Why in modern world Overwhelmed with small questions, it becomes increasingly difficult for us to make decisions - and how to cope with fatigue so that you have time for something really important. You probably already know the basic rules: plan more (so that you don’t have to torment yourself every evening, whether to go to the gym or not), deal with important issues with a fresh mind and a full stomach, and if the choice is not very important, but you don’t want to waste time, put yourself a time limit and act. Now let's figure out how to act if you have a difficult question.

Don't rely too much on others

Finding out the opinion of others before making an important decision is a normal practice: sometimes everyone needs a look from the outside, especially if it is not possible to comprehensively and objectively assess the situation “from the inside”. Another thing is that in the pursuit of knowing someone else's opinion, there is always a risk of forgetting about own desires and arguments. As valuable as the advice of friends, colleagues and loved ones is, it is your life and your own choice - only you know what is more important to you in a relationship or work. Remember that the final decision is always yours: ask others to understand where you may be biased, but remember that you will have to live with the consequences.

Many people, after several months or years in the office, eventually come to the desire to radically change their occupation. In particular, do freelancing, organize your own business, or completely immerse yourself in creativity. But no matter how tempting these plans are, not everyone runs the risk of leaving the place that has become familiar and recovering no one knows where and no one knows why.

This fear is natural, like any other fear of the unknown, but succumbing to it, it is impossible to change your life. And for those who, despite everything, still ventured to seek their own happiness, the following tips can be a good help.

1. Listen to what your inner voice is telling you.

Usually we rarely listen to what our heart tells us, our inner voice. We are accustomed to trusting other people's opinions, but not our own, and this is the main reason for many failures and "wrong things" in our lives.

So now that you are at a fork in the road and your future is even more uncertain than before, it's time to start listening to yourself. It is not difficult in fact, you just need to allow yourself to do what seems right for you, and not for someone from your environment.

2. Don't Forget Your Mental and Physical Health

Life changes are always stressful for the body, and you should not aggravate the situation with a bad lifestyle, malnutrition and endless experiences. Let the body adjust to a new rhythm for it, help it. The time of your search for yourself is better than ever for your passion for yoga, vegetarianism or other practices that obviously promise more energy and health. However, if you do not want such a cardinal, regular morning work-out, healthy sleep and a diet in which the amount of vegetables and fruits will prevail over the rest of the food.

3. Try to replace fear of the unknown with an image of your happy future.

Being unaware of what awaits you is undeniably frightening. But still, try not to be afraid, and instead of fear, pay attention to your desires and what you want to get from life, deciding on these changes. Visualize yourself in the future when you achieve the planned success. For example, register a company in the UK and earn a lot of money. Imagine everything as vividly as you can. And invoke this image whenever you feel that you are overcome by fear or doubt.

4. Don't Forget People's Support

But here we must make an important remark. Support should come from those who agree with and approve of your choice. Because comments and doubts from those who are against your decision will only undermine your confidence, and this is not at all what you need now. So until you achieve some success on your new path, limit your social circle to only those who will help you achieve your goal. Then, when you gain unshakable confidence in the correctness of the chosen path, other people's doubts can no longer change anything.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others

It's so easy to start comparing your own and other people's achievements, tie everything to age, and, looking at the more successful ones, sink into your own depression. But this path will certainly lead nowhere. Therefore, remember that everyone has their own path, and it really doesn’t matter what you have achieved at a certain stage in your life. More importantly, are you happy. You can be a billionaire, have whatever you want, and be a deeply unhappy person. So focus on what you want and move towards the goal without paying attention to anyone. And if others begin to compare you with others - well, this is their right, and you have every right not to prove anything to anyone.

6. Celebrate all your achievements, no matter how small they are.

Usually the path to a big and great goal is very long and difficult, and if you do not divide it into small sub-points, then there is a risk of not reaching the finish line. But when you overcome another small barrier, get up one more step higher, this is the best incentive for further advancement. Praise yourself, rejoice in victories, do not be upset because of defeats - they do not mean failures, just another sign that you have room to grow.

7. Remember that you are amazing, regardless of your monthly income or your creative achievements.

We often pay attention to the material well-being of people, falsely considering this the main criterion for success in life. But money does not equal happiness. But happiness is dreams come true, it is the disclosure of creative potential, it is the freedom that you finally allowed to be in your life. And who cares how much you earn or how many books you have written, how many pictures you have drawn, if you already feel happiness. Now, every second.

Do not be afraid to take a step towards your dreams, do not be afraid to discard all past attachments. You are not the first on this path, you are not the last. But you are one of those who risked their false certainty in life in order to achieve real happiness.

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It is easy to make a choice when one of the options is obviously better / more profitable / more promising. And it is excruciatingly difficult when equivalent alternatives are presented on the scales.

website will try to restore your healthy sleep and peace of mind. We bring to your attention 7 ways to get out of a stupor and make the right decision.

From the outside, this may look like a mild form of a split personality, but try to imagine another person (friend, colleague) in your place. Pretend that the problem of choice is his, not yours. Abstract, step aside, observe, and then give advice.

