Our planet is over 4.5 billion years old. When she first appeared, she looked completely different. What was in ancient times on the territory of modern Russia, and how it has changed over the years - in the book "Ancient Monsters of Russia".

3000 million years ago

For the first million years of its life, Earth was like hell. There were constant acid rains, hundreds of volcanoes erupted. There were many more asteroids. Endless meteor showers shaped the planet - crashed into it and became part of it. Some meteorites reached the size of modern cities.

Once the Earth collided with another planet, one part of which joined us, and the second flew into orbit and over the years turned into the modern Moon.

Illustration from the book

3 billion years ago, a day lasted only 5 hours, and there were 1500 days in a year. Happened every 50 hours moon eclipse, and once in 100 - sunny. It certainly looked very beautiful, but there was still no one to admire the natural phenomena.

Before humans, the world was very different. Our planet has not always looked like it does now. Over the past 4.5 billion years, it has experienced incredible changes that you could not imagine. If you could go back and visit the Earth millions of years ago, you would see an alien planet, as if descended from the pages of science fiction books.

1. Giant mushrooms grew all over the planet

Approximately 400 million years ago, trees were up to about the waist of a person. All plants were much smaller than the current ones - except for mushrooms. They grew up to 8 m in height, and their stem (or is it already a trunk?) Was 1 meter in diameter. They didn't have the big hats we associate with mushrooms today. Instead, they were just sticking out poles. But they were everywhere.

2. The sky was orange and the oceans were green

The sky wasn't always blue. About 3.7 billion years ago, the oceans are believed to have been green, the continents black, and the sky an orange haze. The oceans were green because the iron dissolved in the sea water, leaving green rust. The continents were black due to lack of plants and lava cover. The sky was not blue, because instead of oxygen, it was mostly methane.

3. The planet smelled of rotten eggs

Scientists are sure that they know how it once smelled on our planet. And it was the distinct smell of rotten eggs. This is because, 2 billion years ago, the oceans were filled with gaseous bacteria that feed on salt and emit hydrogen sulfide, filling the air with a stench.

4 The Planet Was Purple

When the first plants appeared on Earth, they were not green. According to one theory, they would be purple. It is believed that the first life forms on Earth partially absorbed light from the Sun. Modern plants are green because they use chlorophyll to absorb sunlight, but early plants used retinas—and this gave them a vibrant violet hue. Purple may have been our color for a long time.

5. The world looked like a snowball

We all know about the Ice Age. However, there is evidence that one of the ice ages 716 million years ago was very extreme. It is called the "snowy Earth" period because the Earth may have been so covered in ice that it literally looked like a giant white snowball floating in space.

6. Acid rain fell on Earth for 100 thousand years

In the end, the period of the snowy Earth ended - and in the most horrific way imaginable. Then "intense chemical weathering" began. In other words, acid rain was constantly pouring from the sky - and so on for 100,000 years. He melted the glaciers that cover the planet, “sent” nutrients to the ocean and allowed life to arise under water. Before life began appearing on Earth, the planet was a poisonous, inhospitable wasteland.

7. The Arctic was green and populous

About 50 million years ago, the Arctic was a very different place. It was a time called the early Eocene epoch, and the world was very warm. Palm trees grew in Alaska, and crocodiles swam off the coast of Greenland. The Arctic Ocean was probably a gigantic freshwater body teeming with living things.

8 Dust Blocked The Sun

When an asteroid crashed into Earth 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs, the chaos didn't end. The world has become a dark and terrible place. All the dust, soil and rock rose into the atmosphere and even into space, enveloping the planet in a huge layer of dust. The sun has disappeared from the sky. This did not last long, but even when the huge cloud of dust disappeared, sulfuric acid remained in the stratosphere and got into the clouds. And it's time for acid rain.

9. It rained from liquid hot magma

However, the previous asteroid was child's play compared to the one that crashed into the planet 4 billion years ago and turned it into a hellish landscape. The oceans on the planet boiled. The heat from the asteroid impact actually ended with the evaporation of the first oceans on Earth. Huge parts of the Earth's surface have melted. Magnesium oxide rose into the atmosphere and condensed into droplets of liquid hot magma that fell as rain.

10 Giant Insects Were Everywhere

About 300 million years ago, the planet was completely covered with lowland swamp forests, and the air was filled with oxygen. 50% more oxygen than today, and this created an incredible surge in the development of life ... and the appearance of huge and terrible insects. For some creatures, the oxygen in the atmosphere was too much. Small insects could not cope with this, so they began to actively increase in size. Scientists have found fossils of dragonflies that were the size of a modern gull. By the way, they were most likely carnivorous predators.

Scientist from Bashkir state university, Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Chuvyrov, mathematician and physicist, in the summer of 1995 went on an expedition to Bashkiria. The expedition also included Huang Hongz, a trainee from China, who collected materials for her doctoral dissertation. During this and subsequent scientific expeditions, a large number of objects with texts were discovered that were undoubtedly of ancient Chinese origin. They managed to decipher, and it turned out that they convincingly testify to the former presence in these places of some ancient culture. The texts spoke mainly about business contacts, marriages, deaths and burials.
These findings led to the fact that since 1995, Professor Chuvyrov devoted himself to research, which, from the point of view of his scientific training and all the previous professional activity seemed quite unexpected. He put forward a hypothesis that in prehistoric times the Bashkirs moved to Siberia and the Urals from China. And together, Huang Hong began to search for evidence of his version.
In general, it has been noticed that physicists and mathematicians often begin to be attracted by riddles and secrets from fields of knowledge that seem completely alien to them. For example, Russian mathematician Anatoly (Anton) Timofeevich Fomenko, starting from the end of the 80s of the XX century, suddenly began to publish works where, using facts, he refutes the generally accepted chronology of the history of human civilization. And he is not alone in this.
The search led Professor Chuvyrov and his graduate student to the archives of the Governor-General of the city of Ufa, where researchers found records from the 18th century, which spoke of two hundred unusual white stone slabs discovered in the 17th and 18th centuries by Russian travelers near the village of Chandar. The reliability of these records was later confirmed by the archaeologist A. Schmidt, who explored the area at the beginning of the 20th century and, as they say, saw these white slabs.
A new riddle haunted Chuvyrov. He walked up and down the territory where, according to his assumptions, these plates could be located, examined the area from a helicopter, hoping to find some trace of them, but to no avail. And when he had already begun to despair and decided that the plates were just a beautiful legend, he was helped by a lucky break.
In the village of Chandar Chuvyrov met with Vladimir Krainov, the former chairman of the local collective farm. When the professor said that he was looking for white stone slabs, and began to describe their alleged appearance, Krainov said that he knew perfectly well what they looked like, since one such stove lay in his yard.
At first, Chuvyrov did not take this message seriously, but nevertheless decided to check it out. Now he says, “I will always remember that day. It was June 21, 1999."
Under the porch of one of the outbuildings in Krainov's yard, there really was a large stone slab with numerous irregularities on the surface. It was too heavy to be dug up and lifted by two people. Chuvyrov went to Ufa for help. He returned a week later.
First, the monolith was dug up, and then pulled out of the pit with the help of wooden rollers. For the professor, the stove became the find of a lifetime, he named it "Dashi's Stone", in honor of his granddaughter, who was born a few days before this event.

