The speed of the Internet almost never corresponds to the parameters stated in the provider's tariff. Many third-party factors affect the decrease in data transfer speed over the network, some of which can be neutralized on your own.

The speed of the Internet connection depends on the conditions of connection of the tariff plan, the operation of the equipment and receiver devices.

Why is the data transfer over the network lower than specified in the tariff plan.

Provider problems

When connecting an Internet cable directly to a device (computer/laptop/Smart TV), the connection speed is controlled directly by the provider's equipment. Therefore, the parameters specified in the tariff must completely match or slightly differ from the data (for example, if the declared speed is 100 Mb / s, the client receives 80-100 Mb / s).

If browser pages load slower than usual, the problem is directly with the communication company.

Connection via Wi-fi router

Unlike connecting a cable directly, a router acts as an intermediary in data transfer. When processing and transmitting data to them, the overall speed indicator is lost.

The more powerful the router, the faster it processes and relays the signal. But the speed in any case falls by half/third of the total flow.

Abnormal operation of receiver devices

Sometimes the speed of the Internet connection is not related to the operation of the provider or equipment. The reason is the slow operation of the receiver device - computer, laptop, phone.

The problem lies in the overflowing RAM of the gadget, in large numbers open applications or programs that in the background receive information from the network.

How to check internet speed on a Windows 7 computer?

The specified method is suitable for monitoring the speed indicator on versions of Windows 7, 8 and 10:

A more popular verification method is the Internetometer service from Yandex with simple functionality:

Another well-known speed test service without leaving the browser is international resource speed test. More details about working with it are shown in the video.

Video - Testing Internet Connection Speed ​​with Speedtest

How to increase the speed of the Internet through a Wi-fi router?

Sometimes a reboot is required to restore normal operation of the router. To do this, turn off the electronic device from the network for a couple of minutes. When switching on again, you can press the "Reset" key (reset parameters).

If this does not help, try changing the range of the router. Sometimes it coincides with the frequency of other radio devices in the room - a wireless camera, telephone, etc. the standard value is 2.4 GHz. Some modern models can be switched to 5 GHz.

Check what percentage of the return power is set in the router settings - it may have been initially programmed for inferior work:

The setup data is based on the Asus RT-N12E router model. Depending on the manufacturer or model, the settings of other routers may vary.

How to increase the speed of the Internet on a computer or mobile device?

Later versions of the Windows operating system automatically set a speed limit. By removing it, you can achieve faster data transfer:

Save the new settings and reboot your device.

It would be useful to check the Task Manager for the presence of background applications. Some of them use networks to maintain their health, selecting the traffic they need elsewhere:

Important! In some types of operating network, you must additionally click "Processes" and then "Network" in the window that appears before the list appears.

Close programs that normally use the Internet and this moment you don't need. If in doubt how closing the program will affect the operation of the computer or your further work on the device, it is better to leave it enabled.

phone speed up

Cleaning up unnecessary files and clearing the cache will help speed up the work in Internet applications on your phone. To do this, you need to download the free application CC-Cleaner or CleanMaster - the programs are similar to each other.

Both applications have an intuitive interface, understandable from the first opening. With their help, you can perform the following actions:

  • scanning the device for garbage;
  • fast cleaning;
  • deep cleaning of the device;
  • cache cleaning.

In addition, offload the work of the smartphone for faster processing world wide web allows you to close background applications.

How to improve internet speed with software?

The Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​computer extension further speeds up the throughput of the device on which it is installed. The free version can be downloaded from the Internet - installation is performed in the standard way.

After reloading Windows Internet on the device should start working faster.

Periodic computer hygiene will allow you to constantly maintain the optimal bandwidth of the device and the normal speed of the Internet.

Checking Connected Devices

The Internet is slower if several devices are connected to it at once (laptops, tablets, smartphones).

Especially a lot of traffic is needed for those who constantly download media files (video, audio, images).

Regular antivirus check

The overall speed of the device directly affects its performance with Internet applications. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically (preferably once a week) check the system for malicious virus programs.

Remove extra toolbars

Often, browsers accumulate a lot of unnecessary functions, buttons, transitions that overload its work and affect the work of web pages.

Unnecessary hotkeys and browser extensions are recommended to be deleted.

Clearing browser cache

Cache is the conditional memory of the browser, which accumulates the remnants of downloaded pages, files, applications. An overflowing cache interferes with a full-fledged work on the Internet, so do not forget to clear it.

