More than 300 years ago, by decree of Peter the Great, the St. Andrew's flag was raised on Russian ships for the first time. Since then, many heroic pages have been inscribed in the history of the fleet, but cruiser « Varangian"Refused to lower the banner in front of a huge enemy squadron in 1904, he forever remained in the memory of people as the most striking symbol of fearlessness, self-sacrifice and military prowess.

the history of the cruiser "Varyag"

And the history of this ship began more than 100 years ago in 1898 in the American city of Philadelphia. Easy armored deck cruiser « Varangian”was built in the USA by order of the Russian Naval Ministry. The shipyard of the company " American Company William Cramp & Sons in Philadelphia on the Delaware River. The parties signed the contract on April 11, 1898. The choice of this shipbuilding company was not accidental. The plant was well known in Russia. Here they repaired and converted cruisers for the Russian fleet bought in America. In addition, the company promised to hand over ship after 20 months. This was much faster than the pace of building ships at Russian state-owned factories. For example, at the Baltic Shipyard for finished project built for about 7 years.

authentic photos of the cruiser "Varyag"

cruiser "Varyag" in the dock of Philadelphia

"Varyag" in Philadelphia before leaving for Russia

Algiers raid, September 1901

cruiser Varyag, 1916

However, all weapons Varangian was made in Russia. Guns at the Obukhov Plant, torpedo tubes at the Metal Plant in St. Petersburg. The Izhevsk plant manufactured equipment for the galley, the anchors were ordered in England.

On October 19, 1899, after lighting and a prayer service, it was solemnly launched into the water. " Varangian” amazed contemporaries not only with the beauty of forms and the perfection of proportions, but also with the many technical innovations used in its construction. Compared to the ships built earlier, she had significantly more devices powered by electricity, boat winches, windlasses, elevators for feeding shells and even the dough mixers in the ship's bakery were equipped with electric drives. For the first time in the history of shipbuilding, all furniture cruisers « Varangian” was made of metal and painted under a tree. This increased the survivability of the ship in battle and during a fire. Cruiser « Varangian” became the first Russian ship on which telephone sets were installed in almost all office premises, including gun posts.

One of weaknesses cruisers there were new steam boilers" Nickolas» they allowed to develop high speed sometimes up to 24 knots, but were extremely unreliable in operation. Due to some shortcomings found, when accepting the ship, " Varangian”was commissioned at the beginning of 1901. During the construction of the cruiser, 6,500 people worked at the shipyard. Simultaneously with the construction Varangian» The Russian leadership ordered the construction armadillo « Retvizan» for the Russian Pacific squadron. It was built on a nearby slipway.

St. Andrew's flag and pennant were raised to cruiser « Varangian»January 2, 1901. In March of that year, the ship left Philadelphia forever. On the morning of May 3, 1901 Varangian"anchored on the Great Kronstadt roadstead. Two weeks later, a review was held, which was attended by Emperor Nicholas II himself. Ship the king liked it so much that the same one was included in the composition heading to Europe. After official visits to Germany, Denmark and France cruiser « Varangian"Departed to the place of permanent deployment in the Far East. On February 25, 1902, the warship arrived at Port Arthur. Before cruiser « Varangian” managed to visit the Persian Gulf, Singapore, Hong Kong and Nagasaki. Everywhere the appearance of a new spectacular Russian ship made a huge impression.

Port Arthur on the map

Japan, dissatisfied with the strengthening of Russian influence in the Far East, was feverishly preparing for a war with Russia. At the English shipyards, her fleet was practically rebuilt. The army was increased by 2.5 times. The most advanced developments of the type of weapons were taken for equipment. A country rising sun, just as Russia considered the Far East a zone of its vital interests. The result of the coming war, according to the Japanese, was to be the expulsion of Russians from China and Korea, the rejection of Sakhalin Island and the establishment of Japan's dominance in pacific ocean. Clouds were gathering over Port Arthur.

heroic battle of the cruiser "Varyag"

December 27, 1903 commander cruisers « Varangian» Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev received an order from the Russian governor to go to the Korean international port of Chemulpo (the current port of Inchhon, South Korea). According to the plan of the command, the cruiser was supposed to establish a reliable connection between Port Arthur and our envoy in Seoul, as well as designate the Russian military presence in Korea. It was forbidden to leave the port of Chemulpo without an order from the senior command. Due to the difficult fairway and shallow water " Varangian"anchored in the outer roadstead. A few days later he was joined by " Korean". It soon became clear that the Japanese were preparing for a major landing operation. On January 25, the commander of the cruiser V. F. Rudnev personally went to Russian ambassador to pick it up and go home with the whole mission. But Ambassador Pavlov did not dare to leave the embassy without an order from his department. A day later, the port was blocked by the armada of the Japanese squadron, which consisted of 14 ships. The flagship was the armored cruiser « Osama».

