1. Learn with interest

Any teacher will confirm: abstract language learning is harder than mastering a language for a specific purpose. Therefore, at first, learn things that will be useful to you in your work. Another option is to read foreign language resources related to yours.

2. Remember only the right words

There are more than a million words in the English language, but in everyday speech, at best, several thousand are used. Therefore, even a modest vocabulary is enough for you to talk with a foreigner, read online publications, watch news and TV shows.

3. Post stickers at home

This effective way replenish your lexicon. Look around the room and see which items you don't know the names of. Translate the name of each subject into English, French, German - whatever language you want to learn. And paste these stickers around the room. New words will gradually be deposited in memory, and this will not require any additional effort.

4. Repeat

The technique of spaced repetitions allows you to better memorize new words and concepts. To do this, run the studied material at certain intervals: first, repeat the learned words often, then return to them after a few days, and fix the material again after a month.

5. Use new technologies

6. Set realistic goals

Be careful with the load and do not overwork. Especially at the beginning, so as not to lose interest. Teachers advise starting small: first learn 50 new words, try to apply them in life, and only then take up grammar rules.

The Internet opened up new world opportunities for those who aspire to .

Development information technologies makes its own adjustments to our lives: instead of attending regular classes and studying with a teacher in a traditional setting, many study English language without leaving your own home.

In addition to saving time, education through the Internet provides a number of new opportunities.

Learning English online effectively!

You probably think that by learning English online, you have to sacrifice quality. colloquial speech and reading skills. This is not true! If you choose, you will have the opportunity to practice your written and spoken English. All you need is a microphone to speak and headphones to listen. The rest will depend only on you!

Benefits of learning English online

Whether you have chosen the Internet format or the computer format, there are many advantages to using a computer.

First, you can control the pace of your learning. When you study English in a traditional classroom, you are forced to learn at a pace that is comfortable for most of your group. If you learn material more slowly than your classmates, you may fall behind them. If your level is above average, you will have to limit yourself in development and adapt to everyone.

Usage computer technology allows you to choose the pace of your learning. This, in turn, will give you the opportunity to reallocate time to those areas where you need to improve your knowledge.

Another advantage of learning with new technologies especially is that you can learn regardless of your location. Using an Internet connection and Wi-Fi technology, you can very easily "enter" your class and take the right lesson.

If you have to travel a lot for work, this does not mean that you should start English classes. But in the case of traditional English classes, you would be assigned a “date” at a fixed time and, most importantly, in a strictly defined place. And until a way to instantly move in space and time has been invented, online education remains an excellent alternative to traditional learning when it is impossible to attend courses or a private tutor.

The key to success is choosing the right training program

The key to success in learning English using a computer is to choose right program learning.

Select educational program, which, along with basic vocabulary, involves learning through written or oral dialogues.

Grammar rules are of course important. But if your goal is freedom oral speech, then you need a course with an emphasis on dialogues.

Ideally, choose . Do not forget that your course must necessarily include listening comprehension, that is, listening.

Only by repeatedly listening to the sounds of the language being studied, you will learn to pronounce them yourself.

In this case, the use of a computer in learning a language is extremely useful, because you can listen to phrases and dialogues for as long as you like - until you firmly master their pronunciation.

Other Useful Online Resources

The Internet also gives us the opportunity to improve our reading and writing skills in English. Since 80% of existing sites are made in English, you can learn new phrases and words of any subject every day. In addition to this, various chats and forums help develop written communication skills in English. There are also many sites where you can download themed word lists and games to help improve your

Hello friends!

Many people are looking for the answer to the question of how to learn English from scratch on their own. It's quite real. I want to talk about two online service to help you quickly learn English on your own.

How to learn English on your own

You don't have to use both, you can choose one. But each of them has its own zest, having tasted which, I do not want to refuse them.

Within the framework of this article, I will not describe them in detail, for this I have two separate articles where I described all their capabilities in sufficient detail. Inviting you to read and choose what you like best.

  • Puzzle English. I discovered this service recently and was pleasantly surprised by its capabilities. .
  • LinguaLeo. A very popular and functional language learning service. It was from him that my serious independent study English at home. .

To learn how to quickly memorize foreign words, I recommend you an excellent Intensive course “Memorizing 1000 foreign words in a week”.

