This tale is about whether the date diet will help you lose weight. Is it harmful for the pancreas, how to make a menu, what results can be expected, whether the date diet is a mono way to lose weight - the answers in this article.

Hello friends! I would like to dedicate my little research to the sweet tooth. Surely for many, the words “dates” and “diet” do not combine in any way. Nevertheless, the date diet as a newfangled trend has managed to win its place, if not in the hearts of people, then on the Internet. What is it?

dietary principle

Why are they so beautiful?

I didn’t say it, but you probably know it yourself: most diets (if they are not medical) are based on. If you eat half as much as you should with your height, weight and activity, you will surely lose weight. And other methods of weight loss involve a triple underestimation of calories. Not weak! Especially for those who like to torment their own body.

But our dried fruit is a useful product, moreover, it is very energetically saturated. They say that the ancient Egyptians ate it for weight loss and keeping fit. To be honest, I don't know, I haven't talked to them. Moreover, I'm not sure that they ate only dates.

As a dietary supplement, this sugary-sweet dried fruit is perfect. Especially if you need an urgent boost of fast carbohydrates. Than swallowing sugar or bread, it is better to chew dried fruits. Moreover, according to reviews, the results of those who have lost weight are impressive.

  • for breakfast, cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and berries, tea or coffee;
  • for lunch, any fruits you like;
  • for lunch and a piece of meat (beef or chicken);
  • have an afternoon snack with a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • dinner strictly - 50 grams of sweet dried fruit.

And so you can sit for a whole month, losing weight and hoping that your table is enough not to slow down your metabolism.

Before you start losing weight, use it to know for sure if you are doing the right thing.

I advocate healthy weight loss methods. You need to eat fully so that all the necessary things come into the body with vegetables and fruits, with vegetable oils cold-pressed, saturated - only from natural butter(fat content-82% or more) and always with other dairy products.

And the main thing that is absolutely necessary for putting yourself in order, acquiring tone and good mood is movement, physical activity, gymnastics and sport. You need to change your lifestyle not for a week or even for a month, but for the rest of your life.

It's not hard, you can trust me. And if in doubt, I tell you good news: my video "Active Weight Loss Course" available wherever there is internet. You will learn how easy and simple it is to live correctly. And if you have any questions or need help, you will always have the opportunity to contact me.

When we decide to go on a diet, we understand that we have to give up sweets, cookies, cakes. They are high-calorie, which means that they are not assistants in weight loss. Losing weight and eating goodies is considered impossible. But without the sweet taste, the mood deteriorates, and there is no strength. Compromise - replace high-calorie desserts are light and useful: fruits, dried fruits, marshmallows. Is it possible to eat dates on a diet without compromising the result of losing weight, because they are sweet, affordable, natural? We'll figure out.

Composition and calories

For 100 g of dates, there are from 220 to 280 kcal, depending on the type. For comparison, here are the calorie content of other dried fruits:

  • Dried apricots - 241 kcal;
  • Prunes - 240 kcal;
  • Figs - 255 kcal;
  • Raisins - 270 kcal.

And now let's compare the nutritional value of traditional sweets, per 100 g:

  • Chocolates - 530 kcal;
  • Caramel - 370 kcal;
  • Halva - 516 kcal;
  • Sweets "Raffaello" - 615 kcal;
  • Milk chocolate - 550 kcal.

Despite the high
calorie content, dates during a diet will cause less harm to the figure than products made from refined sugar, dubious fats, preservatives and dyes. Store-bought sweets do not contain substances useful for the body and fiber, unlike dried fruits. Dates are rich in fibers necessary for the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - 7.5 g per daily rate at 25

Product nutritional value:

  • Proteins - 1.8 g;
  • Fats - 0.15 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 75 g.

Dates are high in potassium, which is essential for heart and muscle health. And they also contain 23 amino acids - the building material for cells. Tryptophan, which is part of the fruit, promotes the production of serotonin and melatonin. The first - the "hormone of joy" - is responsible for our emotional condition, and the second - helps with insomnia.

The composition of the fruit includes B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9), A, PP, as well as macro- and microelements: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium, iron, manganese.

