In this article, I will answer the question of how to cheer yourself up and give you 21 powerful ways that are guaranteed to cheer you up. And if in the future, you will again be in a bad mood and wonder how to cheer yourself up just go back to this article. So let's get started!

How to cheer yourself up?

The first way to cheer yourself up this is your hobby. Make time for yourself and do what you love. Nothing is more satisfying than doing what you love. After some time, you will 100% cheer yourself up and feel the taste for life. This method is very powerful and always works!

The second way to cheer yourself up is to indulge in shopping. Surely you have things that you love very much, but do not often allow yourself for some reason. A bad mood is the case when pampering yourself is not something that is possible, but simply necessary.

Buy yourself a luxurious bouquet of flowers, visit a cafe and drink a cup of coffee, the price of which was unthinkable for you before, or in case of a fire, buy yourself a quality chocolate or a delicious cake. Sweet is always uplifting, as it produces endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are considered hormones. Therefore, this method also always works. So eat healthy.

The third way to cheer yourself up this is a fun song. Turn on your favorite song and sing along! Just be sure to choose a joyful composition. Sad melodies will incite even more melancholy on you.

The fourth way to cheer yourself up it's a walk. Answer me a question: how long have you been in the park? And when the countryside last time did you leave? And at least just walked around the modest corners of your city? It doesn't matter what time of year it is. Try to get out of the Internet, drop everything and allow yourself at least an hour of silence, in which you will surely hear yourself. Get away from the bustle and noise of the city, give yourself a little peace, silence and unity with mother nature, and you will feel with all your skin how Vital energy comes back to you again.

The fifth way to cheer yourself up these are jokes. There are a lot of funny stories on the internet right now. Just surf the internet and start reading funny jokes! Usually, after five funny jokes, the mood rises and a smile begins to appear on the face.

The sixth way to cheer yourself up it's dancing! Dancing is my favorite way to cheer myself up. In any way, in kindergarten, you danced together with the whole group "Dance of little ducks". So why don't you remember? And if you start "quack" where you need it, so it's generally wonderful! You will not only cheer yourself up, but also recharge your batteries for many days to come. Checked - it works!

The seventh way to cheer yourself up This . If your Bad mood has a specific cause, try to eliminate it as soon as possible. No need to wait for the moment that the problem will be solved by itself. Pull yourself together and solve it. You yourself know perfectly well that there is a way out of any situation. Tell your loved ones about your problems, ask your friends to help you, think about what you can do yourself to solve this problem. The action will return you, and this will cheer you up.

Eighth way to cheer yourself up it's going to the cinema or watching your favorite movie at home. Of course, you only need comedy. Watching melodramas during a bad mood is highly discouraged. But comedy is exactly what will definitely cheer you up. You can also find funny videos on the Internet with animals, children. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video section -. There you will find many interesting things.

The ninth way to cheer yourself up it is to please yourself with SPA procedures. You will amuse not only your darling, but also your body by visiting a beauty salon and ordering your favorite SPA procedure, especially if you used to spare money for it. A full body spa massage, a spa manicure, a spa pedicure, as well as body wraps and various spa facial programs will help you to cheer up. Believe that by allowing yourself such a luxury, you will feel like a new person.

Tenth way to cheer yourself up This . You can learn more about meditations by visiting the section. A ten-minute meditation will help you regain strength and. During meditation, imagine that you are filled with the light of joy and. This is a great way to cheer yourself up.

Eleventh way to cheer yourself up this is creativity. Each of us has our own Creative skills. Try to find your talents! Try to draw a picture or write a poem, prepare a culinary exclusive - in other words, do something that will bring you pleasure, and you will certainly feel much better.

The twelfth way to cheer yourself up is to divert your attention. This method is quite simple, but it is sometimes performed. Look at an object and focus all your attention on it. Silently or aloud describe this item in full detail. I don't know about you, but this method works great!

The thirteenth way to cheer yourself up is to do something useful. I don't mean hobby. You can eliminate a bad mood if you sign up for Gym, for foreign courses or any other business that will provide you with new knowledge or skills. Why am I confident in this way? Firstly, you simply won’t have time for negative thoughts, and secondly, in this way you, which also effectively and quickly drives away a sad mood.

The fourteenth way to cheer yourself up is to change the image. Sometimes in order to, you just need to refresh your image. For example, try changing your hairstyle to a more fashionable one. But this should be done with a proven master, and this is very important. And it may turn out that new image will not please you, but will exacerbate your bad mood. But the high-quality work of a hairdresser can for a long time provide you with a joyful mood and essentially .

