0 Quite often, people nowadays come across all sorts of " mysterious"words, the meaning and origin of which is hidden in the fog of obscurity. Unfortunately or fortunately, the development of society has accelerated so much that many simply do not have time" absorb"all new concepts. In order to fill this important gap, we have created a site site where we try to decipher the most popular words from street slang and not only. Be sure to add our resource to your bookmarks so that we can always come to your aid This time we will analyze a rather tricky word, this Trigger which means you can read a little below.
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So let's continue trigger value? This term was borrowed from in English "trigger", and translates as "with trigger", "latch", "impulse", "inducement". There are several meanings of this concept, and we will analyze only the most popular of them.

Trigger- this is a certain function or command that signals the system about the start of a scheduled event

The point is that in some device there are sensors that control environment, and after changing any parameters in it, giving a command to the central processor. For example, an alarm system for a car, apartment, house, which detects an uninvited intrusion, immediately gives an alarm. And if you have an air conditioner, you know what can be set on the remote temperature regime, upon reaching which this unit turns off, and turns on again after the temperature rises.
In fact, this is a whole class of electronic devices that can stay in one of two states for a long time, and alternate them under the influence of external sensors.

In this case, the creators of the site do their best to influence the characteristics and instincts of the visitor, such as lust, greed, anger, with their page design. Such "creativity" serves as a "trigger" pushing a person to a pre-programmed action. Many webmasters are not even aware of these tricks, while the use of triggers significantly increases the "exhaust" (income) from the project.

Trigger for gamers- this is a cheat (program code that helps the player), which fixes the moment of aiming the sight at the enemy's head and automatically makes a shot


I won’t play anymore, the cheaters are terribly pissed off, who one-shot you across the entire map.

Trigger in psychology- this is an automatic response of an individual that occurs in response to a certain, usually external stimulus

More meanings of the word Trigger

A flip-flop is a multi-steady starting circuit;

Trigger - this is the trigger of a crossbow, airbrush, pistol, as well as the lever on the joystick located under the index finger;

A trigger is a specific reason that prompted the start of any events;

A trigger is a certain condition, after the occurrence of which the planned action must occur;

Trigger is the initiator thermonuclear explosion(Uranus);

Trigger - in hypnosis it is keyword or an action that allows you to instantly enter the patient into a trance state with pre-planned functions.

After reading this informative article, you learned what is trigger, and now you will not get into a difficult situation by hearing or reading this word again.

Psychological term "trigger" widely used in various areas of psychology. The origin of this term comes from the English “trigger ”, which means “trigger”.

The word trigger, in its strict sense, refers to an experience that re-triggers trauma in the form of flashbacks or intense feelings of sadness, anxiety, or panic. The brain creates connections between a trigger (what triggers a response) and the feelings it is associated with. For example, a woman who smelled incense at the time of rape may experience panic attacks whenever she smells incense again in a store.

More broadly, the term "trigger" refers to a stimulus that triggers feelings or problem behaviors, and these feelings are often associated with a psychiatric diagnosis. People, under the influence of a trigger, may relapse into unhealthy behavior. For example, a person who is successfully treated for anorexia may begin to starve himself again after seeing photographs of very thin people.

There is now a growing trend in the west to point out on some specific health-conscious websites so-called "trigger warnings" - ads that notify site visitors that images or material posted on it may trigger a reaction in some visitors.

How are triggers formed?

Although scientists know what a trigger is, they don't fully know how it is formed. However, there are a number of theories about how triggers work. Sensory memory can be very strong, and the sensory experiences that are associated with a traumatic event can be linked together at the memory level, eliciting an emotional response even before the person realizes why they are suddenly sad.

In addition, habit formation also plays a big role in how triggers work. People tend to do the same things in the same way. A certain smoker, for example, constantly smokes in the car while driving. Therefore, the act of riding in a car can itself trigger the smoking response, often without the smoker even realizing it.

By material:

1. Black S. "Trigger effect". Internet resource "Psychology Today".

2. University of Alberta "What is a trigger?" Internet resource "PsychCentral"

The concept of "trigger" is common in various fields, but it is most often found in psychology. Most often, a person can meet it on some sites, especially those dedicated to the topic of mental health, where there are special warnings about conditions that may disturb site visitors. The article will describe what it is - a trigger in psychology, and how to get rid of them.

Definition of a trigger in psychology

What is a trigger in psychology? This term comes from the English trigger, which translates as "trigger". Based on the name, we can say that in a general sense, this state means a certain impetus that launches a certain system into action. In psychology, it is understood as a stimulus that causes some kind of automatic. In the strict sense of this term, a trigger in psychology is a stimulus that can cause intense negative experiences, thoughts and states in a person. In the case of people with mental disorders, this term refers to a stimulus that exacerbates an attack or recurrence of symptoms.

