Parents teach their children to be polite to other people. The children are instilled with the rules of cultural behavior: do not be rude to the elders, respectfully treat the younger ones. But, unfortunately, not all people follow such recommendations. For some, rudeness is the main way to prove to another person that they are right. Such a situation can be encountered anywhere: in transport, in a store, at work. Harsh words hurt deeply, and it’s not always easy to figure out what to answer the offender. And the mood for the whole day is spoiled. To avoid such situations, you should know

What are the reasons?

Rudeness is a special desire to offend the interlocutor or others with an act, a word. At the same time, it is based on irresponsibility and anonymity. If you ask a boor for his position, place of work, last name, the tone of his conversation will noticeably change.

It is because of impunity that rudeness flourishes so. Previously, a person encountered unpleasant treatment in a store, at work, in some public places. Today, with the growth in the number of cars and the expansion social networks misbehavior is on the rise.

To know how to respond to rudeness, you should understand what are its causes. So, psychologists believe that rude behavior is characteristic of the following categories of people:

  1. Persons who did not receive enough love in childhood. In this case, a person tries to be noticed by those around him. After all, he always experiences a lack of attention, love, communication. These are people who were not praised in childhood, did not take time to communicate with them. After all, every child needs the love and understanding of parents. Not receiving the necessary caress and warmth in the usual, natural way, the baby resorts to rude, terrible behavior. And it is at this time that parents fulfill what they want - they react to it, begin to indulge it. Such a method in the mind of the child is formed as the only way draw attention to yourself. Accordingly, in adulthood, a person continues to use it.
  2. People striving for self-affirmation. This picture is observed if the interlocutor cannot adequately answer. In this case, the brute rises in own eyes and with even greater force continues to humiliate a person. Thus, he tries to assert himself. Often this situation develops if a rude person is a boss with even minimal power, or a boor, for certain reasons, causes fear in the interlocutor.
  3. A state of despair, disappointment, fatigue. In such a situation, even man of culture can break and get nasty. Of course, this will be followed by an apology. And here it all depends on the culture of behavior of the interlocutor. well-mannered man will accept an apology and the conflict will be settled. But if the collision happened with a boor, then he will already be on edge. No amount of apology will help here.

In addition, the inability to clearly argue one's arguments can lead to rudeness. Sometimes you can observe the following picture when two people argue. The first provides concrete evidence to support his point of view. The other, being sure of his rightness, cannot argue it, but strives to go through the dispute to the end. Often in such a situation, without having good arguments, he breaks down and turns to rudeness. And it usually fails. At the same time, in the eyes of others, this person demonstrates how low her culture of behavior is.

Hams on the roads

Any driver knows that there are normal and inadequate traffic participants on the track. The second category includes those who undercut, move from one line to another, demand an immediate pass, honk for no reason, constantly flash their high beams, or are eager to figure it out and prove, sometimes even with the help of their fists, their case.

How to respond to rudeness? And in what language to communicate with the road rude? Unfortunately, there is no universal instruction. Because inadequate situations are always unpredictable. However, psychologists recommend sticking to certain rules. Their observance will allow not only to nullify rudeness on the roads, but also in some situations to protect life.

How to behave in difficult situations? Psychologists give the following recommendations:

  1. Inattentive driver. Sometimes a situation happens that the green light turns on, and all the cars stop because of one participant in the movement. The driver was distracted or thoughtful, and simply did not notice how the traffic light switched. People who are in a hurry start honking frantically. This is a simple situation, but it is very annoying. If you find yourself in the role of a “sleeping” driver, then the best thing you can do is say thank you to those who honked you. Once in the role of an impatient driver, try to "wake up" softer. For example, blink your headlights. Thus, the fight against rudeness should begin with you. Stay on the road always adequate.
  2. Save time. Not only nerves are spent on dealing with a rude man, but also precious hours. Two drivers, who are not inferior to each other on a narrow road, are very reminiscent of sheep from a children's fairy tale. If you don't like this comparison, give way to your opponent. At the same time, reassure yourself that, unlike him, you can drive well in reverse. In addition, sincerely smile at the boor, and good mood you will be provided for the whole day.
  3. uncontrollable situation. If you could not avoid meeting with an inadequate driver, know that you will not find a common language with him. Therefore, it is best to prepare carefully. Close windows and doors, turn on the DVR in the car, or mobile phone. So you can fix the illegal actions committed against you. Do not try to explain anything to the impudent driver yourself. It is very easy to break loose and use improvised means, fists. But it is difficult to prove later that you acted in self-defence. It is best to try to attract the attention of others with a beep or an emergency gang. You can call the police or loved ones for help.
  4. Removal of stress. After meeting with an inadequate driver, there is always an unpleasant feeling in the soul. Psychologists recommend calling your loved ones and telling them what happened to you. Just complain. Getting support and understanding loved one, you will quickly get rid of the negativity and be able to calmly continue moving.
  5. Required rest. Sometimes you yourself may experience irritation at the sight of other road users. If everyone around you is perceived as racers or non-driving drivers, you need to take a breather. In such a situation, it is very important to follow the following advice from a psychologist. Get out of the car for fresh air. Do 10 squats. If such a discharge did not help, then do a dozen more exercises.

Roughness at work

Unfortunately, this is not uncommon today. Rudeness at work on the part of the boss is very common. The “victim” often tries to ignore the rude statements of the leadership. After all, to make a remark to a higher colleague without negative consequences for yourself is not always possible.

Of course, you can not always ignore unpleasant statements. However, how to stop the rudeness of the boss? In certain situations, if the behavior of the management or statements go beyond the norms of the permissible (the framework established by law), such persons may be brought to court.

But often the rudeness of the leadership manifests itself in constant ignoring. In communication, raised tones are used, derogatory intonation is used. Sometimes a subordinate feels neglected. In such situations, it will not be possible to bring the rude person to legal liability. Here it is better to apply the recommendations of psychologists.

Rudeness or constructive criticism?

But before you use the advice of a psychologist, you should carefully understand the situation. Some people, as a result of their emotional anxiety, may perceive criticism as rudeness. In this case, they lose very valuable and important information about themselves.

How to distinguish rudeness and insult from constructive criticism? The answer is very simple. Rudeness is aimed at the destruction of psychological integrity and hinders further development. Criticism allows you to recover personality. She motivates to improve.

How to behave at work?

If boorish treatment of subordinates is a leadership style, then it is best to take it philosophically. After all, it just trains your endurance.

In such situations, the following advice from a psychologist will help you:

  1. Answer the management mechanically: “I will do everything”, “You are right”.
  2. You can honestly admit that you are lost from screaming. Most importantly, do not switch to a sarcastic tone. Otherwise, the boss will think that you are mocking him.
  3. Tell your boss that you value his opinion. Therefore, you want to understand what he is angry about and discuss it in a calm atmosphere. Such behavior simply disarms boors.

Many people try to resist rude people. At the same time, they make mistakes that even more cause rudeness, rudeness of the boss in response. Consider them:

  1. Justification. This behavior is like a child. In addition, justification is an admission of guilt. It's also quite humiliated. This situation will only irritate the leadership. Remember: absolutely no one needs excuses, they don’t want to hear them and they don’t wait.
  2. Rudeness in response. It is very easy to get involved in a scandal. In this case, the boss will receive even more than expected. The only exception may be a sarcastic response to the wit.
  3. Silence. It is often seen as a dismissive disregard. This behavior causes even more aggression. Be sure to answer. At the same time, maintain a cool, polite tone. Answer briefly. And then you can shut up.
  4. The interruption of the authorities. Be sure to let the boss speak. And only after waiting for a pause, answer.

Rudeness in the store

Very often, rudeness comes from incompetent strangers. They are trying in this way to emphasize their importance and raise their status. They should not be taken seriously at all. And even more worry about it.

Of course, it is very difficult to restrain yourself if you hear public insults in the store. Rudeness of sellers puts in an unpleasant position.

