Bigfoot - a humanoid creature allegedly found in highlands Earth. There is an opinion that this is a relic hominid, that is, a mammal belonging to the order of primates and the genus man, which has survived to this day from the time of human ancestors. Carl Linnaeus designated it as lat. Homo troglodytes (caveman).

Description of Bigfoot

Based on hypotheses and anecdotal evidence, snow people differ from us in a denser physique, a pointed skull, longer arms, a short neck and a massive lower jaw, and relatively short hips. They have hair all over their body - black, red or gray. faces dark color. The hair on the head is longer than on the body. The mustache and beard are very sparse and short. They have a strong unpleasant odor. They are good at climbing trees. It is alleged that the mountain populations of Bigfoot live in caves, forest people build nests on tree branches.

Ideas about Bigfoot and his various local counterparts are very interesting from the point of view of ethnography. The image of a huge scary person can reflect natural fears of darkness, the unknown, relationships with mystical forces among different peoples. It is possible that people with unnatural hair or feral people are mistaken for Bigfoot.

If relict hominids exist, then they live in small groups, probably couples. They can move on their hind limbs. Growth should range from 1 to 2.5 m; in most cases 1.5-2 m; it was reported about the meeting with the largest individuals in the mountains (Yeti) and in (Sasquatch). In Sumatra, Kalimantan, and in most cases, growth did not exceed 1.5 m. There are suggestions that the observed relict hominids belong to several different types to at least three.

Bigfoot Existence

Most modern scientists believe Bigfoot is a myth.

Currently, there is not a single representative of the species living in captivity, not a single skeleton or skin. However, there are allegedly hair, footprints and dozens of photographs, videos (poor quality) and audio recordings. The reliability of this evidence is in doubt. For a long time one of the most compelling pieces of evidence was a short film made by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967 in Northern California. The film was said to be of a female. Bigfoot.

However, in 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, for whom this shooting was made, there were testimonies of his relatives and acquaintances who said (however, without presenting any physical evidence) that the whole story with the "American Yeti" was from the beginning to the end is rigged; forty-centimeter "Yeti footprints" were made by artificial forms, and the filming was a staged episode with a man in a specially tailored monkey suit. This was a serious blow to enthusiasts trying to find Bigfoot.


The science of cryptozoology is full of various secrets and mysteries regarding the existence of certain animals. Among them is a bigfoot, or yeti. This creation is perhaps one of the most amazing mysteries of modern mankind. As soon as Bigfoot is not called in the modern world: in Canada he is Sasquatch, in North America he is Bigfoot, and in Australia he is Yaui.

At present, enthusiasts have collected a great variety of all kinds of information testifying to the meetings of people with this huge and shaggy creature resembling a man. At the same time, most of these meetings allegedly took place in hard-to-reach areas of the planet, where practically no human has set foot.

One of the most common indirect evidence of the existence of Bigfoot is supposedly his footprints left on the snow or soft ground, as well as tufts of supposedly his fur. Researchers have studied and classified hundreds of such observations, but so far no evidence of its existence has been presented. In the process of studying the Yeti, many caves were explored in various parts of the world.

It is curious that in the Russian cave of Aigul, located in Altai, speleologists discovered strange rock paintings, on which the same Bigfoot was depicted. Moreover, scientists who have studied ancient handwritten books from some Altai monasteries claim that they also contain images of these mysterious hairy creatures. humanoid creatures. But the main information about the existence of Bigfoot is not rock paintings and books, but photographs, amateur videos, casts from huge prints of unknown feet and, of course, numerous eyewitness accounts.

Unfortunately, the lion's share of such "evidence" is scientific inaccuracies, confused information or deliberate forgeries. Even the hair, which many hunters passed off as yeti hair, turned out to be deer or bear after careful examination. That is why there is still no official confirmation of the existence of Bigfoot! It is worth noting that the numerous testimonies of meetings with the yeti are so picturesque and vivid that many people have little doubt about their true authenticity, despite the lack of significant evidence.

There is an interesting opinion regarding the existence of Bigfoot. Some zoologists and anthropologists believe that the Yeti is a relic hominid. In their opinion, Bigfoot is a mammal belonging to the order of primates, but to the genus of people. They do not rule out that the Yeti miraculously survived from prehistoric times to the present. It is curious that the current governor is behind the capture of Bigfoot Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev promises to pay a reward of 1 million rubles.

