In our women's team, every year, during this period of time, the main dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner is zucchini pancakes. They bring them to work almost every day. And we happily gobble them up, regardless of the time of day. And during the tasting, every now and then we hear about some new wonderful recipe: one of the employees read about one of them in a magazine, on the other, a neighbor shared it, a third found it on the Internet, and so on.

What kind of fritters have we not tried yet!? And you know, this is probably some kind of paradox - at work they are always just incredibly tasty.

And so, at the next tasting of these small ruddy products, I suddenly realized that there is not a single recipe for this delicious on my blog. autumn dish. Not in order ... Somehow I missed this moment. We will have to urgently correct the situation.

It would seem - simple pancakes, what else is there to invent ?! Many have been cooking according to the same recipe for years, and do not even think about the topic in order to try to cook the dish somehow in a new way. But there are also those who like to collect recipes and experiment, like me. As soon as I see something, in my opinion, interesting and new, I can’t sit still - I definitely need to try it.

So I collected all sorts of different recipes. And there are really a lot of them - these are everyone's favorite, the most simple options preparations that include only zucchini, eggs, flour and salt and pepper. But you can enrich these simple recipes adding greens, garlic, carrots, raw potatoes. You can generally cook them without adding flour. And from such additions and changes, the recipe will not become any more difficult, or less tasty.

On the contrary, as you know, thanks to additional ingredients, you can significantly improve the taste.

Although, if you want to cook something like that ..., then these are, of course, pancakes stuffed with minced meat. And what could be tastier than ready-made fried products baked with cheese .... Yummy! I am writing now and salivating and flowing. But only a few hours ago we ate “lazy whites” for dinner. And these are not the whites that you thought about. These are just those products that are prepared with meat filling.

I suggest you move on to the recipes as soon as possible. Although you can talk a lot about our dish today, but as you know, you won’t be full of words. So let's cook together.

This is the easiest cooking method, according to which this dish is prepared by millions of people. It can be considered a classic. It has been tested many, many times already, and therefore it will absolutely not cause any special troubles and surprises.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 2 pcs (approximately 600 - 650 gr)
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons (60 gr)
  • hard cheese - 50 gr
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • greens (dill, parsley) - to taste
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • pepper - a couple of pinches (or to taste)
  • frying oil


1. The most basic ingredient is, of course, zucchini. You can take any of them - both large and small, that is, such as they are. It will be delicious either way.

The only thing to remember is that young specimens do not have to be peeled and seeds. The skin of such fruits is soft and tender, in addition, it contains a lot of useful substances. Well, who wants to voluntarily throw away vitamins! ... Well, there are still no seeds in such fruits at all. There is only a hint of them, but they are so small that they have yet to be found.

Such fruits are called dairy, and they need to cut off only the tips on both sides.

But specimens "with experience", large, sometimes even overgrown, must be peeled from the skin. And besides, seeds must be removed from them. They can already be quite tough. In addition, there is a lot of liquid between them, which we do not need in the dish.

It looks like a small fruit, but seeds have already formed in it. The easiest way to clean it is with a teaspoon or dessert spoon, depending on the area to be cleaned. Just scrape off the seed layer and that's it.

Well, or you can, of course, remove unnecessary with a knife.

2. Rub them on a coarse grater. Try to rub only with movements from top to bottom. If you rub randomly, you get gruel, but we still want to keep the grated pieces.

Zucchini, like cucumbers, contain a large percentage of water. And soon we will see it. It is worth standing for the grated vegetable for about 5 minutes, and a lot of juice will appear. It's inevitable, and there's no getting around it. Therefore, we will not wait for this to happen, but simply help it to form quickly.

And for such an ambulance, we will need salt. Salt the grated vegetable and mix. Juice will not keep you waiting long and will begin to actively stand out. Let the process continue while we move on to other things.

3. Our greens must be washed and dried in advance. excess water we don't need. You can take any greens: in this case, dill and parsley are considered classic. You can use both types at the same time, and any one of them.

And someone likes to add cilantro. In this case, pancakes are obtained with a somewhat spicy taste and aroma.

We need to chop greens. Adjust the amount to your taste. Some love more, some less. And someone does not like to add greens to the mixture at all. In that case, you don't need to add it. You can do without it.

4. The same goes for garlic. If you want, add at least one clove. And if you like it spicier, then you can add 3-4 teeth. If, however, you do not eat garlic at all, then you can simply ignore it. Garlic must be peeled, and a press should be prepared to crush it. Do not grind yet, we will do it immediately into the general mixture.

5. Squeeze juice from zucchini. You can do this through a sieve, or you can just squeeze it out with your hands. Especially do not be zealous, otherwise finished goods will get dry.

Do not pour out the squeezed juice, it can be used for cosmetic purposes by wiping your face and hands with it. In this case, you do not need to add salt to them. You can also just drink this juice. Juice is not only healthy, but also delicious. Especially salty.

Or the juice can be frozen and then added to any dish, such as stewing meat or chicken.

6. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl and add to the squeezed mass. Enter the chopped greens, and squeeze the garlic through a press. Add ground pepper. You can add it even in red, even black. Its amount also depends on taste preferences so add it to your liking.

Mix mass.

7. Slowly introduce flour, it is better to sift it through a sieve beforehand. You never know what can get into it inadvertently. Sift together with flour and baking powder. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.

