Lady Diana, the first wife of Prince Charles, the Princess of Wales, played a huge role in the life of Great Britain at the end of the 20th century, and her mysterious death in a car accident laid a shameful stain on the representatives of the oldest monarchy in the world. The investigation into the circumstances of her tragic death has not been stopped until now ...

The childhood of the future Princess Diana

Diana Francis Spencer was born in Sandrigham Castle, one of the royal residences with a magnificent garden where the royal family usually spends Christmas. The father of the future princess, John Spencer, Viscount Althorp, was a representative of the old aristocratic family of Spencer-Churchill. Spencer's ancestors received the title of earl back in the 17th century, during the reign of Charles I. Frances Root, Diana's mother, was distinguished by her ancient and noble origin. Lady Fermoy, Diana's grandmother, was a lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother.

The four children of Viscount Spencer were brought up, as befits the offspring of aristocratic families, surrounded by numerous servants, governesses and bonnies. When the girl was six years old, the family broke up. After a difficult divorce process, the children stayed with their father, the mother left for London, where she soon got married.

Having received the knowledge necessary for entering the school under the wise guidance of Gertrude Allen, who once educated Frances Ruth, Diana continued her studies at private school Silfield, then to Riddlesworth Hall. The next stage was the elite school for girls in West Hill, in Kent. Diana did not differ in particular zeal for science, but she was popular with her friends due to her cheerful, good-natured character.

It should be noted that future English ladies receive a solid knowledge base not only in generally accepted disciplines, but in the field of household: they can cook jam and professionally wash the floor, and comfort a screaming baby.

In 1975, after the death of his father, John Spencer inherited the title of earl and moved the family to Althorp House Castle, a family estate in the London suburbs. It was here that Diana first met Prince Charles in 1977, who came to the Spencer estate to hunt. Of course, then there could be no question of any romance, Charles was not interested in the shy 16-year-old girl. Yes, and Diana was far from matrimonial concerns: she needed to continue her studies, now in a privileged boarding house in Switzerland.

Moments of the 20th century 1997 - Death of Princess Diana

The sad fate of Princess Diana, the personal life of the "Queen of Hearts"

Two years later, after returning from Switzerland, Diana became the owner of her own apartment in London, which her father gave her when she came of age, and got a job in a kindergarten: the English "golden youth" does not consider it shameful to earn money on their own. Then the skills acquired in elite schools came in handy.

In 1980, Diana met again with Prince Charles. The heir to the crown then turned 32, and his turbulent bachelor life has long worried his crowned parents - Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. Of particular concern was Charles's long association with Camilla Parker-Bowles, a married lady who was then considered impossible to marry. Diana Spencer candidacy as future wife The prince was approved instantly, and not only by the groom's parents, but also by Camilla herself, with whom Charles was not going to part. From the very beginning, Diana was aware of the prince's scandalous romance, but the girl in love agreed.

On July 29, 1981, Prince Charles married Diana Frances Spencer at St. Paul's Cathedral. Happiness was short-lived, sincerely loving husband Years of disappointment, jealousy, tears, fruitless attempts to save the family awaited Diana. The only joy of the Princess of Wales was the sons - William, who appeared in 1982, Henry (Harry), born two years later.

By the end of the 80s, Lady Diana's life turned into a nightmare. Charles, despite the protests of his wife, continued his relationship with Camilla and did not even try to hide them. The princess found it increasingly difficult to remain calm in public ceremonies every year, her confrontation with the queen, who was always on the side of her son, as befits a classic mother-in-law, increased. Elizabeth's dissatisfaction was fueled by a rather weighty circumstance - Diana's incredible popularity. Immediately after her fairy-tale wedding, the Princess of Wales, despite her aristocratic origins, began to be considered a "princess of the people." She was sincerely loved by both subjects of the British crown and residents of other countries, and Lady Di, as she was affectionately called, never disappointed her admirers. The princess was actively involved in charity work, and provided not only material but also moral support to those in need.

In 1990, Diana stopped hiding the current situation from the public. The conflict left the powerful walls of Windsor Palace and scattered around the world, and the princess found a powerful and implacable enemy in the face of the queen. Divorce representatives royal family Great Britain was fraught not only with a grandiose scandal, but also with certain dynastic complications. But Diana did not consider it necessary to "humble her pride." Wanting to take revenge on her husband, the princess dared to "tarnish" her once impeccable reputation communication with a riding instructor. In 1992, the couple broke up, and only four years later, in 1996, the divorce proceedings took place. The queen finally accepted the fait accompli.

