Grade __________ Date __________

Lesson 11 V III CENTURY.



The goals of the teacher's activity: familiarize students with personality and amazing life Russian scientist - M. V. Lomonosov; consider the main content, features of the composition and artistic features works; teaching expressive reading various dictionaries; develop the ability to find humorous moments in the text.

Planned results of the study of the topic:

Item Skills: know features of the content of the work;be able to perceive and analyze the text.

Meta-subject UUD (universal learning activities):

Personal : shows a desire to master new activities, participates in a creative, creative process: realizes himself as an individual and at the same time as a member of society.

Regulatory : accepts and saves learning task; plans (in cooperation with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions, operations, acts according to the plan.

cognitive : aware of the cognitive task; reads and listens, extracts the necessary information, and also independently finds it in the materials of textbooks, workbooks.

Communicative : builds small monologues, carries out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

During the classes

He tested everything and penetrated everything”

A. S. Pushkin

1. Organizing moment

I . Introduction by the teacher.

What did we talk about in the previous lessons?

What are the stages of development ancient Russian literature?

What genres of ancient Russian literature can you name?

Today we are starting to explore new period in the development of Russian literature is the literature of the 17th century. This period is called the Age of Enlightenment...

Many stars adorned the Russian sky of the eighteenth century, but the star of the first magnitude was Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, because Russia had never known such a versatile person before him. And I will try to prove it to you.

Write down the number in your notebooks, cool work. Lesson topic. M. V. Lomonosov “Two astronomers happened together at a feast.”

Lesson objectives...

Student response

He was born to MV Lomonosov in 1711 in the Arkhangelsk province in the family of a state peasant.His father was a fisherman and often made long sea trips. Lomonosov's mother, who died very early, was the daughter of a deacon. best moments in Lomonosov's childhood there were, apparently, his trips with his father to the sea, which left an indelible mark on his soul. The frequent dangers of swimming tempered physical forces young men and enriched his mind with various observations. The influence of the nature of the Russian north is easy to see not only in the language of Lomonosov, but also in his scientific interests..

From an early age, young Lomonosov helped his father go to the ocean on a small boat. He learned to read and write early: he could read, write and count from the books "Arithmetic" and "Grammar" by Magnitsky, which provided information about astronomy, physics, navigation, and geography.

At the academy, the course of study was 8 years, while Lomonosov completed this course in 5 years, having mastered knowledge in many sciences, and in 1736 was sent to Germany to study exact sciences- physics, chemistry, mechanics, mining, languages. In 1741, the training was completed, and Lomonosov returned to St. Petersburg.

From this moment begins the rapid academic activity. Scientific discoveries follow one after another, the academic talent of a scientist penetrates into various areas knowledge. In 1755, on the initiative of Professor Lomonosov, Moscow University was opened in Moscow.

Later, M. V. Lomonosov, for his colossal contribution to science, will be awarded the title of academician.

The motto of this life brilliant man before last day was "the approval of the sciences in the fatherland." M. V. Lomonosov passed away in 1765, he caught a cold and died. Buried in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Presentation of the second student .

Favorite science of M.V. Lomonosov is chemistry. He created a chemical laboratory in St. Petersburg and opened new law. He made 4000 experiments and revealed the secret of obtaining glasses of all colors and shades.

Being engaged in physics, he revealed the riddle of thunderstorms and northern lights.

He loved to observe the stars and perfected the telescope. Observing Venus, he established that this planet has an atmosphere.

He is the first polar geographer in the world.

He studied the history of the ancient Slavs and the history of the manufacture of porcelain.

He can rightfully be called the creator of the modern Russian language. He wrote his "Russian Grammar" and created a system of norms and rules of the Russian language. At the Russian lesson, when we talked about punctuation, I gave you an example of a rule from his textbook: “Signs are placed according to the strength of the mind and its location and conjunctions”, that is, meaning + structure = punctuation marks.

Heopened new era in literature. He himself composed poems, odes, messages.

He revived the production of colored glass and made mosaic paintings. For example, "Portrait of PeterI”, “Battle of Poltava” (show on interactive whiteboard).

In 1755 he opened the first Russian university in Moscow.

Whose name do you think he is?

(name of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov).