8. There is another component that I really like to add to the mixture - this is cheese. With its presence, finished products acquire a surprisingly delicious creamy taste. It can be any hard variety. IN Lately they began to sell relatively inexpensive parmesan, in my opinion, made in Uruguay. So adding it is just perfect.

It is very hard and does not melt, like our Russian cheese. Therefore, in products it is very good! If you find one, then buy some. This will make the already familiar old taste new.

Rub the cheese on a fine grater and add it to the total mass.

9. Now that the dough is ready, do not let it stand and infuse for a long time, otherwise a large amount of liquid will appear again. In general, in the preparation of such a test, you do not need to linger. Everything must be done clearly and quickly. Then, when frying, the dough will not flow, and the products will turn out neat, fluffy and tender.

10. We should already have a frying pan on the stove. Pour some oil into it. Try not to pour a lot of oil so that the dish does not turn out to be too greasy.

If you use a pan with thick walls and a bottom, as well as with a non-stick coating, then pancakes can be cooked on minimum quantity oils.

11. Put equal portions of the dough into the hot oil with a tablespoon. Reduce the heat to medium so that the middle has time to steam, and the bottom does not burn.

Trim the mass with a spoon, giving it an even round shape. You can, if desired, give an oval shape. But try to make all products the same in shape and thickness. This way they cook evenly. And the dish will look much better on the table.

Fry on one side until nicely browned. This may take about 5 minutes, plus or minus a little, depending on the portion of the dough laid out and the characteristics of the frying pan.

12. Turn the products over with a spatula. And fry for another 3-5 minutes. Again, guided by their appearance.

13. Put the finished products on several layers of paper towels, let the excess oil drain. Although we added quite a bit of it, rather extensive greasy traces remain on the napkins.

13. Let it lie down for 5 minutes. Then put it on a plate.

Roast the next batch in the same way. Before laying out the dough, if you can call it that, mix the whole mass. While she was standing, some liquid formed. And it must be mixed.

Ready to serve pancakes with sour cream.

Eat with pleasure!

Tender zucchini fritters with vegetables

The recipe that I want to offer you now is actually very tasty. The thing is that zucchini, like a vegetable, has a rather neutral taste. Therefore, garlic and various herbs are added to it. If you cook pancakes only from it alone, then their taste will be quite bland.

And in this recipe, we enhance the taste with carrots, potatoes and onions. Probably everyone knows the taste, and who cooks them also knows that it is very tasty. So in this recipe, by adding quite a bit of potatoes, we will get a completely new and amazing taste of a dish familiar to everyone.

Cooked products are not only tasty, but also very beautiful. Thanks to carrots, they have a pleasant reddish color, and also turn out to be very lush.

From this amount of ingredients you will get 10 pieces.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 1 pc (250 gr)
  • carrots - 1 pc (medium)
  • potatoes - 1 pc (medium)
  • green onion - 50 gr
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • flour - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp (or better to taste)
  • pepper - 1/3 part of a teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - for frying


1. Rub the zucchini on a coarse grater. Salt, mix and let stand for about 5 minutes. Then squeeze the juice. You can do this using a sieve. Or you can just squeeze it out with your hands.

Do not pour out the juice, it is quite tasty!

2. Grate carrots and potatoes. Potatoes will also release juice in a few minutes. This juice should also be squeezed out.

Finely chop the onion.

3. Combine all ingredients in one bowl and mix them. Since we squeezed the juice, we lost some of the salt. And it needs to be replenished by salting the vegetables additionally.

The mass is not mixed very well, since there is no juice left in it at all. So I add the egg and mix with it. I wanted to limit myself to just one egg, but it didn’t work out. The vegetable mass asked for one more. I did not resist and added. It immediately became easier.

4. Pepper the grated vegetables to taste and mix again.

5. Pour in the flour, having sifted it through a sieve in advance. The amount of flour will depend on the total weight of the vegetable mass. I needed 3 tablespoons.

As you can see, the mixture turned out to be quite thick and quite dense.

Let it stand for two to three minutes, so that the flour has time to disperse.

6. Put a frying pan on the fire and pour a little vegetable oil. Do not heat the oil too much, just enough so that it is hot, not hot.

7. As soon as the oil has warmed up, we will form blanks and fry them on it. You can spread the resulting mixture with a spoon, but in this case, our products may be somewhat disheveled.

And so I shape them by hand. To do this, wet your hands warm water, scoop the mixture with a tablespoon and form neat cakes with your hands. Put them in a skillet.

But this must be done very carefully so as not to get burned. If it doesn't work, then it's better to use a spoon. And try to form them even and neat with a second spoon.

8. Fry the formed blanks on low heat. Everything should be well baked inside, and not overcooked outside. Therefore, you can fry on one side for up to 7 - 8 minutes.

9. When the bottom is browned, turn the products over to the other side. It is better to use a wide spatula for this. If the mixture is well baked inside, then the pancakes will easily turn over, while not falling apart into pieces and not breaking.

10. On the other hand, also fry for 7-8 minutes, and also until a pleasant ruddy color.

You don't need a lot of oil for frying. Everything is perfectly fried on it in large numbers.

11. Remove the finished products from the pan and place them on a layer of paper towels to remove excess oil.

12. Serve at the table, eat with sour cream.

As you can see, they turned out to be lush, beautiful, quite satisfying and very tasty. Everything inside was perfectly baked, nothing was left raw.