Disabling background apps

Some extensions that are necessary to bypass various blockings (for example, VPN) are best disabled during off-hours. They take away the extra traffic.

Browser change

Some browser add-ons are difficult or impossible to uninstall, which is why it starts to slow down over time, regardless of clearing the cache and other actions.

Just remove it and replace it with a new one. Moreover, the diversity allows: Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera, Mozilla Firefox.

Video - How to increase Internet speed

The speed of the Internet is becoming increasingly important even for everyday life, not to mention work. It is difficult to meet a modern user who does not know from experience what a failure of a communication program, a “twitching” movie in an online cinema, or an unexpectedly long time to download the desired file is. It is clear that much is determined by the quality of the provider's work, however, correct setting computer depends a lot. For details on how to speed up your Internet connection in Windows 7, read our article.

Possible Causes of Slow Internet Speed

The connection speed depends on many reasons, some of which are outside our computer. Providers usually stipulate that they are not obliged to constantly give the opportunity to work at maximum speed, it all depends on the simultaneous activity of users and line congestion.

The signal is transmitted via cable using a modem, as well as a router if Wi-Fi is installed. Each of these devices can fail over time. In addition, technology quickly becomes obsolete, so not the most modern modem or router may not be able to cope with the supplied stream.

Having reached the computer, traffic will not necessarily be spent as users plan, there are other contenders for it. Viruses, trojans and spyware actively transmit information in both directions, and antiviruses slow down the flow by filtering out dangerous files. The system itself “delicately” reserves a significant share of the traffic for itself in order to install updates in the background. Torrents like to stay in RAM, even after exiting the program, receiving and transmitting gigabytes of information.

In order to determine whether the traffic speed drops due to problems with the computer or not, you can measure the throughput on another device that is guaranteed to be optimally configured. If the problem persists, it's not the computer's fault: it's the external hardware.

It is necessary to sequentially check and eliminate each possible cause slow internet speed.

How to check your connection speed

You can evaluate the quality of the connection without special means, if exact data is optional. For example, using Skype, you can draw a conclusion about how stable the connection is, check the quality of the transmitted audio and video.

Torrents, such as uTorrent, separately display the connection speed, but it also indicates the bandwidth of this service. Therefore, low speed indicators or drops should be alarming. Consistently high numbers indicate a quality connection with a speed no less than demonstrated.

When assessing the bandwidth of a data transmission channel, it must be remembered that there are two digital scales for indicating the amount of information. Providers usually count in bits (kilobits, megabits, and so on). Most applications, however, use byte-based units (kilobytes, megabytes, and so on), which are eight times larger than their "bit" counterparts.

Task Manager is a very handy tool for assessing the current performance of processes running on the computer. You can call it in several ways.

  • On the Taskbar, press the right mouse button. In the pop-up window, select "Start Task Manager".
  • Type the combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, then select the menu item of the same name.
  • The shortest way is the Ctrl + Shift + Esc combination, which immediately opens the Windows Task Manager window.

General information about the network can be viewed in the "Network" tab. For example, if the graph is “pressed” to the horizontal line, then this means that there is no activity on the network, including due to malfunctions. Network activity is visible on the charts

More details are presented a little deeper. In the "Performance" tab, you need to click the "Resource Monitor" icon located at the bottom. The Resource Monitor button is located at the bottom

After the window of the same name opens, select the "Network" tab.
You can find out which programs consume traffic

All running processes are already represented here, transmitting and receiving data packets, as well as current speed networks.

Online Services

There are many sites that specialize in testing data transfer speeds. By exchanging packets with the client, they determine the actual throughput of the connection.

The service allows you to evaluate the network connection in a few minutes. Enough to go to home page and select the Begin test button.
Starting the test

After the service is completed, statistics on the speed of receiving and sending data of the tested connection appear on the screen.
Test results are very clear

This service has a wider functionality, but the connection speed can also be measured using it. To do this, go to the site and select the appropriate bookmark. The advantage of the service is its Russian-speaking.
Russian interface makes work easier

The disadvantage of online services is back side their merits. When checking the actual bandwidth, the services cannot take into account objective circumstances, for example, the congestion of the provider's channels at the moment. So, running tests simultaneously from two computers/laptops using the same channel will show very low throughput, since such a test intentionally loads the line as much as possible.

