Modern aluminum windows meet all necessary requirements allowing them to be installed in residential premises. They are reliable, aesthetic and contribute to the creation of an optimal microclimate. The installation of aluminum windows practically does not differ from the installation of PVC analogues, but some nuances should be taken into account when carrying out work.

Types of structures

Aluminum windows have a long service life due to their unique design features.

Design features of aluminum windows provide long term exploitation

Window configuration can be:

  • folding- the sash works exclusively for ventilation. This type of opening is used in rooms with a shortage of free space;
  • rotary- it's traditional swing type sash opening;
  • swing-out- a combination of opening the sash for ventilation and the swing method. This type of opening is common when glazing openings in residential premises;
  • deaf- this is a continuous glazing of the opening without the possibility of opening for lack of a sash. This type of glazing can often be found in public spaces and offices. In residential buildings, some openings are glazed in this way, if there are more than two of them in one room - this is typical for houses of old construction;
  • multi-leaf- with this type of opening, several sashes are used in a large window opening, when each sash has its own type of opening;
  • sliding- opening the sash in the "compartment" format is common for narrow rooms, where every square meter counts - on loggias and balconies.

The configuration of the window system is selected based on the purpose of the room

Depending on the degree of thermal insulation, aluminum profile windows are divided into "cold" and "warm" types.

The “warm” window profile has a thermal insulating insert in its design. This affects the width of the profile, which is larger than that of the "cold" one.

Warm profile includes a heat-insulating layer

"Cold" window profiles in residential premises are not used. They can be found as partitions or doors in offices and other non-residential premises.

Sliding systems

Separately, it is worth considering modern aluminum sliding window systems, which are called sliding windows. The movement of the shutters is carried out on roller guides.

Sliding window sashes move by rollers

It is common to manufacture profiles with several guides, which allows you to install 1 - 5 sashes. The use of aluminum sliding windows is common in small residential areas, on attic floors, on the loggias of apartment buildings and country terraces.

Roller mechanisms must be covered with a protective polymer layer

When choosing a manufacturer, you should pay attention to the roller mechanisms that they offer.. If a polymer shell is used as their coating, then such rollers will last a long time. This is important because the roller system is weakness sliding windows and doors.

Advantages of sliding systems

Modern sliding windows made of aluminum profile have a number of advantages:

  • the low weight of the structure is due to the use of aluminum for its manufacture, which is a light type of metal;
  • have high sound and heat insulation properties;
  • contribute to the penetration of more light into the room due to the slight framing of the window sash;
  • roller opening system allows you to save and efficiently use free space;
  • it is possible to use several shutters moving in different directions in combination with blind glazing;
  • long service life and resistance to corrosion;
  • ease of maintenance and repair;
  • stylish modern appearance and versatility of application;
  • to ensure the safety of housing, it is possible to install reinforced locking fittings;
  • affordable cost of the product.

The use of modern aluminum windows in Lately gained wide popularity due to their functionality. They are used as windows on a balcony, on a country veranda, for glazing a closed summerhouse or a winter garden.

The production of large horizontal glazing planes with a parallel sliding system makes it possible to arrange stylish panoramic glazing of elite apartments.


Do-it-yourself installation of aluminum windows does not differ from the technology for installing a plastic counterpart.

If before this work was carried out to dismantle the old product, then it is necessary to restore the integrity of the damaged window opening.

Mount aluminum windows by unpacking

Installation of aluminum windows is carried out by unpacking, if they are delivered to the place of installation assembled. It is necessary to carefully remove the double-glazed windows from the window frame and remove the sashes.

The next step in the window opening is fixed frame. In this case, it is necessary to use a level gauge so that the frame in the opening occupies the required position. Using wooden or plastic wedges, the frame is fixed. Bending of the window profile is unacceptable.

Plastic wedges are used as fixtures for window construction.

To fix the window frame to the wall surface, anchor plates are used, which are fixed with self-tapping screws.. At the final stage, the mounting seam is sealed with foam. After re-expansion of the foam and its hardening, the wedges are removed, and the holes from them are foamed.

Sliding system installation

Installing a sliding aluminum window design has some nuances. It is necessary to mount the window frame in the same way as a traditional plastic window.

To install the guides, it is necessary to measure the horizontal parameters of the frame with a tape measure. Then guides of the required length are made by cutting them in accordance with the dimensions obtained. The places of cuts must be processed with a file. The guides are attached to the window frame from below and from above with screws, observing a step of 30 cm.

First attach the rails to the frame

Then assemble the sash:


Aluminum windows are no more difficult to care for than plastic ones. It is necessary to periodically wipe from dust and dirt. To maintain fittings in working order, it must be lubricated annually with oil lubricants without resins and acids in the composition.

Let's take a closer look at the installation of aluminum frames on the balcony. First you need to prepare the necessary tools for installation.


For work on cold glazing, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • brush seal (schlegel);
  • weatherproof silicone sealant;
  • mounting foam;
  • hex key.

Aluminum sliding frame device

The balcony is glazed with an aluminum profile in the following order:

  • dismantle the old frame (if any);
  • clean the parapet and slabs from debris and fragments of the skin;
  • assemble a frame from fragments;
  • fix the assembled structure to the parapet using galvanized self-tapping bolts and mounting loops;
  • install guides for the sashes, for which measure the length of the horizontal sides of the balcony opening, transfer the dimensions to the guides and cut them out
  • polish the place of the saw cut with a file;
  • drill holes in the opening for self-tapping screws in increments of 0.3 m. install guides with screws. The gap between the outer edge of the frame and the guide should be no more than 5 cm so that the frame is in winter time not frozen for a year;
  • install a brush seal along the contour of the leaves;
  • insert the sash into the upper guide, and then with rollers into the lower one;
  • put a steel visor under the mounting loops, covered with a decorative and protective polymer coating;
  • connect the visor to the balcony slab using self-tapping screws;
  • draw a tide on the polymerized steel strip. Cut it with roofing scissors;
  • install an outflow outside the frame;
  • seal the joints of the ebb and the visor with weather-resistant silicone sealant;
  • fill the corners between the frame profile, balcony slabs, walls and parapet with mounting foam;
  • mount the glazing of the deaf sashes. To do this, install clamping strips for a tight joint between the frame and the glass.

Installing a sliding aluminum frame on a balcony is the most acceptable and economical option for balcony glazing. Detailed instructions will help you install it yourself without much hassle.