Their taste is rich, very pleasant. There is a characteristic potato note. He, along with carrots and green onion added flavor to the zucchini themselves, one might say, enriched it.

This recipe is one of my favorites. And I recommend you cook it at least once. Then you will specifically look for this particular option in order to repeat it.

Recipe with cottage cheese and dill

It happens that a little cottage cheese remains in the refrigerator. And it's great! So you can bake delicious pancakes with cottage cheese.

From this amount of ingredients, 15 pieces are obtained. This is provided that the dough will spread on a full tablespoon.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 2 pcs (500 gr)
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • dill - 0.5 bunch
  • salt - an incomplete teaspoon (2/3 parts)
  • pepper - a couple of pinches (optional)
  • vegetable oil for frying


1. Grate zucchini. If they are young, then you can grate them directly with the skin. And if the fruits are large, then the skin must first be cleaned, as well as the seeds.

If you rub the vegetable on a coarse grater, then the finished products will turn out to be slightly crispy. The pieces will feel. If you want to get a more uniform taste, then rub them on smaller cells.

2. Leave for 5 minutes so that they let the juice flow.

If you use the juice from them for cosmetic purposes, or want to drink it, then do not salt it. If you use the juice for cooking other dishes, then the zucchini can be salted. Although lightly salted juice is quite tasty!

Through due time drain the juice through a sieve, or you can squeeze the mass lightly with your hands.

3. In the meantime, they insist, grate the cottage cheese through a sieve. Or just mash it with a fork. This is especially necessary if the cottage cheese is with large grains.

4. Finely chop the dill, which must be washed and dried in advance.

5. Beat the eggs with a fork.

6. Mix squeezed zucchini with eggs and cottage cheese. Add ground pepper and chopped dill. Mix everything thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.

7. Sift the flour through a sieve along with the baking powder. Add the ingredients to the prepared mixture and mix.

The dough should be quite thick. From it it will be possible to form blanks that will not spread when frying. If this dough does not work out for you, then add a little more flour.

But if you follow the recipe, then flour will no longer be needed.

8. In the meantime, quickly heat the oil in a pan. Why quickly? Yes, because the test should not be allowed to stand for a long time. Although we have drained the main juice, it will stand out more and more. And if we hesitate for a long time, then the dough will “float”. And with it, our little “suns” will “float” after him.

The secret of fluffy pancakes is in the dough. When you put the dough in the pan, it should remain in the same state, not fall off, and not spread out in different directions.

9. You don’t need to pour a lot of oil into the pan, otherwise our dish will turn out to be very fatty. In addition, they are perfectly fried with a minimum amount of oil.

10. Put the resulting mass in a frying pan with a tablespoon. It is enough to put a full tablespoon. You can take another spoon and holding the workpiece with it, form even, identical rounds or ovals. Don't make a strong fire. Our products should be well baked inside, and not unnecessarily browned from below. And a big fire will just contribute to this.

But do not make a very small fire either. The crust below will not bake, and the zucchini will continue to release juice. Pancakes will spread and will not turn out lush.

Medium fire is just what you need. Frying time on one side will be 5 - 7 minutes. Then turn the products over and fry on the other side, 5-7 minutes will also be enough.

You need to turn over when the workpiece is easily taken with a spatula. If it breaks, or a crack appears, then it is not fried inside. Do not be afraid that it will be a little rosier than usual. In the composition of cottage cheese, and that says it all. But don't overcook.

In general, until the batch is completely fried, it is advisable not to leave the stove. Follow the process, and turn over in time.

11. Put the finished pancakes on a layer of paper towels so that the excess oil is absorbed into them.

Fry the next batch in the same way. Before frying the mass, stir it to mix the released juice with it.

12. After they lie down on the towels for about 5 minutes, put them on a plate and serve. They are very good with traditional sour cream in such cases. M…m…m… yummy! And what a wonderful color! Ruddy, with green pleasant impregnations.

Since I rubbed the vegetable on a coarse grater, some pieces of zucchini are quite noticeable. And I like what's in them the largest number vitamins.

And you know, everything is prepared so quickly that such a dish always not only wants to eat, but also wants to cook.

Lush pancakes from zucchini with minced chicken

This is one of my husband's favorite dishes with this vegetable. So he considers ordinary pancakes not food, but fun. After eating them, he is already hungry again in an hour. But to such, he treats with great pleasure, and always eats with an additive.

I called the recipe the most delicious. This is true! I don’t even know if it’s possible to call them a word familiar to us. It seems that zucchini is present in the composition of the ingredients, the appearance is similar to the familiar ruddy suns. But the taste is not exactly the same.

Somehow, in one of the similar recipes, I came across the name of a dish that I personally like more - “Squash lazy whites”. When you cook them and try them, you will understand why I am talking about this.

The thing is that the dish is prepared with minced meat. And it seems like it is prepared with any minced meat. But somehow I don't risk cooking them with minced meat. In my opinion, too little cooking time for meat. Maybe, if the meat is their own, it would be possible to take a risk. And store-bought is better to cook for a longer time.

And usually I use either minced chicken, or minced meat made from fish meat. Pike perch is especially good in such a case. His meat is white, and pancakes are not only tasty and tender, but also beautiful.

And of course, minced chicken is not far behind.