This technique helps to discard the emotions that clouded your mind in the throes of choice, and to take a more sober look at the essence of the issue.

2. Turn off information noise

It seems to us that what big amount information we have, the more objectively we are able to assess the situation. However, the endless information flow only increases the tension and confuses our brain. We begin to overemphasize the insignificant facts and lose sight of the essential.

Temporarily turn off the informational noise, relax and let your mind find the right answer on its own, because many scientists made their great discoveries in a dream for a reason.

3. Deny the obvious

By a certain age, each of us acquires our own style of behavior in general and decision-making in particular. Break the mold and argue with yourself by questioning the obvious facts about each scenario.

Take a pen, a piece of paper and write them out, then turn the sheet over and figure out what you will do in such circumstances. Very often the answer is beyond the boundaries of habitual thoughts.

4. Interview yourself

Before finally deciding on a decision, ask yourself 3 questions and answer each one for 10 minutes. So, if you follow the chosen path, then:

  • How will you feel in 10 days?
  • How will you feel in 10 months?
  • How will you feel in 10 years?

Listen to your feelings. Feeling the prospects is no less important than considering them. The pleasure or discomfort of visualizing your choice often speaks louder than reason.

5. Play epithets

Choose a few adjectives for each solution, and then apply them to yourself. Let's say you choose between 2 job offers: one is dynamic, requiring communication and constant movement, the other is stable, implying a thoughtful approach and attention to detail.

Now try using these descriptions for yourself. Which suits you best? This is extremely important: making any choice, you always determine to one degree or another his future.

6. Draw a Descartes Square

A.P. Devyatov

Seminar at IDK famous writer and sinologist
Doctors of Sciences do not like me very much, although some may respect me. I speak from the position of intelligence, and intelligence takes a superposition over science, art and religion as ways of knowing the laws of nature, society and thought. Intelligence, philosophy and magic are the next stage, since they are no longer engaged in cognition, but in the awareness of the processes of being as an exchange of substances, energy and information. In this regard, how can science look, for example, at some subsoil scouts and geologists? After all, she has a doctorate in geological exploration. But whether you found fossils or not, this is art, this is a masterpiece, not science itself. If the doctors of these sciences knew everything, they would have found everything long ago.

As a second introduction, I must say that I am, in a way, expounding a certain heresy called neopolitics, understood as the doctrine of capturing the future, capturing time. If geopolitics is the doctrine of the capture of space, then the doctrine of the capture of time in science has not yet been. And as a non-politician, scientists have nothing to love me for, because it is perceived by them as heresy.

Scripture says there is no prophet in his own country. But the same Chinese recognized me. And the book "Sky Politics for Decision Makers" was published this year by the publishing house of the Academy of Social Sciences of the People's Republic of China. Therefore, I calmly look at academic non-recognition, because, I repeat, in my own country the prophet is not honored.

The stated topic is relevant in connection with Putin's turn. Putin, as you know, went to China in 2011, made certain statements there, and even more statements were made at a meeting of the SCO heads of government in St. Petersburg. And the first visit that Putin will make after he becomes the sovereign of all the Russian Land will be China. If I'm wrong, tell me: you lied. I do not have any "intelligence" on this subject, but I distinguish the signs of the times, speaking in church terms, but in terms of intelligence: intelligence signs. (Intelligence signs are the “ears of the entity” that stick out over the camouflage networks of disinformation and various cover legends. If science is concerned with the analysis of what is, then intelligence is called upon to give assessments of what is not, and not analysis at all, in my opinion. Of course , laying caches, espionage, theft is also intelligence, but the information work of strategic intelligence is work with entities. Not so much with forms, but with entities. Where there is real intelligence, where it is successful, there is always a masterpiece, a manifestation of unique art.)

So, China is in the alignment of world forces. I will present this topic not from head to toe, but from head to toe, because if I start from the head, then scientists will immediately begin to frown: “well, another idiot has come.” The legs are the practical politics, the torso is the doctrine, and the head is the conceptual framework. It is customary to start with the conceptual foundations, then go down to practice. However, in all these thick books and all sorts of Wikipedias, everything is wonderful, but everything is not about that.

So, the theme of China in the alignment of world forces is very correctly stated, because China plays cards in practical politics. Whereas Western politics, according to Brzezinski, is a grand chessboard. That's why analytical work these are chess schemes, and Chinese realities are card game to bridge. Deng Xiaoping, probably 9 years old, was like no one. At the same time, he was the emperor in the Chinese sense, and the rest served as low-ranking officials. But at the same time, until his death, he was the chairman of the All-China Association of Bridge Card Game Lovers. He played bridge in tandem with the Minister of Railways, this was his partner. And the whole theory of Deng Xiaoping, which is presented as "openness reform", is the bridge card game schemes. I will say more: the Chinese invented the card game, this is their style.