Fifteenth way to cheer yourself up This is a game with pets. It is well known that our pets are the best at lifting our spirits. To do this, it will be enough to stroke your cat or play frisbee with your dog - and you will be in a good mood! If you do not have a pet, then go to the zoo or dolphinarium, or just go outside and feed a homeless animal. The mood from communication with animals will definitely rise.

The sixteenth way to cheer yourself up this is a dream. Yes, it's not a typo. The cause of a bad mood is often fatigue, fatigue. Sleep is the best way recover. So allow yourself that luxury and go to bed. One hour of daytime sleep replaces four hours evening sleep. After you wake up, you will feel different - refreshed.

The seventeenth way to cheer yourself up it is doing good deeds. People who do charity work are much more satisfied with their lives. It doesn't matter how much you sacrifice for others. Scientists have found that such people are much more likely to notice and appreciate all the good things that are in their lives. So join in charitable foundations and organizations.

Eighteenth way to cheer yourself up it's a cold shower. Yes, it works flawlessly. The fact is that a cold shower is for the body. That's just it beneficial stress. You will instantly feel invigorated after taking a cold shower, and your mood will increase many times over. So go ahead and with the song ... to the bathroom.

The nineteenth way to cheer yourself up it's a visualization. or always helped cheer up. Surely you have those that you want to achieve, but they are still far away. So, in order not to wait for the moment when you, just lie down on the sofa and start imagining how you have already reached your goal. The fact is that a bad mood is sometimes associated with discontent that has arisen due to the path to achieving the goal. For example, you were not promoted at work. In this case, you lie down on the couch and begin to imagine how you got promoted at work. After that, your mood will rise, and the next increase will be yours.

The twentieth way to cheer yourself up is to remember some pleasant moment from the past. Try to remember an event in your life that made you truly happy. This method is very similar to the previous method, only in this case you do not invent, but remember real events that happened to you. This method will make you realize that you are not as much as you thought. Pleasant memories from life always cheer up.

The twenty-first way to cheer yourself up is to allow yourself to be fooled. My FAVORITE method. You just stand in front of the mirror and start making faces at yourself, making stupid noises, running around the apartment like a three-year-old child. And don't care what others think. Just start fooling around. THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL WAY TO BOOST YOUR MOOD. And if you still find yourself a partner who will make faces with you, then ... I won’t even talk.

In fact, there are many more ways to improve your mood than what is given to you in this article. Try to find your own ways and share them with others, and you will notice that the world become happier and brighter.

And at the end of the article, I suggest you right now to cheer yourself up by watching this video.

how to improve your mood how to improve your mood how to improve your mood


Have you ever been in a terrible mood? So unbearable that life is not sweet? We are sure that this is not uncommon. Now imagine how your friends feel when they are in a bad mood! If you have no strength to look at their sour faces, proceed to urgent resuscitation of joy, and we will share our secrets of how to cheer up. Follow these rules - and get the title of the best friend, but first of all you need to gain the skill of managing your condition yourself.

How to cheer yourself up

Before you try to help someone, learn to help yourself. It is impossible to give a person joy when you yourself do not possess it and cannot feel it at any moment. Get it good mood from within oneself - this is the highest skill, as it involves the ability to rejoice for no apparent reason.

joy in you

In fact, if you don’t know how to see the good around you and give thanks for what you have, then your mood will be at zero all the time. The property of the human brain is such that it is tuned to focus on shortcomings, to be dissatisfied all the time. Such an organization of the mind gives a certain benefit, as it moves to new heights, makes you strive for the best, does not allow you to stand still, but excessive withdrawal into discontent has taught people not to notice the joy of everyday life.

How to cheer up: the exercise "Comparison"

To teach your brain and the brains of others to see life more positively, we suggest you try one exercise. Its essence is to first write on a piece of paper what is happening to you today:

  1. Where am I?
  2. What am I doing now?
  3. What went wrong today?
  4. What good thing happened today?
  5. Am I happy with what I see around me now?


After that, remember those who now live in the hot spots of the planet. Someone's entire house was flooded, he was evacuated with his whole family and forced to live in a homeless shelter. For someone, a bomb killed the whole family, and he himself was left without legs. And in another place, the mother does not know how to feed her children, and now she is crying from impotence, and she has no hope. And here is a five-year-old child who crawls over piles of corpses and calls for his mother. Now take your sheet and write again the answers to the questions that were at the beginning. Is your life so bad, or is it a mind game?