, "Ramayana" ("rakshasas"), folklore of different peoples (faun, satyr and strong in Ancient Greece, yeti in Tibet and Nepal, byabangguli in Azerbaijan, chuchunny, chuchunaa in Yakutia, almas in Mongolia, ieren, maoren and en-khsung in China, kiikadam and albasty in Kazakhstan, goblin, shish and shishiga among Russians, divas in Persia (and Ancient Rus'), virgins and albasty in the Pamirs, shurale and yarymtyk among the Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs, arsuri among the Chuvash, pitsen among the Siberian Tatars, sasquatch in Canada, teryk, girkychavylyin, myrygdy, kiltan, arynk, arysa, rakkem, julia in Chukotka, sweet potato, sedapa and orangpendek in Sumatra and Kalimantan, agogwe, kakundakari and quilomba in Africa, etc.).

Plutarch wrote that there was a case of the capture of a satyr by the soldiers of the Roman general Sulla. Diodorus Siculus claimed that several satyrs were sent to the tyrant Dionysius. These strange creatures were depicted on the vases of ancient Greece, Rome and Carthage.

An Etruscan silver jug ​​in the Roman Museum of Prehistory depicts a scene of armed hunters on horseback chasing a huge ape-man. And in the psalter of Queen Mary, dating back to the 14th century, an attack by a flock of dogs on a man covered with hair is depicted.

Bigfoot eyewitnesses

At the beginning of the 15th century, the Turks captured a European named Hans Schiltenberger and sent him to the court of Tamerlane, who handed over the captive to the retinue of the Mongol prince Edigey. Shiltenberger nevertheless managed to return to Europe in 1472 and published a book about his adventures, in which, among other things, he mentioned wild people:

High in the mountains lives a wild tribe that has nothing to do with all other people. The skin of these creatures is covered with wool, which is absent only on their palms and faces. They run over the mountains like wild animals, feed on foliage, grass and everything that can be found. The local ruler presented Yedigei as a gift of two forest people- a man and a woman captured in dense thickets.

The Indians of the northwestern United States and Western Canada believe in the existence of wild people. In 1792, the Spanish botanist and naturalist José Mariano Mosigno wrote:

I don’t know what to say about Matlox, a mountain dweller who brings everyone into indescribable horror. According to the descriptions, this is a real monster: his body is covered with hard black bristles, his head resembles a human, but much large sizes, fangs more powerful and sharper than a bear's, hands of incredible length, and on the fingers and toes - long curved claws.

Turgenev and the President of the United States personally encountered Bigfoot

Our compatriot great writer Ivan Turgenev, while hunting in Polissya, personally encountered Bigfoot. He told Flaubert and Maupassant about it, and the latter described it in his memoirs.

« While still young, he(Turgenev) somehow hunted in the Russian forest. He wandered all day and in the evening came to the bank of a quiet river. It flowed under the canopy of the trees, all overgrown with grass, deep, cold, pure. The hunter was seized by an irresistible desire to plunge into this clear water.

Undressing, he threw himself at her. He was tall, strong, strong and a good swimmer. He calmly surrendered to the will of the current, which quietly carried him away. Herbs and roots touched his body, and the light touch of the stems was pleasant.

Suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder. He quickly turned around and saw strange creature, which looked at him with greedy curiosity. It looked like either a woman or a monkey. He had a broad, wrinkled, grimacing and laughing face. Something indescribable - two bags of some kind, obviously breasts - dangled from the front. Long matted hair, reddened by the sun, framed her face and flowed behind her back.

Turgenev felt a wild, chilling fear of the supernatural. Without thinking, without trying to understand, comprehend what it is, he swam with all his might to the shore. But the monster swam even faster and touched his neck, back and legs with a joyful squeal.

Finally, the young man, mad with fear, reached the shore and ran as fast as he could through the forest, leaving his clothes and gun behind. The strange creature followed him. It ran just as fast and still squealed.

The exhausted fugitive - his legs gave way from horror - was about to fall down when a boy armed with a whip came running, tending a herd of goats. He began to whip the hideous humanoid beast, which took off running, uttering cries of pain. Soon this creature, similar to a female gorilla, disappeared into the thickets.».

As it turned out, the shepherd had already met this creature before. He told the master that this was just a local holy fool, who had long gone to live in the forest and completely ran wild there. Turgenev, however, noticed that hair does not grow all over the body from running wild.