Also, this concept is used in a social context - for example, when they say that conservative older people are annoyed by too bright colors in young people's hairstyles.

Are triggers harmful?

In itself, this condition does not carry a frightening or traumatic color. In fact, it is neutral, but can be perceived by a person as a threat, and completely unconsciously and regardless of his rational beliefs. Usually such triggers in psychology are also called traumatic stimuli and trauma stressor. Anything can become such an impetus - an accidentally thrown phrase, a smell, a person, weather or a certain situation. Certainly, it can be caused positive emotions, but most often a trigger in psychology is still a stimulus that causes negative states. Most often, it is an element of a traumatic experience, which, for some reason, was remembered most vividly (although it does not manifest itself immediately). In order to understand what a trigger is in psychology, let us turn to the question of its occurrence.

It is worth mentioning that in scientific literature this term is not used.

How Traumatic Triggers Occur

It is still not entirely clear what it is, a trigger in psychology and how it is formed in the human mind. In general, the mechanism of their occurrence is approximately the following: a stimulant is usually some negative experience in the past, which, when repeated, provokes stress with all its symptoms. Thus, the brain automatically forms a connection between the situation in the present and the negative emotions that a person encountered in the past in a similar case. Probably sensory memory stressful situations works especially hard. So, for example, a child who was bullied at a school where the walls were painted blue color, in adulthood, may experience fear and loneliness at the sight of the same walls or receive flashbacks in the form of old childhood memories. In fact, every person has one or another traumatic experience, and there is also a corresponding trigger. And the more it resembles an event from the past, the brighter and stronger will be the reaction to it. Some triggers may come from childhood, and then it is especially difficult to understand their cause, others are acquired in the course of life experience.

The response to a traumatic memory can range from a change in mental state to involuntary physical reactions.

Triggers related to our habits

The following situation may also arise: in the process of forming a habit, one action can automatically lead to another. If a person is used to chewing something while reading, then an open book can trigger the desire to eat something tasty, regardless of whether the person is hungry or not. But against the background of stress, other habits can also arise - overeating, smoking, drinking and other types of self-destructive behavior. As a rule, such a reaction to triggers is not controlled by a person in any way and is performed in an almost unconscious state.

How to get rid of triggers

So, we found out what it is - a trigger in psychology, it remains to understand how to deal with it. Usually, a person who has had a traumatic experience in the past naturally tries to avoid stimuli that evoke memories of what happened, this is a completely normal reaction. But given that this term broadly refers to all negative automatic reactions, it is hardly possible to talk about the likelihood of getting rid of all emotional triggers. After all, even if a person becomes a hermit living high in the mountains, sooner or later there will still be a factor that causes negative emotions in him. After all, the occurrence of triggers is an absolutely natural process. Another thing is if the reactions to them begin to noticeably interfere.

How to control the reaction of the psyche

Regardless of what emotions a trigger causes in a person, he should not blame himself, since they do not depend on his rational thinking. Quite often, people consciously avoid stimuli, and far from always they use socially acceptable methods for this. In especially difficult situations it can lead to destructive habits (alcohol, psychotropic substances), breaking up with loved ones or even attempting suicide. It should be remembered that if you are subject to a strong trigger response, then it is never too late to seek help from a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist, in order to work through a trauma that has such complex consequences that it interferes with normal life.

In any case, it is worth monitoring your behavior as closely as possible and tracking which particular incident causes certain emotional responses. It is also necessary to try to find the causes of such a reaction and, if possible, deal with them. Triggers are, as it were, built into the psyche, and sometimes it seems quite difficult to find them. Alternatively, you can keep a diary - it is more convenient to track your behavior with it. In the future, as you analyze your condition and gain experience in this area, it becomes easier to control your behavior and soften reactions, and ideally, stop the trigger at the very beginning of an emotional or physical response.

Psychological triggers in marketing

Basics behavioral psychology used in their activities and marketers. With the help of certain emotional triggers, they increase the desire of the visitor to make a particular purchase. This is material for a separate article, but the techniques used by marketers are worth knowing in order to be independent of the imposition of actions.

Thus, we found out what it is - a trigger in psychology, and how to learn to control your condition.

We constantly experience emotions: joy, irritability, fear, peace, etc. But where do these sensations come from?

Sometimes - we ourselves create them with our thoughts, and sometimes - they are unconsciously provoked by external stimuli - triggers. Emotions that appear push us to make decisions and actions, and if we do not control ourselves, this can lead to sad consequences: spending large amounts of money, breaking relationships, deteriorating health, etc.