So, if you are faced with rudeness in a store, how to respond to rudeness? The advice of psychologists allows you to adequately get out of the situation:

  1. universal phrases. Having heard rudeness from the seller, it is necessary to answer him, citing facts that cannot be disputed. In doing so, use common phrases: “People are different. They live differently. They are interested in a variety of things. Different events evoke different reactions.” An excellent example illustrating how to use such phrases is the following. Rudeness of the seller: "Why are you poking tomatoes with dirty fingers?". Answer: "Different people check the ripeness of tomatoes in different ways."
  2. Contact higher authorities. If the seller begins to brazenly be rude to you, this is regarded as an infringement on your rights. It is completely useless to answer him the same. This is a waste of energy and effort. But how to protect yourself from rudeness? It is better to check with the manager who is the leader and contact him with a complaint. You can't leave rudeness unpunished. You can request a book of complaints and describe the situation in it.

  1. Try not to let the rude person take control of the situation. No matter what the status of your opponent is, you have the right to demand respect for yourself. Let this be understood by the insolent.
  2. How to respond to rudeness if the rude person is so passionate about his game that he completely loses control? In this case, replace it. Try to temper the ardor of this person. Should not be accumulated negative emotions. Otherwise, you will throw them out at home on relatives and friends. In addition, many rude people completely believe in impunity. Try to dispel this myth. However, do not cross the line of the permissible, do not lose control. Otherwise, you will sink to the level of an ill-mannered person. Your "performance" should not be indicative. Do not wave your arms or shout loudly.
  3. Do not take all negative phrases personally. Just sympathize with the brute. Such a person is dissatisfied with life. Therefore, it deserves pity. A person who descends to rudeness has weak character. Therefore, how can one take her insults seriously? Completely ignore all the negativity that has been addressed to you.
  4. Respond to rudeness with humor. Try to make fun of the person's attempts to offend or humiliate you. You can even smile in response to impudence. By doing this, you will make it clear to the rude person that his comments are indifferent to you. Your sly smile will provoke a storm of indignation. Just laugh in the face of such a person. He will understand that he was defeated, and did not cause a negative reaction from you in response. You can “finish off” your opponent with such phrases: “Something hurt you?”, “Why are you so nervous?”. Try to the last word left behind you.
  5. Show pity. The rude man is fueled by the energy of the conflict. Therefore, a polite, intelligent and completely adequate person, having heard rudeness, will not respond in kind. He will ignore such a request. A great way to suppress negativity is to feel sorry for such a person. Do not forget that often such people in childhood did not receive proper upbringing and care from their parents. They are usually unsuccessful in life. They are not loved by the opposite sex. They deserve compassion. Therefore, your non-standard attitude to the situation will completely destroy plans. energy vampire"feed off" experiences and nerves.
  6. Turn on your fantasy. If a rude person tells you everything he thinks to your face, try to imagine that this person is behind glass. You don't hear what he says. This technique is quite a fun tactic. After all, you see how the rude moves his lips, waves his arms, but you do not catch a single word.
  7. Talk to the person. Sometimes there are situations when it is impossible to ignore, let alone ridicule, rudeness. This applies to communication with relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues. In such cases, it is better to speak frankly with the person. Try to find out what happened to him today, how is his health. You will understand what provoked such behavior. Also, allow the rude person to look at themselves from the outside and rethink unworthy communication.
  8. Tune in to the positive. Rudeness is the lot of people with a negative outlook. So try to control your thoughts. Don't attract disrespect.

And most importantly, be confident! Only such a model of behavior makes it possible to beautifully get out of any situation, while fully maintaining one's own dignity and not feeling like a victim.

Hams meet us in absolutely different places, under different circumstances and confluence of events. At work, in the store, public transport, at an event and even at home! However, someone simply does not pay attention to rudeness and continues to go his own way, while someone is upset and upset because of the words that he heard from the boor. This article is more suitable for those who suffers from meetings with boors! Let's figure out together how to properly behave with them!

If your husband is rude

Don't give in to provocations

If you understand that your husband is not in the mood and is about to start doing everything to spoil him for you, just get up and leave! Say in a very, very calm voice that you have more important things to do than shouting, or boor comments about something, and leave the room with a calm expression on your face.

Believe me, literally 5 minutes will be enough for the boor to calm down and, upon your return, sit silently and calmly.

