When is the best time to go on holiday in Thailand?

Do you want to visit Thailand, but do not know when is the best time to go to this country? This is a real art - to guess when the country will reign ideal conditions, the weather is great for a particular tourist. to someone the best vacation there will be visits to Thai resorts during the heat wave, and for some, the rainy season will not interfere with entertainment. Of course, for the bulk of tourists, Thailand is more interesting during the “cool” period, but there are no strict criteria for the seasons.

When to go to Thailand for heat lovers?

The heat season in the resorts of this country usually begins in March and ends in May, reaching its peak in April. If tourists are not afraid of the generous sun and rather difficult weather for an unprepared body, it is better for them to go to Bangkok (where it is especially hot, but there is an opportunity to get discounts on shopping) or to the islands (measured beach holiday would be ideal). It is not very good to go diving during this period of time, since in March-May a lot of plankton appears in the seas, but it is quite possible to have fun with surfing.

Rest for those who are not afraid of rain

In the period from June to October (peak - September), the weather reigning in the resorts can be safely called wet and rainy. But this is not a reason to refuse a trip here - the rains, although they are intense, pass in a few minutes, cooling the air and saturating it with freshness. Those who are not afraid of humidity should visit resorts in the southern part of the country - it is always warm here even when it is cloudy. Perhaps at this time the beach vacation will not be implemented so successfully, but fishing, excursions, shopping and similar entertainment will be excellent. Moreover, the rainy season has good influence on prices - discounts can be obtained both for tours and for hotel accommodation.

Time for connoisseurs of coolness in Thai resorts

If you want to relax with the weather comfortable, not too hot and not too humid, you should go to Thailand during the "dry" season, which lasts from November to February. Minimum rainfall, pleasant sun, optimum temperature air and water give guests of Thai resorts an even tan on the islands of Koh Samui and Phuket, as well as great pleasure from staying in the country without stuffiness and other similar troubles. However, such a pleasant vacation can be accompanied by troubles - high service prices and lack of free places in hotels.

Holiday season from November to February

Vacation in Thailand all year round- there is a division into seasons, but it is so conditional that only Russian tour operators adhere to it. If our compatriots decide to go to this country on vacation, they will have to remember the following information. The "high" season in Thai resorts takes place during the period November-February, when the weather can be said to be "cool and dry." "Low season" is rainy season from June to October and hot season from March to May.

When is the cheapest time to go to Thailand?

Russian tourists can relax in Thailand without spending too much money during the so-called "low" seasons - a period of tropical rains and excessively dry heat. The criteria for the seasons are blurred, as in this country there are many tourists at any time of the year, and the service, both in rain and in cool weather, remains consistently high.

In order for the cherished vacation in Thailand to go well, you need to know when is the best time to go to this country. In general, everyone will find the weather to their liking on the territory of this country, but one can definitely say for sure that suffocating heat and cloudy weather are not the best tourist companions.

When is the best time to go to holiday in thailand ? Conventionally, it is possible to divide the year here into high and low tourist seasons. Guaranteed for the high season good weather, which will be accompanied by many tourists and maximum hotel prices for the resort. IN low season unpredictable weather, high humidity and low tides in some resorts.


Thailand in summer.Already by April, the temperature rises throughout Thailand and the humidity increases. Even in the resorts it becomes stuffy. Probably, there is no such person who would love the sun so much to burn on the beaches at a huge positive temperature. You can not be afraid of tropical rains, they are short-term, but high humidity is not so good for health.

Thailand in autumn.The weather in Thailand in autumn is completely unpredictable. You can come to the resort and it will be cloudy and raining all two weeks. Especially this likes to "please" the island of Koh Samui. But during this period, the low season and you can buy a cheap tour to Thailand. In any case, remember that no one can guarantee you anything due to the weather from September to October.

Thailand in winter.November to March in Thailand the Velvet season”, the weather becomes good, the rains stop, there are no low tides. But at the same time, it is winter that is considered the highest tourist season with all the consequences. We recommend traveling to Thailand in February. In the period after all European New Year holidays and before the Chinese New Year.


For a classic beach holiday with swimming, sunbathing and excursions, it is better to choose the end of November, the winter months and March. The tourist peak in terms of prices and the number of travelers in Thailand falls on the New Year holidays (many Europeans) and the Chinese New Year(many Chinese tourists).