Look at the monument to M.V. Lomonosov, which is located in front of the university building (show the monument on the interactive whiteboard).
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov was such a great scientist, he did so much in different fields of science that, according to A.S. Pushkin, "... he (Lomonosov) was our first university."

Composing a syncwineLomonosov

He experienced everything and penetrated everything” - these words belong to A.S. Pushkin and are said about Lomonosov. And although it is impossible to contain the fate of the great Russian scientist in a few lines, this Pushkin's statement makes us think about the surprisingly multifaceted activity of Lomonosov, about the genius and courage of his thought.

The second part of the lesson will be devoted to the poetic gift of M.V. Lomonosov. We will read and try to understand the content of the poetic text. This poem, some call a fable, M.V. Lomonosov "Two astronomers happened together at a feast ...".

Happened together - met together, astronomers - that is, astronomers.

An astronomer is a person who studies celestial bodies?

What do you think a poem with this title might be about?

Astronomy is one of ancient sciences because the Sun, Moon and stars have always attracted the attention of man. There was also a practical necessity in it: already in ancient times, people noticed that the change of seasons on Earth is strongly connected with the position of the stars in the sky.

Have you seen the night sky dotted with stars?.. Is it possible to remain indifferent at the sight of starry sky?.. You feel special joy when you find a familiar constellation, when you discover planets whose names you know. There is a thought about the infinity and mystery of the universe.

And all you see in the sky is the sun. Moon, stars. Planets - all this revolves around the Earth, because the Earth is the center of the entire universe ...

(Children must refute this opinion)

Let's fast forward to the 18th century, 250 years ago. We are also in class. And I say: “Guys, it’s not the Sun that revolves around the Earth, but the Earth goes around the Sun, and at the same time it also rotates around its axis.”

With such a message, I would surprise you even more than now. In bewilderment, you would turn to the priest, and he would immediately resolve your doubt, saying that this is not true.

There were few people in the 18th century who would have heard that the Sun revolves around the Earth, and the Earth around the Sun. There were even fewer who believed in it.

The teacher expressively reads the poem “Two astronomers happened together at a feast ...”

Vocabulary work.

Happened together - met together

At the feast - at lunch

Very - very

They argued... in the heat - heatedly argued

The circle of the sun goes - goes around the sun

Was known - was famous

How do you doubt this

you argue? - What do you think about it?

Hearth - a device for making and maintaining a fire

Roast - fried meat dish

Who are Copernicus and Ptolemy?

Curriculum vitae about Copernicus, Ptolemy - Student information.

. Claudius Ptolemy(Ptolemy) (c. 90 - c. 160) - an ancient Greek scientist. Developed a mathematical theory of the motion of planets around a fixed , which allowed us to calculate their position in the sky. Together with the theory of the motion of the Sun and Moon, it constituted the so-called Ptolemaic system of the world.

Ptolemy's system is set out in his main work "Almagest" - an encyclopedia of astronomical knowledge of the ancients.

In "Almagest" it is statedgeocentric system of the world, according to which the Earth is at the center of the universe, and all celestial bodies revolve around it.

Copernicus Nicholas (1473-1543), Polish astronomer, creator of the heliocentric system of the world. He made a revolution in natural science, abandoning the doctrine of the central position of the Earth, accepted for many centuries. Explained visible movements heavenly bodies the rotation of the Earth around its axis and the revolution of the planets (including the Earth) around the Sun. He outlined his teaching in the essay “On the Conversions of the Heavenly Spheres” (1543), which was banned by the Catholic Church from 1616 to 18

When did Copernicus and Ptolemy live?

Could they really meet each other?

    Why do they meet in Lomonosov's poem?

What are the opposite views of scientists?

Copernicus - the planets and the earth revolve around the sun

Ptolemy - The planets and the sun revolve around the earth

How about really?

To whom does the owner of the house in which the scientists have met address to resolve the dispute?

How does the chef resolve this dispute?


Lomonosov wanted to confirm with his work that the laws of the universe are the same, that by carefully observing everyday life, one can find confirmation of great scientific discoveries.

The teacher helps the children to make this conclusion.

    Where do scientists meet? Does Lomonosov accidentally choose this place for a meeting of scientists?

    What are they arguing about?

Who resolved their dispute?

    Let's re-read and listen carefully to the words of the chef. The cook says: "Who has seen a simpleton ..." From what adjective does the word "simpleton" come from?