The 148 x 103 x 16 cm slab weighs almost a ton. Its entire front side turned out to be covered with numerous bulges, which - which was quite obvious - are not natural formations. This relief appeared as a result of careful, high-precision processing. Chuvyrov almost immediately suggested that the surface of the plate is a three-dimensional map of some area. But which one?..
Soon the professor realized: this is the neighborhood of Ufa. This, in particular, was clearly indicated by the chain of hills depicted on the map, exact copy ridges of hills located on the outskirts of the city and for millions of years have not undergone major geological changes.
Initially, the age of the plate, on which some icons were also visible, was estimated at several thousand years. True, Chuvyrov was surprised that it depicted the surface of the Earth, and not deer, mammoths, and other prehistoric animals common in such cases. In addition, south of Ufa, in the direction of the current Sterlitamak, a gorge stretched on the map, which in reality does not exist. When cartographers, geologists, physicists, mathematicians, chemists and experts in the ancient Chinese language joined the research, the mysterious gorge was identified. In its place was the modern bed of the Urshak River. But since the rest of the map matched the landscape fairly well, it must have been millions of years old!
Further painstaking work confirmed that the relief carved on the slab accurately reproduces on a certain scale the appearance of a section of the earth's surface on the territory of Bashkiria (or, in modern terms, Bashkortostan) from Ufa to the city of Salavat with the Belaya, Ufimka and Sutolka rivers. But reproduces it the way it was in early period the history of the earth.
Meanwhile, some reputable scientists declared the sensational report about the discovery of an ancient stone map as absurd and nonsense. Therefore, a group of enthusiasts from specialists in various fields that had gathered around Chuvyrov by that time decided to conduct a thorough and comprehensive study of the find. At the same time, the possibility was carefully checked that the irregularities on the surface of the plate were formed under the influence of the forces of nature and were not at all the creation of any reasonable forces, and their similarity with the terrain is purely accidental.
However, it soon became clear that the stone was not only subjected to mechanical processing, but, without a doubt, was not processed manually, but using, as they say now, high technologies available only to a highly developed civilization. And the application of these technologies began with the creation of a working surface for the future relief, consisting of two artificial layers covering a natural dolomite slab. The material of the first layer, two centimeters thick, was a vitreous mass based on the mineral diopside, applied to the slab in an unknown way. It is on its surface that the relief of the map is carved. On top of the relief was covered with a two-millimeter layer of lime porcelain, which gave the surface a high hardness and protected it from damage during impacts.
Of course, Stone Age people, armed with stone axes and hammers, could not make such a complex composite material, as well as make such a carefully and accurately the relief itself. Studies, including with the help of X-ray equipment, showed that the relief was cut using high-precision equipment.
The appearance and nature of the arrangement of the signs on the Dashi Stone in vertical columns indicates that these are elements of writing. Their initial identification with the hieroglyphs of the ancient Chinese language, after consultation with Chinese experts, was recognized as erroneous. The origin of the signs has not yet been established, the content of the text has not been deciphered.
The more Alexander Chuvyrov and his colleagues explored the mysterious plate, the more surprises it presented. The relief map reproduced not only the natural landscape with plains, mountains and riverbeds, but also numerous traces of the activity of some ancient civilization. First of all, it shows an extensive irrigation system with canals, dams, dams and reservoirs of truly gigantic proportions. At the same time, the channels reached a length of more than 10 km, a width of up to 500 meters, and 12 of the largest reservoirs had a depth of about 300 meters. It is also clearly seen on the map that the course of the Belaya River was artificially altered.
“Modern mankind could hardly create even a small part of what is presented on the stone map,” says Professor Chuvyrov. “In comparison with these cyclopean structures, our Volga-Don Canal would be only a barely noticeable scratch on this map.”
Very hard work was the determination of the age of the card. Neither the radiocarbon method used in archeology, nor the scanning of the layers covering the slab using the so-called uranium chronometer, allowed us to come to a definite conclusion. Two fossilized shells found on the surface of the map “rescued”, which, according to most of the participants in the study, were specially introduced into it by the creators of the map in order to make it possible to determine the time of its manufacture in the distant future. The fact is that in archeology, shells serve as the so-called guide fossils, the most typical for sedimentary layers of a certain geological age. Organisms that live inside shells are relatively short-lived and change rapidly in the course of evolution. It turned out that one of the shells existed on Earth 500 million years ago, and the other, much more "young", - 120 million. These data became the basis for a working hypothesis regarding the age boundaries of the map.
The correctness of these boundaries was confirmed by another discovery. Microscopic metal particles were found on the surfaces of the two upper layers of the relief, which remained there after mechanical processing. Their orientation indicates that at the time when unknown masters were working on making the map, the location of the North Magnetic Pole was different than it is now - it was located in the area of ​​Franz Josef Land. Geologists know what it was... 120 million years ago!
But who in that unimaginably distant era could need a high-precision three-dimensional map of one of the regions of the Urals? And, most importantly, who had the ability to make such a map?
According to the prevailing ideas today, at that time, mostly dinosaurs ran across the Earth, hardly possessing the necessary abilities for this, and the mammals that had already appeared by that time were just small animals, no larger than a rat. True, there is a hypothesis that at a time when dinosaurs were the “kings of nature” on Earth, people also lived on it, who even hunted these same “kings”. But if this is so, then surely those people could not create a technically advanced civilization that would be able to produce such a complex product.