Met Bigfoot and US President Theodore Roosevelt. He included this story, artistically processed, in his book The Hunter of Wild Beasts. The story takes place in the Beet Mountains, between the states of Idaho and Montana. From there, by the way, evidence of meetings with bigfoots is still coming.

In the first half of the 19th century, a trapper (that is, a hunter setting traps) Bauman and his friend explored a wild gorge. Their camp was constantly ravaged by some huge creature, moving on two, not four legs. The attacks took place either at night or during the day in the absence of hunters, and therefore it was not possible to properly examine the creature. Once a comrade remained in the camp, and Bauman, returning, found him torn to pieces. The footprints surrounding the body were identical to those of a human, but looked much larger.

Bigfoot kids

A very curious meeting with bigfoot in 1924 awaited lumberjack Albert Ostman. He spent the night in a sleeping bag in the woods near Vancouver. Big Foot grabbed it, put it on his shoulder right in the sack and carried it. He walked for about three hours and brought Ostman to the cave, where, in addition to the yeti who abducted him, his wife and two children also turned out to be.

They didn’t eat the lumberjack, but they received it quite hospitably: they offered to eat spruce shoots, which the Bigfoot ate. Ostman refused and survived for a week on canned food from his backpack, which big Foot thoughtfully took it with him.

But soon Ostman understood the reason for such hospitality: he was being prepared as a husband for the already grown daughter of the head of the family. Presenting wedding night, Ostman decided to take a chance and added snuff to the food of the hospitable hosts.

While they were rinsing their mouths, he rushed out of the cave with all his might. For many years he did not tell anyone about his adventure and when asked where he disappeared for a whole week, he simply remained silent. But when there was talk about Bigfoot, the old man's tongue loosened.

Yeti woman

It is documented that in the 19th century in Abkhazia, in the village of Tkhina, a woman, Zana, lived with people, who looked like a Bigfoot and had several children from people, who subsequently integrated normally into human society. Here is how eyewitnesses described it:

Reddish fur covered her greyish-black coat, and the hair on her head was longer than on her whole body. She let out inarticulate cries, but she could not learn to speak. Her large face with prominent cheekbones, a strongly protruding jaw, powerful brow ridges and large white teeth was distinguished by a ferocious expression.

In 1964, Boris Porshnev, author of a book about the relic hominid, met with some of Zana's granddaughters. According to his description, the skin of these granddaughters - they were called Chaliqua and Taya - was dark, of a Negroid type, the chewing muscles were highly developed, and the jaws were extremely powerful.

Porshnev even managed to question the villagers who, as children, attended the funeral of Zana in the 1880s.

The Russian zoologist K. A. Satunin, who in 1899 saw a female relic hominid in the Talysh Mountains in the south of the Caucasus, draws attention to the fact that “the movements of the creature were completely human.”

Bigfoot in captivity

In the 20s of the XX century in Central Asia several were caught yeti, imprisoned and, after unsuccessful interrogations, shot as basmachi.

The story of the warden of this prison is known. He watched two bigfoot located in the camera. One was young, healthy, strong, he could not come to terms with lack of freedom and raged all the time. The other, the old one, sat quietly. They ate nothing but raw meat. When one of the commanders saw that the warder was feeding these prisoners only raw meat, he shamed him:

“You can’t do that, after all, people ...

According to the people who participated in the fight against the Basmachi, there were still about 50 similar subjects, which, due to their “wildness”, did not pose a danger to the population of Central Asia and the revolution, and it was very difficult to catch them.

The certificate of the lieutenant colonel of the medical service is known Soviet army B. S. Karapetyan, who in 1941 examined a live Bigfoot caught in Dagestan. He described his encounter with the yeti as follows:

« Together with two representatives of local authorities, I entered the barn ... Until now, I see, as if in reality, a male creature that has arisen in front of me, completely naked, barefoot.

Without a doubt, this was a man, with a completely human body, despite the fact that his chest, back and shoulders were covered with shaggy dark brown hair 2-3 centimeters long, very similar to a bear.

Below the chest, this hair was rarer and softer, and on the palms and soles it was not at all. Only sparse hair grew on the roughened wrists, but the luxuriant hair of the head, very rough to the touch, descended to the shoulders and partially covered the forehead.

Although the entire face was covered with sparse vegetation, the beard and mustache were absent. Sparse, short hair also grew around the mouth.

The man stood perfectly straight, his arms at his sides. His height was slightly above average - about 180 cm, however, he seemed to tower over me, standing with a protruding mighty chest. And in general, he was much larger than any local resident. His eyes expressed absolutely nothing: empty and indifferent, they were the eyes of an animal. Yes, in fact, he was an animal, nothing more.».