Sliding windows on the balcony and loggia save space

Readers are often interested in how to remove sliding plastic windows on a balcony or loggia and how to install new ones. The key to answering these questions lies in knowing the rules of installation. Therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the installation algorithm on one specific example, where an aluminum structure is installed on a loggia. In addition, you will learn about the advantages of compartment windows and you can watch the video in this article.


Do-it-yourself installation of aluminum windows does not differ from the technology for installing a plastic counterpart.

If before this work was carried out to dismantle the old product, then it is necessary to restore the integrity of the damaged window opening.

Mount aluminum windows by unpacking

Installation of aluminum windows is carried out by unpacking, if they are delivered to the place of installation assembled. It is necessary to carefully remove the double-glazed windows from the window frame and remove the sashes.

The next step in the window opening is fixed frame. In this case, it is necessary to use a level gauge so that the frame in the opening occupies the required position. Using wooden or plastic wedges, the frame is fixed. Bending of the window profile is unacceptable.

Plastic wedges are used as fixtures for window construction.

To fix the window frame to the wall surface, anchor plates are used, which are fixed with self-tapping screws.. At the final stage, the mounting seam is sealed with foam. After re-expansion of the foam and its hardening, the wedges are removed, and the holes from them are foamed.

Advantages of aluminum profile for balcony glazing

  1. Price. The most important advantage of such window systems is affordability. On average, for the price of installing one plastic window, it is equal to two of the same made of aluminum. Even if you don't have a large budget, repair work- you have the opportunity to significantly change the look of the balcony by glazing it.
  2. Lightweight design. The aluminum window profile noticeably differs in its lightness from other options, which is important for those who live in dilapidated houses, in which there is a ban on heavy weighting of balconies.
  3. fire safety. Aluminum will forever forget about the fear of spontaneous combustion of a loggia or balcony due to a cigarette butt thrown from above. On request, you can install a mosquito net that will move where necessary on invisible rollers.
  4. Space saving. The aluminum profile allows you to save some space through the use of sliding systems. Moreover, it will create convenience when using windows, airing, and washing glasses.
  5. Noise isolation. Having glazed the balcony with an aluminum profile, you will receive high-quality protection from noise from the street, as well as from moisture and dust. Along with expensive analogues, such windows will allow you to isolate yourself from the outside world, enjoy the peace and warmth of home comfort. Also aluminum profile is a practical solution due to its durability. On average, such a profile can last about 80 years.

Installation of aluminum windows using modern technology

The use of embedded elements allows you to assemble a structure of any configuration, while hiding the places of their connections as much as possible.

Embedded elements can be made from an aluminum sheet with a thickness of 3 ... 5 (mm) and a rectangular aluminum pipe 50 x 100 x 3 ... 5 (mm).


Angular – using connecting plates (corners).

The connecting plate (corner) is made of aluminum sheet according to the drawing, of the appropriate size. Markings are applied on the side surfaces of the workpieces and holes are drilled, as shown in the figure.

end - with the use of thrust bearings.

The thrust bearing is made of an aluminum rectangular pipe 50 x 100 x 3 ... 5 (mm) according to the drawing, of the appropriate size. The blanks are marked and holes are drilled, as shown in the figure. DIN 7504K.

end - without mortgages.

Marking is applied and holes are drilled as shown in the figure. The square profile is attached to the U-shaped with four self-tapping screws with a hexagon head DIN 7504 K.

end - using corners.

Two aluminum corners 24 x 50 x 3 ... 5 (mm), of the appropriate size. Marking is applied to the parts, and holes for fasteners are drilled, as shown in the figure. The corners are attached to the end of the first profile with rivets. screws with hexagon head DIN 7504 K.

Convert U-shaped sections to rectangular.

The figure shows how one rectangular section is obtained from two U-shaped sections.


We fasten together the U-shaped and C-shaped profile with two self-tapping screws with a hexagonal head DIN 7504 K - we form an assembly assembly of the structure.

We fix the thrust bearing to the base of the foundation or the floor, with two anchor bolts with a nut 8x65. We fasten the left structural assembly to the thrust bearing.

Structural elements of connections.

Thanks to embedded elements, it is possible to assemble metal structures of any complexity, which is clearly illustrated on the pages of our website.

How to install aluminum sliding windows

Upon delivery of windows to the installation site, the structure is in a disassembled state. The frame, parts of the double-glazed window and fittings are packed separately.

For complete installation of the structure, several operations must be performed:
1. Install the window frame into the window opening and secure with wedges.
2. Align the frame using a measuring tool and drill holes in the frame for further fastening.
3. According to the marks in the wall, we drill holes for fastening the frame.
4. We insert the anchor plates, which are fastened with dowels to the wall. We manufacture frame fasteners.
5. We form a mounting seam in 2 stages:

We carry out an assessment of the installation of the structure;
we interrupt the installation for 2 hours;
remove the leveling wedges;
seal all holes with mounting foam;
pause for the foam to harden.

To give the necessary tightness, we mount the ebb, and for this we perform the following operations:
1. Glue with a special tape around the perimeter (outer) of the frame.
2. We fasten the ebb to the bottom of the frame.
3. The resulting gaps between the frame and the ebb are sealed with mounting foam.
4. After the foam has hardened, remove the excess.
5. We install the window sill in a special groove at the bottom of the frame.
6. We make adjustments according to the level of the window sill.
7. We process with foam all the cracks and voids between the window sill and the wall of the building.
8. Using a sealant, we fill the voids between the frame and the window sill.

Installation of aluminum windows preparation for the workflow

Diagram of window types.

First of all, before working directly with the window opening, it is necessary to prepare it. To do this, all curtains and curtains are removed from the window, the window sill is cleared of things or plants. It is necessary that the approach to the window is free. Then, if necessary, you can move all the furniture away from it. With the help of polyethylene, the floor and furniture fittings are protected from future construction dirt. Since electrical appliances may be needed in the process, it is necessary to provide for the presence of sockets or extension cords.

In addition, at this stage, the excavation of window sashes, the removal of platbands and slopes are implied. At the same time, as a rule, it is extremely rare to save a whole window frame.

This work is done with:

  • crowbar or nail puller (as an alternative);
  • hacksaws for metal (as a backup option - an electric grinder and a hacksaw with fine teeth);
  • glass suction cups.

