Incredible Facts

These photos of strange and sometimes creepy creatures have made many people shudder and wonder: "What the hell is this?".

Their images have spread all over the Internet, which has given many people the opportunity to express their incredible assumptions about the origin of these creatures.

Read also:25 scary creatures found in nature

Here are some of the most amazing creatures who were discovered and who they actually turned out to be.

strange creatures

1 Montauk Monster

The story began when an unknown creature washed ashore in the Montauk area of ​​New York in 2008. Local youth photographed the carcass and sold the pictures to newspapers.

Since the Montauk monster was discovered, other carcasses have been found in the same area. There have been speculations that this is a turtle without a shell, a dog, a large rodent, or a scientific experiment that was carried out at a government animal testing center.

In fact:

Experts concluded that the creature was a raccoon corpse, which matched the shape of the teeth and paws, but which was missing the front jaw. The strange appearance is due to the fact that his body began to decompose.

2 Louisiana Monster

In December 2010, a deer-hunting camera caught something frightening.

The picture shows a thin, clumsy, fast-moving and, apparently, nocturnal creature that seemed to want to swallow your soul.

In fact:

The mystery of this creature has not been solved, although many believe that the picture was processed using Photoshop. Two companies attempted to use the image for viral advertising.

For example, the Playstation company stated that the creature was in the game Resistance 3.

There were also those who claimed that this is a "fallen angel" captured on video in the forest, appearing at 45 seconds.

3. Alien child from Mexico

In May 2007, a Mexican farmer Mario Moreno Lopez(Mario Moreno Lopez) discovered a strange creature in a rat trap. He tried to drown him, killing him only the third time.

The creature was small - about 70 cm long with an elongated head, which led to speculation that it was the child of an alien with high level intellect.

However, skeptics have stated that it could be a skinless reptile or squirrel monkey, which explains the presence of a tail and spine, as well as a large head and eyes.

The farmer himself mysteriously died in the car at an abnormally high temperature some time after drowning the creature, which many ufologists considered the revenge of the aliens for the child.

In fact:

Scientists argued that the teeth of the creature are not arranged like human teeth, and it itself has a unique tissue that has not been altered, which refutes the monkey theory.

Later, after all, the farmer's nephew and part-time taxidermist admitted that the creature was the corpse of a monkey, which was skinned and ears removed and placed in the fluids of various animals.

4. Blue Hill Horror

In September 2009, four teenagers playing in the village of Cerro Azul in Panama discovered a strange creature that ran out of a cave. According to them, the monster began to pursue them, and the teenagers began to throw stones at him until they killed him, and then threw the body into the water.

In the newspapers, the creature was nicknamed Gollum (the hero from The Lord of the Rings), as it lived in a cave, and also the Blue Hill Horror.

In fact:

Scientists have discovered that the teenagers' story was a fiction, and the creature turned out to be the body of a sloth, which began to decompose. Because of long stay in the water, it lost its vegetation, giving it a swollen, rubbery appearance.

5. Alien corpse at a ceremony in Thailand

In 2010 in in social networks appeared a series of photographs taken in 2007 at the funeral ceremony of a strange creature that looks like an alien in Thailand. It had a large round head, gray skin covered with white powder, resembling a satyr with tiny hooves and a tail.

Some claim that the ceremony was held to get rid of the evil spirit associated with the creature, while others considered that the inhabitants worshiped the creature as a deity.

In fact:

There were suggestions that the creature was a disfigured cow, although it looked very much like a humanoid. Many point to a large number of anomalous animals appearing around the world, and believe that the aliens are experimenting on animals, creating strange hybrids that will take over the world one day.

Mysterious Creatures

6 Humanoid From Chile

In October 2002, during a trip with his family to Chile Julio Carreno(Julio Carreno) discovered a tiny humanoid 7.2 cm long in the bushes.

The creature had a large humanoid head, nails and opened its eyes, and died 8 days after discovery. When he was alive, he had pink skin that darkened and his body remained warm before rapidly mummifying on its own.

In fact:

The body of the humanoid was examined by veterinarians in Santiago, who were divided as to who the creature was. They confirmed that it was not a human fetus or the remains of a feline, and its physical characteristics were more suitable for a mouse opossum. However, the creature did not have small sharp teeth or a possum tail, and the head was twice as large.

7. Chupacabra from Texas

The creature known as the "Yeti" of Latin America has been seen several times in Puerto Rico and the US, specifically in Texas. According to legend, the Chupacabra (which translates from Spanish as "goat bloodsucker") kills livestock and drinks their blood.

According to the descriptions, this creature had no hair, its skin had a bluish-gray tint.

These creatures have been seen and shot several times in Texas for suffocating dozens of chickens.

In fact:

DNA tests showed that the animal belonged to a hybrid of a wolf and a coyote, bald due to scabies. Although the ability to suck blood from chickens and goats has remained unclear.

8. Huge boar from A labamas

In May 2007, 11-year-old Jemison Stone from Alabama, USA, shot a huge wild boar weighing almost 480 kg and 2.80 meters long. A boy who hunted with his father shot the animal eight times and chased it for three hours. When the boar was shot, trees had to be cut down to get it. The head of the animal was left as a trophy, and about 200-300 kg of sausages were made from meat.

In fact:

Many people signed the petition accusing the boy of animal cruelty. Skeptics, on the other hand, consider the whole story to be fiction, and the boar was, in fact, raised on a farm and fattened in order to make a sensation out of history. Also, many thought that this one was just the result of Photoshop processing.