January 27 Commander cruisers « Varangian"Received an ultimatum from Admiral Urio. The Japanese commander offered to leave the port and surrender to the mercy of the victors, otherwise he threatened to attack Russian ships right in the roadstead. Upon learning of this, the ships foreign states sent a protest - to go into battle in a neutral roadstead, at the same time they refused to accompany the Russians to go to sea, where they would have more opportunities to maneuver and repel an attack.

On cruiser « Varangian"and a gunboat" Korean began to prepare for battle. By tradition, all sailors and officers changed into clean shirts. At 10:45 VF Rudnev addressed the crew with a speech. The ship's priest blessed the sailors before the battle.

At 11:20 cruiser « Varangian"and a gunboat" Korean"were anchored and went towards the Japanese squadron. As a sign of admiration for the sailors, the French, British, Italians lined up the teams of their ships on the decks. On " Varangian» The orchestra played the anthems of the states, in response, the anthem of the Russian Empire sounded on the Italian ship. When Russian ships appeared on the raid, the Japanese raised a signal offering to surrender, the commander cruisers ordered not to respond to enemy signals. For several minutes Admiral Uriot waited in vain for an answer. At first, he could not believe that the Russians were not going to surrender, but to attack his squadron. At 11:45 the flagship Osama"opened fire on the cruiser" Varangian". One of the first shells hit the upper bow bridge and destroyed the rangefinder station, navigational warhead died. Two minutes later Varangian"opened strong return fire from the starboard side.

It was especially difficult for the gunners who were on the upper deck. The Japanese first used a new tactic in this battle - they literally fell asleep cruiser « Varangian» high-explosive projectiles of strong explosive action, even when hitting water, such a projectile shattered into hundreds of pieces.

The Russian Navy used powerful armor-piercing shells. They pierced the sides of enemy ships without exploding.

paintings with the cruiser "Varyag"

Battle of the cruiser "Varyag"

There was blood and gore everywhere, charred arms and legs, torn bodies and exposed flesh. The wounded refused to leave their places, only those who could no longer stand on their feet got into the infirmary. The upper deck was pierced in several places, all fans and grilles cruisers turned into a sieve. When the next explosion tore off the stern flag, the boatswain raised a new one, risking his life. At 12:15 Rudnev decided to bring the left side gun into battle. When ship began to unfold, two large shells hit him at the same time. The first hit the room where all the steering gears were located, fragments of the second flew into the conning tower, three people standing next to Rudnev were killed on the spot. Commander himself cruisers « Varangian"He was wounded in the head, but, despite the concussion, he remained at his post and continued to lead the battle. When the distance between the opponents was reduced to 5 km, the gunboat " Korean».

It is curious that not a single Japanese shell hit her. The day before, the commander ordered the masts to be shortened, which prevented the Japanese from accurately determining the distance and adjusting their fire.

At 12:25 " Varangian opened fire from the port side. A direct hit destroyed the stern bridge of the Osama, after which a strong fire broke out on the flagship. By this time, the second Japanese cruiser " Takatiha”, having received serious damage, was forced to withdraw from the battle. One of the destroyers sank. At 12:30, two shells pierced the side of the cruiser " Varangian" under the water. Cruiser began to roll to the left side. While the team was battening up the holes, Rudnev decided to return to the port of Chemulpo. On the raid, he planned to repair the damage and put out the fires, then to return to the battle again.

At 12:45, as they approached the raid, the general fire ceased. During the battle Varangian" managed to fire 1105 shells at the enemy. At 13:15 wounded and smoking " Varangian"I anchored in the roadstead. According to eyewitnesses, the entire deck was covered in blood. 130 wounded sailors lay in the burnt rooms of the cruiser. 22 people were killed during the battle. Of the 12 six-inch guns, only two remained operational. Further resistance was not possible. And then the military council of the cruiser decided that the ships would not go to the Japanese to flood, and the crew, by agreement, should be placed on foreign ships. Having received Rudnev's appeal, the commanders of the European ships immediately sent boats with orderlies. Several sailors died during the evacuation. Most of all - 352 people - took French cruiser « Pascal”, The British took 235 people, the Italians - 178. At 15:30 on“ Varangian» opened the kingstones and flood valves, « Korean"was blown up.