Beneficial features

A diet with the addition of dates will help improve health due to the healing qualities:

  1. Strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  2. Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Increasing strength and strengthening the body;
  4. Normalization of the liver and kidneys;
  5. Improving the functioning of the brain and nervous system;
  6. Strengthening immunity;
  7. Regeneration of new cells;
  8. Antiseptic properties;
  9. Improving the condition of teeth, nails, hair, skin;
  10. Enrichment of the nutritional composition of the milk of a nursing woman.

To the question, is it possible to eat dates with a diet, there is no definite answer. The principle of weight loss is simple: spend more than you consume. Dried fruits in this matter will help or harm, depending on the daily diet and the degree of physical activity.

Calorie content of one
fetus on average - 20 kilocalories. A snack of 5 dates will add 100 kcal to your total diet. This is an acceptable figure for those who want to lose weight, and now it is clear how many dates you can eat per day with a diet. If you exceed this amount and eat a cup of dried fruit, we will already get 400 kilocalories. In this case, you will have to refuse dinner or replace it with a glass of fat-free kefir.

But it is better not to get carried away with sweet fruit and limit yourself to 10 pieces a day. So the body will benefit, and the figure will not suffer.

Those who are concerned about the question of whether dates can be eaten with a diet need to remember the glycemic index (GI). It reflects the rate at which glucose from ingested carbohydrates enters the bloodstream. The slower this happens (the lower the glycemic index), the longer we feel full. In dates, the GI is 146 units, GI over 65 is considered high. This distinguishes it from other dried fruits. Glycemic index of dried apricots - 35 units, prunes - 40.

Due to the sugary-sweet taste and the presence of dietary fiber, dates quickly saturate, but this does not last long. It is appropriate to eat a few fruits between breakfast and lunch or for an afternoon snack. This will dull the feeling of hunger before the main meal. But at night, dates with a diet are recommended to be eaten 2-3 hours before bedtime, if zhor attacked or you feel weak.

Now no one will be surprised or the marshmallow diet. Losing weight on sweets is suitable for those who cannot refuse them even for a few days. From the position healthy eating, this is not necessary. Sweet taste is found not only in sweets, cookies, jam, cakes. Fruits and dried fruits contain fructose and glucose, as well as useful and needed by the body elements. Many choose the date diet as a healthier alternative.

It lasts 10 days and consists of stages:

  • From 1 to 4 days, only dates (10-14 pieces) are allowed to be eaten and washed down with water, green or herbal tea, coffee.
  • From 5 to 10 days, apples (3-4 pieces) are added to the diet. Some sources also list oranges and pears.

The authors claim that on this diet it is possible to lose 6-8 kg. The effect is explained by the fact that dates quickly saturate, and the sweet taste helps to maintain a good mood. Like any mono-diet, date has contraindications:

  1. Increased blood sugar;
  2. Pregnancy and lactation;
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Childhood and old age;
  5. Metabolic disease;
  6. Increased physical and mental stress.

Even if these conditions do not apply to you, consult your doctor before use. The described diet can not be kept for more than 10 days, and if unpleasant symptoms occur, it is stopped. It is recommended to repeat the diet no earlier than after 1-2 months.

Diet Options

Each organism is individual, and the described method is not suitable for everyone. If you really want to lose weight on dates, but such a diet seems heavy, there are several variations.

With milk

The diet is designed for a week, and the weight loss will be 3-4 kg. Meal plan:

  • Eat 7 fruits three times a day and drink a glass of milk;
  • Increase the amount of clean water consumed up to 2 liters;
  • Let's take herbal decoctions.

With the help of milk, useful substances from dried fruits are more easily absorbed by the body. It contains proteins and gives a feeling of satiety. Milk allergy is added to contraindications.

With kefir

Dairy products are rich in calcium and potassium, help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

For 7 days, adhere to the diet:

  1. Daily use 1.5 liters of fat-free kefir;
  2. Eat 250-300 g of dried fruits;
  3. Drink dates with kefir or make a cocktail.

With oatmeal

This recipe suitable for those who wants to include dates in, and not completely replace them with other food.


  • Hercules - 1 glass;
  • Low calorie milk - 2 cups;
  • Dates - 15 pieces;
  • Flaxseed flour - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Honey - optional.


  1. Rinse the fruits, remove the seeds and chop;
  2. Hercules with flaxseed flour pour milk;
  3. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat, stir;
  4. After 5 minutes, add dried fruits to the porridge and remove from heat;
  5. Drizzle with honey if desired and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

It is better to eat an energy dish for breakfast in order to recharge for the whole day with a portion of vitamins and minerals. useful elements. To reduce the calorie content, milk is replaced with water.

