Surely each of you, at least once in your life, has thought about why someone easily manages everything both at home and at work, while others have to live in a frantic race, torn between the office and family. And at the same time not being able to accomplish even half of what was planned. Have you made a to-do list for every day a thousand times, but it seems that every day there are only more things to do? We'll fix everything! You will learn right now how to properly plan your day and accomplish what you planned.

At first glance, writing a list of assigned tasks is a trivial task, but in reality everything is much more complicated. Indeed, it is quite easy to list all the necessary things, but you will never achieve success if you do not build a clear and logical system of sequence of actions. Setting your priorities right is the first step on your journey if you really want to know how to plan your day effectively.

First of all, write down all the information in a notebook, diary or notebook. You may be used to using electronic devices and will be more comfortable working with computer files. Both are acceptable, but it has long been proven that it is best to keep notes on a magnetic marker board - with its help you can quickly and easily remove unnecessary things and not create .

Leading experts in the field of modern time management recommend using visual techniques. For example, one way is to create three columns on the board. In the first you should write down your goals, in the second it is recommended to mark those projects that you are working on in this moment, and in the third - already completed cases. It is important that the second column should not contain more than three items. You can update and supplement your goals, but review them periodically so that there are no “dangling” projects.

The third column, in which you will record your results, is intended to serve you to increase motivation and inspiration. The main thing when planning is to adequately calculate your strength, look at things objectively and do not take on an unbearable load.

We hope ours useful tips for women will help you correctly plan your day, set priorities correctly and not wonder how to manage everything. In conclusion, I would like to give you five key tips. By following them, you can achieve success!

Advice one. Set yourself small, specific goals. If your plans are grandiose, break them down into small step goals.

Tip two. Write down all goals and objectives on any medium convenient for you for clarity.

Tip three. Group your goals by to the following principle: “all projects”, “projects I am working on” and “completed projects”.

Tip four. Add new tasks to the “all projects” column.

Tip five. Check the “completed projects” column often and remember: you can be rightfully proud of yourself!

Do you know how to plan your day? We will be grateful if you share your experience with us in the comments or in our

How to plan your day correctly to get everything done? What rules should you follow to avoid stress and feelings of dissatisfaction? In this article, you will learn what you need to do to increase your productivity and efficiency.

If you are often late, create blockages at work, forget about important events and are nervous that you don’t have time to do a lot of things, then this article is for you. Where to start to learn how to properly plan your time?

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  1. Keep a diary. Don’t start your day until you write down your plans for the next day in the morning, or even better, in the evening. Making a to-do list is a necessary activity in order to understand what needs to be done and get everything done.
  2. Set reminders for meetings and events on your mobile phone.
  3. If you work on a computer, create a separate document with a to-do list.

How to make a to-do list correctly?

  • A to-do list needs to be written every day, preferably in the evening.
  • Write no more than 7 priority things on your list. It’s not worth it anymore, because it’s impossible to do more in one day.
  • Write down all points in detail. For example: go to a store and buy everything you need according to the list. Write down the list of items you need on a separate piece of paper. Then going to the store will take you much less time.
  • You should put in your to-do list the approximate time it will take you to complete this or that action.
  • The to-do list should always be visible. If you are a young mother who is constantly tugged at by children and the list gets lost, then write several copies.
  • Write a to-do list for the week ahead, this will help you understand which things are especially urgent and which can wait.

Basic rules on how to plan your day to get everything done

  1. In order to properly plan your day and manage everything, it is very important to train yourself to wake up early. It doesn't matter whether you need to go to work or not. Organize a normal sleep schedule. To feel energetic, you need to sleep 8 hours a day. Therefore, think about what time you need to go to bed so that you can get up early and still get enough sleep.
  2. It is very important to listen to your biological clock . You know better what time you feel full of energy and energy to get a lot done quickly. If you feel energized in the evening, plan your day so that you have important things to do in the evening. The rest of the time, do less important things, set aside time for rest, self-development, meeting with friends, etc.
  3. It is very important to prioritize when planning your day. . First you need to do those things that are the most significant in their priority, and only then proceed to the secondary ones. Never put off important things until later. Otherwise, you will think about them all day and be distracted by your thoughts.
  4. Don't waste a lot of energy and time on things that will bring you little results. . The time spent and the final result must be commensurate.
  5. When planning your time, you must think about everything possible options to make your life easier . For example, if cleaning your house takes a lot of time, consider hiring a housekeeper. Or throw away long-needed things, put everything in boxes, and organize it. Then cleaning will take less time.
  6. When doing things, analyze what factors most often distract you and take up your time . Perhaps you are often distracted by social networks, talking on the phone, or thoughts about other things. Very often psychological factors play a role, for example, fear of not being able to complete the work on time, fear of taking on difficult task, laziness.