When scientists from the Center for Historical Cartography, located in the US state of Wisconsin, examined the mysterious find of Professor Chuvyrov, they came to the unanimous conclusion that, firstly, it was undoubtedly a map, and secondly, that it was created as a means of navigation. In their opinion, it is difficult to imagine the use of this card for any other purpose. The creators of the map, according to American scientists, should have been able to fly, and probably even in orbits that go beyond earth's atmosphere. Because the identification of the details of the terrain with such high accuracy is possible only when performing topographic survey from the air or from space.
These scientists knew well what they were talking about. The fact is that just at that time they, together with NASA specialists, were working on the creation of a three-dimensional atlas of the world. In the course of this work, a large number of measurements made from satellites and from spacecraft were used. According to the plan, the atlas should be ready by 2010. Thus, the stone map found by Alexander Chuvyrov is a fragment of what is yet to be created. modern people who own the technology and technology of the 21st century, including supercomputers and the latest altimeters installed on spacecraft.
And here's another mystery.
The system of hydraulic structures presented on the map undoubtedly indicates that this area was mastered by a highly developed civilization. But there are no roads or any other land routes marked. It turns out that those who used this map did not travel by land, but by water or air.
In this regard, there was an assumption that the creators of the map did not inhabit this area, but sent a reconnaissance expedition here. Its members surveyed the territory, made its map and created a water system, preparing the region for future development. But who and from where could send such a "construction team" to the Bashkir lands 120 million years ago? ..
The longer the study of the find continues, the more sensational discoveries and hypotheses appear. Currently, Russian experts are confident that it is only a fragment of a much grander artifact, perhaps even a map of the whole world, that is, the one that NASA specialists are currently creating.
Old records of the 18th century speak of two hundred slabs. After analyzing soil samples taken from the surface of the Dasha Stone, it became clear that initially it should have been located in a gorge near Mount Sokolina. Due to the fact that in the Ice Age this entire area was covered with a huge thickness of ice, the giant plate (its dimensions, according to Chuvyrov, were no less than 340 x 340 meters) split into many parts, which during the period of ice melting turned out to be carried away in different directions.
The study of archival materials allowed the researchers to suggest the location of several more fragments of the stone map. They may lie, for example, under the foundation of a trading house of a private entrepreneur located in Chandara, or under the bridge of a local narrow gauge railway passing near this village. It is clear that the implementation of searches in such places is associated with significant difficulties.
According to many scientists, the artifact found in Chandar has nothing equal in its significance on a global scale. Moreover, during the search work, the researchers found a semi-precious stone chalcedony. On its surface was carved a relief similar to that which covers the surface of the Dashi Stone. Apparently, someone wanted to copy a large map in a "pocket version". Who did it and why?
The events associated with the discovery and research of the stone map looked so sensational that, naturally, they caused a number of skeptical responses. Most of them are directed not so much against Professor Chuvyrov and his like-minded people, but rather against the simplified interpretation of the whole situation that appeared in some media.
There is no doubt that Chuvyrov's group fulfills all the requirements of a scientific approach when studying the Dasha Stone. However, it is sometimes difficult for the average reader to correctly assess the results of their research. So, for example, if we compare the current position of the Belaya River on modern map and the corresponding line on the Map of the Gods, then, at first glance, it is difficult to recognize their identity. But, paradoxically, it is this apparent discrepancy that indicates that the Dasha Stone really represents the area in the middle reaches of the Belaya River, south of Ufa, only it is presented as it was in ancient prehistoric times. It should be borne in mind that the globe then looked very different. And not only because the landscapes of the continents, their mountains and plains, rivers and lakes were mostly different. Others were the shapes and relative positions of the continents themselves. At the end of the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era, that is, 150-120 million years ago, South America, Africa, India, Antarctica and Australia made up a single supercontinent. Geologists call it Gondwana. Wherein central Asia and China were shifted towards the North Pole, and Europe was almost entirely under the water of the Asian pra-ocean. And here is the belt Ural mountains and the territories adjacent to it already existed then and have changed relatively little since then. In the next, the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era, about 110 million years ago, the Earth already looked different. Africa, India and Australia were "on the way" to their current position, and Europe was gradually emerging from under the water. Of course, the change in the relative position of the continents was accompanied by a change in their outlines, as well as in the landscapes on their surface.
The foregoing shows how difficult it is for scientists to assess how, for example, millions of years ago the bed of a given river was located and where the mountain ranges and valleys closest to it were located at that time. For such an assessment to be possible at all, complex computer simulations must be performed. It is from such positions that the Dasha Stone should be considered. As Professor Chuvyrov said at a press conference in the editorial office of the Pravda newspaper on June 6, 2002, “the identification of the terrain carved on a stone slab in the Ufa region, as it was 120 million years ago, was not the result of a visual assessment, but a multi-stage computer modeling and careful calculations.
Currently, Professor Alexander Chuvyrov considers his main task to be further research of the Map of the Gods: to continue the analysis of the material of the slab and the coatings applied to it, and to clarify the age of the find itself. He does not take part in heated discussions about the possible creators of the map, leaving this controversy to other scientists and researchers, including ufologists.
In conclusion, it must be emphasized that if Dasha's Stone is really what Professor Chuvyrov believes it to be, then our entire worldview must change radically. And it does not matter who created the Map of the Gods and how this creator ended up in the foothills of the Urals in such distant prehistoric times. It is important to understand and comprehend that it took humanity 120 million years to reach the level of development at which the civilization was able to create such a map.