February 9, 1904 at 18:10 light armored cruiser « Varangian"lay down on the port side and disappeared under the water.

Not a single officer or sailor was taken prisoner after the battle. Respecting the courage shown in that battle, Admiral Urio agreed to let them through the war zone to return to their homeland.

Two months later with the sailors Varangian" And " Korean"Arrived in Odessa. The heroes of Chemulpo were greeted by the thunder of orchestras, by thousands of demonstrations. The sailors were showered with flowers and an unprecedented outburst of patriotic feelings. All participants in the battle were awarded St. George's crosses. Each sailor received a nominal watch from the emperor. Then the first songs dedicated to the cruiser appeared " Varangian"and a gunboat" Korean».

the second life of the cruiser "Varyag"

after battle

after getting up in August 1905

Japanese cruiser "SOYA" ("Varangian")

However, on this history of the legendary cruiser didn't end. Shortly after the battle, it became clear that " Varangian sank not deep. During low tides, the water level in Chemulpo Bay dropped to 9 meters. Upon learning of this, the Japanese began work on raising the cruiser " Varangian". A month later, divers and special equipment were delivered to Chemulpo from Japan. Guns, masts and pipes were removed from the cruiser, coal was unloaded, but all attempts to raise it in 1904 ended in failure. Only on August 8, 1905, after the creation of special caissons, it was possible to tear off cruiser from the muddy bottom. In November 1905 Varangian reached Japan on its own. Almost two years cruiser « Varangian» was located in Yokosuka on overhaul. Work on its rise and restoration cost the Japanese treasury 1 million yen. In 1907, he was commissioned into the Japanese navy under the title " Soya". At the stern, as a sign of respect for the enemy, an inscription of the former name of the cruiser was left. For nine years cruiser was a training ship cadet school. It taught how to defend the honor of their homeland.

Cruiser "Varyag", Russia, 1899 Historical Directory




80 years ago, at the end of March 1922, the heroic steel heart of the legend stopped beating Russian fleet cruiser Varyag. During the passage to the factory of a shipbuilding company near Lendalfoot, the ship hit rocks in the Irish Sea and sank 500 meters from the Scottish coast. All attempts to refloat the cruiser were in vain, and the company dismantled the ship for scrap. "Varyag" is gone, but his glory, courage and courage of the crew, who withstood the battle with the Japanese squadron at Chemulpo on January 27, 1904 and did not lower the flag, will forever remain in the memory of the Russian people.

Journey to the Motherland

The armored, high-sided handsome cruiser "Varyag" was laid down 105 years ago at the shipyards of one of the largest US shipbuilding enterprises - the Wilhelm Kramp plant (Philadelphia) by order of the Admiralty ...

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“Our proud Varyag does not surrender to the enemy, no one wants mercy ...” - everyone knows the words of this song, but the fact that the song was originally written in Germany as a tribute to the feat of Russian sailors and only a little later was translated into Russian, not everyone remembers (music by A.S. Turishchev, lyrics by Rudolf Greinz, translated by E. Studenskaya, 1904). How not everyone today remembers what the unprecedented feat of our soldiers and officers consisted of.

On the night of February 8-9, 1904, when guns were already thundering in Port Arthur, explosions rumbled and the beams of Russian searchlights darted across the dark water in search of attacking Japanese destroyers, 260 miles to the south, over the Korean port of Chemulpo, a tense silence thickened. In the light of the fires burning brightly on the shore, Japanese troops landed on the city pier, and Japanese cruisers and destroyers scattered among foreign ships in the roadstead, holding the Russian cruiser Varyag and a gunboat at gunpoint with their guns and torpedo tubes ...