Tourists who visit the country for the first time should start with classic vacation options in Pattaya, Koh Samui or Phuket. There is a well-established tourist infrastructure, it is enough just to get to the place of rest and many options for excursions in Thailand are offered.

IN PattayaThe best time to go is from November to February. At this time, set perfect weather, no precipitation, air and water temperatures are very comfortable for tourists.

On Phuketthe official tourist season opens in November, but in principle, you can relax here all year round. Conditional rainy season, when the weather can change - September, October and November. But again, the rains will be short-lived.

Resort Koh Samuidiffers from the rest of Thailand in its weather and seasons. From October to mid-December, the weather here is completely unpredictable, and, for example, in 2014, it rained all of November, although the rest of Thailand was cloudless.

Has anyone thought about the question: “How far is it to paradise?” As paradoxical as it may sound, it is very close. 9 hours of flight in a comfortable airliner and a little over 7 thousand kilometers. Paradise is in Thailand.

This country has attracted before, and will continue to attract a huge number of tourists who find themselves in a completely different dimension. The main thing to decide when to go to Thailand. Here the sun is all year round, the sea is unbelievable blue color, and the nature around plays with all shades of green. Everything calls for immersion in bliss.

But before you go there, you need to choose a time for travel. The fact is that in Thailand natural conditions can be roughly divided into three seasons: winter, summer and the rainy season.

As for air temperature- it stably keeps approximately at the same level, allowing tourists to choose the most suitable time for themselves.

Holidays in Thailand in winter

Winter in Thailand- in many respects the concept is conditional. It starts in October and lasts until February. For tourists it best time for relax. In winter, the weather in Thailand is just perfect. January welcomes vacationers with cool weather.

From point of view local residents this month is very cool: in winter in the northern regions of Thailand air temperature drops to +20°+26°С, however, this is not noticeable on the coast. It stays stable at +30°C. The temperature of the water is about the same, in which it is so pleasant to swim, knowing that it is frosty at home. Reviews about holidays in Thailand in winter are always positive.

Such features of the climate attract tourists to spend Christmas and New Year holidays here. At this time, there are so many various festivities and festivals in Thailand that in some places (in particular, in Phuket) there can be several of them at the same time. In other places, one holiday smoothly flows into another.

Of course, the most attractive at this time of the year look coastal resorts andaman sea and the Gulf of Thailand: Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Pattaya, Koh Chang. This is where the main influx of tourists comes from. And although the prices for accommodation at this time do not rise much, but all the best places have long been booked. To attract tourists to the country in hotels and shops, there are various discounts and promotions.

February is interesting because in Thailand they celebrate the New Year on Chinese calendar. Vacationers can safely join the local holiday, watching the colorful carnival processions. Last month winters are also completed by the high tourist season in the country. There are noticeably fewer tourists which has a positive effect on prices - they are falling.

travel to thailand in summer

The time period from March to June is considered Thai summer. The air temperature at this time is very high, and in combination with high humidity, tourists from countries with temperate climate quite hard to bear.

But on the other hand, the Thai New Year is celebrated in mid-April. Its celebration is so grandiose that it is not to be bored. To rest at this time it is better to choose the western part of the country - the islands of Phuket or Lanta.

Cha-am resort is more suitable for romantic trip together, how far beautiful landscapes, unearthly beauty and good weather.

In June the best place recreation becomes Koh Samui. Here daytime temperatures are not too high, and you can go fishing on the high seas.

rainy season in thailand

Runs from July to August. The concept is very arbitrary, because in different regions countries it goes differently. This is the best time to visit Thailand. Thai rains do not resemble our bad weather. While in our country gloomy rainy clouds cover the sky for a week, greatly lowering the temperature, in Thailand at coastal resorts this lasts just a couple of hours, and even then, as a rule, at night.

True, the sea at this time is not as calm as in the high tourist season, but the rainy season is the best time for surfing and other water activities. On Koh Samui, this time is generally considered velvet.

It should be remembered that the northern and especially mountainous areas really exposed to heavy rainfall, so don't go there.

Kingdom Thailand as a place to spend holidays is always great. At any time of the year, in any season there is suitable holiday. Bonuses, discounts and promotions will reduce costs, and mass entertainment programs will make you forget about unnecessary worries and plunge into the holiday atmosphere.

And finally, a few tips.

