Abstract individual lessons for sound correction

Vasilyuk Liza (5 years old)

Defect: dysarthria(erased form)

Subject: Sound [l](no sound)

Stage: sound setting [l]


    Develop a common and fine motor skills.

    Develop mimic muscles.

    To form a smooth exhalation, a directed air stream.

    Develop phonemic hearing, form skills sound analysis and synthesis.

    To form the correct position of the organs of articulation for pronouncing the sound [l];

    Fixing the isolated pronunciation of sound [l]; learn to highlight the sound [l] in words.

    Exercise in determining the presence of sound in syllables.

    Develop memory, attention, grapho-motor skills.

Equipment: mirror, articulatory sound profile [l], pictures for articulatory gymnastics, material for working out an air jet, doll, subject pictures with sound [l], colored pencils, a sheet of white paper.

Lesson progress:

    Organizing time

    Hello Lisa. I'm glad to see you. I received a letter today, the Alla doll invites us to visit, but in order to visit, we need to prepare and perform various exercises.

    You agree? Great, then get to work!

    Development of general motor skills

The game "Guess the movement".

    I will show you the movements that adults and children can do at home ( dusting, vacuuming, cooking dinner, mopping the floor, painting, washing the window, reading a book, watering the flowers), and you guess the movement and repeat it.

    Finger gymnastics

"The rain came out for a walk."

    One two three four five!
    The rain came out for a walk
    Went slowly, out of habit,
    Where is he in a hurry?
    Suddenly he reads on the tablet:
    "Don't walk on lawns!"
    The rain sighed softly.
    "Oh!" And he left ... The lawn dried up!

(Rhythmic strikes on the table with the fingers of both hands, starting with the little finger, alternately. Random strikes with the fingers of both hands on the table. We “walk” with the middle and index fingers on the table. Rhythmically we hit the table with our palms, then with our fists. Frequent and rhythmic clapping. One clap Rhythmic clapping on the table).

    Self-massage of the face as shown by a speech therapist

"A cloud has arrived again!"

    Do the following with me:

    A trickle of rain ran
    On the forehead, on the nose, on the cheeks,
    I dripped for a long time and played:
    Dots on cheeks

(We smooth the forehead from the middle to the temples. We stroke the forehead, nose from top to bottom and along the cheeks.
Pinch cheeks, upper and lower lip. Do it 2 times).

    Formation of a smooth, directed air jet

"Let's chase the cloud!"

    sad when It is raining, let's imagine that this is a cloud and drive it away. Let's blow off this “cotton cloud” from the palm (we blow off cotton wool with a smooth exhalation from the open palm).

    The development of facial muscles

“We admire ourselves” (as shown by a speech therapist)

    We drove the cloud away, the mood became good, let's admire ourselves:




    We rejoiced!

    Development of articulatory motor skills.

    We admired ourselves, the mood rose. Let's play with our cheeks: we inflate our cheeks simultaneously and alternately; we knead our lips: we do “Smile”, “Fence” alternately.

    Liza, now let's see what a cheerful tongue we have, he can play!

Exercise "Shovel".

Put the tongue with a spatula
And keep calm!

Exercise "Naughty tongue."

We will punish the tongue -
Let's spank him, buddy.

Exercise "Needle".

I turn my tongue into a needle
I tighten and tighten.

Exercise "Painter".

I'm a painter, I paint roofs
Above all I, above-higher!

Exercise "Sail".

Sail up! The boat is sailing
And he invites the kids for a walk.

    Decomposition of the correct articulation pattern for the pronunciation of the sound [l]:

    Today Alla doll invited you and me to visit her. She lives in a fabulous house, but to get to her, we need to sail on a steamboat, and you know how a steamboat hums?

    Listen to "l-l-l".

    When we pronounce the sound [l], our lips smile, the teeth are brought together by a “fence”, the tip of the tongue is raised by the upper teeth, the air stream passes along the lateral edges of the tongue, the voice rings.

    And now you try to buzz like a steamer, make a sound [l].

    Work on the development of phonemic processes

    Well, here we got to the fabulous house of Alla's doll.

The game "What is in Alla's house."

    Now I will show the pictures and name them, and as soon as you hear a word that has a sound [l], clap your hands: a table, a shovel, a candy, a shelf, a spoon, a cat, a lamp.

    Let's leave only those pictures in which there is a sound [l] and remove extra pictures in which there is no sound [l] (the child performs independently).

    Fixing the isolated pronunciation of sound [l]

    Let's smile, do the "Fence" exercise again, lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth, and let the air flow along the lateral edges of the tongue. What happened? (the child performs actions and pronounces the sound [l].) Repeat it again. Well done! You learned to pronounce the sound [l].

    Let's show how the steamer hums: l-l-l.


    Development of attention and memory. Formation of graphic skills

    And now be careful, I remove all the pictures, and you remember as many pictures as possible that you saw and name them (child calls). Now draw the one you like the most.

    Summary of the lesson

    Lisa, what sound did you and I learn to pronounce today. Let's remember how we pronounced it.

    Today at the lesson we were visiting Alla's doll, we played different games, you learned to listen and pronounce the sound [l] correctly and showed Alla how good you are at it! Well done!

    Doll Alla and I have prepared a surprise for you - a flower, let's attach it to your booth.

Abstract remedial lesson with dyslalia of sound [w]

Purpose: Preparation speech apparatus to sound production [w]


    Clarification of the phonetic characteristics of the sound [w].

    Clarification of the articulation pattern of sound [w]

    Development of the articulatory pattern of sound [w].

    Calling sound [w].

Organizing time.

Speech therapist. Look, today a cowardly hare jumped to visit us from the forest.


The cowardly bunny wants to play with you, he will say words to you if you hear the sound [w] you need to jump up and clap your hands.

hat, fur coat, tire, seam, mice, bag,owl, umbrella, fox, forest, goat,porridge, ear, mouse, your, tower, fly, donut

The hare brought pictures with him. Let's see and name them.

The child pronounces words according to the pictures, in the name of which there is a sound [w]

(hat, fur coat, tire, car, grandmother, grandfather, pillow, mice, reeds)

Articulation gymnastics.

To pronounce this sound correctly and beautifully, let's do gymnastics for the tongue, and the bunny will watch us.


Your lips straight to your ears
I'll stretch like a frog
And now I'm an elephant
I have a trunk.


Put the tongue with a spatula
And keep it under the account
One two three four five.
The tongue needs to be relaxed.


Put your tongue wide
And lift up the edges.
Got a cup

Round cup.


Let's show the bunny a trick

1. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless.

2. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed against upper lip; a gap is formed in the middle into which the air stream goes. If this does not work, you can slightly hold your tongue.

3. The lower lip should not tuck and stretch over the lower teeth.

"We will punish the naughty tongue." Put the tongue on the lower lip and "slap" it with your lips (five-five-five) on one exhale several times. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

fungus, fungus,

oil side,

silver leg,

Jump into the basket!

(Exercise "Fungus")

Let's go, let's go on a horse

The path is smooth.

We were invited by a neighbor

Eat sweet pudding.

We arrived for dinner

There is no neighbor at home.

(Exercise "Horse")

Let's blow warm air on the palms, warm them.

We pronounce sh-sh-sh in one breath.

Articulation and characteristics of sound [w].

In what position are the lips when we pronounce the sound [w]? (lips rounded and pushed forward).

Where is the tongue located? (The wide tongue is raised up, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper teeth).

Air encounters an obstruction? (Yes)

Summing up the lesson.

What sound did we make more often than others today? ([w]).

Who was our guest today? ("Cowardly Bunny")

Synopsis of individual speech therapy session"Staging Sound C"

To achieve the correct sounding of the sound "C".

Train mobility articulation apparatus.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Strengthen the ability to relax.

Develop lower diaphragmatic breathing based on three-phase breathing.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Enrich your child's vocabulary.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

(Creating an emotional mood in a child).

2. Well, now it's time to learn how to pronounce the sound "C".

Let's do the exercises that our cheerful tongue loves so much.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

1. Exercise "Smile".

2. Exercise "Tube".

3. Exercise "Smile-tube".

4. Exercise "Shovel".

5. Exercise “Punish the naughty tongue”

6. Exercise "Slide".

7. Exercise “I brush my teeth”

Diaphragmatic breathing:

Now imagine that you and I went to the forest, it is so fresh there, it smells so good! Let's take a breath:

If you are walking in the forest

We need to breathe air!

Breathe like me.

Exhale - pfft

Breath return - pffff

Return of breath - s-s-s-s

Breath return - pffff

Return of breath - s-s-s-s.

Look at what kind of boats we have floating in the “sea” (a container of water is placed in front of the child, in which the boats float). Let's blow on him so that he swims to the other shore as soon as possible.

Let's take a break and look at this picture, in which everything is drawn about the sound “C” (we consider the acoustic-articulation profile and analyze the articulation of the sound “c”).

Acoustic - articulatory sound profile "C"

Look and tell me what the sponges do when they pronounce the sound “s”?

The child is smiling.

What remains between the teeth?

The child is a hole.

Is the tongue narrow or wide?

The child is wide.

Where does the tip of the tongue rest?

The child is in the upper teeth.

Tongue, what else does it do?

Child - arches a hill.

What air jet?

Child (attaches, at a distance, to the neck with the back of his hand and checks the air stream) - Cold.

Check with your palm, what sound is it deaf or voiced?

The child is deaf.

What is this sound like, hard as a nut or soft as cotton wool.

A child is both hard and soft.

Let's try again to make lips, teeth, tongue, as we just said (the child does).

Let's get up and “pump up the pump” (the child makes imitation movements, as if he “pumps up the pump” by leaning forward and making the sound sssss, the adult watches the articulation of the sound).

Motility of fingers:

Let's now show the ostrich Stepan how our pens work:

Don't be afraid, it's a goose

I'm afraid of him myself

The goose stands and cackles

He wants to pinch you.

Phonemic awareness:

Listen carefully and clap your hands when you hear the sound "S".

(F, W, S, C, F, S, W, W, C, S, W ...)

Now raise your hand when you hear a syllable with the sound “S”: ZHA, SA, SHO, ZHO, SU, CA, ZA, SHO ...

Listen and say the syllables that I will tell you:


Today, Sasha and Sima came to visit us to look at the Ostrich, give them toys (pictures) together with our Ostrich - Sasha with the sound "C", Sima - with the sound "C". The child distributes pictures or toys and pronounces each sentence: “I will give Sasha a picture of a sled, and Sima a goose.”

Synopsis of an individual speech therapy pronunciation lesson

at junior schoolchildren with FFN (dyslalia)

Topic: Automation of the sound "L" in isolation and in syllables

Target: consolidate pronunciationsound "L" in isolation and in direct syllables


Automate Skill correct pronunciation sound "L" in isolation and in direct syllables.

Learn to isolate the sound "L" from the sound and syllable series.

To form the ability to determine by ear the presence of the sound "L" in words (phonemic representation).

Educational Outcomes:

Knows how to correctly pronounce the sound "L" in isolation and in direct syllables.

Knows how to isolate the sound "L" from the sound and syllabic series.

Able to determine by ear the presence of the sound "L" in words (phonemic representation).

Equipment: toy "Clown", counting sticks, subject pictures with and without sound "L", napkins, paper boat, mirror.

Linguistic material:



Words: table, chair, ball, floor, injection, ox, stake, ate, saw, saw, small, deeds, rock, strength, Mila,

Lesson progress:

Organizing time:

Speech therapist: there is a knock, the speech therapist opens the door, brings in a toy - a clown:

Look, a guest came to our lesson, his name is the clown Logosh. He will play with you and watch you perform various tasks.

Main stage:

a) Sound characteristic:

Take a mirror, say the sound [L].

Describe the sound "L".

Where is the tongue when we pronounce this sound? (above the teeth).

What is the position of the teeth? (the teeth are close to each other, there is a small distance between them.

Do we pronounce this sound easily or with difficulty? (pronounced with difficulty).

Can we sing or not? (we can't sing).

What stops air from escaping from the mouth? (language)

So what sound is it, a vowel or a consonant? (consonant)

Voiced or deaf? (voiced)

Hard or soft? (solid)

- And now, so that our guest - the clown Logosh and the sound "L" do not get bored, let's play games with them.

b) Automation of sound L in syllables:

Let's show the clown how you already learned how to pronounce the sound "L". Repeat after me the syllables one at a time: LA, LO, LU, LY.

Well done! Now repeat the syllable LA (LO, LU, LY) as many times as I put the sticks. LA - 3 times, LO - 4 times, LU - 3 times, LY - 4 times.

c) To consolidate the ability to memorize and reproduce combinations of homogeneous syllables LA LA LA with stress on the first syllable, on the second and on the third:

Speech therapist: Prepare "Attentive Ears". Remember and repeat syllables with different stress, like me:

la la la

la la la

la la LA

lu lu lu

lu lu lu

lu lu lu

lo lo lo

lo lo lo

lo lo lo

ly ly ly

ly ly ly


G) To consolidate the ability to reproduce chains of syllables consisting of the sound "L" and different vowels:

A game : "Remember and repeat":

Speech therapist: Remember and repeat the syllables:





e) Skill development isolate the sound "L" from the sound range, from the syllables SG:

Speech therapist: Let's play the game "Attentive ears".I will make sounds, and you will clap when you hear the sound "L" and pronounce it:

Linguistic material:PL AtL TL ML Y DL N IL K XL GL A OL

Now I will name the syllables, and you stomp when you hear a syllable with the sound “L” and also pronounce it:


f) Game "Finish the word":

I pronounce the beginning of the word, and you finish it by substituting the sound “L” at the end: one hundred ..., stu ..., ba ..., by ..., uko ..., in ..., ko ..., go ..., see ...;

Now I pronounce the beginning of the word, and you end it with the syllable LA: pi ..., ma ..., de ..., ska ..., si ..., Mi ....

g) Definition by ear of the sound "L" in words :

- Look at the pictures and select only those that contain the sound "L"

Linguistic material:elephant, ball, acorn, bottle, pin, scarf, bell, horse.