Don't make excuses

Many people like to look for the reason in themselves, and even after receiving unpleasant remarks from a boor, they try to justify him, to find their fault. Of course, in any quarrel there is not only one guilty person, but learn to look at things soberly and healthy. If you really understand that a person is rude to you, do not look for excuses for him. Better think about how to punish a boor for his behavior - a week without homemade food, a serious conversation, your moving with your children for a while to your parents ... choose for yourself!

If your employee is rude...

Gather a team

Agree, it will be much more difficult for a boor to offend you, and indeed to say something unpleasant to you if you are the favorite of the team. If you are not yet one - it does not matter, you can easily achieve this. Smile more often at colleagues, compliment them (only from the bottom of your heart), go out for tea or coffee together at lunchtime, etc. You don’t necessarily get along with them best friends, but pleasant communication at work will never be superfluous! And in the case of an employee who is a boor, be sure that the whole team will come to your defense!

Gather your will

Very often, sharp and unpleasant statements, and even in raised tones, encourage us, women, to respond to our offender in the same manner, also loudly and unpleasantly! Should not be doing that! Always keep calm.

Just because you understand that in front of you is a person who wants to offend you on purpose and everything he says does not really correspond! So why bother then? Secondly, by turning to high tones, you annoy your offender even more, as well as yourself!

If a boor is a stranger to you

This section applies to random people we meet in public places.

Reply with humor

This method will not only “beat off” the boor’s comments, but will also significantly soften the situation. But! The main thing here is not to make fun of yourself! For example, someone in the transport complained that you hit him with a bag. You don't have to say, "Oh really, I've been waiting like this for someone to notice how clumsy I am!" Instead, you should answer: “But you paid attention to such beautiful girl, like me! Ah, if not for my bag, we would never have met you ... "

Intelligent response

This is the biggest punishment for a rude and boor. By provoking, the boor expects us to start “playing his game”, start a conflict and quarrel. Believe me, he absolutely does not expect an intelligent answer, because most people begin to respond to rudeness in the same way! But now we are different. When you hear rudeness, make a friendly face, be sure to look into the eyes of your offender and say: “I'm very sorry that I hit you with a bag! I hope not too much! Are you hurt? Perhaps I can help you in some way?"

I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart to learn these lessons, and in general, to meet boors and unpleasant people as rarely as possible!

Unfortunately, everyone once had to deal with the rudeness and aggression of the people around them. Pleasant, of course, this is not enough. And the reaction to an insult can be very different - from silence to frank obscene dialogue with the offender.

Rudeness is an attempt to verbally humiliate a person and thus rise in their own eyes and in the eyes of people watching the scene of abuse. It turns out that a person who speaks rudeness simply wants to assert himself and prove to the whole world that he is not an empty place, and his opinion should be taken into account and respected.

Very often, boors are driven by a feeling of fear. Such a person is afraid that someone will hurt or offend him, and he will not be able to give a worthy rebuff. Therefore, he is the first to “get on the rampage”, expressing his claims and not letting the interlocutor come to his senses.

It also happens that rudeness is a reaction to some kind of spiritual wound. In this case, at the slightest encroachment on personal space from the offended person, you can hear such a stream of abuse, in which you involuntarily begin to answer him in his own words. And then this person begins to be rude to another interlocutor, and thus insults are transmitted along the chain.

Only one who knows the techniques to protect himself from unreasonable insults and put the offender in his place can interrupt such a chain. It is hardly worth being silent and “swallowing” resentment. After all, it is known that unexpressed emotions can cause somatic diseases, such as gastritis, ulcers, headaches, etc.

However, it is also not recommended to bring down a stream of abuse on a person. Psychologists advise using one of three methods.

1. Polite stupidity

This method can be applied to colleagues, strangers or elderly relatives. Its essence is to ask clarifying questions for all rudeness. By the way, this method can also be used in job interview techniques. At the same time, speak deliberately politely and calmly. For example, if they say to you: “Well, sit down here ...”, carefully look at the interlocutor and clarify: “What do you mean?”. This can lead to some confusion for the offender. If he answers you: “I mean that you took up the whole place!”, Then ask: “Are you saying that you don’t have enough space?”. And so repeat the words of the opponent indefinitely. Do not add any words from yourself, just clarify his phrases. Usually, with such tactics, the offender is not enough for a long time - he turns around and leaves.