9. Eastern Yeti caught in China

In April 2010, hunters caught a bald bear-like mammal with a kangaroo tail making cat noises. The creature became a real sensation and was called the "Eastern Yeti". According to legend, the yeti had the figure of a bear, which towered far above the man. This creature was no more than 60 cm long.

In fact:

Experts came to the conclusion that it was an ordinary musang, which had scabies. The animal was sent to Beijing for examination, but the results were never made public.

10. "Alien" from Chelyabinsk

This creature was discovered in an abandoned pit in Chelyabinsk, Russia. He had hard shell, several located one above the other limbs and tail. Some have suggested that this monster is a huge shield, horseshoe crab, or trilobite that died out before the dinosaurs.

In fact:

Apparently, these creatures are shield crustaceans, which are one of the oldest animals, a species that is more than 200 million years old. Usually its size does not exceed 6-7 cm, while the discovered animal reached about 60 cm.

The human imagination, especially in nightmares, can generate images of terrible monsters. They come from the darkness and inspire inexplicable fear. For the entire multi-thousand-year history of existence, mankind has believed in enough a large number of similar monsters, whose names they tried not to even pronounce, since they personified universal evil.

Often Yovi is compared with the more famous Bigfoot, but he is credited with Australian origin. According to legend, Yovi lived exclusively in the Blue Mountains, a mountainous region located to the west of Sydney. The image of this monster appeared in the folklore of the natives to scare away European immigrants and settlers, although there is evidence that the myth has a longer history. There have been people who have spoken of meeting this creature, which is considered an "evil spirit", although there is no official confirmation of Yovi attacking people. It is said that when meeting a human, Yovi stops and stares intently, and then disappears into the dense forest.

During the era of colonial wars, many myths appeared or found new life in different parts of the world. For example, in regions South America started talking about the existence giant anacondas. These snakes reach a length of up to 5 m, and their body, in comparison with ordinary anacondas, is much more massive. Fortunately, no one has yet encountered such a snake, either alive or dead.

If you delve into the mythology of the Slavs, you can believe in the existence of such a creature as a brownie. This is a small bearded man who can live in a pet or even move into a person. They say that in every house there lives a brownie, who is responsible for the atmosphere in it: if there is order and harmony in the house, then the brownie is kind, if they often swear in the house, then the brownie is evil. An evil brownie is capable of causing constant accidents that make life unbearable.

With the head of a crocodile and the face of a dog, with a ponytail and fins, with large fangs, the Bunyip is a fairly large monster that is said to live in swamps and other parts of Australia. His name comes from the word "devil", but many other qualities are attributed to him. Most often, this monster was talked about in the 19th century, and today it is believed that the creature still exists and lives on parity with the locals. Most of all, the natives believe in this.

The creature Bigfoot is known to everyone. This is a large creature that lives in different parts of the USA. He is very tall, his body is covered with black or brown hair. They say that when meeting with him, a person becomes numb in the truest sense of the word, being under the influence of hypnosis. There were people who testified about cases when Bigfoot took people with him into the forest and kept them in his lair for a long time. True or not, the image of Bigfoot instills fear in many.

Jikininki is a special creature born from Japanese folklore. In the past, it was a man who, after death, transformed into a terrible monster. Many believe that this is a ghost that feeds on human flesh, so people who believe in this deliberately avoid visiting cemeteries. In Japan, it is believed that if a person is very greedy during life, after death he turns into jikininki as a punishment and experiences the eternal hunger of carrion. Outwardly, the jikininki is similar to a person, but with a disproportionate body, with large luminous eyes.

This creature has Tibetan roots. Researchers believe that the yeti crossed into Nepal in the footsteps of Sherpa migrants, emigrants from Tibet. They say that he wanders around the neighborhood, sometimes throwing huge stones and whistling terribly. Yeti walks on two legs, his body is covered with light hair, and in his mouth are dog fangs. Both ordinary people and researchers claim to have met this creature in reality. Rumor has it that it penetrates into our world from the other world.

Chupacabra is a fairly small creature, but capable of causing a lot of problems. For the first time, this monster was talked about in Puerto Rico, and later in other parts of the South and North America. "Chupakabra" in translation means "sucking the blood of goats." The creature received this name as a result of a large number of unexplained deaths of livestock of the local population. Animals died from blood loss, through bites on the neck. The Chupacabra has also been seen in Chile. Basically, all evidence of the existence of the monster is oral, there is neither a body nor a photograph of it. Nobody managed to catch the monster alive either, but it is very popular all over the world.

Between 1764 and 1767, France lived in great fear because of the werewolf, either the wolf or the dog. They say that during the period of its existence, the monster made 210 attacks on people, of which he killed 113. Nobody wanted to meet him. The monster was even officially hunted by King Louis XV. Many professional hunters tracked down the beast for the purpose of killing, but their attempts were in vain. As a result, a local hunter killed him with a charmed bullet. Human remains were found in the belly of the beast.

In mythology American Indians there was a bloodthirsty creature Wendigo, a product of curses. The fact is that in the myths of the Algonquian tribes it was stated that if during life a person was a cannibal and ate human meat, then after death he turns into a Wendigo. They also said that he can move into any person, taking possession of his soul. A wendigo is three times taller than a human, its skin is decomposing and its bones are protruding. This creature is constantly hungry and craves human flesh.

The Sumerians, representatives of an ancient but fairly developed civilization, created their own epic, in which they talked about gods, goddesses and their Everyday life. One of the most popular epics was the Epic of Gilgamesh and stories about the creature Gugalanna. This creature, in search of the king, killed a large number of people, destroyed cities. Gugalanna is a bull-like monster that the gods used as a weapon of revenge on people.

