Valenki are primordially rural shoes that save frosty winters, and even fashionistas leave model boots and dress up in warm and reliable ones.

Winter boots made of felted wool still have not lost their relevance, but they are not often worn, because such things get dirty quickly and are difficult to wash.

As with any footwear, boots need care. How to clean white felt boots at home and can they be washed in a washing machine?


You should buy felt boots strictly according to the size of your feet, and you can even go 1 size larger. Such shoes are made of wool, and it tends to shrink when wet and saturated with moisture.

Having bought light boots made of felted wool, you should immediately learn how to wash them, when the dirt sticks and how to properly care for them.

Such shoes do not require special care, but some recommendations must be followed in order to extend their service life.

  1. Winter boots are not advisable to wear in warm weather and slush. Such shoes should be used when the frost outside is at least 5 degrees.
  2. In warm and damp weather, they are worn with galoshes, or a rubber sole is sewn on. As a firmware, it is recommended to use a part of the bootleg of an old felt boot or leather.
  3. It is also necessary to protect the heel from rubbing inside and out. It is reinforced with leather patches.
  4. You can dry these boots only in a natural way. This type of material does not tolerate electric heaters and batteries. Otherwise, they will deform.

You can’t wash felt boots in the washing machine, they can sit down a lot. You can only wipe felted wool with a damp cloth.

And folding at the end of the season in a box, you should put a ball with Antimol in it. Pack shoes in plastic bag and tied tightly. However, in this case, you will need to ventilate them, especially on dry, hot summer days.

Preliminary processing

Before cleaning shoes, they must be dried, then brushed over the surface. For winter boots made of felted wool, you should use a brush with rubber teeth, pumice, fine-grained sandpaper.

After removing the main dirt, you can start cleaning with home or professional products.

Vacuum cleaner

This electrical appliance perfectly removes dust and small specks from the surface of felt shoes. Using it is impossible to include the mode of cleaning shoes with water.

They process shoes both outside and inside using other nozzles. Due to the presence of bristles, the felt is combed well.

soap solution

Felt boots white color can be cleaned with soapy water. To do this, use dishwashing gel, laundry soap or shampoo, you can also use washing powder with bleaching particles or detergent.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure quickly so that the felt product does not have time to be saturated with moisture.

How to clean felt boots:

  1. Soap composition is applied to all surfaces. If you do this only on contaminated areas, the washed areas will be very different, and in the sun the boots will look spotty.
  2. Rinse off dirty foam cold water. This does not mean that the boot should be slipped under the flowing jet. Water is collected in the palm of the hand and the hand is passed over the surface of felt shoes. In the same way, you can clean the boot from the inside. The remaining soap can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Then the felt boots are sent to dry.

The cleaned surface is treated with a rubber felt brush. You can also use a soft brush for clothes.

Machine processing

Can you wash felt boots?

How to wash felt boots:

  1. Boots are wrapped in a special shoe bag or a pillowcase can be used, which should be tied.
  2. Washing mode - delicate. This type of product cannot be hard washed. Temperature regime- cold water or 30 degrees, but no more.

After washing, paper is placed in the shoes to give them shape. Dry away from electric dryers and heaters.

Bulk products

Excellent cleaning products - bulk products that can be found in every home. For example, starch, tooth powder, semolina or soda.

Each of these products is great for dry cleaning.

These methods cannot be used for boots. dark colors. They are only suitable for white felt.

How to clean felt boots:

  1. Take one of the funds that is in the house in sufficient quantities.
  2. Apply to the entire surface of the boots, and leave for a while. It should pull the dirt out of the felt.
  3. Then you just need to thoroughly knock out the grains of the product from the pile. You can beat them against each other, or use a brush with rubber teeth.
  4. If the remnants of the product are clogged into the felt and do not want to go out on their own, go through the boots with a vacuum cleaner, he will surely remove all the grains.

Starch, tooth powder, soda or semolina are suitable if the contamination is small. Such products can be used for everyday care of felt boots.

Thanks to such care for felted wool boots, it is possible to carry them for several seasons in a row.

It is necessary to use not a product for removing stains from clothes, but one that is intended for cleaning carpets. This product is dermatologically tested and does not cause allergic reactions.