Scheme of installation of aluminum windows.

Some older window designs have removable sashes. If there are any, they are easily unscrewed with the appropriate tool. Further, with the help of special suction cups, the glasses are removed. Of course, this procedure can be carried out with your own hands.

The next step is sawing the vertical beam. This work is carried out at the bottom and at the top, while it should be borne in mind that such cuts should be directed as far as possible to the center so that a trapezoid figure is formed. Next, a bar is hooked with a crowbar / nail puller. This must be done so that the wall remains intact. Then, all the remaining screws and spikes are removed from the wall surface itself.

Particular attention should be paid to the dismantling of the window, since due to the presence of waterproofing, if it is damaged, it will be necessary to restore it.

Windows according to the method of opening can be divided into the following groups:

  • blind windows - such windows do not open, perform decorative and lighting functions, are most often used for facades of non-residential premises (trade premises, offices, workshops, and so on), as well as for shop windows, less often for residential buildings (in some cases - for glazing verandas of private houses, or as windows on the first floor of private houses, and so on);
  • pivoting windows - in this option, the window sashes are rotated in one plane, the most common option is turning inside the room, this type of windows is quite popular, they are most often used in residential buildings and apartments, but can also be used in other premises (hospitals, non-residential premises, etc.)
  • hinged windows - in such windows, the window sash is folded, while the upper part is slightly opened in the “window mode”, most often this option is used for glazing landings of residential and non-residential buildings, storerooms and other places where periodic ventilation is required, but full opening of the window is undesirable for any reason;
  • tilt-and-turn windows - in such windows, two opening options are possible: rotation in a single plane and tilting the sash, these windows are the most popular, widely used for both residential and non-residential premises (houses, apartments, offices, retail premises, etc.). Further);
  • multi-leaf windows - most often used for glazing loggias and verandas of private houses, in such windows it is possible to use various opening options, which is additional convenience for the user, who has the opportunity to choose the appropriate method;
  • sliding windows - in such windows, window sashes move along guide profiles like sliding wardrobe doors, the option is convenient for limited space that does not allow opening the window, for example, balconies, loggias, small verandas or small rooms where spacious windows are required for full lighting in the bright Times of Day.

Sliding system installation

Installing a sliding aluminum window design has some nuances. It is necessary to mount the window frame in the same way as a traditional plastic window.

To install the guides, it is necessary to measure the horizontal parameters of the frame with a tape measure. Then guides of the required length are made by cutting them in accordance with the dimensions obtained. The places of cuts must be processed with a file. The guides are attached to the window frame from below and from above with screws, observing a step of 30 cm.

First attach the guides to the frame

Then assemble the sash:

  • a double-glazed window is placed in the sash;
  • rollers are fixed on both sides of the lower sash, maintaining a distance of 5 cm from the sash border;
  • Schlegel is attached along the perimeter of the sash - a sealant in the form of a brush; The sealant is fixed along the perimeter of the sash
  • the sash is installed first from above, then from below;
  • the adjustment of the movement is made by the adjusting screw, which is located on the sash at the bottom.

Preparing to install an aluminum window

The first stage when installing a new window is the dismantling of the existing structure (if the installation is carried out in a room where there is already glazing). For dismantling, you will need:

  • saw or jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • meter crowbar.

Dismantling begins with sawing old design in several places - usually old frames are made of wood, so there are no problems with sawing them. After the cuts are made, the frame is easily removed with a crowbar. Then the old window sill is removed - with a chisel and a hammer.

When the old structure is completely removed from its place, the window opening must be prepared for the installation of a new window. For this:

  • pieces of concrete, fasteners and other things left over from the old structure (pieces of wood, parts of rails, nails, and so on) are removed;
  • all damage and distortions of the window opening are eliminated with the help of a cement-concrete mortar;
  • after the solution is completely dry, the window opening is primed.

How to install sliding windows

Differences in the installation of sliding windows lies in the need to install the sashes on rollers, and mounted skids in the profile of the window frame.

The entire installation procedure is identical to how it was when installing standard window systems, up to pasting with a vapor-permeable film (step six).

After cutting the foam and gluing the film, work begins with the rollers and skids. On the lower end of the window sash is fixed required amount rollers (depending on the size of the structure) at a distance of 5 cm from the edge using screws. A brush seal is inserted into the runners at the ends of the sash, after which they are only placed on rollers.

You may also find information on installing sliding doors useful.

How to install aluminum windows step by step

When installing an aluminum window, preparatory work. This process includes dismantling,
worn out, or in need of replacement, and then all
getting ready to start the installation. Removal requires tools and
application of effort.


Most often, you have to dismantle old wooden
window blocks, they are sawn into separate sections, hooked with a crowbar and removed.
It is worth proceeding to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window, at the bottom of the structure, and then to the top. When
the window is removed, remove the window sill using a hammer and chisel.

  • delete
  • clean up
    fragments of concrete;
  • at
    If necessary, the opening is leveled using a standard solution.

After leveling, you need to wait for drying (usually this is
takes 2 days).

Frame assembly

Aluminum windows are created using the latest technologies,
due to which they are reliable, but for this you need competently
completed installation. The implementation of systems is carried out in partial assembly, even
if the delivery is carried out assembled, you need to remove the sashes and
double-glazed windows.

The frame is mounted first, alignment is performed (for this
wedges are used), focusing on the building level. Notches for
fastenings are carried out along the entire length of the wall opening and the frame. Thanks to
the use of dowel-nails strengthens the anchor plates. The first screw helps
mount the system relative to the wall (through the holes in the plate), and the second -
fasten the frame.

The entire perimeter is treated with foam, and after the expiration of 2
hours, the wedges are removed and the remaining sections are filled. The excess is removed after
foam curing. From the frame to the walls on the sides, they depart at a distance of 5 millimeters.
If the alignment gap is larger, plates are required.

Steel protection of the opening

A vapor-permeable film is fixed in the frame area (bottom).
The tide is fixed to the bottom of the frame from the outside, and the gaps are hidden using foam
mounting. After removing the excess, a sealant is applied. The window sill is brought under
frame area, and inserted into a special groove. Mounting is done on
mounting foam, the window sill is leveled, and in the area of ​​interface with the frame
sealant is used.