What to avoid to keep up with everything

  1. Don't waste time watching TV. You can watch any news or film on the Internet without advertising. This will save you time.
  2. Limit your time in in social networks, forums and games . It's a waste of time.
  3. Try to get rid of bad habits . Have you ever wondered how much time you spend on smoking breaks? This not only takes away your time, but also your health. Bad habits are not compatible with success.
  4. Learn to overcome laziness, lack of composure and unpunctuality. Set reminders on your phone and an alarm in advance so you don't be late. Set a time limit for completing all tasks.

David Allen advises getting organized workplace, acquire all the necessary stationery. Also, keep a file cabinet, create a corresponding folder for each case. Allen also recommends writing 4 to-do lists:

  • Make a list of things that need to be done in the near future.
  • Add projects that require an integrated approach to a separate list.
  • Separately, make a list of projects that, for one reason or another, cannot yet be completed.
  • The "someday" list.

To complete work tasks faster, you need to complete similar tasks in a row. The brain gets used to a certain type of work and copes faster each time.

If you have a very difficult task or project, you need to divide it into stages. Then the task becomes more understandable and feasible to complete. Use the principle of “small steps”.

Learn to say “no”, don’t do work for others, don’t become a tool to achieve other people’s goals.

All successful businessmen plan the most important things in the first half of the day. You can’t put off until later what is your priority. As they say: “You’ve done the job, walk boldly.”

It is very easy to learn how to complete all tasks on time. Most people create their own problems and obstacles in their lives. You just need to put in a little effort and just start planning your life. You must understand that a tired and unhealthy person cannot work productively and live his life fully.

Therefore, it is necessary:

  1. Get enough sleep .
  2. Eat properly. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  3. Exercising improves immunity , give a boost of energy and have a beneficial effect on brain activity. Memory and concentration improve, and neuronal cells renew faster.
  4. Stick to your to-do list . Write it for every day, for a week and for a year.
  5. Don't be distracted by unnecessary things , useless communication. Don't do the work for others.
  6. When planning your day, do not take on more responsibilities than you can handle. . Adequately evaluate your time and energy.
  7. Keep your home and work place tidy . Every thing should have its place, and every task should have its time. When you stay organized, you spend much less time getting things done. Let order and systematization of things become your habit.
  8. Optimize your work . Try to simplify any task as much as possible and reduce the time it takes to complete it.
  9. Use it modern technology . Even at home, a multicooker, microwave, or electric meat grinder will save you a lot of time on cooking.
  10. Always reward yourself for any success . If you have completed an important task on time, allow yourself to rest for 15 minutes and eat something sweet or look into your classmates for 10 minutes.
  11. Don't strive for the ideal, it doesn't exist. If you obsess over doing everything better, you'll end up stalling and driving yourself into hysterics.
  12. Don't accumulate unfinished tasks. Whatever you planned to do today, do it!
  13. Never be afraid to ask for help or distribute certain tasks among employees.

In addition to making a to-do list, there are some other effective planning techniques that are widely used in time management. This is a time management technique that includes rules and principles that help a person properly organize his time and achieve maximum efficiency in any activity.

Basic planning techniques

  1. Pareto's rule or the “80 to 20” principle. Only 20% of your thoughts, conversations and actions lead to 80% of your results. And 80% of other actions lead to 20% results. Therefore, do not try to do everything at once, but do initially those things that will bring you maximum results.
  2. Timing method is that you need to write down all your time, what and where you spend it. Analyzing these records will show you what activities you should stop doing, what distracts you, and what processes you need to speed up.
  3. ABC planning is that you need to distribute things by letter by degree of importance. Category A cases are the most important. They make up 15% of all cases and bring 65% of the results. B – important matters, which make up 20% of all matters and bring 20% ​​of the results. Category C are matters of the least importance, they make up 65% and give a result of 15%.

If you want to learn how to properly plan your day and be the master of your life, you need a little bit. Just have the desire to learn it, put in some effort and start working on yourself. You just have to get into the habit of planning your life, writing a to-do list for every day, developing responsibility, perseverance, and punctuality. Learning to plan properly is one of the ways of self-improvement that can radically change your life for the better. You will learn to set priorities, identify core values, set goals and achieve them within a clearly defined time frame.

