Some 10 years ago, Amanda Bynes was a movie star and the idol of many boys and girls. She became famous for her comedy roles in the films "What a Girl Wants" and "She's a Man", but her fame faded as quickly as it appeared. For the first time in 4 years, Amanda decided to appear in front of the cameras and give an interview in which she spoke about her personal life.

Bynes on the YouTube channel show Hollyscoop

Now 31-year-old Amanda is very difficult to recognize. In the morning show studio YouTube channel The Hollyscoop actress appeared in a snow-white guipure blouse and jeans, under which extra pounds were hidden. In addition, it was clear that Bynes was embarrassed to be in front of the cameras and answer questions from the presenter, but Amanda passed this test.

The first question that sounded on the TV show was about the creative side of Bynes' life, because it is known that at one time the actress became interested in fashion design. Here is what Amanda had to say about it:

“Yes, it’s true that I want to try my hand at design. I have already enrolled in fashion design courses and I already know something. I really enjoy sewing and being creative in this area. Over time, I plan to create my own brand, under which my clothes will go out. In addition, I began to draw pictures. So far, I can’t present them to you, because I am a novice artist, but I am constantly improving in this matter. I think that the ability to draw beautifully and figuratively represent the image on a piece of paper will help me develop properly as a fashion designer.”

After that, the host of the program raised the issue of Amanda's return to the cinema. Here is what Bynes had to say about it:

“I dream of returning back to the big screens. I really miss my acting career. During the time that I was not filming, and this is already 7 years, I have accumulated a lot of information and emotions inside me. I would love to share them with the audience. I really hope that pretty soon I will be invited back to shoot, but for now, I decided to return to television in some kind of entertainment show. Despite the fact that I have changed in appearance, my ability to joke and entertain the viewer has not gone away.
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Amanda had a difficult period in her life

For the first time that something was wrong with the famous comedian Bynes, it became known in 2009. It was during this period that filming ended. last movie with the participation of Amanda, which is called "A student of easy virtue." Almost immediately after that, the actress began to change before our eyes, gaining excess weight. As it became known later, the culprit was the abuse of alcohol in a very large quantities and addiction to drugs. 3 years later, surname famous actress reappeared on the front pages of newspapers. Bynes was accused of several accidents in which people were injured. From the police report, it became known that the actress was driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

After that, a whole “bouquet” of extraordinary actions began with the participation of Bynes, about which the press wrote. It became known that the actress set fire to a neighboring house, wrote an insulting letter to Barack Obama, accused own father in her corruption and was going to marry a stranger. In late spring 2012, Amanda was arrested for drinking drugs away from home and referred to the Malibu Rehabilitation Clinic, which treats different types dependencies. Despite this treatment, Amanda did not really help, because the actress continued to do strange things. In October 2014, Bynes was involuntarily committed to a mental institution in Pasadena, California. After undergoing treatment, Amanda decided to take up her mind by enrolling in college and design school.

It's cool when the interview taken suddenly becomes so extensive that it can safely generate pages of content on the site. And all the words, as usual, to the point and to the point. Thanks again to Armen Petrosyan for, and of course, part 3!

Most people try to get attention: unconsciously, not out of malice. Maybe out of misunderstanding. I also had all of this. When you start doing something online, you want to be noticed.

Thus, a person tries to understand why he exists. But when you realize that you can get attention by jumping out into the street naked and start screaming. Yes, attracted attention, but then you do nothing useful.

When you share meanings, they become opportunities for others to change...

About the meaning of life

In my understanding, the meaning of life comes down to getting joy from what you do consciously. You look at what interests you, what gives you joy and talk about it. And you gather around you people who are on your wave.

After all, when people gather around them people who are not on their wave, they need to be artificially restrained, tricked or deceived.