Video: how to check the speed of the Internet using the service

Widgets on the desktop

There are many programs that allow you to constantly evaluate the connection speed and display the results on your desktop as a widget. For example, the free distributed program Network Utilizations allows the user to independently adjust the size of the picture and its display parameters, including transparency. In addition, control of the frequency of the test and the degree of schedule detail is available. Some widget options can be configured

When conducting tests using external programs, it is necessary to disable applications that slow down work, including antiviruses, for the duration of the test. Otherwise, the results will be distorted.

How to Speed ​​Up Internet in Windows 7

Remove all unnecessary

Available throughput the channel is often loaded with programs that are not always needed. Social networks, browsers, chats, communicators, torrents and other applications that actively consume traffic should be removed from startup, using as needed.

Also, don't underestimate the role of malware in reducing bandwidth. Infected computers are used to send messages in bulk, distributed computing, attacks on hacked sites using massive requests, and so on. It is necessary to regularly check the system with antiviruses, as well as monitor suspicious Internet activity on your computer. In turn, antivirus programs are also responsible for slowing down the channel, so you should definitely take this factor into account when choosing a specific system defender.

Router settings

Since the use of Wi-Fi devices in the home has become ubiquitous, sometimes the problem of drops or fluctuations in connection speed is due to the activity of neighbors. If their routers operate on the same channel as yours, then the speed will “float”. To check if this is the case, you can turn the computer into the modem directly, bypassing the router. If the speed has increased dramatically, it's time to change the frequency of the router.

It is clear that in case of unauthorized access to your network, the traffic will be divided into an uninvited guest. In this case, changing the password will help improve the speed.

Operating system settings

The reason for the poor performance of the network channel may be a defect in the system itself, if it is unlicensed. In this case, it may also work incorrectly. network hardware due to incorrect settings and drivers.

The operating system itself, by default, reserves a fifth of the bandwidth for downloading updates. It is worth limiting her appetite by adjusting the appropriate settings.

1. We call the "Run" window by simultaneously pressing the Win keys (with the Windows icon) and R. In the input line, type the gpedit.msc command and press the "OK" on-screen button.
We type a command from the keyboard

2. In the "Local Group Policy Editor" window, select the "Computer Configuration" item.
Begin long haul by nesting tree

3. In the tab that opens, select the "Administrative Templates" folder.
One step closer to the goal

4. Now go to the "Network" folder.
Got to the network settings

5. The folder we need in the drop-down list is “QoS Packet Scheduler”
Go to "QoS Packet Scheduler"

6. We are interested in the line "Limit reserved bandwidth".
Open "Limit reserved bandwidth"

In the left part of the window, there appears short description this option with a default 20 percent reservation reminder.

7. In the "Limit reserved bandwidth" window that opens, check the box next to "Enable", reset the "Bandwidth limit" parameter to zero.
We cut the appetites of the system

It remains to make sure that our changes are taken into account by the system.

8. Press the on-screen button "Start" and select "Control Panel".
Go to "Control Panel"

9. In the window that opens, find the tab "Network and Sharing Center" and go into it.
Find the "Network and Sharing Center" tab

10. If everything is done correctly, the "Network and Sharing Center" window opens. On the left is the link we need "Change adapter settings".
We are looking for "Change adapter settings"

11. In the opened list of available connections, select the one that interests us and click on its icon with the right mouse button. We need the "Properties" item.
Click the right mouse button on the adapter icon

12. If there is no checkmark next to the “QoS Packet Scheduler” option, check it, and then press the “OK” screen button. Make sure you have a bird

If everything is done correctly, our channel returned to work the previously reserved 20 percent of the bandwidth.

The described method to increase the speed of the Internet is not feasible for Windows 7 Starter Edition, Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Home Premium, because the gpedit.msc command is disabled in them.

Specialized programs for speeding up the Internet

To improve network performance, you can use specialized programs that change computer settings to more efficient ones. Some of these applications are free or have a free version with limited functionality.

TweakMaster program

The package is designed to optimize performance network connections both external and internal. According to the developers, as a result of fine-tuning the system, the program will significantly increase the connection speed.
TweakMaster interface

It consists of four utilities that optimize various network parameters. Supports work with various types connections, including wireless. Contains a module for calculating the speed of data exchange. The extended (Pro) version includes utilities that speed up the work of browsers.