We will talk further about what a trigger is in psychology, how to recognize and control it.

A trigger is any stimulus that influences our behavior.
“Triggers. Build Habits - Build Character, Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter.

What are triggers in psychology: definition

A trigger in psychology is an external stimulus (also called a “tumbler”) that causes emotions in us, because of which we seem to turn off for a while and perform unconscious actions. Such stimuli can be any signals to the brain from tactile, olfactory, auditory, visual or taste sensations.

The word trigger comes from the English “trigger”, which translates as “trigger”.

Some of these signals can shock a person, and some just change him. emotional condition. The most dangerous triggers are those that cause fear, panic, apathy - in general, strong negative feelings. They are difficult to resist, so we can not always pull ourselves together and make informed decisions.

Often the concept of a trigger is associated with negative feelings, since it is most often used in psychotherapy in the treatment of diseases. But this is not always the case. There are people who can cause various manipulations in us positive emotions to win over and use: press on “ pain points” and push us to make an automatic decision to our detriment.

Trigger in psychology: examples


When we hear a scream, we immediately draw some kind of dangerous picture in our head.

This causes our brain to pump adrenaline, which causes us to turn sharply in that direction in order to assess the situation and decide what to do: attack, run away, help, etc.


If we see a crowd of people on the street who will consider something, this will arouse wild interest in us.

We will feel an impulse inside that will push us in that direction to find out what happened.

The words

You may hear from someone a phrase that a person dear to you said in the past. This can trigger an emotional outburst in you, as you will connect this moment with the past (often without realizing it).

Triggers can be both weak - from which you can immediately get out of control, and strong - which cause a storm of emotions in us. How do they affect us?

How triggers work in psychology

Our brains can't always separate the real from the fictional. The proof of this is that when we watch a movie, we experience real emotions. But what happens on the screen is fiction.

Since we have a highly developed sensory memory, triggers have such a strong effect on us. Our strong memories triggered by stimuli (music, pictures, words we heard, etc.) link them to what is happening now: the brain replays the painful picture in our head and draws parallels to the present. Thus, we begin to feel real emotions from events that have long been left behind.

In order not to fall under the influence of triggers, you need to carefully monitor your feelings and study what in the past caused a strong emotional reaction and pushed you to wrong actions.

Remember that not only negative emotions can be destructive, but also positive ones: some people skillfully manipulate the state of other people in order to obtain personal gain. Therefore, carefully monitor your feelings - as if from the outside - in order to soberly assess situations and make the right decisions.

We are masters at making up reasons why we shouldn't change.
We come up with excuses. We find logical explanations. We accumulate beliefs that provoke denial and resistance in all manifestations.
As a result, we constantly fail when we try to become who we want to be.
“Triggers. Build habits - build character

What effect do triggers have on our lives?

Very few people can control their behavior under the influence of external stimuli: as soon as the trigger affects us, we immediately switch to “autopilot”. What does it mean?

Our sense of self becomes foggy and we begin to act unconsciously. That is, we do not control our behavior, but act out of habit.

Since we do not remember or control the actions we take in this foggy state, this can create huge problems for us in life.

Here are some examples of this negative impact:

  • Spending large sums of money “on emotions”. Experienced manipulative salespeople use the mechanism to trigger various triggers on their customers: greed, fear of loss, challenge pleasant emotions in relation to oneself, etc. If we give ourselves the opportunity to make decisions unconsciously in such situations, we can lose a large amount of money.
  • Breaking off a relationship with a loved one. If we succumb to our feelings caused by any incentives (gossip, our own guesses), we can quarrel with loved ones.
  • Undermining your health. The pleasurable sensations of food, drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes can cut off our conscious control over what we do. And it can undermine our health. We will start to overeat or become addicted to harmful substances.
In order to get rid of the impact of triggers, in no case do you need to blame yourself. Because this mechanism operates autonomously - by itself. What you need to do is to pay close attention to your internal sensations and study what has a strong effect on you and turns on the “autopilot”.

How to control psychological triggers

Don't be afraid of triggers. If we learn to control them, these incentives cannot harm us. Next, we will tell you a few tricks for regaining control over yourself, but if you have deep psychological problems, and sometimes you can not influence your behavior, then you should contact a psychotherapist.

How to control triggers:

  • Look for reasons in the past.
    Look for things that made you make bad decisions in the past. It could be a trigger that made you feel fear, shame, anger, whatever. Find out in order to recognize a similar situation in time in the future and not be influenced again.