So, now that you've learned how to become a wealth master, let's figure out what to do when your friends feel bad. The first rule of how to cheer up is that you should not ask your friends why they have fallen. You will not bring relief, but you can increase the pain. Your task is to distract from painful thoughts. Girls are positively affected by unexpected surprises: let's say you show up with a bunch of wild flowers and open all the windows wide open to let as much sun and air into the room as possible!

How to cheer up with food

Everyone knows that women tend to eat treats with stress. We will not say that we welcome this method, but sometimes it is the only cure for the blues. Go with a friend to your favorite cafe, eat cakes with tea or hot chocolate together, then take a walk along beautiful places in the city or even take a night walk under the peacefully glowing lanterns.

How to cheer up with entertainment

Grab a comedy or comedy CD, go to a club, sauna, or get a massage. If you are not in the city now, then you can support your girlfriend with a simple SMS or a picture in in social networks. Let her know that you are there and think about her - this may make her feel better.

Male friends are also people, and they can suffer no less. Only getting through to them can be more difficult, as the guys are used to experiencing everything in themselves. However, the solution to the problem is the same as with friends. You can try all of the above! Especially a bouquet of flowers should cause a storm of emotions. In general, the main thing in raising your mood is to do everything cheerfully and sincerely, then any of your tricks will be perceived without offense and will have desired effect. Be happy and don't leave your friends face to face with their sorrows!

So, everything is bad with you: minor troubles are exhausted, everything around is annoying, and depression dragged on for a long time. You are not alone in this world, so do not cry for loneliness. But you can cheer yourself up in many ways, and it does not have to be antidepressants or alcohol.


Some escape from depression with the help of chocolate, but this is not quite the same: there is a lot of endorphin here, but there are things that are more effective. So, mint is very good for blues, and it doesn’t matter if it’s sweets or tea. This herb has antidepressant properties. A glass of milk will also be useful, because it contains a lot of amino acids that turn into tryptophan, and it has a positive effect on mood. Just remember to warm up the milk.

And finally, you can cook delicious food yourself. Psychologists believe that cooking delicious and unusual dishes affects us no worse than meditation or yoga.
There is another antidepressant. Is it salmon or walnuts that are rich in omega-3s. They also lift your spirits perfectly.


Asians know very well how to cheer themselves up if everything is bad. They have acupuncture for that. If the blues caught you at home, then it’s enough to take off your shoes, massage your toes well and rub the space between your fingers. You also need to pay attention to the front of the feet. You can use your favorite aromatic oil for this.

There are other points "responsible" for depression and blues. So, you can press on the area of ​​​​the third eye or on the groove under the very nose, press on the middle of the chin or earlobes, knead the middle and thumb on both hands, paying as much attention as possible to their first phalanges, both counterclockwise and along it (9 times each).

Positive from the outside

The easiest thing to do is to watch a comedy or just a funny video about children or animals on YouTube. The difficulty is that it fascinates so much that it interferes with work.
By the way, work will also help to escape from depression. But it is only important to think very quickly - it calms and accelerates chemical processes in the brain. And you can just chat with your loved one or just a positive friend.


Yes, he is the one. Simple but habitual lack of sleep is one of the the best means for the development of blues and depression. If possible, try to relax even outside the workplace: you can think about the weekend, lean back in your chair, or even just go for a short walk.

To clean up

Many do not like this procedure, but Feng Shui experts believe that if the table you work at is cluttered, then the same rubbish is observed in your head. Plus, clutter reminds us of things we should have done but forgot, which lowers our self-esteem. After putting things in order, open the windows. But there should not be too much light - it can be an irritant, provoke fatigue and headache.

Photo, music, movement

They say that you can get rid of the blues by looking at an old photo album with the most pleasant moments in life. He, by the way, can be on the computer. You can also start a positive diary, where all the joyful or funny episodes from life, funny phrases heard on the bus will be recorded. The main thing is to describe all your feelings and emotions in all its glory.

Music will also help to escape from the blues. But it should be energetic and major: such that the desire to be sad does not arise. You can still move around: a little physical education session in the middle of the working day, a dance lesson after it, and even just pleasant household chores ... But you just can’t load yourself with it - you won’t get away from depression.


Where without her? To fight the blues, the smells of the already mentioned mint, orange and lavender are suitable. And you can use them not only in aroma lamps or sprayers, but also for bed linen.