3. The result of the lesson:

What sound did you learn to pronounce today?

What syllables with this sound do you remember?

What is the name of the clown? I think the clown Logosha liked the way you pronounced the "L" sound. He has prepared for you small gift- it's a boat. As soon as it becomes warm, it can be let through streams, puddles.

3 Leatherspeyty zazhyatzi on yorreytszz dzslzz Oshmyazhy2013 L.N.Kozlovsya

5 Author-compiler: LN Kozlovskaya, teacher-defectologist of the highest category. Summaries of classes on the correction of dyslalia: a teaching aid / author-compiler L.N. Kozlovskaya. - Oshmyany: Publishing House "Center for Correctional Development Training and Rehabilitation in Oshmyany", 2013. - 44 p. The manual is a collection of abstracts of individual lessons with children preschool age with dyslalia, containing tasks and exercises for setting, automating and differentiating sounds. The abstracts contain sufficient illustrative material and samples of speech therapy games. The manual will be useful for teachers-defectologists of points of correctional and pedagogical assistance, working with children with dyslalia, parents of children with speech disorders. ©L.N.Kozlovskaya, author-compiler, 2011 © government agency education "Center for correctional and developmental training and education in Oshmyany"

6 Introduction Dyslalia is a violation of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus. Dyslalia is one of the most common pronunciation defects. In speech therapy, there are two forms of dyslalia, depending on the localization of the violation and the reasons for the defect in sound pronunciation:  functional  mechanical (organic). Functional dyslalia includes defects in the reproduction of speech sounds (phonemes) in the absence of organic disturbances in the structure of the articulatory apparatus. The cause of functional dyslalia most often is that others do not timely fix attention on the shortcomings of the child's pronunciation, imitate his incorrect speech, without helping him overcome the difficulty of pronouncing a particular sound; general physical weakness of the child due to somatic diseases; delay mental development(minimal brain dysfunction); electoral violation phonemic hearing; imitating the wrong speech of others. Mechanical dyslalia appears as a result of an incorrect structure of the peripheral apparatus: jaws (prognathia or progeny), teeth (improper placement, open bite), palate (paresis of the soft palate), tongue defects (short hyoid frenulum). With functional dyslalia, the reproduction of one or more sounds may be impaired, with mechanical dyslalia, a group of sounds usually suffers. In some cases, there are combined functional and mechanical defects. There are three main forms of dyslalia: acoustic-phonemic, articulatory-phonemic and articulatory-phonetic. The basis of acoustic-phonemic dyslalia is the lack of formation of phonemic hearing. With this form of dyslalia, there is an unformed identification, recognition, adjacent acoustic signs of sounds and a decision about the phoneme. With this form of dyslalia, the child does not have hearing impairment. The defect comes down to the fact that the function of auditory discrimination of some phonemes is not selectively formed in him. The form of articulatory-phonemic dyslalia includes defects caused by the unformed operations of selecting phonemes according to their articulatory parameters in the motor link of speech production. The child copes with tasks to imitate complex non-speech sounds, substitutions and mixing in this form of dyslalia are carried out on the basis of the articulatory proximity of sounds. These phenomena can be observed among sounds of the same way of formation, between affricates, sonors. Pronunciation defects in the articulatory-phonetic form of dyslalia are due to incorrectly formed articulatory

7 positions. Sounds are pronounced irregularly, distorted for phonetic system given language, phonemes are realized in incorrect variants (allophones). It is also important to distinguish dyslalia from other disorders. With dyslalia, only sounds are violated (in any form - the child does not pronounce any sounds, replaces them with simpler ones, pronounces them incorrectly). The child does not skip and replace syllables, he correctly uses the endings of nouns, adjectives, etc. according to age. If there are listed symptoms, then we are dealing with ONR. With dyslalia, the child hears all the sounds of speech by ear, and even if he pronounces the sound incorrectly, he realizes that he needs to say differently: “Kolova” - the child says, and the adult mimics: “Kolova”, the child is indignant: “Not a kolova, but a cow." If the child is sure that the word sounds the way he pronounces it (incorrectly), this is FFN. To delimit dyslalia from very similar erased dysarthria, it is necessary to conduct functional tests (with dysarthria, the child’s tongue is not able to perform finely differentiated movements, with tension, for example, when protruding the tongue forward, it deviates to the side, bifurcates at the end, trembles, turns blue or turns purple, when performing the “Turkey” exercise, the tongue does not move back and forth, but from left to right. -tooth (B, Vb, F, F), posterior (K, K, G, G, X, X), anterior (T, T, D, D, N, N) and, of course, vowels. whistling appears (S, S, Z, Z, C) By the age of 5 - hissing (Sh, Shch, F, H) By the age of 6 - sonoras (R, R, L, L, Y) Until this time, the absence of sounds is considered physiological condition and is called "age dyslalia", which means that the child develops correctly, and these defects should go away on their own.But this only applies to the absence of sounds or the replacement of complex sounds with simpler ones. In case of distortion of sounds (throat, lateral, interdental, any other) at any age, the help of a speech therapist is needed.

8 Lesson 1 Setting up the sound “L” something that is obviously easy for the child and is of interest to him (to create a situation of success and desire to come to class). Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: Exercises "Fence", "Smile", "Needle", "Brush", "Snake". II. Finger gymnastics "Fingers say hello" (fingers of both hands alternately touch the thumbs). III. Calling the sound "L": "The plane is flying." In the picture - the plane and the path of its flight. We invite the child to “fly on an airplane”: we hold the tongue with our teeth and pronounce the sound “Y” “the plane is buzzing”, at the same time we lead our finger along the path - “the plane is flying”. IV. Performing exercises of articulation gymnastics (the same). V. Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing. Help the hedgehog game. Pictures of a hedgehog and mushrooms. On reverse side fungus - picture. You need to select only those pictures in which there is a given sound (negotiated in advance). VI. Calling the sound "L". If the sound is obtained, we introduce it into the syllables: AL OL UL YL ALA ALO ALU ALY LA LO LU LY LA-LA - LAC LA-LA - LAPA LA-LA - LAMP LA-LA - SHOVEL VII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Fence", "Smile", "Needle", "Brush", "Snake". 2. Exercise "The plane is flying". Decorate the plane. 3. Find the letter "L" and paint over.

9 2 lesson Automation of the sound "L" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: Exercises "Fence", "Smile", "Needle", "Brush", "Snake". II. Finger gymnastics "Fingers say hello": the fingers of both hands alternately touch the thumbs. III. Fixing the sound "L": "The plane is flying." IV. Syllabic exercises: LA-LA-LA - PAW LO-LO-LO - SPOON LU-LU-LU - PUDDLE LY-LY-LY - SKIS AL-AL-AL - BALL OL-OL-OL - VOL UL-UL-UL - MULE YL-YL-YL - WAS V. The development of phonemic hearing. Umbrella game. The bunny's umbrella is broken. Help him find a new one (with the sound "L"). VI. Playing the children's piano. By pressing the keys we sing: "LA, LO, LU, LY, LE, ALA, ALO, ALU, ALY, ALE." LA LO LU LY LE ALA ALO ALU ALY ALE VII. Drawings - contours are offered. Find a picture with the sound "L" and paint over it. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Fence", "Smile", "Needle", "Brush", "Snake". 2. Finger gymnastics "Fingers say hello." 3. Syllabic exercises: LA-LA-LA - PAW LO-LO-LO - SPOON LU-LU-LU - PUDDLE LY-LY-LY - SKI AL-AL-AL - BALL OL-OL-OL - VOL UL-UL -UL - MUL YL-YL-YL - WAS 4. Draw a picture with the sound "L". 5.

10 3 lesson Automation of the sound "L" in the direct syllable Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: Exercises "Fence", "Smile", "Needle", "Brush", "Snake". II. Finger gymnastics "They are friends in our group." Friends in our group Girls and boys We will make friends with you Little fingers. One, two, three, four, five - Start counting again. One, two, three, four, five - We're done counting! Hands in the “lock” Show the palm of the right, left Palm to palm Fingers of the left hand to the fingers of the right hand Fingers touch, starting with the little fingers Clench and unclench the fists Fingers touch, starting with the little fingers Clench and unclench the fists and put on the table III. Fixing the sound of the sound "L": "The plane is flying." IV. Syllabic exercises: LY-LY-LY, LY-LY-LY WE SCORE GOALS. LU-LU-LU, LU-LU-LU NEAR THE WINDOWS ON THE FLOOR. LA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA DID NOT NOTICE THE GLASS. LU-LU-LU, LU-LU-LU WE DID NOT BEAT THE GLASS. LA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA ONLY THERE IS NO GLASS IN THE WINDOW. V. Development of phonemic hearing. Game "Help the hedgehog" (definition of the sound "L") VI. Playing the children's piano. By pressing the keys we sing: "LA, LO, LU, LY, LE, ALA, ALO, ALU, ALY, ALE." VII. Superimposed contours ("Bell"). - What do you see in this picture? VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Fence", "Smile", "Needle", "Brush", "Snake". 2. . Finger gymnastics "They are friends in our group." 3. Syllabic exercises: LY-LY-LY, LY-LY-LY WE SCORE GOALS. LU-LU-LU, LU-LU-LU NEAR THE WINDOWS ON THE FLOOR. LA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA DID NOT NOTICE THE GLASS. LU-LU-LU, LU-LU-LU WE DID NOT BEAT THE GLASS. LA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA ONLY THERE IS NO GLASS IN THE WINDOW.

11 Lesson 4 Automation of the sound “L” in the direct syllable Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: exercises “Fence”, “Smile”, “Needle”, “Brush”, “Snake”. II. Finger gymnastics "They are friends in our group." Friends in our group Girls and boys We will make friends with you Little fingers. One, two, three, four, five - Start counting again. One, two, three, four, five - We're done counting! Hands in the “lock” Show the palm of the right, left Palm to palm Fingers of the left hand to the fingers of the right hand Fingers touch, starting with the little fingers Clench and unclench the fists Fingers touch, starting with the little fingers Clench and unclench the fists and put on the table III. The sound "L" in the intervocalic position: ALA-ALA-ALA - SMALL O LO-OLO-OLO - ALU-ALU-ALU SWAMP - ALY-ALA-ALA BOULD - MALY IV. The game "Listen - repeat." “The bunny wants you to help him. He learns to write, and you dictate words to him. I will tell you these words. Only you pronounce all the sounds correctly, otherwise the bunny will make many mistakes. PAW, LAMP, SHOVEL. boulder, puddle, skis, flippers, varnish, saw, bow, forehead, moon, milk, lotto, fret. V. Automation of the sound "L": LI-LI-LI, LI-LI-LI THE POOPLARS ARE VISIBLE IN THE DISTANCE. LE-LE-LE, LE-LE-LE WE HAVE A LOT OF THEM IN THE VILLAGE. LE-LE-LE, LE-LE-LE FUN FROM THEM IN THE VILLAGE. LA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA BUT FROM THEM TO THE FLUSH EARTH. LA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA WE ALL LOVE POPLAR. LU-LU-LU, LU-LU-LU POPLAR AND I LOVE. VI. Differentiation "L" - "L". Train game. In one car - pictures with the sound "L", in the other - with the sound "L". VII. The game "It happens - it doesn't happen." - What happens and what doesn't happen? In humans: arms, legs, head, paws; In the house: wardrobe, sofa, floor, moon; A bird has a head, tail, flippers. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Fence", "Smile", "Needle", "Brush", "Snake". 2. Game "Remember - repeat": An adult calls 4 words, the child must repeat them in the same order. Control the sound "L": o PAW, SHOVEL, BOW, SOAP o PUDDLE, SKI, SAW, LAMP o SWALLOW, HAIR, WEASEL, LIGHT o MOON, FINS, FOREHEAD, TIN

12 Lesson 5 Automation of the sound "L" in the confluence of consonants Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: preparation for the sound "C". Exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing into a glass of water through a tube. II. Finger gymnastics “Swan”: A swan swims along the bank Above the bank carries its little head With a white wing, it shakes off water on flowers Imitation of a swan Hands up, hands on cheeks, head left and right Wave “wings” Hands “flower”, shake hands III. The sound "L" in the confluence of consonants. Syllabic exercises: ALKA-ALKA - STICK OLKA-OLKA - FIR-TREE ILKA-ILKA - SAW FIR-TREE-FREE - PROTEIN PLA-PLA - SHAWL KLA-KLA - TLA-TLA TREASURE - BROOM SLA-SLA - CARRIED IV. The game "Hide and Seek". Pictures with the sound "L". The mouse hid one picture. What picture did the mouse hide? V. Exercises of articulatory gymnastics. VI. Differentiation "L" - "L". Umbrella game. Bunny - umbrellas with the sound "L", Dunno - with the sound "L" VII. The game "Edible - inedible." o Noodles, skis, bow, moon; o Scarf, stick, Christmas tree, lemonade; o Broom, milk, cutlet, wolf; o Roll, flower bed, sausage, cranberries. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing into a glass of water through a tube. 2. Finger gymnastics "Swan"; 3. Count to 5 and back: 1 roll, 2 rolls, 3 rolls, 4 rolls, 5 rolls (pictures); 4. Draw a picture with the sound "Л"; 5. Learn a poem: WHITE SNOW, WHITE CHALK, WHITE HARE IS ALSO WHITE. BUT PROTEIN IS NOT WHITE, THERE WAS NO WHITE PROTEIN.