A large number of geological, paleontological and archaeological evidence indicates that about 12,000 years ago something terrible happened on the entire planet, destroying not only many representatives of the animal world, but also, possibly, the relatively advanced civilizations that existed at that time, and almost led to mankind to death.

The fact that Plato attributed the death of Atlantis to the same time is clearly not a coincidence ... Approximately to the same period, many attribute the famous Noah's flood. In total, about 200 species of animals become extinct at this time. At the same time, when there is a mass extinction of animals such as mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, woolly rhinos, etc., there is evidence of various geological cataclysms - strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, giant tidal waves, rapid melting of glaciers and, as a result, raising the level of the oceans.

At the same time, the finds huge amount fast-frozen animal carcasses in Canada, western Alaska and eastern Siberia. This suggests that something terrible has happened on the planet, with the Northern Hemisphere affected more than the Southern, it seems.

In the 1940s, American archaeologist Frank Hibben led a scientific expedition to Alaska to search for human fossils. He did not find them, but found vast expanses in the permafrost filled with the corpses of mammoths, mastodons, bison, horses, wolves, bears and lions. Many animal corpses were literally torn to pieces. And such fields of permafrost with the remains of animals spread for hundreds of kilometers around ...

There were trees, animals, layers of peat and moss, mixed together as if some giant space mixer had sucked them all in 12,000 years ago and then instantly froze them into a solid mass.

To the north of Siberia, entire islands are formed from the bones of animals brought from the continent into the Arctic Ocean. According to some estimates, 10 million animals may be buried along the rivers of northern Siberia.

This indicates that a huge tsunami swept through these lands, mixing animals and plants, which then quickly froze.

But animal extinction was not limited to the Arctic. Huge piles of mixed bones of mammoths and saber-toothed tigers have been found in Florida. Mastodons and other animals have also been found quickly frozen in the mountain glaciers of Venezuela.

It was a global event. The mammoths and bison of Siberia disappeared at the same time as the giant rhinos in Europe, the mastodons in Alaska, and the American camels. It is quite obvious that the cause of all this extinction was common, and it did not occur gradually. What could cause such a global cataclysm? Let's take a look at some possible reasons.

Glacial floods

The glacial flood theory was proposed by Graham Hankock.

When glaciers began to melt intensively in the northern hemisphere of the Earth due to strong warming, this often led to the formation of huge volumes of melt water in those parts of the glaciers, mainly the central ones, that did not have a direct flow into the surrounding lowlands. As a result, real “glacial seas” could form, located much higher than the level of the spaces surrounding the glaciers.

In particular, G. Hancock suggests the formation at that time of a huge "glacial sea", which occupied a significant part North America.

Obviously, "glacial seas" formed and "glacial floods" occurred not only in North America, but also in Europe, and, finally, in Siberia ..

When, in the end, there was a breakthrough of this colossal volume of water due to the melting of the glacier, the water rushed towards the sea in the form of a kind of “land tsunami”, which did not move from the sea to land, but vice versa ...

G. Hancock suggests that such broken glacial seas could gush, according to the terrain, with water walls tens or even hundreds of meters high, sweeping away everything in its path ...

Such glacial floods could carry away everything in their path both to the shores of the Arctic Ocean in Siberia and Alaska, moreover, in a matter of hours, and where everything quickly froze, and towards the same Florida. This may explain the fact of the mass extinction of many animals in various parts of the planet.

Despite the magnitude of such "glacial floods", they were not of a global nature, but a chain of these relatively local catastrophes that occurred from a historical point of view almost simultaneously, with a difference of only a few years or even months, or maybe less, as a result could create picture of a global catastrophe.

Since glaciers at that time were located mainly in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, this explains why the mass extinction of animals affected it in the first place ...

What could have caused such a catastrophically rapid melting of glaciers?

According to American scientists Richard Firestone and William Topping, the entire Great Lakes region in North America was the site of a "nuclear catastrophe" that occurred about 12,500 years ago, and caused, according to the authors, by a super-powerful burst of cosmic rays that came from a supernova that erupted near the Sun.

The enormous energy brought by these rays could heat the atmosphere over Michigan by more than 1000 degrees, which led, in particular, to the catastrophically fast melting of the glacier that existed there, which covered most of North America. As a result, the already mentioned "glacial floods" ...

The resulting picture of the alleged "nuclear catastrophe" shows that the Western Hemisphere was affected more than the Eastern, and North America more than the South.

They also believe that the age of ancient finds in the area (and throughout North America), obtained using the radiocarbon method, should be increased, depending on location, up to 40 thousand years, since that burst of cosmic rays changed the composition of radioactive isotopes. carbon used in the analysis. This, by the way, eliminates many of the contradictions that exist between determining the age of finds by radiocarbon dating and other independent methods in America.

Dr. Paul LaViolette, in his book Earth Under Fire, states that he has found evidence of a different sort of cataclysm, caused by a high-energy particle stream that hit Earth as a result of an explosion at the core of our galaxy. This is another attempt to explain the cause of the "nuclear catastrophe" in North America.

The shift of the earth's poles due to the sliding of the earth's crust

Catastrophically fast sliding earth's crust on the mantle of our planet was proposed by Charles Hapgood as a possible explanation for the movement of the earth's poles, leading to global cataclysms, back in 1958 in his book "Earth's Shifting Crust".

He suggested that the excess accumulated mass of ice at one or both of the Earth's poles could unbalance the "balance of the planet's rotation" and lead to slippage of all or most of the earth's crust.

C. Hapgood suggests, based on his research, that such a crustal shift lasts about 5000 years, and occurs every 20-30 thousand years.

As you can see, this shift of the earth's crust is clearly not fast enough to cause those global catastrophic phenomena that we are talking about now.

There are also suggestions that the collision of the Earth with a sufficiently large celestial body (the figure is called - at least 50 meters) at a "critical angle" can also lead to a catastrophically fast shift of the earth's crust.

However, the available scientific evidence does not support such rapid planetary pole shifts, indicating that they move an average of 1 degree per million years.

As frightening as this theory looks, it does not seem to be an explanation for the catastrophe that occurred 12,000 years ago.