    The very recognition of the beginning of the reaction will help you extinguish the emotions that have flared up inside and allow you to take conscious actions. You will start to see the picture a little off, so you can gain control of yourself.

  • Constantly monitor your feelings.
    In order to learn to feel your state, you need to develop attention as a whole. Meditation will help you do this. proper nutrition, daily reading for 1-2 hours, full immersion to work. That is, any activity where you can disconnect from the outside world.
By learning to concentrate, you will be able to better feel what is happening in your body. And then you will notice when you are under the influence of triggers.

Create your own triggers

Triggers can be created both automatically and consciously. How to do it? Learn to associate certain stimuli with what needs to be done. Now let's look at this in more detail:

For example, you want to take care of your body a little. How to help yourself? Put a yoga mat in the kitchen. But in such a way that it is visible as soon as you enter there. Next, make a rule for yourself: every time you see this rug, you will be required to do 20 squats.

Then, as the habit gets stronger, you will unconsciously have the urge to squat when you see the mat again. This is the simplest example - so that you can more clearly understand how a trigger can be used in psychology.

How are you going to use triggers? Do you have interesting ideas? Share with us! This is how you express your gratitude: we will see that you not only received information, but really use it and change your life.

Hello dear readers! Morning. You open your eyes and hear people screaming outside the window. The pungent smell of smoke hits the nose. Come to the window and see a giant fire-breathing dragon. What to do? The panic began already at the moment when the sound perception of the surrounding world “turned on”, then the sense of smell and vision were added, and each of these elements were triggers - a scream, smoke, a dragon.

Trigger, what is it in psychology, we will try to find out in this article. It's a pretty popular word, especially among people trying. Unfortunately, it is not always used correctly.

Trigger in psychology

Translated from English, this word means "trigger". The hypnotist snapped his fingers and the "patient" began to crow like a rooster. That's what many people think - a trigger. Sergey Kovalev, an NLP practitioner, calls a trigger a mechanism that triggers any reaction in the human psyche.

In fact, this definition is used only when a person is faced with an event or phenomenon that responds negatively in his psyche.

If you survived a shipwreck, then after that for a long time you can't look at the water. If you hear a baby crying, this does not mean that you will immediately run someone to urgently breastfeed. Everyone has their own triggers, and the principle of operation is always the same - it turns on, and after it a wave of negative emotions and feelings.

The trigger may be a combination of sounds, smells, or a visual image. For example, some are afraid if they see big dog. Others experience a wave of tenderness at their mere appearance.

No one will answer the question of how to make a trigger. To do this, a person must be in a state of shock. For some impressionable people, it becomes a horror film, where scenes of violence are shown too realistically.

the effect

It is also impossible to predict what effect a trigger will have on a person. The most common is horror. However, the rest is impossible. Some people succumb to unconscious primal fear and are in a daze. Others, on the contrary, mobilize all the senses and brain processes begin to take place more actively.

A friend of mine had a leg that started to hurt for a long time, as soon as she saw something unpleasant on the TV screen or in life.

One day I came across one I don't want to name the author. He's too disgusting. I was interested in the topic, and therefore I drew attention to an unknown guy. I read 30 pages, and then with all my might I threw the volume into the farthest corner of the room. The author described the genocide so colorfully that at some point it seemed to me that he really was a maniac. So savoring these crimes is like committing them yourself.

Even horror films have their limits. But such authors can really damage the psyche of others. They use our imagination and get there through literature. This is the most heinous crime. Our brain is the most delicate organ that creates incredible images.

If you are interested in similar literature, I can advise Neil Gaiman " Beware of triggers". It will also put you into a state of numbness and trance, but not on this scale. There are still some limits here.


In general, triggers protect us from danger. They create memory even when we ourselves forget about the existence of the threat. If you have been in a fire once, the smell of smoke will frighten you and wake you up in the middle of the night, even if the fire occurs on a nearby street. You can't just dismiss the problem.

Some psychologists use triggers in time management. For creating . For example, you can read about it in Marshall Goldsmith's book " triggers. Build habits - build character". Of course, we are not talking about full-fledged triggers here, but some kind of discomfort, negative emotions. He teaches to respond to them correctly, to mobilize their strengths and create .

But how to get rid of a trigger that interferes with a full life, first of all, its awareness will help. Some psychologists further advise forcibly and constantly confronting an object that excites fear.

For example, if strong negatives are associated with ex-husband, they will recommend hanging pictures of him on the refrigerator. Over time, emotions will dull, you will get tired of experiencing negativity and reconcile.

This approach is not suitable for everyone. It is best, of course, to talk with a psychologist, so as not to harm your own health. Still, this is a no-brainer.