Like vampires, this creature has a constant thirst for blood. It also devours human hearts and has the ability to detach its upper body and enter people's homes, especially homes where pregnant women live, to drink their blood and steal the baby with its long tongue. But this creature is mortal and can be killed by sprinkling salt.

Black Annis, as the embodiment of evil, is known to everyone in Britain, especially in rural areas. She is the main character of the local folklore of the 19th century. Annis of blue color skin and a creepy smile. Children had to avoid meeting her, as she fed on children and sheep, which she took from houses and yards by deceit or force. From the skin of children and sheep, Annis made belts, which she then wore by the dozens.

The scariest of the scariest, the Dybbuk is the protagonist of Jewish mythology. This evil spirit is considered the most cruel. He is able to destroy the life of anyone and destroy the soul, while the person will not be aware of what is happening to him and gradually die.

"The Tale of Koshchei the Immortal" belongs to the mythology and folklore of the Slavs and tells about a creature that cannot be killed, but which spoils the life of everyone. But he has a weak point - his soul, which is at the end of the needle, which is hidden in the egg, which is inside the duck, which sits inside the hare. The hare sits in a strong chest on top of the tallest oak growing on the fabulous island. In a word, it is difficult to call a trip to this island pleasant.

People have always been most creative when they came up with ways to scare each other. So the most terrible monsters in the world were born, with which you can scare not only kids, but also adults.

For those who are ready to face fear, we have prepared a selection of the most frightening and dangerous creatures from urban legends, books, films and games.

He is one of the biggest monsters in cinema. It exhales a massive beam of atomic fire from its mouth and tramples skyscrapers like soda cans. He is what happens when a giant lizard emerges from an oceanic "tub" of nuclear waste.

Godzilla has been the king of kaiju since his first appearance on television in the 1950s. More than 30 films were made about him, excluding serials. Among them were comedies (King Kong vs. Godzilla), children's films (Godzilla Attack), thrillers (Godzilla vs. Megaguirus), crime films (Godzilla vs. Biollante) and science fiction (Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla " and etc).

Most recently, the film "Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters" was released. This is a continuation of the 2014 film about a huge monster that feeds on radiation.

9 Chupacabra

This creature is one of those rare monsters that prefer to kill animals over people. The name "chupacabra" is translated from Spanish as "sucking blood" or "goat vampire", which gives an idea of ​​the gastronomic preferences of the animal.

It is not known exactly what the Chupacabra looks like, often sick or mutated animals, such as jackals, foxes, and even dogs, are mistaken for this monster.

Reports of the appearance of the Chupacabra periodically appear in different countries of the world, including Russia.

Although the Chupacabra appears in films, books, and TV shows, it was not born from the imagination of screenwriters or writers. The first mention of the chupacabra appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century, when goats began to be found in Puerto Rico, from which the blood had been sucked out. But the true chupacabrobum was born in the 90s, thanks to television and the development of the Internet. Since then, this bloodsucker from urban legends has firmly established itself in the list of the most terrible monsters.

This is one of the most popular monsters in world culture. Dracula has appeared in nearly 300 films, making him the most frequently portrayed character in cinema.

On the screen, his image was embodied famous actors, such as Bela Lugosi (Dracula, 1931), Gary Oldman (Dracula, 1992), Leslie Nielsen (Dracula: Dead and Contented, 1995) and Gerard Butler (Dracula 2000, 2000 ).

But all of them were bypassed by actor Christopher Lee, who starred in the role of Dracula 11 times.

The immortal vampire is the antagonist in Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic novel Dracula. Stoker's notes to the novel reveal that the original name for Dracula was "Count Vampire".

7. Pyramid Head

He appears to have a human body hidden under blood-stained clothing, while his head is a large, red, triangular-shaped metal helmet. But even if Pyramid Head does not have the slightest piece of human flesh left, he will still be the bloodied symbol of the Silent Hill video game franchise and one of the most iconic and terrible villains in video games.

His huge, inexorably advancing figure terrified thousands of gamers, providing them with an uninterrupted source of adrenaline throughout the game.

And given that Pyramid Head is prone to sexual violence and has an impressive body size, he is perhaps the most sexually active monster not only in Silent Hill, but in the entire universe of video games. Some girls even admitted that they like this faceless reaper, not burdened with morality or social obligations.

Experts from various publications compared him with the maniac Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and even Darth Vader. Pyramid Head is a member and leader of many ratings - from 41 places in the "50 Greatest Video Game Characters" according to Empire magazine to the first line in the "Top 25 Scariest Video Game Monsters" according to GameDaily.

This creepy monster from Pan's Labyrinth is yet more proof that Guillermo del Toro can create the weirdest and scariest monster ever. The Pale Man's disturbing visions echoed in the moviegoers' nightmares.

It is not easy to forget the creature with eyes in the palms of its hands, which puts its hands to the distorted face a la Voldemort, to hunt down its prey. It is assumed that he prefers to eat children, but adults should also stay away from the Pale Man.

A giant demon that can engulf itself in all-consuming fire and wields a massive flaming whip and a giant fire sword is definitely awe-inspiring.

Balrogs are spirits of fire who began to serve Melkor (Morgoth), turning their powers into evil. All living creatures in The Lord of the Rings were terrified of the Balrogs, and one of them - Durin's Bane - managed to defeat Gandalf the Gray himself, although he himself died in battle with him.

Don't let their creepy (or sometimes beautiful) looks fool you. These ubiquitous Mistresses of the Forest (Spinner, Cook and Whisperer) are a force to be reckoned with. They can do both evil and good, but for the latter they will certainly demand payment.

In The Witcher 3, they test Geralt of Rivia (and the player) both mentally and physically. You can talk to them about anything, it doesn't matter - one of you will lose one way or another.