About travel

When I wrote what I want, I wrote that I was not interested in traveling just like that. I don't go anywhere as a tourist. I don't like. One of my goals was, for example: if I came to London, I would have someone to talk to there. Not just for money, but for people there who would be interested in talking to me. Or I thought: “I want to be in a good company so that, on the one hand, I can see the territory and at the same time find new interesting communication.”

Through Facebook, I found those with whom I went. It turned out amazing people. I really enjoy talking to them so far. And later, all four became the authors of "It's interesting to live."

And the year before last, he flew to New York ... He came alone. Walked and looked. I realized that I didn't really like it. I like to find people who live in the places I visit, who can show the city from the inside.

About change

You yourself must be the change that you want to see around. I always say that the success of any project depends on who makes it.

For example, I do not believe those doctors who claim that smoking is harmful if they themselves smoke. The same should be here. If I read pro or freelancing ( Yaroslav: I do websites), or about traveling, I would go to your page and find nothing about the fact that you are traveling; or live differently than you are trying to teach others, I would not only not believe you, but I would also try not to go there again and not waste time on you.

Another issue is that you can just try to attract attention, try to inspire, try to motivate. And only history can motivate. History must be honest. She may be pretty, but that's show business again.

About expressing opinions

I don't see the point of expressing my opinion at all. You only need to tell the meaning that you yourself experienced in the hope that it may be useful to someone. Ask my opinion about Roza Rymbaeva. Who cares, who needs it? It's a different matter if I said, "I'm listening her and I remember my childhood, and I feel good!”. Everything else is empty air shaking.

Maybe I'm too primitive and I can't understand why I need to waste my limited time and attention on information that I won't apply in my life.

About meanings and generated content

Sharing beneficial meanings. You talk about what signal influenced you, where you received it and where another person can receive it. Tell how you converted this signal into information and why; and how another person can transform it. Then you show how you transformed this information into an action, how you acted and how another can repeat your actions. And you tell him what changes your actions led to, and how you evaluate them: Are you happy with them, or are you not happy.

It's like a collection of recipes. No one can get enough of the fact that he bought a recipe book and read it. He himself must buy food, cook something himself, eat right himself - do not get poisoned, do not overeat. So when you share, you are telling the recipe.

As a conclusion

I have a huge request. If you have time, sit down and write down ten ideas that you have personally learned from what I have said. For me, this is even more important than the interview that will turn out.

She can play Medea and Lady Macbeth, and, probably, this is yet to come. The heroines of Victoria Isakova live not lives, but destinies, and they pay for everything according to the most severe account - such women are not entitled to discounts. Her new role in the film "Burn!", which was released on December 7, is from the same series.

The professional history of Victoria Isakova was not easy. Life peered at the actress for a long time, giving out advances and loans, but was in no hurry with carte blanche. So an experienced jeweler carefully examines a stone - is it worthy of becoming a jewel? Then painstaking cutting begins, and it is not yet a fact that the stone will not shatter into small fragments, will not deceive the jeweler. Everything present must have inner strength.

The Thaw made Isakov famous, the series appeared in December 2013, by this time there were almost 40 roles in her filmography and she was 36 years old. On stage, she has already managed to play in the legendary (almost a museum by 2000) "The Seagull" by Oleg Efremov at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, managed to survive her personal acting disaster in this theater, managed to find a new self. And soon theatrical Moscow started talking about her Pannochka in Viya, about Candid Polaroids, about The Dowry. Everything is on the stage of the Pushkin Theater, where she went after Roman Kozak, her teacher at the Moscow Art Theater School, and where she met Kirill Serebrennikov, who became her professional colleague in the future.

In the same 2013, almost simultaneously with the Thaw, the film Mirrors was released, but the spectacular beauty of the 60s Inga Khrustaleva pushed the heroine of Mirrors into the background. It turned out unfair. After all, this heroine is Marina Tsvetaeva, and Isakova played her in such a way that any epithets in assessing her work would be insufficient, and what measure can measure the feeling of absolute artistic truth? 2017 is the jubilee year, Tsvetaevsky, and although Marina Ivanovna could not stand the monuments - neither in word, nor in bronze, but this particular film became a real, sincere and living tribute to her memory.