Shopping and spending

Some like to run away from the blues to shops and spend money, and eventually become shopaholics. But an empty wallet and junk in the house can also cause blues. But if you spend money on impressions, and not on things, then it will recede. At least that's what many psychologists think. There is no need to take off on a trip across the three seas, because dinner in a very favorite and atmospheric restaurant will also save the situation. Psychologists also believe that those who do charity work are extremely rarely depressed.

If a bad mood interferes with life and does not give rest for many months, then you definitely can’t portray a positive or grab antidepressants: it’s better to go to the doctor and start a thorough treatment, because depression is an organic disorder, or rather a disease.

Even the most notorious optimist has bouts of bad mood.

This happens especially often in autumn and winter: daylight hours become much shorter than in summer; a lack of sunlight and heat, lack of vitamins - all this affects the mood. And in the rest of the year there are enough reasons for the blues. However, this does not mean that we need to put up with a depressed mood: if we know how to cheer ourselves up quickly, then all year round We will be on an emotional high.

Psychologists have a lot of recipes in their arsenal on how to cope with the blues, loss of strength and bad mood on their own. These tips will help you quickly turn your mood into the mainstream of optimism, joy and cheerfulness.

The very first and important advice- this is not to succumb to a bad mood and try to quickly raise it. Some people, falling into despondency, begin to go with the flow of their condition. It is categorically impossible to do this, since especially vulnerable and refined natures can bring themselves to depression in this way. Therefore, as soon as you feel that the mark of good mood begins to fall down, urgently take measures to increase the "indicator"!

Then you can act, guided by your temperament, interests, lifestyle. good, choice possible methods to lift the mood is available for every taste. Let's look at the most common options that work for most people without fail. All methods can be conditionally divided into groups: active and passive (depending on how much energy they require), etc. A wide variety of methods allows you to choose the one that will be most comfortable and acceptable for you.

Active Mood Improvement Techniques

As a rule, these methods require sufficient energy input. Suitable for people who are active, energetic, extroverts by nature, who do not tolerate a bad mood and do not give in to despondency. The following techniques are ideal for them:

  • Get active

No need to indulge in despondency, wrapped in a blanket and sitting in a chair. On the contrary, shake yourself up, go outside. You can just take a walk in the park, or you can go in for sports or just do exercises in the fresh air. For example, just a great remedy for blues is cycling or rollerblading, jogging, swimming pool, skating rink. In winter, when the snow has already fallen, you can play snowballs - this game charges adults with positive even more than children. Believe me, your blues will recede so quickly that you won't even notice! The main thing in this case is to get out of the house. If you are determined to put an end to your bad mood, then, of course, you will not look for excuses in order to stay at home.

  • Do the cleaning

If you still categorically, under no pretext do not want to leave the house, you can direct active actions in another direction: do the cleaning. Psychologists believe that often on a subconscious level it is the mess in our home that puts pressure on us (whether it is a visible mess or chaos in the closet, which only you know about). If your home is far from ideal in terms of cleanliness, feel free to get down to business. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you, you will force yourself, and finally, it will seem to you that this cleaning will never end, and you will regret that you started it. But as your home starts to become clean and comfortable, you will notice how much your mood will skyrocket. The benefits of this method of dealing with a bad mood are twofold: on the one hand, you get rid of a pessimistic attitude, and on the other, you get clean house which is very comfortable.

Women's Mood Enhancement Techniques

These, as a rule, include therapy with gastronomic goodies and primordially feminine things: shopping, gatherings with girlfriends, changing the image, etc.

  • Snacks - in a bad mood

Of course, this is one of the favorite methods women struggle with bad mood: eating sweets. If you are a supporter of this method and excess weight- not your problem, feel free to start eating chocolate, sweets, cakes. But if you think that sweets are harmful, or for some other reason do not eat them, then bananas will come to your rescue: they not only relieve depression perfectly, but are also very useful. Note that alcohol is not the most best friend women in the fight against blues.

  • Get-togethers with a friend

In order not to be painfully ashamed of eating cakes alone, invite a friend. Gossip, talk heart to heart, sitting in the kitchen or in a cozy coffee shop. Do it against your mood: take off your bathrobe, put on something beautiful (no one talks about an evening dress at home - either a beautiful home suit or a simple cut dress is fine), do a light make-up - for women this is good weapon against bad mood.

