KYUBZ is a research circle established in 1924 to train young zoologists, conduct scientific observations of zoo animals and help the zoo.
And now, after 90 years, the guys in the KYUBZ are leading scientific work, watching animals, helping the zoo, going out into nature.

During the years of the circle's work, its members were almost 2,000 people, including 9 academicians, 40 professors, about 100 doctors and more than 200 candidates of science. Among the graduates of the KYUBZ are well-known cultural figures - writers, artists, sculptors.

The work of the KYUBZ consists of:

- Lectures which are read by the "old" KUBZ members, famous scientists, zoo employees, circle leaders. Lectures cover a wide range of biological disciplines: vertebrate and invertebrate zoology, botany, cytology, zoogeography, research methods and various practical exercises. The schedule of lectures is compiled every year, taking into account the interests of the KUBZ members.
- Circle meetings, where members of the circle make reports, talk about the work done, about trips, accept new members to the circle and decide org. questions.
- Independent work in the zoo. All members of the KYUBZ conduct scientific observations of zoo animals and write research papers.
- Field trips. They are held on weekends (about once every two weeks in the Moscow region), on school holidays (to the reserves) and in the summer (monthly expedition to the reserve).
- Help the zoo(members of the circle participate in subbotniks, bring cones, moss, etc. from the forest).

In KYUBZ self-government. The work of the circle is organized by the Bureau, selected from active schoolchildren, all contentious issues decided at the general meeting. Participates in the life of the circle and KUBZ students-students, maintains a close relationship with the older generations of KUBZ members.

The KUBZ accepts schoolchildren from the 6th grade (exceptions are possible) who are interested in biology, who want to study the animals of the zoo and the nature of the Moscow region, Russia. The circle is free. KYUBZ residents have free access to the territory of the zoo.

Classes in our circle are held:
Wednesdays (lectures) – 17.00-19.00
Sundays - (meetings) - 11.00-13.00

You can come to the circle for the first time on any of these days throughout the school year.

(general information about the circle, the main page of the section)

The biological circle of the Darwin Museum ("VOOP") is one of the oldest circles of Moscow and Russia as a whole. It was organized in 1950 remarkable naturalist-biologist Pyotr Petrovich Smolin and existed under his leadership until 1975 (see section History of the circle). After the death of Petr Petrovich and to the present day, the circle is led by his students. In 2010, the mug turned 60 years(cm. ).

"VOOP" -historical self-name circle, connected with the fact that in the first years of his work he was a member of the youth section of the All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature. Currently, the circle exists on the basis of Darwin Museum Moscow. The VOOP circle is not, in the usual sense, a school biological circle, but is informal association ecologists and biologists different ages. Since 1975, the work of the circle has been coordinated by Ekaterina Sergeevna Preobrazhenskaya - candidate biological sciences, researcher at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after A.N. Severtsov (IPEE) RAS (see section Contacts).

Part study group The circle includes schoolchildren starting from the 7th grade (and the most stubborn - starting from the 6th and even from the 5th) and students - through the 3rd year inclusive. The main direction of the work of the circle - research work in nature(See section To the guest of the circle).

The basic principles of the circle were formulated at one time by Petr Petrovich Smolin. Their three.

The first principle is natural component" (or " closer to nature") - implies carrying out the main part of the work in natural conditions, during trips and expeditions. This moment is very important at the present time, when a significant part of children are deprived of normal contact with nature. Such a lack of contact, apart from ignorance, causes fear: "forest - this is a place where something can happen to you.” Ignorance of nature and fear of it can only be overcome with great difficulty in adulthood.

The second principle is research approach". In order to know nature and learn to communicate with it, you need to do something in it. Moreover, activity should imply communication precisely with natural objects and not with other people against the backdrop of nature (tourism). Again, knowledge about nature must come from nature itself, and not just from the source of information for which it serves as a background (guide). One of the most natural ways to gain communication skills with nature is through educational and research work (all children are researchers by nature). All members of the biological circle of the Darwin Museum prepare and defend research papers that serve as the basis for admission to the main composition of the circle (see the list of research projects completed by members of the circle).

The third principle is public moment"(according to the wording of Peter Petrovich) - implies training and work as part of different age groups when the "senior" circle members (both schoolchildren and students and graduates) play the role of instructors, teachers and work supervisors for the "younger" ones in relation to them. This allows you to effectively organize educational and research work with little or no participation of official teachers and leaders.