Western schemes are indeed chess: black and white, white starts and wins, whoever seizes the initiative has an advantage, and so on. The grandmaster, playing for black, if he is lucky, can achieve a draw. This is chess logic.

A little help. Sports bridge is played by four, unsportsmanlike by six. The Chinese deck includes 54 cards with two jokers: red and black. Therefore, playing for four, the players each have 13 cards, and playing for six, 9 cards each. If you remember the film from the James Bond movie "Casino Royale", there this scheme of the card drawing of world politics is shown, but in this film they play not bridge, but poker.

An up-to-date illustration of a sports bridge for four in geopolitics. The US is ordering the game, the US partner is that political bunch called the G8. The second pair is China and the financial international of the Jews. In sports bridge, who ordered the game, he, in fact, announces trump cards, reports how many tricks he will take. The one who plays with him in a pair, plays with open cards and is called a "dummy" because he has to play along with the one who ordered the game. America ordered the game, G8 plays along with America. And the task of the second pair, in which everyone plays for himself, is to prevent the one who ordered the game from winning the tricks that the person who ordered the game intended to take. The current horse was ordered by the Americans, the trump cards are military force. The task of those who play against America is to prevent them from taking bribes.

When playing for six, everyone plays for himself. The con ends and another player will order the game. And the current con ends one of these days or earlier, the con ends with the second wave of the financial crisis. And accordingly, there will be a new distribution, and the Chinese will order the game. Because in fact, the Americans will lose this con. The Chinese will not play for four, the Chinese will play for six. Because the Chinese consider themselves the best of the best, because they have a culture, and the "white monkeys" have some technical notions, developed savagery. The Americans suggested: let's play G2. The Chinese have abandoned this idea. They look at everyone else with some disdain. Therefore, they will play for six.

Six players are actually active world projects. I will list them:

PRC, its project is called "Harmony of the World";

The US project is called "American globalism", in essence, it is Atlanticism;

The world of Islam, which wants to make the caliphate a world project;

The Financial International of the Jews is Solomon's three thousand year plan;

United Europe is the Romano-Germanic aristocracy, the conceptual basis of which is the Roman curia, the Vatican is the main one there;

Well, after October 4, 2011, we can say that Russia sat down to play as the sixth player, because Putin announced programmatically that there is a conceptual basis, it is called " Eurasian Union from Lisbon to Vladivostok" (so in the text). That is, this Eurasian Union is not in itself, but with big europe. One way or another, the flag was raised, there was an application to sit down at the table to play. In the current horse, which is now ending, Russia is a “dumbass”, because since Yeltsin it has been playing along with the Americans.

At the 16th Congress in 2002, the Chinese defined their goal-setting as "aggregate power." The total power is the same layout of cards that is in hand. Bubi are cards of strength, spades are cards of culture, clubs are cards of the economy, and worms are the invisible world, this is a mental warehouse, these are ideals, dogmas, a dream, a civilizational code. It is clear that all players have all the cards from the deck when dealing, who has what. Therefore, Chinese cumulative power is associated with building up the suit of clubs, because they have the longest suit - spades (Chinese culture). They have a special, by origin, in no way connected with the European-Mediterranean, with biblical things, civilization. Physical education is also here, since the Chinese have demonstrated that Olympic Games it's theirs too strong point. They build up the club suit, they are good with diamonds and they are really bad with hearts. The Chinese live on the ground, act pragmatically and schematically. Chinese thinking is concrete-symbolic, while Western thinking is abstract-conceptual.

This is, strictly speaking, what aggregate power looks like in the pictures of practical politics. What I am now talking about has been confirmed on the basis of private conversations with Chinese intelligence. Our scientists are studying the ideas of Mao Zedong, his five volumes and everything else. And I told the Chinese that actually key ideas Mao Zedong is his 16 poems. They instantly agreed with me, saying that it was only the “white monkeys” who did not understand that big ideas should not be looked for in some voluminous texts.

At one time, in the Russian Entrepreneur magazine, we published the results of our “staff games”, in which non-politicians modeled global projects in the form of a bridge card game. And this rally gave the appropriate hints as to who is playing from the current world actors. I will say in advance that Russia had only two win-win cards that always took bribes (jack of diamonds, representing the vertical of power and ten of clubs, denoting our natural resources) and in addition, Russia had two jokers, they were given to Russia, because, as It is known that Russia cannot be understood with the mind. The Joker beats both the value of the card and the suit. The Chinese, I repeat, have decks with two jokers.

The most advantageous option for Russia in the game for six is ​​a bundle with the financial international of the Jews and the Chinese. Now, if Russia played in this bundle, it did not lose. In all other bundles, she lost.

Let's move on to doctrine. On currently The Chinese worked out 4 successively declared systems of views on overcoming troubles, that is, on achieving victory. Doctrine is some set of methods and rules that lead to victory as to overcoming Trouble. The Chinese are now ruled by the fourth generation of revolutionaries, well, I mean those who led the people into what is called the Chinese people's republic. The first generation is Mao Zedong, the second generation is Deng Xiaoping, the third generation is Jiang Zemin, the fourth generation who is ruling now is Hu Jintao. The XVIII Congress, which will probably take place in the fall of 2012, will replace the current team, the fifth generation of leaders will come.