Double glazing and

The final stage is the installation of double-glazed windows and
sashes, also regulate the fittings. Inserts are placed around the perimeter,
mount double-glazed windows, fixing with glazing beads. This requires a rubber
hammer. Double-glazed windows are not easy to install, so it is better to use
professional services. The fittings are checked, the handle is placed horizontally, and
the sash is put on the bottom loop.

A loop-corner is inserted into the loop from above and fixed with a pin.
Pushing is carried out until it snaps into place. Proper adjustment of fittings
(tightening, loosening fastener screws) will help to avoid the need
premature repair.

Installation of sliding structures

  1. After
    removal of the old window, fix the frame (without double-glazed windows), leveling
    perform wedges, and using the level.
  2. By frame
    and wall structure, drilling recesses for fasteners.
  3. At
    plates are used if necessary.
  4. Ramu
    fasten to the wall.
  5. hosted
    the frame is covered with foam, starting from the bottom section, and moving up
    perimeter. Remove wedges, fill voids.

Sliding systems are a guide system
with sashes, they move thanks to rollers, and at the request of the customer can
be combined with fixed doors.

After the installation of the main structure, proceed to the installation
sashes, as well as fittings:

  • rollers are attached to the bottom of the wings, usually 2-3 pieces;
  • a brush type seal is attached to the ends (it helps to reduce the penetration of noise into the room, as well as to avoid dust from the street);
  • in the runners, first place the upper part of the sash, and then lower it to
    the lower part of the structure;
  • at the end, a window sill is mounted, if it is provided according to the plan.

Performing the installation
sliding type systems, it is important to adjust the height of the rollers after
complete assembly of the system. For this, an adjusting screw is located at the bottom of the flaps.

Installation of a mosquito net is possible, for this there is a separate guide, and the net can also
move with rollers.

Sliding systems

Separately, it is worth considering modern aluminum sliding window systems, which are called sliding windows. The movement of the shutters is carried out on roller guides.

Sliding window sashes move by rollers

It is common to manufacture profiles with several guides, which allows you to install 1 - 5 sashes. The use of aluminum sliding windows is common in small residential areas, on attic floors, on the loggias of apartment buildings and country terraces.

Roller mechanisms must be covered with a protective polymer layer

When choosing a manufacturer, you should pay attention to the roller mechanisms that they offer. If a polymer shell is used as their coating, then such rollers will last a long time.

This is important, as the roller system is the weak point of sliding windows and doors. .

The main stages of installation of sliding windows on the balcony

Since aluminum and plastic sliding windows have a similar design, their installation is no different. The only thing that will be different is between the installation of such windows on the balcony and on the loggia. For those steps where these differences are present, you will see notes.

Separately, it should be noted that the dimensions for ordering sliding windows to the balcony are best determined with the help of specialists. Each company offers services for measuring the window space on the balcony. This will help to avoid gross mistakes and money thrown to the wind.

Stages of installation of sliding windows on the balcony and loggia:

  1. Mounting the base for the frame

For a balcony, the subframe is made of metal profiles that are attached to the balcony railing with dowels. In the case of a loggia, a wooden board is taken for the base.

  1. Frame assembly

It will be necessary to assemble the structure on site only in the case of aluminum windows. All parts are always numbered, so connecting them in the correct order with the included screws is a breeze. Plastic frames are delivered already assembled.

  1. Temporary fixation of the frame with perforated tape

This stage is necessary only for the installation of sliding windows on the loggia. In addition, it is recommended to use adjusting pads that will help to evenly set the horizontal of the subframes and raise the window frame in the opening.

  1. Window sill installation

It can consist of several parts (for example, in the case of a long loggia), or be solid. It is screwed to both wood and metal in the same way.

  1. Low tide installation

The ebb is necessary so that moisture does not accumulate in the frame and does not flow into the structure (this can lead to freezing). Best Option- fasten the drip directly to the frame and ensure a tight connection with silicone.

  1. Assembly of frame sections

First, the sections are attached to a stretcher or board, and then interconnected.

  1. Upper frame fixing

At this stage, the perforated strips that were installed earlier come in handy. By using vertical level the frame is leveled, then holes for the dowels are drilled, and the frame is attached to the top of the opening. The resulting cracks and gaps are filled with mounting foam.

  1. Visor installation

On the balcony, the visor is mounted on top of the subframe, on the loggia - directly to the top of the frame. All gaps are also filled with mounting foam.

  1. Sealing gaps and joints

Silicone sealant is used to ensure the tightness of joints and small cracks.

  1. Sash installation

The last step is the installation of sliding window sashes. First, the sash is inserted into the upper part of the frame, then pressed a little and inserted into its lower part. All other sashes are installed in the same way.

It is quite possible to assemble and install this structure with your own hands, subject to the procedure and the availability of the necessary tools. It is best to do this work together with an assistant who will insure and support the heavy elements of the window.

Since such windows have a larger glass size than ordinary ones, for balconies on the lower floors of buildings, it is worth taking care of installing vertical blinds or tinting the windows. This will not only hide the interior of the balcony and apartment from prying eyes, but also save space that could be occupied by curtains.

Aluminum construction

"Cold" glazing of the balcony with an aluminum profile is carried out according to pre-made measurements. It uses glass with a thickness of 4 to 6 mm and a white anodized aluminum profile. Its merits are:

  • energy saving due to narrower bindings;
  • ease of installation, accessible even for a non-professional;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • resistance to mechanical damage (compared to other materials);
  • the absence of cracks and holes in the closed form guarantees protection from extraneous sounds, dust and precipitation;
  • the lightness of the design allows you not to create additional reinforcement when glazing the balcony on the take-out;
  • budget: the price of aluminum frames is one of the lowest;
  • a sliding system (unlike a hinged one) leaves more usable area not blocked by sashes;
  • ascetic design in minimalist style.

This type of glazing is considered a cold option.

There are no ideal designs. This also applies to "cold" aluminum glazing. Its disadvantages:

  • winter freezing of the mechanisms by which the movement and fixation of the valves is carried out;
  • low thermal insulation in winter (the difference in temperature outside and on the balcony is no more than 5-7 ° C).

Features of window structures for balconies

Glazing of balconies with window structures with sliding shutters allows the most efficient use of the entire small area. When choosing an aluminum profile, one should not forget about its thermal characteristics.

Aluminum has a high thermal conductivity, so the glazing is cold. If you need to insulate the balcony, then PVC profile products are the preferred option. Since plastic windows are heavy, an analogue from an aluminum profile is also used. Heat-insulating inserts are installed in it, but this option is significantly more expensive than a conventional aluminum profile.