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Heroic and tragic fate cruiser "Varyag"

More than 300 years ago, by decree of Peter the Great, the St. Andrew's flag was raised on Russian ships for the first time. Since then, many heroic pages have been inscribed in the history of the fleet, but the Varyag cruiser, which refused to lower the banner in front of a huge enemy squadron in 1904, will forever remain in the memory of people as the most vivid symbol of fearlessness, self-sacrifice and military prowess.

the history of the cruiser "Varyag"

And the history of this ship began more than 100 years ago in 1898 in the American city of Philadelphia. The light armored cruiser "Varyag" was built in the USA by order of the Russian Naval Ministry. The shipyard of the American Company William Cramp & Sons in Philadelphia on the Delaware River was chosen as the place for the construction of the ship. The parties signed the contract on April 11, 1898. The choice of this shipbuilding company was not accidental. The plant was well known in Russia. Here they repaired and converted ships and cruisers for...

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From the conclusion of the domestic commission of experienced specialists who examined the Varyag: "... Nikloss's boilers are very curious, but they seem so only in idea, in practice, apart from a number of malfunctions and difficulties, they will not give anything."

In addition, there were errors in the project itself. There wasn't enough room for fresh water, coal, mine arsenal, anchors, spare parts. The officers' quarters were cramped and uncomfortable. But the biggest oversight of the developers was that the cruiser did not have the required stability. To correct the defect, it was necessary to add cast iron pigs with a total weight of 200 tons to the hold. And this led to a decrease in speed and excessive consumption of coal.

On May 3, 1901, the Varyag completed the passage across the Atlantic, dropping anchor in the Kronstadt roadstead. After a series of repairs in August of the same year, the cruiser again went to sea. In Danzig, two emperors visited the ship at once: Nicholas II and Wilhelm II. At the end of September, the Varyag, which was in the Mediterranean Sea, received a secret order ...

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The cruiser "Varyag" was built in 1899. The ship became part of the Pacific Flotilla. On the eve of the Russo-Japanese War, the Varyag went to the neutral Korean port of Chemulpo (modern Incheon). Here he was at the disposal of the Russian embassy. The second such ship was the gunboat "Koreets".

On the eve of the battle

On the eve of the new year 1904, Captain Vsevolod Rudnev received a secret encryption. It reported that the Korean emperor learned about the movement of ten Japanese ships in the direction of Chemulpo (the death of the Varyag cruiser occurred at one time in the bay of this port). So far, there has been no war, although both countries were actively preparing for it. In Russia, Japan was treated with condescension, which put the army and navy in a difficult position when the conflict broke out in earnest.

The Japanese flotilla was commanded by Admiral Sotokichi Uriu. His ships arrived off the coast of Korea to cover the landing. The flotilla was supposed to stop the Varyag if it decides to leave ...

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The legend of the Russian fleet - the cruiser "Varyag" was built by order Russian government at the William Crump & Sons shipyard in Philadelphia, USA and launched on October 19 (November 1), 1899.

At that time, the Varyag was well equipped:

  • Powerful cannon and torpedo armament.
  • Telephoned.
  • electrified.
  • Equipped with a radio station.
  • Steam boilers of the latest modification were installed on the cruiser.
  • The cruiser "Varyag" was the fastest at that time.

In 1901, the cruiser "Varyag" in the Navy Russian Empire was sent to Far East and reinforced the Pacific squadron.

The Varyag took part in the Russo-Japanese War and on February 9, 1904, together with the gunboat Koreets, were blocked by the Japanese squadron in the Korean port of Chemulpo. At the ultimatum of the Japanese, lower the flags and surrender, captain of the cruiser "Varyag" Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev I made a decision not to give up.

Having accepted an unequal battle and received damage, the Varyag cruiser, although it suffered big losses among the crew (31 people killed, 91 wounded and shell-shocked, 100 lightly wounded), but still caused significant damage to the enemy.

Due to the impossibility of more fighting, "Varangian" and "Koreets" returned to the neutral Korean port of Chempulpo. There "Varyag" was flooded, and "Korean" was blown up.

Russian sailors were redirected on neutral ships to Russia. For this battle, the captain of the cruiser "Varyag" Rudnev and other officers received the Order of St. George of the 4th degree, and the lower ranks - St. George's Crosses of the 4th degree. The crew of the cruiser "Varyag" was awarded with personalized watches.

After the Russo-Japanese War Museum in memory of the heroes of the cruiser "Varyag" was opened in Seoul, A cruiser captain V.F. Rudnev was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun.

In memory of the heroic battle of the legendary cruiser, the song "Our proud Varyag does not surrender to the enemy" was written.

But the fate of the cruiser "Varyag" did not end there. In 1905, it was raised from the bottom by the Japanese and repaired. In 1907, she was commissioned into the Imperial Japanese Navy as a class 2 cruiser named Soya.