  1. End of December - first half of January. In stores, the peak of New Year's promotions and discounts. Time high tourist season. Hotel rooms must be booked in advance.
  2. In March-June, you should choose coastal resorts in the western part of the country for relaxation, where the sea relieves the summer heat.
  3. The rainy season is a very conditional concept on the coast. This is the best time for water activities.

Photo of Thailand in winter

Thailand attracts tourists from all over the world, promising an unusually heavenly fairy tale. Here you will find a lot of entertainment and white sandy beaches, unforgettable emotions and relaxation of the highest level. And if you still know when it is better to go to Thailand, then you are guaranteed an unforgettable vacation. Naturally, a lot depends on the choice of the resort, so now it will be told not only about which is the most favorable season in Thailand, when is the best time to relax, but also where is the best place to relax in Thailand.

How to choose the perfect holiday resort

The choice of a resort for your vacation determines in many ways how you will spend your vacation. Some are used to having fun day and night, others just do what they lie on the beach, and still others are trying to explore the country far and wide. Resorts in Thailand can be conditionally divided into sightseeing and beach resorts, but this does not mean at all that when you choose beach tour, you will not be able to go on excursions, and from big cities it is impossible to go to rest on the bounty islands. Among beach resorts the best ones are:

In a word, which of these resorts you would not come to, you will have unforgettable impressions!

Monthly rainy season in Thailand

The hot season starts in March and ends in May. It is characterized by high temperature and humidity, lack of precipitation, especially in Bangkok and central Thailand.

The rainy season falls at the end of May and lasts until the end of October, but this does not mean that in given period flying to rest in Thailand is not worth it, because there will be torrential continuous rains. Much of the precipitation can be expected in August and September. At this time, the rains are plentiful, but short-lived, but there are also enough hot and sunny days. Although it is possible that it will rain all day long.

Thailand has 3 weather season: cold, rainy and hot. However, it is warm throughout the year.

The “cold” season lasts from November to February in Thailand, however, this name is only conditional, since the temperature in the country is quite high throughout the year, which reaches 30 degrees. During this period, there is almost no precipitation, but occasionally it can still rain a little.

Have you already figured out what months are best to go to Thailand? Not yet?!

Certainly the most perfect time for holidays with children in Thailand is considered cold season, because during this period you will not be disturbed by rains and high temperatures. Also at this time, you can not only relax on the beach, but also go on excursions. Many travel companies organize trips during the cold season, which usually leads to a significant influx of tourists to the country's local resorts. It is strongly not recommended to visit the country during the hot season, namely in June, when the air humidity and temperatures are high.

So, November - February is the best period for a holiday in Thailand, because this auspicious time the weather will be great not only for swimming on the beach, but also for visiting monuments, as well as getting to know the local customs and culture of the country. True, some believe that "nature does not have bad weather", and the choice should depend on the purpose of the trip. For example, in July you can relax on the sea, and in November it is better to walk around the city.

What sights can be seen in Thailand

Today Thailand is a fashionable destination both among tourists from Europe and Russia. People tend to come here to look at such sights as:

  • The ancient capital of Siam;
  • Ayutthaya Historic Modern Park;
  • Look at the ruins of the Bang-Pa-In Palace and the ruins of various ancient temples;
  • In the west of Bangkok is the 127-meter statue of Phra-Pathom-Chedi and the article of the Buddha;
  • Near the town of Kanchanaburi there is a famous bridge "Death Road" over Kwai;
  • Eat Cultural Center called "Garden of Roses", elephant sanctuary and zoo;

If you are going to northern Thailand, which has not yet been mastered by the guests of the country, then it is worth visiting the site of the emergence of Thai civilization, temples, ancient cities, waterfalls, as well as visiting national bright holidays. In Cheang Mai, for example, there are approximately 300 historical monuments and temples, which are about 2000 years old.

The city of Chiang Rai lies to the northeast of Chiang Mai, famous for its Buddhist temples and beautiful nature. On the banks of the Mekong River is Chiang Saen - this ancient capital popular with the local history museum and temples. The "Golden Triangle" begins just outside the city limits.

In Namtok Pa Sia Park, you can look at the six-step waterfall of the same name, the amazing “Cave of Fish”, you will find in Tham Pla Park. And with children, you can visit the Nam-Tok-Me-Surin park, where the Nam_lot cave is fantastically decorated with beautiful garden from stalagmites and stalactites.

