Since Thailand is located in the humid tropics, the weather here is warm throughout the season. Average annual temperature air in Thailand + 28-30C, water temperature + 25C. In Bangkok, temperatures range from +35C in April to 25C in December. The year in Thailand can be divided into three seasons: hot - from March to May, rainy - from June to November and warm - from November to February. The "warm" season is the most comfortable time in Thailand, the time of the mass arrival of tourists, and it differs from the "hot" season only in cooler evenings and nights and low humidity. Do not be afraid of the "rainy season" either - they usually rain heavily in the northern provinces of Thailand, far from the coast and do not disturb vacationers.

The best time for a holiday in Thailand is from November to March, when the weather is dry with air temperatures from +24 to +27 degrees. It must be understood that December, January and February is the "high season" and the influx of tourists is very large, and prices are higher. It is better to plan a trip during this period in advance. Therefore, many tourists, for recreation, prefer the rainy season. In resorts such as Phuket and Pattaya, the rains are very short and can go no more than one to three hours a day, and for a couple of weeks of rest you can not find a single drop of precipitation and no crazy humidity.

Due to the long length of Thailand from north to south, the climate varies in different parts of the country. temperature regime and precipitation, so the "seasons" are shifting at various resorts.


Ideal weather is also set in the south of Thailand on the Andaman coast (Andaman Sea) - Phuket, Krabi, Khao Lak, Pi Pi, Lanta - at this time there is practically no rain, the sun is shining with might and main, the sea is calm and the water is clear. Sunny and almost windless weather is also established in the eastern part of Thailand near the islands near Pattaya - Chang, Kood. You can go to Pattaya all year round.

We do not recommend at this time to relax in the south of Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand - the islands of Koh Samui, Koh Tao, Koh Phangan, as it falls in winter the largest number precipitation and the sea are stormy, plus prices for hotels and air travel are inflated (due to the “high” tourist season in Thailand).


But this time is just the best for relaxing in the south of Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand - the islands of Koh Samui, Tao, Koh Phangan. Also good weather and a calm sea is established in central Thailand at the resorts of Cha-am and Hua Hin.

We do not recommend summer holidays in the south of Thailand on the Andaman coast - Krabi, Phuket, Phi Phi, Lanta. Since it is in summer that the greatest amount of precipitation falls in this area, the wind rises and the sea is stormy - half of the sea excursions are canceled precisely because of the rough sea. Perhaps only athletes love this time of year - this is perfect time for windsurfing.


November-April : Phuket Island, Pattaya, Bangkok, Krabi, Khao Lak, Phi Phi Island, Lanta Island, Chang Island.
March-October : Pattaya, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Cha-am, Hua Hin.
All year round : Pattaya.

We are waiting for your call by phone: 777-357!)

By months, we will tell you about the seasons for holidays in Thailand. When to fly to Thailand so as not to fall into the rainy season? How not to spend your entire vacation in a hotel?

The holiday season in Thailand lasts almost all year round, with the possible exception of rainy August, when the whole country is flooded with tropical showers. In the rest of the months, you can safely go to this South-Eastern state - there will definitely be a resort where you can sunbathe and swim in plenty in warm, like fresh milk sea ​​water.

Since Thailand is stretched from north to south, and washed by the seas from two sides, suitable conditions for relaxing in different parts countries differ significantly. While Phuket enjoys sunny weather, Koh Samui may be suffering from heavy rains floods, and when it's hot in Krabi, you have to put on a blouse in Chiang. Therefore, in different months you need to carefully choose a resort so as not to encounter unwanted surprises.

Comfortable season in Thailand


A massive influx of tourists from all over the world falls on the last month of autumn. This is due not so much to weather conditions and the end of the rainy season, but to the growing tourist demand for winter holidays. beach destinations and the launch of charter flights to Thailand.