To deal with one of the most creepy monsters cinematography required all the strength and ingenuity of Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the Predator, everything is scary, from the name to the appearance. In addition, the Predators are not just any monsters, they are a race of highly intelligent creatures whose development is far ahead of ours, and this makes them even more dangerous.

Add to that the fact that they can turn invisible anytime they want! It goes without saying that the cruel and ugly Predator won the hearts of more than one generation. There are many video games, movies and comics dedicated to the best hunter in the universe.

This fearless alien monster is without a doubt one of the most terrifying and popular creatures ever to appear on the screen, in games or animated series.

Aliens are somewhat similar to giant ants. They also have a Queen Mother (the main and largest creature in the colony), workers and soldiers. They are smart, fast and deadly. It's scary to even imagine a whole world full of these terrible creatures.

1. It

The first ten of the most terrible monsters on Earth is headed by the creation of the King of Horrors by Stephen King - the infernal clown Pennywise.

Under his guise is an ancient creature of extraterrestrial origin, whose favorite pastime is devouring people (especially children, they are easier to manipulate). It is shown to the person in the form of whatever frightens him or her the most. According to Pennywise, the flesh of a frightened victim tastes better. At the same time, the real appearance of the creature is beyond the bounds of human understanding. And people who encounter him in the "emptiness" or "death fires" go crazy. This is what the scariest monster looks like.

If a person, especially a child, does not know at first whether to be afraid or not, It looks like a clown to lure the person closer. The alien sleeps for about 27-30 years and wakes up, accompanied by some kind of terrible catastrophe or act of violence.

It causes as much psychological, emotional and physical agony in people as possible. The most common human fear is arachnophobia. Therefore, to the members of the Losers' Club who are chasing the monster in its lair, It at some point appears as a very fast, giant black spider with huge fangs.

Horror films are inextricably linked with monsters. The horror genre in cinema began with Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, mummy and werewolf. Over time, they were replaced by Freddy Krueger, Alien and Jason. But the world does not stand still. Humanity is changing, and with it, so are their fears. Now in the yard of the XXI century - so what is the modern public afraid of? We bring to your attention the ten most terrible monsters of our days.

Human fear has an evolutionary origin. He helped our ancestors survive in prehistoric times. An unexpected encounter with a fanged tiger in the forest is reason enough to sprint a kilometer away, and a crocodile swimming in a pond is the perfect hint to find another place to swim.

At first glance, the images of fictional monsters are made up of the same danger signals: big sizes, unnatural behavior, strength and aggressiveness. But meeting with a predator in the forest and at the zoo are completely different things. The monster on the screen always appears at a safe distance. The distance between him and the viewer is paradoxical: what in its purest form embodies our fear and should instinctively put us to flight, turns out to be helpless, unable to escape from the screen.

Our fear is aestheticized, monsters not only do not frighten us - they attract us, we admire them. They stand at the junction of two worlds: ours, laid out on shelves, habitable and understandable, and another, about which we only vaguely guess, not having the strength to look into it.

Game The Last of Us (2013)

Creators games Last of Us provided their zombie apocalypse with a scientific, if not very strong, foundation. Fungus Cordyceps lopsided, because of which all the horrors in the game happen, really exists. True, in nature, it affects only small insects like ants, after which they begin to follow the orders of the fungus, spreading spores.

According to the plot, the mutated Cordyceps is able to turn a person into a puppet. Clickers are people in the third stage of infection with a fungus. Although it is already difficult to call these creatures people. The fungus infects the victim's brain and takes control of it. The skin of the infected is completely mutilated, and in their aggressive behavior there is no trace of humanity left. Now they are soulless monsters that can only kill.

Clickers are completely blind. In the environment, they are guided by echolocation. The use of this ability can be recognized by the characteristic sounds that give the monsters their name. In battle, clickers are much stronger than ordinary opponents, so it is recommended to bypass them and kill them on the sly. Their unique ability is also a weakness - clickers can be easily fooled by creating artificial noise. Echolocation of creatures works within a radius of three meters, so it is not difficult to get around them unnoticed.

Clickers, like Alien (partly inspired by riding wasps), are monsters based on real natural phenomena, how terrible, so natural. But still, basically, these are all the same zombies, so they deserved only tenth place.

resident evil (1999–2004)

In Greek mythology, Nemesis (Nemesis) was the goddess of retribution and justice. But do not look for some semantic analogy between her and the most famous monster from the Resident Evil series of games. It's just that corporations like Umbrella, who create bacteriological weapons, like to call their offspring by beautiful names.

Nemesis is depicted as a large, somewhat awkward, heavily built monster who always has a large gun in his arsenal - a minigun or grenade launcher. However, this is not the only weapon of the creature. Before each new battle with the player, the monster acquires a fresh set of "organic" weapons like claws and tentacles. He has the ability to regenerate and can mutate very quickly into new forms. Because of this, it is extremely difficult to destroy the monster.

However, in the film "Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse" the image of a soulless, inexorably cruel creature was spoiled. At the end of the picture, human features wake up in Nemesis, and pity and mercy peep through the rage and cruelty.

Film series of the same name (2009–2015)

The human centipede stands out from the rest of our list. It causes not so much fear as a feeling of disgust. The centipede was created by a mad doctor by sewing the mouths and anuses of several people together, and this disgusting creature is able to arouse the gag reflex in even the most staunch onlookers. Like the feeling of pity, one can only sympathize with the victims of the sadistic experiment. The centipede is a monster and a victim in one bottle, and there is no contradiction in this.