Fall to the Earth of the ancient moon

According to some researchers, the Moon was not previously a satellite of our planet, but was an independent celestial body.

The Earth, on the other hand, had another satellite that was gradually approaching it, and when it overcame the "Roche limit", that is, it came too close, tidal gravitational forces destroyed it. The debris fell to Earth, causing numerous disasters. Is there any evidence for this hypothesis?

Otto Mack, in his book The Secret of Atlantis (Muck, Otto, The Secret of Atlantis), writes about numerous mysterious bays in the states of North and South Carolina in the USA, which, in his opinion, are the remains of meteorite craters. They are oval in shape and oriented in the same direction. Some researchers believe that these craters are the result of " meteor shower”, which happened about 12 thousand years ago.

The number of such craters is striking - more than 500 thousand, located on the coastal plain from Georgia to Delaware.

But could even such a massive “shelling” of the Earth cause a global catastrophe with kilometer-long tsunamis, etc.? Of course, if this was indeed the result of the collapse of a satellite, even if it was not too large compared to the current Moon, then there must have been fragments and larger ones ...

"Capture" of the Moon

The capture of the Moon, or more likely, its “parking” to the Earth, could well have caused the whole range of phenomena attributed to a global catastrophe that happened about 12 thousand years ago. This, in particular, is well written in the article by V. Chernobrov "Causes of the Flood: Seven miles under the keel."

No matter how fantastic it looks, but the assumption of a controlled “parking” of the Moon to the Earth is in many respects more probable and real than just the result of interplanetary “billiards” in our solar system, which led to the accidental insertion of the Moon into an "ideal" orbit around the Earth - why would such a mess all of a sudden? Even if I. Velikovsky is right about something? ..

In addition to the fact that even the smooth launch of the Moon into orbit around the Earth could lead to the appearance of many kilometers of tidal waves that bypassed our planet, destroying everything in its path, it could also cause a temporary shift in its axis of rotation - the "top" could be unbalanced ...

And this shift in the axis of rotation further exacerbated the global catastrophe, leading to a albeit very temporary, but possibly significant shift of the planet's poles - one of the possible reasons for the sharp drop in temperature that led to the rapid freezing of countless victims of tidal tsunamis, and also caused even stronger earthquakes and volcanism...

The spinning top, as it should, soon returned to its original position of the axis of rotation, but the damage had already been done ...

By the way, no matter who and no matter how the Moon was put into orbit around the Earth, some kind of gigantic engine (engines) was probably used either on the Moon itself, or on the “tug” that brought it.

In this case, the "nuclear catastrophe" in North America, and possibly in the entire Northern Hemisphere, which led to the incredibly rapid melting of the glaciers there, could well have been caused not by a supernova explosion or similar sources of super-energetic cosmic rays, but simply by hitting this area Earth "under the exhaust" of the lunar engine, perhaps by accident ...

Could such a global catastrophe also lead to the death of civilizations that possibly existed at that time? - Undoubtedly.

Even "glacial floods", rushing to the coasts of the seas and oceans, where the majority of the population and all kinds of structures are usually located, especially in early civilizations, could destroy them almost without a trace.

And of course, such a global catastrophe was more than enough to "drown" the same Plato's Atlantis, which, according to him, died at the same time, that is, 12 thousand years ago ...

Traces of antediluvian civilizations?

IN different places the globe, the remains of structures are found that could belong to antediluvian civilizations.

One of the surviving remnants of "antediluvian" civilizations may be, for example, the ruins of Tiahuanaco near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Some researchers believe that this city flourished from 10 to 15 thousand years ago, that is, it is quite possible even before the considered global catastrophe.

Also, a number of signs indicate that it used to be located at sea level, and not as high in the mountains as it is now. For example, ancient terraces for corn, which can grow only low above sea level, the remains of a clearly "sea" pier, etc.

That is, it turns out that the Andes rose already in the memory of mankind as a result of a global catastrophe that occurred 12 thousand years ago, as some of the legends of the South American Indians say.

Of course, this somewhat does not fit into modern scientific ideas, but we must not forget that relatively recently the “falling of stones from the sky” also did not correspond to the “scientific” opinion ...

Great pyramids in Egypt

The judgments of some researchers that their age is much older than the “official” one, and they could well have been built even before the catastrophe that happened 12 thousand years ago, seem more likely. Moreover, before, and not shortly after the disaster, as some researchers believe, because after what happened, there would simply be no one to build them ...

As for how the pyramid of Cheops was built, there are doubts that it was built by Herodotus slaves or it was done with the help of priests with knowledge of the "acoustic" levitation of stone blocks. Everything could have been much easier and faster: it was built by alien construction robots, who effortlessly, although perhaps without a whoop, quickly completed the task, building a pyramid "to the nearest millimeter" ...

How did humanity survive that global catastrophe? Thanks to Noah's Ark? It is hard to imagine that any traditional swimming facilities could have survived when many kilometers of waves were walking around the planet, not to mention other cataclysms...

Studies show that, with a few exceptions, the traces of the existence of any noticeable signs of civilization are interrupted from about 10 to 7 thousand years ago. However, after that, at once, almost all over the globe, well-developed early civilizations suddenly appear, without any signs of gradual preliminary development. In addition, their further development usually leads to obvious degradation, as if their "initial" achievements were only remnants of earlier knowledge, quickly lost ...

What is it, a consequence of several millennia of painful survival of the remnants of civilizations that died during that catastrophe? But why, then, are no traces of gradual restoration or development visible, and everything appears somehow completely suddenly and in a ready-made form?

But what if humanity really was saved with the help of "arks", but not of the biblical type, but space "arks" of aliens? Especially if that catastrophe was caused by the “parking” of the Moon, that is, it was the “work of the hands” of the aliens themselves, and they knew what it could lead to?

Perhaps, initially, this whole operation was planned as safer, without any cataclysms on Earth.
But then something went “abnormal”, which also resulted in our planet falling under the “exhaust” of the engine, and the aliens had to save those who could still be saved in the “fire” order ...