The eras in which the heroines of Isakova live succeed one another, the actress travels through time, as through countries. This fall, she is Donna Anna and Laura ("Little Tragedies") and Vera ("The Bright Path. 19.17") - in the theater, Inessa Armand ("Demon of the Revolution") and our contemporary Star ("Burn!") - in the cinema.

Victoria, what is the most interesting time for you?

The most interesting and most painful is the 20-30s of the last century. When I played Marina Tsvetaeva, I felt this time as my own. There was such a fierce artistic dispute with the world, a confrontation with the authorities. It seems to me that it has always been and always will be - the artist breaks out of any framework. With his talent, he strives for a high generalization, the truth is revealed to him in the end. Today, there are few such earnest people, or do we simply not see them because of the closeness of what is happening? And you have to live another 50 years and look back? I don't know... There is a bright and turbulent life in art, but few people rise to a high artistic level, overcome journalism. Here Kirill Serebrennikov rises. Undoubtedly.

His latest work, "Little Tragedies" in the "Gogol Center", where you have two central roles at once, has become the biggest theatrical event of the season. We say “Pushkin is our everything” so often that these words no longer mean anything. But it turned out - it is. Pushkin is a contemporary, and what he wrote is about us. You often work with Serebrennikov. Is this your director?

Yes, and I am absolutely his actress. I trust him endlessly. Well, it's obvious, otherwise I wouldn't aspire to get into any of his work. Maybe he himself would have left me easily, but I always catch up with him. (Smiles.) In a duet with him, in conjunction with him, I get something much more for myself - not only as an actress, but also as a person. He reveals himself to me, still unknown. And "Little Tragedies" is a new and milestone work for him, impeccable directing. In conjunction with Pushkin's energy, this gives a stunning result, they just hit each other.

What did Serebrennikov discover in you? Or for you?

Our first work was "Candid Polaroids" at the beginning of the 2000s. For the first time I understood what the power of an actor is. On stage, you can control the emotions and energy of many people. They came to the theatre, they are different, but it is in your power to make them become one whole for the time allotted for the performance. Serebrennikov is the master who manages to create such energy fields and control them. I just physically feel some incredible stream coming from the auditorium.

At the very beginning of your career, you worked with Oleg Efremov, your master at the Moscow Art Theater School. It was he who, having decided to rejuvenate the rather aged composition of The Seagull, offered you the role of Nina Zarechnaya. There was success, and then, when Efremov died, you were forced to leave the Art Theater. You have been asked to resign for no reason.

Yes, it was a difficult period for me. But I don’t think it’s worth talking about it today ... This autumn I returned to this beautiful stage, succumbing to the pressure and energy of the young and wildly talented director Sasha Molochnikov, I wondered if I could also break into something new, young? Now at the Art Theater there is a play "The Bright Path. 19.17" with my participation.

The Moscow Art Theater, like the Bolshoi Theater, has a certain ability to torment the memories of those who did not leave of their own free will. Have you had phantom pains?

Were. But, to the luck of my acting, I immediately got into good hands- to director Roman Kozak, who at the same time headed the Pushkin Theater. It was happiness, but it could just be on the street. But the fixed idea did not let go for a long time: the time will come - and I will show you all! (Laughs.) And then this feeling disappeared. Absolutely. When I felt confident, when peace, freedom and demand came, the past began to seem such an absurdity!

What doesn't kill makes us stronger?

Yes, and those who reject us become our teachers as a result. So, from a successful girl, in whom everything is nice and good and who was suddenly harshly rejected, I turned into an adult, provoked to active and necessary, as time has shown, actions.

Have you always been a good girl?

Yes, I was a very good girl. And they are constantly waiting for approval, they all want to please. (Laughs.)