The centipede causes real horror, but not with its danger, like other monsters. Fear appears when the viewer tries to comprehend the centipede phenomenon, to figure out what its elusive attraction lies in. I am ashamed to admit it even to myself, but there is something in the monster that beckons and holds the eye. It is not he who frightens, but our indecent curiosity and craving to look at such disgusting things. Everyone, whom you ask, criticizes the film, scolds its creators, but somehow the series continues to bring cash and has already acquired the third part.

Psychoanalysis often says what we least want to hear. The human centipede is a monster that brings out the monster in each of us.

The series "Doctor Who"

What have you done, Schrödinger's cat! The statement of physicists that the presence of an observer influences quantum processes could not fail to find a response in popular culture. And even more so in such an intelligent series as Doctor Who.

Weeping Angels are monsters that are dangerous when you can't see them. If someone looks at them, they turn to stone. But that is why no one can figure out their true essence - in appearance they seem to be just stone statues. When the observer is not around, the monsters come to life. However, if several angels look at each other or one of them sees his reflection in the mirror, the stone "shield" will turn into an eternal trap for them.

In addition to quantum tricks, angels have many mysterious abilities. They can kill the victim with one kiss, turn a person into dust or send him to the past. The last option is of "gastronomic" interest for the angels - when the victim jumps in time, a special energy is released, which they feed on.

Doctor Who Angels are graceful, unusual and beautiful killers. Perhaps even too beautiful to climb to a higher place in our top.

Movie "Monstro" (2008)

The image of a giant monster raging in the metropolis is not new and even textbook. King Kong and Godzilla are unlikely to scare anyone today. Yes, they are infinitely strong and unstoppable in their rage. They can crush people like ants and sweep away skyscrapers with an inadvertent wave of their paws. But they have a significant drawback: we know everything about them. They are studied, tamed, they can even be classified in terms of biology. They are not mysterious, and therefore predictable and do not frighten.

As Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, "only the unknown scares." Its embodiment is Clover - a chthonic beast, an irrational element, an incomprehensible force marching under the banner of blind rage. We do not know anything about the creature: neither its origin, nor internal structure, nor why it occurred to the monster to cause an apocalypse on the streets of New York. Bullets for Clover - dust, explosions of rockets and bombs - light air tremors. The monster is completely invulnerable, and the only salvation for the inhabitants of the city are the subway tunnels. But even there there is no complete security: small creatures are parachuted from the body of the monster, capable of reaching the most protected places.

Clover is a horror that is beyond human strength. The decision of the authorities to level the entire city to the ground in order to get rid of the monster is akin to a hysterical scream, indicating a complete inability to cope with the situation.

Films of the Jeepers Creepers series (2001–2016)

The mythology of the Jeepers Creepers series is rather naive and goes back to the ideas of primitive cannibals, according to which, having eaten human flesh, it acquires its energy. Every twenty-third spring, the demon goes hunting to profit from human flesh and gain strength. And the limbs of the victims absorbed by him replace his own. Sounds far-fetched and fabulous, but when faced with the monster's regenerative abilities in practice, it becomes creepy.

Outwardly, he is somewhat reminiscent of Freddy Krueger: a disfigured face, an insidious smile, rags and a stylish hat create the image of a kind of demon in cowboy attire. Creepers cannot be destroyed: it easily replaces any damaged part of the body with a new one, having gobbled up the necessary organ of the victim. Superhuman strength, razor-sharp teeth and an absolute sense of smell make the fatal outcome of any encounter with a monster almost inevitable. However, there is a small chance to escape. The appearance of the Creepers is preceded by the song Jeepers Creepers. If you ever hear her, you better just run.

Creepers are a bit old-fashioned monster, but by no means obsolete. He proves that some tried and tested horror movie tricks still work today.

Series games dead space (2008-2013)

It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of "Alien" for space horror films. Remarkable in this film was not only the image of the monster itself, but also its well-thought-out biology. In Ridley Scott, xenomorphs use human bodies to breed their offspring in them.

There are quite a few types of Necromorphs, but they all have something in common: unstoppable aggression towards all living things. And this is quite understandable, because they can exist only thanks to dead organic matter. Before us is a rare case: "living dead", completely different from zombies. Dead Space destroys our associative array, and therefore the Necromorphs smell of something illogical, unnatural and unbearably terrible.

The film "Pan's Labyrinth" (2006)

Guillermo del Toro is one of the best monster makers in cinema. Even episodic monsters from his paintings are unforgettable. And his best creation is a monster with eyes on the palms. On the Internet, many people call him that - "Hand-eye", but in the script he is called the Pale Man.

The image of the Pale is inspired by two mythical creatures. Firstly, Del Toro was impressed by Goya's painting "Saturn Devouring His Son" - from her the monster got the manner of eating little fairies alive. Secondly, the director was influenced by the Japanese myth of Tenoma, a blind man killed by robbers. After death, the spirit of the unfortunate man acquired two eyes on his palms and boundless hatred for his killer. However, he did not know what the criminal looked like, and therefore punished everyone in a row.

So in the Pan's Labyrinth, the Pale Man personifies punishment for disobedience and weakness of will. While the girl Ophelia does not touch the appetizing dishes, the Pale One sits motionless. But as soon as the girl gives up and tastes a juicy grape, the monster comes to life, puts its eyes in its palms and begins to pursue Ofelia.

The film has many interpretations. According to one of them, Pale is just one of the images of the Faun, who scares the heroine for fun, which is why the fairies eaten in the finale are alive. According to another version, in general, all the "magical" events take place in the imagination of Ophelia. However, this does not make the monster less scary. If something happens only in your head, it does not become less significant. If you die in the Matrix, you die in the real world.

thin man
Internet folklore, films based on

The Thin Man, coined on the Something Awful forum, is the epitome of the unknown. However, unlike the same Clover, the human "skeleton" is clearly expressed in him. The scariest monsters always resemble humans. The absence of the human in a person causes misunderstanding, a feeling of unnaturalness - and fear.