(simple. And there is also the adjective “rustic”, the noun is closer to it)

    What does "simple" mean?

(not very smart, narrow-minded)

"Simples" are found everywhere. And among chefs too. But no one has ever seen such a simpleton of cooks who would turn the hearth around the roast.

    Hearth - what is it?

(a place where a fire is lit and maintained)

    And what does the noun “hot” mean in this case: the dish itself or the pan with the dish?

(pan on which roast)

    How does the cook resolve the dispute between astronomers?

(through comparison: he likened the Sun to a hearth, and the Earth to a frying pan)

    What can you say about the chef?

(savvy, resourceful and not without a sense of humor. Easily and quickly resolved the heated dispute of scientists)

Additional question: At what point in reading the poem did you smile, understanding the playfulness of what was said?

How did the commonwealth of sciences (philology, astronomy) and everyday life manifest itself in the poem “Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast ...”?

Already The Ptolemaic system of the world is one and a half thousand years old and the Copernican system is more than two hundred years old, and the question of their fidelity still causes a confrontation of positions. In the poem, this problem is solved clearly and simply.

Lomonosov was not a passive supporter of the teachings of Copernicus; in his scientific works on astronomy, he continued to develop the system of the world built. Polish astronomer. In many branches of knowledge in which Lomonosov was engaged, he made discoveries of world significance.

Lomonosov's poem is amusing and fascinating. But it was not created to amuse and entertain the reader. Amusing, it carries true knowledge about the structure of the Universe. “I don’t see a poet in trifles ...” Lomonosov wrote. He was firmly convinced that poetry should serve to educate people, and hence to educate the Fatherland.


Lomonosov's patriotism, the sparkle of his talent "With splendor, sharpness and splendor" filled Russian poetry XVI2nd century deep content. The main idea of ​​his work - to be a citizen, to serve the fatherland - inspired the leading writers of subsequent eras.

Reading statements about Lomonosov.

N. V. Gogol: “Lomonosov stands ahead of our poets, like an introduction ahead of a book.”

V. G. Belinsky: “Our literature begins with Lomonosov; he was her father and tutor, he was her Peter the Great.”

F. M. Dostoevsky: “There were only three indisputable geniuses with an indisputable “new word” in all our literature: Lomonosov, Pushkin and partly Gogol.”


An expressive reading of a poem, whoever wishes can learn it by heart.

And also, read the textbook page

V . Independent reading by students of a poetic text.

The teacher helps the children to note pauses, logical stress, better understand the rhythm of the work.

Happened together two Astronomers in a feast
And they argued quite among themselves in the heat.
One kept repeating: the earth, spinning, the circle of the Sun walks;
The other is that the Sun leads all the planets with it:
One was Copernicus, the other was known as Ptolemy.
Here the cook settled the dispute with his grin.
The owner asked: “Do you know the course of the stars?
Tell me, how do you talk about this doubt?
He gave the following answer: “What is Copernicus right in that,
I will prove the truth, I have not been to the Sun.
Who saw a simpleton of cooks is
Who would turn the hearth around Zharkov?

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More poems:

  1. Doesn't surprise me at all, dear friends! The earth is spinning: Copernicus claims the truth. Hey! .. there are two suns in the sky - not one! This is smart!...
  2. Copernicus is just, there is nothing to marvel at: I see for myself, the earth is spinning; But what are these miracles? Two suns shine in my eyes....
  3. Here we could wander with you together, But I am alone and, like a blind man in the darkness, Closing my eyes and suddenly frozen in place, I stand for hours, and only one in ...
  4. There is no movement, said the bearded sage. The other2 was silent and began to walk before him. He could not have objected more strongly; All praised the convoluted answer. But, gentlemen, this funny case Another example on...
  5. I am omnipotent and weak at the same time, I am a ruler and a slave at the same time, I do good or evil - I do not argue about it, I give a lot, but receive little, And in my name ...
  6. Feast - a mountain ... In the heat of revelry Words flow in waves; Honest guests from the rumble Dizzy. Speech violent changing. On the tables - full, full - Walks a circular bowl of Miracle wine. Who...
  7. - You lied to me! – Nu, that for delirium?! - (And I saw it myself!) In the eyes of a dove, an innocent light ... Well, how to judge by the eyes? - You lied to me? - Not!...
  8. There are two of us - me and me. One of us will die When the day comes and the hour strikes; It will go into oblivion, it will melt like smoke, It will melt - and forever part with another ....
  9. Together we robbed the same hut, We penetrated the same crack, - We met with them, like three dairy brothers, Having never seen each other at all ....
  10. I am the sword, and - together - the flame! I shone above you in the darkness. I lit in your chest Hope and prayer, And when the battles came - I fought ...
  11. - What a life they have set up! How can they not get bored! Those who drink a lot, those who sleep softly, those who eat sweetly. I look, I think, and I understand that in ...
  12. Sing us a song, quail, quail. One - a needle, two - a needle - There will be a Christmas tree. One - a plank, two - a plank - There will be a ladder. One - a word, two - a word - ...
You are now reading a poem Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast, by the poet Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich

1. Why does Lomonosov refer to the situation of a feast in a poem dedicated to astronomy?

2. Who are Ptolemy and Copernicus?

3. Could they meet at the same table?

4. What are two astronomers arguing about?

5. Why does the cook put an end to this dispute?

6. How does the cook explain the correctness of one of the scientists?

This poem is a scientific anecdote on an astronomical subject. Scientific truth is affirmed with the help of everyday example. The abstract hypothesis is projected onto quite specific objects: the sun is a hearth, the earth is hot.

The central theme of the early Enlightenment, which gave rise to many heated discussions, is the theory of the universe proposed by Copernicus. It's about about the actual concept of the plurality of worlds, which has become the subject of scientific and religious disputes in Russia. Russian history This idea begins with A. Cantemir's translation of Fontenelle's Discourse on the Plurality of Worlds (1686), made in 1730. Fontenelle contributed to the popularization of the theory of Copernicus. In an elegant and light form of conversations that allegedly took place in the evenings under open sky between the author and the marquise, who had not previously heard anything about the subject, expounds to the interlocutor key information about the earth, moon, planets, fixed stars, etc.

As early as the first half of the 18th century, the heliocentric theory of Copernicus irritated the Catholic Church; official Protestantism was no more tolerant in this respect. In Russia, this theory ran into opposition from the church, for which it was no less difficult to come to terms with the revision of the traditional geocentric concept than for the Western churches. This idea has been scandalous story in the denunciations and prohibitions of the Holy Synod on the printing of books containing mention or allusions to the idea of ​​the non-uniqueness of God's world.

Due to the opposition of church circles, Fontenelle's work in Russia was published only in 1740. Lomonosov in his scientific and literary works continued to defend the point of view proposed by Copernicus.

"Letter on the Benefits of Glass" (1752)

1. What was the reason for writing this poem?

2. How is poetry indicated in the poem?

3. What is opposed to glass and why?

5. What place is given to Prometheus in this story? How did Lomonosov rethink the image of Prometheus in comparison with the traditional myth of Prometheus?

6. What properties of glass does Lomonosov describe?

7. How are these properties used for the benefit of man?

8. How are glass and science related in Lomonosov?

9. Where does the physical-theological doctrine find its expression in this poem?

10. How are glass and science related in Lomonosov?

“Letter on the Benefits of Glass” (1752) is a landmark work both for Russian culture of the 18th century and for Lomonosov’s work, since it is here that the priorities of his activity are clearly set:

A word that helps to popularize it

Informative richness of the text, which reflects key ideas and concepts - political, religious, scientific - of the Age of Enlightenment, the realities of everyday life and culture of that time, allows us to consider this work an educational encyclopedia.

The title refers to the epistolary form; in terms of content, this is a presentation of scientific ideas in poetic form, as well as a scientific and practical guide to the use of glass, pathos - an apology of enlightenment ideas, topoi - high poetry.

As the name already implies, the significance of science is determined by Lomonosov in a Petrovsky way - through benefit. All levels of Russian culture of the 18th century are permeated by the principle of hierarchy. In "Letter ..." Lomonosov constructs a hierarchy of things, and the main criterion of hierarchy for him is utility - one of basic concepts cultural paradigm of the 18th century. Benefit is a universal criterion for evaluating life phenomena (cf.: September 6, 1751, in a public meeting of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov pronounces “A word on the benefits of Chemistry”; in 1757 he wrote “Foreword on the benefits of church books in Russian language"). In the Letter on the Benefits of Glass, Lomonosov tries to balance between utility and beauty, but he does not have beauty without utility: these two categories in the message are successfully synthesized in the image useful beauty- in the most desirable for that era and utopian in nature.