Isn't that the case today? Are you free from third-party opinions?

Let's just say I need it less. But I still need it. I hide it terribly and always say that I don’t care who and how reacts to me, but this is not true. If in the theater or on film set I don't feel loved, I can't exist. And if I feel that only I and no one else, that I am needed, then I really grow wings.

Is it important to you that there is love in those scenarios and plays where you play?

Yes. I'm talking about love in general. Only there I open up where it is. Such-and-such, happy-unhappy, crooked-oblique. Any.

Did Inessa Armand, whom you played in The Demon of the Revolution, love Lenin?

Loved, of course. Like an idea. She was not an ordinary woman and loved not an ordinary man. But the idea contained in a specific and exclusive person for it.

And she had sex with an idea?

Why not? You can have sex with an idea. Is it true. (Laughs.) I think Lenin had incredible charisma, he knew how to dominate people, their thoughts, destinies. And this is such energy, confidence, freedom! It's very tempting, very attractive.

In the movie "Burn!" you play a girl named Star, she is convicted and arrives in the colony, where she meets the heroine Inga Oboldina, fateful for both of them. On the eve of the premiere, we will not disclose details, but do you think it is also about love?

There is a lot of love there. It is not sexual in nature, but it is love. These two people are a couple, they are reflected in each other like in a mirror.

Your heroine is sympathetic, but she committed a crime and pays for it. Is there a law according to which a person is punished by his previous life?

I'm sure about it. Any person will answer for evil.

It's your personal experience speaks?

Everything in life comes from experience. I have a truth that belongs to me personally. How I behave with close and distant, how I communicate, how I live my life. Can't say that I'm very good man, but, perhaps, perfect people do not exist. I can say one thing for sure: I am a man of honor. We are not talking now about "do not kill", "do not steal." These are obvious things to me. But in acting life There are many difficult experiences with which people painfully live. And self-respect, decency is the only kind of safe-conduct from this.

The acting profession is such a huge provocation of a person.

And this terrible moment when the actor suddenly becomes famous? Fortunately for me, I became recognizable quite late. I was already an adult, formed, experienced both torment, and joy, and indifference ... And at that moment, when I first heard on the street: "Oh! It's you! Hello!" I laughed: "Well, cool." I escaped the test that happens to others in their youth and breaks terribly. Few people really get it right.

You are right, but still dignity, decency, honor are not acquired with experience. With experience, they can develop, but this is laid only in childhood, in the family.

You think? Maybe. Of course, I was given a lot in childhood, of course. The upbringing was strict. Dad was tough with us children. You can, you can not, it was not discussed. I was born in the south, in Dagestan, and it was absolutely natural there. We moved to Moscow when I was 11 years old, but the family way of life has not changed. I grew up, unexpectedly for myself and for everyone, I ended up in theater institute My life has moved in its own direction.

What kind of mother do you have?

Mom is fantastic, loving, and the further, the more I understand that more loving and full light I didn't meet the person. My mother is the standard of love. Both mom and dad. After all, everything he did was also dictated by his love for us, the desire to protect.

Have your childhood "do's and don'ts" influenced your profession? You are one of the few actresses who categorically does not undress on the screen and does not participate in sex scenes.

And they offer me all the time. (Laughs.) And even somewhere I undressed very carefully. But this is, of course, such a strange thing ... It's impossible to relax and just play a scene while being naked. Kirill Serebrennikov and I had one story ... The only one, perhaps, when I realized that I could not do what he suggested. He was filming the film "Treason", called for the role and said that he would have to completely undress. I gave the script to my husband (Yuri Moroz, film director - Ed.) and said: "Read, just don't swear right away, don't faint, the heroine is completely naked there." And he never swears in life and supports me in any endeavors. Yura read it and says: "Vic, if you like the role, then why not? The body is also a tool with which you achieve this or that artistic result." That's true, I understand, but still I can't play such roles. In the theatre, in the performance "Brothers" in the "Gogol Center", I change clothes right on the stage, but there it follows so organically from the whole action that I do not feel awkward at all, I never even think about it. And the movie is shot in duplicates, in different pieces, and internally I am not able to build it as a whole story.