There are many ways to "overclock" the Internet. The user can choose any of them depending on the budget, preferences and needs. The reward for the time and effort spent will be the stable operation of the channel and the saved nerve cells.

In most cases, speed problems are related to the tariff or malfunctions on the side of the provider or user equipment. However, there are times when the slowdown is due to software settings or malfunctions. In this case, you can try to correct the situation on your own. Let's figure out how to speed up the Internet on Windows 10, what needs to be done for this, etc.

All overclocking options can be divided into the following categories:

  • removal of restrictions in the operating system;
  • removal of restrictions in third-party programs;
  • fixing errors and updating the firmware in the router / modem;
  • using settings for slow internet;
  • network optimization using third-party software.

One of the listed methods will definitely help you make the connection faster and more stable. In the following, all methods will be considered in the form step by step guides, as well as ways to check the speed.

How to check speed

First, measure the speed of your connection using a special service. This is necessary in order to verify the data with your tariff plan. It is possible that the Internet is not limited by anything, but fully corresponds to the declared speed. In this case, you need to use services to measure speed, ping and other parameters.

  1. The most popular option is to check at To do this, go to the site through any browser and click the Begin Test button.
  1. Next, automatic selection of the nearest server and speed measurement will begin.
  1. At the end of the procedure, you will see Download and Upload Speed, Ping data on the screen. Check the received information with the data of your provider about the tariff plan.

Similar services exist with most providers. For example, for the Rostelecom provider, you need to visit the page and select the desired region.

The Windows 10 operating system has a built-in network test feature that can be used through the Task Manager. To view the network load, do the following:

  1. Call the task manager with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc . Go to the "Processes" tab and click on "Network" to sort the list as you use the Internet.
  1. At the top of the list will be all processes that somehow use the network for their work. If you have a slow home Internet, then close some of them. You can see more information about the load on the network in the "Performance" tab. At the bottom of the window, click the "Open Resource Monitor" button.
  1. The "Network" tab contains all the processes related to working on the Internet. You can close them with RMB and the "End Process" button.

After rebooting, the computer will again use these processes, so it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem with loading the network channel. Let's move on to the removal of restrictions in the system.

Now let's deal with the settings and limitations of the OS on a laptop and PC. After installation, Windows 10 by default limits the connection speed and reserves part of the channel for system purposes (update, etc.). To optimize the Internet experience, you need to remove the bandwidth limit through the computer configuration. After that, the operation of the connection should stabilize, and the speed should increase slightly.

To remove the restriction, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Run window using the Start menu or the Win + R keys. Next, enter the gpedit.msc command and click OK.
  1. You will see the Local Group Policy Editor. Go to the branch Computer Configuration - "Administrative Templates Network" - "QoS Packet Scheduler".
  1. In the right part of the window, find the line "Limit reserved bandwidth" and click RMB. Then select "Edit" from the menu.
  1. In the window, set the "Enabled" option. In the field for changing the network bandwidth limit, set "0" and apply the changes with the "OK" button.
  1. Now you need to check if your network connection is using QoS Scheduler. To do this, right-click in the tray on the connection icon (1) and select "Network Control Center".
  1. Now go to the "Change adapter settings" section.
  1. Right click on your connection and go to properties.
  1. Check the box next to QoS Packet Scheduler and apply the changes with the OK button.

Ready! Optimization helped to increase the speed by about 10%, which were reserved by the system. If acceleration in this way did not help much, then proceed to the following methods.

Diagnostics by standard means

You can also use the standard diagnostic wizard to check if the connection is working. The program will scan the network and display the status and the need to correct errors.

To run the diagnostic tool, do the following:

  1. Right-click on the tray icon and select Troubleshoot.
  1. Wait until the end of the diagnosis and look at the result.

If no problems are found, proceed to the next steps.

Restriction in programs

Part of the software installed by users is connected to the network. Such programs can limit the Internet and make it extremely slow. In addition, they may have speed limits. To return the Internet to working capacity and improve it, you need to use our advice.

The main program in which most users try to speed up the connection is uTorrent. Increasing the Internet Speed ​​parameters is possible through the settings.

Open uTorrent. Click on the required RMB download and select the "Reception Restriction" item from the menu. In the next section, you must set the "Unlimited" option in order to overclock the torrent to the maximum.