Rice. 7 Warm and cold aluminum windows to the balcony

During the installation of sliding structures on the balcony, it is required to carefully level them. They should be located vertically and horizontally without any distortions.

If distortions occur, then the sashes will either not move apart at all, or the system will quickly cease to operate, because. guides will fail.

It is equally important to ensure the outflow of moisture from the guides. Otherwise, in winter, it will freeze and the doors will stop opening.

Many people are interested in how to install a window on the balcony with their own hands. To perform the installation yourself and glaze the balcony with an aluminum profile, you must first make a measurement. After assembling the structure, all elements are fastened with corners and other fasteners.

An obligatory element is the runners, along which the installed sashes move as if on a sled.

Glazing a balcony on your own with aluminum windows is not difficult if you have minimal skills. Otherwise, it is better to entrust glazing to professionals. Correct installation is a guarantee that the service life of the glazing will be long.

The installation process of aluminum windows

The process and technology of installing aluminum windows is no different from installing wooden or plastic windows, with the exception of some nuances, which we will talk about now.

Step one

Prepare the window opening for the future installation of aluminum windows. Level the surface, clean up the remains of the previous frame and remove debris.

step two

Insert and align the frame. The frame is leveled with wooden wedges. When leveling, the surface must be corrected, in no case the frame of the product.

Step Three

After leveling the frame, we check the distance from the outer edge to the opening, it should not be more than 5 mm. If the distance is greater than the specified range, it will be necessary to reduce the gap using wooden planks or plastic plates. It is categorically not recommended to combine aluminum with other metals, since during operation aluminum will lose its mechanical and physical properties.

Step Four

Using the anchor plate and self-tapping screws, we fix the frame in the opening.

Step Five

Foaming is carried out in two stages. The first time we blow thinly around the perimeter of the frame. After the foam has dried (about 2 hours), we take out the fixing wedges and fill the resulting voids.

Do-it-yourself installation of aluminum windows

The procedure is carried out from top to bottom, we must insert straighteners into the opening between the profile, if there are none, you can use improvised means, for example, wooden planks. This procedure is necessary so that the foam does not bend the profile. Despite the external softness of the mounting foam, when it dries, it has a very high strength and can deform any structure in terms of strength.

Step Six

After the mounting foam has dried, its remains are cut off with a clerical knife and a vapor-permeable film is glued onto the cleaned surface, which will prevent water from entering the room but provide air access.

At the same stage, installation of ebbs, window sills, etc. is carried out.

step seven

After installation work finished, a double-glazed window is inserted into the frame. After the sashes are mounted and the fittings are adjusted.

How to assemble aluminum sliding windows

Sliding windows are installed in the same way as other windows made of other materials (wood, plastic).

The difference is that the products are delivered unassembled to the place of assembly: guide rails, double-glazed windows, sliding rollers.

It should also be taken into account that before the installation of the structure in without fail it is necessary to check the integrity of the components and the absence of defective parts, failures, chips and other damage.

Assembly and installation of windows consists of a number of operations:
1. Installation of guides for moving the sashes. The dimensions of the length and height of the sides of the glazing structure are taken. The profile is cut to size with a fitting operation.
2. The rails are fastened to the frame using screws.
3. A double-glazed window is inserted. At the bottom of the sash, sliding rollers are attached.
4. The sealant is fastened to the sashes of the window frames.
5. The sashes are installed in the guides (located at the top and bottom of the opening).
6. Adjustment of installed sashes is carried out by adjusting the screw located at the bottom of the profile.

Installation technology of ebbs, window sills and slopes

For this step you will need:

  • self-tapping screws or screws;
  • mounting foam;
  • a regular or clerical knife;
  • silicone sealant.

The main task of low tides is during rainy weather prevent water from entering the room.

Using self-tapping screws (screws), the aluminum tide is attached to the outer lower part of the frame (support profile). After that, with the help of mounting foam, all the formed cracks are removed. The remains after solidification are cut off, and silicone sealant is applied along the seam line.

Installation of an aluminum window sill is carried out with the following tools:

  • silicone sealant;
  • plasters or putties;
  • spatula.

The technology for installing an aluminum window sill is similar to installing a plastic counterpart. It is mounted under the frame, in a special groove. But it can also be pressed against the stand profile or against the frame itself. Such nuances must be corrected at the measurement stage.

The installation of the window sill itself is carried out on foam, and a strip of silicone is applied to the place of contact with the frame. Again, the connecting side seams are “hidden” with plaster or putty. It also allows you to even out all the differences in the surface. Upon completion of the installation of the window sill, its seam must be sealed with silicone sealant.

Finishing slopes is carried out using the following materials and tools:

  • sandwich panels;
  • sealant or additional profile;
  • drywall sheets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • putty / plaster;
  • putty knife.

Slopes are the last and final element of the integrity of the window structure. They are the last to be worked on. Experts most often use and recommend using sandwich panels for aluminum windows. They allow you to give a more aesthetic appearance to the window. To attach the slopes to the window, a sealant is used, and in some cases an additional profile. This nuance depends on how this question was raised during the measurements.

For a more economical option, you can use drywall. Then it must be fixed with self-tapping screws directly to the wall itself. And the seams between the plates and the frame are covered with plaster or putty. After such an installation, the surface of the drywall is opened with a primer and can be easily painted or varnished.

Sliding aluminum structure aluminum profile value

The use of the surrounding landscape in the architectural concept allows creating unique solutions for each object, since the landscape outside the window is always unique. When nature is part of your interior, you begin to feel a connection with it, which helps to balance emotions and relieve stress.

  • Sliding aluminum structures are easy to maintain and operate.
  • When tightly closed, they suppress up to 100% of street noise.
  • Mechanical parts operate smoothly and silently.
  • Even with a large weight of the flaps, they open and close without the use of force.
  • Due to additional elements, protection against burglary, bullets, fire, sun can be enhanced.
  • The functionality is expanded by installing mosquito nets, opening locks and other add-ons according to your needs.
  • The variety of options for coloring and decorating allows you to get a model that perfectly matches your taste and wishes.
  • Hardware may be hidden.
  • Integrate into the "smart home" system.
  • Can have remote or manual control.
  • They help save energy by increasing the amount of natural light in the room.
  • Due to the abundance of natural light, the eyes are less tired during the day than with artificial light.
  • They look stylish, original and beautiful.
  • Enhance the perspective of any room.
  • They are a trend in modern architecture.