2. Consent

The essence of the second method is to agree with the claims of the rude person, and then ask him to help solve the problem that has arisen, or simply switch to another topic. Suppose you go out for a walk with the dog, and an elderly granny begins to lament: “Again you are walking animals, the whole yard is already littered ...”. Answer: “You are right! And in one country, owners are required to clean up after their dogs. Perhaps we should introduce such a rule in our country, what do you think?” After such an answer, the neighbor will stop grumbling and switch to a normal conversation. And if you ask her for advice, for example, where is the best place to buy groceries, then you can be sure that the next time you meet, she will behave politely and without aggression.

3. Search for meaning

The last method is useful if your boss is regularly rude to you. In general, you can react to rudeness on the part of the boss in different ways: you can not respond to his words, but then break loose on colleagues, you can tell the boss whatever you want and proudly quit, and, finally, the most The best way reactions - to answer the boss in this spirit: “I'm sorry, but I can't work normally when they talk to me like that. Of course, you can fire me, but it's probably much better to find a way to cooperate? Not every person dares to say this to the boss in the face. But by overpowering yourself and taking risks, you can win the respect and trust of your boss, and colleagues too.

If none of the methods will help you pacify the boor, then make an effort on yourself and get away from the eyes of this person. Do not waste time and energy on people who like to swear and be rude. You still won’t be able to convince them, but a spoiled mood can negatively affect the whole day. Try to switch your attention to something pleasant, and you will not notice how quickly an unpleasant incident is forgotten.

We all experience rudeness from time to time. What to do if a relative, colleague, neighbor or boss is rude? Well, everyone has their own simple strategy.

Polite stupidity

colleagues, elderly relatives, strangers.

The essence of the method is simple: answer any boorish question or statement with a clarifying question. And do this until your interlocutor gets tired of having an empty dialogue with you. The method is very convenient. Firstly, you infuriate a person with your stupid clarifying questions, and secondly, you develop your stress tolerance.
Dialogue example:
- My God, what dirty shoes.
- What do you mean by that? Are you only talking about the sole?
- No.
- I.e. claim that my shoes are absolutely dirty.
- Well, yes
- Do you think your shoes are clean?

And so on until you get bored.

"You're right"

In relation to whom it is worth using the method: grouchy old people, customers, neighbors, colleagues.

Sometimes it’s easier to agree with a claim than to engage in a reasoned argument. But this is only half of the method. The second part is to ask the person to take part in solving the problem. Neighbor constantly swears that you don't wash front door? Agree with him and borrow money to buy detergent. Then, by the way, you can not give money back, citing problems with memory.

"Looking for Meaning"

In relation to whom it is worth using the method: rude boss.

Sometimes it’s worth saying directly to the manager: “Sorry, of course, but I won’t work like that. I didn’t deserve such an attitude towards me and such a manner of speaking. If you want to be rude, be rude to someone else. You can fire me, it’s up to you. But maybe should we find a way to cooperate?
There is a high risk that you will actually be fired. But it's only for the best. Nerves are more valuable than any money. Yes, and rudeness will definitely not affect your efficiency in a positive way.

The stink bug method

In relation to whom it is worth using the method: in all other cases.

What are stink bugs good for? That's right, nothing. They stink like some people. Unfortunately, the criminal code does not allow physical violence against boors. But then you can act like with stink bugs. Bypass them, do not touch them, otherwise, you know. Do not ask questions to boors and do not answer. You don't talk to insects, do you? Hams are no better than insects.
Stink bugs cannot be crushed. People too. Both of them will emit a nasty smell. It is advisable to even look at boors as stink bugs. Trust me, they'll love it.