Let's get ready to cook! This is delicious!!!

From this amount of ingredients, 12 pieces are obtained.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 2 - 3 pcs (650 gr)
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • flour - 4 - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • pepper - to taste
  • slaked soda - 0.5 tsp

For filling:

  • minced chicken - 200 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste
  • pepper - to taste


1. Prepare minced meat if you don't have it ready. But personally, I prefer to cook minced meat on my own. In this case, I know exactly what's inside. I remove almost all the skin, and do not use fat. And in store stuffing, most likely there is both.

In general, we need minced meat. And a private matter of each, what he will take it.

2. Grate a small onion of 100 - 120 grams on a fine grater. It should not be felt and crunchy on the teeth in ready dish, therefore, and three of it so finely.

The onion will let out a lot of juice, it must be carefully drained. Then add it to any prepared dish. And the onion puree itself is transferred to minced meat. Add salt and pepper to taste. And mix thoroughly.

The filling is ready, and you can set it aside for now.

3. Grate zucchini. Three young specimens together with the skin, a more mature vegetable is peeled and seeds are removed. Can be rubbed on a coarse grater. Cooking time will be sufficient, and he will have time to fully cook. Pour salt into the grated mass and mix. Wait until the mass releases juice.

4. Squeeze out the juice, but not much. We have a lot of flour in the recipe. It will absorb excess liquid.

5. Add beaten eggs in a separate bowl, as well as salt and pepper, mix.

6. Sift the flour directly into the mixture. Stir and add soda slaked with vinegar. Mix again. The mass should be thick enough, but not too thick. To make whites tender, you need " golden mean"- the dough is not liquid, not thick.

7. Put the pan on the fire, pour in a little oil. Wait until it warms up, but not much.

8. Now we need special skill. You need to act quickly and carefully. Pour a full tablespoon of the mixture into the skillet. Gently level it to get even cakes.

9. Put the second layer on an incomplete tablespoon of the filling. Spread it quickly into an even layer. At the same time, try to keep it all on top and not slip into the pan.

10. And lay out the main mass with the third layer. Again a tablespoon, but not as thick as the first layer was laid out. While the essence, yes the body, a certain amount of liquid has formed in a bowl with squash mass. So the third layer should be thinner than the first. And he must completely hide the filling.

11. Excellent! Got so high interesting blanks. Fry them over medium heat on one side for about 7 minutes. Do not make a big fire, otherwise the filling will not have time to bake.

Make sure the bottom doesn't burn. Adjust the fire in one direction or another. Look for the desired heating temperature. The first side should be fried for at least 7 minutes.

12. Turn the products over to the other side. If the bottom is well seized and baked, then turning them over will not be difficult. And also we see that the side is not burnt. Looks red and beautiful. And it retains a nice sheen. This is also pleasing.

13. Cover with a lid. The heating temperature is also important here. As a rule, this temperature gives a medium fire. And by appearance it should be visible that the bottom is fried slowly, does not remain white. And the products themselves do not lose their shape and do not spread in different directions.

14. Fry for 4 - 5 minutes. Then open the lid. Look at how the bottom of the blanks is fried and add a little fire. We have about 2 minutes to fry it until it forms. golden brown.

15. Put the finished products on a plate and let cool slightly. If fried in a large amount of oil, then you can pre-lay them on a layer of paper towels to eliminate excess oil.

Serve traditionally with sour cream.

Separately, lazy whites can be served with some vegetable salad, or just cut fresh vegetables. For example cucumbers with tomatoes. Belyashi can be eaten both hot and cold.

Hot - they are very tender and juicy. Despite the fact that they contain three layers, and turned out to be quite lush, they all baked well.

The dish turned out beautiful, delicious smelling and simply delicious.

I want to eat pancakes without stopping!

By the way, if suddenly they were not eaten all at once, but a couple remained - another, then they can be eaten cold. For example, I like to just put one thing on a piece of bread, and eat it cold like this, in the form of a sandwich.

Zucchini pancakes without flour in a pan

We all love to arrange fasting days, and sometimes go on a diet (I'm talking about women now). And this recipe is just right for such cases, like no other. In it, we will not use flour at all.

And her place will be taken cereals. Pancakes will turn out slightly crispy, with a beautiful crispy crust. And it will be just a storehouse of all sorts of useful substances, and very few calories.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 2 pcs (400 gr)
  • oatmeal - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • dill - 50 gr
  • green onions - 50 gr
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

From this amount of ingredients, 10 - 11 finished products will be obtained.


1. Grate the vegetable. Lightly salt them and mix. Let stand for 5-7 minutes, then squeeze out the juice.

2. In the meantime, the vegetable releases juice, chop the green onion and chop the dill. Cut the onion smaller so that it has time to bake and does not stand out much with its taste. Instead of dill, you can use any other greens, that is, the one that you love the most.

3. Grind the garlic. You can do this by passing it through a press, or chop it with a knife, but as finely as possible. The taste of garlic in the finished dish will be quite noticeable, keep this in mind during cooking. And if you do not like garlic, then do not add it at all.

Well, if, on the contrary, you like it, then you can add two cloves. As I said, zucchini has a very neutral, rather bland taste, and therefore it will turn out better and tastier when you enrich it with other flavors. And garlic is one of them.

4. Add herbs and garlic to the grated squeezed vegetable. Also, don't forget to beat in the egg. Mix everything well until a homogeneous even state.