Proper cleaning procedure:

  1. Vanish is diluted with water, a dense foam should be obtained.
  2. It is only necessary to apply foam on felt boots, you do not need to use water itself.
  3. It is left on the boots for a certain time, for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. The remains of the foam are removed with a clean brush or cloth, and the boots are placed to dry.

Carpet cleaner should be used with gloves. It smells good, so put on protective mask not necessary.

Other modern powders or gels used for carpet cleaning can also be used to clean boots. But you should buy only those that foam well.

Felt cannot be treated with the liquid itself, it will not deteriorate, but it can be deformed if the liquid penetrates deep into the fibers.


Often, the hostess is faced with the question of how to clean white felt boots at home. To carry out such a procedure, you can use the Weasel tool.

The main thing is to know how to properly apply it to the felt surface.

The use of Laska liquid gives excellent results.

Action algorithm:

  1. Clean off the main dirt.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp into a clean container. l. funds and beat in a strong foam in a glass of cold water.
  3. Apply foam to felt boots, wait a bit, and then remove with a sponge.

Dry or not?

Thick felt takes a long time to dry. The boot may dry out inside and out, but in the middle of the fibers it will remain wet.

How to understand that the shoes are dry and can be worn?

To do this, put on socks, then felt boots and walk for 10 minutes. If the sock is wet, then the boots need to be dried.

It is recommended to change the paper in felt boots more often, it absorbs moisture and promotes quick drying and not just shaping. Newspaper cannot be used, black ink may be printed on the felt and dark streaks may appear.

Cleaning boots does not take much time. More time is devoted to drying them, since hair dryers and heaters cannot be used. If the boots are rubberized, then it must also be washed daily.

It is enough to use a soapy solution and a soft cloth to remove dirt. After all, rubber is not afraid of anything.

Before cleaning such shoes at home, they must be thoroughly dried. But this must be done in compliance with several rules, namely:

  1. 1 These types of footwear must not be dried on central heating batteries. If this requirement is not met, then the wool on felt boots may shrink in large sizes and products will lose not only their shape, but also their presentation.
  2. 2 When drying boots, it is forbidden to use various shoe dryers that work on electrical energy. Such devices can set fire to the surface of the boots, which is undesirable.
  3. 3 Do not try to dry this type of footwear with an open fire, such as a fireplace or stove. The surface of the white boots is made of wool, which can easily ignite, and the shoes will simply burn.
  4. 4 For drying felt products different type(including felt boots) they must be stuffed from the inside with paper. This will keep the shoe in shape. Then they are put in dry and warm place. To speed up the drying process, the paper tab must be changed periodically. Especially often it is recommended to do this if a pair of boots gets very wet.
  5. 5 Before going for a walk, it is advisable to treat the surface with special impregnations for felt products. They are water-repellent, so the service life of the shoes will be significantly extended and drying of the boots will take less time.

The above tips can also be used after cleaning shoes from contamination, since drying boots may be necessary after they have been treated with various cleaning products.

Shoe polish with decorations

If there are patterns or any decorative elements on the felt boots, and these can be stripes, rhinestones, various pendants, then before starting the shoe-cleaning process, it is recommended to remove or tear them off. If this is not done, then such decorations will prevent you from cleaning the surface of the boots well. Often, these elements also get dirt, so they are removed from the shoes and cleaned of dirt, and then washed separately using soap and water. After that, they are dried in the usual way. After the main surface of the shoe has been cleaned and dried, clean decorative elements are sewn into place.

If it is impossible to remove such decorations from the product, then you will have to clean it together with them, which may damage the decorative components. Therefore, some caution must be exercised.

How to remove pollution?

Since the main raw material for the manufacture of the shoes in question is wool fiber, the main negative quality such felt products are considered high percent moisture absorption and deformation when the object gets wet.

Therefore, washing felt boots is strictly prohibited.