Due to the fact that in the “mammoth cemeteries” there seemed to be no finds of human remains, does this mean that almost the entire population of the Earth was evacuated during these cataclysms?

As a result, perhaps many generations of rescued people spent the "missing" historical time in "shelters" made in haste by the aliens. Or did the originally saved themselves spend all this time in a kind of "suspended animation" before they were returned to Earth? ..

Only after several millennia, and not 40 days, although the “frozen” survivors might not have noticed this period, they began to return to the Earth that had managed to move away from the catastrophe.

Moreover, in order not to "clog" the independent development of mankind, all memories of life in "space arks" could be erased from the memory of the returnees, if they were, just as the aliens erase the memory of the returned abducted in our time.

And perhaps, quite the opposite, they were taught there the basics of the knowledge that began to develop violently after their return ...
All this explains the "failure" in the history of mankind ...

At the same time, those returned to Earth brought with them a much higher culture left over from their “antediluvian” civilizations than the descendants of those who managed to survive on our planet itself possessed. Unfortunately, these were only remnants of knowledge, and their degradation turned out to be inevitable...

Is it possible to repeat such a catastrophe in the future (2012 still evokes ...)? Much depends on what actually caused (or causes) that catastrophe.

If this was a “capture” of the Moon, then it is unlikely that it will happen again, unless for some reason this one moon is not enough for the aliens ...

If such cataclysms are of a periodic nature, caused by internal causes (Ch. Hapgood's theory, etc.), or external ones (the same Nibiru, the fall of large cosmic bodies, etc.), then their repetition is not ruled out.

Will humanity have time to “mature” enough to cope with such threats on its own next time, or will it have to rely on the help of “brothers in mind”, who, apparently, are full around us and who, if they somehow “look after behind our development, could prevent all sorts of global catastrophes - at least those caused by external causes? ..

One of the curves showing sea level fluctuations over the past 18,000 years (the so-called eustatic curve). In the 12th millennium BC. sea ​​level was about 65 m below the present, and in the 8th millennium BC. - already at less than 40 m. The rise in level occurred quickly, but unevenly. (According to N. Mörner, 1969)

The sharp drop in ocean level was associated with the widespread development of continental glaciation, when huge masses of water were withdrawn from the ocean and concentrated in the form of ice in the high latitudes of the planet. From here, the glaciers slowly spread towards the middle latitudes in the northern hemisphere by land, in the southern hemisphere - by sea in the form of ice fields that overlapped the shelf of Antarctica.

It is known that in the Pleistocene, the duration of which is estimated at 1 million years, three phases of glaciation are distinguished, called in Europe the Mindelian, Rissian and Würmian. Each of them lasted from 40-50 thousand to 100-200 thousand years. They were separated by interglacial epochs, when the climate on Earth warmed noticeably, approaching the modern one. In some episodes, it even became 2-3° warmer, which led to the rapid melting of ice and the release of huge spaces on land and in the ocean from them. Similar drastic changes climate was accompanied by no less sharp fluctuations in ocean level. During the epochs of maximum glaciation, it decreased, as already mentioned, by 90-110 m, and in the interglacial period it increased to +10 ... 4-20 m to the current level.

The Pleistocene is not the only period during which there were significant fluctuations in ocean levels. In fact, they marked almost all geological epochs in the history of the Earth. Ocean level has been one of the most unstable geological factors. And this has been known for quite some time. After all, ideas about the transgressions and regressions of the sea were developed back in the 19th century. And how could it be otherwise, if in many sections of sedimentary rocks on platforms and in mountain-folded areas clearly continental sediments are replaced by marine ones and vice versa. The transgression of the sea was judged by the appearance of the remains of marine organisms in the rocks, and the regression was judged by their disappearance or the appearance of coals, salts or red flowers. Studying the composition of faunistic and floristic complexes, they determined (and still determine) where the sea came from. The abundance of heat-loving forms indicated the intrusion of waters from low latitudes, the predominance of boreal organisms spoke of a transgression from high latitudes.

In the history of each specific region, its own series of transgressions and regressions of the sea were distinguished, since it was believed that they were due to local tectonic events: sea ​​waters associated with the lowering of the earth's crust, their departure - with its uplift. In application to the platform regions of the continents, on this basis, a theory of oscillatory motions was even created: the cratons either fell or rose in accordance with some mysterious internal mechanism. Moreover, each craton obeyed its own rhythm of oscillatory movements.

It gradually became clear that transgressions and regressions in many cases manifested themselves almost simultaneously in different geological regions of the Earth. However, inaccuracies in the paleontological dating of certain groups of layers did not allow scientists to come to a conclusion about the global nature of most of these phenomena. This conclusion, unexpected for many geologists, was made by the American geophysicists P. Weil, R. Mitcham and S. Thompson, who studied the seismic sections of the sedimentary cover within the continental margins. Comparison of sections from different regions, often very distant from each other, helped to reveal the confinement of many unconformities, breaks, accumulative or erosional forms to several time ranges in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. According to these researchers, they reflected the global nature of ocean level fluctuations. The curve of such changes, constructed by P. Weil et al., makes it possible not only to single out the epochs of its high or low standing, but also to estimate, of course, in the first approximation, their scales. Strictly speaking, this curve summarizes the experience of geologists of many generations. Indeed, one can learn about the Late Jurassic and Late Cretaceous transgressions of the sea or its retreat at the turn of the Jurassic and Cretaceous, in the Oligocene, Late Miocene, from any textbook on historical geology. Perhaps what was new was that now these phenomena were associated with changes in the level of ocean waters.

The scale of these changes was surprising. Thus, the most significant sea transgression, which flooded most of the continents in the Cenomanian and Turonian times, was believed to be due to a rise in the level of ocean waters by more than 200–300 m above the present day. The most significant regression that took place in the middle Oligocene is associated with a drop in this level by 150-180 m below the modern one. Thus, the total amplitude of such fluctuations in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic was almost 400-500 m! What caused such grandiose fluctuations? You can’t write them off as glaciations, since during the late Mesozoic and the first half of the Cenozoic, the climate on our planet was exceptionally warm. However, many researchers still associate the Middle Oligocene minimum with the onset of a sharp cooling in high latitudes and with the development of the Antarctic ice sheet. However, this alone, perhaps, was not enough to lower the ocean level immediately by 150 m.