5. Add salt and pepper to taste.

6. Add oatmeal. There is no need to grind them any further. Even though they are quite tough, they will bake well and will not remain tough.

7. Mix everything well. The mixture should be quite thick and dense in consistency. This is good, it is from this that it will be good and easy to form our blanks.

Let the mixture stand for 5-7 minutes, so that the flakes can absorb the liquid released from the zucchini.

8. Put the pan on the fire and pour a little vegetable oil into it. Wait until it warms up well. Don't overheat it though, it just needs to get hot. Otherwise, if the oil is hot, and we put our blanks into it, they will immediately begin to burn from below. There is no flour in the contents, but there are only dry oatmeal. And they need a longer time to gain moisture.

9. Form blanks. This can be done in two ways: either by spooning them into the pan, or by forming cakes with your hands dipped in water.

Make very large, blanks are not necessary. It is enough to take a full tablespoon of the mixture for one piece.

10. Fry over low heat until golden brown. Follow the fire, it should not be big or small. The frying time on one side can be 5 - 7 minutes. On the other hand, a little less.

When you turn over the blanks, be aware that the guarantor of readiness is this fact: during this action, the blank should be easily taken with a spatula without breaking. If it crumbles, or cracks appear on it during turning, it means that it has remained raw inside.

11. Put the finished products on a layer of paper towels and let the excess oil drain.

Then they can be served at the table. They are delicious with sour cream. So delicious that after 15 minutes, not a single piece was left on the table.

Basically, all the flakes have had time to soak up the zucchini juice and are completely ready. However, there are some flakes that have reached only a semi-done state. And it is they who give the very pleasant crunch.

Pancakes from zucchini from Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya - famous actress and the host of the TV show "Eat at Home" offers such a recipe. On the example of this video, you can see not only the preparation of this option, but also see the principle of cooking in general.

Here are our recipes for today. All of them are quite diverse, have a different composition of ingredients, and this results in everything with different tastes. You can choose any flavor you like.

I promised to tell you how to cook pancakes with cheese. I will not describe in detail how to do this. But I'll just talk about the principle itself. There are actually two ways to use cheese in this dish.

  1. Add grated cheese to vegetable mixture. So we prepared the dish in the first recipe.
  2. Grate the cheese, and when the pancakes are fried on both sides, put a hat of grated cheese on top, directly on the finished products in the pan. Cover it with a lid and wait until the cheese starts to melt. Then get ready-made sweets, and serve to the table.

The second option makes it possible to eat them without adding sour cream.

Now, probably everything. The recipes offered today are my favorite. And I am happy to share them with you. All of them have been tried more than once or twice, and the dish always turns out with a predictable result - that is, with an excellent one. If you follow the recipe and all the recommendations, then everything will turn out without surprises.

And in conclusion, I want to say that there are on the pages of my blog, which also invariably turn out delicious, and most importantly, lush. Follow the link, read the recipes and be sure to cook according to them.

I hope that you have chosen a recipe for yourself and are already going to cook ...

Good and tasty pancakes for you and bon appetit!

Fried zucchini pancakes on each side. Zucchini pancakes are fried over medium heat without a lid in olive or sunflower oil.

How to fry zucchini pancakes

Products for frying
Zucchini - 2 zucchini per 700 grams
Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
Flour - 60 grams (3.5 tablespoons)
Dill, parsley - 10 grams each
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Black pepper - half a teaspoon
Sour cream - 3 tablespoons
Garlic - 5 teeth

Food preparation
1. Wash zucchini, peel and seeds (if coarse), grate on a coarse grater or chop with a meat grinder, put in a sieve.

2. Sprinkle the zucchini with salt, mix and mash slightly to remove excess liquid. Leave in the sieve for 5-10 minutes.
3. Once again, slightly squeeze out the excess liquid, transfer the zucchini to a bowl.
4. Break chicken eggs into the same bowl, stir with a tablespoon.
5. Add flour, mix well again: there should be no flour lumps.

6. Add greens and salt to the dough, mix again. The dough is ready.

How to fry zucchini pancakes
1. Pour the dough with a tablespoon onto a hot frying pan, poured with oil - for 1 pancake you will need 1 full tablespoon.
2. Lightly press down and flatten the fritters to give them the correct shape.
3. Stepping back with a margin of space in the pan, pour the next pancake - the pancakes in the pan should not touch.

4. Fry the zucchini pancakes for 3-4 minutes on one side over medium heat, then turn over and fry for another 2 minutes, then 1 minute under the lid.

Zucchini pancakes are ready!
Serve with sour cream garlic sauce: peel the garlic, finely chop or chop with a garlic press, and mix with sour cream.

When serving, you can put the sauce on 1 pancake and lightly press down with the second one.

Secrets of delicious pancakes

If time is short, then you can save it. Zucchini tends to release juice when salted. But if you prepare the dough without salt and pour zucchini into the dough immediately after rubbing, then when frying the dough will not be too liquid, and you will save time. Add salt before pouring the dough into the pan - when the oil is already warmed up.