Probably, there is no person on the land of the father who would not encounter rudeness in his life. Someone observed the unceremonious rudeness from the side, the other became a targeted recipient of cynical impudence. Rudeness addressed to me sounds with constant regularity, and from all sides.
I will definitely be scolded in a minibus, insulted in a store and shamelessly humiliated in a beauty salon. Grannies at the driveway, when they see me, take out microphones and begin to discuss me aloud. In the family, I am the whipping girl who is to blame for all human sins.
My friends spit impolitely in my face, although I am politeness and courtesy itself. The boorish attitude of my colleagues and boss towards me is not an unfortunate exception to the rule, but the norm of behavior. I am insulted because I help and save everyone. When I pull a colleague out of a career loop into which he got into because of his negligence, and I write his report at night. When an angry patron, for whom I brew coffee, it is on me that a stream of discontent splashes out.
I do not know how to nip the rudeness in the bud and do not even try to bleat in response. I can only sob heart-rendingly and behave further "lower than water and quieter than grass." My mood is always at zero, and the built-in barometer of truth screams that it's time to learn how to respond to rudeness. My goal is to understand why you are rude, to master the ways of how to adequately respond to rudeness and insults. I propose to figure out together how to respond to rudeness and maintain your dignity.

Why people are rude to you: signs of a voluntary sacrifice
By what criteria impudent brutes select their victims for rudeness, of course, it is these ignoramuses who know best. However, psychologists say that those who demonstrate to others the behavior of the victim threaten to become the object of insults and humiliation. Brawlers by nature immediately figure out in the crowd those who cannot give back to his rudeness. They find someone who will passively endure bullying, due to which the aggressor will assert himself and exalt himself in his eyes.
Persons who profess victimhood (as the behavior of the victim is scientifically called) are predisposed to attracting attention to their person insolent and rapists. They will certainly fall into situations of rudeness that undermine mental health and pose a threat to life. On a subconscious level, they provoke an attack against them.

Such passive victims in life are distinguished specific features:

  • their main feeling is irrational fear, which completely subjugates thinking;
  • they constantly anticipate that some tragedy will happen to them;
  • faced with an obstacle and rudeness, they are not even ready to run, but freeze in horror;
  • they unconsciously hold on to their helplessness and dream of being saved;
  • they are ready to really suffer from rudeness in order to receive the right to protection in the future;
  • their soul is incinerated by the grievances that they "cherish";
  • such individuals are overly trusting and imprudent;
  • they give up responsibility for their lives, seeking to make the decision of others;
  • they feel guilty about everything that happens;
  • they are accustomed to endure suffering that can be ended.

  • All "scapegoats" are distinguished by severely low self-esteem, lack of respect and love for their person. Often outsiders in life lack self-sufficiency, and their being absorbs obsessive fear loneliness. They seek to join the leaders by choosing addictive behavior. They try to stay in the shadows, burying their heads in the sand like ostriches. There are many reasons for such victim behavior, but in most cases, the “eternal victim” is due to serious problems in childhood.

    Why there are so many rude people around: reasons for rudeness
    Although almost all of us are taught to be polite and cultured in childhood, some boors have rudeness in their blood. What drives a person to insult others? In most cases, the reasons for rudeness are as follows.

    Reason 1
    Desire to be noticed by another person. Such a person behaves aggressively due to a lack of attention and love. This flawed personality did not receive affection in childhood, did not hear words of praise. Her parents simply ignored her, demonstrating that the child was unnecessary and unwanted.

    Reason 2
    The desire to assert oneself at the expense of others. Such persons have an inferiority complex, and they need proof that they are worth something in life. Humiliating others, they rise in their fantasies a step higher.

    Reason 3
    Inability to control their emotions and properly get rid of the accumulated aggression. For such persons, in order to achieve inner balance, it is imperative to throw out steam on the weak and defenseless.

    Reason 4
    Elementary fatigue. Mental fatigue or physical exhaustion reduces the ability to control one's emotions. So it turns out that you got nasty to another, but why you don’t understand yourself. However, such a phenomenon is a one-time occurrence, and it is followed by sincere repentance in a cultural person.

    Reason 5
    Low level culture due to improper upbringing in childhood or being in an antisocial environment. It is unlikely that a person who grew up in a family of alcoholics will know social norms and rules of etiquette. That is, for uncultured barbarians there is simply no difference: to act politely or to be impudently rude.

    Reason 6
    Feeling of complete impunity. When a person understands that everything is permitted to him, his rudeness will get away with it. He is sure that his immoral acts will not be punished.