The first couplet is polemical and reflects scientific strategy Lomonosov, aimed at debunking frozen opinions. In September 1736, Lomonosov sailed to Germany to study chemistry and mining, and upon returning he was assigned to the Mineral Cabinet. He wrote several works on mineralogy and made many discoveries in this area. The scientist-poet knew a lot about minerals, but by the time the Letter was written, colored smalts had captured his scientific attention.

The study of poetry in the "Letter ..." is indicated by a rhetorical formula - climbing Parnassus. The metaphor of movement between two worlds - earthly and heavenly - illustrates the specifics of the interaction between scientific and poetic creativity of Lomonosov. To discover and cognize the laws of nature, and then with Parnassian inspiration to tell about what was found, discovered and understood. At the end of the letter, the Parnassus Mountains also appear, from which the poet descends to earth. Delightbase category normative poetics of classicism - in this case, it is needed to sing the Glass. Before us is an ode dedicated to glass.

The subject of poetic delight - Glass - Lomonosov opposes "false happiness", more precisely, "fragility of happiness". The appearance of a pair of Glass - Happiness seems strange: the subject of the material world is included in comparison with the concept of the ideal world. The main meanings that made up the concept of Happiness - Good Luck in the 18th century were changeability and omnipotence, the unexpectedness of Fortune's actions. The motives for overcoming the impermanence of happiness and the desire to keep happiness motionless become common odic passages. Happiness is an attainable thing, although changeable and dependent on the will of the gods. Glass gives true, useful happiness. Glass, like happiness, shines with an alluring beam. Glass's preference for "the fragility of false happiness" denotes the idea of ​​the superiority of the material world over the ideal world, pragmatics over abstraction, constancy over variability, truth over lies. The word "fragility" (synonymous with impermanence) belongs to scientific vocabulary and denotes a physical property. And this is the originality of Lomonosov's image of happiness.

In a didactic poem meant for propaganda scientific knowledge, the poet-scientist Lomonosov creates a scientific (educational) myth of the creation of natural glass - Pervostekla. The basis of this myth is Lomonosov's scientific ideas about natural processes (in particular, about volcanic eruptions and chemical composition magma), which are dressed in the form of an archaic myth about the structure of the first natural objects. The poet not only animates the natural elements, he constructs a special mythological reality with its own set of characters and chronotope. In the era of Lomonosov, the very potential of the archaic myth turned out to be in demand as the oldest way of interpreting the world, containing an adaptation mechanism for explaining the surrounding reality, which makes it possible to broadcast scientific ideas in mythological form. The poetic form of the myth answered the task of popularizing scientific knowledge, introducing it into cultural use in a naive and artistic form, accessible to everyday consciousness. Lomonosov's myth of the creation of Glass - a kind of prologue to the story of its usefulness - tells of the appearance of the first glass as a result of the combined efforts of Fire and Nature.

Glass acquires a biography - the history of its birth. The reason for the birth of Glass is the desire that appeared in Fire to “produce a child”. Fire finds freedom in a volcanic eruption. Mother of Glass - Nature. A worthy child is a useful child.

In Lomonosov's myth about Glass, Fire occupies a dominant position. Such a preference is connected with the sphere of activity of Lomonosov, with his conscious attitude to broadcast to society new knowledge about the power of underground fire in a mythopoetic form. If the sun, earth, water were available to Lomonosov's contemporaries for direct observation, then the underground fire, hidden from view, is a phenomenon that requires description and explanation.

In the mythopoetic picture of the world, Lomonosov does not have God the creator, the creator of the world. The author connects the process of creation with the natural elements, which obey their own laws. Such an interpretation should be assessed not as anti-religious, but as scientific and mythological. The appeal of the poet-scientist to the mythopoetic interpretation of creation, in which figurative and scientific comprehension of the world is merged, is connected with the functional orientation of his work. The Letter affirms the usefulness of any natural process, even one that gives rise to fear. The eschatological horror presented in the myth is compensated by the acquisition of the material necessary for life. Two discourses, mythopoetic and popular science, unexpectedly coincide in a single function - the popularization of knowledge.