This is especially not possible in washing machines, otherwise the wool will fall off, which will lead to severe shrinkage, and the shoes will lose their shape. Therefore, the cleaning of felt boots at home should be carried out with special means, namely:

  1. 1 First, heavy dirt and snow residues are removed from the surface. To clean the felt product from dirt in the form of large lumps, it is necessary to use brushes with stiff bristles. After the adhering large lumps of dirt are eliminated, it is necessary to begin to eliminate small spots.
  2. 2 In water (cold), a silk carpet cleaner is diluted. Vanish will do. The resulting mixture must be whipped until foam appears, which is carefully applied with a sponge to the contaminated area. Gently wipe and leave for a certain period until the shoes are completely dry. After that, the remnants of the used product are removed from the boots.
  3. 3 Another way - take the washing powder "Weasel" and dilute it in water according to the instructions. In the resulting solution, wet a rag or sponge, wipe dirty places on felt shoes. If the stain does not disappear at once, then the operation is repeated. After that, it is necessary to dry the treated surfaces well.
  4. 4 In the event that the pollution is very strong, washing powders with any bleach can be used to clean the boots. To do this, the components are diluted in cool water and the dirty places are washed well. The shoes are then dried.
  5. 5 Some housewives use semolina or flour if there is little dirt on the product. To do this, these substances are well rubbed into the structure of the boots, and then knocked out until the grains are completely removed from the surface of the shoe. Such an improvised remedy perfectly cleans things from pollution, and after its application there are no traces left. Instead of these components, it is recommended to use starch.
  6. 6 If the dirt has concentrated on the shoes in the form of small lumps, then you can try to remove the problem with a vacuum cleaner.
  7. 7 If artificial fibers were used in the production of felt boots, then their presence in the composition of the felt surface of the shoe will be indicated on the label attached to the company that produced such a product. To remove pollution from boots of this type, shoes are wiped with soap, after wetting the places where dirt accumulates. After that, rinse the product in cold tap water.
  8. 8 Some foreign firms produce a special cleaning agent for felt products, brushes and other components that allow you to get rid of dirt on felt boots. You can use these kits to eliminate contamination.

If you follow all the recommendations that are given above, then felt shoes can be used for a very long time. Proper care for felt boots made of white wool will allow for a long period to maintain not only their whiteness, but also the shape given to the product at the manufacturing plant.

Valenki are old Russian winter shoes, which today have received a second life. And this is not surprising, because felt boots are warm, cozy and practical. They are worn by fishermen and hunters, children and even stylish fashionistas. And the thing is that felt boots are able to protect your feet from cold and dampness even in the most severe frosts. Modern trends in the fashion world offer us elegant and sophisticated white felt boots. They are not only warm and comfortable, but also incredibly beautiful. But, as you know, the white color is capricious and requires special care. So, how to return white felt boots to their original appearance and crystal whiteness?

How to refresh boots

If the felt boots are grayish in color and slightly dirty after wearing, this is very easy to fix with special carpet cleaners. One of the most effective is Vanish. This detergent is diluted with water according to the instructions, after which a thick foam is formed, which is applied to the surface of the boots. Powerful detergent composition draws all the dirt to the surface. After the felt boots are completely dry, you just need to vacuum them.

How to clean felt boots from serious pollution

In general, boots are designed for walking on a clean white snow. However, modern urban conditions do not always provide this opportunity. Dirt, slush, road chemicals affect shoes, turning them into a dirty mess. To get rid of more serious stains and dirt, you need to use the following step-by-step instructions.