Circle work consists of lectures And seminary classes (3 times a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - for children with different levels of training), Sunday trips to the forest(2 times a month) and expeditions(mandatory - every vacation, including about 2 months of summer field practice) (see the section Expeditions and field trips).

Tuesdays are always held in the museum from 17.30 to 20 hours; Wednesdays can be classes at the museum, as well as various excursions. Lectures and practical classes are conducted by scientists and students. These classes serve to broaden your horizons and get a general idea for further independent work. Classes in Moscow include mainly zoology and botany, but also ecology and related disciplines. Such "laboratory" disciplines as cytology, genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology are only touched upon in passing and in a very small volume.

Trips and expeditions- the main form of work of the circle; without them, everything else is meaningless. Kruzhkovtsy go to the forest on Sundays, usually twice a month, in the morning or overnight (on warm time- in the forest, in winter - indoors). To work during the holidays at the circle has its own base in the Kostroma region, on the Unzha River (600 km from Moscow). In addition, expeditions are carried out to other areas, mainly in nature reserves. Most often, the guys go to the reserve " bryansk forest”, Kerzhensky Nature Reserve ( Nizhny Novgorod Region), reserve "Kaluga Zasek", "Bolshaya Kokshaga" (Mari Republic); there are also longer trips - to Bashkiria (Bashkir Reserve), to the White Sea (Kandalaksha Reserve, Solovetsky Islands) and others.

The biological circle of the Darwin Museum has several traditional directions work in which the majority of the members of the circle usually take part sooner or later. This is holding winter bird counts in the forests of different regions of Russia (see information about the program of the Euro-Asian Christmas Bird Counts), conducting geobotanical And soil research at the Kostroma station IPEE RAS.

Every year, about a dozen independent educational and research topics are carried out in the circle (see the Research section). Many of them are highly rated at various competitions in Moscow and all-Russian levels. A significant part of the members of the circle become professional biologists - at present, more than 30 graduates of the circle study at various biological universities.

Traditionally record to the biological circle of the Darwin Museum not carried out. Everyone can attend the classes. Those who come for the first time - guests mug. After the third time, the guests turn into visitors(See section To the guest of the circle).

To move from a visitor group to composition of the main circle, you need to take part in field trips and research work. As a rule, trainees first help to conduct research and in the course of this they get acquainted with the methods and the object of work. Anyone who has taken part in field research as an assistant or has begun preparation for independent research activities becomes a candidate for the main composition of the circle. To become a member of the main composition of the circle, one must complete and defend independent work. To do this, you need to choose a topic, familiarize yourself with the literature, formulate a task, collect material, and process it. Of course, all this is done with the help of senior circle members or "bosses". Only after the member of the circle makes a report on his work and answers questions on the chosen specialty, he becomes a real member of the circle. The “judges” in this are the senior members of the circle.

The work of the circle is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Come to the museum (see the Contacts section), take a closer look, we are not in a hurry. Think- Do you like the forest? Do you want to do your own research? Are you afraid to get your feet wet, freeze, get lost, spend the night by the fire? If you love, want and are not afraid, then you are with us!

experience biological circle of the Darwin Museum, it is possible to use and distribute in two main directions.

First, when creating field centers for environmental education schoolchildren. Such centers can be organized both as independent training units (for example, the Ecosystem Field Center) and under various specially protected natural areas- national parks, reserves. It is necessary that the course of study "ecology in nature" in such training centers become mandatory component school education.

Secondly, when conducting programs monitoring And scientific research, primarily on specially protected natural areas. The experience of the circle shows that such programs can be carried out to a large extent at the expense of "volunteer groups" of researchers - primarily schoolchildren and students, if these groups are properly trained and organized (for example, the Christmas Bird Count Program). This combination of teaching and research work traditional for a significant number of old Russian reserves; needs to be maintained and expanded.

Chronicle mug

Ave. Mira, 119, VDNH, pavilion 26

"Laboratory Duremar" and other intriguing mugs

Scientific laboratory of biology of the Polytechnic Museum, which is located in cultural center ZIL, led by the pop star, "pocket scientist" of the Pink Giraffe publishing house, lecturer of "Direct Speech" Ilya Kolmanovsky. Clubs are open for schoolchildren of any age: first-graders in the Duremar Laboratory grow fruit flies, observe snails and cockroaches, learn to work with a microscope, older children study botany and study the behavior of rats, high school students learn the basics of medicine. Classes are sold in blocks of 10 lessons for 8,000 rubles. You need to take care of the purchase much in advance - as a rule, there are much more applicants than there are places in the group.