The reason for such changes was tectonic restructuring, which led to a global redistribution of water masses in the ocean. Now we can offer only more or less plausible versions to explain fluctuations in its level in the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic. Thus, analyzing the most important tectonic events that occurred at the turn of the Middle and Late Jurassic; as well as the Early and Late Cretaceous (with which the long rise of the water level is associated), we find that it is these intervals that were marked by the opening of large oceanic depressions. In the Late Jurassic, the western arm of the ocean, Tethys (the region of the Gulf of Mexico and the Central Atlantic), was born and rapidly expanded, and the end of the Early Cretaceous and most of the Late Cretaceous epochs were marked by the opening of the southern Atlantic and many basins of the Indian Ocean.

How could the initiation and spreading of the bottom in young oceanic basins affect the position of the water level in the ocean? The fact is that the depth of the bottom in them at the first stages of development is very insignificant, no more than 1.5-2 thousand meters. The expansion of their area occurs due to the corresponding reduction in the area of ​​ancient oceanic reservoirs, which are characterized by a depth of 5-6 thousand meters. m, and in the Benioff zone, sections of the bed of deep-sea abyssal basins are absorbed. The water displaced from the disappearing ancient basins raises the general level of the ocean, which is recorded in the land sections of the continents as a transgression of the sea.

Thus, the breakup of continental megablocks must be accompanied by a gradual rise in ocean level. This is exactly what happened in the Mesozoic, during which the level rose by 200-300 m, and maybe more, although this rise was interrupted by epochs of short-term regressions.

Over time, the bottom of the young oceans in the process of cooling the new crust and increasing its area (the Slater-Sorokhtin law) became deeper and deeper. Therefore, their subsequent opening had much less effect on the position of the level of ocean waters. However, it inevitably had to lead to a reduction in the area of ​​the ancient oceans and even to the complete disappearance of some of them from the face of the Earth. In geology, this phenomenon is called the "collapse" of the oceans. It is realized in the process of convergence of continents and their subsequent collision. It would seem that the collapse of the oceanic depressions should cause a new rise in the water level. In fact, the opposite happens. The point here is a powerful tectonic activation that covers converging continents. Mountain-building processes in the zone of their collision are accompanied by a general uplift of the surface. In the marginal parts of the continents, tectonic activation is manifested in the collapse of the blocks of the shelf and slope and in their lowering to the level of the continental foot. Apparently, these subsidence also cover the adjacent areas of the ocean floor, as a result of which it becomes much deeper. General level ocean waters sinks.

Since tectonic activation is a one-stage event and covers a short period of time, the level drop occurs much faster than its increase during spreading of the young oceanic crust. It is precisely this that can explain the fact that sea transgressions on the continent develop relatively slowly, while regressions usually begin abruptly.

Map of possible flooding of the territory of Eurasia at various values ​​of the probable sea level rise. The scale of the disaster (with a sea level rise of 1 m expected during the 21st century) will be much less noticeable on the map and will have almost no effect on the life of most states. Zoomed in areas of the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas and southern China. (The map can be enlarged!)

Now let's look at the issue of MEAN SEA LEVEL.

Surveyors performing leveling on land determine the height above "mean sea level". Oceanographers who study sea level fluctuations compare them to the marks on the shore. But, alas, even the “average long-term” sea level is far from constant and, moreover, not the same everywhere, and the seashores rise in some places and fall in others.

The coasts of Denmark and Holland can serve as an example of modern land subsidence. In 1696, in the Danish city of Agger, a church stood 650 meters from the shore. In 1858, the remains of this church were finally swallowed up by the sea. During this time, the sea advanced on land at a horizontal speed of 4.5 m per year. Now on the western coast of Denmark, the construction of a dam is being completed, which should block the further advance of the sea.

The low-lying shores of Holland are exposed to the same danger. The heroic pages of the history of the Dutch people are not only a struggle for liberation from Spanish rule, but also a no less heroic struggle against the advancing sea. Strictly speaking, here it is not so much the sea that advances, but the sinking land recedes before it. This can be seen at least from the fact that the average level of full waters on about. Nordstrand in the North Sea from 1362 to 1962 rose by 1.8 m. The first benchmark (altitude mark) was made in Holland on a large, specially installed stone in 1682. soil subsidence on the coast of Holland occurred at an average rate of 0.47 cm per year. Now the Dutch are not only defending the country from the onset of the sea, but also reclaiming land from the sea, building grandiose dams.

There are, however, places where the land rises above the sea. The so-called Fenno-Scandinavian shield after liberation from heavy ice ice age continues to rise in our time. The coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula in the Gulf of Bothnia is rising at a rate of 1.2 cm per year.

Alternate subsidence and rise of coastal land are also known. For example, the shores of the Mediterranean Sea fell and rose in places by several meters even in historical time. This is evidenced by the columns of the temple of Serapis near Naples; marine lamellar-gill mollusks (Pholas) have burrowed into them up to the height of human growth. This means that since the construction of the temple in the 1st c. n. e. the land sank so much that some of the columns were submerged in the sea, and probably for a long time, since otherwise the mollusks would not have had time to do such a great job. Later, the temple with its columns again emerged from the waves of the sea. According to 120 observation stations, the level of the entire Mediterranean Sea has risen by 9 cm in 60 years.

Climbers say: "We stormed a peak so many meters above sea level." Not only surveyors, climbers, but also people who are not at all connected with such measurements are accustomed to the concept of height above sea level. She seems unshakable to them. But, alas, this is far from the case. The ocean level is constantly changing. It is swayed by tides caused by astronomical causes, wind waves excited by the wind, and as changeable as the wind itself, wind revolvers and water surges off the coast, changes in atmospheric pressure, the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation, and finally, the heating and cooling of ocean water. In addition, according to the studies of Soviet scientists I. V. Maksimov, N. R. Smirnov and G. G. Khizanashvili, the ocean level changes due to episodic changes in the speed of the Earth's rotation and the displacement of its axis of rotation.