As the famous Paracelsus said: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Only the dose makes a medicine a poison, and a poison a medicine.” This statement is true for the fruits of the date palm. In moderate doses, dried fruits will not harm a healthy person. In ancient times, dates formed the basis of the diet of nomadic Arabs, and the name “bread of the desert” stuck behind it. It was believed that having only water and dates, a person would be full of strength and healthy. Nutritionists recommend making the diet varied and balanced, and not "lean" on one product.

With these diseases, it is necessary to use sweet fruit with caution:

  • Diabetes mellitus of any type due to the ability to rapidly increase blood sugar levels;
  • Predisposition to allergies, because the fruits contain allergen substances;
  • Serious illnesses digestive system due to the presence of fiber, which irritates diseased organs and additionally loads them;
  • Obesity, because dates are rich in carbohydrates and have a high glycemic index.

Dried fruits will also harm healthy people if you use low-quality, dirty or mold-infected fruits. It is important to be able to distinguish tasty and useful date from dangerous.

How to choose?

Date palms grow in hot countries with arid climates. Dried or dried fruits are imported to the northern regions from Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, South Africa, Algeria, and Israel. Sweet fruits - culture medium for the development of bacteria, so transportation and storage require certain conditions. If they were broken, the dates lose their attractive appearance useful qualities and even become dangerous.

  1. Choose dried fruits that are dark brown with a uniform matte finish. The unripe fruit will be light.
  2. Press lightly on the date, the right product is not hard and moderately soft.
  3. Check that the skin is not cracked. The whole shell protects the pulp from bacteria and mold. Swelling and damage says that the fruits were dried with technology violations.
  4. A stale product will give out a fermented smell and a wrinkled surface.
  5. Sugar crystals indicate that the fruits are soaked in syrup for better storage. Excess sugar on dates with a diet is useless.
  6. Shiny fruits should not be bought, they are processed with oil. The danger is the oil itself and the dust adhering to it.

Signs of an ideal date:

  • Matte color without gloss;
  • The presence of a bone and a tail;
  • Intact skin;
  • Non-sticky to the touch.

The best way to dry
- without removing from the palm. Such dates are sold in a bunch on a branch. They are considered the most delicious, healthy and natural. This is reflected in the cost of the product - it will be more compared to other types. Any dates are washed before use, even those that are sold in a box and look clean. Water will remove fine dust and possible chemicals.

Worm fruit is a common problem when buying dried fruit. To determine if there are insects inside, a simple tip will help: enlighten the date with a flashlight or in the sun. Dark spots in the pulp indicate that worms have started there.

If you buy dates for future use, then store them in a glass container with a lid in the refrigerator or other cool place. So they do not absorb extraneous odors and retain their beneficial properties and taste longer.

Everyone decides for himself. If there are no contraindications, and you like the taste of dried fruits, replace them with sweets and other store-bought sweets. Save the body from the harmful effects of refined sugar and get vitamins, nutrients and fiber. Just choose a quality product and do not save on health. The body will respond with vivacity, sharp memory and good mood. Be healthy and slim!

Diets designed for weight loss aim to reduce the amount of calories a person consumes. But with such a diet, the body will suffer from a lack of nutrients, vitamins. In order to somehow replenish the reserves of the necessary components, nutritionists recommend eating, in particular dates. But let's see if it is possible to eat dates while losing weight, because they are quite high in calories. It turns out that it is necessary to include them in your diet with a diet, but in moderation. Dates contain fiber, which contributes to the rapid saturation of the body, as well as the removal of toxins and all kinds of harmful compounds.

Dates for a weight loss diet

Dried date is a nutritious product that can enrich the human body with fiber, vegetable protein and all kinds of nutrients. The latter include folic acid, riboflavin and thiamine, B vitamins, niacin and iron. In addition, in them huge quantities contains the following trace elements: phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, calcium. This product is rich in varying degrees with all the elements necessary for the full functioning of the body. That is why dried dates must be consumed when losing weight. They should be included in your diet to reduce the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, the lack of which will negatively affect the condition of hair, nails, teeth and skin.