You can do this for a while while you are downloading a particular file or game via uTorrent. If you have very poor Internet and the channel is not enough for all your needs, then turn off some programs before the download is complete. After the torrent has finished downloading, you will be able to start the Internet-related software (Steam, Skype, and so on) again. That way you get the most out of your rate.

Browser settings and cache size

If problems arise when working in a browser (pages take a long time to load, it is impossible to watch a video, etc.), then use special features. Consider enabling turbo mode in Opera, Yandex.Browser and Chrome.

To set up turbo mode in Yandex Browser and Opera, use the instructions below:

  1. In Opera, you need to click on the browser icon in the upper left corner (1), then select the Opera Turbo button (2).
  1. In Yandex browser, go to Settings. Click on the "Show advanced settings" button. In the Turbo subsection, set the position to "Always on" (1). To disable the function, move the checkbox to the "Off" position (2).

In this way, you can limit the number of multimedia files on web pages (pictures, videos) and, therefore, speed up the loading of sites.

  1. In the Google Chrome browser, you need to install a separate plugin - Data Saver. It will help remove the brakes to reduce the waiting time when loading pages of sites. To do this, open the extension store in your browser and click the "Install" button.
  1. Now, by clicking on the extension icon, you will receive information about the saved traffic.

If the connection also continues to slow down, then proceed to the next troubleshooting methods.

Increasing the cache size for an internet browser can lead to slowdowns. It is not recommended to allocate more than 100 MB for the cache on the system drive. To fix this, you need to go to the browser settings and set the desired value (1), and then clear the cache using the special button (2).

In this way, the cache size is set in Mozilla Firefox and Opera. In Google Chrome and Yandex browser, the procedure looks different, since they are assembled on the same Chromium core:

  1. Open the properties of the shortcut on the desktop.
  1. In the Object field, add the command:
--disk-cache-dir="c:\browsercache" --disk-cache-size=xxxxx

where xxxxx is the desired number of cache in bytes.

Virus check

Malicious software can also significantly affect the performance of the Internet. To increase the speed, you need to scan the system for viruses and remove them. You can use third-party programs or the built-in Windows 10 Defender. Let's scan the system for viruses using the Defender:

  1. Go to system settings through "Start".
  1. Select the "Update and Security" section.
  1. Next, go to Windows Defender.
  1. Click the "Open Windows Defender Security Center" button.

Working with a router

If you have a laptop, then most likely you use wifi router ohm and wireless connection. This type of connection is unstable and the speed can drop at any time if you are using mobile Internet. If the wired provider is connected to the router, but the connection still slows down, then you need to reconfigure the device itself.

Through a Wi-Fi router, you can:

  • change firmware;
  • reconfigure the connection again.

You can do this online using a browser. Therefore, you do not need special skills or knowledge to work with iron.

All router firmware differ in interface, but the essence remains the same. Consider the update on the example of a device from ASUS:

  1. First you need to log in to your ASUS account using the device's IP address. In this case it is You need to enter it in the address bar of the browser, and then log in using the login and password that the provider gives you when concluding the contract.
  1. Next, go to the "Administration" tab (1) and select the "Firmware update" section (2).

If this does not help, then use the services of the master of your provider. It is possible that the problem lies in the router itself and it needs to be replaced with a new one.

Additional programs

Last option to get back fast internet is to use the optimizer functionality.

One such program is Internet Speed ​​Booster or cFosSpeed. You can download cFosSpeed ​​from the link. With it, you can optimize the Internet for games, video streaming or torrents. Install the utility and follow these steps to set the priority:

  1. Right-click on the tray icon and select "Options" - "Settings".
  1. In the "General settings" section, you can set automatic priority to the active application. When you minimize a game or program, the Internet speed will increase in other applications.


Each of the methods presented in the instructions can help increase the speed of the Internet on Windows 10 in a certain situation. If all methods are ineffective, then contact the support service of your provider for advice and assistance.


For greater clarity, we suggest watching a video that corresponds to the topic under consideration.

Slow internet is one of the most annoying things in the world. Low speed connection interferes not only with entertainment, but also with work: in addition to problems with watching movies and online games, it creates interference when searching for information and downloading files. Is it possible to correct the situation, and how to do it?

There are several ways to increase the speed of the Internet: choosing the right tariff and provider, setting up equipment and a specific connection, controlling the consumption of resources by various applications, as well as using special programs. Let's consider each of these methods in more detail and figure out what to do in each specific case.