Do you, as an actress, feel responsible for what you do in films or on stage?

Certainly. Artists have a lot of responsibility. It is believed that an actor does not have to be smart and talented, like a wart - sorry! - on the ass, anyone can jump up, as Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya said. But I think an actor should be smart. Because it affects minds and emotional condition of people. Involuntarily becomes a conductor of certain ideas.

A long time ago, Valery Todorovsky, your friend and director of The Thaw, told our magazine that art does not affect anyone and has no such goal at all.

Yes? I think he is wrong. Let's argue with him somehow on this topic. (Laughs.)

Vika, you played Marina Tsvetaeva. Did you justify her? Infidelity to her husband, in fact, before his eyes, the pain that she caused to her loved ones.


And even in relation to youngest daughter who died in an orphanage?

Justified. Once I had a conversation with friends, and someone said: “Tsvetaeva is a monster, what did she do with her children ...” And I think that her scale of talent was such that he tore her body shell and she destroyed herself . She was a genius, the general standards of human life do not apply to her.

"The path of comets is the path of poets"?

Yes, and it justifies everything. I loved her and pitied her terribly.

Are you in love?

I fall in love with talent. I look sometimes and think: "God, but this is not given to me at all - such a direction of talent!" In the movie "Burn!" I first met Inga Oboldina. We spent a lot of time together, and I fell in love with her with all my heart. She is a fantastic actress, amazing kindness and breadth of a person.

And you don't envy anyone as an actor?

It's not about me. The ability to wait for your own — that's exactly what I'm talking about. I always believe that somewhere there is something that only I can get. Not because I'm better than anyone, it's just fate. And so it turns out.

Does this rule apply to men?


Do you think that a woman's love for a man, as well as vice versa, is she in general or is she for something?

I think that you fall in love at all. And love for something.

Can you name some qualities that are most important to you in your husband?

He is infinitely decent. He is not selfish in relationships, despite the fact that he is an artist and can sometimes afford to be selfish. Yura is my friend, he makes it possible to exist in parallel with him. Not "under" him, not "behind" him, but next to him.

Do you have a situation in your house when a great artist is depressed and everyone around him serves?

No, he is not depressed, he is in thought. And he never makes the whole world suffer next to him. We have been married for 15 years, we are connected by one profession, one view of the world, we are in constant dialogue. Otherwise it is impossible. If people stop talking, hearing and understanding each other, then everything stops. And feelings too.

Photographer's assistant: Daniil Drogichinsky. Style: Alexander Panchenko. Hairstyles: Natalya Kovalenkova. Makeup: Andrey Shilkov

All respondents were asked the same question: “What is the meaning of human life?”

(00.08) It is believed that this is one of the most important essential issues for a person. And it is interesting because many people tried to answer it. historical stages, over many generations.

(00.25) We, the youth, have now been imposed some kind of false idea about the so-called universal values. Translated into Russian, universal human values ​​sound something like this, they are propagated to us from the screens of American films, these values. What is their meaning? - Go fill your belly! Go fill your pockets! And have sex! From the point of view of a Russian person, this is a dream of mortal sins. These universal human values ​​are just that bottom, that swamp into which you can fall and fall headlong.

(01.04) If I knew. There is no single answer. There is no single answer because everyone is different.

(01.21) A serious and big question, which, I think, should rather not be asked by a person, but should be asked to a person in relation to life. When life asks a person, how can you justify your existence? Why did you come into this world? What can you realize from what you are? How can you use all the potential that you have?

(01.48) Human being is constantly in the process of development, constantly in some systems of changes. That is why, probably, it cannot be said that there is a meaning, and it is such. Rather, it is to look for it. And find it for yourself in each specific period of time.