Sliding structures made of aluminum profile

Aluminum has a number of properties that make it one of the most popular building materials.

  • A light weight.
  • Plastic.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Corrosion resistance.
  • Natural protection against oxidation.
  • Retains its properties even at extremely low and high temperatures Oh.
  • Suppresses vibration.
  • Easily mixes with other metals to add desired properties to the alloy.
  • Not toxic.
  • Can be recycled countless times and reused.
  • Easily polished and anodized.
  • The average service life of this metal products is 30 years.

Glazing of large surfaces, especially with opening mechanisms, often raises concerns that the structure will poorly retain heat, be blown through, or easily collapse from any impact.

Luxury solutions from AFK provide everything to the smallest detail, including all hypothetical risks, so you don’t have to worry about the fact that the house will become cooler, drafts will begin or the glass will break from the first careless blow. All materials from which the structures are made have quality certificates.

If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with them before purchasing any product at one of the AFK offices in Moscow or Kazan.

Sliding aluminum structures: price

The cost of each product is calculated individually, since each project is unique in its own way and is created on the basis of the initial data of the object for which it is intended. For sliding aluminum structures, the price depends on:

  • Construction area.
  • The number of profiles used.
  • Hardware type.
  • Additional properties of all structural elements (glasses, profiles, locks, etc.).
  • The presence or absence of electronic mechanisms.
  • Product specifications.
  • Visual improvements.
  • The presence or absence of additional protection systems.

Custom development allows you to produce completely unique models specifically for your project. Each product is created on the basis of an individual sketch and drawings to fully meet your wishes. Aluminum products can be made non-standard shape and dimensions. This allows you to install sliding structures from AFK even in buildings made according to exclusive author's projects.


Aluminum windows are very popular nowadays. Consider the pros and cons of this type of windows.

The advantages include a number of features.

  • Availability. Aluminum windows are low cost. The price of aluminum windows is 1.5-2 times lower than the cost of glazing windows with polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  • Ease. Material aluminum - light metal. Everything that is made of it (for example, window frames and sashes for a balcony) is quite light, such material exerts minimal pressure on the parapet. Aluminum windows are suitable for installation on balconies of emergency houses. It is quite easy to carry and install such material.
  • Noise suppression. Sealed frame and tight closure - a guarantee of protecting the house from unnecessary street noise.
  • Aesthetic appearance and the ability to paint windows.

  • Simple care. The water-repellent film, which covers the outer surface of the frames and sashes of the glazing, protects the windows from dust and precipitation. Caring for such frames is much easier than for wooden windows. You need to wipe them inside and out with a wet cloth only once every few weeks.
  • Strength and durability. Aluminum windows are lightweight, quite affordable, and at the same time, such structures are reliable and durable. They can last 30 to 40 years.

Aluminum windows also have a number of disadvantages.

  • Bad thermal insulation. In winter, it will be cold on the balcony with aluminum windows. The indoor temperature in winter will be only 5-6 degrees higher than outside.
  • Installation is possible only on flat and pre-prepared surfaces. If necessary, the parapet should be made more even with a cement mixture. Can be placed under the structure wooden board and install all glazing elements on it.

Replacement of double-glazed windows on facade and other windows should be carried out in accordance with GOST. You need to pull out the element, replace it and insulate it - this is the main technology. It is better to entrust the construction of the facade to professionals.

Distinctive features of the balcony sliding system Provedal

Provedal aluminum profile, which appeared on the Russian market more than 15 years ago, currently occupies almost the entire market for cold glazing of loggias and balconies due to the following features:

  • Low cost. The average price of one square meter of a balcony frame with the Provedal system is about 70 USD. That is, only wooden frames of domestic production can compete with it in this regard.
  • Functionality. Balcony systems Provedal include from 2 to 6 mobile shutters, allow you to combine mobile and stationary sections in any order.

Rice. 2 Provedal balcony frame design

  • Strength and lightness. aluminum profile due to its physical properties It has high strength and low weight, which greatly facilitates installation and does not create additional loads on building structural elements during operation. Lightweight sliding frames allow you to reduce the load on the parts of the Provedal system itself, reducing their wear.
  • Sliding system. Opening the doors to the side allows you to save space as much as possible on a small balcony or loggia.
  • Removal of glazing. The Provedal sliding frame system, due to its lightness and strength, is better than other types for moving glazing beyond the dimensions of a balcony or loggia; it can be assembled at a distance of up to 50 cm from the plane of vertical balcony slabs.

Rice. 3 Remote glazing device

  • Narrow profile. Due to the high strength and the use of a single glass sheet, the aluminum profile, unlike other types, is made narrower - this increases the luminous flux entering the room.
  • Ease of movement of shutters. The use of rotating rollers in the lower part of the movable sashes facilitates their easy sliding in the plane of the frame.
  • Protection against moisture, dust and noise. The use of special rubber seals and a single-chamber double-glazed window in the Provedal system makes it possible to reduce the noise level by 20 - 27 dB. With ordinary glass, the noise is reduced by 10 - 12 dB. Balcony systems have a resistance to heat transfer of the order of 0.07 sq.m * C. / W.

Rice. 4 Profile Provedal - assembly of balcony frames

  • Corrosion and temperature resistance. It is well known that aluminum alloys are not afraid of moisture and are resistant to high and low temperatures. They do not lose their properties in the temperature range - 200 C - + 200 C. Unlike steel, their strength increases at low temperatures, aluminum alloys withstand sharp temperature drops from - 50 C to + 50 C.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Aluminum profiles in the manufacture of balcony systems can be coated with a wide range of colors using the electrostatic spraying method, the frames have a neat stylish appearance.

Rice. 5 Popular color options for Provedal balcony frames according to the RAL color chart

  • Accessories. Responsible manufacturers of balcony frames install anti-corrosion fittings made of stainless steel or protected alloys in their products, products are equipped with mosquito nets.
  • Swing structures. In some cases, at the request of the customer, it is possible to install balcony frames with hinged doors that increase sound insulation by 15% and reduce heat losses by 10%.

In hinged views, it is possible to install a single-chamber double-glazed window with a width of not more than 16 mm.

