- Not the most best time For beach holiday

Pros: interesting, beautiful

Cons: cold, rainy

Each tourist has his own list of countries that you want to visit at least once in your life. I just don't understand those who go to the same places year after year and claim that everything suits them. For me, for example, the trip is a unique experience.

And only by comparing cities, countries, beaches, hotels, local residents, service, nature, we can conclude which type of recreation and travel will be interesting. For example, I am a free-swimming person. I am not at all interested in constantly sitting on the territory of the hotel, inhaling the cigarette smoke of tourists on the beach, listening to the screams of children and getting drunk on the all-inclusive system. I want to move freely around the city without being attacked by inadequate local residents who want to sell or offer me something.

Alas, this is not possible everywhere. For example, I came to the conclusion that Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia, beloved by the majority, are not mine. It is simply impossible to feel at ease here. People are very intrusive, cunning and not clean at hand. And my paradise = this is Asia. I just love Vietnam and Thailand. These countries fill me with life, inspiration, joy, pleasure. AND for a long time China was my blue dream. And now, I can put a tick for myself.

It so happened that I purchased a tour to China from an unverified tour operator. The trip was originally scheduled for November. At this time, the beautiful island of Hainan has excellent weather, warm, sunny, no heavy rains. BUT, due to a number of circumstances beyond our control, the tour was postponed to January. I understood that the weather during this period is not the best. And a beach holiday may not happen at all, but nevertheless, I decided to go on a trip. Because the price was very reasonable.

Hainan is not for nothing considered the pearl of China, since almost all year round Here you can have a great time with benefits for the body and soul. BUT, the climate, like everywhere else, has its own characteristics. For example, winter is considered to be rather unstable in terms of weather. And January 2018, in which I managed to see China, was no exception. At this time, dark, low clouds hang over the country. I've only seen these in the tropics. And from these clouds it happened that a long, vile day poured, pouring rain. Our hotel was not the best, so the weather spoiled the rest in many ways.

By air temperature = it's like our May. It's not hot yet, but it's not cold either. During the day it was observed +20, +25. In the evening the temperature dropped to +14. The water was +20, +25. Basically, our people swam. But I didn't feel very comfortable. I can't say that the climate killed my vacation. No. Still, it was very interesting here and I had a great time. But, for a beach holiday, it’s definitely not the season.

Since the weather was not shining, and the comfort on the beach was doubtful, we took sightseeing tours. And we decided to actively participate in the life of China. In this country, even despite the colossal language barrier, since people do not even speak English, it is possible to learn a lot of new things and make friends with the locals. We went to street parties, tried a lot of food in different small eateries and cafes.

I really liked the park deer turned his head. Large, vast in its territory, very interesting and unusual for a Russian tourist. Especially for someone who was not familiar with Asia. I was on holiday in Sanya. He is relatively calm. I was able to walk around the local markets, supermarkets.

And of course, not getting acquainted with Chinese medicine is simply a sin. I really enjoyed acupuncture. And we also bought a lot of interesting medicines based on cobra venom.

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Hainan is a beautiful island for summer holiday. The main word here is "summer", so getting a tan in winter and managing to swim in the sea is an unlikely event. Let me tell you about a holiday in China.

Hainan - tropical winter

We went once in January to Hainan. I will miss the details of such a strange decision, but in January it is quite warm there, 20 degrees on average. The sky is shrouded in clouds, occasionally the sun breaks through. The sea is cold, without options, they did not swim. Only brave surfers and rare tourists risk trying some water. duet cold wind, penetrates to the bones and adds a desire to wrap up harder. We felt it on ourselves, regretting that we did not take warm clothes. A weak feeling of coolness during the day is caused by a dry climate, monsoons, and is easier to bear. The islanders wear headscarves for protection. I decided to get by, as a result of the whole rest I went with weathered face and hands, I had to buy creams on the spot. The coolness is felt in the evening, after sunset, so I advise a mandatory set of tourists:

  • sweaters;
  • long windbreakers;
  • pants/jeans;
  • care products;
  • umbrellas.

Things to do. New Year

Good vacation guaranteed without beach fun. If the trip is successful, it is interesting to see the Chinese New Year. The Chinese celebrate on a grand scale, dressing up in red, setting off fireworks. But: you need to book a hotel in advance, the locals go to celebrate on the islands, leaving a trail of garbage behind.

