaevich (April 25, 1847-1912. 1883), folklorist, ethnographer, poet. He studied at the Simbirsk gymnasium, worked as a teacher. Known as a collector. In the collection "Tales and Traditions of the Samara Territory" (1884), Sadovnikov published folklore recorded in

Volga region (mainly from the storyteller A. K. Novopoltsev), the collection contains materials about Stepan Razin. interest in popular movements

The Volga region was also expressed in Sadovnikov's own work, in a cycle of poems about Razin; the best of them - "Because of the island to the core", "Around the city's settlement" - became folk songs. Sadovnikov is called the "singer of the Volga". Sadovnikov sings of the Russian river Volga in his poems

But the spirit of people who are cramped

The world seemed to be in abundance,

Native tune of Volga songs

He kept it in his stride.

And that song, Putin's long,

And majestic, and slender -

Rushing along with the blue Volga

Throwing seeds into the soul.

Who will hear a free song,

Who will sing it from the heart, -

Any heart will shake

Break any chains!

("In Zhiguli")

2. 4. The image of the Volga in the poetry of V. A. Gilyarovsky

Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky

Volga queen! Steamboats along it

Mighty waters foam and cut,

Up and down they fly like an arrow,

Loudly steam whistles are buzzing,

A loud echo from them is heard,

The burlatskaya song is not sung there,

Barge haulers don't rub their breasts with a strap,

Displaced steam human labor.

The Volga left a noticeable mark in the life and work of V. A. Gilyarovsky, that until the end of his days he loved the great Russian river and visited our region more than once.

But, probably, it is important not only that Gilyarovsky visited our region, worked and lived here, but most importantly, that his works, memoirs can serve as an amazing source for local historians, testifying to how people lived and worked at the white lead factory, how and where, rested. Gilyarovsky was one of the last writers who turned in his work to the life of barge haulers.

All I dream of is the wide Volga,

Terrible - calm, menacingly turbulent,

That distant side is dreaming to me,

Where my youth flowed happy.

I remember. On a steep cliff

Tall oaks, old oaks,

They moan when the gusty wind

Their long branches bend, break.

The weather is howling, the grove is swaying,

All the huge oaks groan harder,

Heavy grief is heard in that moan,

Sadness and desolate longing are heard

The image of the Volga in the poetry of A. V. Shiryaevts

Love for the Volga, for the native Volga region runs through all the work of Alexander Shiryaevets.

In one of his letters in 1917, Sergei Yesenin called Shiryaevets: "Bayun Zhiguli and the Volga." The theme of the small homeland occupies one of the central places in the poet's work.

Is there anything more wonderful

Zhiguli ridges?

What songs

With baroques and rafts!.

In the first collection of poems of the poet "Zapevka", published in 1916 in Tashkent, the theme of Zhiguli is one of the main ones:

What is the diva of Turkestan to me,

Piles of silver-good,

I will look at the Volga

From the guardhouse.

After the publication of the next collection, a critic's review appeared in the local newspaper: “You feel the damp Volga smell and wind when reading the poems of A. Shiryaevts. The poet, as they say, smelled of the Volga. His verse is dashing and sonorous. Such verses ask to be sung out of their chests over the Volga, in its forests. But the poet sings to us here, and we see this dear gigantic river, we hear the majestic rhythm of its rich waves, we feel how its moist air flows into our souls.

He is a flower! He is my godfather!

He poured wine into the songs,

And, dipping into the spring,

He gave me a singer's ring.

He, I know, together with the Volga

Tweaked my strings.

I swim to her - to the bride,

On a song wave.

Spring ring blossoms

And I, like a pollen, are young!

Above the flood of songs

I swim with the song of the strings.

I'll swim away as soon as it foams

Volga - mother river,

Tramps do not have a prisoner soul,

Do not tremble at the wallet!

I love to sing bold songs to me,

What sings along the Volga naked,

See the waves - the crests are white.

Eh, sweetheart, do not be involuntarily!

You bring it faster, nurse,

Our barges and rafts!

Look, and the wind will force -

There will be less lighthouse!

Don't drink me ruddy beauty

Waving from the shore?

Yes, dearer to me screaming drunk,

I got engaged to the river.


The image of the Volga in the poetry of A. Tvardovsky

Before the eyes of the Tvardovsky poet, the Mother Volga floats, which has absorbed seven thousand rivers, the Urals with its “main sledgehammer of the country”, the Siberian taiga, Baikal, Transbaikalia, thousands of miles up to the Pacific Ocean. And the word of filial confession involuntarily breaks out:

Yes, I am part of this proud force

And in this world - a hero

With you, Moscow

With you, Russia

With you, starry Siberia!


The Volga is a great Russian river. Our whole country in its diversity and grandeur is reflected in the Volga. The Volga will forever remain a symbol of Russia, a symbol of the Motherland. The amazing beauty of the Volga, its diversity in all manifestations - from natural landscapes to historical events - will not cease to be beautiful, majestic, mysterious for a Russian person. And for writers - a source of inspiration. The Volga is like magic, it not only inspires, it fascinates. Seeing amazing landscapes, the soul unfolds, and poetic lines come to mind by themselves. None of this would have happened if this wonderful, charming river, Mother Volga, had not once flowed from a small spring. It is simply impossible to remain indifferent to the Volga, so poets write extraordinary, soul-grabbing poems. After reading their work, one can vividly imagine the described place and the action where everything happened. The Volga is the breadth of the soul, the depth of the heart, the sincerity of the feelings and words of the poet. So, our recent contemporary, poet N. Blagov wrote:

And when you are drawn into this blue space,

And when you are with the immortal river, dear,

Just exhale:

Volga! - Just say:


May you wash yourself with eternally living water!

No matter how the Volga changes in the future, it would not be talked about so majestically if it did not deserve it - and it DESERVES it!