"Candle in the Wind" - Death of Princess Diana

Having received the long-awaited freedom, Lady Diana managed to retain the title of Princess of Wales and the right to raise children. She was still engaged in active peacekeeping and charitable activities, remained a colonel of two military units: Cavalry Regiment "Light Dragoons" (Light Dragoons) and the Royal Regiment of the Princess of Wales. However, the prospect of becoming queen was lost forever.

It seemed that Diana had the opportunity to improve her personal life. After several short romances, in June 1997, the princess met Dodi al-Fayed, the son of an Egyptian billionaire. After only two months, the ubiquitous paparazzi managed to take some very eloquent pictures of Diana and Dodi. Soon there were rumors about the engagement of the princess with a representative of a powerful family in the Muslim world.

On August 31, 1997, in Paris, a car in which Lady Diana and Dodi al-Fayed tried to evade the persecution of the paparazzi drove at high speed into the tunnel in front of the Alma bridge on the Seine embankment and crashed into a support. Dodi died instantly, and Diana died for about an hour in fragments of twisted metal under the flashes of cameras of journalists who came to the scene of the tragedy. The scoundrels, thirsty for sensations, did not even try to help...

Dedicated to Princess Diana of Wales...

Whether the death of the obstinate princess was an accident or an act of the British secret services, most likely, will forever remain a mystery. "Candle in the wind", as Elton John called Diana in his song, - a woman with a twisted fate and a tireless warrior with troubles ordinary people: with anti-personnel mines and deadly ailments, rests in the Spencer family estate - in a family crypt on a picturesque island in the center of the lake.

The heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, married Lady Diana Spencer on July 29, 1981. This article is about their short-lived, controversial and tragic love.

On July 29, 1981, the wedding of Prince Charles of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer took place at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. This celebration, which cost the treasury nearly 3 million pounds, was dubbed the "wedding of the century" in the press. Diana, in her wedding dress with a long train and tiara, looked like a princess from a fairy tale who married the heir to the throne. The question of whether this marriage was concluded for love or whether Diana was at that time the most suitable candidate for the role of the wife of the future king remains open, and the story of the relationship between Prince Charles and Lady Di ended sadly. Having been married for 15 years, the couple officially divorced - a year before the tragic death of Diana in a car accident. This article tells about how the short-lived relationship between Prince Charles and Lady Diana began and developed, who, without becoming the Queen of Britain, forever remained the "Queen of people's hearts."

The Prince of Wales met his future bride in 1977, when she was only 16 years old. At the time, Charles was in a relationship with Diana's 22-year-old sister Sarah. There is a version that this novel came to an end after the girl, having met two reporters in a restaurant, inadvertently shared with them the details of her personal life, including her addiction to alcohol, weight problems and numerous intrigues, and also that has already begun to collect clippings from newspapers and magazines that deal with her " royal romance- to show grandchildren. The article was published, and Charles, as you might guess, found the behavior of his beloved unacceptable and stupid, immediately ending the relationship and turning his attention to the younger Spencer. Despite the fact that many considered the wedding of Diana and Charles to be the reason for the cooling of relations between the sisters - allegedly Sarah never forgave her sister for not marrying the prince - Lady Dee's biographer insists that Sarah was one of the few , whom Diana completely trusted, in addition, the sisters often appeared together at special occasions.

By the time she met the heir to the British crown, Diana Spencer, the Viscount's daughter, who came from the same family as Winston Churchill and was the bearer of royal blood through the illegitimate children of Kings Charles II and James II, had already received the title "Lady". It was granted to her as the daughter of a high peerage when her father became the 8th Earl Spencer in 1975. Diana's family moved from London to the ancestral castle of Althorp House in Nottrogtonshire, where the royal family came to hunt. Diana got a good education first at home, then in private schools in England and Switzerland. All this, coupled with an aristocratic upbringing, musical abilities, the girl's external attractiveness and, as it seemed to everyone at first, a meek character, made her an ideal contender for the role of the prince's bride.