What follows is a cumulative enumeration of Glass's utilities. The choice of such a modest object as glass acquires programmatic significance: in contrast to the despicable gold that has caused mankind a lot of evil, glass is useful in many respects. Lomonosov names and describes many objects that use various properties of glass: vessels in which drinks and medicines are stored, windows, mirrors, beads, greenhouses, incendiary glasses, microscopes, telescopes, barometers, a glass ball of an electrostatic machine. All these achievements of human ingenuity are for him the embodiment of the idea of ​​progress.

In particular, Lomonosov not only points to one of the areas of glass application (microscope), but also presents one of the methods of scientific research - the microscopic method, for Russian science new and in need of justification and popularization.

In his scientific and literary works, Lomonosov tries to reconcile the materialistic and idealistic views on us, thereby giving rise to "academic religiosity" (as L. V. Pumpyansky defines it). He develops a way of philosophizing, which for some time will become a priority method in Russian culture of the 18th century. Traditionally, this method of understanding the world is called scientific-religious: scientific ideas do not contradict the idea of ​​the divine creation of the world, moreover, they present evidence of the existence of God, thereby providing evidence of the existence of God, thereby glorifying the genius of the “architect of the world”.


1. Abramzon T. E. “Letter on the benefits of Glass” by M. V. Lomonosov. Experience of the commentary of the educational encyclopedia. M., 2010.

2. Klein I. Ways of cultural import: Proceedings in Russian literature XVIII century. M., 2005. - S. 287-300.

3. Ospovat K. A. Lomonosov and “Letter on the Use of Glass”: Poetry and Science at the Court of Elizabeth Petrovna // New Literary Review. 2007. No. 87. S. 148-183.

4. Trilesnik V. I. Problems of science and religion, reason and faith in Lomonosov's worldview // Lomonosov. Collection of articles and materials. T.9. SPb., 1991. - S. 15-27.

Lomonosov wrote not only scientific works, but also poetic works. A significant place in his work is occupied by odes of various content, as well as other poems, which tell about both sublime and everyday objects.

So, in the poem “Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast…”, written in 1761, the author discusses a complex scientific problem, resorting to the form of a parable.

Two Astronomers happened together in a feast And argued very among themselves in the heat.

One kept repeating: the earth, spinning, the circle of the Sun walks;

The other is that the Sun leads all the planets with it:

One was Copernicus, the other was known as Ptolemy.

Here the cook settled the dispute with his grin.

The owner asked: “Do you know the course of the stars?

Tell me, how do you talk about this doubt?

He gave the following answer: “What is Copernicus right in that,

I will prove the truth, I have not been to the Sun.

Who saw a simpleton of cooks is

Who would turn the hearth around Zharkov?

A parable is a short symbolic story in which a deep philosophical meaning, originated in antiquity and existed among many peoples. In the East, parables about Hadji Nasreddin are very popular, in which the hero acts either as a philosopher and sage, or looks rather stupid.

Lomonosov, in his impromptu verse parable, introduces characters who, in real life they could never meet and talk, as they lived in different historical epochs, separated by several hundred years.

One of them is Nicholas... Copernicus, a Polish astronomer who lived at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries and scientifically substantiated the heliocentric theory of the universe, proving that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Another character in Lomonosov's poem is Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek scientist who lived in the 2nd century AD, who believed that the Sun moves around the Earth. His views dominated astronomy for a very long time, and Catholic Church severely persecuted those who tried to refute them.

Introducing into the poem the image of a cook who decides the dispute between two great scientists, Lomonosov lowers the sublime tone of the work.

“Two Astronomers happened together at a feast ...” is a small satirical work. According to the rules of classicism, “low” was not allowed in “high” works, but thanks to this technique, the poem acquires a satirical sound. Thus, it becomes clear and close not only to scientists, but also to ordinary people, since a complex scientific problem is resolved on the basis of ordinary common sense.