So let's start with Chairman Mao. His doctrine in the theoretical part was called "The Theory of Chairman Mao Zedong on the division of the world into three parts, greatest contribution to the treasury of Marxism-Leninism. Marxism-Leninism divided the world into two: labor and capital, putting dialectics at the forefront (again a chessboard). Mao proposed a view of the world as a tripartite one. What is it and why, no one understood as much as you want, read the scientists, no one explained anything. Our entire Central Committee of the CPSU, with its analytical departments, with all our social scientists, have not written anything intelligible about this.

It was announced in 1972 by Deng Xiaoping from the podium General Assembly UN when the Chinese entered the UN as a permanent member of the Security Council. Before that, Taiwan was there. When Mao Zedong died, after ousting the Gang of Four, Deng Xiaoping, having established himself in power, expounded this doctrine in his program article, which was called: “Chairman Mao Zedong’s theory of dividing the world into three parts, the greatest contribution to the treasury of Marxism- Leninism". It was published in the bulletin of the Xinhua News Agency, and I, being an employee of the Soviet embassy, ​​read it in 1977, but then I also did not understand anything.

Years later, I was expelled from China for activities incompatible with diplomatic status, I had free time and I began to write my first book, "Chinese specificity, as I understood it in intelligence and business." And then I began to somehow comprehend there recent history China and I caught the eye of the same Xinhua Newsletter. I read it once, read it twice, read it three times and saw that it was directly written there, what this doctrine consists of. But with a European education, with chess schemes, you can't see it.

The division of the world into three parts can be described as follows: ourselves, our enemies and our allies. And not the European scheme: whoever is not with us is against us, or the law of the excluded middle, or the third is superfluous, or there is no third. Due to the fact that Chinese thinking is symbolic, although they launch misinformation, they cannot remove these symbolic reference points, otherwise the Chinese picture is destroyed, because the Chinese do not have abstract concepts. They write in hieroglyphs, they do not have signs, but symbols, the limit to which Chinese thinking can rise in its generalizations is an abstract representation. The Chinese cannot drop something so sensual at all, something sensual is brought into everything that the Chinese have. And when our wonderful scientists come up with their wonderful conceptual schemes, the Chinese do not understand them.

When they try to get into abstraction, they are forced to use the so-called “chenyu”, consisting of 4 hieroglyphs, as a rule, well, sometimes more, stable combinations that have either a cultural or historical background. And there are such thick chenyu dictionaries. When a Chinese begins to express himself in this language, no translator can cope with it, because one such thick chenyu dictionary is not enough for a European mind to cover all this culture and history. And Chinese translators cannot translate this, because these are often untranslatable things. I will not say anything new and will not reveal any secret about the fact that Chinese poetry is untranslatable.

V.V. Averyanov: And then we don’t translate the Tao Te Ching?

A.P. Devyatov: Yes, I'll tell you now. There are possibilities for interpretation. As for the actual translations of the Tao Te Ching, there, at best, 30 percent of the content can be somehow conveyed. But if you give not so much a translation as a sum of Chinese interpretations, then a lot can be understood. At the language level, the barriers are extremely high. When trying to transfer Buddhism to Chinese soil, they suffered a lot, and nothing happened, because there were no letters, any hieroglyph is a symbol, after it is imagery, and it pulls meanings that do not correspond to these Buddhist things at all. It's the same with the attempts to Christianize China. For example, there is no hieroglyph "God", there is no hieroglyph "shame", there is no hieroglyph "conscience". And this great Chinese wall of hieroglyphics fences off the Chinese consciousness from foreign influence. Attempts to translate Chinese in Latin were unsuccessful. At one time, these attempts were explained by the fact that the hieroglyph did not fit into a typewriter, into a telegraph. The entire language consists of only 612 syllables, variants of the pronunciation of whole words. And in writing, the thought is fixed by hieroglyphs, of which there are tens of thousands. And each hieroglyph was created to record a whole word, the hieroglyph carries a holistic meaning. And how do you order to be with those meanings and phenomena that did not exist before? What about lasers, what about holography? The Chinese take these hieroglyphs, that is, the root meanings, and from them they make two-syllable, three-syllable ones, then they are quietly reduced to two syllables, and in this way those things that did not exist in antiquity are fixed. That's how they manage.