A serious relationship between Charles and Diana began in 1980: young people spent the weekend on a cruise aboard the yacht Britannia, and then Charles invited Diana to the summer royal residence, Balmoral Castle, where he introduced the chosen one to the family. By that time, Charles had already turned 30, he should have chosen a life partner, so even his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, gave permission for the wedding, although she considered Diana not ready for life in the palace.

On February 3, 1981, after six months of official relations, Charles made an offer to Diana, to which she agreed. However, the engagement was kept secret for some time, until February 24, when about future wedding announced publicly. Diana appeared in public with a ring of 14 diamonds and a huge sapphire, which cost the groom 30,000 pounds. The same jewelry, which he inherited from his mother, was presented to his bride Kate Middleton for engagement by the son of Charles and Diana - Prince William.

Preparations for the wedding took 5 months. It was decided to hold the celebration in the Cathedral of St. Paul, and not in Westminster Abbey, where, as a rule, representatives of the British royal family were married, but where it was not possible to accommodate all those invited, and as a result there were more than 3,500 people. Kings, queens, princes and princesses from all over the world arrived in London for the ceremony, as well as representatives of the English aristocracy and other high-ranking guests. The procession through the streets of London was watched by a crowd of citizens who greeted the procession, which consisted of the carriages of Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip, members of the royal family, Prince Charles and his brother Andrew. The bride and father were the last to go to the wedding place, in a special glass carriage. About 750 million people watched the broadcast of the ceremony on TV, and they all waited for one thing - the bride getting out of the carriage, when she could finally see her dress in all its glory. And this wait was worth it: Diana's outfit is still considered the most chic wedding dress in history. A huge silk fluffy skirt decorated with lace and pearls, puffed sleeves and a 25-meter train - fragile Diana almost got lost in this abundance of expensive ivory materials, but at the same time she looked like a revived heroine of a fairy tale. On her head, the bride put on a tiara that belonged to her family.

The oaths given by the bride and groom in front of the altar were heard (thanks to the speakers) far outside the cathedral - however, there were some overlays, which were later called prophetic. So, Lady Diana couldn't pronounce correctly. long name future spouse - Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor - and he, in turn, instead of "I promise to share with you everything that belongs to me", said "I promise to share with you everything that belongs to you." It is also interesting that the word "obey" was removed from the marriage vows of spouses for the first time.

The family happiness of Diana, who became the Princess of Wales, and Charles was short-lived, but they had two sons in marriage: in 1982, the first-born William was born, and two years later, the youngest, red-haired Henry, who is often called Harry. According to Diana herself, it was these years, the first after the birth of children, that were the happiest in the life of their family - Charles and his wife spent almost all the time in the company of each other and their sons, whom they took with them even on official trips. “Family is the most important thing,” Lady Dee, who was still with youthful years she adored children and even worked at one time as a teacher in one of London's kindergartens. In the same period, the character of the princess appeared, who not only chose the names for William and Harry herself, but also hired her own nanny, refusing the services of the royal, and later, despite the busy schedule of meetings and official visits, tried to meet her sons from school on her own.

In the mid-80s, Charles resumed an affair with his longtime mistress Camilla Parker-Bowles - telephone records confirming adultery were leaked to the press. Diana, in turn, - either out of resentment, or in revenge, or out of loneliness - became close to the riding instructor James Hewitt. Journalists' attention to detail married life royals were forced to give explanatory interviews - it was impossible to avoid questions. None of them, of course, went into details, but Diana nevertheless allowed herself a comment that spread all over the world: “There are too many people in my marriage.”

The princess had in mind not only Charles' mistress, who after her death would nevertheless become the prince's legal wife, but also the entire royal family, who took an active part in the life of their young family. Which in itself is quite logical, given the status of Charles as a potential future king of Great Britain. Elizabeth II was outraged by the attention of the press that Diana brought on them with her behavior - the whole world was closely watching her, because the princess led an active social life, devoting a lot of time to charity, visiting orphanages, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers. She herself walked minefield by supporting the campaign to ban the use anti-personnel mines, donated family money to the fight against AIDS, attracting numerous famous friends, artists and musicians as sponsors. Subjects and residents of other countries adored her, and she stated that she wanted to be, first of all, the "queen of human hearts", and not the queen of Britain. Of course, Charles with his affair was out of favor with the people, he was made the main culprit unhappy marriage- but the mother and the royal family were, of course, on the side of the heir and could not allow Diana to further spoil his reputation.