If only the upper 100 m of ocean water is heated by 10 °, the ocean level will rise by 1 cm. Heating by 1 ° of the entire thickness of ocean water raises its level by 60 cm. Thus, due to summer heating and winter cooling, the ocean level in middle and high latitudes subject to significant seasonal fluctuations. According to the observations of the Japanese scientist Miyazaki, the average sea level off the western coast of Japan rises in summer and falls in winter and spring. The amplitude of its annual fluctuations is from 20 to 40 cm. The level of the Atlantic Ocean in the northern hemisphere begins to rise in the summer and reaches a maximum by winter, in the southern hemisphere its reverse is observed.

The Soviet oceanographer A. I. Duvanin distinguished two types of fluctuations in the level of the World Ocean: zonal, as a result of the transfer of warm waters from the equator to the poles, and monsoon, as a result of prolonged surges and surges excited by monsoon winds that blow from the sea to land in summer and in reverse direction in winter.

A noticeable inclination of the ocean level is observed in areas covered by ocean currents. It is formed both in the direction of the flow and across it. The transverse slope at a distance of 100-200 miles reaches 10-15 cm and changes along with changes in the speed of the current. The cause of the transverse slope of the surface of the current is the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation.

The sea also reacts noticeably to changes in atmospheric pressure. In such cases, it acts like an "inverted barometer": more pressure - lower sea level, less pressure - higher sea level. one millimeter barometric pressure(more precisely, one millibar) corresponds to one centimeter of sea level.

Changes in atmospheric pressure can be short-term and seasonal. According to the studies of the Finnish oceanologist E. Lisitsyna and the American J. Patullo, level fluctuations caused by changes in atmospheric pressure are isostatic in nature. This means that the total pressure of air and water on the bottom in a given section of the sea tends to remain constant. Warm and rarefied air causes the level to rise, while cold and dense air causes it to fall.

It happens that surveyors are leveling along the seashore or overland from one sea to another. Arriving at the destination, they discover a discrepancy and begin to look for an error. But in vain they rack their brains - there may not be a mistake. The reason for the discrepancy is that the level surface of the sea is far from equipotential. For example, under the influence of the prevailing winds between the central part Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia, the average difference in level, according to E. Lisitsyna, is about 30 cm. Between the northern and southern part In the Gulf of Bothnia, at a distance of 65 km, the level changes by 9.5 cm. Between the sides of the Channel, the difference in level is 8 cm (Creese and Cartwright). The slope of the sea surface from the English Channel to the Baltic, according to Bowden's calculations, is 35 cm. Level Pacific Ocean And caribbean at the ends of the Panama Canal, which is only 80 km long, it differs by 18 cm. In general, the level of the Pacific Ocean is always slightly higher than the level of the Atlantic. Even if moving along Atlantic coast North America from south to north, a gradual rise in level by 35 cm is found.

Without dwelling on the significant fluctuations in the level of the World Ocean that occurred in past geological periods, we will only note that the gradual rise in the level of the ocean, which was observed throughout the 20th century, averages 1.2 mm per year. It was caused, apparently, by the general warming of the climate of our planet and the gradual release of significant masses of water, bound until that time by glaciers.

So, neither oceanologists can rely on the marks of surveyors on land, nor surveyors on the readings of tide gauges installed off the coast in the sea. The level surface of the ocean is far from an ideal equipotential surface. Its exact definition can be reached through the joint efforts of geodesists and oceanologists, and even then not earlier than at least a century of material of simultaneous observations of the vertical movements of the earth's crust and sea level fluctuations in hundreds, even thousands of points is accumulated. In the meantime, there is no "average level" of the ocean! Or, which is the same thing, there are many of them - each point has its own coast!

Philosophers and geographers of hoary antiquity, who had to use only speculative methods for solving geophysical problems, were also very interested in the problem of ocean level, although in a different aspect. We find the most specific statements on this subject from Pliny the Elder, who, by the way, shortly before his death while observing the eruption of Vesuvius, rather presumptuously wrote: “There is currently nothing in the ocean that we could not explain.” So, if we discard the disputes of the Latinists about the correctness of the translation of some of Pliny's arguments about the ocean, we can say that he considered it from two points of view - the ocean on a flat Earth and the ocean on a spherical Earth. If the Earth is round, Pliny reasoned, then why does the water of the ocean on the other side of it not drain into the void; and if it is flat, then for what reason does the ocean waters not flood the land, if everyone standing on the shore can clearly see the mountainous bulge of the ocean, behind which ships hide on the horizon. In both cases he explained it this way; water always tends to the center of the land, which is located somewhere below its surface.

The problem of ocean level seemed unsolvable two thousand years ago and, as we see, remains unresolved to this day. However, the possibility is not ruled out that the features of the level surface of the ocean will be determined in the near future by geophysical measurements made using artificial satellites Earth.

Gravity map of the Earth compiled by the GOCE satellite.
These days …

Oceanologists re-examined the already known data on the rise in sea level over the past 125 years and came to an unexpected conclusion - if for almost the entire 20th century it rose much more slowly than we previously thought, then in the last 25 years it has grown at a very fast pace, according to article published in the journal Nature.

A group of researchers came to such conclusions after analyzing data on fluctuations in the levels of the seas and oceans of the Earth during the tides, which are collected in different corners planets with the help of special tide gauge instruments over the course of a century. The data from these instruments, as scientists note, are traditionally used to estimate sea level rise, but this information is not always absolutely accurate and often contains large time gaps.

“These averages do not correspond to how the sea actually grows. Tide gauges are usually located along the banks. Because of this, large areas of the ocean are not included in these estimates, and if they are included, then they usually contain large "holes", - the words of Carling Hay from Harvard University (USA) are quoted in the article.

As another author of the article, Harvard oceanologist Eric Morrow, adds, until the early 1950s, mankind did not systematically observe sea levels at the global level, which is why we have almost no reliable data on how quickly the world's ocean in the first half of the 20th century.






Here we examined, and also tried to find out where it is. See what happens and here is the information The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -