Fortunately, the actress, who has long gained popularity and the love of numerous fans, did not come immediately - before finding the love of her life, she had to experience many disappointments. Only the husband of Marina Alexandrova, main director Channel One Andrei Boltenko, with whom she is happily married, was able to change her personal life for the better.

Marina Alexandrova and Alexander Domogarov

Two beautiful popular actors brought together joint work over the film "Star of the Era", where they played the main roles. On set they had to play strong vivid feelings, which became the beginning of great love and in real life Alexandrova and Domogarov.

In the photo - Marina Alexandrova and Alexander Domogarov

At first, they hid their relationship, and in 2005 they came together to the Sochi Film Festival and were no longer shy about their feelings.

Marina was twenty years younger than her chosen one, but this did not bother the lovers at all. The joint life of Alexandrova and Domogarov was stormy and turbulent - they either dispersed or converged, fuel was added to the fire by rumors about Alexander's betrayal with his ex-wife Natalia Gromushkina. Per loud scandals stormy reconciliation followed, during which Domogarov showered Marina with gifts, begging for forgiveness.

The actress had enough patience for two years - tired of fighting for her beloved man, she decided to put an end to this painful relationship, which, nevertheless, she recalls with gratitude.

In the photo - a frame from the movie "The Star of the Era"

The ex-husband of the actress Alexander Domogarov was very worried about parting with her, pouring alcohol into the grief, but Marina no longer worried about this.

Marina Alexandrova's second husband

After parting with her first husband, Alexandrova joined the troupe of the Sovremennik theater, where she met her new love represented by the actor Ivan Stebunov.

In the photo - Marina Alexandrova and Ivan Stebunov

At first, they carefully concealed their relationship, and then they stopped hiding, colleagues could more than once notice lovers kissing near their dressing rooms, and soon they invited friends to the wedding.

However, family happiness with Stebunov lasted only two years for the actress, and the reason for the separation, according to rumors, was bad habits Ivan. They say that Marina was very upset by breaking up with her ex-husband

Marina Alexandrova's husband Andrei Boltenko

After mistakes and unsuccessful relationships in the biography of the actress, a bright streak finally came - she found real family happiness. In 2001, Marina Alexandrovna married the chief director of the First Channel, Andrei Boltenko, and have been inseparable since then.

In the photo - the actress with her husband

They had known each other long before the wedding - for the first time Alexandrova and Boltenko met at the Five Stars festival in Sochi in 2005, when Marina was in a relationship with Domogarov. Andrei was the director of this event and was already fascinated by Marina, he even had the thought that he would gladly marry such a girl.

But only a few years later, when Alexandrova had already gone through two broken marriages, one of which was official, fate brought her and Boltenko to common company... They immediately found a common language and decided not to part anymore.

In Andrei Marina saw a real man behind whom she would feel like a stone wall. A year later, the firstborn appeared in the young family - the son Andrei, named after the dad and two grandfathers, and in 2015 the actress gave birth to another child - daughter Ekaterina. The children of Marina Alexandrova were born in America, in one of the maternity hospitals in New York.

The actress admitted that at first it was not very easy for her to cope with maternal responsibilities, but her husband was always ready to provide support. At the same time, Andrei was very worried when he worked on the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi and disappeared for months at work, leaving his wife at home and little son... Fortunately, Marina was able to understand her beloved man, and they managed to get through difficult times.

Alexandrova calls her husband the most good dad, after all, when he is at home, he devotes every minute to the children. Enjoying family happiness, the actress does not forget about work.

This year she returned to the role of Catherine II, starring in the film “Catherine. Takeoff". Now she is busy working on two films - "Return at any cost" and "Real script".

The actress admits that she is very grateful to her husband for giving her the opportunity not to think about the material side of life, so she can only act in those projects that she likes and do it not because of money. She calls Andrei the leader in their family, and this is completely fine with her.

The husband does not forget to pamper her with gifts and pleasant surprises, and this brings freshness to their relationship, makes them warmer and more harmonious.

Marina Alexandrova and Andrei Boltenko lead a closed lifestyle, trying not to advertise their personal lives, and do not like when their photos get into the media.

Andrei Boltenko and Marina Aleksandrova are quite popular personalities on television. Their love story is unusual. Before finding each other, each managed to build an unsuccessful relationship. How, after a divorce, to find the strength to fall in love again, we will talk in the article.

Dream man

Andrey Boltenko is the main director of the First Channel. Since childhood, he dreamed of being an actor and enrolling in VGIK. But the parents were against such an undertaking, saying that without appropriate connections one could not get into this profession.