13 Lesson 6 Automation of the sound "L" in the confluence of consonants Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: Preparation for the sound "C". Exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing on a turntable. II. Finger gymnastics "Harvest": Let's go to the garden, Harvest. We will drag carrots, And we will dig up potatoes, We will cut off a head of cabbage, Round, juicy, very tasty. Let's pick a little sorrel And return along the path. fingers walk “we drag carrots” “dig with a shovel” left hand - “head of cabbage”, right hand - “cut” stroke with right hand “head of cabbage” grasping hand movements fingers walk III. The sound "L" in the confluence of consonants. Syllabic exercises: ALKA-ALKA - ROPE OF OLKA-OLKA - BROOM OF ILKA-ILKA - MOWER FIR-TREE-FREE - PROTEIN PLA-PLA - PATCH KLA-KLA - BOOK TLA-TLA - BROOM OF SLA-SLA - STARTED IV. Riddles: 1. I dug the earth, I was not tired at all. And whoever dug with me is tired. (Shovel) 2. White on white He wrote where he ran. The redhead will read - he will find the White. (Fox) 3. What kind of white bird rushed through the sky? Only a strip of white left from her. (Airplane) V. Articulation exercises for the sound "C" VI. Clean tongues: Mom soaped Milu with soap. Mila's mother washed, Mila's mother sang. Stake near the table, table near the stake. A cap under a cap, a cap under a cap. VII. Definition of sound in a word. The game "Leaf fall" ( autumn tree and leaflets, on the reverse side of which there is a subject picture). VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing into a glass of water through a tube. 2. Automation of the sound "L": ALKA-ALKA - ROPE OLKA-OLKA - Broom ILKA-ILKA - MOWER YELLA-YELKA - ARROW PLA-PLA - PATCH KLA-KLA - BOOK TLA-TLA - BROOM SLA-SLA - CARRIED OUT

14 7 lesson Differentiation of sounds "L" - "L" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: preparation for the sound "C". Exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing on a turntable. II. Finger gymnastics "Harvest": Let's go to the garden, Harvest. We will drag carrots, And we will dig up potatoes, We will cut off a head of cabbage, Round, juicy, very tasty. Let's pick a little sorrel And return along the path. fingers walk “we carry carrots” “dig with a shovel” Left hand- “head of head”, with the right hand - “cut” stroke with the right hand “head of head” grasping movements of the hands fingers step III. Differentiation "L" - "L" in words and syllables: LA - LA, LO - LE, LU - LYU, LY - LI, LE - LE ALA - ALIA, ALO - ALyo, ALU - ALU, ALY - ALI, ALE - ALE AL - AL, OL - OL, UL - UL, IL - IL, EL - EL EL - FIRE, DAW - PEBBLE, YULA - JULIA, CORNER - COAL, EL - EL IV. Differentiation "L" - "L" in phrases: THIS YEAR WARM SUMMER. VOLODYA SAW THE MOTH. YULA BOUGHT YULA. LENIA AND VOLODIA WERE ON FOOTBALL. LENA BOUGHT A TAPE AND LOTTO. MILA LOVES TO sculpt. OLIA SWEEPED THE FLOORS. V. Articulation exercises for the sound "C" VI. Riddles: o I DIGGED THE EARTH, I DID NOT TIRED ANYTHING, AND WHO DIGGED WITH ME, HE WAS TIRED. (SHOVEL) o ALL THE TIME IT KNOCKS, THE TREES HAVE BUT IT DOES NOT MAKE THEM, BUT HEALS. (Woodpecker) o WHAT IS A COLD BEAST WALKING HUNGRY IN THE FOREST IN WINTER? (WOLF) VII. Differentiation "L" - "L". Train game. In car 1 - words with the sound "C", in car 2 - with the sound "L". VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing into a glass of water through a tube. 2. Differentiation of the sounds "L" - "L" in the text: VALENKI FOR VALENKI. IN THE STORE VALENKI BUY VALENKI; LITTLE VALENKI IS SO CUTE! BUT THE LITTLE BOOT PUT ON THE BOOT BOOT TURNED OUT THE BOOT BOOT IS SMALL FOR HER. 3. Draw pictures in the trailers: in the 1st car - with the sound "L", in the second - with the sound "L".

15 8 lesson Differentiation of sounds "L" - "L" in phrases Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: Preparation for the sound "C". Exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing on a turntable. II. Finger gymnastics "Compote": We will cook compote Fruits need a lot. Here: We will chop apples, We will chop a pear, We will squeeze lemon juice, We will put a drain and sand. We cook, we cook compote. Let's treat honest people. The left hand is a “ladle”, the right one is stirred in it. Fingers are bent Again, cook and stir III. The sound "L" in phrases: Malanya is a talker. Chatted, chatted, and chatted. The blue bell bowed to you and me. Bluebell flowers are very polite. And you? Lida washed the Mila doll, She did not wash the dirt from the doll. IV. Split picture "Fox". V. Articulation exercises for the sound "C". VI. Retelling of the text "The Raft". Volodya, Pavel and Lesha made a raft, Lesha gave a saw, and Volodya and Pavel sawed. They did, made a raft and did it. The boys floated on a raft on the water. Volodya, Pavel and Lesha were happy. VII. Differentiation "L" - "L". The game "At the samovar". VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing into a glass of water through a tube. 2. Differentiation of the sounds "L" - "L" in the text: Swan Uncle Pavel was on the hunt. He caught a young swan there. The swan flew still badly, and could not run. The swan's leg was broken. All winter the swan was with Uncle Pavel, and in the spring he was released into the wild, and the swan flew away. 3. Count to 5 and back: 1 FUNNY 2 FUNNY 3 FUNNY 4 FUNNY 5 FUNNY CLOWN CLOWN CLOWN CLOWNS

16 9 lesson Staging the sound "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: Preparation for the sound "C". Exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing on a turntable. II. Finger gymnastics "We are building a house": One, two, three, four, five, We will build and play. We build a big house, we build a high one, we put windows, we cut a roof. What a beautiful house! The old gnome will live in it. We bend the fingers Palm on the palm - 4 times Hands with a house above the head We draw windows in the air, the roof Palms up - “here” With one hand - “beard”, the second - “cap”. III. Definition of the sound "C" in the word. Selection of pictures with the sound "C". Laying out the letter "C" in small details. IV. Articulation exercises for the sound "C": "Little snake", "Kettle is boiling". V. Introduction of the sound "C" into the syllable: C-C-C-C-CA C-C-C-C-CO C-C-C-C-SU C-C-C-C-S S-S-SE ASA-ASO-ASU-ASY-ASE SA-CO-SU CO-SU-SY SU-SY-SE SY-SE-SA VI. Claps left and right: SA-SA - CO-CO CO-CO - SU-SU SU-SU - SE-SE SE-SE - SY-SY VII. Definition of the sound "C" in the word. Game "Light the Christmas Tree" VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing into a glass of water through a tube. 2. Fixing the sound "C". "The kettle is boiling", "Take the snake home." 3. Finger gymnastics "We are building a house."

17 10 lesson Staging the sound "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: Preparation for the sound "C". Exercises "Shovel", "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing on a turntable. II. Finger gymnastics "We are building a house": One, two, three, four, five, We will build and play. We build a big house, we build a high one, we put windows, we cut a roof. What a beautiful house! The old gnome will live in it. We bend the fingers Palm on the palm - 4 times Hands with a house above the head We draw windows in the air, the roof Palms up - “here” With one hand - “beard”, the second - “cap”. III. “Disenchant objects” (Dotted image of objects in the picture. It is necessary to circle only those objects that have the sound “C”) IV. Articulation exercises for the sound "C": "Little snake", "The kettle is boiling", "Let's pump up the wheel." V. The introduction of the sound "C" into the syllable: SASOSU SOSUSY SUSYSE SYSESA ASA-ASO-ASU ASO-ASU-ASY ASU-ASY-ASE ASY-ASE-ASA VI. Fixing the pronunciation of the sound "C". "Merry piano" (piano keyboard, press the keys and sing) SA-SA, CO-CO, SU-SU, SY-SY, SE-SE. ASA, OSO, USU, YSY, ESE VII. Definition of the sound "C" in the word. The game "Bear - Postman" (Drawing of the Postman Bear, on the back of the letters - subject pictures. Select pictures with the sound "C"). VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Breeze", blowing into a glass of water through a tube. 2. Fixing the sound "C". “The kettle is boiling”, “Take the snake home” 3. Paint over the pictures with the sound “C”. 4. Syllabic exercises: SASOSU SOSUSY SUSYSE SYSESA ASA-ASO-ASU ASO-ASU-ASY ASU-ASY-ASE

18 11 lesson Automation of the sound "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: "Brush", "Slide". "Wind", blowing on a turntable. II. Finger gymnastics “I put on a glove”: I put on a glove, I don’t get into it. Count, guys, how many fingers the glove has. We begin to count aloud: One, two, three, four, five. Stroking in turn with one hand with the other, as if putting on a glove. Rhythmically clench and unclench fists. Bend fingers simultaneously on both hands, starting with large ones. III. Fixing the pronunciation of the sound "C" in an open syllable. SA-SA-SA - GARDEN SA-SA-SA - SLED SA-SA-SA - BOOTS SA-SA-SA - SCOOTER -SY-SY - SON OF SY-SY-SY - POUR SY-SY-SY - FAT SU-SU-SU - BITCH SU-SU-SU - SOUP SU-SU-SU - BAG IV. Split picture "Fox". V. Laying out the letter "C" with small details. VI. Fixing the pronunciation of the sound "C". "Merry piano" (piano keyboard, press the keys and sing) SA-SA, CO-CO, SU-SU, SY-SY, SE-SE. ASA, OSO, USU, YSY, ESE VII. Definition of the sound "C" in the word. Racing game. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Breeze", blowing into a glass of water through a tube. 2. Fixing the sound "C". "The kettle is boiling", "Take the snake home." 3. Color in the pictures with the sound "C". 4. Syllabic exercises: SA-SO-SU-SY SO-SU-SY-SE SU-SY-SE-SA SA-SA-SA SA-SA-SA SA-SA-SA

19 12 lesson Automation of the sound "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". II. Finger gymnastics "How many shoes we have": Let's count for the first time, How many shoes we have: Shoes, slippers, boots For Natasha and Earrings, And even shoes For our Valentine, But these boots For little Galenka. Alternately hit the fists and palms We bend the fingers for each name of the shoe. III. Fixing the pronunciation of the sound "C" in words with open syllable. "Remember - repeat": SLED - ROE - SAUSAGE SODA - PIECE - WHEEL BAG - DISHES - BEADS BOOTS - kerchief - HAIR IV. “Find pictures for “SA”, “SO”, “SU”, “SY”. (Pictures) V. Game "Cheerful mathematician" ("Bell") VI. The game "Tsap-tsap". The forbidden word is OWL, the winner receives a chip for each OWL. SLED - BEADS - DOG - SONIA - HAY - OWL - SOUP - CHEST - BEADS - OWL - NOSES - FAT - SLED - DOG - OWL - ROE - WARE - OWL - GUSAK - SAND - PACKAGE - OWL. VII. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". VIII. Superimposed contours ("Bell"). IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup". 2. Fixing the sound "C". Repeat after an adult: SO-SO-SO - THIS WHEEL SU-SU-SU - I'M AFRAID OF THE WASP SA-SA-SA - I HAVE A SY-SY-SY BRIDGE - LONG NOSE SU-SU-SU - I EAT SAUSAGE SY-SY -SY - LONG WHISTERS 3. Count icicles up to 5 and back: 1 ICICLE 2 ICICLE 3 ICICLE 4 ICICLE 5 ICICLE

20 13 lesson Automation of the sound "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". II. Finger gymnastics "How many shoes we have": Let's count for the first time, How many shoes we have: Shoes, slippers, boots For Natasha and Earrings, And even shoes For our Valentine, But these boots For little Galenka. Alternately hit the fists and palms We bend the fingers for each name of the shoe. III. The sound "C" in the confluence of consonants: STA, STO, STU, STY SPA, SPO, SPU, SPI SNA, SNO, SNU, SNI SKA, SKO, SKU, SKI SLA, SLO, SLU, SLI STA-STA - GLASS STO- STO - TABLES STU-STU - CHAIRS STY-STY - BRIDGES SPA-SPA - SLEEP SNA-SLEEP - CLEAR SNO-SNO - SNOP SNU-SNU - SNU SNI-SNI - SUSNI IV. “Find pictures for “STA”, “STO”, “STU”, “SLO”, “SKA”, “SNE” (Pictures). V. The game "Edible - inedible." SAND, SALAD, SAUSAGE, DISHES, KRAWICE, SALT, BEADS, PINEAPPLE, PUMP, COCONUT, GLASS, SOUP, BENCH, BUTTER, CABBAGE, SAUSAGE, BUS, KVASS, SCOOTER, KISSEL, sleigh, wasp, BAG, MEAT. VI. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". VII. Split picture "Dog". VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup". 2. Fixing the sound "C". SONIA, SONIA, LOOK OUT THE WINDOW, HOW MUCH SNOW HAS COME. AND IN THE FOREST AND IN THE GARDEN - PINES, FIR - EVERYTHING IN THE SNOW. 3. Finish the beads, paint over and name the beads: BLUE BEAD, GREEN BEAD ...