In 1916, when Russia and Japan became allies, the Soya cruiser was bought by Russia and returned to Vladivostok under the former name Varyag.

And after the 1917 revolution in Russia, the new government refused to pay its debts tsarist Russia and the cruiser "Varyag" was confiscated by the British for debts. After that, in 1920, it was resold to the Germans for scrap. And in 1925, while towing the Varyag cruiser for dismantling, the ship got into a storm and sank off the coast of Southern Scotland, in the Firth of Clyde, not far from the village of Lendelfoot.

In 2003, filming began in Russia in memory of the legendary cruiser "Varyag" and an expedition was organized in the Irish Sea in order to find and raise the remains of the ship. Especially for this purpose, the grandson of the captain of the legendary cruiser, Nikita Rudnev, flew from France. The expedition managed to raise several fragments of the sunken cruiser from the bottom.

Cruiser "Varyag" - the legend of the Russian fleet. It was built in Philadelphia (USA) and launched in 1899. During the Russo-Japanese War on February 9, 1904, the cruiser of the first rank "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets" were blocked by a Japanese squadron of 15 ships in the Korean port of Chemulpo. The Russian sailors rejected the offer to surrender and lower the flags and entered into an unequal battle, which they heroically lost.

1904 The commander of the cruiser Varyag, captain of the first rank Rudnev receives an official ultimatum from the Japanese Admiral Uriu through the Russian consul demanding to leave the port of Chemulpo before noon. Allied protests were unsuccessful. Russian warships were trapped. There was no need to count on help: there were no other warships nearby, which, undoubtedly, was a strategic mistake of the command of the Pacific Fleet.Shortly before 11 o’clock, commander Rudnev turned to the cruiser’s team: “There can be no talk of surrender - we will not surrender the cruiser to them, nor ourselves, and we will fight to the last opportunity and to the last drop of blood.”

According to naval tradition, the sailors changed into clean clothes, realizing that under the circumstances they would not survive. The ship's priest, Father Michael, served a moleben "For the gift of victory."Soon "Varyag" and "Korean" weighed anchors. On the fearless cruiser, a flag signal shot up along the international code: “Do not remember dashingly!” Commands of foreign warships built on decks saluted Russian sailors, their fearlessness and unparalleled courage. Russian ships went to their last Stand to the sound of drums and national anthems allies. As a sign of special respect, the brass bands of the Allied warships played and National anthem Russian Empire. The Japanese squadron was waiting for Russian ships 10 miles from Chemulpo. Even a battle on the high seas, where the Varyag could use its speed and maneuverability, did not bode well for the Russian sailors. Here, in a narrow fairway, six cruisers and seven or eight destroyers were waiting for them, many of which were of modern construction, moreover, they had much more advanced and powerful weapons. Two cruisers were armored, the class of protection and armament of which was significantly higher than that of the armored Varyag. Simply put, the fearless "Varyag" challenged the powerful Japanese squadron, which, in any case, would shoot him. Shoots cold-bloodedly and mercilessly. The chances of breaking into the open sea with a fight were negligible.

The unequal battle lasted for about an hour. During this time, the Varyag fired 1105 shells at the enemy, the Korean 52. The gunboat's guns were not so long-range, and therefore the Korean entered the battle much later, at closer distances. According to the commander's report, one destroyer was sunk by Varyag fire and 4 Japanese cruisers Asama, Chiyoda, Takachiho and Naniwa were damaged, presumably, the enemy lost about 30 people killed and about 200 wounded.The battle was unprecedentedly fierce. The Varyag received 5 underwater holes, many surface holes and lost almost all guns. Losses among the crew were great: 1 officer and 30 sailors were killed, 6 officers and 85 sailors were seriously wounded or shell-shocked, about a hundred more people were slightly injured. There were no losses on the Korean.In one hour of battle, the cruiser lost most of its combat capability. Of the twelve six-inch guns, only two remained in good condition, seven of the twelve 75-millimeter guns were damaged, and not a single one of the 47-millimeter guns was intact.

Russia's allies took an active part in the rescue of Russian sailors: boats and boats were sent to take them off the doomed ships, and military doctors were sent to help the wounded. Russian sailors, both the wounded and those who were not injured, were taken on board by French, English and Italian ships.