The benefits and harms of dates for weight loss

Dates improve the functioning of the digestive system, perfectly fight hunger, reduce the level of bad. Thanks to these properties, dates are recommended for weight loss. Their benefits to the body are enormous:

  • these dried fruits strengthen the immune system;
  • support high level blood hemoglobin due to high iron content;
  • improve cardiovascular activity.

However, if consumed in excess, they can harm those who lose weight. Energy value dates is huge, in one hundred grams they contain at least 300 kcal.

Let's try to figure out in more detail whether dates are useful for losing weight. It is known that weight will decrease only when the number of calories received by the body is less than those consumed. At the same time, many nutritionists believe that it does not matter what food is eaten. This applies to all products, including dates. By themselves, they practically do not contribute to weight loss. And with excessive consumption, they can, on the contrary, contribute to the deposition of fat. They will be useful if you use no more than 10 - 15 pieces of dates per day.

Do not forget about contraindications. They are not recommended to include in your diet for people suffering from diabetes and those who have an individual intolerance to this product.

Breastfeeding experts strongly recommend including dates in the diet of a breastfeeding woman. Moreover, this recommendation is fully justified from a scientific point of view. Scientists have found that dates contain oxytocin. This hormone contributes to the contraction of the uterus during lactation, which leads to its strengthening.

In addition, oxytocin from dates can reduce the risk of uterine bleeding, which is very important in the early postpartum period. Therefore, the question is whether it is possible to eat dates with breastfeeding, the answer will be unambiguously positive.

Dates are useful not only for a young mother, but also for a newborn, as they allow you to provide good nutrition for the baby. Everything that mom eats goes to breast milk, which is the only source of nutrition for the child. Dates are rich in various vitamins and microelements, they satisfy the need of a growing body for selenium, magnesium and calcium, which will positively affect the growth and development of the baby.

Another benefit of dates for a nursing mother is the ability to avoid postpartum depression. It has been proven that these fruits act as a powerful natural antidepressant.

However, for the first time, dates for a nursing woman should be used with caution. For the first time, 2-3 fruits will be enough. After that, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child to dates. If no changes in his health have occurred, then you can continue to use this useful product. However, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to eat more than 6 dates per day.

Dates have mass useful properties. They contain various elements necessary for the body. It is especially recommended to use such fruits for pregnant women and those who are engaged in mental work, because thanks to them brain performance increases.

What are useful dates

Since dates have a high calorie content, the opinion of nutritionists is divided. In everything, a measure is necessary, including the use of these fruits in order to lose weight.

For lovers of sweets, they will become simply indispensable during the period of weight loss. In order to get rid of extra pounds, while maintaining the necessary norm of substances, it will be enough to eat 10 pieces of dates.

They contain fiber, thanks to which the stomach is filled faster, that is, a person is saturated much faster.

Since the fruits contribute to the improvement of the functioning of such organs as the liver and kidneys, the metabolism is normalized and weight is reduced, as in Sati Kazanova -.

Thanks to dates, unnecessary fluid is removed from the tissues, which is important for weight loss.

Since the fruits contain sucrose in their composition, eating a date replaces a sweet dish, helps to satisfy hunger and supplies the body with the necessary substances.

In addition, fruits have a pleasant taste, they have many vitamins. If a person regularly eats meat, then they reduce the impact harmful components present in it.

Proper use of dates during weight loss

Dietitians do not recommend date diet more than 10 days. In this case, during the first 4 days you need to eat only the fruits. Use green unsweetened tea as a drink (more details). Starting from the fifth day, green apples are also consumed. Thanks to the diet, it is possible to lose about 8 kg.

  • add chopped nuts or ginger to them (see -);
  • you can cook homemade compotes by adding fruits instead of sugar;
  • prepare a salad that will contain carrots and dates, pumpkin seeds, a little honey and olive oil;
  • the composition of the salad is changed, green apples and grapefruits are added to the dates.

If the metabolism proceeds at a slow pace, then you have to eat more foods with a protein content. After dinner, such people are advised to eat 2-3 dates and, preferably, refuse to consume in evening time meat.

It also happens that the metabolism, on the contrary, is fast, this is a sign that a person often eats vermicelli and delicacies. In this case, dates should be eaten after exercise.

How to lose weight by eating dates?

Date diets are interesting and popular. Although dates are very nutritious, they work amazingly when combined with the right foods. This will be a great way for those who want to lose weight if they do not want to give up sweets.