21 14 lesson Automation of the sound "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". II. Finger gymnastics "A lot of furniture in the apartment": One, two, three, four, A lot of furniture in the apartment. We will hang a shirt in the closet, And we will put a cup in the cupboard. So that the legs rest, Let's sit a little on a chair. And when we were sound asleep, We lay on the bed. And then we sat at the table with the cat. They drank tea with jam. Lots of furniture in the apartment. Rhythmically squeeze and unclench the fists We bend the fingers for each name of the furniture. III. The sound "C" in the consonant confluence: AST, OST, UST, IST ASP, OSP, USP, ISP ASN, DOS, USN, ISN ASK, USK, USK, ISK ASL, OSL, USL, ISL AST-AST - NAST ASN- ASN - DANGEROUS OST-OST - BRIDGE ASK-ASK - LASKA UST-UST - EMPTY OSK-OSK - SOUSKA IST-EAST - TANKIST ISK-ISK - SAUSAGE IV. The opposite game. LOW - ... (HIGH) SOUR - ... THIN - ... WIDE - ... SAD - ... FAR - ... HIGH - ... DELICIOUS - ... COANY - ... HUNGRY - ... V. The game "Logic squares". Pictures with the sound "C". What picture is missing? VI. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". VII. Game "Merry mathematician". VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup". 2. Fixing the sound "C". The old elephant sleeps calmly, He knows how to sleep while standing. 3. Draw pictures with the sound "C" and name them.

22 15 lesson Automation of the sound "C" in phrases Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". II. Finger gymnastics “We came to the yard for a walk”: One, two, three, four, five, We came to the yard for a walk: They sculpted a snow woman, Feed the birds with crumbs, Then we rolled down the hill, And also rolled in the snow. Everyone came home in the snow, Ate the soup and went to bed. We unclench our fingers from the cam, starting with the big one. Fingers “go” “Make a snowball” “Rash-syp” with fingers Left hand - “slide”, right hand - roll down the hill Hands roll on the table “Shake off the snow” Imitation “eat”, and palms under the cheek. III. Strengthening the sound "S". The teacher reads the story, the child repeats each sentence. The child then retells the story. Dog Jay in the forest. Stas has a dog Soyka. On Saturday, Stas and Jay will go to the forest. In the forest, Stas lets the dog off the leash. The jay runs under the bushes and sniffs the tracks. Here is the fox's footprint. The dog follows the trail, but finds not a fox, but an owl. The owl sits on a pine tree and sleeps. Jay stands under a pine tree and thinks how to get an owl. But the owl sits high, and dogs cannot fly. IV. The game “Say it kindly” CHAIR - ... (CHAIR) BENCH - ... SAUSAGE - ... NIGHTINGALING - ... BAG - ... DOG - ... GLASS - ... FOX - ... NOSE - ... OWL - ... Sled - ... V. Game "Snail". I. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". II. The game "Racing" (Toy cars, layout of the track. On the track - pictures with the sound "C". A dice is thrown, how many points, so many pictures need to be removed, pronounce the name correctly and move to empty places). III. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup". 2. Fixing the sound "C". There are seven kittens on the bench All the kittens want to eat We'll pour jelly into a bowl - Here's a bowl of jelly. There are seven kittens under the bench They don't want to eat from the bowl. 3. Count benches up to 5 and back: 1 BENCH, 2 BENCHES, ...5 BENCHES

23 16 lesson Staging the sound "З". Differentiation of sounds "C" - "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". II. Finger gymnastics “We came to the yard for a walk”: One, two, three, four, five, We came to the yard for a walk: They sculpted a snow woman, Feed the birds with crumbs, Then we rolled down the hill, And also rolled in the snow. Everyone came home in the snow, Ate the soup and went to bed. We unclench our fingers from the cam, starting with the big one. Fingers “go” “Make a snowball” “Rash-syp” with fingers Left hand - “slide”, right hand - roll down the hill Hands roll on the table “Shake off the snow” Imitation “eat”, and palms under the cheek. III. Exercise "Song of the mosquito." IV. Syllabic exercises: FOR-FOR FOR-FOR-FOR ZO-ZO - ZO-ZO-ZO ZU-ZU - ZU-ZU-ZU ZY-ZY - ZY-ZY-ZY FOR-ZA - CASTLE ZO-ZO - GOLD ZU- ZU - TEETH ZY-ZY - WHO V. The development of phonemic hearing: selection of pictures with the sound "Z". VI. Game "One - many": TOOTH - ... WHO - ... CASTLE - ... GOAT - ... SNAKE - ... pelvis - ... RIDDLE - ... SOUND - ... EYE - ... BELL - ... VASE - ... UMBRELLA - ... VII. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". VIII. Differentiation "S" - "Sh": SA - SIA ASA - ASYA AS - ASYA CO - SIE ASO - ASYO AS - ASYU SU - SU ASU - ASYU US - USE SY - SI ASY - ASI AS - ASYA SA-SIA-SA SO-SE-SO SU-SU-SU AS-AS-AS OS-AXIS-OS US-US-US OSES - AXIS, SIT - SITO, NOSE - CARRY, SCALES - HANG, CURTAIN - CURTAIN o ON THE TABLE ARE ORANGE; o SANIA AND SENIA MOWED HAY; o SENYA ROAD SIM ON THE SLED; o ANASTASIA WAS THE MOST FUNNY TODAY. IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup". 2. Fixing the sound "З". The game "Say kindly": TAZ, WHO, UMBRELLA, TOOTH, VASE, LANGUAGE, GOAT, SNAKE, EYES, CALL, LOCK.

24 17 lesson Automation of the sound "З". Differentiation of sounds "C" - "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". II. Finger gymnastics “We came to the yard for a walk”: One, two, three, four, five, We came to the yard for a walk: They sculpted a snow woman, Feed the birds with crumbs, Then we rolled down the hill, And also rolled in the snow. Everyone came home in the snow, Ate the soup and went to bed. We unclench our fingers from the cam, starting with the big one. Fingers “go” “Make a snowball” “Rash-syp” with fingers Left hand - “slide”, right hand - roll down the hill Hands roll on the table “Shake off the snow” Imitation “eat”, and palms under the cheek. III. Exercise "Song of the mosquito". IV. Development of phonemic hearing: selection of pictures with the sound "З". V. Exercise "Say kindly": TOOTH - ... WHO - ... LOCK - ... UMBRELLA - ... GOAT - ... SNAKE - ... pelvis - ... VASE - ... RIDDLE - ... SIGN - ... EYE - ... CALL - ... VI. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". VII. Differentiation "C" - "CL". Name the pictures with the sounds "C" and "C": VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup". 2. Fixing the sound "З". Zaikin's trouble. Zoya saw a bunny and galloped after the bunny: “Bunny, bunny, look! Follow my footsteps. I'll give you felt boots, because the paws are chilled? The bunny flies across the field and does not look at Zoya. 3. Draw pictures with the sounds "C" and "C". with ssi

25 18 lesson Differentiation of sounds "С" - "З" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "Helpers": One, two, three, four, We washed the dishes: Kettle, cup, ladle, spoon And a large ladle. We washed the dishes, We only broke the cup, The ladle also fell apart, The nose of the teapot was broken, We broke the spoon a little. So we helped mom. Fist bumps - palms. One palm slides over the other. Fingers are bent one at a time for each name of the dish. One palm slides over the other. Fingers are bent again. III. Syllabic exercises: SA - FOR SO - ZO SU - ZUSY - ZY ASA - AZA ASO - AZO ASU - AZO ASY - AZY TOOTH - SOUP WINTER - SIMA GOAT - KOSA GOAT - GOAT ZEV - SEV LIZA - FOX TIPS IV. Differentiation of sounds "C - Z". The game "At the samovar". V. "Remember - repeat." CATFISH - UMBRELLA - BITCH WINTER - SITO - GOAT LEAF - STRAWBERRY - ORANGE TEETH - SODA - HALL BUNNY - BAG - PLANT DOG - SPLINTER - SEVEN OWLS - CASTLE - PINEAPPLE VINE - ELK - GREEN VI. The game “Syllable in a word, repeat the word again”: BU ... (SY) TA ... (PS) CHA ... (SY) KO ... (SY) GROU ... (PS) TAKE ... (PS) FLASK ... (SY) POLO ... ( SY) ZANO ... (PS) VII. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". VIII. Deformed sentence: o ZINA, ARGOROW, FLOWERS, PLANT, FOR. o ZOYA, GARGO, LOOK OUT, BEHIND. o UMBRELLA, BACK, HIDE, FOR, LISA. o GOAT, LOOK OUT, BUSH, FROM BEHIND. o GOAT, FOR, GRAZE, FOREST. IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". 2. Fixing the sounds "З" - "С". RUBBER ZINE BUYED IN THE STORE RUBBER ZONE IN THE BASKET BROUGHT. SHE WAS A RUBBER, FALLED OUT OF THE BASKET, Smeared in the MUD. 3. Count to 5 and back: 1 FRESH NEWSPAPER, 2 FRESH NEWSPAPERS, ... 5 FRESH NEWSPAPERS.

26 19 lesson Staging the sound "C". Differentiation of sounds "C" - "Z" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Pronouncing the sounds "T" - "C" slowly, then quickly. Invite the child to spit with lips stretched in a smile. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "Bullfinches": Here on the branches, look, Bullfinches in red T-shirts Fluffed their feathers, Basking in the sun. They turn their heads, they want to fly away. Shh! Shh! Fly away! For the blizzard, for the blizzard! 4 clapping hands - "wings" on the sides 4 nodding your head Shake your hands Hug yourself with your head left-right, left-right 4 flapping your arms - "wings". Drive away - hands away from you Hands up and twist in a circle. III. Syllabic exercises: AC - OTs - UC - YTS ATSA - ATSO - ATSU - ATSY TSA - TSO - TSU - ZY TSA-TSA - HERON TSA-TSA - ACACIA TSA-TSA - CATERPILLAR EC-EC - FIGHTER EC-EC - DANCE EC -ETS - SMITH TSA-TSA - HERON TSY-TSY - GYPSY TSY-TSY - CHICKEN TSE-TSE - GOAL TSE-TSE - PRICES TSE-TSE - CEMENT TSIE-TSI - WHOLE IV. The game “Syllable in a word, repeat the word again”: ZAI ... (TSY) FAL ... (TSY) OGUR ... (TSY) YOUNG ... (TSY) BUTTONS ... (CA) SING ... (CA) ONIONS ... (CA) BLOWING ... ( CA) BEAUTIFUL ... (CA) SLEEVE ... (CA) BREAD ... (CA) SMOKE ... (CA) V. Game "Tell the word." The chicken hatched ... (chickens); Runs away from the fox ... (hare); The chicken hatched from ... (eggs); Clowns perform in ... (circus); The lamb has a mother ... (sheep). VI. The game "Me too" (an exercise in derivation of nouns female according to the model): SMART - AND I'M ALSO SMART ENTERTAINER - ... FASHION - ... WRITER - ... Educator - ... TEACHER - ... VII. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup". VIII. Differentiation “C” - “Z”: BUNNY - SAYKA TIES - MUSCLE TO ANGRY - DRAIN THE FENCE - SABOR ROSE - DEW PLANT - BEHIND WINTER - SIMA BUNNY - SAYKA o SENYA DON'T KNOW, A ZINA ZAZNAIKA; o IT'S NOT SHAME TO NOT KNOW, BUT IT'S SHAME TO NOT LEARN; o FOREST AIR SMELLS OF PINE; o MAKE A HUNNY A FUNNY MOSAIC; o LOVES BUNNY CABBAGE JUICE: IT IS USEFUL AND DELICIOUS; o FROM THE STORE SMART DOG TO THE HOUSE ZOE CARRIED THE BAG. IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". 2. Fixing the sound “Ts”: AC - OTs - UTs - YTS ATSA - ATSO - ATSU - ATSY TSA - TSO - TSU - TSY TSA-TSA - HERON TSA-TSA - ACACIA TSA-TSA - CATERPILLAR TSY-TSY - GYPSY TSY -TSY - CHICKEN TSE-TSE - PURPOSE TSE-TSE - PRICES TSE-TSE - CEMENT TSE-TSE - WHOLE YETS-ETS - FIGHTER YETS-ETS - DANCE YETS-ETS - SMITH 3. Draw a picture with the sound "Ts".