And only a representative of the American navy did not take on board a single wounded person and did not even send his doctors to provide assistance to those in need, citing the lack of permission from Washington.

At 18 hours 10 minutes, the undefeated Varangian rolled over on board, and the muzzles of his guns last time shot up to the sky. Soon the cruiser disappeared under water... He lay on the seabed with his wounded left side, as if he was going to fight the Japanese armada with the last surviving guns of the starboard side. The gunboat Koreets was blown up and shared the heroic fate of the Varyag thousands of miles from their native shores.

To this it should also be added thatafter Russo-Japanese War The Japanese government set up in Seoul memorial museum heroes of the Varyag, and the commander of the legendary cruiser was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun.
And the creation of a museum that perpetuates the memory of former military opponents, and even more so the awarding of the commander of an enemy ship with a high state award for sinking their destroyer and wrecking several cruisers, is an extremely rare case and goes against the generally accepted traditions of the vast majority of countries. But not all: the Japanese have a completely different mentality, and therefore their government was able to rise above the conventions and, having awarded its former enemy with a military order, thereby gave the highest assessment of his personal feat.It should be clarified that for many centuries the samurai waged fierce wars among themselves, during which their Bushido code of honor was formulated. According to this code, the highest virtue for a warrior is selfless courage, skillful use of weapons, impeccable adherence to one's duty and contempt for death. Apparently, it was precisely these qualities that they saw in the character of Rudnev. And the fact that he was their enemy made little difference to them. The main thing is that in his spirit he turned out to be the same samurai as they themselves, and the Japanese respected such opponents and admired their courage.
In 1905, the Japanese raised the Varyag and introduced it into their fleet under the name Soya. During the First World War, in 1916, Russia bought the Varyag from its former enemies, along with other captured ships of the First Pacific Squadron. On March 22, 1916, the cruiser, which received its former name, was enrolled in the Arctic Ocean flotilla as a flagship, and on March 27, 1916, the St. George Pennant was again raised on it. The ship needed major repairs. In February 1917 he was sent to a shipyard in Glasgow. However, after the revolution in Russia, Britain confiscated the cruiser for the debts of the tsarist government and in 1920 sold it to Germany as scrap metal. The Varyag's journey ended in 1920: following the disassembly, the cruiser sat on rocks and sank off the coast of Southern Scotland, in the Firth of Clyde, near the village of Lendelfoot. In the spring of 2003, shooting began in Russia of the two-part documentary television film Cruiser "Varyag" and in the summer of that year a special expedition was organized to search for the remains of the Varyag in the Irish Sea with the participation of Russian scuba divers. On July 3, 2003, the film crew discovered two miles from Lendelfoot, at a depth of 6 -8 meters, the Varyag's hull destroyed by the explosion.Russian scuba divers managed to raise several fragments of the legendary cruiser to the surface.The grandson of the Varyag commander Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev, Nikita Rudnev, who specially arrived from France, took part in the underwater expedition.July 30, 2006 in the Scottish village of Lendelfoot, not far from The memorial plaque in honor of the legendary Russian cruiser was opened at the place where the Varyag found his last refuge.The monument to the Varyag was unveiled on September 11, 2007. The monument was erected in the village of Lendelfoot, it was there, in the Irish Sea, that the Russian cruiser sank in 1920.

Good evening, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. In this article, you can find out the correct answer to the thirteenth (last) question in the TV game "Who want to be a millionaire?" January 6, 2018. This was a repeat of the November 19, 2016 issue. Marat Basharov and Anastasia Volochkova took part in the game. On the site you can find all the answers to questions in this game.

Where was the Varyag cruiser built and launched in 1899?

"Varangian"- armored cruiser of the 1st rank of the 1st Pacific squadron of the Russian Navy in 1901-1904. Member of the battle at Chemulpo (1904). The cruiser was laid down in 1898. Construction was carried out in Philadelphia at the William Cramp and Sons shipyards. In 1900 the ship was transferred to Navy Russian Empire and in 1901 came into operation.

The cruiser "Varyag" was built in the USA in Philadelphia. And it was built specifically by order of the Russian Empire. It is also known that he was launched in Philadelphia on November 1, 1899. Therefore, the correct answer to this question is of course - the United States.

A: in Germany
B: in the Netherlands
C: in USA
D: In Great Britain

Correct answer to the question: in the USA, the players refused to answer the question and took the winnings in the amount of 400,000 rubles.