Spend your unforgettable and amazing vacation in Thailand, and you will understand how beautiful and unusual this country is, which has already won the hearts of many.

Most fans of tropical seas have long agreed that Thailand is optimal ratio prices and enjoyment. Decent service, beauty of nature and cultural heritage, the gentle sea and the amazing friendliness of the Thais have made this country a center of attraction for tourists from all over the world. There is only one question: when is the best time to go to Thailand?

There are three seasons in the land of smiles:

  1. Hot, from about March to May inclusive. There is little or no rain, but the humidity is high, which, combined with the heat, creates the effect of a steam room, especially in Bangkok.
  2. The rainy season starts at the end of May and lasts until October. You should not remember Hollywood films about the Vietnam War and think that a tropical downpour whips without interruption for several months. During this period, there are quite a lot of clear and hot sunny days, but the trouble is that such “windows” are unpredictable.
  3. cold season called "cold" by people with a good sense of humor. The temperature is usually around +28-30 and it's really terrible how cold it is if the rest of the year is +38. The cool period is short: from November to February.

March-May is the best time in Thailand for beach lovers

For those who like to fry on the beach to the state of smoked mackerel, this is the best time to relax in Thailand. The maximum heat is observed in April.

Elderly people, hypertensive patients, asthmatics and people with diseases of cardio-vascular system it is better to stay at home and refuse to travel to Thailand.

The same applies to a trip with a child: children cannot always tolerate such extremes well, and many parents do not know how to ensure proper drinking and protection from the heat for their children.

Especially hard during this period in Bangkok. Of course, in large shopping malls air conditioners work, but still the heat, combined with humidity and working transport of a multimillion-dollar city, will be a serious test. This is a good period for shopping in Thailand with the most affordable prices.

Where can you get the most out of your vacation during this time? On islands. In principle, any beach holiday is suitable: the main thing is to combine swimming in the sea or in the pool with the beach. This will allow you to quickly adapt to the heat and learn how to tolerate it well during the day.

March-May is suitable for those who like it hot.

June-October - why go to Tai during the rainy season?

This is the rainy season, the season of moisture, clouds and freshness. The rains are frequent, but rarely last for days or weeks: they are strong, but short. A great time for excursions, a leisurely acquaintance with the country.
Shoppers will be pleased not only with the suitable weather, but also with low prices this season.

It is no secret that Thailand is famous for the peculiarities of national fishing. You can get a stingray, shark or armored pike, hundreds of species tropical fish. For amateurs and professionals, there is an opportunity to collectively or individually rent boats and engage in their favorite hobby. In Thailand, this is not a problem: it all depends on your budget.

And what about the beach? In the south it is quite possible to catch a break in the rains and enjoy sunny days at a time when monsoons with showers dominate over the northern, "mainland" part of the country.

November-February - high season

The same "cold" season, considered ideal. Of course, this is the answer to the question of what time of the year is better to go to Thailand, with or without children. This season is rightly called "high", the influx of tourists is maximum.
At this time of the year it is relatively dry here, not too hot, water and air have an optimal temperature for all vacationers. The stuffiness recedes, but there is comfort and complete satisfaction with oneself, family and life in general.

For some, this time of year may not seem the best. the best choice. Too many vacationers, high prices, it is not easy to settle in a suitable hotel. But it's worth a try if you are a fan of a pleasant holiday without climatic extremes. With a child, you need to go to Thailand in the period of November-February. The only negative is the return from a tropical paradise to the cold of snowy Russia, but what can you do?

Video about Thailand

We offer you to watch an amazing video about Thailand. It is really worth your attention, because it contains comprehensive useful information.

Holidays for the budget conscious

When is it better to go on vacation to Thailand for those who have a limited budget? A serious question, because the budget for holidays by the sea is limited today for every second person: the crisis. Better not to travel to high season(November-February).

For those who are looking for an opportunity to save up to 30-40% not only on the cost of the tour, but also on purchases, we recommend flying to Thailand from June to October.

In the end, we go for impressions, and it is possible to gain impressions in Thailand in any of the 12 months. The quality of service and the hospitality of the Thais are constant all year round.

You should not assume that resting at sea during a period of heat or rain is impossible: this is absolutely not the case. The division into seasons is a rather conditional thing. This is just a combination of climatic factors, which is ideal in November-February and just fine the rest of the year. Thailand is always a wonderful holiday!