27 20 lesson Differentiation of sounds "C" - "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Pronouncing the sounds "T" - "C" slowly, then quickly. Invite the child to spit with lips stretched in a smile. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "Bullfinches": Here on the branches, look, Bullfinches in red T-shirts Fluffed their feathers, Basking in the sun. They turn their heads, they want to fly away. Shh! Shh! Fly away! For the blizzard, for the blizzard! 4 clapping hands - "wings" on the sides 4 nodding your head Shake your hands Hug yourself with your head left-right, left-right 4 flapping your arms - "wings". Drive away - hands away from you Hands up and twist in a circle. III. Game "Tell me a word": The chicken hatched ... (chickens); Runs away from the fox ... (hare); The chicken hatched from ... (eggs); The lamb has a mother ... (sheep); The shirt came off ... (button); IV. Game "Prove the word." The chicken hatched ... (chickens); Runs away from the fox ... (hare); The chicken hatched from ... (eggs); Clowns perform in ... (circus); The lamb has a mother ... (sheep). V. The game "One - two - five": ONE gypsy, TWO gypsies - FIVE - ... (gypsies); Words: SINGER, EGG, FINGER, ONION, RING, FASHION WOMAN, BUTTON. VI. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". VII. Differentiation "C" - "C": JUICE - CSC, FLOWER - SCOOP, CHICK - RASH, COLOR - LIGHT, COLOR - LIGHT, HERON - SABER, WHOLE - SUDDENED. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". 2. Fixing the sound "C": The game "Questions - answers." Mom says a word, for example, FATHER, and asks a question, and the child answers. Mom: WHO IS IN THE ROAD? Child: FATHER; Mom: WHO HAS WIDE SHOULDERS? Child: FATHER; Mom: TO WHOM DID YOU PRESENT YOUR DRAWING? Child: FATHER; Mom: WHO ARE YOU GOING WITH? Mom: WHO IS THE NEW JACKET WEARING? Etc. 3. Clean words: o THE RING IS NO END o THE END IS THE CROWN o AT THE WELL WATER IS ROLLING o A TITS FLY OVER THE PINE, A MARTEN SITS UNDER THE PINE o A CRIB OF WHITE SHEEP IS FULL

28 21 lesson Differentiation of sounds "C" - "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics. Pronouncing the sounds "T" - "C" slowly, then quickly. Invite the child to spit with lips stretched in a smile. Preparation for the sound "Sh": "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". I. Finger gymnastics "Feeder": How many birds flew to our feeder? We will tell. Two tits, a sparrow, six goldfinches and pigeons, a woodpecker with motley feathers. Everyone had enough grains! Rhythmically clench and unclench fists Waving with crossed palms For each name, fingers are bent, starting with the big one, on both hands “Syp - syp” with two fingers. II. Game "Tell me a word": The chicken hatched ... (chickens); Runs away from the fox ... (hare); The chicken hatched from ... (eggs); The lamb has a mother ... (sheep); The shirt came off ... (button); III. The game "Forbidden phrase". Forbidden phrase - "BE CAREFUL, DEEP WELL" o VANYA WATERING SHEEP; o TANYA HAS A LOLLIPOP; o IN THE BUSHES HARE; o THE ONION IS LOL ON THE TABLE; o MOM'S LITTLE FINGER HURTS; o THE FOX IS CHASING THE HARE; o BEWARE, DEEP WELL; o A CHICK FINALLY APPEARED IN THE NEST; o VOVIN FATHER - SINGER; o AT THE WELL WATER POURS; o FULL OF WHITE SHEEP CAB; o BEWARE, DEEP WELL. IV. Riddles: o TWO RINGS, TWO ENDS, IN THE MIDDLE OF A CLOVE (SCISSORS); o RUN AND FUCK, DO NOT FLY, ALTHOUGH THE BIRD IS NERVOUS, FROWNS, WHO IS THIS? … (CHICKEN); V. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". VI. Differentiation "C" - "C". The game "At the samovar". VII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". 2. Fixing the sound “C”: The caterpillar is afraid of the tit, the tit is afraid of the marten, the marten is afraid of the arctic fox, and the verse is afraid of the end. 3. Count to 5 and back: 1 FOX 2 FOXES 3 FOXES 4 FOXES 5 FOXES

29 22 lesson Staging the sound "Sh". Differentiation of sounds "C" - "C" Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "It's raining for a walk": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, It's raining for a walk. He walked slowly, out of habit, And where should he rush? Suddenly he reads on a sign: “Do not walk on the lawn!” The rain sighed softly, "Oh!" And left. The lawn is dry. Hitting the table with the fingers of both hands, starting with the little fingers. Random finger strikes. The fingers of both hands "go". Hitting the fists - palms Threaten with a finger 3 claps in the hands Clap the palms on the table “fingers are gone” Hands lie on the roofing with palms down. III. Exercises for pronouncing the sound “Sh”: o “The snake is angry” (a picture of a snake and a path to the house, run your finger along the path and hiss); o “Tire punctured” (tire pattern, run your finger along the strips and hiss); IV. Definition of the sound "sh" in the word. The game "Forest mail". V. The introduction of the sound "Sh" into syllables: o The game "Hello, finger." The thumb alternately greets the others and pronounces greeting syllables: SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI, SHE. o Game "Playing the piano": imitation of playing the piano: SHA-SHO-SHU-SHI-SHE VI. Exercise "Finish the word": MA ... (SHA), KA ... (SHA), NATA ... (SHA), YES ... (SHA), SA ... (SHA), TIMO ... (SHA), KALO ... (SHA), GO ... (SHA). U ... (SHI), WE ... (SHI), ON ... (SHI), VA ... (SHI), KAMA ... (SHI), SPE ... (SHI), SMALL ... (SHI). SLY ... (SHU), PI ... (SHU), BUT ... (SHU), PLA ... (SHU), UKU ... (SHU). VII. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VIII. Differentiation "C" - "C" in the stories: "Sparrow" A bird sits on a linden bough. And under the linden the cat Samson is watching her. The cat wants to catch it. It’s just hard for him to jump onto the linden from below. I noticed the cat Sasha and wanted to help the bird. He took a branch and threw it on a linden tree. The bird got scared and flew away. They just took her out! Answers to questions and retelling. 1) Who was sitting on the lime tree? 2) Who saw the bird? 3) What did Samson want? 4) Who helped the bird? 5) What did he do? 6) What did the bird do? IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Fixing the sound "Sh": Exercise " big snake"," The tire burst. Syllabic exercises: SHA - SHO - SHU - SHI - SHE ASHA - ASHO - ASHU - ASHI - ASHE SHA-SHA - HAT, SHA-SHA - SHAWL, SHA-SHA - GANG, SHA-SHA - HUT 3. Draw a picture with sound "Sh".

30 23 lesson Staging the sound "Sh". Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "It's raining for a walk": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, It's raining for a walk. He walked slowly, out of habit, And where should he rush? Suddenly he reads on a sign: “Do not walk on the lawn!” The rain sighed softly, "Oh!" And left. The lawn is dry. Hitting the table with the fingers of both hands, starting with the little fingers. Random finger strikes. The fingers of both hands "go". Hitting the fists - palms Threaten with a finger 3 claps in the hands Clap the palms on the table “fingers are gone” Hands lie on the roofing with palms down. III. Exercises for pronouncing the sound “Sh”: o “The snake is angry” (a picture of a snake and a path to the house, run your finger along the path and hiss); o “Tire punctured” (tire pattern, run your finger along the strips and hiss); IV. Definition of the sound "sh" in the word. The game "Forest mail" V. Repetition of syllable series: SHA - SHO - SHU, SHO - SHU - SHI, SHU - SHI - SHE ASHA - ASHO, ASHO - ASHU, ASHU - ASHI, ASHI - ASHE ASH - OSH - USCH, OSh - USh - ISH, USH - ISH - ESH VI. Assignment: “Repeat “SHA” as many times as I clap; as old as you are; how many flowers (circles, etc.) are here. VII. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VIII. Introduction of sound into the word: SHA-SHA - SHA-SHA HAT - SHO-SHO HUT - SHO-SHO WHISPER - SHOLOCH SHU-SHU - SHU-SHU COAT - JOKE SHI-SHI - SHILOSHI-SHI - SHIShKA IX. The game "One - many": 1 FUR COAT - MANY ... (FUR COATS) 1 HAT - ... 1 JOKE - ... 1 Bump - ... 1 HUT - ... X. Result, assessment of activity. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Fixing the sound "Sh". The naming of pictures pasted in a notebook (pictures from Zvonochka)

31 24 lesson Automation of the sound "Sh" in the direct syllable. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "It's raining for a walk": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, It's raining for a walk. He walked slowly, out of habit, And where should he rush? Suddenly he reads on a sign: “Do not walk on the lawn!” The rain sighed softly, "Oh!" And left. The lawn is dry. Hitting the table with the fingers of both hands, starting with the little fingers. Random finger strikes. The fingers of both hands "go". Hitting the fists - palms Threaten with a finger 3 claps in the hands Clap the palms on the table “fingers are gone” Hands lie on the roofing with palms down. III. Definition of the sound "sh" in the word. “I will name the words. Repeat the words after me, and if the word has the sound "SH" - slam ": FUR COAT, HAT, SOCKS, DRESS, PANTS, ICACLES, CHOCOLATE, RASPBERRY, MINE, CHESS, TIRE, WHEEL, MACHINE, SEWING, JOKE, CHAIN, BEADS, CONE, PINE, NOISY, INDIAN, RUSH, UMBRELLA, HIGHWAY. IV. Repetition of syllable rows: SHA - SHA - SHA, SHA - SHA - SHA, MASHA IS GOING SLOWLY SHU - SHU - SHU, SHU - SHU - SHU A HAT I BUY Hurry SHI - SHI - SHI, SHI - SHI - SHI STAND IN A VASE REEDS V Articulation exercises: “Brush”, “Candy”, “Painter”, “Horse”, “Fungus”, “Accordion”, “Snake is angry”. VI. The game "Light up the Christmas tree". Selection of pictures with the sound "Sh". VII. Introduction of sound into the word: SHA-SHA - CHESS SHA-SHA - HAT SHO-SHO - SILK SHO-SHO - NOISY SHU-SHU - NOISE SHU-SHU - JOKE SHI-SHI - SHISH SHI-SHI - SHIPS VIII. Task "Say kindly": VALYA - ... (VALYUSHA); KSENIA - ... (KSUSHA); ILYA - ... (ILYUSHA); KATYA - ... (KATYUSHA); MASHA - ... MASHENKA); SASHA - ... (SASHENKA); DASHA - ... (DASHENKA); MISHA - ... (MISHENKA); PASHA - ... (PASHENKA). IX. The result of the lesson, evaluation of activities. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Paint over the letter "Sh". 3. Count the hats: 1 HAT 2 HAT 3 HAT 4 HAT 5 HAT

32 25 lesson Automation of the sound "Ш" in the direct syllable. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "Burenushka": Give milk, Burenushka, At least a drop, on the bottom. Kittens are waiting for me, Little guys. Give them a spoonful of cream, a little cottage cheese. Oils, curdled milk, Milk for porridge. Everyone gives health Cow's milk. Imitation - “milk a cow” Show with fingers “a little bit” Fingers - “antennae” Fingers “small” Bend fingers for each name Show strong muscles with hands Imitation “milk a cow” III. Fixing the sound "Sh" in the word. Game "Remember - repeat": o FUR COAT, HAT, CHOCOLATE, MINE; o CHESS, TIRE, MACHINE, SEWING; o JOKE, Bump, NOISY, RUSH, HIGHWAY. IV. The game "Tsap-tsap". The forbidden word is SHINA. MASHA, CAR, FUR COAT, HAT, TIRE; CHOCOLATE, JOKE, WHISPER, TIRE; SILK, POP, AWL, SPIKES, TIRE; HAT, BONE, HUT, NOISE, TIRE. V. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VI. “Change the first sound to the sound“ Sh ”: SLIPPERS - ... (CAPS); CUP - ... (CHECK); SORRY - ... (SHAWL); TOPOT - ... (WHISPER); MOUSE - ... (BUNE); LIPS - ... (FUR COATS); SOAP - ... (AWL), T-shirt - ... (GANG); MINA - ... (TIRE). VII. Answers to questions about the story "Masha". There lived a girl Masha in beautiful house. She had her own room. The room was always clean and tidy. Masha had her favorite clothes: a hat, a fur coat, pants and a shawl. Masha always put her clothes in the closet. Questions: o What was the girl's name? o Where did she live? o What was it like in her room? o What was Masha's favorite clothes? VIII. Split picture "Fur Coat". IX. The game "Edible - inedible": HUT, CHOCOLATE, TIRE, Noodles. BONE, PORRIDGE, MOSHKA, CHECK. X. Outcome, performance evaluation. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Draw pictures on SHA, SHI, SHU. 3. Frozen pictures, color only the pictures with the sound "sh".