  1. First of all, the felt boots must be dried in order to break off solid pieces of dirt. To do this, use a brush with rubber bristles. They will not spoil the pile, but they will effectively get rid of large contaminants.
  2. After that, dilute the soap solution in the basin, always in cold water. All manipulations with felt boots should be in cold water so that they do not sit down. Soak a brush in the solution and go over the entire surface of the boots. Wipe off possible dirt and stains thoroughly.
  3. After that, rinse the boots under running cold water. Go over them with your fingers to "kick out" all the soapy water. If the soap does not come out completely, it does not matter, because we have one more washing step to go.
  4. Many people wonder if it is possible to wash felt boots in a washing machine. Of course, if you do it wrong, they can sit down or roll up. However, following some nuances will allow us to wash the felt boots in the washing machine without damaging the shoes.
  5. Firstly, you need to wash felt boots only in a delicate mode, designed for washing wool. Secondly, you need to use only cold water when washing. The third rule is to wash felt boots in a cloth bag.
  6. To wash white boots, you can use washing powder with chlorine bleach. It will not only clean the surface, but also whiten the coat by several tones.
  7. Set the desired mode, place the felt boots in the bag and in the drum of the machine. In addition to the powder, use the special Laska conditioner when washing, which will protect the fibers from twisting and stiffness. Wash boots under all these conditions.
  8. After you take the boots out of the washing machine, they need to be straightened. Carefully straighten all folds, creases and folds, if any.
  9. The next step is drying. Here, too, there are some conditions that must be met so that the boots do not sit down. Fill the boots with newspaper so that they are completely straightened out. However, be careful - you don’t need to put too much into shoes so that the boots do not stretch.
  10. You need to dry the felt boots near the battery, in the presence of a draft. In no case should you put felt boots on a battery or heater for quick drying! Otherwise, they will decrease by half a size and become "wooden".
  11. Change the newspaper to dry from time to time. By the way, instead of a newspaper, you can use toilet paper or cat litter. All of these materials absorb moisture very well.
  12. How to check if the felt boots are completely dry? To do this, you need to put on felt boots on socks and walk around the house in them for a while. If the socks become wet - the shoes still need to be dried, if the socks remain dry - the boots are “ready”.

This simple algorithm will help you clean your favorite pair of shoes from even the most serious dirt.

There are several recipes that will help you clean felt boots quickly and easily.

  1. Sprinkle generously with semolina. It perfectly absorbs moisture and dirt. After a while, the semolina can simply be brushed off or vacuumed.
  2. The same can be done using starch or tooth powder instead of semolina. Sprinkle the surface of the boots with a loose product, especially thickly - stains and dirt. After a while, go over the felt boots with a rag or brush. This is a great way to urgently resuscitate white boots.
  3. You can clean the boots with fine sandpaper. The sandpaper will delicately remove the dirty layer without damaging the woolen coating itself.
  4. The same effect can be achieved by using pumice stone instead of sandpaper.
  5. If you have splashed your boots with road mud, flour will do well. However, such pollution should be cleaned immediately upon arrival home, without waiting for the dirty drops to dry. Sprinkle the soiled areas with flour and leave for a while. After half an hour, it is enough to vacuum the outer surface of the boots so that they become fresh and clean.

If all of the above methods do not help you or you are afraid for the end result, it is advisable to take the felt boots to dry cleaning. They know exactly how to clean felt boots so that they retain their original appearance.

How to protect felt boots from pollution

To make felt boots less dirty, before each exit to the street, they must be treated with a special water-repellent spray.

To protect the sole and lower part boots from dirt and road reagents, you need to put on galoshes on boots. This will help you further protect your feet from moisture and frost. If galoshes do not seem so aesthetic to you, you can attach a special sole to the bottom of the boots, which looks stylish and neat. Do not glue the sole - the glue may not withstand wet conditions. It is best to sew the sole to felt boots.

Caring for felt boots is to regularly clean them with a damp cloth. It is necessary to wash felt boots only when heavily soiled or before removing shoes until the next winter season. You need to store felt boots in fabric bags, placing special Antimol tablets inside the shoes. They will protect your felt boots from unwanted insects. If there are no such tablets at hand, you can put walnut leaves, sprigs of rosemary or basil in a canvas bag.

Today great amount people prefer felt boots to other types of boots made of natural fabric. Because felt boots are convenient, warm, comfortable, stylish and inexpensive. Modern models felt boots are represented by specimens with heels and even wedges. Therefore, felt boots can be easily worn with a skirt or dress. Do not deny yourself the convenience, wear white felt boots!

Video: how to clean felt boots

When choosing a method for cleaning products, you need to pay attention to the tag, which will definitely contain information - a warning about the possibility of washing and the use of certain cleaning products.

When choosing a cleaning method for products, you need to pay attention to the tag, which will definitely contain information.

The main condition for cleaning any models of boots is a ban on full immersion into water and abundant humidification with a jet of water.

Regular wet cleaning necessary to remove dirt should be done with a wet hand or a damp sponge.

Classic felt models must be dried from moisture (remains of snow) before cleaning, remove dirt with a stiff brush. After that, dilute the washing powder with water and apply the resulting mixture with a brush to the surface of the shoe. The resulting foam can be easily removed with a jet of water.