  • Do what you love

Do you love the theater, but you have so many worries that you constantly don’t have time for it? Postpone all your affairs - there will always be plenty of them - and go to the theater. Or to a museum, gallery, cinema, circus, or just leaf through a catalog with your favorite paintings at home - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you spend time where you have long wanted to visit.

  • Rock out!

Do you think you have no hearing or voice? Then go to karaoke or take a comb and sing "into it" at home! Are you sure you can't dance? So do it! It doesn't matter - at home or in a club, but do it. Jump around, have fun, laugh at the same time - perhaps this method will suit you best. Do whatever you want - even scream (unless, of course, it's not night). Throwing pillows, kicking a sofa or chair (just don’t hurt your leg), “boxing” into the void are good help to relieve stress - all these are powerful psychological techniques that will help in raising your mood.

  • shopping

You can go shopping by yourself or with a friend. It always cheers women up. you can do real shopping, that is, shopping, or you can just walk through the departments, getting acquainted with the collections. Perhaps today you will find the dress of your dreams that you have been looking for for the past six months.

  • Take care of yourself

Do you never have time for yourself? Then go ahead to the salon: update your haircut, get a manicure (and do not forget to choose a bright varnish), go to a professional beautician. If there is no financial opportunity to visit a beautician, do your own facial massage at home, apply a mask, do a wrap or body scrub. Self-care always cheers up any woman.

But teach that in a depressed state it is better to refrain from cardinal changes in the image: of course, if you are a risky person and love change, then go ahead. But if you tend to make decisions impulsively, and then, as a rule, regret them, it is better not to cut your long hair to a boy haircut, otherwise you will definitely not avoid a new wave of discouragement. If you have long dreamed of such a haircut, but did not dare to take this step, who knows, perhaps today is the time to make your dream come true?

  • Change your image

Want to quickly cheer yourself up? Try on a new look! Bright dress or shoes high heels is ideal, because in the case failed experiment everything is easy to return to normal. you can play not only with the colors of clothes, but also with styles: used to wearing jeans and sneakers - get a feminine dress out of the closet; accustomed to a business suit - choose, on the contrary, clothes in a pronounced casual style. If you only wear make-up on the holidays, put on your make-up now, even if you're at home. Do it contrary to your usual image!

Passive Mood Improvement Techniques: Relaxation

These methods are aimed at relaxing the body. They work well for people who are calm, energetically passive, introverts. In addition, these methods are effective if a bad mood is a consequence of chronic fatigue, which in modern people is often the norm.

  • indulge in dreams

If you are a calm person by temperament and you are really “treated by native walls”, then stay at home. It will be great if you are alone at home. If not, then you can retire to the room. Create a cozy atmosphere for yourself: light candles or an aroma lamp with relaxing essential oil; turn on your favorite music quietly, sit back and just think, dream. Do not be afraid to dream - after all, dreams come true sooner or later. You can read affirmations: “I am in a good mood”, “I am happy”, “I am happy”. It is only important that you sincerely believe in it and speak consciously, with feeling.

  • Relax

Some women find a warm bath helpful. Only not ordinary, but with sea ​​salt, foam, essential oils. Also remember to light candles and turn off the electric light. lie down with eyes closed, inhale the aroma of essential oils. The effect will be stronger if you take a bath at a different time than usual - then this procedure will seem even more mysterious and magical.

Psychological techniques for self-help

There are also techniques that help everyone without exception, regardless of psychological and personal characteristics. Some of these techniques are quite difficult to perform psychologically, but they are very effective.

  • Keep your posture and laugh

Another simple way that quickly cheers you up and does not require time, money, or effort. It consists in the fact that you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, as if you are in a corset. Then raise your head high and smile broadly. All! Just smile sincerely, of course. You can do this in front of a mirror.

You can just stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. For most people, this causes a lot of emotions: someone feels like a complete fool, someone even starts to cry. At first, your smile will be more than modest, but your task is to make it wider and wider, and then start laughing. The main thing here is not to stop, but to laugh heartily. For no reason. Just. This is a powerful emotional release.