Well, then, when this laptop suddenly appeared, a computer, it turned out that hieroglyphs are better than letters because of their capacity. The hieroglyph directly captures the meanings, bypassing long phrases. In writing, hieroglyphs are reduced to five features: horizontal, vertical, right-leaning, left-leaning, and dot. A system for searching for a hieroglyph in dictionaries by five features has long been invented. This system was taken as the basis for typing. And the girl who types the text in China only hits five keys. Then, like a girl who types alphabetic text, she hits 22 or 33 keys. The girl who hits 5 keys is faster. Well, automated input of printed text and processing of hieroglyphic texts turned out to be more convenient than alphabetic ones. Therefore, the Chinese simply abandoned all ideas of changing hieroglyphs to small letters. And when the telegraph arose, then the hieroglyphs were simply given numbers and 10 thousand hieroglyphs were driven into a telegraph code, it was called the Plain code. (Plain is an Englishman who gave them this code, or imposed it, since the British read this correspondence perfectly.)

Now, as for Mao Zedong. The Chinese from antediluvian times, that is, before the Flood, received the so-called code of changes (not to be confused with the Book of Changes). The Book of Changes is a cover legend that is made so that the uninitiated, who do not have the key to the code of changes, do not meddle there. Well, this is approximately the same as what the Jews did with Kabbalah. Go to any bookstore, there will be about a meter and a half of books about Kabbalah, if you add them up, but there will not be an ounce of truth about Kabbalah, all these are cover legends, strategic disguise.

All of our wonderful Sinologists have studied this Book of Changes. Does anyone in China read at least one work of our or foreign scientists who studied it and came up with interpretations? Answer: no. Because the Chinese know the code of change, they do not show the key to the code of change to anyone: and you, “white monkeys”, do whatever you want.

You will not find in any dictionary, in any encyclopedia, in any textbook what the law of change is. European education skips it. However, people with paradoxical thinking, thinking in Russian, revealed this law of change by the methods of divine revelation. There is such a sinologist Krushinsky Andrey Andreevich, who works at the Institute of Oriental Studies, he published a thin brochure in which, relying on Boole's algebra, he described this law of changes in mathematical form. There was also our compatriot Maslennikov, a mathematician and physicist, who did not even know the Chinese language. He dealt with the actual change code and described it.

The change code is, in fact, a barcode consisting of broken and not broken dashes, symbolizing even and odd. I will refer to the 89th sura of the Koran, which is called "Dawn". It begins like this: “I swear by the sunrise. I swear by sunset. I swear by 10 nights. I swear by even and odd." These are the same odd and even as the Chinese have in the code of change. The set of these even and odd barcodes reflects a set of certain situations, of which there are 64 in total. These situations correspond to the human genetic code, which was discovered by our scientist, biologist Petukhov.

The number of Chinese and only Chinese is divided into three aspects: magnitude separately, order separately, and odds and evens separately. The value is fixed in Chinese numerals, there are 10 such digits. There is no zero. To reflect the meaning of zero, there is a hieroglyph that reads "lin". The meaning of this hieroglyph is a drop of water that breaks into splashes. This is what the Chinese mean by zero. So that the value does not get confused with the number in order, the Chinese invented cyclic signs. There are 22 of them. And if Newtonian time is duration, then the Chinese have always had time as a sequence, because Chinese calendar does not fix the magnitude, but fixes the order.

The Jesuit brothers have done a great job of turning the cycles into a straight line. Prior to the Gregorian calendar, the chronicles were all recorded in the Indiction. The indiction is three wheels (solar, lunar and indict) that produce a set that never repeats. The circle of the sun is 28 years, the circle of the moon is 19 years and the indiction is 15 years. That's how you twist these three wheels, repetitions will never be infinity. This is that cosmic infinity and that cosmic eternity that existed before 1582. Russian chronicles are also written "vrutselet", using the same three circles. Then they were transferred to the same Gregorian calendar. First, Scaliger painted history in Julian dates, on a sunny day. Julian calendar, and then the Jesuits replaced the Julian calendar with the Gregorian. It remains in history that the Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian. Thus, they covered the cyclical nature of the Middle Ages from prying eyes, which they actually replaced with a new calendar.

The same Jesuit brothers sent Matteo Ricci to China, who turned Chinese history into the Gregorian calendar. Then the Vatican sent a group of Jesuits, who worked remarkably well, "improving" the Chinese calendar. At the same time, the Chinese, of course, did not abandon their calendar, but, nevertheless, this Western influence worked. The fact is that these same Jesuit brothers supplied Leibniz with the appropriate things. About five years ago, a book was published in Russian, Leibniz's correspondence with the Jesuits, from which it follows that he simply took his binary code from the Chinese, from their ideas about even and odd. And Chinese calculus in odds and evens, Chinese abacus it is a system that is embedded in modern computer algorithms. It was taken from Leibniz, and Leibniz took it from the Chinese.

Our wonderful sinologists with European education, interpreting the Book of Changes, interpret only the cover legend. And here again the difference between science and intelligence is highlighted. In intelligence, the main thing is: they put this misinformation at you, and you will always suffer with it, so the first thing to do is to determine whether it is misinformation or not misinformation, to deal with it or not to deal with it. And only Maslennikov, who did not know the Chinese language and was only concerned with the code of changes as such, found the key to this code in inversions and symmetries. Posthumously, he will someday be glorified by grateful descendants, but for now it is necessary to figure it out, to bring to practice what he did.