A monster doesn't necessarily need big fangs, claws, and tentacles to inspire awe. He can be dressed in an elegant suit and at the same time inspire genuine horror. All that Slenderman is outwardly remarkable for is elongated limbs and the absence of a face. No one knows how he kills his victims. Of the surviving eyewitnesses, none saw the monster move or attack. He just silently looks towards the victim, standing at some distance from her. And then the unfortunate ones disappear without a trace.

Slender's traits vary from story to story. This is not surprising, because it is inaccessible to the human eye. As follows from the game Slender: The Eight Pages, an attempt to examine the creature in detail ends for the curious with death. You always need to stand with your back to the monster - and this is the worst thing. Wandering in the dark, knowing that something mysterious is “breathing” in your back, is still entertainment.

Silent Hill Games and Movies

Silent Hill 2 is a cult horror game, not least thanks to the original story concept. Everything that happens is a symbolic expression psychological conflict in the soul of the protagonist James, who killed his wife. Unconsciously, James understands that he committed a crime and deserves punishment, and this feeling finds expression in the figure of Pyramid Head. That is why the monster has a formidable appearance of an infernal executioner: a giant pyramid without slits for eyes instead of a head and a huge blade.

Pyramid Head is a revived sense of guilt. Hence the sexual aspect of his image. James had to suppress his sexuality for a long time due to the serious illness of his wife. Therefore, the hero several times finds Pyramid Head at the moments when he is copulating with someone. So the monster wants to remind James that it was his secret craving for pleasure that caused Mary's death.

The monster turned out so bright that the creators used it in other parts of the series and in film adaptations. Unfortunately, at the same time, Pyramid Head ceased to be a symbol and turned into just a mysterious monster - without history and origin. The motive for punishment gave way to insane blind fury. But the monster did not become less terrible. There is something unspeakably terrible about this cast pyramid, something that lies beyond all psychological interpretations.

* * *

Thinkers of all times have argued that the most terrible monster is a man. We ourselves invent monsters, but how can the creator put into creation something that is not in him? Each monster is a riddle, by solving which, we learn something new about ourselves. And often this knowledge is not as pleasant as we would like.

The 21st century has just begun and will surely give us more than a dozen charismatic, deceptively beautiful and insanely terrible creatures. Tops will change, and it is not so important who takes what place. The man himself will always be in the top position.

Looking at the many spineless, teenage, and friendly vampire characters that are featured in modern books and films, it's easy to forget that vampires were originally completely different and much, oh, much more scary.

The world is full of legends and tales of mythical monsters, mysterious creatures and incredible beasts. Some of these monsters were inspired by real animals or fossils found, while others are symbolic expressions of people's deepest fears.

Centuries ago, our ancestors trembled and were horrified at the mere mention of the name of monsters, which is not at all surprising, considering how nightmarish their mythology could be.

This short review will focus only on the 20 most terrible, and sometimes strange monsters - vampires, monstrous creatures and other undead, which, even by the standards of our ancestors, were one of the most terrible and disgusting creatures in the world.


Callicanzaro spends most of the year in the underworld (whose location is unknown) and only appears for the 12 nights between Christmas and Epiphany, because he knows that on these festive nights people are too drunk to run away. While the mere sight of his black, distorted face, red eyes, and fanged-filled mouth is enough to drive the holiday spirit out of anyone, Callicanzaro isn't content with robbing everyone of the fun. The monster tears apart anyone it meets with its long claws, and then devours the torn body.

According to Greek lore, any child born between Christmas and Epiphany will eventually become Callicanzaro. Scary, isn't it? But parents should not be afraid, because there is a cure. All you have to do is hold the newborn's feet over the fire until his toenails are scorched, such a procedure should break the curse.

But what kind of holidays would it be without a family reunion! Touchingly, Callicanzaro remembers his family from when he was human and has been known to eagerly go in search of his former siblings. But only to devour them when he finally finds them.


Soukoyant in mythology Caribbean- a type of werewolf that belongs to the class of "jambi", local incorporeal spirits. During the day, a jambi soukoyant looks like a frail old woman, and at night this creature sheds its skin, puts it in a mortar with a special solution, and, turning into a fiery flying ball, goes in search of a victim. Soukoyanth sucks out night wanderers, and then trades it with demons for mystical power.

Like European myths about vampires, if the victim survives, then he becomes the same accomplice. To kill a monster, you need to pour salt into the solution in which its skin lies, after which the creepy creature will die at dawn, as it will not be able to “put on” the skin back.


It is possible that the creature that we will describe in this paragraph is the most disgusting of the entire list!

Penanggalan is a nightmarish monster that looks like a woman during the day. However, at night, he "takes off" his head and flies away in search of victims, while the spine and everything internal organs Penanggalana hang from his neck. And this is really a real Malaysian legend, and not an invention of modern filmmakers!

The monster's internal organs glow in the dark and can be used as tentacles to clear the way for Penanggalan. In addition, the creature can grow its hair at will to grab its prey.

When Penanggalan notices a suitable house, he tries to get inside with the help of "tentacles". With luck, the monster devours all the small children in the house. If there is no way to get into the house, the mystical creature stretches out its incredible long tongue under the house and through the cracks in the floor trying to get to the sleeping inhabitants. If the Penanggalan tongue reaches the bedroom, it digs into the body and sucks out the victim's blood.

In the morning, Penanggalan soaks his insides in vinegar so that they decrease in size and can again fit into his body.