33 26 lesson Automation of the sound "Ш" in consonants. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "Burenushka": Give milk, Burenushka, At least a drop, on the bottom. Kittens are waiting for me, Little guys. Give them a spoonful of cream, a little cottage cheese. Oils, curdled milk, Milk for porridge. Everyone gives health Cow's milk. Imitation - “milk a cow” Show with fingers “a little bit” Fingers - “antennae” Fingers “small” Bend fingers for each name Show strong muscles with hands Imitation “milk a cow” III. Repetition of syllables: SHKA - SHKA - MOSHKA, SHKA - SHKA - CAT, SHKA - SHKA - CABINET, SHTA - SHTA - PANTS, SHTO - SHTO - DARNING, SHLA - SHLA - GONE, SHKA - SHKA - BOX, IV. The task “Name the picture on “SHA”, “SHKA”, “SHTA”. Pictures: a hut, a box, pants, a wardrobe, a reel, checkers, a hat, a frog, a cup. V. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VI. Riddles: o LOOK OUT THE WINDOW, OUTSIDE THE WINDOW ... (CAT); o UNDER THE TABLE IS A HOUSE, AND IN THE HOUSE - ... (MOUSE); o ON THE FOREST EDGE WILL GIVE A CONCERT - ... (FROG). VII. Laying out of small parts of the casket and cabinet. VIII. Game "One, two, five": 1 HAT, 2 HAT, ... 5 HAT; 1 BONE, ...; 1 CABINET, ...; 1 BOX, …; 1 MOUSE, ...; 1 MOSHKA, .... IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Pure saying: THE CUCKOO STEEL THE HOOD THE CUCKOO STEEL THE HOOD AS IN A HOOD HE IS FUNNY! 3. "Say kindly": WILL - ... (VOLYUSHKA); KUMA - ... (KUMUSHKA); SUN - ... (SUN); HOSTESS - ... (HOSTESS); Aunt - ... (AUNT); SHARE - ... (SHARE); WINTER - ... (WINTER); PANTS - ... (PANTS); UNCLE - ... (UNCLE); BREAD - ... (BREAD); STONE - ... (STONE); GRANDFATHER - ... (GRANDPAD).

34 27 lesson Automation of the sound "Ш" in consonants. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "New sneakers": Like our cat. Boots on her feet. Like our pig has shoes on his feet. And the dog has blue slippers on its paws. A little goatling is putting on boots. And son Vovka - New sneakers. Like this, like this, New sneakers. Fingers are bent on both hands, starting with the thumb. “walk” on the table with the index and middle fingers of both hands. III. Automation of the "Sh" sound. "We learn sounds." Page 18. WE LEARN THE SOUND “SH”: SHI-SHI-SHI, SHI-SHI-SHI, KIDS HAVE NOISY AND “HISS”: A HORSE, A CAR, A MOUSE AND A CAT, A GUN, A MONKEY, AND A BASKET. IV. Task “Name the girls who have the sound “Sh”, the names of the boys who have the sound “Sh”. V. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VI. Repetition of phrases with the sound "SH": o I WILL NOT FIND EARS FROM OUR FROG; o OUR TEDDY LOVES JOKES; o I FOUND DASHA'S COIL UNDER THE PILLOW; o HAT YES FUR COAT - HERE IS OUR teddy bear; o I WALKED ON THE STONES, I FOUND A SILK FUR COAT o GRANDMA HAVE DELICIOUS DUMPS; o AT MASHKA MIDDLE IN PAP. VII. The game "What does not happen": AT THE CAT: EARS, PAWS, WOOL, PANTS; AT A BIRD: TAIL, BEAK, EYES, EARS; CLOTHING AT ... (NAME): SHORTS, HAT, FUR COAT, BAG. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Clean words: MASHA HAS A KITTEN TIMOSHKA, MISHA HAS A MOUSE TOTOSHKA. TOTOSHKA AND TIMOSHA CANNOT KEEP NOISE AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT.

35 28 lesson Automation of the sound “Sh” in stories. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "New sneakers": Like our cat. Boots on her feet. Like our pig has shoes on his feet. And the dog has blue slippers on its paws. A little goatling is putting on boots. And son Vovka - New sneakers. Like this, like this, New sneakers. Fingers are bent on both hands, starting with the thumb. “walk” on the table with the index and middle fingers of both hands. III. The story "Fluff and Mashka". Misha had a dog Fluff. Dasha has a cat Masha. Fluff liked to gnaw bones, and Mashka liked mice. Fluff slept on the floor, and Masha slept on a pillow. Dasha herself sewed a pillow for Masha. Questions: 1) Who had a dog? 2) What was the name of the dog? 3) What was the name of the cat? 4) Who had a cat? 5) What did Fluffy like? 6) What did Masha love? 7) Where did Fluffy sleep? 8) Where did Masha sleep? 9) Who sewed a pillow for Masha? Retelling the story on your own. IV. The game "Let's treat Carlson." V. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VI. “The fourth is superfluous”: o SOUP, PORRIDGE, SAUSAGE, HAT; o FORK, CUP, BOWL, CABINET; o BEANS, ONION, SALAD, CONE; o APPLE, PLUM, CHERRY, AWL. VII. "Fables": o WITH A FRIEND WE PLAYED IN CUPS, DRINKED TEA FROM A WHITE CHECK; o MY SISTER AND WE SEW THE DISH, AND WASHED THE DRESSES FOR THE DOLLS; o A BONE CAME OUT OF THE MINK, A MOUSE FALL ON IT; o FASHION WOMAN PULLED OUT FUR COATS - ALL LIPS DO NOT SUIT HER. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Clean tongue: THE MOUSE WHISPERS TO THE MOUSE: "YOU DO NOT SLEEP EVERYTHING, YOU MAKE NOISE". THE MOUSE WHISPERS TO THE MICE: "I WILL BE SLOWER". 3. Count up to 5 and back: BONES, STUDS, WASHERS, FROGS, PILLOWS.

36 29 lesson Differentiation of sounds "Sh" - "S". Setting the sound "Zh". Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus". II. Finger gymnastics "Baba Yaga": There is a hut in the dark forest, Baba Yaga lives there: Such a nose, Such eyes, And a leg is broken. Oh, you, grandmother Yaga, we are not afraid of you! Go away, go away! Don't come to us again! Hands with a house above the head Hands on the cheeks, head left-right Imitate a big nose Hands with “binoculars”, look left-right Pat on the leg Wag your finger Head “no” Wag “go away” Wag your finger III. Exercise "Bumblebee is flying": A picture of a bumblebee and the line of its flight. Lead with your finger and buzz. IV. Syllabic exercises: ZHA-ZHA-ZHA HEDGEA AT THE Hedgehog ZHA-ZHA-ZHA NEEDLE BY THE Hedgehog ZHO-ZHO-ZHO ON THE STREET FRESH SAME-SAME-SAME LEFT ALREADY ZHU-ZHU-ZHU YOU I WON'T SAY ZHA-ZHA-ZHA IS LEAVING FROM HEDGE ZHI-ZHI-ZHI SHOW ME ZHU-ZHU-ZHU I DO NOT FIND IT ALREADY V. Articulation exercises: “Brush”, “Candy”, “Painter”, “Horse”, “Fungus”, “Accordion”. VI. Differentiation “S” - “Sh”: YOU - YOUR MUSCLE - US EARS - OUR NOSE - KNIFE STRENGTH - SHILA PASU - PASHA SALAD - SHUT HAZKA - KASHKA CASS PORRIDGE OF THE DAY - JOKES BOWL - BEAR o SASHA FOUND A PINE CONE; o NATASHA LISTENS TO JOKES FOR A WHOLE DAY; o OUR SASHA EATS SWEET PORRIDGE; o SASHA IS HURRYING ON THE HIGHWAY AND CARRYING DRYERS; o I WHISPER A FUNNY POINT IN GRANDMA'S EAR. VII. Count up to 5 and back funny dry: o 1 FUNNY DRY, ...5 FUNNY DRY. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Clean phrase: THE MOUSE DRYED THE DRYERS, THE MOUSE INVITED THE MICE. DRYING MICE STEEL, MICE BROKEN TEETH. 3. Name the pictures, controlling the sound "Ж" (paste the pictures in a notebook).

37 30 lesson Differentiation of sounds "Sh" - "S". Automation of the sound "Ж" in the direct syllable. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". II. Finger gymnastics "Baba Yaga": There is a hut in the dark forest, Baba Yaga lives there: Such a nose, Such eyes, And a leg is broken. Oh, you, grandmother Yaga, we are not afraid of you! Go away, go away! Don't come to us again! Hands with a house above the head Hands on the cheeks, head left-to-right Imitate a big nose Hands with "binoculars", look left-right Pat on the leg Wag a finger Head "no" Wag "go away" Wag a finger III. Exercise "Bumblebee is flying": A picture of a bumblebee and the line of its flight. Lead with your finger and buzz. IV. Syllabic exercises: ZHA-ZHA - TOAD, ZHO-ZHO - ACORNS, ZHU-ZHU - BEETLE, ZHI-ZHI - BEAUTY ZHENIA LIES, ZHENIA RUNS, BEETLE BUZZES, ZHENIA CAUGHT A BEETLE, FLEW AT ZHENIA BEETLE, IN A PUDDLE - TOAD, Y JENNY BEETLE, ACORNS ON OAK, ACORNS FALL FROM OAK, ZHENIA CARRIES Acorns, ZHENIA BOUGHT A KNIFE, A TOAD CAUGHT A MIDDLE, ZHENIA FOUND A Hedgehog, ZHENIA DOES NOT HURT ANIMALS, GRANDMA WILL BLOW A JACKET, A JACKET IS NEEDED TO A WIFE, IN Hedgehogs and snakes live in a living corner, Zhenya SKIING EVERY DAY. V. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VI. Differentiation "S" - "Sh" in the story: "Sweet desire" Sasha and Senya are sleeping in the garden this afternoon. The sun is shining. Midges curl, interfere with sleep, bite either on the nose or on the ears. Sasha and Senya woke up. They began to whisper. - If you had a magic tablecloth, what would you ask her? Senya whispers. - Sweets, chocolate, drying, soufflé. What would you ask? - So that a bowl with something sweet appears on it, and the midges would sit on it and not bite us. Questions: 1. What were the boys' names? 2. Where did the boys sleep? 3. Who prevented them from sleeping? 4. What did Sasha want? 5. What did Senya want? Self-retelling of the story. VII. Game "S" or "Sh" (Album "Differentiation of sounds") VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Clean words: THE HEDGEHOG IS AT THE FIR-TREE, THE HEDGEON IS NEEDLE. DO NOT LIVE UGGES WHERE THE HEDGEHONS LIVE. 3. Stick pictures with the sound "Ж", name, controlling this sound.

38 31 lesson Differentiation of sounds "Sh" - "S". Automation of the sound "Ж" in the direct syllable. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". II. Finger gymnastics "Goat": I am a goat Me-ke-ke, I walk in the meadow. Sharp horns, thin legs. At the very top - Velvet ears. Linen tongue, Linen tail. PR imitate a beard Fingers go Index fingers - horns Pat on the legs Hands - "ears" Right hand- tongue Left hand - behind the "tail" III. Exercise "Bumblebee is flying": A picture of a bumblebee and the line of its flight. Lead with your finger and buzz. IV. “Remember - repeat”: o SASHA-DRYING-FUNNY-HEARD, o SUNNY-HIGHWAY-SHELEST-SHEPHERD, o FLUFFY-SIX-FUNNY-STITCH. V. "Comics". Making a coherent story based on a series of pictures. VI. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VII. Paintings with a problematic plot (№3) Tkachenko T.A. Picture No. 7 "Dad's helper". VIII. Exercise "Finish the sentence with the picture" . Album “Automation of the sound “Zh” (p. 11). ZHENIA SAW ... (BEETLE); ZHANNA IS AFRAID ... (TOADS); SNEZHANA IS YELLOW ... (PAJAMA) IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Clean phrase: THE BEETLE FALLED AND CANNOT Rise, HE IS WAITING FOR WHO TO HELP HIM. 3. Find the letter “Zh” among the letters shown and paint over. 4. The game "One - many": BEETLE - ... (BEETLES) Hedgehog - ... ACORN - ... PUDDLE - ... STOMACH - ... GROOM - ... JACKET - ... KNIFE - ... TOAD - ... SNOWFLAKE - ... ANIMAL - ... EGGER - ...

39 32 lesson Automation of the sound "Ж" in consonants. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". II. Finger gymnastics "Goat". I am a goat Me-ke-ke, I walk in the meadow. Sharp horns, thin legs. At the very top - Velvet ears. Linen tongue, Linen tail. PR imitate a beard Fingers go Index fingers - horns Pat on the legs Hands - "ears" Right hand - tongue Left hand - behind the "tail" III. Exercise "The bee buzzes." Album “Automation of the sound “Zh” (p. 3). IV. "Remember - repeat": TOAD-JACKET-ACORN-BEVERAGE, BEETLE-HEDGERS-PAJAMAS-KNIVES, SKI-BLACKBERRY-PUDDLE-EGGLAND, SNOWFLAKE-FLAG-IRON-JACKET V. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Malyar", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VI. Automation of the sound "Zh" in the confluence of consonants. ZHLA - ZHLO - ZHLU - ZHLI ZHVA - ZHVO - ZHVU - ZHVI ZHDA - ZHDO - WAIT - WAIT ZHNA - ZHNO - ZHNU - ZHNI WAIT-WAIT-WAIT, WAIT-WAIT-WAIT - IT'S RAINING IN AUTUMN, ZHLI-ZHLI-ZHLI, ZhLI-ZHI-ZHI - THE SUN BURNED THE SKIN, WAIT-WAIT-WAIT, WAIT-WAIT-WAIT - YOU WAIT TODAY. VII. The game "Forest mail". Arrange the pictures according to the labels on the mailboxes. VIII. Exercise "The Fourth Extra". Album “Automation of the sound “Zh” (p. 9). IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Exercise "Correct the sentence": Hedgehog Caught WIFE; THE MEADOW RUN OUT ON THE CHILDREN; BOOTS REPAIR THE SHOEMAKER; OAKS ARE UNDER ACORNS; SKI TRACK BY SKIER; THE FIFTH FLOOR LIVES ON THE WIFE. 4. Exercise "New words". Replace the first sound with "F": BOW - ... (BEETLE); Lard - ... ONION - ... DRINK - ... BABA - ... FORK - ... TICKET - ... Tunic - ... GIVE - ... CONCRETE - ...