Hello! In this article we will talk about planning your working day.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why plan your working day;
  2. Who needs it?
  3. How to plan your working day correctly.

Planning your working day

In the 21st century, the rhythm of life has noticeably accelerated and continues to gain momentum. If previously, in order to be successful, you needed to do one amount of work, now you need to do much more to achieve success. And people begin to face a lack of time. If we are chasing all the daily tasks that life throws at us every day, there is no time left at all.

Working day planning is a tool that helps not only to use working time effectively, but also to reduce it. This is not a trivial to-do list that needs to be completed in strict order. Planning is the ability to choose what needs to be done, why and when.

That’s why proper planning not only structures everything you do during the day, but also frees up your time. First of all, you need to do the most important things - this is the main rule. It is useful for every person who has free time at work and does not have a clear schedule to distribute their time correctly.

What does planning include?

Working time planning includes:

  • Setting priorities.
  • Selecting important tasks.
  • Finding the best ways to solve them.
  • Finding employment in your free time.

Prioritization helps you understand what needs attention, what can resolve itself, and what issue should simply be ignored. Time and information have become much more valuable than before, and getting excited about something that does not produce results is pointless.

Selecting important tasks- almost the same as prioritization, only within the framework of one working day. You choose what will bring an important result, what needs to be done urgently, and what can be postponed.

Finding better ways to solve problems- a very important point. When planning, you must consider not only what you will do, but also how best to do it. At the same time, it is important not just to save time, but to do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Working with free time should also be included in the work plan. Do you have 2 hours freed up a day that you can spend on something? You can tell your boss about this, and he will load you with work, you can educate yourself, or you can put effort into developing your own project.

Why is it important to plan your work day?

Anyone who has ever encountered freelancing, business, or “work at will” (like a taxi) understands perfectly the importance of organizing tasks throughout the day. But, for example, most office workers do not consider it necessary to plan their working day.

In fact, main reason planning the working day - increasing your own efficiency. If you listen to your own body, you can understand that some things work better for you at one time, and others at another. For example, it is more convenient for you to make calls to other companies after lunch, since you have already woken up, but are not yet tired, and monotonous work is completed faster in the evening, so it is better to postpone entering information into the database until 5 - 6 hours.

Working day planning takes into account not only basic elements problem solving, but also the personal preferences of each person. Time management was not designed to impose the same pattern of highly efficient work on everyone. You must adapt your tasks to the characteristics of your body.

Organizing and planning your workday allows you to do more in less time, leaving time to do the things you enjoy.

Who should plan their working day?

Every person should be able to plan their working day. This way you can save time and work more efficiently. But there are 3 categories of people who simply must engage in personal planning.

. The most undisciplined worker is a freelancer. He doesn’t have a clear schedule, and only the deadline reminds him that it’s time to sit down to do something. This is why it is very important for freelancers who work with several clients to plan their working day. It often turns out that new orders appear with a difference of one or two days, and if you wait until the last minute, you may not have time to work on two projects.

Businessmen. Everything here is almost the same as in freelancing. Especially if it's an online business. On the one hand, you can relax at home while your employees are working, but on the other hand, this approach will inevitably fail. In the West, the cult of workaholism flourishes among businessmen. They believe that if you don't work 60 hours a week, it means you're lazy and have nothing to do in business.

Managers. A leader will not always be a businessman. The owner of the company may not take an active part in the affairs of his company, but its director takes responsibility for the operation of the whole mechanism. This is why leaders of middle and large companies must use their time effectively, because the future of the company depends on their decisions long term. Planning a manager’s working day is a way to most effectively distribute your time between strategically important tasks.

Working day planning methods

There can be many methods for properly planning your workday. But one of the most effective is Eisenhower Matrix. Its essence is as follows.

There are 4 squares:

  1. Square A - Urgent and important matters.
  2. Square B - non-urgent and important matters.
  3. Square C - urgent and unimportant matters.
  4. Square D - non-urgent and unimportant matters.

Square A should almost always remain empty. With proper planning, all important tasks should settle in square B and be completed as they approach A.

Square B are important things that will help you achieve your goal. This includes all tasks that need to be completed within 1 business day.

Square C means urgent and unimportant tasks that need to be delegated to others. A prime example of urgent but unimportant matters is calling a potential client. An employee can do this, you better focus on other things.

Square D, means that there are non-urgent and unimportant things that do not bring you closer to your goal, do not give positive emotions and in principle are not needed. All useless ideas should be written down in this square.

This division of tasks according to their importance and urgency allows you to understand what you need to pay attention to during the working day, and what you can safely forget about. The matrix helps not only in work processes, but also in Everyday life. If you want to learn English, it is interesting to you and will help you in your career - this is square B. But if you want to learn Spanish just for the sake of knowing it, this is D, and you can safely forget about it.

Rules for planning working hours

There are several rules for how to effectively conduct your workday. For convenience, we will divide the day into 3 parts:

  • The begining of the work day.
  • Basic workflow.
  • Completion.

Morning is the most important stage. Depending on how much sleep you got, how you got up and what you did, your mood, psychological attitude and performance will depend.

The principles of a “correct” morning include the following:

  • Positive attitude. If you wake up every day thinking that you hate your job, your productivity will decrease. Try to start your morning with pleasant thoughts.
  • Try not to "sway". Have you noticed that after you get up in the morning, you need another 30 - 40 minutes to finally come to your senses? This is time that is not worth wasting. Immediately after waking up, take a shower, brew some coffee, and instead of spending half an hour going nowhere, you can have breakfast in peace.
  • A leisurely breakfast and the way to work. Starting the day without rush is very important. When you are in a hurry, the body spends extra strength and nerves that could be used for more productive work. If you can’t afford a hearty breakfast and a leisurely trip, go to bed later and get up earlier.
  • Key tasks. Majority successful businessmen tend to claim that the most important tasks needs to be decided in the morning. As the saying goes, “If you want to do everything, eat a frog for breakfast.” The role of a frog is a task that you do not want to take on at all. Do it in the morning and positive attitude the feeling of being “eaten by a frog” will last for the whole day.

The main workflow consists of the following tasks:

  • Solve urgent problems. It is important to understand that if some urgent matter comes your way during the working day, you do not need to turn all your attention exclusively to it. First you need to understand whether it is important or not. If it’s important, then you need to start working on it immediately. If not, transfer responsibility for its implementation to another person.
  • Meet deadlines. Every day you should set yourself approximate deadlines within which you must cope with the entire volume of tasks. It is important that it is not “Do everything before 18 o’clock”, but “At 14:00 - start making a plan, at 15:00 - analyze the indicators, at 16:00 - make a report,” etc.
  • Order in the workplace. This is an implicit but very important point. If your desk is a mess, your eyes will constantly be lost among it. And if there is some foreign document at your workplace, you can start studying it and just lose 20 - 30 minutes.
  • Don't follow impulses. It's the most important. There are some triggers that make you shift your attention from work to something less important. Call a friend while you're reviewing your sales plan? It’s better not to do this, then you will lose concentration and can easily lose the working spirit.
  • Group your routine. It is very important. If you need to make 60 phone calls during the day, then it is better to divide them into several small groups, 10 - 15 at a time. After you have made the call, you can perform another task. By constantly switching from routine to active activity, you can get much more done.

The end of the working day is based on the following principles:

  • Finish what is needed. There is a group of things that fall into the “important but not urgent” square. It is best to complete them during the working day, and always keep the “important and urgent” square empty.
  • Check your results against your plan. Everything you did during the day needs to be compared with what you planned. If you have just started planning your work day, then small deviations from the plan will be in order. Try to keep them as few as possible.
  • Make a plan for the next day. It is best to do this at the end of the previous working day. This way you will maintain a working spirit and, at the same time, it is important to draw up a real program of affairs.

If you are a manager, then during the working day you must work closely with your secretary.

Please remember that this is all general advice. They don't take into account your individual characteristics. If it’s more convenient for you to do urgent work in the afternoon rather than in the morning, that’s your right. If you prefer to do a big, difficult task last, and it doesn't affect your mood for one day, do it last.

Planning your working day should be individual.

Basic mistakes when planning your workday

Despite the fact that the practice of time management is firmly established in our lives, most people make common mistakes when planning their work day. Here are a few of them.

Mistake 1. Wrong prioritization.

The Eisenhower Matrix tells us that we need to do important things. But many people can easily get confused about what is important to them. Square A, which should remain empty and is responsible for urgent and important matters, is often confused with Square C, where unimportant matters that require immediate attention have accumulated.

It is important to remember that you should spend your energy exclusively on what is important to you at a given time. You should work for the future when things can be put aside and planned wisely.

Mistake 2: Spending too much time on little things.

In order to explain why it is necessary to do the “basic” first, and only then the little things, we will use the Pareto Law. It says that 20% of effort produces 80% of results. That is, when you work on something important, you spend 20% of the effort and achieve 80% of the result. When you work on the little things, you get 4 times less results and spend 4 times more effort.