The weather is becoming more and more pleasant: the air temperature in the area and on southern resorts+30, water +28 degrees, the heat no longer seems so unbearable, the humidity is decreasing.

The Andaman Sea pleases with transparency and perfect tranquility. In the Gulf of Thailand, the situation is still not the most favorable for recreation. strong winds cause storms, the sea is raging, the waves are high, the water is muddy. Only towards the end the winds subside, and the sky over Koh Samui is gradually cleared of clouds.

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Most a large number of precipitation in Thailand falls in August. It is especially rainy in the northern regions and in Bangkok, where the water in the streets often rises to the knees. However, you can also relax at this time if you really want to, but you need to take care of reliable protection for video and photo equipment, durable rubber slippers and a raincoat.

On the other hand, there is no such unbearable hell as in spring in August: the rains bring some coolness, which was so lacking, because the air temperature throughout the country remains at + 31 + 32, and the water in the sea is warmed up to +30 degrees.

It is most comfortable to be in Pattaya and Koh Samui in August, since it does not rain so often in the Gulf of Thailand. But even here the sea is still restless, and there are gusty winds.


Afraid of being left without communication on the road?

Ready to receive guests all year round. For residents of Russia, accustomed to cold winter and moderate summer, Thailand seems like a paradise country. After all, the gentle and warm sea is added to the hot climate here. But even tropical living conditions are far from always the same, because the season in Thailand is different.

There are two types of separation of holiday conditions in Thailand:

  • By the time of year.
  • At the place of rest.

Let's look at the first point first.

During the year, the climate of Thailand undergoes some changes. And we can talk about the most and least comfortable time spent in the country.

Change in the following sequence.

November - February

The most popular time for tourists. The departed gives place to the cool air - the tropical winter. It is not for nothing that in Russia these months are considered the coldest of the year. Rest in Thailand at this time is the most comfortable, but also the most expensive. The country is flooded with millions of tourists.

Price tags for accommodation, meals and excursions skyrocket by 20-40%. At this time, many compatriots come here for "wintering", including those with small children. For those who have health problems, it is also better to choose these particular months for travel. The air temperature during the day is about 28-30 degrees Celsius, and at night about 22. The bright sun and fairly dry air make the stay very pleasant, especially on the coast and islands. But do not forget about sunscreen;

March, April

At this time, there is practically no rain, but the air becomes hotter by 3-5 degrees, which, of course, cannot but affect the comfort of your stay. If by the sea such a difference is compensated by a pleasant breeze - a breeze, then in the depths of the country, especially where "rain" forests, the air becomes excessively humid and stuffy. Not everyone likes the scorching sun. For example, in cities it is better to escape under the air conditioner at this time. If countries Southern Europe the hottest time of the day is called "siesta" and prefer to relax, then in Thailand they simply won’t work if they don’t "sanuk" and not "sabay"- that is not a pleasure.

This season in Thailand, all the street life begins to appear only closer to sunset. Prices at this time of the year are quite high, as many people like "roast" under the sun. But you have to be very careful. For northerners, such solar activity is not typical, so you need to be under direct rays as little as possible. Be sure to use protective creams on the beach, and do not neglect closed clothing outside of it. Even if there is no sun, the ultraviolet makes its way through the clouds and harms the skin. Be careful!

May– august

This is the most favorite season in Thailand for Russians, but unfortunately at this time in the country it's raining . In different regions of the country, its intensity is different. Even the Thais themselves and our compatriots who have been living in Thailand for many years do not give forecasts about the amount of precipitation. However, the so-called "rain season" will not be an obstacle to good rest. It does not rain all the time, only 3-5 days a week, for a maximum of 2-3 hours. The rest of the time is dry. And even if the sun is not shining, you will get your dose of ultraviolet through the clouds. Be sure to use protective creams even during these months.