To everyone's relief, Diana and Charles officially divorced in August 1996, and Diana ceased to be Her Royal Highness. However, as ex-wife crown prince and the mother of pretenders to the throne, still had to follow protocol. Diana did not stop charitable activities, and the attention of the press to her person did not weaken. It is known that after parting with Charles, who no longer tried to hide his relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles, Lady Dee first started failed romance with the Pakistani-born surgeon Hasnat Khan, for whom she almost converted to Islam, and later with the Arab multimillionaire Dodi Al-Fayed. It was in his car on the way from a Parisian restaurant that Diana crashed on the evening of August 31, 1997. For Charles, as well as for little princes, her death was a blow, despite previous disagreements. Even Queen Elizabeth, seeing how the nation mourns for the disgraced princess, filling up the square in front of Buckingham Palace with flowers, made an official televised address, expressing her grief over the death of her grandchildren's mother. As for Charles, he married for the second time only 8 years after the death of Diana - the wedding with Camilla Parker-Bowles was not solemn, they registered their long-standing relationship in the municipal department of Windsor. And, despite the blessing from the royal family, Elizabeth II was not present at the wedding.

Princess Diana (1961-1997) was the first wife of Charles, heir to the British throne. Her family life officially lasted from 1981 to 1996. But the couple have been living separately since 1992. The initiator of the divorce was the Queen of England Elizabeth II. It took place in 1996, and a year later the princess died in a car accident. This woman was very popular all over the world. More than 20 years have passed since her death, but people remember Diana and speak warmly of her. In 2002, the BBC conducted a poll to rank the best Britons. In this list, consisting of 100 eminent surnames, our heroine took 3rd place.

Charles, Diana and their children: younger Harry and older William, 1987

Charles and Diana had 2 sons - Prince William (b. 1982) and Prince Harry (b. 1984). These are adults now. The eldest is married, and his marriage is very successful. He married Catherine Middleton. She was born in 1982, so the spouses are the same age. The wedding ceremony took place on April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was attended by 2000 people. It was not a simple wedding, but a historical event. It is not at all excluded that Catherine will eventually become the Queen of England. After the wedding, she received the title of Duchess of Cambridge.

I must say that the children of Princess Diana with early years were uncontrollable. But after the mother and father divorced, the boys became softer and more docile. The death of their mother that followed had a very hard effect on their psyche. However, the father always tried to surround his sons with attention and care.

Left to right: Elizabeth II, Prince William, his wife Catherine Middleton and Prince Harry, 2012

After 8 years, he married Camilla Parker-Bowles. The stepmother's relationship with William and Harry from the first days was established quite friendly. Camilla always tried to be kind and affectionate. As for Katherine, she is remarkable not only for her beauty. This woman is distinguished by sanity and in everything subordinates personal interests to the requirements of the royal court. Elizabeth II loves her very much. At least no less than Diana once loved.

Friendship between William and his future wife started in 2002. But they were friends, then they cooled off towards each other. Only since 2007, their relationship has become stable. On November 16, 2010, the couple announced their engagement. Thus, the eldest of the children of Princess Diana found his other half. Family life young people flows calmly and happily.

A huge event not only for the country, but for the whole world was the birth of a son to this crowned couple. The boy was born on July 22, 2013 at 16:24 local time. He was born at St Mary's Hospital in London, where his father was born 31 years ago. In accordance with ancient custom, the good news in Buckingham Palace delivered a special messenger. But in the 21st century, he no longer rides a hot horse, but drives a car.

The weight of the baby was 3.8 kg. He was given the title of Prince of Cambridge, named George. Full name— George Alexander Louis. Again, in accordance with custom, all children of Great Britain born on the same day as the heir to the throne receive a silver coin. It symbolizes memory and happiness. About historical event informs the city crier, and the sensational news immediately spreads around the world. England strictly honors ancient traditions, which causes great respect among the inhabitants of the planet.

But the crowned couple was not limited to one child. In October 2014, it was officially announced that the second child would be born in April 2015. Catherine Middleton and her husband got it wrong quite a bit. On May 2, 2015, at 8:34 local time, a girl was born. The weight of the newborn was 3.71 kg. The charming baby was named Charlotte. Her full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge. Thus, the heirs of the English crown had a girl.