I recommend visiting the reserves that reveal the beauty of the local flora and fauna: the Butterfly Park, Tropical Bird Island or Monkey Island. The local inhabitants are allowed to be fed with special food. It is advisable to dress discreetly, without separate things, there is a chance of being robbed by animals.

In the end, we stumbled upon the springs: the water is hot, relaxing the frayed nerves spent by the Chinese winter.

Winter in Hainan, it would seem - high season: dry and warm, without hurricanes, high humidity and high temperatures. But winter is winter even in the tropics, so you should not tune in to a full-fledged beach holiday in January. Include cultural, entertainment and recreational activities in your holiday plan and you will get an unforgettable pleasure.


Air temperature

January is the driest month of the year, however, there is no guarantee that the sun will shine all month. So, in the north of the island in Haikou, the sun appears on average for 4 hours a day. 85% of the month is overcast and cloudy. In the evening the temperature drops to +17-18. On southern resorts half of the month is sunny, the other half is cloudy. It's pretty windy in the south. At night, the temperature drops to +13, so warm clothes (up to jackets) will not interfere.

Water temperature

The water in January is not exactly comfortable for swimming, especially given the cool winds and undercurrents. In the mornings and evenings, swimming will not work at all - the water is not yet warm enough, the sand is rather cold, the wind is blowing, the air temperature can be lower than the water temperature. Therefore, most tourists prefer to spend time at the pools (if they are available) or swim in sunny weather at the height of the day.

weather features

Compared to the Russian winter, January in Hainan will seem like a paradise. But still it is worth bearing in mind some features of the weather. The air often warms up to +25 during the day, but instantly cools down to +13 in the evening, so do not count on 100% bathing holiday, since the weather at this time of the year is not very stable and is known for its sharp fluctuations.

Airfare prices

There is a tendency for air tickets to rise in price compared to the first winter month. There is also a pattern: a flight on weekdays is more expensive by 4000-5000 rubles than on a weekend.

Booking a hotel and flight individually, the total cost will be almost twice as expensive as a package tour from operators. So, a 5 * hotel in Sanya with breakfast for 7 nights for two will cost from 28,500 rubles. If you include a direct flight to Sanya for two, then the amount will be 113,700 rubles. The cost of a package tour for two with a flight and breakfast in a 5 * hotel - from 69300 rubles.

What the country has to offer

In the coming year, the most famous Chinese holidays ( New Year By Chinese calendar, Lantern Festival) fall in February, so you won’t be able to participate in them in the first month of the year. What can you do on the island at the beginning of the year?

  • Unhot weather with the minimum amount rainfall is favorable for educational trips around the island and cultural events.
  • Improvement in recreational centers of folk Chinese medicine and thermal springs.
  • Surfing. In the south, it is quite windy and high waves often rise, frightening ordinary tourists. But for surfers, such conditions are ideal, especially favorable conditions are formed in the bay of Wu Ji Zhou Dao Island.
  • Attend the annual Sanya Orchid Festival Show. During the festival, competitions for the best orchid, flower and art competition, etc., are organized, with a total of 114 prizes. A series of thematic events is also held, including an international orchid forum, lectures, master classes, and exhibitions.
  • Nautical enthusiasts can visit the Haikou Maritime Exhibition and watch the Qiongzhou Strait Sailing Race.

In the midst of the Russian winter, many of our compatriots begin to think about whether to escape from the hateful frosts to some warm place for 10-12 days. Asian lovers increasingly prefer a wonderful oasis in the very south of China, Hainan Island. Read our article on the Tour Calendar and you will find out how attractive it is in January, and how much a vacation can cost.