The first way: choosing the right tariff plan

The main reason for slow internet is your ISP. It sets a limit on the outgoing and incoming speed for each tariff, which cannot be bypassed without a surcharge. These figures can be found in the description of the tariff and in the contract, and often they are the cause of the slowing down Internet.

To find out if an unsuitable tariff is the cause of the slowing Internet, it is worth taking measurements on any site for verification. The most common and convenient among them is

It's easy to deal with:

  1. Disconnect other devices from the Internet, close all programs that can consume the Internet.
  2. Pause browser extensions and VPNs.
  3. Go to the site, start testing by clicking on the "Begin Test" button.
  4. Wait for the result.

If the value obtained is comparable to the figures in the contract, or differs from them by 10-15%, the reason for the slowness is tariff plan not suitable for your needs. It is worth switching to a tariff with a different upper limit or changing the operator.

If the connection is slower by 25% or more, it means that the reason for the brakes during the connection lies not in the tariff. Worth a phone call hotline provider and clarify this information: perhaps the problem arose due to breakdowns or malfunctions with them.

It is also worth making sure that your tariff does not have traffic restrictions: in such cases, the speed drops sharply as soon as the specified threshold is reached. You can increase it only by paying for additional gigabytes. This method is practiced on the MTS modem, and it is also used by the Megafon modem and other mobile modems with SIM cards. It is also used by the Belarusian operator Byfly.

How to increase the speed of the MTS modem - video:

Nothing is broken at the provider, and the traffic threshold is not set? Looking for more.

The second way: control over the consumption of resources by programs

Another reason for a slow connection is the excessive consumption of traffic by programs running on the computer in the background. In addition to the browser, other applications can use the Internet connection, even when you hardly use them.

These programs include:

  • Torrent clients. Both while downloading files, and in a calm state.
  • Cloud services, especially when synchronizing data.
  • Minimized browser, even with few tabs.
  • Applications when downloading updates. Operating system- including.

Also, the reason may be a virus, they tend to clog traffic. This is especially true in a situation where the speed was constant and high, and its sharp drop occurred just after the installation new program or downloading a new file. You should check your computer with an antivirus program to dismiss this option.

Finding processes that are actively using traffic is easy. To do this, you need to open the Task Manager, and find the "Performance" tab in it.

Select the Network tab. Activate processes with checkboxes to see how much traffic they use.

When you find out which applications you don’t need at the moment require a lot of Internet, disable them in the task manager. Also check if they are included in startup.

Remove torrent from processes and cloud storage you can do it without problems: in those moments when they do not download files, they just waste resources. But do not rush to disable system applications! This may cause the computer to malfunction.

Method three: hardware setup

You can increase the speed of the Internet if you correctly configure and update the equipment for connecting to the global network.

If you are using wired Internet check the cable for damage. Outgoing contacts, location near power lines, creases and other defects slow down throughput. If the problem can be fixed, do so. If not, buy a new cord.

If you are the lucky owner of Wi-Fi, make sure that its maximum throughput is suitable for your needs. You can find this information in the instructions and on the box from under the router. To improve speed, update your router firmware and move it away from batteries and other heat sources. Make sure the router is in a convenient location so that the computer can pick up its signal.

Next, update your network card drivers. You can find them on the website of your laptop or PC manufacturer. Next, you need to launch the device manager: this can be done by opening Computer (This PC in Windows 8 and Windows 10), right-clicking and selecting "Properties".

Click on "Device Manager". A new window will open in front of you.

Select "Network adapters", find yours, right-click on it and activate "Properties".

At cable connection find the "Advanced" tab, and raise the "Speed ​​& Duplex" value to the maximum. Attention: choose the value labeled "Full Duplex".

For a wireless connection, enable 802.11n operation in the Advanced tab. Activate WMM support.

Save your changes and exit the manager. If you are using Wi-Fi, go to the router settings panel, go to the " Wireless network" and set the following options:

The broadcast channel can be selected only by typing: depending on the specific device and location, all options manifest themselves in different ways.

After you complete the work, the hardware setup will be completed.

Fourth method: disabling redundancy

Another surefire way to optimize your connection and speed up your laptop or PC is to turn off internet backup. The fact is that by default the system uses about 20% of your traffic as a network reserve. You can disable this feature by opening the "Run" line and entering the value in it:


You will see the "Local Group Policy Editor" window. In it you need to open the "Computer Configuration" section. It contains the Administrative Templates folder and its Network subfolder. She is what we need.