So, the law of change concerns the bundles of the three forces. According to the change code, a three-phase electric motor works. Binary circuit - steam engine, engine internal combustion. The ternary scheme is rotational movements, so, in space there is no translational movements, in space there is no polarization, there is no north and south, there are orbits, curved trajectories.

But the main Chinese book is not even the Book of Changes, it is the work of Confucius, which is called "Spring and Autumn". Because he outlined history as cycles, where spring turns into autumn, autumn turns back into spring. Where, what our wonderful sinologists have ever said about this? No, they write only that these are historical chronicles. And there it is directly stated in the title that history is cyclical, history is the sum of waves of different periods. And the Chinese know how to count these cycles. But Maslennikov drew this picture: oh, once, again, and showed that the code of change comes down to a description of 64 situations. From one point to another you can come in one jump, you can come in two jumps, you can come in three jumps, and so on. And what European science calls a fork in history, a bifurcation, a bifurcation (and in Russian fairy tales a fork is always on three paths), the Chinese understand it as a polyfurcation in their code of change, and there can be two, three, four, five, and even these variants of the fork. six. From one point of predestination to the next point of predestination, there are six different paths. And I became convinced that the Chinese know how to count the points of predestination (just like the Jews).

The Europeans, in their modernity and progress, their masters of business administration, do not have the main thing, there is no timeliness. When you want, then you will get the result, pay more and well done. There are no waves, no sunrises and sunsets, no tides. What is done in the seaports sit and record the magnitude of the tides. Science does not know when there will be a giant tide, when there will be a giant ebb. But these are waves of different periods: the moon pulls, the sun pushes. The process is cyclic. The same with history. There are giant tides and giant tides. The Chinese know how to count.

So the law of change can be formulated as follows. The world is explained by a bunch of three forces, and there are two variants of such a bunch: two forces are active, one is passive, two forces are passive, one is active. You will not collect other options from three fingers. What is two forces active and one passive? These are classic biblical-Mediterranean wiring. The second scheme: two forces are passive, and one is active, and as long as one is active, it will win. As soon as you put someone in the wiring, immediately go into a liability. This is the card game bridge. And the master of this was Deng Xiaoping.

"Chairman Mao Zedong's theory of dividing the world into three parts, the greatest contribution to the treasury of Marxism-Leninism." We remove all cover legends, what remains? We ourselves, our enemies and our allies. What do we benefit from? Due to the fact that we substitute for the defeat of our allies. The enemy is the first value, and the ally is what must be sacrificed. In the 20th century, the Chinese benefited from the fact that they won back in liabilities: they bred two superpowers. China was an underdeveloped developing country, they say, we have nothing, we are poor, developing. And we were milked, and the Americans were milked.

Then there was Deng Xiaoping, this is 1979-1989, this is the policy of openness reform, this is pure bridge for four, which was played according to the model of two stratagems (a stratagem is a military trick). There is a classic work by the Chinese sage Sun Tzu called The Art of War. However, there is no art there and there is no war either. It could be translated correctly as "stratagems". There is another such book called "36 Stratagems". And the whole classical Chinese theory of war is simple thing which ours do not want to see in politics. War is an endless path of cunning. The pinnacle of military art is victory without the use of weapons, victory by peaceful means V Peaceful time.

Deng Xiaoping launched openness reforms on two stratagems, stratagem number 6 and stratagem number 23. The 6th stratagem is the one that for some reason is mistranslated every time: make noise in the West, beat in the East. And it really sounds: make noise in the East, beat in the West. Academician Konrad, was such wonderful person, an orientalist, knew all languages, at the end of his life he wrote a book called "East and West". And he was in the clinic of the 4th main department for treatment. His book was published, they brought it, joyful, such a book, so wonderful, so thick, but on the cover was printed "West and East." He looked at this case, got upset and died. This is true. Therefore, Western thinking will definitely put the West in the first place, that's how it works.

What does this stratagem mean? Making noise in the East is playing all sorts of stupid territorial claims, and under the guise of beating the West, including our God-protected Fatherland, which the Chinese consider the northwest (northwestern Europe).

Returning to the fact that the main ideas of Mao Zedong are 16 classical poems. Mao Zedong understood what role he played in history, he knew his destiny, he did everything as the great ancestors did, although we were told that he did not learn Marxism well, etc. His poem is called "To Comrade Gomojo". Gomojo was the head of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, that is, he personified scientists, the line of Confucius. Mao writes: yes, Confucius is wise, he wrote a lot, we all know this, this is our history, but Emperor Qin Shihua is the first of the first figures of our great history. And even though he was some kind of despot, he buried some Confucian scientists alive, it's all nonsense. He fulfilled the main purpose, he created an empire, he stopped the chaos, he stopped the intra-national strife of the warring kingdoms, put things in order and opened a dynasty. This is the meaning of this poem "To Comrade Gomojo".