40 33 lesson Staging the sound "Ch". Differentiation of sounds "Ж" - "Ш". Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". II. Finger gymnastics "Do with us": How do you live? Like this! How are you going? Like this! How do you take? Like this! How do you give? Like this! How do you threaten? Like this! How do you sleep at night? Like this! Show thumb“Step” with the fingers of one hand along the palm of the other With three fingers Open the palm with the index finger Fold the handles with a boat and rest your head on them. III. Exercise "Grasshopper jumping." "Call". IV. Differentiation of sounds “Zh” - “Sh”: ZHA-SHA, ZHO-SHO, ZHU-SHU, ZHI-SHI AZHA-ASHA, AZHO-ASHO, AZHU-ASHU, AZHI-ASHI Frog - HAT LIVING - SEWING BAIT - PATCH AWL - VEIN TO STORE - NAUGHTER GROW - EXTINGUISH TIN - SIX TERRIBLY - JOKE GESTURE - POLE PITY - PRANKING PUDDLE - LUSH I SEE - VISHU SOOT - SASHA MADE - WAVING I WILL SAY - SKOSH V. Articulation exercises: “Brush”, “Candy”, “Painter ”, “Horse”, “Fungus”, “Accordion”. VI. The game "Forest mail". Arrange "letters" according to the sounds in the names of the mailboxes. VII. "Remember - repeat." 1) MACHINE, BEETLE, AWL, SCISSORS; 2) NOISE, Buzz, RUN, LISTEN; 3) YELLOW, FLUFFY, WANTED, EXPECTED. VIII. Differentiation of sounds "Ж" - "Ш" in phrases: ZHENINA HAT; LIVE MOUSE; PAPER HELMET; TEDDY BEAR; BOOKSHELF; BIG BEETLE; YELLOW PENCIL; WOMAN'S CAR. IX. Exercise "Correct the word": SHELUD, SHUK, ZHTANISHKI, SHABA, FLASHOK, BAKLASHAN, SAPOSHNIK, YESHATA, NOSHNITSY, LYSHI, SNESHINKA, PISHAMA, NATAZHA, KATYUZHA, MEZHOK, ZHKAF X. Outcome, assessment of activities. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Poem: A MOUSE IN A GREEN CUP BOILED MILLET PORRIDGE. A DOZEN SMALL MICE WAITING FOR DINNER. EVERYONE GOT A SPOON, EVEN A DROP IS NOT LEFT.

41 34 lesson Automation of the sound "Ch" in the direct syllable. Differentiation of sounds "Ж" - "З". Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". II. Finger gymnastics "Do with us": How do you live? Like this! How are you going? Like this! How do you take? Like this! How do you give? Like this! How do you threaten? Like this! How do you sleep at night? Like this! Show the thumb “Step” with the fingers of one hand along the palm of the other With three fingers Open the palm With the index finger Fold the handles in a boat and rest your head on them. III. Automation of the sound "CH": CHA-CHA - CLOCK CHU-CHU - CHUB CHI-CHI - NUMBER CHE-CHE - CHECK CHA-CHA - SEAGULL CHU-CHU - MIRACLES OF CHI-CHI - PURE CHE-CHE - SCALES OF CHA-CHA - BOWL OF CHU-CHU - FUCKING CHI-CHI - CHIZHIK CHE-CHE - NONSHOP IV. Definition of the sound "h" in the word. The game "Train" (selection of pictures with the sound "H") V. Articulation exercises: "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". VI. The game “Finish the word”, slam this word. o TU ... (CHA), YES ... (CHA), KU ... (CHA), MEETING ... (CHA), TASK ... (CHA), SVE ... (CHA), DOBA ... (CHA); o KEY ... (CHI), CRI ... (CHI), KIRPI ... (CHI), VRA ... (CHI), MOL ... (CHI), GRA ... (CHI); o STU ... (CHU), MEETING ... (CHU), CRI ... (CHU), VER ... (CHU), MAY ... (CHU), SKA ... (CHU). VII. Differentiation of the sounds “F” - “Z”: Sting - HALL SKIN - GOAT I KNIT - I DRIVE CHEW - Yawn I KNIT - I DRIVE GROW - TOUCH THE PAGES - PLOTS TO LIE - Lick Stings - FILL STOGOK - CARRIAGE KNIVES - BANS - LANGUAGES - Hedgehogs RAIN - NAILS RUN - KNIT LAWN - BUNNY BEETLE - SOUND FLOWED BEETLE, GOAT MEETS, Zhenya LAUGHED, YELLOW UMBRELLA, GREEN BEETLE. LISA HAS SKIS; ZOYA FOUND A BEETLE ON A BRANCH; ZINA AND ZHENIA ARE WAITING FOR THE TRAIN; THE SNAKE LOOKES AT THE TOAD; THE LOCK IS MADE OF IRON; IT'S RAINING OUTSIDE, YOU NEED TO TAKE AN UMBRELLA. VIII. Samovar game. IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Paint over the letters "Ж" and "З". Under the letter "Ж" draw pictures with the sound "Ж", and under the letter "З" - with the sound "З". 3. Count green toads up to 5 and back: 1 GREEN TOAD, … 5 GREEN TOADS.

42 35 lesson Automation of the sound "Ch" in the direct syllable. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion". II. Finger gymnastics "How do you live?": How do you live? Like this! How are you swimming? Like this! How do you run? Like this! How do you look? Like this! Looking forward to lunch? Like this! Are you following? Like this! Do you sleep in the morning? Like this! Are you kidding? Like this! Show the thumb - “good” Imitation of swimming Imitation of running “visor” near the eyes Support the cheek with the hand Wave the hand “sleep” Take air into the cheeks and clap the palms on the cheeks III. Automation of the sound "Ch". Game "Remember - repeat":  CUP, SEAGULL, SCALES, CAP;  STOCKING, SCARECROW, ALIEN, MIRACLES;  PURITY, MIRACLE, SNEEZE, CHUB;  CLOUD, RAYS, KETTLE, SUITCASE. IV. Three pictures game. Three pictures (cup, clock, teapot) are repeated several times. It is necessary to count objects, for example: FIRST CUP, FIRST CLOCK, FIRST TEAPOT, SECOND CUP, THIRD CUP, SECOND TEAPOT ... V. Articulation exercises: “Brush”, “Sweetie”, “Painter”, “Horse”, “Mushroom”, “ Harmonic". VI. The game "Edible - inedible" (ball game). - Here's what the monkey (toy or picture) offers you to eat: SWING, DONUT, CABBAGE, BUNCH OF GRASS, SHOULDER, BAKED APPLE, BOY, BUCKWHEAT, BALL, KALACHI, LOCKER, PILOT, LIVER, CLOUD. VII. Definition of words with the sound "Ch" in the text. “If you hear words with the sound“ H ”clap”: TURTLE CLEANING THE CUPS, TEACHING THE TURTLE GRANDDAUGHTER: - IF YOU FEEL THE FOX, IT IS BETTER TO HIDE IN THE FOREST. CHAYKA OFFERS TEA - DO NOT ANSWER FOR ANYTHING! YOU NEED TO HEAD YOUR HEAD, HIDE YOUR PAWS AND BE SILENT! IF YOU MEET A WOLF - DON'T FEAR, CLIMB UNDER THE TREE. BECAUSE THE WOLVES, GRANDDAUGHTER, DON'T DARE TO CLIMB IN THE THORNS. VIII. "Superimposed contours" ("Bell") IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Brush", "Candy", "Painter", "Cup", "Focus", "Horse", "Fungus". 2. Stick or draw pictures with the sound "Ch" 3. The poem "In the desert." A turtle in the desert, bored, drinks a cup of tea. And he cannot stop - it is very difficult to get drunk in the desert.

43 36 lesson Staging the sound "P". Differentiation "H" - "SCH". Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion", "Motor". II. Finger gymnastics "How do you live?": How do you live? Like this! How are you swimming? Like this! How do you run? Like this! How do you look? Like this! Looking forward to lunch? Like this! Are you following? Like this! Do you sleep in the morning? Like this! Are you kidding? Like this! Show the thumb - “good” Imitation of swimming Imitation of running “visor” near the eyes Support the cheek with the hand Wave the hand “sleep” Take air into the cheeks and clap the palms on the cheeks III. Differentiation of sounds "Ch" - "Sch". CH-SHCHA CH-SHCHU-SHCHU CHI-SHCHI CHE-SHCHE ACH-ASCH YOC-YOSCH UCH-USCH ICH-ISCH CH-ELSE CHUB - PROBE TO LIE - BREAM CRYING - CLOAK CLEARLY - BRUSH MOCH - POWER CELL - SPEAKER TO SMEAT - SPARE THE PRINT - SQUEAL A BANG - A SCREW GRIND - DRAG THE KEY - IVY SHUTTLING - PUPPY READ - COUNT HELP - HELP IV. Articulation exercises: "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion", "Motor". V. The game "Forest mail". VI. Game Make no mistake. Words with the sounds "Ch" or "Sch" are called. It is necessary to clap your hands on the words with the sound "H", on the words with the sound "Sh" - snap your fingers. PIKE, BIRD, SEAGULL, BRUSH, CLOAK, PUPPY, HELP, BREAM, BORSCH, KEY, KALAC, TICKETS, THING, Bristles, BRUSH, CLOUDS, SUN, SWORD, CHICKS. VII. Articulation exercises: "Chatterbox", "Motor". VIII. The game "Tsap-tsap". The forbidden word is PIKE. CHEEKS, BRUSH, CLICK, WATCH, CHIPS, FEEL, PIKE, SORREL, KETTLE, PUPPY, TONGS, PIKE, SUITCASE, CLOAK, SLIVEL, BREAM, PIKE, VEGETABLES, MAIL, PIKE, CUP, PLATFORM, BARREL, THING, PLIERS, PIKE. IX. The game "Big - even more": CAT - ... (CAT), NOSE - ... (NOSE), LEG - ... (KNIFE), STOMACH - ... (BEAUTY), TAIL - ... (TAIL), MUSTACHE - ... (MUSTERS), WOLF - ... (WOLF), TEETH - ... (TEETHS), CLAWS - ... (CLAWS). IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises: "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion", "Motor". 2. Clean tongues: Two puppies - cheek to cheek pinching the brush in the corner. Do not shout in the thicket, but shout in the grove, because it will be easier for you to shout in the grove. 3. Count cups and brushes up to 5 and back: 1 CUP, 1 BRUSH, 2 CUP, 2 BRUSH, … 5 CUP, 5 BRUSH.

44 37 lesson Staging the sound "P". Differentiation "H" - "TH". Stages of the lesson: I. Articulation gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion", "Motor". II. Finger gymnastics "Bee": A striped bee flew to us yesterday. And behind it is a bumblebee-bumblebee And a cheerful moth, Two beetles and a dragonfly, Like flashlights of the eye. They buzzed, they flew, they fell down from fatigue. Waving their hands Bend their fingers to each name of an insect Circles of fingers - “eyes” Waving their hands Drop their hands on the table III. Differentiation of sounds "H" - "TH". CHA-TYA CHE-CHU-CHU CH-TI CHE-TE ACH-AT YOC-YOT UCH-UT IC-IT CH-IT CUP - HEAVY LAUNCH - SEAGULL DUCKING - BARREL BALL - CRUSH OVEN - SING WICKER - BAKED VNUCHATA - DUCK PETKA - OVEN SWING - WANTED IV. Articulation exercises: "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion", "Motor". V. The game "Baba - Yaga messed up." “It seems that Baba Yaga worked on this page. Correct the words in the sentences”: THORNY WHITE CHELEVISOR; THORNY CHELEPHONE; TETVERO UCHAT AND PYACHERO KOCHAT; THE ROOM IS VERY THAN THAN; CHOPLY TYAI;  GRANDMA SAID: “DO NOT YELL AT THE TABLE!” (DO NOT CHOOSE);  WHAT A STRONG EVENING (WIND) TODAY;  TYUK BROTHER GEK (CHUK);  THE CARPENT CARDED THE TREE TRUNK (TESAL);  MOTHER CUT ANYA CHICK (BANG);  PLANE, TREAT (FLY);  BROTHER HAVE WIDE WHIPS (SHOULDERS);  THE OVEN ON THE FLOOR PLAYS CARS (PETKA). “Try to figure out what’s the matter”: FOUR COFFEE DRINKING FROM A TASHKA, (AUNT DRINKING COFFEE FROM A CUP, TESH DOG AND SEW CUPS. SCATCHES THE DOG AND SEWS SUSPENDERS THE OVEN REPAIRS HER BROOM, PETKA REPAIRS HER BROOM, PIG KA YAPS IN THE CORNER. IN THE CORNER) VI. Articulation exercises: "Chatterbox", "Motor". VII. The introduction of the sound "R" into syllables: R-R-R-RA R-R-R-RO R-R-R-RU R-R-R-RY IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises: "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion", "Motor". 2. The poem "Autumn". - What is wrong? Autumn. Sad picture. Yellow leaves are flying. Above the sad plain, the birds moo plaintively (fly). 3. Count the birds up to 5 and back: 1 BIRD 2 BIRDS 3 BIRDS 4 BIRDS 5 BIRDS.