May-August is especially attractive because prices for everything in Thailand are reduced, sometimes by 20-30%. There are fewer tourists from Europe, more and more of our compatriots who enjoy savings and lower prices;

September October

If you once saw what a tropical downpour is, then you are unlikely to confuse it with other precipitation. It's raining in Thailand "like from a bucket". In autumn, this spectacle is usually observed for 2-3 hours almost every day. Therefore, during these months there are fewer tourists in Thailand. Prices are minimal when compared with other seasons. Do you doubt when it is cheaper to go to Thailand? Make no mistake, it's September and October. This is the cheapest season in Thailand for a holiday if you close your eyes to the incessant rains.

The combination with hot air gives the feeling of a sauna, especially away from the coast. For example, in Bangkok, such weather is hard to experience if you do not have an air conditioner at your side. In addition, the downpour fills the streets and temples with liquid so quickly that literally after a 20-minute rain, you will have to wander ankle-deep in water on excursions. However, moisture on the ground disappears as quickly as it appears.

But it stays in the air all the time. This weather is not suitable for people with problems in cardiovascular system, with joints and bones. High humidity and heat are an excellent environment for bacteria. For example: tuberculosis, other infectious diseases. What did not cause trouble at home - in a colder climate, here can "grow" in a matter of days. Keep this in mind.

Need to know

Before visiting Thailand, it is better to consult a doctor. By the way, doctors do not recommend changing the climate even for healthy people for less than 2 weeks. An organism that has received stress in the form of acclimatization will not feel the benefits of a week-long trip. If there is not enough time or money for a longer trip to Thailand, as well as to other tropical countries, it is better to choose another place for your vacation.

Now let's talk about Where is the best place to relax in Thailand? , for georeferencing.

The islands and the province of Krabi are considered the most expensive and comfortable vacation. The latter, at the expense of natural beauties. The climate on the islands is milder due to coastal winds. is located to the south, and other islands and, unlike the latter, it is located in the Andaman Sea

Indian Ocean. Due to this, the climate here is slightly different - drier and hotter. On the other hand, he is more open to external natural disasters.

Islands located in the Gulf of Thailand are protected from unpredictable things such as tsunamis.


In 2004, it was Phuket that was hit hard by a huge wave that rolled into the southern provinces of Thailand. The islands of the Gulf of Thailand were much more fortunate. There was no damage or casualties. At least they were not comparable to those in Phuket.

But let's not talk about sad things.

Thailand has a very long coastline. It consists of thousands of large and small islands. Choosing where to relax in Thailand is a problem. There are so many interesting places here.

The most popular mainland resort is. Since it Big City, it's pretty messy in here. It's not even so much about the abundance of tourists, but about the features of the seabed. Compared to nearby islands, such as Koh Chang, there is more rainfall here. But rest here is 20-30% cheaper than on the last one.

But Thailand lives not only by the sea alone. On its territory there are more than a hundred natural national parks, including more than 20 marine reserves. You can go north - inland, where no tourist has gone before.

Climate in the north of the country

The climate here is quite different than on the coast. Northern Thailand is not high mountains rather than hills. Nature is sometimes similar to northern Russian, with deciduous trees and lack of palm trees. If on the coast the night temperature does not fall below 20-25 even in the winter months, then in the north at night it practically never rises above 20-22 degrees. During the day, the air warms up no higher than 30-35. Comfortable enough for travel. We can say that the climate of the north of Thailand is similar to middle lane Russia, when there is a hot summer. The seasonality of precipitation is comparable to the rest of the territory.

minus north in total absence tourism industry in these regions. On the other hand, it can be an advantage for those who love adventure. If such places as Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket have been on everyone's lips for many decades, then the north of the country remains unexplored. And perhaps in vain.

The further south we go, the hotter it gets. During the rainy season, the ground is no longer so cool, and the evaporating moisture hangs in the air, creating "bath" Effect. Therefore, the popularity of coastal recreation is also due to climatic factors. Here the air does not stagnate, it is renewed by the breeze, due to this it is more comfortable and it is easier to breathe.