It so happened that at the age of 16, the guy ended up in a television studio. He liked the entourage and the work itself, and the path in life was chosen. Andrey was lucky to take part in the creation and staging of grandiose shows, for example, Olympic Games and Eurovision.

Bright productions, thought out to the smallest detail, leave the audience in no doubt about the work of the genius director-director. Andrey Boltenko found the Teffi prize for better organization musical show (Eurovision).

Actress with a capital letter

Marina Alexandrova was born in Hungary. The father was a military officer, so the girl with early childhood accustomed to frequent moving and changing housing. Marina has always strived to be the best. She graduated from school with a mathematical bias, studied the harp. But she didn't want to associate her life with music.

In 1999, Marina decided to enter the Shchukin Theater School. She succeeded the first time. The girl realized that she had found her calling.

The actress was different unusual appearance and steely character. Round-the-clock shooting in harsh conditions never frightened the young beauty. Marina has many roles in cinema and theater. By the way, she performed on the stage of Sovremennik for about five years. She had tremendous success and left the theater only for the sake of her beloved.

Failures in love

Marina did not work out with her personal life until she met Andrei. She was always surrounded by actors who sought to win the trust and heart of the beauty. The most stormy romance, which was discussed, perhaps, by the whole country, was with Alexander Domogarov. At first everything was perfect and even pretty luscious. But after a while in the press every now and then there was information about the inappropriate actions of the actor, dependence on alcoholism and much more. Constant scandals, quarrels, fights could not be After two years life together the couple decided to leave.

Marina had no choice but to get out of depression, dust herself off and again rush in search of the handsome prince. It was Ivan Stebunov. The young and talented actor of the Sovremennik Theater was distinguished by his attractive appearance. He regularly starred in films and TV shows. Romantic relationship ended in marriage. In 2008, Marina became the official wife of Ivan. It would seem, what could be better when two people love each other? But the happiness did not last long. Ivan began a creative decline, which he decided to heal with alcohol. As a result, the girl got tired of fighting her husband's drunkenness, and a year later she filed for divorce.

Happiness is near

Marina Alexandrova and Andrei Boltenko met by chance. The girl assures that it was fate. Throughout career life she repeatedly crossed paths with this man, but never paid attention to him. It was the same on the music show "Five Stars", where Andrei was the director, and

Only a year later they crossed paths in a common company of friends. It took both an hour to understand that they were made for each other. Andrei Boltenko is quite romantic. According to Marina, he arranged dates that were breathtaking. Trips to different countries, walking along the most secluded corners of the earth, all this only brought young people closer together.

Many people ask: "In what relationship is Andrei Boltenko and Marina Aleksandrova?" The wedding of young people took place after the girl found out that she was pregnant. In 2012, their first child was born. The son was named Andrey. Three years later, Marina decided to become a mother for the second time. The brother has a sister, Catherine. On this moment young spouses live abroad. Many envy their happiness, but the girl says that before Andrei she had to go through troubles in love, so she simply deserved such a spouse.

Andrey Boltenko became famous leadership position director on Channel One.

Behind him is the staging of major television projects - 2014 Olympics passing in Sochi, and a world-class music TV show - Eurovision 2009.

He took participation in filming during the election of the new president of Russia... He is one of the outstanding organizers of TV programs on the First Channel - now he is actively taking on other projects on the same TV channel.

Childhood and growing up

Little boy saw the world for the first time in 1973, when was born in the capital of the USA - New York, where his parents worked hard. The child was named Andrey.

Only when the boy grew up a little the family decided to move back to Russia. At that time, he reached five years of age.

It so happened that the boy immediately fell in love with Russia, realizing that he was ready to spend his life here. For this reason, Andrei never went abroad for a long time again. A true Russian soul pulled him into motherland and endless Russian expanses.

As a child, Boltenko returned home from school and shared with his parents the idea of future profession: he wanted to become an actor.

Unfortunately for the boy, the adults did not approve of the decision, arguing that it was impossible to become popular in the acting field without proper connections. They were worried that their son would face problems and not be able to get what he wanted.

Despite the difficulties, when Andrei turned 16, he ended up in a television studio. The opportunity helped the teenager to make sure that he could not get away from his childhood dream, even if it turned out to be somewhat distorted: instead of using acting on stage, Andrey wanted to take part in the filming process.