45 38 lesson Automation of the sound "P" in the direct syllable. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: "Brush", "Sweetie", "Painter", "Horse", "Fungus", "Accordion", "Motor", "Magic Whistle". II. Finger gymnastics "Bee": A striped bee flew to us yesterday. And behind it a bumblebee-bumblebee And a cheerful moth, Two beetles and a dragonfly, Like lanterns of the eye. They buzzed, they flew, they fell down from fatigue. Waving their hands Bend their fingers to each name of an insect Circles of fingers - “eyes” Waving their hands Drop their hands on the table III. The game "Take the bunny home" (Bell). IV. The introduction of the sound "R" into a syllable and a word with a direct syllable: RA-RA - RAK; RA-RA - WORK; RA - RA - COMB; RA-RA - RAINBOW; RA-RA - JOY; RA-RA - RADIO; RA-RA - ROCKET; RA-RA - Knapsack; RA-RA - SHELL. RO-RO - ROBOT; RO-RO - ROMA; RO-RO - DEW; RO-RO - EQUAL; RO-RO - HOMELAND; RU-RU - RUDDER; RU-RU - SHIRT; RU-RU - RUBLE; RU-RU - SLEEVE; RU-RU - MITT. RY-RY - FISH; RY-RY - DIG; RY-RY - MARKET; RY-RY - GINGER; RY-RY - TROTTERS. X. Articulation exercises: "Chatterbox", "Motor", "Magic Whistle". V. Definition of the sound "P" in the word. The game "Let's Treat the Bear." VI. Articulation exercises: "Chatterbox", "Motor", "Magic whistle". VII. Angry dog ​​game. - Repeat the words as if you are an evil dog: R-R-CANCER, R-R-Wheel, R-R-EVEN, R-R-FISH, R-R-Dig, R-R-JOY, R-R- RADIO, R-RROT, R-R-SHELL, R-R-FISHER, R-R-RUD, R-R-GLOVE, R-R-WORK. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises: “Accordion”, “Motor”. "Magic Whistle". 2. Circle (disenchant) only those objects that have the sound “R” (“Enchanted Pictures” - “Bell”); 3. Playing angry dog ​​with mom. RA-RA - CANCER; RA-RA - WORK; RA - RA - COMB; RA-RA - RAINBOW; RA-RA - JOY; RA-RA - RADIO; RA-RA - ROCKET; RA-RA - Knapsack; RA-RA - SHELL. RO-RO - ROBOT; RO-RO - ROMA; RO-RO - DEW; RO-RO - EQUAL; RO-RO - HOMELAND; RU-RU - RUDDER; RU-RU - SHIRT; RU-RU - RUBLE; RU-RU - SLEEVE; RU-RU - MITT. RY-RY - FISH; RY-RY - DIG; RY-RY - MARKET; RY-RY - GINGER; RY-RY - TROTTERS. 4. Draw a picture with the sound "P".

46 39 lesson Automation of the sound "P" in the reverse syllable. Stages of the lesson: I. Articulatory gymnastics: “Accordion”, “Motor”, “Magic Whistle”. II. Finger gymnastics “Once upon a time there was one burbot”: Once upon a time there was one burbot, Two ruffs were friends with him. Two ducks flew to them Four times a day And taught them to count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Smooth movements with the palm Movements with two palms Hands folded crosswise, waving the palms Compress and unclench fists Bend fingers III. The game "Nonsense" (PRIMER p. 139) IV. Automation of the sound "R" in the reverse syllable: AR-AR - WATERMELON; OR-OR - ORBIT; UR-UR - LESSON, IR-IR - IRGA. AR-AR - COOK; OR-OR - FENCE; UR-UR - MURKA; IR-IR - COMMANDER. V. Definition of the sound "P" in the word. Game "Delicious apples". VI. The game "Big - small". FISH - ... (FISH), MITT - ... (MITT), WATERMELON - ... (WATER MELON), FENCE - ... (FENCE), MOTOR - ... (MOTOR), CARPET - ... (CARPET), SWEATER - ... (Sweater), KOMAR - ... (KOMARIK), BALL - ... (BALL), AX - ... (AX). VII. “The fourth is extra”: o Cucumber, tomato, peas, PEAR; o Pants, shirt, mittens, SNEAKERS; o Cow, ram, piglet, LYNX; o Plate, frying pan, mug, ARMCHAIR; o Truck, tram, trolleybus, ROCKET. VIII. IX. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Articulation exercises "Motor", "Magic Whistle". 2. Insert the letter “P”: FORGING - K ... OVATING, FURNACE - T ... FURNACE, CARCASS - T ... RUSHU, LADY - D ... AMA, CAT - K ... SHKA, HELMET - K ... ASKA, POST - P ... OST, HERE - T ... UD. 3. Repeat after an adult: AR-AR - WATERMELON; OR-OR - ORBIT; UR-UR - LESSON, IR-IR - IRGA. AR-AR - COOK; OR-OR - FENCE; UR-UR - MURKA; IR-IR - COMMANDER. 4. Pure saying: BECAUSE OF THE FOREST, BECAUSE OF THE MOUNTAINS GRANDPA EGOR IS COMING.

47 40 lesson Automation of the sound "P" in consonants. Stages of the lesson: I. Finger gymnastics “Once upon a time there was one burbot”: Once upon a time there was one burbot, Two ruffs were friends with him. Two ducks flew to them Four times a day And taught them to count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Smooth movements with the palm Movements with two palms Hands folded crosswise, waving the palms Compress and unclench fists Bend fingers II. Automation of the sound "R" in the reverse syllable: TRA-TRO-TRU-TRY-TRE BRA-BRO-BRU-BRY-BRE RTA-RTO - RTU-RTY-RTE RBA-RBO-RBU-RBY-RBE ART-ORT-URT -YRT-ERT ARB-ORB-URB-YRB-ER ATR-OTR-UTR-YTR-ETR ABR-OBR-UBR-YBR-EBR BEaver, FIREWOOD, SPLASH, CRIMEA, GROUP, BREAKTHROUGH, WATERMELON, CRUMBER, BROOCH. III. The game "Tsap-tsap". The forbidden word is RAT. BROTHER, DOCTOR, ROOK, GRANATE, CRANE, CARATER, PAINT, RED, RAT, EYEBROW, GROWN, LOUD, BLOOD, MOLE, WIRE, NETTLE, RAT, LOAD, PEAR, GROUP, GROUPS, JUMP, RAT, FRUIT, RAT, SPLASH, ROOF, RAT. IV. Exercise "Correct the mistake." - A tiger cub came to visit. He wants to tell you the poems he learned especially for you. TWO HUNGRY POSTMANS BOILED ... TELEPHONES (PASTA); THEY PUT TWO HARROWS TO THE KING ON THE FOREHEAD ... A CROW (CROWN); DRAWED MY SANDWICH UNDER THE BED NEIGHBORHOOD ... MOUTH (CAT); AT NORA'S TABLE THEY HAVE BREAKFAST… ROLLERS (RABBITS); IN A SUMMER MORNING, EARLY, EARLY BY THE Stream, they grazed ... BANANAS (RAMS). V. The game "On the contrary." BOLD - ... (COANY), BEAUTIFUL - ... (UGLY), DRY - ... (WET), YOUNG - ... (OLD), NARROW - ... (WIDE), FRESH BREAD - ... (SELLING BREAD), EASY - ... (HARD) , WHITE BLACK). VI. "We talk like dogs." Change the first sound to the sound “P”: HOBOT - ... (ROBOT), DANCE - ... (Knapsack), CARE - ... (WORK), MUO - ... (GROW), SCARE - ... (GROW), LAYOUTS - ... (ROCKETS) , LEG - ... (HORN), VOLUME - ... (ROMA), GOATS - ... (ROSES), HEIGHT - ... (LYNX), POSE - ... (ROSE), FLOUR - ... (HAND), POPPY - ... (CANCER), CAT - ... (MOUTH). VII. The game "Edible - inedible": METRO-PEA-THRESHOLD-COTTAGE COTTAGE-FROST-ICE-CREAM-GARDEN-MARKET-CAKE-PASTA-CHEE-GROUND-GROUND-CROW-ROAD-BABY-MIDDLE-CORK-ROV-CARROT-PIPE-GRASS-FIREWOOD-WATERMELON. VIII. Outcome, performance appraisal. Homework: 1. Pure saying: IS CANCER A FISH? HARDLY. FISH CANCER IS NOT ENEMY. FISH IS TERRIBLE WORM THAT IS PICKED ON THE HOOK.

48 Contents 1 lesson. Setting the sound “L”….……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 lesson. Automation of the sound "L" ..…………………………………………………… 3 lesson. Automation of the sound "L" in the direct syllable………...………………………… 4 lesson. Automation of the sound "L" in the direct syllable ...………………………………… 5 lesson. Automation of the sound “L” in the confluence of consonants…………………………… 6 lesson. Automation of the sound “L” in the confluence of consonants…………………………… 7 lesson. Differentiation of sounds “L” - “L”…………………………………………. Lesson 8 Differentiation of sounds “L” - “L” in phrases ..………………………………. 9 lesson. Setting the sound “C”………………………………………………………… 10 lesson. Setting the sound “C”……………………………………………………….. 11 lesson. Automation of the sound "C"..………………………………………………….. 12 lesson. Automation of the sound "C"..………………………………………………….. 13 lesson. Automation of the sound "C"..………………………………………………….. 14 lesson. Automation of the sound "C"..………………………………………………….. 15 lesson. Automation of the “C” sound in phrases……..…………………………….……. 16 lesson. Setting the sound "Z" Differentiation of the sounds "C" - "CL"……………….. 17 lesson. Automation of the sound "Z". differentiation of sounds “С” - “СЬ”….……….. 18 lesson. Differentiation of sounds "C" - "Z" ..…………………………………………. 19 lesson. Setting the sound "C". Differentiation of sounds “C” - “Z”….…………….. 20 lesson. Differentiation of sounds “C” - “C”………….………………………………….. 21 lessons. Differentiation of sounds “C” - “C”………….………………………………….. 22 lesson. Setting the sound "Sh". Differentiation of sounds “C” - “C”……………….. 23 lesson. Setting the sound “SH”……………………………………………………….. 24 lesson. Automation of the sound "Sh" in the direct syllable..……………………………….. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

49 25 lesson. Automation of the sound "Sh" in the direct syllable..……………………………….. 26 lesson. Automation of the sound “Sh” in the confluence of consonants………………………….. 27 lesson. Automation of the sound “Sh” in the confluence of consonants………………………….. 28 lesson. Automation of the sound “Sh” in stories….………………………………….. 29 lesson. Differentiation of sounds "S" - "Sh". Setting the sound "Zh"………………. 30 lesson. Differentiation of sounds "S" - "Sh". Automation of the sound “Ж” in the direct syllable……………………………………………………………………………………….. 31 lessons. Differentiation of sounds "S" - "Sh". Automation of the sound "Zh" in the direct syllable…………………………………………………………………………………………... 32 lesson. Automation of the sound “Ж” in consonants………………………….. 33 lesson. Setting the sound "Ch". Differentiation of sounds "Ж" - "Ш"……………… 34 lesson. Automation of the sound "Ch" in the direct syllable. Differentiation of sounds “Ж” “З”……………….…………………………………………………………………………….. 35 lesson. Automation of the sound "Ch" in the direct syllable………………………………….. 36 lesson. Setting the sound "R". Differentiation of sounds "Ч" - "Ш"….……………. 37 lesson. Setting the sound "R". Differentiation of sounds “H” - “TH”….……………. 38 lesson. Automation of the sound “P” in the direct syllable…….…………………………….. 39 lesson. Automation of the sound “P” in the reverse syllable…….………………………….. 40 lesson. Automation of the sound "P" in consonants..…………………………. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

50 LITERATURE Friday T.V. Vocabulary + grammar: at 3 o'clock. Mozyr LLC Publishing House "White Wind", 2005. Correction of violations of the pronunciation of whistling sounds in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren / Comp. Shablyko E.I. Mozyr LLC Publishing House "White Wind", 2005. Correction of violations of the pronunciation of hissing sounds in preschoolers and younger students / Comp. Shablyko E.I. . Mozyr LLC Publishing House "White Wind", 2006. Uspenskaya L.P., Uspensky M.V. Learn to speak correctly, M., "Enlightenment", 1992. Galskaya N.V. Automation of sounds in the games "Zvonochek, Mn.; AVERSEV, 2001. Smirnova L.N. We learn S-Sh sounds, Synthesis Publishing House, 2005. Smirnova L.N. We learn the sounds of R-L, Sintez Publishing House, 2005. Savina L.P., Krylova T.V. Big primer in games, fairy tales, poems, riddles, M., AST Publishing House, 1999. Site material http://www.google.by http://logopedia.by/?p=36 www.raskraska.com http ://1sentyabrya.ru http://oligo.ucoz.ru http://uzakay.ru

51 Educational and methodical publication Notes of classes on the correction of dyslalia Educational and methodological manual for teachers-defectologists of the SCP A ut r - compiler Kozlovskaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna Responsible for the issue L.N. Kozlovskaya Computer set L .N.Kozlovskaya Layout L.N.Kozlovskaya 231103, Oshmyany, Sovetskaya st., 3A

52 CKROZR Oshmyazhy