Let's look at a small example. You need to launch an advertising campaign. If you create 10 creatives, match them keywords and phrases, and launch on prepared sites, then this will be 20% of the work, which will give 80% of the result. But if you spend time editing fonts and images, selecting and polishing phrases, and searching for additional platforms for advertising, you will spend much more effort. All this will need to be done, but after the start advertising campaign, when you achieve the first result.

Mistake 3. Lack of time for personal matters.

Every person should have a personal life and freedom to choose an occupation. If you have a lot to do and you don’t find one or two hours to do your hobby, then this is poor planning of your day. Planning your working time is important not only because it allows you to get more done. It gives you the opportunity to do what you like without haste.

Time management is an important part of your success. How many times have you encountered a situation where you are doing things all day and there is no result? I will tell you how to change this situation and constantly replenish your electronic account through proper planning of your working day.

What planning your day will give you:

  • You will get rid of the chaos around you and in your head;
  • Less worry and stress, since you will know when and by what time you need to achieve the task assigned to you;
  • You will be able to more easily evaluate the effectiveness of your day;
  • Unload your head by writing out all the tasks in a planner;
  • You will get more done, since a planned day always goes more efficiently than an unplanned one.

How to plan a day or basic planning rules

The first rule is to make a plan for the next day every evening.

How to plan your day correctly? Plan your day in blocks, without writing them down in detail. But at the same time, leave notes on what needs to be done and when. To make it clear to you, I have outlined tomorrow for myself:

  • 1 hour – morning block (hygiene, breakfast, exercises)
  • 3 hours – work
  • 1 hour – lunch
  • 3 hours – work
  • 2 hours – offline activities, sports, walk + second lunch
  • 2 hours – work
  • 1 hour – dinner
  • 2-3 hours – rest (hobbies, walks)
  • 6-8 hours sleep

Every day I know how many hours I have for work and other things. So I tell myself: “Thank you for these 8 hours that will help me get closer to my goal. I will do everything to make them as productive and efficient as possible.” After that I start my business.

When I wrote this message, I thought about the following. Surely someone thinks that there is no point in bothering so much, you can just do your job. Yes, I don't argue. But for you it will be a hassle only the first time, then it will be a convenient automatic action. You will complete them without thinking, without racking your brain “how to plan my work day, because I have a big project!” The most important thing is that with the help of plans you will achieve your goals much faster than before.

If you think that everything is fine with you and you are satisfied with everything, then that’s great. Have you thought about how to become even more successful and richer? If you think about it now, several come to mind good ideas. But you don’t implement them, because they are only in plans, in your head. And in my 8 working hours I will implement my ideas and bring them to life. It is due to this that I achieved financial solvency, and also give advice on how to plan things correctly.

Second rule: do only what makes you happy

If you do something that doesn't bring you pleasure, you will most likely give up on your business. Let me give you an example. I cannot write texts on a topic that is not my own. Since I spend a lot of time on articles for my blog, and the remaining time is very valuable to me.

I love creating and promoting Internet projects, as well as teaching this business. Therefore, I found several people who write a significant number of articles for me. For this I pay them the amount that I can earn during this time from my favorite business. This is a beneficial exchange for both parties, such transactions are called “win-win”. Both sides benefit.

The third rule is to distribute tasks by importance.

How to plan your day correctly? Distribute tasks by importance. When drawing up a business plan, I divide all the work into 4 groups:

  1. Important and urgent matters
  2. Urgent but not important matters
  3. Things to do
  4. Not important or urgent matters

The fourth rule - plan your vacation

How to plan your working day correctly? Be rested and prepared for it. Once a week I plan a rest day. On this day I do what I would like to do on weekdays, but could not. Since this would not affect the approach of my goal in any way.

On this day you should rest for the week ahead, but don’t overdo it, because you have to work the next day.

Fifth rule - catch your ideas

I also recommend that you keep a notebook of ideas that should always be at hand. Interesting ideas sometimes overtake us very unexpectedly. As soon as some interesting thought pops into your head, try to write it down, otherwise you may forget about it later. And it doesn’t matter where you are - you should have a notepad at hand!

The next day, when you write a business plan, look at the idea notebook and take an idea from there to implement.

Modern life is a kaleidoscope of passing days, weeks, months. The phrase “I don’t have time to do anything” has become firmly established in everyday life. Plans remain in thoughts and on paper, the list of urgent but postponed tasks grows. Fatigue and nervousness accumulate. A little more and there will be a complete loss of strength or, even worse, depression. How to avoid the consequences of a hectic life, plan your life correctly and rationally? Start with one day.