    Reason 7
    In some cases, the uttered insolence is an accident, manifested in moments of despair. Sometimes people who are in deep depression react extremely violently and offensively to attempts by loved ones to help them, perceiving this as an encroachment on personal space. In this situation, it is necessary not to fight rudeness, but to try to eliminate the true cause of a person's melancholy.

    What to change in behavior so that they stop being rude to you: the right reaction to rudeness
    How to behave when you are rude? The main step is to change your character traits that attract the offender, to transform the way of thinking of the victim into the model of the master of life.

    Step 1
    Learn to be confident. A person with a proudly raised head and straightened shoulders looks dignified and rarely attracts offenders. We always keep neatness and neatness in clothes. As a rule, slovenly people dressed in very strange things become the objects of insults. We do not show fussiness and haste. Inconsistent, chaotic actions are perceived as a weakness that is easy to mock.

    Step 2
    Sometimes it is good to give your appearance a dismissive look. We remember and try to match intelligent grandmothers with pursed lips and a contemptuous look. We depict bewilderment on our faces, as if we are circling in front of us incomprehensibly like a tsetse fly that has flown to us.

    Step 3
    We devalue the phrases uttered by the offender. We find fault with every word, aloud correcting his speech mistakes. Nahals do not differ in oratorical skills and often make speech errors. Our task is to notice and ridicule them. Laughter and subtle humor - powerful weapon against aggression and rudeness.

    Step 4
    Let's summarize what has been said. In the heat of the moment, the aggressor often addresses his claims not to a specific person, but to all of humanity in general. To his attack: “Everyone is bastards,” it is logical to clarify: “Who are everyone? Women over 40 or drivers driving red cars? Such a remark will interrupt his flow of anger and cool the ardor for reflection.

    Step 5
    We develop the nonsense heard to gigantic proportions. To the tirade: “Deputies are bastards, they don’t work! And I won’t work anymore, especially for such pennies” can add a cool trick. Like, they don't work, and don't bother. Adam didn't work in Paradise either, and yet the apples grew. And Eve came out of the rib. And everyone was happy. Complete absurdity will put an angry person into a stupor and switch his thoughts to thinking about something global.

    Step 6
    We oppose. The task is to switch the attention of the boor to flaws more significant than those addressed to us. To insulting her husband: “Look at who you have turned into, a scarecrow of a garden”, we admit our “sin” and answer: “You notice my curlers on your head, and Lyuska from the neighboring apartment instructs her husband, your brother.” Let this not be entirely correct in relation to Luska, but the angry spouse will leave our head alone and begin to condemn the bitch neighbor. And we will buy time to calm the nerves.

    Step 7
    A great way to calm down the aggressors, who strive to notice all the shortcomings in our work. Peacefully and amiably invite them to do this work, in which they understand better than we, professionals, on our own for the same fee. This quickly sobers up customers who are 100% convinced that they will do the task entrusted to us a hundred times better and reproach every wrong comma, while not understanding what the difference is between a period and a colon.

    Step 8
    We mentally decorate our offender. In your fantasies, you can put on a clown's cap on a fierce chef and decorate his face with a buffoon's nose. Such an image created in thoughts will not allow the offender to be taken seriously and will make you laugh because of his absurdity. Let this step of the outbursts of the boor not particularly slow down, but our hearts will be fun and comfortable.

    Step 9
    We can also mentally transfer the evildoer to a disgusting place. For example: imagine a boor in the form of a slave serving his duty in the galleys. Maybe his bondage forces him to lead rudely and aggressively? Then he should be pitied, not condemned. A noble feeling in the soul will not allow resentment to develop and save the mood.

    Step 10
    We accept a sincere compassionate and condescending position. We can gently pat the aggressor on the back, gently touch his hand, say how I understand you. Such gestures of friendliness and sympathy will enable the hedgehog to hide his spines.

    Remember that being rude in response to insults is a sign of weakness. If you perceive the aggressor as a guinea pig, bend your line of behavior, albeit ridiculous, this will not only improve your mood, but also stop the rat's attempts to attack.
    As I understood in the course of my research, the best option how to respond to rudeness - to eliminate impudent offenders from your environment. Communicate with friendly and positive people, charging with the energy of optimistic goodness, capable of preventing any insults, humiliations, or rudeness into life.