  • Standard sizes. The Provedal aluminum profile on the Russian market is represented by two options: 64 mm wide. (series C 640) and 40 mm. (series P 400), to designate the most budgetary profile for sliding balcony systems Russian production use the marking SP 60.
  • Life time. The manufacturer of quality products gives a guarantee for its products up to 80 years.

Rice. 6 Series C 640, R 400 and SP 60

Installing an aluminum frame

When installing an aluminum window, you first need to mount the window frame - usually the entire window structure is partially disassembled: the frame with fittings and the double-glazed window are supplied separately. If the delivery set includes a fully assembled structure - a frame with fittings and a double-glazed window - then before installation in place, it is necessary to remove the double-glazed window from the frame. Then the aluminum window frame is placed in the prepared opening, where it is leveled, for which wedges are used. After the frame is aligned in the opening, both the horizontal and the vertical should be checked with a level, if necessary, correct the position of the frame. Then, mounting holes are drilled around the entire perimeter. To fix the anchor plates, dowel-nails are used, while one self-tapping screw fixes the plate to the wall, and the second to the frame, fastening is carried out through prepared holes for fasteners.

To ensure tightness and the absence of gaps, the perimeter of the frame is treated with mounting foam. After the foam has hardened, the wedges should be removed, with the help of which the frame was leveled, then the mounting foam closes the holes from the wedges. When all the foam hardens, the excess is cut off.

Sliding windows are a modern glazing method that is gaining more and more popularity. Sliding structures are used on verandas, balconies, in gazebos and between rooms. Installing such a system with your own hands is not difficult, you just need to choose the appropriate opening mechanism and the material from which the profile will be made.

  • Benefits of sliding windows
  • Types of opening mechanisms for sliding windows
    • Lift-slide design
    • Tilt&Slide PVC construction
    • Sliding aluminum system
    • Sliding folding system
    • Frameless glazing
  • Types of profiles for sliding windows
  • Do-it-yourself installation of PVC sliding windows
  • Do-it-yourself installation of aluminum sliding windows
  • Do-it-yourself installation of frameless glazing
  • Important Tips operating instructions for sliding windows
  • Installation of sliding windows: video
Benefits of sliding windows

So, sliding windows are much more convenient than the swing windows we are used to:

  • you can rationally use the entire area of ​​the window sill: you do not have to remove flowerpots or decor items to open the window for ventilation,
  • curtains and blinds do not deform, and, most importantly, do not interfere with opening a sliding window,
  • open sliding windows are securely fixed, so there is no risk that the sash will slam shut with a draft,
  • sliding windows can be installed from floor to ceiling,
  • narrow frames of sliding windows do not block the light, besides, a beautiful panoramic view from the window will not be spoiled by a lot of window lintels,
  • the design can be easily installed on remote balconies,
  • sliding structures allow you to create unusual interiors.
Types of opening mechanisms for sliding windows

Sliding windows are cold and warm: if there is heating on the veranda (terrace, balcony), then it is advisable to use sealed systems so that the room can be operated all year round. Also, when choosing a design, it is important to take into account the area of ​​​​the glazed surface: not all sliding structures can withstand too large glass or are suitable for installation from floor to ceiling. Although the cost of ordinary hinged windows is lower, but sliding windows will justify their price with functionality.

The price of a sliding system depends on:

  • glass area,
  • construction type,
  • the material from which the frames are made,
  • quality of fittings (the price of the same part from different manufacturers may fundamentally differ),
  • window tinting or decoration (if applicable),
  • the quality of the mosquito net,
  • whether you will carry out the installation yourself or invite specialists.
Lift-slide design

The principle of operation of the mechanism is similar to the principle of doors in wardrobes. When you open the window, by lifting it a little, the sash pressure at the bottom is weakened, and the frame is easily shifted to the side (by the width of the adjacent frame). And when you close the window, the mechanism presses it from below, so that the seals close and the frame snaps into place. At the same time, the rubber seal makes the structure completely airtight: it isolates heat, and also perfectly copes with the function of waterproofing the room.

Accordingly, the entire structure must consist of at least two frames: load-bearing and movable. At the same time, guides for movable frames (one or two), as well as for a mosquito net, which can move, are mounted on the supporting part of the structure.

The lift-and-slide design has sufficient strength and stability to withstand the maximum leaf size (2x3 m). It is with the help of such systems that interior designers create the so-called sliding walls between rooms in a house or between living quarters and the street. In a country house, invisible glass walls will create the effect of uniting a living room with a garden or a bedroom with a terrace, while providing a reliable barrier against the penetration of cold air, moisture or insects at any time of the year.

The lifting-sliding structure can be made of PVC or aluminum profile. At the same time, if you decide to install such windows to the entire height of the room, then the threshold becomes smooth and barely noticeable - it does not divide the space and does not create difficulties in caring for the sliding system.

Tilt&Slide PVC construction

Such a window system is very similar in design to a conventional PVC hinged window. But when the frame is opened, its movement goes along two guides, which are fixed on the supporting frame (doors in the Ikarus bus work on the same principle). To open the window, you need to pull the sash towards you (the rollers will be installed in the skids), and then move it to the distance you need and fix it. For fixing, the handle of the clamping mechanism of the structure is rotated. The fittings of sliding frames of this type are the same as those of the usual hinged plastic windows, so the frame can be opened for ventilation. The seal is similar, so moisture, heat and sound insulation will be at the same high level.

Such a system of sliding windows is perfect for glazing balconies or verandas - from the railing to the ceiling. Its installation will save space in a small living space. Much less often, a tilt-sliding system is used to create structures in the entire height of the room (for example, to exit to the terrace). The fact is that the PVC frame is not intended for use as a threshold - the design can be broken from constant stepping on it. If for some reason you still decide to use this particular system for sliding door equipment, ask the manufacturer for special threshold pads that will help extend the life of the PVC structure.

Sliding aluminum system

This design belongs to the category of "cold" - that is, unable to fully retain heat indoors. That is why aluminum systems are used inside the house or for glazing verandas or balconies. But as a partition between the living room and the street, they are not suitable.

The aluminum system is rigid and strong: allows you to create large areas of glazing (including from floor to ceiling) without lintels. In addition, the metal frame itself looks almost weightless compared to PVC and does not distract attention.

The principle of operation of the structure is based on the fact that the sashes move along guides parallel to each other. Polymer-coated rollers provide these windows with quiet and smooth movement. In the closed position, the frames are securely fixed with a special lock.