Can diversify zucchini pancakes, if you add:
1) onion (1 head), carrots (1 medium), grated on a fine grater, apple (1-2 pieces depending on size), grated pumpkin (100 grams) or potatoes (1-2). In proportion to the added products, you need to add flour (1-2 tablespoons more) and eggs (half).
2) grated hard cheese(for example, 50 grams of Parmesan).
3) garlic - 2 cloves for spiciness.
4) 1 cup of kefir (then you need to increase the amount of flour to 1 cup).
5) instead of 4 tablespoons of flour, add 4 tablespoons of semolina - the pancakes will turn out airy. Starch can be used to make diet pancakes.
To make the pancakes rise when frying and turn out lush, squirrels chicken eggs separate and beat until white foam. Pour 1 teaspoon of baking powder into the dough along with flour.

Calorie squash fritters- 131 kcal / 100 grams.

Oil for frying squash fritters - any vegetable (sunflower or olive) or cream, in a frying pan with a diameter of 15 centimeters you need 2 tablespoons of oil, 20 centimeters - 3 tablespoons of oil, 25-30 centimeters - 5 tablespoons of oil. For each new serving of pancakes, add 1 tablespoon of oil.

To do lean pancakes from zucchini, you should not add eggs. If it is observed strict post, pancakes should be fried in oil released from frying frozen mushrooms, which can now be found at any time of the year in almost every store.

If the zucchini for frying pancakes are large, they may be overripe - then sharp and hard zucchini bones will come across in ready-made squash pancakes. In order to guarantee cooking pancakes without zucchini seeds, you need to cut each zucchini in half lengthwise and check the softness of the bones with a knife and fork. If the bones are very soft and transparent, then they are edible, and if they are large and hard, it is necessary to cut out the entire part of the pulp.

If the zucchini is young, you can not cut off the crust, which is tender and very healthy in zucchini.

So that the pancakes do not connect to each other when frying, it is necessary to pour the pancake, let them "fry" for 5-10 seconds - and only then pour the next one. Even if the fritters stick together, they can be easily pulled apart with a spatula without disturbing the round shape of the fritters.

If the zucchini is soft and juicy, they should be slightly squeeze out excess juice after rubbing on a grater, or additionally add 1 tablespoon of flour to the dough. Zucchini juice can be eaten - fresh or boiled for 1 minute.

The dough for zucchini is easy to check for suitability - it should be dense, not drain from a spoon. Then the pancakes will turn out juicy and at the same time they will not fall apart when turned over.

If, as you fry, it becomes clear that the dough is too thin and the pancakes fall apart, you can overcook the pancakes. To do this, chop the pancakes, return to the dough, add more flour and eggs, mix and fry again.

Sauces for fried pancakes

Unsweetened yogurt or sour cream (150 grams) with chopped garlic (can be mixed with 2 tablespoons of grated hard or processed cheese).
- mayonnaise or sour cream with herbs.
- soy sauce(3 tablespoons), rice vinegar (2 tablespoons) with sesame oil(a couple of drops) hot peppers(on the tip of a knife).
- mayonnaise with chopped pickled cucumbers.

Recipes for pancakes from zucchini every season appear more and more new. Yes, it is understandable. Zucchini is a vegetable with which almost any food is combined. Of course, every housewife adds to the recipes for zucchini pancakes those ingredients that she currently has at home.

This is surprising, but any zucchini pancakes are delicious. Who would not add there. In a previous article, I promised that I would give other, new recipes for zucchini pancakes. I am fulfilling my promise.

This will be just a small fraction of existing recipes, but now zucchini can be bought almost all year round, and not only pancakes can be cooked from them. Therefore, we will meet with zucchini again.

Simple and delicious step by step recipes for zucchini pancakes with photos.

Here we will consider with you simple, but very delicious recipes pancakes from zucchini. Each recipe has its own flavor. See. Cook with us. Fantasize.

1. Recipes for zucchini pancakes - the easiest but very tasty recipe


  • Young zucchini or medium-sized zucchini - 2 pcs. ≈ 600
  • Flour - 0.5–1 cup
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt pepper
  • Garlic - 1-3 cloves
  • frying oil


1. Washed the zucchini, blotted it with a paper towel and cut off the ends on both sides and peel. If the zucchini is young and just picked from the garden, the skin can not be peeled.

2. Rub the zucchini on a coarse grater. Not a very pleasant job, of course. You can also remove your fingers. What should I do. Or buy a processor that costs a lot, or be very careful. We also do not remove grains from a young zucchini.

3. The zucchini releases a lot of juice, so we send the grated zucchini to a colander with a fine mesh, which we have on an empty bowl.

4. Sprinkle the zucchini generously with salt. Mix and let stand.

5. At this time, finely chop a couple of cloves of garlic.

6. Squeeze the zucchini with your hands so that there is as little liquid as possible in it.

7. Break the egg into a separate bowl and shake with a spoon. Pour the egg over the zucchini, add chopped garlic, pepper and add 1/2 cup flour.

8. Mix the dough. We do it all with a fork. If the dough is sticky, add a little more flour. Mix until desired consistency. Keep in mind that zucchini still secrete juice. And we need the dough of such density, approximately like pancakes, even a little thicker.

9. We put the pan on the stove and heat it up. Pour in olive oil, or any vegetable oil. Pour the oil so that the pancakes are fried in oil, and not in a greased frying pan. We wait until it warms up well and put our dough into the oil with a spoon. We press a little with a spoon so that the pancakes are thinner, we trim them so that they are prettier.