Unfortunately, during the retreat of our army, the hominid was shot.

Bigfoot in the Himalayas

But most of all, the Bigfoot from the Himalayas became famous, relic hominids are called the local “yeti” there.

For the first time, these unusual inhabitants of the mountains became known from the notes of English officers and officials who served in India. The author of the first mention is considered to be B. Hodgson, from 1820 to 1843 the plenipotentiary of Great Britain at the court of the King of Nepal. He described in some detail how, during his journey through northern Nepal, the porters were horrified to see a hairy, tailless creature that looked like a man.

Several Buddhist monasteries claim to have yeti remains, including scalps. Western researchers have long been interested in these relics, and in 1960 Edmund Hillary managed to obtain a scalp from the Khumjung monastery for scientific examination.

Around the same time, relics from several other Tibetan monasteries were also explored. In particular, the mummified hand of Bigfoot. The results of the examination were questioned by many, and there were supporters of versions of both a fake and an incomprehensible artifact.

Snow people hiding in the Pamir caves

Major General of the Soviet Army M. S. Topilsky recalled how in 1925 he pursued with his unit the Bigfoot hiding in the Pamir caves. One of the prisoners said that in one of the caves he and his comrades were attacked by several creatures similar to great apes. Topilsky explored the cave, where he found the corpse mysterious creature. In his report, he wrote:

« At first glance, it seemed to me that it was really a great ape: the hair covered the body from head to toe. However, I am well aware that great apes are not found in the Pamirs.

Looking closely, I saw that the corpse resembled a human one. We tugged at the fur, suspecting that it was a disguise, but it turned out to be natural and belonged to the creature.

Then we measured the body, turning it over several times on its stomach and back again, and our doctor carefully examined it, after which it became obvious that the corpse was not a human either.

The body belonged to a male creature, about 165-170 cm tall, judging by gray hair in several places, middle-aged or even advanced... His face was dark in color, without a mustache and beard. There were bald patches at the temples, and thick, matted hair covered the back of the head.

The dead man was lying open eyes baring his teeth. The eyes were dark in color, and the teeth were large and even, shaped like a human. The forehead is low, with powerful brow ridges. Strongly protruding cheekbones made the face of the creature Mongoloid. The nose is flat, with a deeply concave bridge of the nose. The ears are hairless, pointed, and the lobes are longer than those of a human. The lower jaw is extremely massive. The creature had a powerful chest and well developed muscles».

Bigfoot in Russia

There were many meetings with Bigfoot in Russia as well. The most remarkable, perhaps, took place in 1989 in Saratov region. The guards of the collective farm garden, having heard a suspicious noise in the branches, caught a certain humanoid creature eating apples, in all respects similar to the notorious yeti.

However, this became clear when the stranger was already tied up: before that, the watchmen thought that this was just a thief. When they were convinced that the stranger did not understand human language, and in general did not look too much like a person, they loaded him into the trunk of a Zhiguli and called the police, the press and the authorities. But the yeti managed to untie himself, opened the trunk and ran away. When, a few hours later, all those summoned arrived at the collective farm garden, the watchmen found themselves in a very awkward position.

Bigfoot caught on video

Actually, there are hundreds of evidence of meetings of different proximity with Bigfoot. The material evidence is much more interesting. Two researchers were able to film Bigfoot in 1967 with a movie camera. These 46 seconds have become a real sensation in the world of science. Professor D. D. Donskoy, head of the Department of Biomechanics of the Central Institute of Physical Education, comments on this short film as follows:

« After repeatedly examining the gait of a bipedal creature and detailed study poses on photographic film prints leave the impression of a well-automated, highly advanced system of movements. All private movements are united into a single whole, into a well-functioning system. The movements are well-coordinated, repeating the same from step to step, which can only be explained by the steady interaction of all muscle groups.

Finally, we can note such a sign that cannot be accurately described as the expressiveness of movements ... This is typical for deeply automatic movements with their high perfection ...

All this taken together makes it possible to evaluate the creature's gait as natural, without noticeable signs of artificiality, characteristic of various kinds of deliberate imitations. The considered gait of a creature for a person is completely atypical».

The English biomechanic Dr. D. Grieve, who was very skeptical about relic hominids, wrote:

« The possibility of forgery is excluded».

After the death of one of the film's writers, Patterson, his film was declared a forgery, but no evidence was presented. It is worth recognizing that the notorious yellow press, in pursuit of sensations, often not only invents them, but also loves to expose the past, both imaginary and real. So far, there is no reason not to recognize this film as a documentary.

Despite a lot of evidence (sometimes from people who deserve absolute trust), the vast majority scientific world refuses to acknowledge Bigfoot's existence. The reasons are that the bones of wild people, not to mention the living wild man, have not yet been allegedly found.

Meanwhile, a number of examinations (we talked about some of them above) made it possible to come to the conclusion that the remains presented cannot belong to anyone recognized by science. What's the matter? Or are we once again facing the Procrustean bed of modern science?

Of great interest is the Yeti or Bigfoot. Various rumors have been circulating about this creature for several decades. Who is Yeti? Scientists can only guess, since it is very difficult to prove its existence due to lack of facts.

Eyewitnesses who met a strange creature describe in detail its fearsome appearance:

  • a monster resembling a man walks on two legs;
  • limbs are long;
  • height 2 - 4 meters;
  • strong and agile;
  • can climb trees;
  • has a fetid odor;
  • the body is completely covered with vegetation;
  • the skull is elongated, the jaw is massive;
  • wool white or brown;
  • dark face.

  • In addition, scientists had a chance to study the size of the monster's legs from the prints left on the snow or the ground. Also, eyewitnesses provided shreds of wool found in the thickets through which the yeti made its way, drew it from memory, tried to photograph it.

    Direct evidence

    It is impossible to determine with accuracy who a Bigfoot is. When approaching it, people begin to feel dizzy, their consciousness changes and their blood pressure rises. Creatures act on the energy of a person in such a way that they are simply not noticed. In addition, yeti instill animal fear in all living beings. When he approaches, there is complete silence around: the birds fall silent, and the animals run away.

    Numerous attempts to film the creature on a video camera turned out to be practically fruitless. Even if they succeeded, the pictures and videos were of very poor quality, despite the high-quality equipment. This is due not only to the fact that yetis move too fast, despite their huge growth and dense physique, but also to the fact that technology, as well as people, begins to fail. Attempts to catch up with the fleeing "man" did not bring success.

    Those who wanted to photograph the yeti say that when you try to look into his eyes, a person ceases to control himself. Accordingly, pictures are simply not taken, or foreign objects are visible on them.

    Fact. Eyewitnesses from different corners the planets depict beings either female or male. This suggests that Bigfoot most likely reproduces in the usual way.

    Who is Bigfoot really is not clear. Either this is an alien creature, or an individual from antiquity, who miraculously managed to live up to our time. Or maybe this is the result of experiments conducted between humans and primates.

    Where does Bigfoot live?

    Tibetan ancient chronicles have a story about the meetings of Buddhist monks and a huge hairy monster on two legs. From Asian languages, the word "yeti" is translated as "someone who lives among the stones."

    Fact: the first information about Bigfoot appeared in print in the 50s of the last century. The authors of these texts were climbers who tried to conquer Everest. The meeting with the yeti took place in the Himalayan forests, in which there are paths leading to the top of the mountain.

    The places where the mystical creature lives are forests and mountains. Bigfoot in Russia was first recorded in the Caucasus. Eyewitnesses claim that as soon as they saw a huge primate, he disappeared right before their eyes, leaving behind a small cloud of haze.

    Przhevalsky, who was studying the Gobi Desert, encountered the Yeti back in the 19th century. But further research was stopped due to the refusal of the state to allocate money for the expedition. This was influenced by the clergy, who considered the yeti a creature from hell.

    After that, Bigfoot was seen in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and other places. In 2012, a hunter from Chelyabinsk region encountered a humanoid creature. Despite strong fear, he managed to photograph the monster on mobile phone. Then the Yeti was seen many times near the settlements. But his approach to people has not yet found an explanation.

    Despite the fact that no one can tell who the Yeti is, . This is supported not only by weak facts, but also by faith, which is sometimes stronger than all evidence.

    Publications about Bigfoot have long moved from the category of world sensations to the category of entertaining reading matter. Back in the 1970s, the well-known journalist Yaroslav Golovanov noted that on yeti worth the "stigma of a smile." And in recent years, almost not a single journalistic investigation on this topic can do without a certain amount of scoffing.

    Representatives of "big" science call the researchers of the problem amateurs, arrogantly rejecting their discoveries. Nevertheless, research in this area continues and is replenished with more and more new evidence. DISCOVERY magazine begins a series of articles about Bigfoot and other unknown, controversial and extinct creatures.

    It is generally accepted that in Russia the study of Bigfoot began a century ago. Back in 1914, the zoologist Vitaly Khakhlov, who had been searching for " wild man”and surveys of the local population on the territory of Kazakhstan, sent a letter to the leadership of the Academy of Sciences, in which he substantiated the existence of humanoid beings.

    Khakhlov gave them the species name Primihomo asiaticus (the first man of Asia) and insisted on organizing an expedition to find viable individuals. But the letter fell into the category of "having no scientific significance", and the events that followed, including the first World War, and completely postponed the solution of this problem for many decades.

    Bigfoot (aka Bigfoot, Yeti and Sasquatch) first attracted the attention of the general public in the 1950s, when climbers from many countries began to "explore" the highest peaks on the planet. A little more than half a century ago, in 1954, the first special expedition to search for the yeti in the Himalayas took place.

    She was organized British tabloid"Daily Mail" on the initiative and under the leadership of the newspaper's employee, journalist Ralph Izzard. The impetus for the preparation of the expedition was photographs of the traces of a mysterious bipedal creature in the snow, taken by the Englishman Eric Shipton during the climb to Everest in 1951.

    Evidence has been found in high-altitude monasteries proving that the Himalayas are inhabited (or at least lived) by huge humanoid creatures covered with wool.

    Izzard very thoughtfully approached the preparations of the expedition, which took almost three years. During this time, he got acquainted with all the publications on the topic in the libraries of different countries, carefully selected specialists for the main part of the expedition, and agreed on the assistance of the Sherpas, the indigenous inhabitants of the high mountains of the Himalayas.

    And although Izzard did not catch Bigfoot (and such a task was also set), many reports of meetings with him were recorded, and evidence was found in high-mountain monasteries proving that huge humanoid creatures live (or at least lived) in the Himalayas covered with wool. According to the descriptions of local residents, an English anthropologist, the son of emigrants of the first wave, Vladimir Chernetsky recreated the appearance of the Yeti.

    A unique photograph taken during an expedition in the forest near Vyatka (Orichevsky district) in 200B: a shaggy creature moving on two legs was filmed from a distance of about 200 meters, after which it ran away, leaving giant footprints.

    In 1958, the USSR Academy of Sciences created a "Commission for the Study of Bigfoot" and sent an expensive expedition to search for the Yeti in the Pamir highlands, but, unlike Izzard, did not bother with any serious preparation. The mission was headed by the botanist Kirill Stanyukovich, and among his colleagues there was not a single specialist in large mammals.

    Needless to say, the result turned out to be depressing: considerable funds were spent, as they would say today, on “non-targeted expenses”. It cannot be argued that Stanyukovich did not justify the hopes of high officials at all. Based on the data obtained, he created a geobotanical atlas of the Pamir highlands, but after his expedition, the Academy of Sciences officially closed the topic of studying Bigfoot. Since then, all searches for the Yeti in our country have been carried out exclusively by enthusiasts.


    Nevertheless, in the short period of its existence, the commission managed to collect a large number of eyewitness reports about meetings with "inhabitants of the mountains". Several editions of information materials have been published. All work was carried out under the guidance of Professor Boris Porshnev, who founded a new direction in the science of man and his origin - hominology.

    In 1963, marked "For official use" with a circulation of only 180 copies, his voluminous monograph " Current state question of relict hominids, in which Porshnev outlined the available data and the theory based on them.

    These ideas in subsequent years were developed by the professor in articles in popular science publications and summarized by him in the book "On the Beginning of Human History" (1974), which was published after the death of the author. Boris Porshnev died from heart attack when at the last moment the publication of this work was canceled, and the set of the book was scattered.

    In his writings, Porshnev expressed the idea that "snow people" are Neanderthals who have survived to this day, adapted to natural conditions without tools, clothes, fire and, most importantly, speech as a means of communication. Speech, according to the scientist, is the most important distinctive quality of a person, distinguishing him from the rest of the animal world.

    In the 1960s, expeditionary work moved mainly to the Caucasus. The main credit for this belongs to Dr. biological sciences Alexander Mashkovtsev, who traveled along and reproached several regions of the Caucasus and collected rich material.

    The expedition was led by long years hosted by Maria-Zhanna Kofman. Participants of the search exchanged information about the results obtained at the meetings of the seminar on the problem of relic hominids, founded in 1960 at the State Darwin Museum in Moscow by the famous naturalist Pyotr Smolin. After Smolin's death, the seminar is headed by Dmitry Bayanov to this day.

    While in the USSR the Bigfoot problem was discussed from a theoretical position, in America and Canada there was a serious breakthrough in the field of field searches.

    On October 20, 1967, American Roger Patterson managed to film a female hominid in a forest in Northern California and made several plaster casts her traces. The film was coldly received by the scientific community, without any study was rejected by the Smithsonian Center and declared a fake. Patterson died five years later from brain cancer, but materials still appear in the press trying to accuse him of falsification.

    But back in 1971, Russian hominologists, among whom was your obedient servant, as a result of painstaking research, recognized the film as genuine. Our study of the film is still the most important testament to its truth. American specialists have only recently begun a serious study of it and are already confirming the conclusions made in the USSR almost 40 years ago.


    The exceptional flexibility of the ankle joint of the creature depicted on the film is unattainable for a person.
    Greater, compared with a person, the flexibility of the foot itself is in the back direction. Dmitry Bayanov was the first to draw attention to this. Later, the American anthropologist Jeff Meldrum also confirmed this, which he described in his publications.

    The Bigfoot's heel protrudes more backwards than a human's. This corresponds to the typical structure of the Neanderthal foot. For a creature of great weight, this is justified from the point of view of the rational application of muscle strength.

    In researching the film, Dmitry Donskoy, Ph.D., then head of the Department of Biomechanics at the Institute of Physical Education, came to the conclusion that the creature's gait is completely atypical for Homo sapiens and practically cannot be reproduced.

    In the film, the play of muscles on the body and limbs is clearly visible, which rejects the assumptions about the costume. The whole anatomy of the body and especially the low head set distinguishes this creature from modern man.

    Measurements of the frequency of vibrations of the hands and comparison with the speed at which the film was shot testify to the high growth of the creature (about 220 cm) and, given the complexion, big weight(exceeding 200 kg).


    In December 1968, two world-famous cryptozoologists, Ivan Sanderson (USA) and Bernard Euvelmans (France), examine the frozen corpse of a hairy humanoid creature. Later they publish the report in the scientific press. Euvelmans identified the deceased as a "modern Neanderthal", declaring that Porshnev was right.

    Meanwhile, the search for Bigfoot continued in the USSR. The most significant results were given by the work of Maria-Jeanne Kofman in the North Caucasus, the search for Alexandra Burtseva in Kamchatka and Chukotka; very large-scale and fruitful expeditions took place in Tajikistan and the Pamir-Alai under the leadership of the Kievite Igor Tatsl and Igor Burtsev, and in Western Siberia and Lovozero (Murmansk region) Maya Bykova conducted the search without results, Vladimir Pushkarev collected a lot of information in Komi and Yakutia.

    Pushkarev's expedition ended tragically: in September 1978, he went on an expedition alone to the Khanty-Mansiysk District and went missing.

    In 1990, search expeditions practically ceased due to abrupt change socio-political situation on the territory of the former USSR. After some time, thanks to the development of the Internet, Russian researchers were able to establish strong contacts with European and overseas colleagues.

    In recent years, interest in the Yeti has intensified, and new regions of discovery of hominids have appeared. In 2002, Janice Carter, a farm owner in Tennessee, said in an interview that a whole clan of Bigfoot has been living near her property for more than half a century. According to the woman, the elder of the "snowy" family was about 60 years old, and "acquaintance" with him took place when Janice was only seven years old.

    In the next issue, we will take a closer look at this amazing case and the main characters in the story. You will find a story about unique finds and incredible discoveries.

    The mysterious creature from Burganef really looks like a Neanderthal

    Janice Carter meets Bigfoot. The drawing was made from the words of a woman and accurately shows the proportions of the creature and demonstrates how their communication took place.

    Some time ago, Russian hominologists accidentally stumbled upon information that in 1997 in France, at a provincial fair in the town of Bourganef, a frozen body of a “Neanderthal” was shown, allegedly found in the mountains of Tibet and smuggled from China.

    There are many unknowns in this story. The owner of the trailer carrying the Neanderthal cold store vanished without a trace shortly after images of the dead Bigfoot's body were leaked to the French press.

    The trailer itself has also disappeared with its priceless contents, all attempts to find it for 11 years have been in vain. Photos of the frozen body showed Janice Carter, who with a high degree of probability confirmed that this was not a falsification, but really the corpse of a Bigfoot.