(02.16) Viktor Frankl, who founded this meaning-oriented psychotherapy, he often told me that when he made presentations in America, people came up to him. These were, perhaps, sometimes managers who do not have enough time, these managers, due to lack of time, said: “Mr. Professor, I don’t have time to listen to you, could you briefly say now what is the meaning of life, I can’t listen to the report ? “And I will give you an answer,” said Viktor Frankl, “if you answer me, and what is the move in chess game is the most successful? And the answers were different. They said, "Depends on how the pieces are arranged, who the chess players are," and so on. And to the same extent, each person is unique, he meets once.

(03.40) If you suddenly managed to live your whole life from beginning to end absolutely cliched and according to schemes, then your life would be meaningless.

(03.52) Perhaps I will say such a thing, a little unusual. But the meaning of life is objective, without any human feelings, desires and desires. The meaning of human life is death. We will die, and no one has yet gone anywhere from death, so the meaning of life for every person is death. So preparation for death. In short, this is what it sounds like.

How to prepare for death?

Preparing for death is an even more difficult question. Because in order to prepare for death, you need to go through school, I would even say an institute, or maybe even an academy. Because the holy fathers say that Orthodoxy is a science from sciences, and an art from arts. We are learning throughout our lives until death. We do not finish our studies at school, at a technical school, at an institute. We study until our deathbed. And these lessons, they pass with us every day, without stopping, and pass.

What is the meaning of human life?

(05.01) I believe that in order to realize my creative potential. Still, each of us creates his own world, his own inner world. These are my feelings of like, dislike, love, interest, like - dislike, according to my liking - not according to my liking. I create it. Everyone creates their own own world. And of course, we create space around ourselves, at home, in the country, in the world, in space. We create our own world, we realize our creative potential. And we become like the creator somehow.

(05.47) The meaning of life lies in the fact that you must go through all these stages and make sure that your decisions are correct, that your actions are correct.

(05.59) To have time to love. To have time to be happy. Time is short. And it is necessary to be in time for everything, but there is so little of it. And we don't know our end.

(06.14) The meaning of life is, I think, I believe in it, to meet and connect with God.

(06.29) The question of the meaning of life is divided into several questions. The meaning of life as such, as the result of my existence, the answer to which I can give when I no longer have any other opportunities, as they say, on my deathbed. And such intermediate questions about the meaning of life that I ask at every moment of my being.

(06.54) The meaning of life is from life itself, in its continuation from a biological point of view. And there is no need to prove it and look for it. When a person lives, he does not need to look for the meaning of life. And indeed, when he loses some goal, when he sees his uselessness, he begins to think and look for the meaning of life, which has always existed for him regardless of his desire.

(07.29) Meaning always comes later, meaning is an attempt to realize. Meaning cannot be constructed in advance. We design goals in advance. Meaning is impossible. We look back at the life of a simple Moscow pediatrician, she herself, here, Lyudmila Vladimirovna looks back at her life, and asks the question: “So what? And what am I living for? Most importantly, this question. “And suddenly I understand – wow! There was something in this! There is something in this, in what I have lived!” And I'm looking into it! I don't have a clear answer. For example, if they say “Oh, that was great!”, it’s not about anything. Because everything was difficult. I can give such an answer: “Great!” Most importantly, I understand that everything was more than I expected. And it's really, really interesting. So there was meaning in my life.

What is the meaning of human life?

(08.28) Again, back to the Gospel. There the Lord gives a parable as an example of a crazy rich man who has accumulated huge wealth for himself, it happens that he has a hungry year, but here it is somehow strange. Sowed as usual, but rose 10 times more than usual. Who will not be touched by the heart, will not rejoice in the soul? He thinks, “well, now, theoretically, I can not sow for 10 years.” Very good. Now the question is where does it all go? He says: “And now I will break down my storehouses and build new ones, and I will eat, drink, be merry, my soul!” and the Lord replies: “Fool! That same night your soul will be taken from you!” What is the meaning of life? Be on time. And what did you do? What did this rich man do? I managed to think about the temporary, that now I will be happy.