Kelpie is a water spirit that lives in the rivers and lakes of Scotland. Although the kelpie usually appears in the form of a horse, it can also take the form of a human. Often, kelpies lure people into supposedly rolling them on their backs, after which they drag victims underwater and devour them. However, the tales of the vicious water horse also served as a wonderful warning to children to stay out of the water, and to women to be wary of handsome strangers.


The ghoul may look just like an ordinary Russian person. He may even have the ability to walk in broad daylight like a Russian. However, he is not Russian. Behind its harmless façade hides a vicious vampire who will gladly refuse all the vodka in the world if they give him even one drop of blood for it. What's more, his love for blood is so great that after he rips you apart with his metal teeth, he might just eat your heart for fun.

The ghoul also loves children (although, you guessed it, not parental love), preferring the taste of their blood, and always drinking their blood before proceeding to drain their parents. He also doesn't dislike the taste of frozen mud, as legend has it that he uses his metal teeth to gnaw his way out of his grave in the dead of winter when his hands freeze due to poor insulation in the coffin.


The basilisk is usually described as a crested snake, although sometimes there are descriptions of a rooster with a snake's tail. This creature can kill birds with its fire breath, humans with a glance, and other living creatures with a simple hiss. Legends say that the basilisk is born from a snake or toad egg that was incubated by a rooster. The word "basilisk" is translated from Greek as "little king", so this creature is often called the "serpent king". During the Middle Ages, basilisks were accused of causing plagues and mysterious murders.


You are probably familiar with the old urban legend of the Hook Man. So, as it turns out, the Ashanti people of Ghana tell a similar (albeit much creepier) story about Asasabonsam, a strange vampire with curved iron hooks for legs who lives in the depths of African forests. He hunts by hanging from the branches of trees and thrusting the aforementioned hooks into the body of those unfortunates who pass under this tree. Once he hauls you up a tree, he eats you alive with his iron teeth, and then presumably spends most of the night getting your bloodstains out of his hooks so they don't rust.

Unlike most vampires, he feeds on both humans and animals (so someone needs to alert People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)). The strangest fact about the Asasabonsam is that when its prey is a human, it will first bite into it. thumb, before moving on to the rest of the body, perhaps to prevent you from stopping the ride and getting home if you somehow managed to escape its hooks.


Asmodeus is a demon of lust who is mostly known from the Book of Tobit (deuterocanonical Old Testament). He pursues a woman named Sarah and kills her seven husbands out of jealousy. In the Talmud, Asmodeus is mentioned as the prince of demons, who expelled King Solomon from his kingdom. Some folklorists believe that Asmodeus is the son of Lilith and Adam. The legend says that it is he who is responsible for the perversion of people's sexual desires.


Varakolach(s) is arguably the most powerful of all vampires, so it's not at all clear why so little is known about him other than the fact that he has a difficult-to-pronounce name (seriously, try saying it out loud). According to legend, his skin is the most a terrible nightmare dermatologist - she is terribly pale and dry and no amount of body lotion can cure her, but otherwise he looks like an ordinary person.

Oddly enough, such a frightening creature as the Romanian Varakolach has only one superpower, but what a superpower! He can devour the sun and moon (in other words, he can summon the sun and moon at will). lunar eclipses), which in itself is the coolest of all tricks. However, in order to do this, he must fall asleep, because, apparently, the invocation of astrological phenomena, which can frighten us today, and which must have inspired terrible horror in people of more primitive cultures, takes away great amount his energy.


There are probably more bizarre cryptozoological creatures in Japanese mythology than there are in all seasons of The X-Files. One of the most bizarre is the Yogorumo or "harlot" - a spider-like monster of the Yokai family (goblin-like creatures). The legend of Yogorumo originated during the Edo period in Japan. It is believed that when a spider reaches the age of 400 years, it acquires magical power. In most legends, the spider turns into a beautiful woman, seduces men and lures them to his home, plays the biwa (Japanese lute) for them, and then entangles them with webs of spider web and devours them.


The Russian ghoul (see above) has a nightmarish Polish cousin named Upier, who is famous for being even more bloodthirsty. Moreover, his thirst for blood is so strong and insatiable that in addition to drinking huge amounts of it inside, Upier loves to bathe and sleep in it. His body is filled with so much blood that if you drive a stake into him, he will explode into a huge geyser of blood, worthy of the elevator scene from The Shining.

He takes particular pleasure in sucking the blood of friends and family members who were dear to him during his human life, so if one of your friends or relatives has recently turned into Upier, you should know that, most likely, you are already listed as a dish on his menu. When it finally finds you, it immobilizes you with a powerful hug (a kind of farewell bear hug) and then digs its spiked tongue into your neck and sucks every last drop of blood out of you.

Black Annis

A ghostly witch from English folklore, Black Annis is an old woman with a blue face and iron claws who haunted peasants in Leicestershire. Legend has it that she lives in a cave in the Dane Hills, and at night she wanders in search of children to devour. If Black Annis catches a child, she tans its skin and then wears it around her waist. Needless to say, parents scared Black Annis of their children when they misbehaved.


Attention! If you are a hypochondriac by nature, then you probably better not read about this monster!

The Neuntother is a walking biological weapon of mass destruction that does one thing and one thing only - it brings death wherever it goes. Neuntother lives in the myths of Germany and is the carrier of an endless number of terrible types of plague and deadly diseases, which he spreads around him like candy, in whatever city he is in, infecting everyone and everything that gets in his way. Therefore, it is not surprising that, according to legend, it appears only during massive and terrible epidemics.