For felt and felt products, the dry cleaning method is quite suitable. To do this, you can use a dried crust of rye bread. She wipes the contaminated areas, after which the crumbs are removed with a brush. This method allows boots to acquire the original appearance without mechanical damage to the delicate material.

White boots

Quite often the problem arises of how to clean white felt boots. They have gained popularity among both adult consumers and have become favorites of children. Since the white color is very easily soiled, even with careful wear by fashionistas, they can turn into ugly gray.

There are several ways to restore the whiteness of winter shoes:

  1. You can use a Vanish carpet bleaching powder. For bleaching, it is diluted with water and whipped into foam. The finished solution is applied to the shoes, and dirt is wiped off with a cloth. The remains of the powder in the form of small grains are removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Another option is to use a Vanish liquid solution. It must also be diluted with water and applied to the surface according to the instructions. The resulting foam washes the surface of the boots, and the residues are removed with a sponge.
  3. An excellent result is the use of Laska liquid. It is diluted with water, and bleach is added to the resulting mixture. Using a sponge, the product is applied to the surface of the shoe, and then dried at room temperature. The main thing for drying is not to put them on the battery, since high temperatures can significantly affect the condition of the products by making them beaters.
  4. If you don’t know how to clean white felt boots at home, you can use folk way cleaning, which consists in the use of semolina. It must be applied to the surface of the boots and rubbed thoroughly. After such a “peeling”, the grits are carefully knocked out. Many contaminants go away with semolina. Other free-flowing white mixtures are also suitable for this cleaning method: or.
  5. White dump boots can be washed in the washing machine, provided that the instructions for use have a corresponding note about this. To do this, select the "delicate" mode and add Weasel and bleach. After washing, the boots are straightened and dried.
  6. You can try to wash the felt boots under ordinary running water. To do this, rub them and rub with a sponge. After that, rinse, remove excess water with your hand and dry in a draft.

Methods for cleaning various variations of boots

The model range of shoes is constantly updated with various models, each of which has special care features.

Models with rubber soles

Such shoe options are cleaned with a soft brush. If this is not enough, you can use any foam for cleaning carpets. It should be applied with light movements, rubbing into the surface. Then leave it for a while until the dirt is completely dissolved. The remains of the cleaning agent are removed under running water. During the procedure, the main thing is not to overmoisten the material, since after drying it may decrease in size. the best way Drying is considered stuffing shoes with paper.

Dark boots

Dark-colored felt is much more demanding for regular care. To clean dark surfaces, a soapy solution is used, which is applied to the surface and rubbed into the most polluted places. Soap residues are removed with ordinary water, and the felt boots are dried.

Products of any color can be cleaned with soap suds. The main thing is to then carefully remove it so as not to leave soapy streaks. Dealing with dry cleaning will be problematic.

Products of any color can be cleaned with soap suds.

Complex models

Many difficulties can arise when cleaning designer models decorated with embroidery, emblems, beads and other decorations. If the stripes can be torn off, it is better to do this, wash the felt boots, and then sew on the decor elements again. If artistic embroidery is made on the surface, such felt boots can only be cleaned in a dry way. This will avoid discoloration of the threads and "molting" on the main surface.

How to clean boots from moths

in spring and summer period moth lays eggs in wool fur. Since felt boots are made of wool, they too can suffer the same fate. It is far from always that defeat should be a reason to throw away shoes - it is enough to clean them competently. If the appearance of larvae or moth eggs is noticed, it is urgent to put the felt boots to dry. sunlight will be able to kill the larvae, after which it remains only to remove their remnants from the surface of the shoe with a regular brush.

  1. When buying, pay attention to the sole:
    • if the boots are classic, then you need to purchase shoes size-to-size;
    • If the sole is rubber, it is better to buy a size larger. This type of boots often shrinks after a wet wash.
  2. Upon returning home, the snow should be knocked off the shoes, and the shoe itself should be thoroughly dried. Moisture residues that regularly accumulate on the surface can lead to deformation of the product and a decrease in size.
  3. To preserve the original shape, it is better to dry shoes at room temperature, after stuffing them with paper. Drying is prohibited on the battery.
  4. Dried dirt residues can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. If this does not help, it is worth carrying out a wet treatment.
  5. To protect felt boots in slushy weather, it is better to use galoshes.
  6. Water-repellent shoe cleaners can be used to reduce cleaning time. It will create an invisible film on the surface of the boots and protect from moisture.
  7. If none of the methods helped to clean the felt boots, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning.
  8. Knowing how to clean the national winter shoes at home, you can significantly extend the life of shoes and save money.