    I recommend that you look at a few more online schools and choose what will be closer and more convenient for you:
  • School of Nikolai Yagodkin more expensive, but they give a guarantee that in 3 months you will learn to speak English perfectly and understand by ear. There are a lot of positive reviews about this school.

I really hope that this article was useful for you, and you learned how to learn English from scratch on your own. Be sure to share this article with your friends, and they will be grateful to you for it.

If self-study English does not suit you, try it.

I wish you success in learning English! I believe that these services will help you, and soon you will be fluent in English.

Learn a lot of interesting things and make your life brighter!

Subscribe and get treasure chest.

English in modern society- an irreplaceable thing. This is the most universal and widespread language in the world, knowing which is much easier to get a job. Good work or take their place in society.

According to statistics in Russia:

  • 1.5 times– you can get paid so much more if you know English
  • 96% - so many vacancies have the item “preferably knowledge foreign languages', referring to English
  • 11% – only so many Russians speak English free level. This indicator puts our country in 38th place in terms of knowledge of foreign languages ​​among all countries.

Learning English is not that difficult. You can learn from scratch, or improve your already accumulated knowledge right on the way to work, on the subway or bus, spending 20 minutes a day.

Learning English is fun

Puzzle English is a site that contains hundreds of exercises, several multi-level study programs and even online games to consolidate the acquired knowledge in English.

The trick of Puzzle English is that learning English is interesting. This is not just monotonous textbook cramming, but video lectures, tasks in the style of “guess the word” and “compose a phrase”, or even compete in knowledge and ingenuity with other users of the site.

Despite the fact that it sounds too simple, in fact, special methods of presenting material are used: through game forms, assignments and videos.

After all interesting information presented is easier to remember.

Everything is interesting in Puzzle English: there is even a special video lesson on how to politely scold an interlocutor in English without using “dirty” words and expressions.

Podcasts are also interesting, I recommend.

Many people think that hiring a tutor is more efficient. But in this case, you may encounter such problems:

a) The tutor does not understand how he knows English
b) The tutor will never teach you the correct accent because he is not a native speaker

Yes, and you need to pay much more money: 1 hour of classes with a person costs from 800 rubles.

For the same money, Puzzle English offers a year of unlimited access to lessons and tasks.

In short, Here are the main benefits of learning English using the Puzzle English portal:

  • the learning process is closely related to entertainment
  • you constantly hear foreign speech, getting used to it
  • you increase your vocabulary every day
  • you will learn not only grammar rules, but also colloquial slang with expressions
  • you will begin to understand humor in English, along with intonation and puns

And all this is available both from a computer and on your smartphone: the Puzzle English website and the iPhone app are completely identical in functionality.

Puzzle English is easy to use. Learn English by yourself

Hundreds of video lessons, games, assignments and exercises. All on one site.

Puzzle English consists of sections, each of which will tell you about one of the aspects of English, from grammar to listening comprehension.

When registering in test mode, you have access to a whole week of full-fledged training according to an individually designed program. It is enough to get involved in the process.

You have to guess by ear spoken phrases from famous films and series, translate sentences yourself, choose the correct forms of verbs and much more. Depending on your progress, the system can change the list of materials and tasks, adjusting to your progress.

My plan for today. It will be interesting.

In addition to the plan, you can freely explore the service yourself by switching between sections. There is something to see and what to play!

What sections are there in Puzzle English

I have studied the entire site inside and out, and I will draw your attention to some of the most interesting in my opinion.

Section "Assignments", Grammar Trainer

Exercises to consolidate knowledge of tense forms of verbs, word order in sentences and the use of various prepositions.

This is a very useful simulator where you need to make interrogative sentences, choose verbs in the correct tense and learn to understand grammatical features. What it is? Get started and you'll find out :)

Example: choose or fill in the correct missing word in the sentence I've had a terrible (teethache/toothache) since yesterday evening.

Even I stuck in this simulator for a long time. Although, there were no difficulties in completing the tasks. In case of an erroneous choice, the hint system will show the correct option, and new knowledge will be deposited in the head. Simply and easily.

Courses Section, Teacher Method

Each course includes from 38 to 150 hours of classes, with its own exams and exercises. By choosing a course for a beginner, you will learn the basic rules of grammar, the meaning and use of articles, learn how to write sentences, and even chat with a virtual native speaker.

This is a great option if you don't know where to start and how to approach the English language.

Section "Words", Word training

This is the easiest and most effective way to learn new words and expand your vocabulary English words and expressions with the help of mini-games, without which there is no point in learning grammar.

Here, first you yourself choose new words from the proposed list that you want to learn. And then you do exercises in which you need to enter a new word in the correct place in the sentence, choose the correct translation, remember the pronunciation of words and other short tasks.

Example: choose a ready-made set of words sorted into categories. From the set, choose 5 words for the day. Cards appear where you need to choose the correct translation of the word, substitute it in a sentence or write it on the keyboard.

It's cool that if you're wrong, the system offers you to remember the association with the new word: for example, as in the screenshot just above - I was asked to remember the word Laden by analogy with the phrase " lei per day". It works, you should definitely try it.

Games Section, Phrase Master

This is a addictive game in which you need to listen to a phrase, and then type on the keyboard the first letters of the words that make up the phrase. Everything is done on time, there is a table of achievements among real users of the service.

This game very quickly teaches not only to perceive English speech by ear, but also by memorizing words. After the third round, you already get used to it and achieve a good result. And then you notice with surprise that many of the phrases you hear just spin in your head.

Example: In a short video, the phrase No, I mean is pronounced. You need to quickly press the first letters of these 3 words on the keyboard - “N”, “I”, “M”. Time game.

It is especially pleasant that the phrases are spoken by different characters from a variety of movies and TV shows, from Sherlock Holmes to the heroes of the Game of Thrones.

Section "Assignments", Lessons

Here are collected hundreds of video lectures in which charismatic teachers explain the most different rules and deal with different situations.

How a sentence is built in English, phrases for meeting people, modal verbs and many, many things will be told to you, shown with examples and you just can't remember this.

Lesson examples:

  • Tourism: Useful Communication Templates
  • Popular mistakes: Present Simple and Present Continuous
  • What to choose: good or well
  • Overview of conditional sentences

After each video, it is proposed to take a small test to consolidate the acquired knowledge. There are some restrictions for free use here: lectures can be watched for free, but exercises for them have daily usage limits.

Section "Assignments", Video puzzles

In this section, you learn how to correctly compose sentences in a playful way.

Can you guess what song this line is from? :)

First you need to watch a video or music video with subtitles in English and Russian, and then try to translate the phrases from the video yourself, using the suggested set of words correctly.

Example: Watch the video clip of Sting - Shape of My Heart with subtitles. Then translate the lyrics into English, spelling the words correctly: "He deals cards as a meditation" (as/the cards/a meditation/he/deals), and so on, until the end of the song.

After a few such tasks, you understand an approximate design English sentences and new words are remembered.

Conclusions and calculations

Well, isn't it lovely? A lesson on how to politely tell a person that he is an idiot :)

I understand that learning English is not easy.

Many spend years and still do not reach the desired level. Only a few are fluent in English, although the benefits of this are obvious to everyone.

Luckily, using the right techniques can speed up the learning process! I will share with you a list of 30 life hacks that I used when learning English. They are guaranteed to improve your language in no time.

What's the secret?

The main thing in learning a language is regular practice and maximum "immersion" in the language. Think for yourself: after all, small children learn to communicate in their native language without dictionaries and lessons. Likewise for you effective learning one must literally surround oneself with language.

But for starters...

Get rid of prejudice

  1. Is it possible to learn English only in childhood? In fact, numerous studies show that adults learn language even easier than children!
  2. Do you have a bad memory? If you are just starting to learn a language, I have good news for you: you only need to learn the 25 most commonly used words to understand 25% of all written text! It takes about 100 words to understand half. Can you remember a hundred words?
  3. Don't have time? Firstly, in learning English, it is not the duration that is more important, but the frequency of classes. Secondly, this is usually just an excuse: can't you find half an hour a day to achieve your goal?

Practice English without even noticing it

On all my devices, I changed the interface language to English
  1. Change the interface language mobile phone, computer and other devices into English. This way you will learn some new words and expressions and get used to interacting with English text.
  2. Put stickers with their names on all items in the house. You will be surprised how many items in your apartment whose names you do not know. Paste the names on the doors of the rooms, household appliances, furniture, cabinets and even cereal boxes.
  3. Read and memorize the words to your favorite songs and sing along to them! The Genius website has not only words, but also explanations of the meaning of individual phrases of almost all popular songs.

Expand your English vocabulary

Google Images is a great way to memorize new words and expressions
  1. When you're looking for a translation of an unfamiliar word, don't just look it up in a dictionary, but type it into Google Image Search. Very often images will give you a much better idea of ​​the meaning of a word than a textual description. Of course, this method works best for nouns that describe specific items.
  2. For all new words, try to learn their sound. Simply type in the words in Google Translate and click the "Listen" icon at the bottom of the text field. Usually it is enough to hear the pronunciation of a word once in order to remember it.
  3. Install apps on your smartphone that will teach you a few words every day. Try easyten, Duolingo, or the more feature rich Anki.
  4. If you already understand the English text well enough, use an English-English dictionary instead of an English-Russian one.

By the way, we have a simple blog.

  1. Watch recordings of English-language TV shows on YouTube. They are short and funny. Try The Conan O'Brien Show or Stephen Colbert.
  2. Search YouTube for recordings of talks from conferences that interest you. Speakers usually speak clearly, but at the same time with a lively language. Shameless plug: take a look my talk at 500 Startups Demo Day 😇
  3. Video tutorials can be interesting too. The main thing is to find boring ones! I like English Lessons with Alex.
  4. It has already been written about films and series in English many times, but not in vain! Watch, depending on the level, with Russian or English subtitles, or without them at all. Have you watched “Silicon Valley” yet?

Read in English

Vogue in the original is beautiful
  1. If your level is still low, read books for young children. They are short and written in simple language.
  2. Read English-language comics, preferably popular - about Batman, Superman, etc. They are also short, and the pictures help to understand what is happening.
  3. Did you know that there is Wikipedia in plain English? Articles in it are written with simplified grammar and vocabulary. Read about subjects that interest you, or start with selected articles.
  4. Read interesting foreign magazines or articles from their websites. My choice is The New Yorker and Vogue 😊
  5. As for books, start with those you have already read in Russian. By the way, translations of books from Russian into English are usually written in simpler English than originally English-language books.

Listen to English speech

BBC news is a great example of a standard English accent
  1. Be sure to listen to native speakers, even if you are just starting to learn the language. Here it is important not so much to understand everything, but to get used to its sound and rhythm. Do not worry, gradually you will begin to understand what is being said.
  2. Watch or listen to news recordings, preferably BBC and CNN. Newscasters speak with a standard accent (British for the BBC and American for CNN).
  3. Include English speech (same news) in the background. Unconsciously, you will get used to it and catch the frequently occurring turns.

Speak English

Sometimes I have to speak English in front of huge halls
  1. First, find someone you can work with often! It takes constant practice to communicate.
  2. Take advantage of the language exchange: Practice English by learning your native language in exchange. The best platform for this is the italki website.
  3. Look for speaking clubs in your city. But remember: in order for them to be useful, you need to take the initiative and not only listen to others, but also talk more yourself!
  4. Lessons with a professional teacher and native speaker remain the most effective option. He must have a good accent, because you will unconsciously adopt it. In order not to waste time, choose (plus, they are usually cheaper).
  5. When you get a chance, just start talking! And no “sorry for my english”. The interlocutor will appreciate your desire and will gladly forgive you for mistakes without unnecessary requests. Apologizing will only add to the awkwardness, especially for yourself.

Immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment

I studied English where it is spoken - in Miami and London
  1. When planning a holiday abroad, think of an English-speaking country - England, USA, Malta, Canada or Australia.
  2. Live abroad with other people. Instead of a hotel, rent a room on Airbnb or Homestay.
  3. Well, I will not tire of repeating that nothing will give you such progress as language classes in the country where it is spoken! Go to . You can go there with any level of language and at any age.

Many do not even think about the possibility of learning a language abroad, but in vain! - it is effective, very interesting, and not nearly as expensive as is commonly believed.

Your turn

I tried to collect in this article all the tricks and tricks with which I improved my English.

What secrets help you learn a language? Share in the comments!


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