The third child was born on April 23, 2018. It's a boy named Louis. Full name is Louis Arthur Charles. He was born at St. Mary's Hospital at 11:01 local time. The weight of the newborn was 3.8 kg. His full official title is HRH Prince Louis of Cambridge.

As for the youngest son Harry, he is in public life has proven itself since the best side. He is a good athlete and played for the junior team in a polo championship in faraway Australia. Graduated military academy was in Africa. In 2007-2008 he took part in the fighting in Afghanistan. Since September 2012, he again ended up in this country. He fought bravely, flew combat helicopters. In January 2013 he returned to England. But this applies to public affairs, but in his personal life, the prince for a long time could not decide on the lady of the seat.

From 2004 to 2010, Harry was friends with Chelsea Davey (b. 1985). This is the daughter of a millionaire from Zimbabwe. She looks like a fragile blonde, but she is great with horses. Can ride without a saddle. Easily deal with poisonous snakes- Strangles them with his hands. That is, the lady is desperate and is not afraid of the devil or the devil. At the same time, she received a great legal education and works in a prestigious law office.

Cressida Bonas

Everything seemed to be going to the wedding, but then Chelsea changed her mind. The officialdom of the royal court was not to the liking of a woman accustomed to a simpler life. Harry met Cressida Bonas after the breakup. This is a legacy model. Her mother Mary Gay shone on the catwalk in the 70s of the last century and did not get out of nightclubs. She married 4 times, and the apple, as you know, does not fall far from the tree.

This is to the fact that Cressida inherited from her mother all the main character traits. Friends call her "wild thing". Harry's life with her would hardly have been quiet and peaceful. But, fortunately, the children of Princess Diana always had prudence. The relationship between the model and the prince was never serious. In addition to the “wild thing”, the youngest member of the royal family had fallback options until the summer of 2016. This is Melissa Percy and Flea-Brudenell-Bruce.

Harry and Melissa Percy. The girl can't even buy herself shoes, but Harry is a nice guy: money is not the main thing for him

But all these relationships died, as in August 2016, Harry started an affair with American actress and model Meghan Markle. This information was officially confirmed in November of the same year. And on November 27, 2017, the 36-year-old actress and Harry officially announced their engagement. The wedding took place on May 19, 2018 at Windsor Castle in St George's Chapel.

The prince has long dreamed of a family and has said more than once that he wants the same wife as his older brother. Catherine Middleton is the same to him as elder sister. She even replaced his mother in some ways. This is ideal for the offspring of the royal family. Beautiful appearance, sanity, willingness to subordinate his personal life to the interests of the reigning dynasty.

Prince Harry with his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex

According to Harry himself, he loves to mess around with children and wants his wife to give birth to many children for him. And this desire began to come true on May 6, 2019. Early that morning, Megan gave birth to a boy. He became the 7th pretender to the British throne. They named him Archie Harrison. But it seems that the couple will not be limited to one child. There will be other charming kids in the royal family.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the children of Princess Diana and the grandchildren of Elizabeth II are worthy successors royal dynasty. In this matter, the proud British can be absolutely calm. Over time, the throne will be occupied by self-sufficient and noble people who care about the good of their nation.

The article was written by Vyacheslav Semenyuk

Diana Francis Spencer, Her Highness the Princess of Wales, was born on July 1, 1961 in Norfolk to an English aristocratic family. Her father, John Spencer, the bearer of the title of Viscount Althorp, came from the ancient Spencer-Churchill family, carriers of royal blood descended from Charles II, who became famous as the "jolly king". Carl had 14 recognized illegitimate sons who received the title a large number of unrecognized children and not a single heir born in an official marriage. However, thanks to this king, the list of aristocratic families of England has noticeably expanded.

The dynasty to which Princess Diana belonged can be proud of such eminent sons as Sir and the Duke of Marlborough. The ancestral property of the Spencer family is Spencer House, located in the Westminster quarter in central London. Diana's mother Francis Shand Kydd also comes from an aristocratic family. Diana's maternal grandmother was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.

The biography of the future princess was also beyond claims. Elementary education the future Princess Diana received in Sandringham, where she spent her childhood. Lady Dee's first teacher was Gertrude Allen, a governess who had previously taught the girl's mother. Diana received her further education at the private Sealfield School, and later studied at Riddlesworth Hall. As a child, the character of the future princess was not difficult, but she was always quite stubborn.