After leaving school, he enrolled in Faculty of History and Philology at the RUDN University... Hard study soon bore fruit, and Andrey received journalist diploma international level in 1997.

A life accident provided him with the opportunity to participate in acting in 2001, where Andrey worked as TV presenter of the game show "Countdown", which quickly closed due to high competition on television.

Directorial career

Since 1989 when Boltenko went to TV company "VID", where one of the youth television projects in the program started "Sight"... After several issues, the project was recommended for closure due to the small audience of viewers.

After receiving his diploma, Boltenko received a job offer for the post of chief director of the ORT TV channel (later - Channel One), to which he immediately agreed.

Having gained enough experience, Andrey decides in 2003 to form its own company "ABV-studio", whose task was to provide services for ensuring high-quality filming of large-scale entertainment projects, as well as their staging.

In 2010 year Boltenko thought about expanding the company. It was decided to leave the old name far in the past, because after renaming the organization into "Andrei Boltenko Group" video content design services have also been added to the old services.

The director took on creation of youth television series like motion pictures "After school" in 2012... To prepare for the start of the project, Andrey needed 4 years.

Fame overtook the director after large-scale work on staging Eurovision 2009. The audience appreciated his work and soon Andrei was called to presentation of the laureate award "Teffi" and awarded certificate of honor from the President of Russia.

The next peak of popularity found him much later during the Olympic Games in Sochi, held in 2014.

Down to by the end of 2016 he borrowed position of chief director on Channel One while directing a film crew during famous TV shows such as "Evening Urgant", "King of the Ring".

At the moment Boltenko works with his wife in the TV project "Once Upon a Time ...", which started in 2017.

Personal life

Many people whose names often appear in the media do not like to exhibit own life for show. As a man of the public profession, Andrei is one of them.

However, despite the skepticism on this issue, he could not avoid gossip around him during an affair with a famous Russian actress Marina Alexandrovna.

Her fans actively followed the boyfriend, who claimed that he fell in love with the girl at first sight, but Marina had a different opinion on this matter. Only after they broke off communication for a year and met by chance in the same company - the girl noticed in young man worthy candidacy.

In 2012, they secretly got married. They currently have two children.

32-year-old actress was carried away by Igor Petrenko

Marina ALEKSANDROVA recently shouted at every corner that the most important thing in her life today is her husband and son. Now her Instagram is full of posts with the hashtag "I love your work." However, the movie star's colleagues also believe that Marina's relationship with Andrei BOLTENKO is not as cloudless as it was at the dawn of their romance.

Marina has repeatedly emphasized that she is an ambiguous girl. On the one hand, such a "noble girl" with an angelic appearance, on the other - a reckless rock and roll girl. In fact, the fact that such diametrically opposite personalities somehow coexist in Alexandrova attracts men. At one time, Alexei Chadov, French producer Cyril Lunkevich, and film star Alexander Zbruev went crazy over her. And what a stormy romance she had with the heartthrob Alexander Domogarov, only those who do not read newspapers and do not watch TV do not know.
- In fact, I am grateful to Sasha, because he discovered love in me. Thanks to him, I understood what it was. Maybe the relationship with him was given to me as a test. Before I met Sasha, I grew up as a greenhouse plant, and I probably had to go through this story in order to understand how to love, how to go crazy when you die of longing for to a loved one... In a word, I have matured with Sasha, - Marina confessed with our correspondent several years ago.
Then she did not want to tell who appeared in her life after Domogarov, saying only: "When I get married, then you yourself will find out everything."

And indeed, a couple of months after that conversation, she became the wife of actor Ivan Stebunov. Which, we note, before assured:
- I am a perfect womanizer and I will certainly never marry an actress!
This marriage lasted nothing at all. Gossips it was said that the cause of the discord was the "green serpent" that entangled Vanka. And recently, by the way, Ivan “just for friends” indicated on Facebook that he was engaged. He shakes his head at all the questions: they say, no, no, no more public statements. Friends of the 33-year-old artist say that Stebunov's chosen one is in no way connected with the world of cinema, and they met almost on the street - in a club where Vanya once had a rest with friends. The girl is a little younger and promises to be homely and faithful, give birth to at least three, cook delicious meals and wait from work at night. In short, not a girl, but the dream of any creative person.
Probably, Andrei Boltenko dreamed of the same. And, having become close to Alexandrova, he probably thought that she, too, could become an exemplary hostess. Moreover, Marina herself has repeatedly said that only in motherhood true purpose women.