They learned how to make felt shoes back in Ancient Rus'- woolen felt boots helped out perfectly even in severe frost. Centuries later, these surprisingly practical shoes are enviably popular. But like any thing, felt boots can get dirty and, of course, require care. I will describe in detail how to clean ordinary felt boots made of gray felt and how to clean white felt boots at home.

Features of care and cleaning

Since these boots consist mainly of natural wool, then, like any wool product, they are afraid of moisture and water. This feature complicates the care of such shoes, but does not make it impossible.

Regardless of the type of contamination, boots are prepared before the main cleaning.

How to prepare boots for cleaning:

  • wet boots should dry completely, so they are dried in a warm and dry place away from heaters and sources of open fire;
  • if there are traces of dirt, lumps of clay, etc. on the surface of the product, they are removed with a rubber brush or a regular bristle with medium hardness. It is important to carry out the procedure after the boots have completely dried.

Felt boots can only be dried in a natural way: batteries, electric shoe dryers and other devices have a detrimental effect on the felt structure. It can burn or get rough, not to mention the fact that the shoes themselves shrink significantly by a size or two.

Small pollution and everyday care: 3 ways

It is easier to take care of your favorite felt boots in a timely manner than to painstakingly wipe old dirt from the surface. Proper and constant care guarantees them long term service and great view several seasons in a row.

For easy cleaning, felt boots can be used:

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Method 1. Vacuum cleaner.

Surprisingly, this household helper perfectly removes dust and small specks from the surface of felt shoes, so dusty felt boots can be cleaned in this way.

Method 2. Rubber brush.

Small dried dirt, soil residues or sand from melted snow. Can be removed with a stiff brush or a special rubber brush for the care of felt products.

Method 3. Starch, semolina, tooth powder, soda.

A great option than cleaning white felt boots at home. Any of these products is liberally applied to the entire surface, left for a while, and then carefully knocked out (a vacuum cleaner can also be used to remove particles of soda, starch, etc.).

Removing dirt and difficult stains: 3 ways

If the stains are complex, old and not removed by the methods described above, then it is time for "heavy artillery", namely household chemicals and special products.

Machine washing and soaking in water is detrimental to felt shoes. Do not allow the fabric to get wet through when cleaning.

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Method 1: Using Carpet Cleaner

Surprisingly, modern and well-known powders, gels and foaming compounds for cleaning carpets can also clean felt boots.

For this you need:

  • a carpet cleaner is diluted in water until a thick, dense foam is formed;
  • the foam is applied to problem areas and left for a certain time indicated in the instructions for the powder / gel;
  • excess foam is removed with a clean cloth.

Method 2: care products for delicate fabrics and to preserve color.

The use of such compositions, which are usually added during washing to preserve color, "white magic" and protect against pellets, even light felt boots are perfectly cleaned.

How to proceed:

  • the product is diluted with cold water (if necessary, for a more snow-white shade of light boots, bleach without chlorine can be added);
  • a small amount of the composition is applied to the felt, you can even rub the area with a cloth or sponge;
  • felt boots are left to dry in a warm, ventilated room.

Method 3: soap solution

Ordinary laundry soap will do an excellent job of cleaning the boots from dirt.

What should be done:

  • soap is dissolved in water until a solution of medium concentration is formed;
  • the resulting composition is used to clean problem areas;
  • to remove excess, rinse quickly under running water and remove moisture with a dry towel.

So that the products do not deform during cleaning, it is advisable to fill them with paper before the procedure to maintain the desired shape. It is necessary to dry shoes without removing the stuffed paper, and if it becomes wet, then change it in a timely manner.


You can take care of felt boots without much difficulty and you can also clean dirty felt boots with your own hands. However, if you doubt your abilities, then it is better not to take risks and send the shoes to dry cleaning, since the price of professional cleaning services is much cheaper. new couple winter boots.

The video in this article shows how you can get rid of stains on felt boots without leaving your home. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.