Neuntother's body is covered with open sores and wounds, from which pus constantly oozes, and which, most likely, play an important role in the spread of deadly dangerous bacteria(if reading this sentence made you feel an irresistible desire to immediately bathe in a disinfectant, then you are not alone). His well-chosen German name literally translates to "Killer of the Nine", and is a reference to the fact that it takes nine days for a corpse to fully transform into a Neuntothera.


In 2009, two aerial photographs taken by researchers in Borneo, Indonesia, showed a 30-meter snake swimming down a river. There is still controversy regarding the authenticity of this photograph, as well as whether they actually depict a snake. Some argue that it is a log or a large boat. Nevertheless, locals living along the Baleh River insist that the creature is the Nabau, an ancient dragon-like monster from Indonesian folklore.

According to legends, the Nabau is over 30 meters long, has a head with seven nostrils, and can take the form of several different animals.


Grab your didgeridoo, because the creature is truly strange. Australian Aboriginal legends describe Yara-ma-yha-hu as a humanoid creature 125 centimeters tall, with red skin and a huge head. Yara-ma-yha-hu spends most of his time in the trees. If you are not lucky enough to pass under such a tree, Yara-ma-yha-hu will jump on you and attach to your body with small suction cups that cover his fingers and toes, so no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to shake off.

Further - worse. Yara-ma-yha-hu made this list primarily due to the peculiarities of its feeding method. Because it doesn't have any fangs, it sucks your blood through the suction cups on your arms and legs until you're weakened to the point where you can't run or even move. After that, he leaves you lying on the ground like a discarded, half-empty juice can, while he leaves, presumably to have fun with kangaroos and koalas.

When he returns from his evening of fun, he gets down to business and swallows you whole with his huge mouth, then regurgitates you after a while, still alive and unharmed (yes, it's a retching vampire). This process is repeated over and over again, and each time you become smaller and redder as a result of it digesting you. In the end, yes, yes, you guessed it, you yourself turn into Yara-ma-yha-hu. That's it!


Most people are familiar with Washington Irving's story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and the story of the Headless Horseman. The Irish Dullahan or "dark man" is essentially the forerunner of the ghost of the decapitated Hessian soldier who pursued Ichabod Crane. In Celtic mythology, the dullahan is a harbinger of death. He rides a big black horse with glowing eyes and carries his head under his arm.

Some stories say that the dullahan calls out the name of the person who is about to die, while others say that he marks the person by pouring a bucket of blood over them. Like many monsters and mythical creatures, the dullahan has one weakness: gold.


This time the Czechs came up with something really disgusting. Nelapsi is a walking corpse who doesn't care to put on clothes, so he goes hunting in what his mother gave birth to. The lack of clothes combined with glowing red eyes, long messy black hair and teeth as thin as needles is enough to make you leave the lights on at night, but unfortunately that's just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, Nelapsi can easily win the competition for the most powerful and overbearing of all vampires. He can destroy whole villages at once, and like that guy who is forbidden to approach the buffet, he does not stop until the morning, no matter how much he has already eaten during the night. He is not a picky eater at all and eats large cattle, as well as humans, and kills its victims either by tearing them apart with its teeth or by crushing them with its "Embrace of Death" which is so powerful that it can easily crush bones. However, if given the opportunity, he will try to keep you alive for as long as possible and enjoy torturing his victims for weeks before killing them (because to be called a real villain, you have to torture people for weeks ). However, even that is not all. If Nelapsi leaves the tormented people alive for some reason (very unlikely, you guessed it), they are quickly driven to death by a deadly Noyntoter-style plague that will follow the surviving human wherever they go.

Finally, if all of the above doesn't seem terrifying enough, Nelapsi can also kill people just by looking at them. One of his favorite pastimes is playing "I'm spying on you with one eye" from the tops of church spiers, causing any person that Nelapsi's eye falls on to die on the spot. We may have gone overboard with mentioning just how evil Nelapsi is, but he's such a scoundrel that it's impossible not to emphasize it enough.

Goblins "Red Caps"

Evil goblins in red caps live on the border between England and Scotland. According to legends, they usually live in ruined castles and kill wandering travelers by dropping boulders from cliffs on them. The goblins then paint the caps with the blood of their victims. Redcaps are forced to kill as often as possible because if the blood on their caps dries out, they die.

Evil creatures are usually depicted as old men with red eyes, big teeth, claws and a staff in hand. They are faster and stronger than humans. The legend says that the only way escape from such a goblin - shout a quote from the Bible.


This is a fabulous creature that looks like a sphinx. It has the body of a red lion, a human head with 3 rows of sharp teeth and a very loud voice, the tail of a dragon or a scorpion. The manticore shoots poisoned needles at the victim and then eats it whole, leaving nothing. From a distance, she can often be confused with a bearded man. Most likely, this will be the last mistake of the victim.

Indian vampire Brahmaparusha

Brahmaparusha is a vampire, but he is not at all ordinary. These malevolent spirits, which are described in Hindu mythology, have a passion for human brains. Unlike the suave, dapper vampires that live in Romania, the brahmaparusha is a grotesque creature that wears the intestines of its victims around its neck and head. He also carries a human skull with him and when he kills a new victim, he drains her blood into this skull and drinks from it.

In fact, humanity has invented truly nightmarish monsters in its history (and continues to invent!) far from two unfortunate dozens. There are just 20 monsters in our selection. But there is also the vile Japanese sea spirit Umibozu, the American forest human hunter Heidbeheind, a relative of the famous and no less terrible Wendigo, the huge Bakeneko cat, the incredibly fast cannibal Wendigo, the Scandinavian super-strong undead Draugr, the ancient Babylonian Tiamat and many, many others!

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