Alone not at home

If you believe the know-it-all party-goers, Boltenko before Alexandrova had a long lamur with top model Natasha Vodianova. It was rumored that, allegedly, because of him, the beauty from the cover broke up with her English lord, with whom she had made three children. However, it is readily believed that Andrei could make a strong competitor to the British aristocrat Portman, because he is a great fellow, he is very erudite, well-mannered, balanced. International journalist, graduate of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba is highly respected by her superiors. On Channel One, where Boltenko has been working for more than 20 years, they speak of him exclusively as a mega-professional. Judge for yourself: he was the main director of not only Eurovision-2009, but also the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympics. Who would not be trusted with such a thing!

Of course, at work Andrei is exhausted and, coming home, wants to be surrounded by warmth and care. And Marina in last months all on the set and on the set ... With Sergei Bezrukov in "Not at home alone" in Irkutsk, she saved herself from frost with felt boots. Preparing for work in "Gosznak" (continuation of "Mosgaz" and "Executioner"), she took choreography lessons, and for the sake of a role in " Born of a star”I studied with a vocal teacher for weeks. In this picture, Marina plays with Igor Petrenko. According to the script, they are spouses. Filming in St. Petersburg is in full swing, and many members of the group are already whispering with might and main that Marina and Igor have a close relationship not only on the set. Divorced Petrenko is a beautifully courted wizard. In communication, he is light and mischievous in nature. I know. In the meantime, Alexandrova turns all sorts of shura-mura on the set, her 41-year-old husband, they say, complains to friends that her son Andryusha is worried that he rarely sees his mother - a baby who turns three in the summer is mainly engaged in a nanny.

Let's hope that the crisis of the fifth year (that is how many years Marina and Andrei have been together), the spouses will overcome and live in peace and harmony for more than a dozen.

Andrey Boltenko is the chief director of Channel One. Among his famous works are staging the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympic Games, which took place in Sochi, the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, as well as two inaugurations of the President of the Russian Federation - D. A. Medvedev, and after V. V. Putin. In addition, he made a great contribution to the organization of such projects as "King of the Ring", "Evening Urgant", "Star Factory" and several others.

Biography of Andrei Boltenko

Andrei was born in America, in New York, where his parents worked at that time. When the boy was 5 years old, they returned to Russia. Since then, Boltenko never went abroad for a long time, always associating all aspects of his life with our country.

As a child, the director dreamed of a career as an actor, but his parents opposed this choice, believing that it was impossible to achieve anything without connections in this environment. But at the age of 16, Andrei got into a television studio and was literally fascinated by its atmosphere. As a result, he entered the Peoples' Friendship University at the Faculty of History and Philology, from which he graduated with a diploma in international journalism.

He still happened to be an actor in 2001 - he played himself in the form of the host in the series "Countdown".

Andrei Alexandrovich Boltenko's career in television began at the VID television company. Genuine popularity came to him after participating in the grandiose production of Eurovision, for which he won the Teffi Prize in 2009, as well as the 2014 Olympic Games.

In 2012, he participated in the creation of a series about the life of adolescents and their environment "After School". Currently he is the director and producer of the "Evening Urgant" project.

Rare shot: Marina Aleksandrova flashed in the light with her husband

The most beautiful couples: Russian celebrities

The most beautiful couples: Russian celebrities

Marina Aleksandrova and Andrey Boltenko Andrey Boltenko and Marina Aleksandrova met in Sochi at the Five Stars festival: the actress was the host, and the chief director of Channel One was the director of the project. A year later they met ... Celebrity couples who got married

The personal life of director Andrei Boltenko

Andrei is one of those people who, despite the publicity of their profession, do not particularly strive to flaunt their personal life. But his romance with current wife, famous actress Marina Alexandrova, at one time invariably attracted attention thanks to the romantic flair.

The couple met absolutely by chance on one of the television projects. According to Andrei, he fell in love with the girl right away and realized that it was her that he wanted to see in the role of his wife. But Marina at that time did not pay much attention to him.

Only about a year later, having met by chance in friendly company, she was finally able to see her chosen one in him. Boltenko proved to her in every possible way his disposition, organizing incredibly romantic dates and presenting exquisite gifts. The couple became inseparable and got married as a result.

In 2012, their firstborn, Andrei, was born, and in 2015, their daughter Ekaterina.

Boltenko's parents live in America, his father is an interpreter at the UN.

Boltenko was credited with a scandalous connection with the popular model Natalia Vodianova, there were even rumors about their wedding (around 2010). But even if there was such a connection, then it ended in nothing.