(09.36) No matter how beautiful and wonderful life is, and full of all sorts of gifts, it still ends. And this end of life hangs over everyone like an axe. When we are young, the ax is far away. When we get older, the ax is closer. This is the fear of death, it somewhat poisons everything that we have accumulated, that we have collected, everything that we have done, especially the good that we have done. All this should disappear with us. And the meaning of life is to find this thread that will connect us with eternity. And eternity for me lies in the pain of man, in Christ.

(10.24) The most basic major in our lives is humility. Patience, humility, of which love is made. Because God is love, and the closer we come to the divine nature, the more love we have. And it can only be approached through humility and patience. Accordingly, the more our teacher likes us, as in the institute, and we are given a higher mark.

(10.54) For me (10.56) quite close and winding, I found the meaning for myself in serving God and God. It's short, but it's everything for me. I was born in a godless family, I never heard about God in my youth, but rather quickly these questions of the meaning of life began to occupy me, and I realized that if I did not find the answers to this question in myself, life would be meaningless. And that means worthless. That's how it happened, through the hippie movement, through the music, through the counterculture, I came to Orthodox Church. And here I received all the answers to my questions quite satisfactory.

(11.41) A person who has children, grandchildren, etc., he tries with all his might to convey his experience, interacts with them. He doesn’t like something there, he wants his baggage rich and useful at the time when he lived, to transfer to the extent that it is needed in our time. And as long as he has the opportunity to interact with his children and grandchildren, he does not have the problem of the meaning of life.

(12.19) Precisely sacrifice, if you will. Here is Father Vasily, our confessor, he served sacrificially. And he infected very many spiritual people, maybe several thousand people, with his love, giving. And I would not like to repeat his path, we have a different path, but the basis is the same - this is love for one's neighbor.

What is the meaning of human life?

(12.55) The meaning of life is to fulfill your duties and please God, because he created this whole system. And we are part of this system, which is ultimately designed to satisfy this whole. And such an analogy is given to characterize, say, a hand or a finger. They work great in the body. But if you separate the finger from the body, it will become useless, it will not fulfill its duty, its duties.

(13.38) As for happiness, it naturally follows from the meaning of life. If a person has a high meaning of life, and in general there is a meaning of life, then the achievement of this meaning is the state of happiness when a person has reached it.

And in this sense, I like it very much, probably, our wonderful St. Seraphim of Sarov said it best of all on this topic. From the point of view of the current layman, he was generally a beggar. He had nothing, only a homespun shirt. He himself cut down the hut in which he lived. For 3 years he ate a decoction of snot grass, kept fasting, he did not eat anything. But he was the happiest man on earth. And now Seraphim of Sarov, because God's grace flowed like a river on him from heaven, it even materialized. Sometimes in the evenings people saw a radiance from him, emanated. So Seraphim of Sarov expressed in three words the meaning of the life of an Orthodox Russian person, a Russian person in general. He said: "Acquisition of the Holy Spirit."

That is, one must live life like this, and like that good deeds acquire this holy spirit, prepare the soul, purify it. This. A person can take indefinitely. And than more people takes, the more he misses. But he can give only what he has to people. He gave it, and he is happy with it. If people rewarded him for it, then it’s also quite good. Therefore, I believe that the conversation about happiness for all of us is still far ahead. We have our own concept of good and evil. About sin and virtue. Of course, a person should do as much good as possible in life. And we must hurry to do this good, otherwise life is not so great. For this, we probably came here to do good. Find love, neighbors, children, grandchildren, in general, prolong this life, bring benefits to both your homeland and your state. Then the person will be truly happy. For example, I consider myself happy man. I have a business that I put my life on it. Fight for the sobering of our people.