Summing up, we can say that Thailand will be glad to see you at any time of the year. The rainy season is offset low prices for accommodation and food, and cool - comfortable, attracts a maximum of tourists from all over the world and, of course, is characterized by increased prices. What you choose for yourself is up to you!

Have a nice trip!

You can have a good rest in Thailand almost all year round and even the rainy season will not become a big obstacle, but still the most comfortable time to relax is the winter months. In February, Thailand becomes one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, which is not surprising, since the cost of holidays is mostly affordable, and weather considered ideal. The end of winter is the height of the dry season and there are many tourists in the country. This month, the humidity of the air becomes close to normal, which allows you to breathe much easier, despite the fact that in most resorts the air temperature is in the range of 27-32 degrees (for locals this period is considered cool). There are very few rainy days in February, and if they do, it doesn’t rain for long (in total, there are no more than three rainy days for the whole month, so you don’t have to take an umbrella with you).

Given that the weather in February is excellent, vacationers have a lot of opportunities for various entertainments. lovers water activities diving, surfing, yachting, different types fishing, travel to numerous Thai islands, including uninhabited ones. In addition, Thailand boasts big amount various attractions located in different corners countries. Since the country is very religious, there are different ones everywhere, pagodas, monasteries and entire temple complexes (visiting these places is included in any tourist route). If you wish, you can go on an excursion to neighboring Cambodia, where there are also many attractions and excellent opportunities for a beach holiday (a huge advantage of Cambodia is affordable prices with good service). The diversity of flora and fauna in the country is able to amaze the imagination of even the most inveterate skeptics, and February is one of the most successful months to see all this beauty.

Thailand and beach holiday these are inseparable concepts, but for a beach holiday you need to go to the islands, and not to Pattaya, where the sea is dirty, but there is a huge amount of entertainment and life is in full swing around the clock. Some of the best and quietest beaches are located on the island of Koh Samui, the water in February warms up to 27 degrees. A slight wind may blow, but storms are extremely rare. It is also worth paying attention to the islands of Phi Phi, Phuket and a number of others. A certain inconvenience to vacationers can be caused by ebbs and flows, but in some places they are practically not noticeable, so if you are only interested in a beach holiday, then you need to pay Special attention search for a place to rest, so that these same ebb and flow do not become an obstacle to a comfortable stay.

February is very busy with different festive events. Most often, the celebration of the Chinese New Year falls on this month, which takes place on a special scale. The celebration lasts for two weeks and is accompanied by amazing costume shows, theatrical performances, various rituals and many other events. It will be interesting for a European tourist to see absolutely everything, since Thailand is a completely different culture, which is radically different from Slavic traditions.

The cost of holidays in February is considered quite high, but it is lower than at the end of December and January, since the period of New Year and Christmas holidays is already behind. The location of the hotel has a significant impact on the price, the closer to the sea, the more expensive (living on the islands is always more expensive than on the mainland).

Thailand is beautiful warm country where you can relax almost all year round. Of course, there are also the vagaries of nature here, but the temperature never drops below zero, and tropical showers can be perfectly experienced in Pattaya, Bangkok or in the northern provinces. Therefore, everyone can relax in Thailand at any time, given the climate in different areas and cities.

The best months for holidays

The beach season in Thailand begins in November, when tropical rains stop pouring. It was at this time that many tourists from all over the world appeared in resort towns, and hotel prices began to skyrocket. At the southern seaside resorts, a stable average temperature air at 32 degrees, shines all day bright sun. Favorable weather conditions continue until the end of April - beginning of May, when the rainy season in Thailand comes into its own again. Thus, tourists have six whole months for a full-fledged comfortable stay in a tropical paradise. However, usually the question “when is the season in Thailand?” experienced travelers call the time from November to March, since in March and April the intense heat begins.