The next doctrine since the 1989 Tiananmen Square events is Jiang Zemin. His theory was called "the theory of triple representation". And if we remove all the things that our wonderful orientalists from the Institute Far East, it will be a connection of three forces: smart, rich and all the people. Everything else is cover legend. The task was to transfer the smart and rich to active state, then the whole people will benefit, since it is passive. And then the rich were recognized as worthy members of society, they were all accepted into the Communist Party, and business became more active. But the smart ones also became more active, scientists began to think more strongly, they were well motivated.

The current doctrine is called "The Theory of Scientific Development". It was adopted at the XVII Congress, and is designed for the period 2009-2019. The logic here is this: there is a tidal wave, and no matter what happens, we will still be in growth until the year 19, nothing will stop us. Because there are cosmic reasons for this, which you scientists have not yet learned.

All chinese history is conceived as cyclical: it is chaos, putting things in order, little prosperity, then great unity, then everything falls back into chaos, then putting things in order again, another leader-father appears who begins to cut off heads, then prosperity again, etc.

Counting from the first regular emperor, the Chinese now have the 8th small prosperity. The previous small prosperity was under Emperor Konsi, this is the 17th century, 1689, when the Treaty of Nerchinsk, fair from the point of view of the Chinese and humiliating for Russia, was signed. Russia and China first met not by some individual Cossacks or some individual Chinese tax collectors, but by authorized government agencies.

Returning to Jiang Zemin, what is the doctrine of scientific development? This is a turn from Marxism to social sciences and turn towards China as a technological country in natural sciences. China has already become an industrial country, a factory of the 21st century. And the task is to equip the factory with a design bureau, so that China would become a technological country, that is, it would master high technologies that the factory does not have.

Main enemy the Chinese have America. Soviet Union was a sacrificed ally. Well, this is a Chinese mythological scheme: a wise monkey sits on a mountain and watches how two tigers fight each other in a valley. Now there is no one to set against America. And so now, in 2012, the scheme will change: the scheme "two active one passive" will be replaced by the scheme "one active two passive", or, alternatively, all the rest are passive. Otherwise, the law of change does not work.

Accordingly XVIII| The congress will already openly announce that the Chinese will pass from the position of an underdeveloped country into the position of the only powerful and active force. And they start pushing. And a little will not seem to anyone. They will do this in 2012, because this is the year of the Black Dragon. The dragon was asleep, now he has woken up, he is moving, and in the 12th year he will take off. The Chinese will take a turn, here we have Putin's turn, consider that it took place on October 4, and the Chinese will also take a turn, Xi Jinping will do it.

Now, one more thing: the doctrine that was adopted in 1993, the secret doctrine of the Teng Xiaoping, called "Three North, Four Seas" is coming to an end. No matter who you ask at the Institute of the Far East, at the Institute of Oriental Studies, no one will explain to you what it is. Because nothing was written about this, except for the materials of the plenum in the Jimin Jibao newspaper. And I read the comments in the source, which I myself stole. That is, I myself am the primary source.

What are the four north, what are the three seas? This is a global scale from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian Ocean in the south, and from Atlantic Ocean, and in Chinese it is the Western Ocean, before Pacific Ocean. China is at the center of these four seas. He is the middle state, the navel of the earth. Three north are being overcome - this is the USA, this is the North Atlantic Alliance, and this is the north of Eurasia (beyond the Urals). And when Putin announced that a Eurasian Union with Europe would be created, does it not turn out that this north of Eurasia beyond the Urals is given to China, left at its mercy? God knows.

Why can three north be conquered? Because such are the cosmic foundations. Why is that? West overcomes East, South overcomes West, North overcomes South, Center overcomes North, East overcomes Center.

The Chinese believe: we overcome these three north, become a world power of the first order. When it will be? By the age of 19 Who overcomes the Chinese center? The Chinese center overcomes the east.

V.G. Budanov: What are the Japanese?

A.P. Devyatov: The Japanese are even, they are the west. China is the navel of the earth, it is in the sky, it is in the center. the sky above him. Imagine that you are standing with your feet in the sky. North remained north, south remained south, we will look to the south, facing south, and west and east have changed places. This is how a satellite of space intelligence sees the world. Therefore, in Chinese it is fixed " Old light"This is the eastern mainland, and" New World "is the western one. So they have in the language. Russia with Orthodoxy is the correct Eastern teaching. And the East for the Chinese is Orthodoxy, this is Iran and this is Pakistan. In the celestial orientation, it is east, and this east overcomes the center.

V.G. Budanov: Do they see Europe at all?

A.P. Devyatov: Europe is far, far away. Europe is the West, because they sailed from the ocean. The Portuguese, the Spaniards, the British, all sailed from there. And the Japanese sailed from there, so they are all called Yang-gui in Chinese, "overseas devils." Moreover, they are all even. They have a coordinate system of consciousness on 4, Greek 4 elements: water, earth, fire and air. The Chinese have five elements, of which three do not coincide with European ones. This is another coordinate system of consciousness.