Literary critics subsequently established that the argument that the cook leads in favor of the Copernican theory could have been borrowed by Lomonosov from the book of the French writer Cyrano de Bergerac “Another Light, or the States and Empires of the Moon”. However, this does not in the least detract from the originality of this small witty poem, in which Lomonosov, not only in a somewhat fantastic form, shows the centuries-old conflict between supporters of two different theories of the universe. The author also makes it clear to the reader what the author's own views on this issue are.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born in November 1711 near the village of Kholmogory in the Arkhangelsk province. The first books, according to which M.V. Lomonosov studied to read and write, there were Simeon Polotsky's "Rhymed Psalter" (Fig. 2), "Slovenian Grammar" by Maletiy Smotrytsky (Fig. 3), and "Arithmetic" by Leonty Magnitsky (Fig. 4).

Rice. 2. "Rhymed Psalter" by Simeon of Polotsk ()

Rice. 3. "Slovenian grammar" Melety Smotrytsky ()

Rice. 4. "Arithmetic" by Leonty Magnitsky ()

At the age of 19, Lomonosov left his home and went to study in Moscow. He entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy (Fig. 5), graduated from it among the best students. After that, he entered the university at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (Fig. 6) and graduated from it.

Rice. 5. Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy ()

Rice. 6. Petersburg Academy of Sciences ()

He continued his studies at the universities of Europe (Fig. 7) and at the age of 34 he became a professor of chemistry.

Rice. 7. University of Marburg ()

The circle of interests of M.V. Lomonosov includes many sciences, it included mathematics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology and geography.

In 1754 he developed a project for the creation of Moscow University. And a year later, in 1755, this university was opened in Moscow, which now bears the name of its founder (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Moscow University ()

All his life the scientist was interested in astronomy, probably because he was from Kholmogory. It was there that the first Russian observatory was opened in 1692.

Two thousand years ago in ancient greece lived Claudius Ptolemy (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Claudius Ptolemy ()

He argued that the Earth is at the center of the universe. The moon, the sun and the rest of the planets move around it, his teaching was called the "geocentric system". Geocentric system - from the word "geo", which means Earth.

In the 16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus (Fig. 10), a Polish scientist, developed another system of the universe - the Earth and the planets revolve around the Sun (heliocentric system). Heliocentric system - from the word "helios", which means the Sun. But his ideas were not accepted, and his writings were banned for many years.

Rice. 10. Nicolaus Copernicus ()

For a long time the theory of Copernicus was abandoned, even in the 18th century there were few of its supporters.

In 1761 M.V. Lomonosov writes a comic poem called "Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast..." (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Poem ()

Let's analyze the words and expressions that are outdated in our time in order to make the meaning of the poem clearer (Fig. 12):

Rice. 12. Parsing obsolete expressions ()

Roast - a fried dish, usually meat, or a frying pan in which this dish is cooked.

Copernicus and Ptolemy could not meet because they lived in different time, with a difference of 1300 years. M.V. Lomonosov connects them at a feast, in a place where important disputes about the universe and the universe cannot be resolved, with this technique he creates a comical situation.

Disputes about the theories of Ptolemy and Copernicus continued into the 18th century. Mikhail Vasilievich depicts in his poem two scientists who are arguing heatedly with each other. Next to them is a cook, scientists ask his opinion to resolve the dispute. The cook, comparing the hearth with the Sun, explains at the household level that the hearth cannot revolve around the frying pan on which food is fried. This method of comparison is important in literary works.


  1. Merkin G.S. Textbook for grade 5 educational institutions. In 2 parts. - Russian word, 2013.
  2. Albetkova R.I. Russian literature. From word to literature, grade 5 - 13th ed., erased. - M.: 2013 - 208 p.
  3. Korovina V.Ya. etc. Literature. Grade 5 Textbook in 2 parts - 2nd ed. - M.: 2013. Part 1 - 303 p.; Part 2 - 303 p.
  4. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Literature. Grade 5 ("Step beyond the horizon") In 2 books - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: 2008. - 224 p.
  5. Kurdyumova T.F. Literature. Grade 5 Textbook-reader in 2 parts - 13th ed., Sr. - M.: 2011. Part 1 - 256 p.; Part 2 - 256 p.
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  1. In which educational institutions M.V. Lomonosov studied?
  2. Name the first books according to which M.V. Lomonosov learned to read and write.
  3. In what year M.V. Lomonosov writes a poem "Two Astronomers happened together at a feast ..."?