The whole truth about husbands and their " deadly disease» Boris Korchevnikov was told by Maria Aronova

When Boris Korchevnikov left the program "Live", many viewers were very sorry about this. But then it became known that the popular TV presenter would still have his own show on Channel Two. And today, on October 3, on "Russia 1" the premiere of the program "The Fate of a Man" took place.

Probably, Boris should have left to return in a new capacity. After his serious illness, brain surgery, he rethought a lot, began to assess what was happening more deeply, more subtly. Of course, he would be cramped within the framework of his "old" program. A new project makes it possible to talk with people in more detail, intently, sincerely. What happened in the very first story dedicated to the theater and film actress Maria Aronova.

IN Lately rumors about the artist's incurable illness are circulating in various media. The question of how justified these conversations, the owner of the studio asked Maria Valerievna at the end of filming. And at first there was a detailed, sincere conversation about life, fate, love.

She lost her mother when she was 23 herself. My mother had cancer, and she simply did not want to be treated. It was her personal choice. Maria then lived separately, and now she regrets that in recent months was not around.

She was very amorous, emotional, and, as she herself admits, when she fell in love, she lost her sense of reality. She idolized a person, attributed to him the qualities that she wanted to see. The first time this happened when the girl was only 14 years old. Her chosen one was an Uzbek student of the Timiryazev Academy, twice her age.

This relationship lasted two years, she was already going to move to the "groom" in Uzbekistan. And suddenly, having been in the camp of the Komsomol activists, she clearly understood: this is her life, her element, and not at all a ghostly marriage in a distant land.

Then, studying at theater institute met the father of her future son. And she was also fascinated, did not see that Vlad was not created for family relations. The union did not last long. Besides, civil husband became interested in alcohol, both institutes, which he entered at the same time, left. When one day, on an absurd occasion, he raised his hand to his wife, everything became completely clear to her.

Now she is happy in alliance with Evgeny Fomin. At the time of their acquaintance, he was the head of the transport department of the Vakhtangov Theater. Relations developed gradually. He took care of her, helped, drove, talked with his son. Then there was a romantic vacation at sea and a return home.

After the trip, Maria fell ill with hepatitis in a very unromantic way, and spent a month in the hospital. Eugene sent her son to the first grade. When they appeared in her ward after the line: in clean ironed suits, white shirts, satisfied, happy - everything immediately fell into place.

They have a wonderful big house in Dolgoprudny. The common daughter of Maria and Eugene is 13 years old. The son is married, he gave his mother a wonderful granddaughter. There is enough work, sometimes even too much. She is constantly filming somewhere, playing in the theater, going on tour.

Mikhail Politseymako, a theater partner, told how a traffic police patrol fired at their car in Bratsk. They just mixed it up: in terms of orientation, the car looked like a car of criminals. Aronova got out of the car, and, even though she was in tears, she hit the policeman on the hand with a machine gun with all her might ...

She looks great. She lost a little weight, changed her hairstyle, looks stylish. But what about these rumors about terrible disease? Did Maria inherit her mother's diagnosis? "No," the actress replied. She is in good health, and it is difficult to judge who is spreading these malicious rumors, and why this is being done.

She can handle it herself, the “hard nut” assures, “but there are also family members. A father who is already at a respectable age, a teenage daughter. Here they can react to such nonsense and more emotionally. For them, the actress is really very worried.

A complete idyll reigns in the family of Aronova and Fomin. Eugene took care of the children and household chores so that nothing would distract the creative wife from work. And now, decades later, the lovers finally decided to officially get married. The first photos from the celebration have already appeared online.

A photo with the caption “Newlyweds” appeared on Mikhail Politseymako’s Instagram. Fans were quick to congratulate the actress and her new husband.

Apparently, the wedding ceremony was modest, in a circle of close people. Among the invited guests was the 23-year-old son of Aronova from his first marriage. Vladislav came to his mother's wedding with his wife and daughter Antonina.