According to the recollections of teachers, the girl read and drew well, dedicating her drawings to her mother and father. Diana's parents divorced when she was 8 years old, which was a great shock for the child. As a result of the divorce proceedings, Diana stayed with her father, and her mother left for Scotland, where she lived with her new husband.

The next place of study for the future Princess of Wales is the privileged school for girls West Hill in Kent. Here, Diana did not show herself as a diligent student, and her passion was music and dancing, and, according to rumors, in her youth, Lady Dee was not given exact sciences and she even failed her exams a few times.

In 1977, Diana and Prince Charles met in Althorp, but at that time the future spouses did not pay serious attention to each other. In the same year, Diana studies in Switzerland for a short time, but returns home due to strong homesickness. After graduation, Diana began working as a nanny and teacher in kindergarten in the prestigious Knightsbridge area of ​​London.

Prince Charles and the wedding

In 1980, Diana again falls into the circle of friends of Prince Charles. The bachelor life of the heir to the throne at that time was a serious cause for concern for his parents. Queen Elizabeth was especially worried about her son's relationship with a noble married lady, with whom the prince did not even try to hide his relationship. In this situation, the candidacy of Diana Spencer for the role of the princess was gladly approved. royal family, Charles and, according to some rumors, even Camilla Parker-Bowles.

The prince invited Diana first to the royal yacht, after which an invitation was received to Balmoral Castle to meet the royal family. Charles proposed at Windsor Castle, but the engagement was kept secret for some time. The official announcement took place on February 24, 1981. The symbol of this event was the famous ring of Princess Diana - a precious sapphire surrounded by fourteen diamonds.

Lady Di became the first English woman in 300 years to marry the heir to the throne.

The wedding of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer has become the most expensive wedding ceremony in British history. The celebration took place at St. Paul's Cathedral in London on July 29, 1981. The wedding ceremony was preceded by a parade through the streets of London by a carriage with members of the royal family, a march of the Commonwealth regiments and the "Glass Carriage", in which Diana and her father arrived.

Prince Charles was wearing dress uniform Commander of Her Majesty's Fleet. Diana wore a £9,000 gown with an 8m train designed by young English designers Elizabeth and David Emanuel. The design of the dress was kept in the strictest confidence from the public and the press, the dress was delivered to the palace in a sealed envelope. The head of the future princess was decorated with a family heirloom - a tiara.

Diana and Charles' wedding has been called the "fairytale wedding" and the "wedding of the century". According to experts, the audience watching the broadcast of the celebrations in live on the world's main TV channels, amounted to more than 750 million people. After a gala dinner at Buckingham Palace, the couple took the royal train to the Broadlands estate before flying to Gibraltar, from where Charles and Princess Diana began their cruise mediterranean sea. At the end of the cruise, another reception was given in Scotland, where members of the press were given permission to photograph the newlyweds.

The wedding celebrations cost taxpayers nearly £3 million.


The personal life of the crowned family was not so fabulous and soon attracted the attention of the public with several scandals, in which, according to the press, various lovers and mistresses constantly appeared. According to rumors, even at the time of the marriage proposal from Charles, Diana was aware of his relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles. Subsequently, it became increasingly difficult for the princess to restrain jealousy and protect the reputation of the family, since Prince Charles not only did not interrupt the extramarital affair, but also openly admitted it. The situation was complicated by the fact that in the person who took the side of her son in this conflict, Princess Diana received an influential opponent.

In 1990, the delicate situation could no longer be hidden, and this situation received wide publicity. During this period, Princess Diana also confesses her relationship with the riding coach James Hewitt.

In 1995, according to rumors, Diana met her true love. While visiting a friend in the hospital, the princess accidentally met the heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. The feelings were mutual, but the constant attention of the public, from which the couple even fled to Khan's homeland, Pakistan, and the active condemnation of Khan's parents, both his role as the princess's de facto lover, and the freedom-loving views of the woman herself, did not allow the novel to develop and, perhaps, deprived a chance for the happiness of two people who are truly in love.

At the insistence of Queen Elizabeth, Charles and Diana officially divorced in 1996, four years after the actual breakup of their family. Married to Prince Charles, two sons were born: Welsh and Welsh.