10. Fry until golden brown and turn over.

11. You don't need to keep them for a long time. As soon as they are a little golden on the other side, we remove it. After all, in principle, zucchini can be eaten raw. We spread the pancakes on a plate pre-covered with paper towels so that they absorb excess fat.

12. Our zucchini pancakes are ready.

After we overcook all the pancakes, serve them, season with sour cream, decorate with herbs and serve them on the table.

You can see for yourself how beautiful they turned out. We tried. Well, very tasty.

Try yours too.

Bon appetit!

2. Recipe for pancakes from zucchini with cheese and herbs


  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 100 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 1 tooth.
  • Greenery.
  • Salt, pepper, oil for frying


1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

2. Grind the greens. We chop dill, you can add what you like: green onion, cilantro, parsley.

3. Finely chop the clove of garlic. If you like it a lot, you can add another clove.

4. On a fine grater or in a blender, grind onion. If you use green onions, onions can be omitted, or added a little.

5. Peel the zucchini and rub it on a fine grater too.

6. Add chopped onion to the zucchini.

7. We send cheese there.

8. Add greens, garlic, eggs. Salt and pepper everything.

9. Mix everything well. Add flour and mix well into the mixture.

10. Our dough is ready, we can start frying pancakes.

11. Put the dough with a spoon into the heated vegetable oil. Pour the oil so that the pancakes are fried in oil.

12. We will fry for a couple of minutes on each side. The fritters should brown well. If you have not reddened, or reddened weakly, during this time, hold for more until they are reddened. Fry one side, flip to the other.

13. When the pancakes are fried on both sides, put them on a paper towel so that excess oil is absorbed into it.

All. It turned out so beautiful and delicious!

Serve with any sauce, mayonnaise, whoever likes what.

Bon appetit!

3. Zucchini pancakes with carrots, eggs and herbs


  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Small carrot - 1 pc.
  • Flour ≈ incomplete glass
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • cilantro - 1 large bunch
  • Garlic - 4-6 cloves
  • Hot red ground pepper, salt
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


1. Cut the washed, peeled zucchini. If it has large seeds, remove it.

2. Grate zucchini and carrots on a coarse grater. We grated the carrots on a coarse grater, because I like to feel it in pancakes. She even crunches a little.

3. Finely chop the greens. We have cilantro. If you do not like cilantro or like other greens, you can add dill, green onions, parsley. We send cilantro to zucchini with carrots and squeeze garlic there. This is again a matter of taste. We squeeze out 5 cloves.

4. Mix the eggs well in a separate bowl and pour to the total mass with zucchini. Salt. Pepper. We have hot red peppers. Today we will cook spicy. You can sprinkle with ground black pepper or no pepper at all.

5. Sift flour into our mixture. Do not sprinkle all the flour at once. poured out most of it and see how the dough turns out. If watery, add more. Flour is different everywhere, so it is impossible to say the exact amount of flour.

6. The dough should be a little thicker than pancakes.

7. In the vegetable oil heated in a pan, spread our dough with a spoon. Slightly pressing it with a spoon and leveling it to make a not very thick, even cake.

8. Fry until lightly browned. Maybe someone likes zazhariste. No problem, hold the pancakes in the pan on each side, a little more time.

Well, they are so beautiful delicious pancakes from zucchini with carrots are ready.

Serve with sour cream or sauces.

Bon appetit!

4. Video - Grandma Emma's zucchini pancake recipes

5. Video - How to cook zucchini pancakes at home

Bon appetit!

Well, what could be easier than making zucchini pancakes? But in practice, everything is not so easy! Either they spread, or they burn, or they turn out to be unnecessarily tight. We will tell you the secrets of cooking and show you the most interesting recipes with different ingredients!

Dishes from zucchini rightfully occupy a central place on the summer table. This vegetable is incredibly rich in nutrients, but it contains just a minimum of calories. At the same time, it is widely distributed, it is absolutely inexpensive, it has a neutral taste, to which you can easily add sweetness, spiciness, sourness, as you like!

4 cooking rules

When asked how to make pancakes from zucchini, an experienced hostess will only smile mysteriously. Indeed, in this dish there are several secrets that make it exceptional. And now we will reveal them!

  1. Salt the mass before frying. Zucchini is a watery vegetable, and in a salty state, it begins to actively release juice. For the same reason, a test never needs to be done a lot. You simply do not have time to fry the whole mass, and the last batches will spread. Early "milk" zucchini are especially active in this regard. Their juice must be squeezed and drained.
  2. Clean vegetables. When cooking something from young vegetables, there are no problems with them. But from the old and pancakes, and stuffed zucchini, and other delights may not work. The reason for this is a hard crust and hard seeds. They should be cleaned before rubbing vegetables.
  3. If you want to get a uniform structure of pancakes, grate the zucchini on a fine grater. And if you like some fiber in the manner of potato pancakes, use a coarse grater.
  4. Bake diet pancakes from zucchini in the oven. They are extremely low in calories and also great as a breakfast or afternoon snack for kids. Traditionally, the dish is fried in a well-heated pan. And you need to spread the mass in the smallest slide, forming pancakes slightly flattened.