In one of the interviews, Maria admitted that Eugene replaced her father with her son Vladislav. “Zhenya turned out to be a person who purposefully wanted a family, a child. His heroism also lies in the fact that he managed to build a relationship with my son. What does not happen in so many families when a woman with a child meets a man. Surely someone begins to suffer: either a woman betrays a child from her first marriage, or scandals begin with her chosen one. In this case, Zhenya's merit is that he is raising my son as his own, ”said Aronova. Maria so designated a secret in an interview happy union with Evgeny Fomin: “The main problem of families is that we stop talking. Zhenya is 15 years older than me, he taught me this. Before him, I didn’t know what a family was at all, I never had one, there were only idiotic novels that ended in my disappointment in these men, whom I idealized, invented for myself, and then discouraged watched what was not ... ”, - quotes the actress

Recall that not so long ago, disturbing reports appeared on the network that Maria Aronova was seriously ill with cancer and was forced to urgently undergo treatment. But soon the actress denied all these rumors and said that she was all right.

Looking at happy couple Aronova and Fomina, it becomes clear that the difference in the age of the spouses is not at all an obstacle to family happiness.

    Maria Aronova appeared in the image of a key character - Maria Bochkareva, the commander of the women's death battalion. And although the audience is used to seeing her in tragicomic roles, Aronova was very organic as a dramatic character.

    Maria Aronova: scandal on the theater stage. Detailed news

    People's Artist Maria Aronova addressed the audience after the second call. She explained that this call is given only after the artists have received the money. However, the organizer did not issue funds, but launched spectators into the hall.

    The theater for this artist, as she herself claims, is her everything. Here she asserts herself and can be anyone.

    Aronova says, if it were not for her profession, she would be an incredibly notorious and “gray” woman. theater actress prefers cinema. On stage, unlike film set She feels as comfortable as in her own home.

    Maria Aronova made a scandal on stage because of money. Watch the video

    After a successful debut, the artist is often invited to act in films. She appeared in many high-rated series, such as Stop on Demand, Moscow Windows, Brigade, Soldiers, Strawberry, Eighties.

    The audience saw their favorite actress in the tapes "Next" and "Diamond Hunters". In the last 8-episode project, she perfectly played Galina Brezhneva, daughter Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU.

    Maria Aronova Wikipedia. Recent Events

    Aronova noted that over the years she began to look different. In her opinion, this is the merit of her husband Eugene. From a man, Maria in 2004 had a daughter, Seraphim. And recently, the couple legalized their relationship, although they have been together for about 20 years. Maria Aronova got married after 20 years of civil marriage

    “This lady, who does not give her last name, lets you into the hall, humiliating me, a people's artist, a laureate of the state award. Come out to you, lie, talk about technical problems, give a second call without our knowledge. Now we are sitting, humiliating you, humiliating ourselves, waiting, fully prepared,” Maria Aronova said in the video.

    The young actor Alexander Khvaschinsky, on his Facebook page, urged all colleagues to always do exactly what Aronova did.

    Maria Aronova is sick with cancer latest news.

    On March 8, we had 20 years of living together with Zhenya. Thank you very much! This is a good and correct work of the beautiful mother Jerome from Diveevo, the wonderful father Andrei, father Ivan.

    They just convinced us that it [to live outside of official marriage] is wrong in relation to our life, to our children. And you need to pray to God for the wedding.

    Since 2004, Maria Aronova began acting in the television series "Soldiers". She got the role of Evelina the bonnet. The filming dragged on for two years, and together with Ignat Akrachkov they played a wonderful couple, which won great audience sympathy.

    And Aronova calls the production "Uncle's Dream" fateful, where Maria Valerievna was able to open to the audience all the facets of her skill.

    Maria protected not only herself and her troupe, but also us, ordinary and not too well-known actors, - said Khvaschinsky KP. According to the actor, among his colleagues it has long been a practice to continuously sue unfortunate employers.

    By the way, despite Aronova's network accusations of disrespect for the viewer, the actress's colleagues think otherwise. It was thanks to an honest and respectful conversation that the performance took place and no one viewer did not return the ticket.

    Today, Maria Aronova performs not only on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. She appears on the stage of the Art-Partner XXI Theater Agency, the Pushkin Theater, the Modern Enterprise Theater and many others.