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Vavilova, 57

Work on scientific projects and expeditions

The historical name of the biological circle of the Darwin Museum is VOOP. In the first years of his work, he was a member of the youth section of the All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature. This is one of the oldest circles in Moscow and Russia - organized by the naturalist-biologist Pyotr Smolin in 1950. The circle is an informal association of ecologists and biologists of different ages - from 5th grade students to third-year students. Classes include both the lecture part and work on their own scientific projects, and excursions, and expeditions on vacation. The circle has its own base in the Kostroma region. The classes are free.

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B. Nikitskaya, 2

Classes in Moscow and trips to the taiga and subtropics

The circle of young naturalists of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University works according to the author's program of its leader, researcher Evgeny Dunaev Museum. The program is designed for students in grades 7-11 and junior students. Every year the circle conducts practices: in the Moscow region, in the taiga, in the north of Karelia, in the subtropics of the mountainous Crimea or in the Astrakhan deserts. Kruzhkovtsy conduct educational and research field work and participate in biological Olympiads. Classes are free, but for admission you need to pass an interview and demonstrate interest in the subject.

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B.Gruzinskaya, 1

Two circles - for seniors and juniors

KYUBZ, the circle of the young biologist of the zoo, is the most famous youth association in Russia and, probably, the oldest biological circle in Moscow (it will soon be 100 years old). They accept students from the 7th grade. Classes are in the form of lectures and seminars, children are engaged in independent scientific activity, help in the zoo and take part in extensive field work: these are short trips near Moscow, and real expeditions. The classes are free.
Those who have not yet grown up to the KYUBZ can study in the "Manulata" circle, named after the mascot of the Moscow Zoo - the manul cat. Children from 7 years old are accepted here. Classes are held once a week. First, the teacher gives a lecture, after which everyone goes on a thematic tour of the zoo (completely empty at this time of day), then they go to the laboratory or to a living corner: touch chickens, snakes, turtles, rats and guinea pigs. In the warm season, they go out into nature: they learn to distinguish the voices of birds, collect insects. The cost of half a year is 4500 rubles.

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Leninskie Gory, 1, building 12

Entomology and a dozen other different circles

From entomology to embryology, from mycology to botany. Basically, students are accepted into circles starting from the 8th grade, but some also take fifth-graders. Getting into the most popular of them is not easy. For example, in the circle "Young researchers of nature" ("YIP"), an entry to this academic year did not even open - there are no places. The classes are free.

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Kremenchugskaya, 13

Biological circles and family club of naturalists

The school "Intellectual" has several circles of biological orientation. In one - "The World Around Us" - they invite children from 5 years old. Here they learn to observe nature, set up experiments, take care of the inhabitants of a living corner, draw and communicate. 4 classes in it cost 2500 rubles. In another - "Tops and Roots" - junior schoolchildren tell the story of the relationship between man and the plants tamed by him. Who was the first to grow oranges, peas, cabbage? From what and how are semolina, dried apricots and brooms made? How did the Indians brew cocoa? The themes look like this. Also, circles "Human and Animal Physiology", "Neurobiology", "Topical Issues of Biology" for high school students and "Young Naturalist" are open at the school. Although the latter is more of a family club, where they teach how to use the determinants of mushrooms, plants and animals, and several times a month they make family trips to nature.

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26 Baku Commissars, 3, bldg. 5

Evening biological school

The biological department of school No. 1543 is one of the best profile departments in Moscow, and it is not easy to enter there. But for students of the 7th grade, there is an Evening Biology School, training in which can be considered both as preparation for entering the gymnasium, and as an excellent biological circle. IN curriculum for the current year there are 22 classes, each of which is devoted to a specific topic: "Primates", "Cells and the genetic code", "Mendel's laws", "Heredity and sex", "Structure and work of the human brain", "Biosphere", etc. You can start training at any time without an appointment.
Classes are held in parallel at Moscow State University and at gymnasium No. 1543, you can visit any of these places. All classes are free.