Classic recipe

And now we will learn how to cook pancakes from zucchini. classic dish includes a minimum of ingredients. You will need:

  • zucchini - 2 large;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • greens - dill, parsley;
  • Rinse the greens, dry and chop finely.
  • Finely grate the zucchini, drain the juice if necessary.
  • Mix the mass with herbs, eggs, add flour. Do this gradually, watch how the mass thickens. You may need a little more flour, depending on the consistency. Then salt and pepper the mass, immediately start frying.
  • Fry the zucchini pancakes for 2 minutes on each side. Then reduce the heat and hold for 4 minutes under the lid.

The dish should be served with sour cream. This is appropriate for any composition of ingredients.

Zucchini interpretations

And these recipes will show how varied zucchini pancakes can be. Recipes with photos include detailed description, so it will not be difficult for you to understand each of them.

Pancakes from zucchini in the oven diet

  1. Wash and clean vegetables.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots and zucchini on a medium grater.
  3. Combine the ingredients, mix, add salt and spices (it can be marjoram, basil, cilantro, nutmeg).
  4. Whisk in the eggs and stir.
  5. Drizzle olive oil onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and spread. Spread the dough with a spoon.
  6. Turn on the oven at 180 ° C, send a baking sheet with pancakes there for 20 minutes. If during this time some of them are baked unevenly, they can be turned over.

Sweet zucchini pancakes - recipe

  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • salt and soda - a pinch each;
  • vegetable oil.
  1. Clean the zucchini from the peel and seeds, grate on a fine grater.
  2. Mix the mass with the egg, sugar and flour, and then add the soda.
  3. Fry until golden brown in a pan and serve warm.

Pancakes from zucchini and potatoes

  • zucchini - 2 pcs. (approximately 0.5 kg);
  • potatoes - 4 pcs. (approximately 0.5 kg);
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and pepper, vegetable oil.
  1. Remove seeds and skins from zucchini. Grate them on the smallest grater.
  2. Peel and also grate the potatoes.
  3. Combine the masses and fold in a colander so that the excess liquid is glass.
  4. Add eggs, salt and pepper, mix and start frying immediately.
  5. Fry over medium heat on both sides for a couple of minutes, cover with a lid, hold for another 3 minutes.

Pancakes from zucchini with cheese

  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • parsley - half a bunch;
  • flour - 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil.
  1. Peel the zucchini, grate on a fine grater.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Finely chop the washed and dried greens.
  4. Connect all components.
  5. Add eggs, salt and pepper.
  6. Gradually add flour, mixing thoroughly.
  7. When a moderately thick consistency is reached, fry in a well-heated pan.

You will definitely like our recipes for zucchini pancakes, because they are prepared quickly and turn out very tasty!

Zucchini pancakes- the most tender, tasty and light dish from this summer vegetable. Soft pancakes, similar to pancakes, will come to taste even for those who are indifferent to zucchini. Zucchini pancakes are perfect for breakfast or a light afternoon snack.


  • zucchini 600 g
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • flour 50 g
  • garlic 1 clove
  • salt 1 teaspoon

I took young zucchini, they are very tender, they do not need to be peeled and seeds removed. You can use zucchini - the dish will get a more appetizing color and taste.

If the zucchini is no longer young, in which it is necessary to remove the peel and seeds, then the number of zucchini must be increased so that after removing the excess, the remainder is 600 g. That is, you need to take 700-750 grams.

Garlic is used at will, you can not add it, but with garlic it turns out much tastier and more aromatic.

From this amount of ingredients, 8-9 pancakes are obtained, which is quite enough for breakfast for three people.


We prepare everything necessary ingredients. Wash the zucchini thoroughly and cut off the stems. We clean the clove of garlic.

Three zucchini on a large grater. If your zucchini is large and middle-aged, then you need to peel them and remove the seeds.

We shift the grated zucchini into a bowl, salt, mix and leave them to give juice for 10 minutes. The salt will help the zucchini release the liquid faster.

In the meantime, let's make the dough. Mix eggs with flour, add garlic grated on a fine grater and mix until smooth.

See how much juice the zucchini gave. We won't need it, so it should be removed. To do this, we need another bowl. We take a little zucchini pulp in the palm of our hand and, squeezing, squeeze out the grated zucchini, which we put in a second bowl. After this procedure, the squash pulp lost a significant part of its weight, out of 600 grams 350-400 grams remained. If the juice is not drained, then for a stable dough, much more flour will be needed and the pancakes will no longer be zucchini. If the amount of flour is not increased, then the dough will spread over the pan like pancakes, it will all look ugly and pancakes will no longer work.

Transfer the squeezed zucchini to a separate bowl.

Add the previously made dough to the zucchini and mix well until smooth. You can bake!

Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that it completely covers the bottom. Heat up a frying pan with oil and spread the pancakes with a tablespoon. We make them not too thick so that they bake normally. Bake on medium power for 3-4 minutes on each side. The fritters have a nice crispy crust. The lid does not need to be covered. But if the pancakes inside you are not baked, then reduce the power and increase the frying time.

The most lush and delicious pancakes are obtained, which were first quickly fried on both sides until golden brown, and then fried for a long time on minimal heat, reaching from the inside. The first stage - without a lid, the second - under the lid. This can be done on gas and induction stoves. On an electric stove, you will have to use two burners with different levels heating.

Put the finished pancakes after the pan on a paper towel and cover the top with another paper towel to remove excess oil. Zucchini pancakes ready! It is better to eat them immediately, while hot and fresh. Main sauce for squash fritters It is, of course, sour cream. Bon appetit!