    The audience watched with pleasure the performances with her participation "The Common Case", "The Marriage of Balzaminov", "Amphitrion", "Mademoiselle Nitush", "Troilus and Cressida" and "Little Comedies".

    "That's how we grateful to the audience for protecting us - with their attitude and their non-care ... Fantastic people! - the actress noted in a commentary to Channel Five.

    Published on 04.10.17 10:12

    Maria Aronova told Korchevnikov about her "cancer disease"

    A well-known domestic actress, 45-year-old Maria Aronova, came to the studio of the Fate of a Man program with Boris Korchevnikov, where she frankly answered rumors about her cancer.

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    As he wrote, recently information appeared in the media that Maria Aronova was allegedly diagnosed with an oncological disease. However, these speculations were dispelled official representatives stars, and now the actress herself told Boris Korchevnikov that everything was fine with her.

    "Everything is fine with me, and intcbatch these are nasty, disgusting rumors that are spread. I really hope that there will be no people who will disturb my 76-year-old father. That's terrible, no one takes it into account. I have an elderly dad, a little daughter at the borderline age, she is 13 years old, who can reflect on this. This is disgusting," she said.

    Maria Aronova also speculated about what she would have advised herself many years ago.

    “Pray to God that you pay yourself for everything you do. Try to offend people as little as possible with your hot temper,” she said, adding that she would ask herself to spend more time with her mother.

    It is known that the mother of Maria Aronova - Lyudmila Petrovna - died of cancer in 1995, when the actress was 23 years old.

    “Mom had cancer, she was dying at home, and she was dying hard. It was my mother’s decision, she refused treatment. We were so young that we could not influence. person".

    Information appeared on the network that a well-known Russian actress Maria Aronova has cancer. The reason for the message was the data on her hospitalization in one of the Moscow clinics. There was evidence of her stay in the oncology department of the hospital. However, representatives of the actress immediately denied this information. And later, Maria Aronova herself stated that such rumors were not true.

    Maria Aronova is sick with cancer: the actress denied rumors about her illness

    About a year ago, information appeared in the media that the famous Russian actress Maria Aronova was suffering from cancer. The rumors were based on the fact that she was seen in one of the Moscow clinics. Sources claimed that Aronova was undergoing treatment at the oncology hospital, where she was noticed by her fans.

    The actress herself did not give any comments and generally avoided discussing such a topic. Perhaps the basis for such assumptions was the information that the actress's mother died of a severe form of cancer when the actress was only 23 years old.

    When the number of rumors began to grow, Aronova's patience came to an end. In the program "The Fate of a Man", the actress for the first time spoke frankly on this difficult topic. She stated that her health is normal. She really visited a medical institution, but this was due to the usual planned examination, which the 46-year-old artist undergoes regularly.

    Maria was outraged by unscrupulous media spreading false rumors that could negatively affect the health of her elderly father and teenage daughter. Unfortunately, public people are constantly subjected to such tests. Gossip about the illness of Maria Aronova appeared repeatedly. The reason for the rumors about a serious illness was either the figure of the actress, which had changed a lot after losing weight, or an extremely short haircut.

    Maria Aronova is ill with cancer: brief information from the biography of the actress

    Maria Aronova was born in 1972 in the Moscow region in intelligent family. She studied at the Shchukin Theater School on the same course as Nonna Grishaeva. And after graduation, she was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Theater. Vakhtangov. On the stage of this theater, the actress played several dozen wonderful roles, for which she received the Crystal Turandot award in 1998.

    Since 1995, Maria Aronova has been actively acting in films and TV series. She was remembered by the audience for her roles in the films "Brigade", "Eighties". The gifted actress became the owner of several cinematographic awards, and in 2004 she became the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

    The actress was married several times, but all her husbands were civil. Only with her current husband, Evgeny Fomin, did Maria officially formalize the relationship. Eugene was engaged in transport in the theater, where Aronova served. He appeared in her life in a very difficult period of lack of money and loneliness. Eugene touchingly looked after Maria and took care of her and her little son.

    In 2004, their daughter was born. The girl was named Seraphim. And in 2018, the couple officially married. The whole family lives happily in the suburbs, where the actress enjoys cooking and fishing.