Weather in Hainan in January

Hainan is a resort pearl of China. This is the only island and geographic zone of the country where humid weather prevails. tropical climate. In fact, it can be characterized by only one phrase - "nature does not have bad weather." In general, this is true: about 300 days a year are illuminated bright sun, A mean annual temperature air is +26 °C. However, not everything is as clear as it seems at first glance. January refers to the so-called dry period, which is also the coldest of the year. And, I must say, coming this month exclusively for beach pleasures is rather unreasonable. Despite the fact that in fact standing weather does not match climatic conditions the middle of winter, yet its arrival is tangibly felt. First of all, this is manifested in a decrease in daily maxima. If even in the first half of autumn the thermometer was holding up 30-degree marks, then in January it dropped to low "twenties". Travelers rushing here stop mainly on the south coast, where the entire tourist infrastructure is concentrated. But the point is not only this, but also the fact that it is much warmer here than in the north. So, in the city of Sanya, by noon, the air warms up to + 23-25 ​​° С, while in the capital Haikou, located on opposite side islands, the average monthly daily extreme is 20 °С. If we talk about the evenings, the temperature background will also vary - +16..+17 °С and +14 °С, respectively. As you can see, you can’t do without jackets, sweaters and trousers, no matter how much you want to throw some T-shirts, sundresses and shorts into your suitcase. During the rest, a hat with a scarf is also useful. The whole point is that in given period chilly icy winds are active, enhancing the perception of cold.

So without these seasonal accessories, the risk of catching a cold or something more serious is very high. Regarding precipitation, their amount is minimized. The monsoon season, which brings showers, falls here from May to October, which is beautifully reflected in the meteorological reports. In January, rains mark an average of 3-5 days, but such weather cannot be called completely comfortable. The whole impression of it is spoiled by a nasty fine drizzle, which is especially annoying while moving around the island on a scooter or motorcycle (by the way, if you plan to rent such a vehicle, take gloves with you, because your hands freeze already in the first 5 minutes of driving). Don't be surprised if you see people with elaborate headbands. Thus, they save themselves from the discomfort delivered by ice drops that fall into the face. In addition, fogs occur in January in the subtropical part of the island (north, west and east). As a rule, they cover Hainan in the evening, thicken at night and stretch until half of the next day. A clear, cloudless morning is a rarity this month. Hugely increased humidity is quite expected due to all these weather ups and downs. Before booking a hotel room, inquire about the availability of central heating, otherwise you will be tormented to arrange regular drying of your own things and bed linen. In general, most of the month the sky is covered with a dark gray veil of cloud, and sunny days there are about 2-3.

What to do in Hainan in January?

Let's face it, a beach holiday in January is in great doubt. Therefore, only for the sake of the sea in January do not come here. However, in addition to the white-sand coast "Island south of the sea”(this is how its name sounds in translation into Russian) there is something to surprise. Firstly, Hainan opens up to all its guests the rich world of oriental culture, which this month is facilitated by numerous festivals and colorful festivities that fall on it. Secondly, it is time to remember that Hanoi is one of the most environmentally friendly resorts in the world with a careful attitude to flora and fauna, so staying here can be associated with healing in the centers of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as visiting natural attractions. There are so many of them that it's impossible to count them all. And finally, those who are interested in religion will certainly discover ancient temples and sacred relics of indigenous peoples.

beach holiday

Probably, many of our readers are interested in the issue of a beach holiday in January. Let's just say it theoretically exists. Just look at the data provided by weather forecasters: the temperature of the surrounding waters of Sanya is about +25 ° C, while in the coastal zone of Haikou they warm up to +21 ° C. In principle, not bad for the middle of winter. But stable northerly winds, reaching 15-25 knots in the evening, and sometimes big waves kill "in the bud" the desire to plunge. So feel the invigorating power South China Sea not everyone decides.

In addition, sometimes it is very windy, and big waves rise, before which ordinary tourists give in. Another thing is surfers, who do not care. At this time, the most favorable conditions for this sport are observed in the bay of Wu Ji Zhou Dao Island, opposite the Wu Ji Zhou Strait. It is very versatile, as it offers excellent conditions for learning the basics, as well as for honing technically complex skills.

Entertainment and excursions

We will not be disingenuous if we say that there are not so many corners on earth where the most capricious tourists can satisfy all their interests. And without false modesty, Hainan is one of them. This is not just a good shelter from the winter cold, but also a place endowed with many natural, historical and religious values.

fans pristine nature plunge into the genuine world of the tropics, visiting amazing reserves, walking along natural parks and contemplating the beauty of chic waterfalls and bewitching lakes, mirror surface which are reflected in the tops of bizarre mountains. Among all the variety presented, I would like to highlight the Deer Nursery, the Butterfly Park, the Dongshan Zoo-Safari (only here and nowhere else will you meet the unique tiger tiger), Park tropical birds(Be sure to make a wish on the “Echo Square”), Cape “Edge of the Sky and the Sea” with the Historical and Folklore Museum, as well as Monkey Island (be careful, its inhabitants are very arrogant, it’s better not to treat the primates with anything, as they will not leave you later) .