Keep in mind that Thailand is not limited to southern seaside resorts, and in this country there are still mountainous provinces in the north. If you are planning to visit Chiang Mai, the northern capital of Thailand, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it is quite cool here in November, December and January. The temperature at night can drop to plus ten degrees. And although this is a mere trifle compared to Russian frosts, however, in hotel rooms, which are not designed to retain heat at all, it can be quite cool. Thus, best season in Thailand for the northern part of the country it is February and March. In April, a new bad weather appears: fields are burning everywhere, and cities are filled with suffocating smog. It is also possible to visit northern Thailand in August, September or October, since these autumn months there are no such frequent and heavy rainfalls as in the south.

Seasons for resorts by months

Worst time to rest

The low season in Thailand begins during heavy tropical rains, and lasts from May to October. This time has a bad reputation among many tourists. There are often high waves at the sea, and if you get wet to the skin, it is difficult to find a place to warm up: air conditioners are constantly working in all shops and cafes. The most unpleasant and unexpected thing for a tourist from Europe and Russia is the fact that a downpour is often impossible to predict. Sunny weather can be abruptly replaced by gray skies and heavy rain. However, this period also has its advantages: it becomes less crowded around, in big cities do not annoy stuffiness and smog. It is also the cheapest season in Thailand. Even in such popular resorts as Pattaya, it becomes possible to rent a room at a much lower price. For example, prices in condominiums that offer rooms for a month fall by 5-6 thousand Thai baht. However, the savings must be reasonable. If you rent a fragile "closet" somewhere in the backyard, on the ground floor and with a fan instead of air conditioning during the rainy season, then in such a room it will be very damp, humid and uncomfortable. And, of course, in such conditions, you can pick up serious colds.

When conditions are not the best

The rainy season in Thailand begins in May, but the peak of tropical rain falls from July to October. At the same time, October is usually the wettest and rainiest month here. In June, it rains regularly in the southern regions of Thailand. Usually the "flood" begins in the afternoon, closer to 4-5 pm. If you find yourself in Bangkok at this time, then when moving around the city by taxi or bus, you will almost certainly get into a traffic jam. During rainstorms, it is better to refuse to ride a motorbike, especially on streets with heavy traffic. Riding a motorcycle in pouring rain, even in a plastic raincoat, is not very comfortable, and in the conditions of crazy Asian traffic, such an adventure can become very risky and dangerous.

It is best to wait out the rainy season in Pattaya. This resort town is located in a cozy bay of the Gulf of Thailand, where there are never high storm waves. Thus, here it is quite possible to swim in the sea in between showers. In addition, during the rainy period in Pattaya, the weather is usually clear in the morning, and you can plan your time with this calculation.

Weather in Thailand by months

*Air temperature by month (day/night)

Place Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Saint Oct But I Dec
Bangkok +31/+25 +33/+26 +33/+27 +35/+29 +35/+29 +33/+28 +31/+27 +31/+27 +31/+27 +32/+26 +31/+26 +30/+24
Phuket +30/+26 +31/+26 +31/+27 +32/+29 +32/+29 +31/+29 +31/+28 +31/+28 +31/+28 +31/+28 +31/+27 +30/+26
Pattaya +30/+25 +31/+27 +31/+27 +32/+29 +33/+29 +32/+29 +31/+28 +31/+28 +31/+27 +32/+26 +31/+26 +30/+24
Koh Samui +29/+27 +29/+27 +30/+28 +31/+29 +33/+30 +33/+29 +32/+29 +32/+29 +32/+28 +31/+28 +31/+29 +30/+28
Phi Phi +30/+26 +31/+27 +31/+27 +32/+28 +32/+29 +32/+29 +31/+29 +31/+28 +31/+28 +31/+28 +31/+28 +30/+27

When does the season start in Thailand? To answer this question, it is necessary to take into account the climatic difference between different resorts. The southern regions of Thailand, especially popular due to their proximity to the sea, can be divided into two main parts: the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand and the resorts of the Andaman coast. Both parts are geographically distant from each other, and therefore, climatic features these areas are also different. And if in October and even in November it continues to rain in the Gulf of Thailand, then in the Andaman Sea already in October a beautiful the Velvet season in Thailand. The popular resorts of the Gulf of Thailand include the cities of Pattaya and Rayong, as well as the islands of Koh Lan, and. On the Andaman Sea are the islands and, as well as the famous province of Krabi. Thus, the time from January to March is considered to be the most high season in Thailand.

It should be borne in mind that in March, a strong heat begins in all southern territories of Thailand, the air temperature heats up to 35-40 degrees. There are fewer tourists at this time, and those who stay do not risk spending much time on the street in the afternoon. In March and April, starting from one in the afternoon and until seven or eight in the evening, it is better to stay in cool, air-conditioned rooms so as not to get sunburn and not lose strength from the exhausting heat. In addition, February and March can be great in Chiang Mai - the northern capital of Thailand. At this time, the weather here is beautiful, reminiscent of Russian summer. The main thing is to have time to leave before the beginning of April, until the specific “smog season” begins.

Season in Phuket

If in Pattaya in November it still rains from time to time, then in Phuket at this time a full-fledged bathing season in Thailand. You can sunbathe on the beaches, ride bananas and dive on that wonderful island until April. And although there is still no rain in Phuket in April, it is in this month that the so-called monsoon season begins. Strong monsoon winds form high waves, which become a serious obstacle to swimming and bathing. In addition, during high waves, the water in the sea becomes muddy and rather dirty, which also does not contribute to favorable conditions for recreation. Thus, the best season in Thailand in Phuket lasts from November to the end of March. At this time, the sky is always clear and clean, the sun shines brightly, the air is dry and warm. Phuket gets real paradise island where you can relax from busy working days.

The holiday season ends at the end of the calendar spring. In May, prolonged tropical downpours come to the island. The sea is constantly stormy, in the afternoon there is a daily flood, so for those who come to Thailand to relax and unwind, Phuket at this time will definitely not the best place for relax.

Season in Pattaya

When the rainy season ends in Thailand, thousands of tourists from Russia and Europe come to relax in the famous resort city of Pattaya. In November, there are still occasional showers, and starting from December, hot and sunny weather sets in. The season in Pattaya lasts almost six months, until the first thunderstorms in May.

In March and April in Pattaya temperature the air rises to 35, and sometimes up to 40 degrees. At this time, it is highly recommended not to live in areas of Pattaya, remote from the sea coast. For example, in Central Pattaya, due to transport and ubiquitous street vending machines, there is a constant strong smog. Therefore, even if the selected hotel is located 400-500 meters from the sea, it is best to look for another option and reduce this distance to 50-100 meters. Coastal streets of Pattaya even in the most hot season constantly blown by a pleasant sea breeze, and the heat does not bring any discomfort. In addition, in March and April in Pattaya, you can settle on Pratumnak Hill. Since this area is conveniently located on a natural hill, smog and exhaust gases do not accumulate here. In addition, Pratumnak is perhaps the only place in Pattaya where you can enjoy walks in the shade on hot days. tropical trees. Unfortunately, very little vegetation remains in other parts of the city.

How to rest at any time

If tourist season in Thailand has already ended, and you have just started your vacation, this is not a reason to refuse an exciting trip to this country. During the rainy season, you can have a great rest in Pattaya and its surroundings - for example, in the city of Rayong. Due to the convenient location of Pattaya, the sea here is almost always calm, you can swim and sunbathe throughout the year. Thus, the season in Thailand for holidays here almost never ends. The main thing is not to rent apartments on the lower floors during the rainy season, which are often flooded with water. In addition, the room must be equipped with air conditioning, not a fan. The air conditioner does not allow moisture to linger in the room for a long time, creating a microclimate that is favorable and safe for health.

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