After the divorce, Diana, according to journalists, begins a relationship with a film producer, the son of the Egyptian billionaire Dodi al-Fayed. Officially, this connection was not confirmed by any of the close friends of the princess, and in a book written by Diana's butler, the fact of their relationship is directly denied.


On August 31, 1997, Princess Diana was killed in a car accident. During Diana's visit to Paris, the car, in the cabin of which, in addition to the princess herself, were Dodi al-Fayed, bodyguard Trevor Rhys Jones and driver Henri Paul, passing through the tunnel under the Alma Bridge, collided with a concrete support. The driver and Dodi al-Fayed died instantly at the scene. Princess Diana died two hours later at the Salpêtrière hospital. The princess's bodyguard survived, but received severe head injuries, as a result of which he does not remember anything about the moment of the accident itself.

Princess Diana's wrecked car

The death of Princess Diana was a shock not only for the people of Great Britain, but for the whole world. In France, mourners have turned a Paris copy of the torch of the Statue of Liberty into a spontaneous memorial to Diana. The funeral of the princess took place on 6 September. Lady Dee's grave is on a secluded island at Althorp Manor (the Spencer family estate) in Northamptonshire.

Among the causes of the car accident, many factors are called, starting with the version according to which the princess's car tried to break away from the paparazzi car chasing them, and ending with the version regarding. Until now, there are many rumors and theories about the causes of death of the beloved princess.

A Scotland Yard report published ten years later confirmed the fact of a two-fold excess of the speed allowed for movement on the road section under the Alma Bridge, discovered during the investigation, as well as the presence of alcohol in the driver’s blood, which exceeded the allowable rate three times.


Princess Diana enjoyed the sincere love of the people of Great Britain, who affectionately called her Lady Dee. The princess did a lot of charity work, donating significant funds to various foundations, was an activist in the movement seeking a ban on anti-personnel mines, and provided people with material and moral assistance.

Sir dedicated the song “Candle in the Wind” to her memory, and the song “Privacy”, in which he not only expressed grief for the princess, but also talked about the burden of constant attention and gossip, which, perhaps, is indirectly to blame for the death of Lady Dee.

10 years after the death, a film was made dedicated to the last hours of the life of the princess. Songs, "Depeche mode" and "Aquarium" are dedicated to her. Postage stamps are issued in her honor in many countries of the world.

According to a BBC poll, Princess Diana is one of the most popular faces in British history, ahead of other English monarchs in this ranking.


  • Royal Family Order of Queen Elizabeth II
  • Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown
  • Order of Virtue Special Class

“William and Harry are the only men in my life who have not let me down,” Lady Diana said of her sons. Having survived her husband's scandalous betrayals, she could not trust him, so she devoted herself entirely to raising her two sons.

Both William and Harry were crazy about their mother in childhood, with warmth and tenderness they remember her today. Her mischievous nature did not give them rest, and sometimes Princess Diana was the instigator of the most daring tricks. So, she came with pleasure to watch how her beloved boys were chasing the ball around the football field, and in Harry's leggings, a loving mother often secretly put sweets. Lady Di sent funny postcards with warm words to her beloved boys, and one day she unexpectedly invited Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell, supermodels, whose pictures adorned the room of a teenager William, to Buckingham Palace (William, out of surprise, almost lost his speech and stumbled, rising up the stairs to your room.

Filming documentary film became the first time that Harry and William decided to talk publicly about their mother. They admitted that frank conversations with the filmmakers became a kind of reflection, since Diana's death still remains a painful and not fully experienced event for both sons.

Speaking of mom, William and Harry willingly showed their childhood photos. Most of the pictures were taken by Diana herself, she loved taking pictures of her sons. These family chronicles have not been published before and will be a real gift for viewers.

William and Harry are sure that it was their mother who raised them the way they are now: open, sociable, natural. The only thing they really regret is that they lost their mother so early, did not have time to give her the love, tenderness and attention that she deserved. Harry, who spoke to his mother on the eve of the disaster, still cannot forgive himself that their last conversation was short and that he, still a child, wanted to finish it quickly. Harry assures that all the words spoken by Diana at that moment, he remembered for the rest of his life.

The story of Princess Diana is often referred to as the story of Cinderella, who married a prince. However, not wanting to live according to the protocol,.