Climbing to the extinct volcano Ma-An is very popular, whose observation deck allows you to look into its very mouth. In January, the topic of recovery is relevant in Hainan. rich deposits thermal waters(radon and potassium-sodium) and a favorable climate contributed to the emergence of modern recreational complexes and the status of one of the centers of traditional Chinese medicine for the island. Hot springs are randomly "scattered" throughout its territory, however, the Xinglong Hot Springs Valley is the most frequently visited. You can come here for a day for swimming in thermal reservoirs (temperature range 45-65 ° C) or stop at long term for the full course of treatment. Their indications may be different kinds diseases - from rheumatism, neuralgia and gynecological problems to more serious ailments.

Holidays and festivals

The majority of all celebrated holidays do not have specific dates. Moreover, the dates of their holding are shifted every year, since they directly depend on lunar calendar. For example, the celebration of the Chinese New Year sometimes falls in January (January 22 in 2012, January 31 in 2014), and sometimes in February (February 10 - 2013, February 19 - 2015). Festivities very colorful, they take place on a large scale and stretch for a whole two weeks. Lush processions, costumed processions, theatrical performances, fairs and picnics on the coast - in Sanya during this period of time it is very fun, but at the same time noisy (which scares off some tourists). The city is also organizing the National China Orchid Exhibition, showcasing gardens and greenhouses from all over the country. In turn, Haikou meets the Sea Festival, the program of which includes a sailing regatta in the Qiongzhou Strait and entertainment shows in the city bays.

What are the prices for holidays in Hainan in January?

Rest on Hainan in the first half of January is not a cheap pleasure. European holidays served as a good stimulator of demand growth in this direction. As a rule, from 14-15 the cost of tours begins to normalize, falling by 25%-40% compared to the end of December. You can catch last-minute trips, but they are extremely few, and those single offers that appear are sold out almost instantly.

In January, Hainan is not as sunny as in autumn or spring months, but the cool weather allows you to actively participate in sightseeing trips and explore the beauty of the island in comfortable conditions. The middle of winter is not the best time for swimming. Tour-Calendar hopes that our article was informative and useful for you.

The Chinese resort island of Hainan is famous all over the world for its stable warm days during the whole year. There are practically no cloudy days here, and the average annual temperature is +26 degrees Celsius. However, January is the coolest for this region, vacationers come not to swim and sunbathe, but to walk, go on excursions or improve their health in centers traditional medicine with thermal springs.

Tours to Hainan in January

The flow of tourists to this tropical part of China does not stop all year round, but before purchasing a tour, you should take into account that the weather in Hainan in January is unlikely to allow you to enjoy relaxing on the beach. During the day, the air warms up to + 21-23, and with the onset of the evening it noticeably cools down to + 13-16. In the south of the island part, the air warms up a little stronger: in the city of Sanya, the air temperature during the day usually stays within + 23-25. The water temperature reaches +25, so some travelers decide to swim. However, you should stock up on warm clothes, even a hat and scarf. They come in handy in the evening when a strong piercing wind rises.

Fans should go on vacation in Hainan in January cultural heritage East, excursions, as well as those wishing to see bright holidays and festivals:

  1. At the end of the first - the beginning of the second winter month is held, which is always celebrated on a grand scale, with enchanting processions and a carnival.
  2. Sanya hosts an exhibition of Orchids, which attracts gardeners and lovers of these flowers from all over China.
  3. In Haikou, you can go to the Sea Festival, where a whole regatta of sailboats is held and a special show program is held.

Lovers of flora and fauna will love the local reserves, which are famous for their unique animals, waterfalls and huge amount birds and butterflies. So, only in the Hainan Zoo you can see the tiger - it is not found anywhere else in the world, only in the Dong Shan safari park. Tourists who are thirsty for extreme sports will be able to look into the very mouth of the now extinct Ma-An volcano from a specialized site.

The weather in January on Hainan Island allows you to see many temples and sights without the usual suffocating heat for these places. It is in winter that you can comfortably explore all the beauties and enjoy the local flavor. IN cloudy days it is worth visiting the centers of national medicine, where you can plunge into thermal springs, pass the short course rehabilitation or restorative massage. High level local medical complexes are known all over the world, and you can visit them both as a course and once.