    Despite serious difficulties, mainly of a financial nature, research on the Bigfoot problem continues. Confession official science such anthropoid creatures will lead to serious changes in many branches of knowledge related to the study of man, will allow you to penetrate the mystery of his origin, will have a serious impact on the development of culture, religion, medicine. Using the terminology of Porshnev, this will lead to a scientific revolution and to a fundamental revolution in the question of defining a person as such and separating him from the animal world.

    An unusual structure made from tree trunks and branches, discovered in Tennessee. Such structures are often found in difficult forests. Their purpose is still unknown, but, apparently, this is how the yetis somehow mark their territory. Igor Burtsev (pictured) is convinced that a huge Bigfoot family lives in Tennessee.


    Even Michel Nostradamus warned about the appearance of a hybrid of man and animal. Experiments on vivisection, that is, surgical intervention in a living organism in order to create another creature, in particular a person (or similar to him), were carried out back in the 19th century, but they did not lead to anything.

    There is no such data about earlier "studies". At least, the doctors and alchemists of the Middle Ages did not resort to such experiments (it was the way to the fire of the Inquisition), being content with attempts to grow homunculi in test tubes.

    Experiments on breeding humanoid creatures became widespread (in certain circles) in the early 1920s. A student of academician Ivan Pavlov, biologist Ilya Ivanov, began to conduct experiments on crossing humans and chimpanzees by artificial insemination. The experiments were carried out on volunteers and lasted more than 10 years, until Ivanov's death in 1932, which followed under very mysterious circumstances.

    Why were these experiments carried out? The reason is simple at first glance - the possibility of creating some hybrids to work in heavy and harmful conditions and possibly organ donation. However, the results of the experiments are unknown. True, there is unverified evidence that somewhere in the mines, Gulag prisoners met hairy ape-like people.

    But is it possible to create such creatures and other humanoid monsters? Geneticists answer this question in the negative, since humans have 46 chromosomes, and chimpanzees have 48, which means that artificial (as well as natural) fertilization is simply impossible. But Ivanov, when exposed to the egg, could well use chemical substances, medications, irradiation and any other potent methods. After all, what is sometimes impossible in nature is quite possible in the laboratory.


    Japanese climber claims to have uncovered the mystery of Bigfoot, and now with this problem that has been disturbing the minds of seekers for decades mysterious phenomena, finished. After 12 years of research, Ma-koto Nebuka concluded that the legendary yeti from the Himalayas is nothing but the Himalayan bear (Ursus thibetanus).

    “Reality is rarely as frightening as the imagination,” says a smiling Nebuka, one of the leading members of the Alpine Club of Japan, at a press conference in Tokyo for the release of his book, which summed up years of research into the Bigfoot problem.

    In addition to unique photographs. Nebuka was also engaged in linguistic research. In particular, an analysis of interviews with residents of Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan showed that the notorious "Yeti" is a distorted "Meti", that is, "bear" in the local dialect. And the myth almost became a reality due to the fact that the Tibetans consider the yeti bear to be omnipotent and terrible creature with supernatural powers.

    These concepts combined and became Bigfoot, explains Nebuka. As proof of his position, he shows a photograph of a yeti bear, whose head and paws are kept by one of the Sherpas as a talisman.


    The name "snowman" is a tracing paper from the Tibetan "metoh kangmi", as this creature is called there.
    . Scientists studying Bigfoot agree that the life span of this creature is 250-300 years.
    . Cryptozoologists have not only casts of footprints, hair and yeti excrement, but also fragments of his dwelling, built on the ground and on trees. Scientists are convinced that it takes a lot of strength and intelligence to build a structure out of twigs and seal the walls with grass, foliage, earth and excrement.
    . Finnish scientists tried to offer the most incredible version of the appearance of Bigfoot. They claimed that the yetis are aliens, and when they disappear, they are transported to their planet.
    . In Malaysia, the yeti is considered a deity, they call it "Hantu Yarang Jiji" (in literal translation - "spirit with widely spaced teeth"), and in national park Endow Rompin, there is even a small chapel with a sculpture of a bigfoot, to which believers come to pray.
    . The American Society of Cryptozoologists and in Tucson, Arizona, announced a reward of $100,000 to anyone who finds and delivers the corpse of Bigfoot to scientists, and $1 million to those who manage to catch him alive.

    Igor Burtsev
    Magazine "Discovery" No. 5 2009.