This is where the QoS Packet Scheduler/Manager folder is located. It contains a file that needs to be changed to speed up the connection. It's called Limit Reserved Bandwidth.

Open the file to edit the values ​​inside it. Reduce the percentage of reservation using the arrows, or by entering the required value manually. We need the number "0". Save your changes.

Reservation disabled. This can increase your internet upload speed by 15-20%.

Fifth method: search for violators

If you are using a wireless connection, and overclock the speed home internet the previous methods did not work, check your network for extraneous connections. There are enough fans of free internet around! If the speed drops suddenly, and all attempts to speed up the connection do not work, the transfer may slow down precisely for this reason.

Search and identification of those connected to your Wi-Fi network - video.

To find out if someone else has connected to your Wi-Fi, you need to go to the router settings menu. Enter your username and password - if you have not visited this page yet, correct value for both "admin" items. Go to the "Wireless" menu, and find the "Wireless Statistics" item in it.

All devices connected to your router are displayed here. If you notice something unfamiliar, you should change the password for your connection in the security settings. Depending on the manufacturer and model, they may be called differently.

Reboot your router and all third-party connections will be reset. If everything was successful, the increase in speed to the normal parameter will occur instantly.

In the future, be more vigilant: in most cases, the password is found out using auto-selection and phishing attacks, so try to use complex combinations and do not respond to suspicious windows requiring you to enter a password.

Sixth Method: Third-Party Accelerator Programs

And finally, the last working method that will help increase the speed of your Internet connection is the use of third-party programs. There are many similar utilities available on the web. Let's consider how they work on TCP Optimizer: this is a free application that can add 15-20% to the current speed.

Video on working with the SG TCP Optimizer utility:

To add speed with this program, do the following:

  1. Run the program as administrator.
  2. Specify top speed connections on the "Connection Speed" scale.
  3. Find your device in the "Network adapter selection" list.
  4. In the "Choose settings" item, select "Optimal".
  5. Click on the "Apply changes" button. Reboot your device.

After restarting the system, check the internet. The program should strengthen your connection and increase the speed of loading pages and files.

As you can see, improving the speed of the Internet connection at home is real. To do this, you just need to choose the method that suits you and follow the instructions clearly.

And so, you have a slow connection and you want to know how to speed up the Internet. There is good way increase your internet speed! We will talk about it now.

To do this, you need to speed up DNS queries.

Actually, I will not breed here a purely theoretical debate on the topic of DNS, just take my word for it: It works, and how!

For those who do not know what DNS is, I will give a couple common phrases educational program:

DNS is a domain name server. In simple terms, this is something like a registration service in the passport office ...

AT general essence is that when you click on any link in the browser, we are first sent to the DNS server where they give the exact address of the site. Well, somewhere like this...

But the trick is that there are a great many such servers, and unfortunately not all of them are fast. The reasons can be completely different, from the remoteness of the server to its workload.

Therefore, we need to connect to the closest and least loaded server in relation to our location. In addition, it must also be the fastest.

In general, the task is not an easy one ... if you do everything manually.

But fortunately, our valiant programmers are not asleep, and thanks to them we have several miracle programs that will do all this dirty and backbreaking work for us.

I will not give a description of all programs here, since there are many of them and they are all quite similar.

However, the undisputed leader among such software is the Dns Jumper program.

  1. First of all, the program is completely free.
  2. Secondly, multilingual (..there is also Russian)
  3. Third, fully automates the entire process

And so let's start solving the question: How to speed up the Internet

To get started, watch this video:

2. Unpack the downloaded archive into a separate folder. The program does not require installation, you just open the folder and run the DnsJumper.exe file, preferably as an administrator.

3. Install the appropriate language.

4. Click the "Quick DNS" button.

5. In the window that appears, put a checkmark in front of all the servers that are in the list, for which you need to scroll the list to the end, since by default the checkboxes are only on the first few servers.

6. Then click the "Find fast DNS" button.

7. At the end of the search, check the "Mix" box and click "Apply fast DNS".

8. And once again "Apply" (save the data).

9. And finally, it is necessary to clear the DNS cache of our computer so that everything goes according to new records. For what we press the button "Reset Cache".

Watch another video on speeding up the Internet using the Cfosspeed program

Take a couple of minutes and you won't regret it!

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