And we find ourselves in the East. But Russia did not show up. It manifested itself earlier, when the great leader of all times and peoples accurately determined our status. Under Stalin, the Soviet Union was the elder brother, but he was the elder brother not because he was the Soviet Union, but because he was, first of all, the Comintern. Because in the minds of the Chinese, all countries must have some status in the family of peoples. The Soviet Union was the older brother, the Chinese were the middle brother, they still hold themselves to be the middle brother, until it is announced that they are a world power of the first order.

We need to build a bunch of three forces China, Iran, Russia, then we win. Another option: China, the Fintern of the Jews, Russia, then at least we don't lose.

Replica: And tell me, please, did you talk about such a scheme, two in the asset, one in the liability, or vice versa, but the principle of “divide and rule”, it may be purely European, but it actually works according to a close scheme ...

A.P. Devyatov: It is the same. Only the law of change works everywhere, and the second component is not told to us. The law of change is broader than this principle, it works with different types bundles, and if you translate everything into cards, then it is even known there that in the case of clubs plus spades, who will take a bribe. The law of change translates into bridge.

Replica: One of the Orthodox books, Seraphim Vyritsky, contains prophecies, either his own or attributed to him, which speak of a war between America and China in 12, or 24, and the success of this war or victory depends on the position of Russia.

A.P. Devyatov: Seraphim Vyritsky is, of course, a serious seer. But, nevertheless, not the prophet Daniel, not Ezekiel, but ours, close to us. In his place, the Chinese will accept Orthodoxy en masse, it is there too. I think that in this part he is not mistaken about the fact that the Chinese will accept the new Orthodoxy. The Orthodoxy that exists, they, of course, will not accept. In other words, they will accept Heaven in the presentation of the Eastern correct teaching, but this teaching must be presented in the paradigm of Chinese realities, then they will immediately accept it with all their hearts. And since Orthodoxy is always presented in a quotation-dogmatic version, which is not translated into Chinese, it has not yet touched the Chinese heart.

The war between the US and China is still going on on the financial and economic fronts, there is no doubt about that either. But in the year 12 there will be no armed war between the Chinese and the Americans, because the Chinese and the Americans agreed on this matter back in 79. The renewal of this secret agreement expires in 2019. Therefore, if we are talking that the war of arms will be in the year 24, I will mark this important date, most likely it is correct.

B.A. Vinogradov: Here is my question. In Beijing in 2008, I led talks on nuclear affairs with Chinese comrades, discussed the Sakharov scenario involving the use of super-powerful weapons. The Chinese said to this: we have this plan and it is called a typhoon. Isn't this scenario the reason why there won't be a war of weapons?

A.P. Devyatov: I have stated several times Chinese version what you just said. Yes, the Chinese accepted this idea a long time ago, they said that our nuclear charge of 50 kilotons, the tsar bomb, which you exploded there on Novaya Zemlya or over Novaya Zemlya ...

B.A. Vinogradov: Mega.

A.P. Devyatov: Mega. We'll put it in a 40 foot sea ​​container, we will put on our container ship "Sunhunchai-1" and it will float there. And when necessary, we want to throw it to you on the pier and say, here, you have it on the pier, if you want to throw it in the roadstead, if you want, we will drown it where it is necessary so that the wave is good and high. This is all known, and it is not commented on. Because then why is this missile defense, why these missiles and anti-missiles, why these multiple reentry vehicles, why these aerospace forces?

B.A. Vinogradov: Absolutely fair.

A.P. Devyatov: Why all this crap? She's not needed!

V.G. Budanov: In China, it is not.

A.P. Devyatov: The Chinese don't do this.

B.A. Vinogradov: This scenario was first proposed by Sakharov, he offered it to Beria. Beria was very happy, so he immediately said: how many guys we will immediately release so that they cook steel, plow the land, make tractors, combines. And the admirals said: we do not fight in such barbaric ways.

A.P. Devyatov: Well it is clear. An arms race was needed. The arms race was necessary in order to preserve the capitalist model, the model of expanded reproduction.

B.A. Vinogradov: That's what struck me in Beijing, when the table was laid, the first screensaver was 18 dishes, the second 12. There were few people sitting, they said who could eat it, but they said that it was customary for us. Are all Chinese like this? Yes, even the most poor family strives for it. How can this be explained?

A.P. Devyatov: American billionaire, owner of untold wealth eats fast food, a hamburger. Well, at McDonald's he is chopped, but a billionaire can eat not chopped. The Chinese look at him: white monkey Why does he need billions, he eats this fast food. This wild people. Because where is happiness? He has billions and he eats at McDonald's. They don't have a kitchen in America! No, we do not need such joy. And in general, "white monkeys" eat inedible things, some kind of borscht, some impossible herring. This food cannot be eaten. The Emperor is our sample. The emperor could not eat 18 dishes in the first serving, 40 dishes in the second serving, but he has a sumptuous meal. This is the indicator of status. Since you were received with so many dishes and meals, you were shown that you were being received on high level. And it's not about how much you can eat.