Biological cycles

This is the first thing you need to start planning your day correctly. To achieve full results, you need to coordinate your plans and actions with the capabilities of the body. Biorhythms are nothing more than the vital processes of the body and all organs that are repeated in certain cycles. Cycles are determined by external and internal factors. External ones include:

  1. Natural phenomena (sun, moon, disasters);
  2. Social (family, work schedule).

The internal “alarm clock” of the human body is located in the head and heart. External and internal rhythms are synchronized, thereby determining the routine of life.

It is easier for the body to live according to the biological clock. Need to be allocated for a specific task allotted time days.

Peak activity and performance occurs between 9 and 12 am. This time corresponds to the work schedule. Therefore, it is better to postpone unnecessary conversations and tea drinking. Give this time to productive work. You will be amazed at how much you can get done.

From 12 to 13 hours activity decreases. It is better to devote this hour to organizing what has already been done and preparing for the afternoon.

From 13 to 15 - the body requires rest. It literally “falls asleep.” Have lunch and take a leisurely walk if possible. Fresh air will invigorate you a little and give you a new incentive to work.

From 15 to 16 - the brain is ready to remember and analyze anything. Everything you work with at this time will linger in your memory for a long time.

The next three hours will allow you to approach your work with full dedication, because at 16-19 hours there is a peak of intellectual activity.

Also a very good time for physical work is from 15-18. If you need to move, rearrange, or remove something, now is the time.

From 19 to 20 - check homework for children, plan your next vacation, distribute your finances. At this time, the brain works perfectly.

For the next two hours until 10 p.m., take a walk, chat with family or friends, do yoga, and meditation. Classes at this time of day should be calm and relaxing.

After ten in the evening it is better not to do anything, but to get ready for bed. Try not to schedule anything late in the evening. An excited brain will not allow you to fall asleep quickly, and your sleep will be restless.

If you have an urgent matter, it is better to do it early in the morning. From 5 to 7 am the body is ready for activity. Moreover, at this time, no one at home will distract you, so you can get a lot done.

The ability to adjust your daily routine to your body’s capabilities will help you save both energy and time. Based on biological cycles, you can identify the most productive phases of the day and plan your day correctly.

How to save time

If you make a detailed timekeeping of the day, you will find out that at least a third of the time is spent on “doing nothing.” The number of means of communication per person is simply off the charts. Using each one takes more than one hour a day. Add to this the time spent on “rocking”, tea, coffee, empty chatter, TV series - and the day never happened. There are a few simple ways learn to save time.

Planning your day

After gaining some knowledge in biological rhythms body, looked at ways to save time, the best time to start drawing up a daily plan. Don't rush to list all the things you want to do. The first daily routine should contain only what you do daily. Develop a stable habit first, then you can make additions and adjustments. Remember, you must see your daily routine in front of you. It makes sense to print or rewrite several times and hang it around the apartment. This method disciplines.

The day is divided into periods of sleep and wakefulness. You can't skimp on sleep. We must accept this as an axiom. For good recuperation, 7-9 hours are needed. Based on the body's biorhythms best sleep from 23 to 7.

Waking time is divided into several components:

— Meals;

— Working;

- Personal.

Eat better and healthier at the same time. Gradually, the body will get used to it and there will be no need to check the schedule and the clock. Be sure to write down the time allotted for food.

Working time is considered not only the time spent at enterprises and institutions, but also everything we spend on housework. Employment outside the home is limited to a certain period of time. Except in rare cases, it is always the same. IN overall plan You shouldn’t enter work assignments for the day; it’s better to write them down in a separate list. The most important and urgent ones first. Start your work with the most difficult tasks. Favorable hours for engaging in this or that activity are prescribed in the first chapter.

Work at home is planned according to the same principle. If it consists only of household chores, then do not overload yourself with the volume for one day. Spread the load evenly throughout the week. There will be less fatigue, and pleasure and results will not be slow to show themselves.

There is not much time left for personal time. Only 2-3 hours per working week. But this can be compensated for if you devote one of the weekends to yourself. What is meant by personal time? Doing what you love (hobbies), communicating with family, children, friends, playing sports, taking care of yourself. Try to be rational with your time so as not to waste it on trifles, and then you can get everything done.

Learning to plan your day correctly is not that difficult. There will be difficulties only in the first months. The main thing is to have a desire to change and organize something in life.

Video about planning your day