  • Finish unfinished business

It is unlikely that this method can be called pleasant, but if deep down you know that the cause of a bad mood is precisely the unfinished business that hangs on your soul like a stone, then no matter what you try to do to cheer up, only one thing will help you - complete it case. Therefore, pull yourself together and bring this matter to the end. You can give yourself a set that when you're done, you'll go to the movies or buy yourself some new clothes, or, despite the diet, eat cake. So it will be easier for you to tune in and get the job done.

vitamins for seasonal depression

The decline in mood in people most often occurs in the autumn-winter period. Therefore, you need to have a few more ways in stock: your diet should contain as many fruits and vegetables as possible (citrus fruits and vegetables are especially good). sauerkraut), also drink fruit drinks and teas from fresh berries (cranberries are perfect), drink a complex of vitamins. And do not forget that the room must be light (fluorescent lamps are best), spend more time in the fresh air.

It’s also good to decorate your home in winter, fortunately, we have such a wonderful holiday as New Year: decorate the apartment with rain, put up a Christmas tree, stick snowflakes on the windows - there is now a huge selection of such tinsel in stores that will enliven any interior and cheer you up.

Probably, each of us has days when everything goes wrong. Life seems bleak and unpromising, blues and boredom rolls in, mood drops to zero. How to cheer yourself up? How to get rid of the feeling of apathy and depression? What can be done to forget about the problems and regain a good mood?

Try our tips:

  • . To himself, to his relatives, to his acquaintances. And then even the most gloomy and cold day will seem brighter and warmer. After all, once even E.M. Remarque remarked: “What can one person give to another, except for a drop of warmth? And what could be more than this?
  • Jump. Jumping rope or around its axis can make you happier: with their help, you can quickly “disperse” endorphins throughout your body.
  • Breathe in the pleasant aroma. For example, the smell of cinnamon, orange or lavender has a calming effect, helps reduce anxiety and improve mood.
  • Chew gum. It has been proven that the performance of monotonous actions contributes to relaxation, reducing anxiety and stress.
  • Buy yourself some flowers. provide an instant therapeutic effect that improves mood and tone.
  • Eat some chocolate. This product is one of the top 10 antidepressants.
  • Focus on your strengths, praise yourself once again. Imagine yourself as a calm and confident person, no matter what.
  • Surround yourself in green. Psychologists say that shades of green symbolize happiness and create a sense of peace around you.
  • . Its flickering flame will help to relax and make the atmosphere more pleasant, conducive to emotional upsurge.

10 popular ways to cheer up

  • . Try taking a few deep breaths in and out. It calms and sets in a positive way.
  • Reflect. Professional card player Liv Boeree , put it very aptly on her blog: “Thinking is a key element of long-term happiness and mental stability. It takes a lot of self-reflection to keep him healthy, which is usually achieved through meditation, therapy, journals, lifelong coaching, or close, honest friends."
  • Just do something nice for someone. It's not difficult at all: hold the door for the person walking behind you; send a text message to a friend with words of love; donate some money to charity. The list of good things goes on.
  • Put on a fun tune or song. To improve your mood, you can even sing along a little.
  • Cuddle or play with your pet. This will help you feel happier.
  • Give yourself a massage. Self-massage of the neck, sensitive areas of the shoulders, lower back and legs promotes blood circulation, soothes the nerve endings and relieves stress.
  • . Meditation improves outlook, clarifies consciousness and mind, effectively relaxes.
  • Laugh. Even when it seems that there is nothing funny in this world, still find a reason to laugh. At least on how the famous comedian plays in the movie Rowan Atkinson .
  • Arrange yourself shopping and go for a new thing. Known fact- buying new things improves mood and self-esteem. By the way, look at the red color in clothes. With it, you can become not only bright, but also a more confident person.
  • Pay attention to the little miracles that are happening around you. It could be the flight of a butterfly, the buzzing of a bee, or just good news on TV. Cultivate positivity.

How to cheer up in 10 minutes

Is there any more effective methods, allowing you to quickly correct a bad mood and raise it? Eat. 10 minutes and you're good!

  • Go out for a walk. If this is not possible, stop near the window for a few minutes (ignore the surprised looks of colleagues).
  • Chat with friends on the note. Try to keep the conversation light and fun.
  • Take a break from your problems, immerse yourself in something neutral, like folding clothes or washing dishes. Everyday chores make you not think about painful things, and the smell of cleanliness will quickly normalize your mood.
  • Do yoga, swim, run. Any physical activity energize, help to significantly improve and maintain emotional and physical condition.
  • Rearrange the furniture. Changing the environment will make it possible to feel rested and renewed, and will rid yourself of negative thoughts.

How to quickly cheer yourself up? (video)

Friends, now you know how to cheer up fast. It is easy and not at all difficult - you just need not to be lazy and follow the above tips.