Sliding folding system

In the people, such a mechanism is called "accordion". The design, consisting of several shutters, which are interconnected, when opened, they fold like accordion furs.

The accordion system can be used to save space as much as possible: it opens to the full width of the opening and does not require space to move the system.

The design can be made of both PVC and aluminum profiles. The latter is used much more often: it is lighter, but at the same time withstands heavy loads.

"Accordion" can be installed in an opening up to 6.5 m wide and 2.3 m high. In this case, the number of valves should not exceed seven pieces.

Frameless glazing

For the design of terraces, verandas and other open areas, a frameless glazing system is often used. When closed, the structure is a solid glass wall that is not separated by mullions or frames. Glass blocks move along special guides installed at the top and bottom of the opening. The space can be fully opened up by sliding all the sections to one side, where they fold like a book.

Designers very often offer their customers just such a system to create the effect of a completely open space. In addition to the fact that the design has undoubted aesthetic advantages, it is also quite functional:

  • does not take up space when open
  • very smooth and soft opening
  • made of special tempered glass, therefore resistant to mechanical damage and safe to use,
  • glass is very easy to clean - there is access to both sides of the surface.
Types of profiles for sliding windows

PVC profiles. These are the most practical and warm systems. You can insert 1 or 2 double-glazed windows into the frame - they will reliably protect against dust, noise, water, foreign odors and the penetration of cold air. Very easy to use and mosquito nets for such designs.

PVC as a material has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • easy to clean
  • impact resistant
  • resistant to extreme temperatures (for example, frames do not freeze in winter),
  • does not deform over time
  • durable,
  • draft is excluded,
  • accessories during operation, if necessary, can be easily replaced with a new one,
  • acceptable cost,
  • assortment of colors (in addition to the traditional white, you can also order wood effect frames, for example),
  • expansion of functions (there is the possibility of remote control of windows using a remote control or installation of an additional system of protection against burglary from the outside).

As for the shortcomings, here, first of all, it is worth mentioning the weight of the structure. It is because of the large weight of PVC that it has restrictions on the width of the wings, as well as on the height of the structure.

Aluminum profile. This light and elegant system is used for glazing summer terraces, country verandas and decorative gazebos. But if you are faced with the task of creating a room for operation in the winter, then most of the range of aluminum frames will not suit you - the temperature in the room will be close to the temperature outside (double-glazed windows are not installed in such frames - only ordinary glass).

  • Plastic sliding window systems have load-bearing (“blind”) frames.
  • The upper and lower parts of the window span are equipped with a profile (linings), and the so-called mounting whiskers are already attached to it.
  • The “blind” frame is inserted into the window opening, where it is fixed on all sides with self-tapping screws.
  • Further, all frames are interconnected with threaded ties.
  • If PVC packages are installed in the entire height of the room, then to strengthen the structure, racks are mounted to concrete base.
  • When the installation is completed, plugs are installed in the holes in the profile, and the gaps between the window and the walls are blown out with mounting foam.
  • Next, the guides of the tilt-sliding system are fastened, and the sashes are mounted on the runners of the "deaf" frame.
  • To install the sash, it is brought onto the upper rail, aligned, and then lowered to the lower one.
  • During installation, it is very important to install the frames strictly on a horizontal level, otherwise the sash extension system will be violated.
  • Do-it-yourself installation of aluminum sliding windows

    For self-assembly of aluminum sliding windows, you will definitely need: a hammer, a chisel, a level, mounting foam, a drill.

  • The window opening must be carefully leveled before installing the windows.
  • The frame is set strictly horizontally (according to the level) and fixed with anchors.
  • When the frames are installed, the space between the profile and the wall is sealed. To do this, use mounting foam.
  • After the assembly of the main structure is completed, it is possible to carry out the installation of sliding window sashes and fittings.
  • Rollers (2-3 pieces) are fixed at the bottom of the sash.
  • A brush seal is mounted on the ends of the sash (it is it that prevents dust from entering the room, and also helps to reduce the noise level).
  • After the sash is prepared, it is installed in the skids: first it is inserted into the upper guide, and then lowered to the lower one.
  • In the final, the installation of the window sill is carried out (if it is provided for by the plans).
  • Do-it-yourself installation of frameless glazing

    Such designs are made according to individual measurements. If the measurements are taken correctly, this will mean the almost complete absence of gaps between the sections of the structure.

  • The top profile is fixed with anchors or rivets. In the process, the horizontal position of the profile is measured using a level, and plates (metal or plastic) are used to adjust the position. When the position of the structure is strictly horizontal, it is attached to the base.
  • Then fix the lower profile. In this case, the distance from the upper to the lower profile must exactly correspond to the height of the frameless sash.
  • Glasses are installed in order. Side flaps (lamellas) are equipped with a sealant.
  • The glass is attached to the guides by means of hinges and moved to the right place.
  • When all the glasses are installed, fixing and adjusting fittings are mounted.
  • Important tips for operating sliding windows

    • Once every few years, it is recommended to remove the sashes and carry out a major vacuum cleaning of all structural elements from accumulated dust.
    • If you have installed aluminum windows, then their brush seals should be cleaned at least once a year.
    • Windows with a lift-and-slide mechanism may stop opening in severe frosts, but this does not mean that the mechanism is damaged. Do not try to open the window by force, use a special defroster or just the warm air of a hair dryer.
    Installation of sliding windows: video

    Recently, when glazing, sliding windows to the balcony are increasingly being chosen. Today, a wide range of these products is presented on the market, differing in the opening mechanism, material, design, etc.

    Their main advantage is a significant space saving. Because of this, sliding windows for a balcony are in particular demand among residents of old houses with small (or even tiny) balconies and loggias. But there are others positive sides, namely:

    • Reliable sound insulation and waterproofing, protection from wind, precipitation of various types.
    • Ease of care for sliding windows to the loggia.
    • Ease of maintaining the optimum temperature - a room with sliding windows is much easier to ventilate.

    Glazing the balcony with sliding structures eliminates the need to rearrange decorative elements or flower pots placed on the windowsill.

    Sliding window types

    To date, there are several different types sliding structures. They differ in a variety of parameters: profile material, set of functions, profile width, degree of thermal insulation, type of opening mechanism. Let's start with the last parameter. Sliding window opening mechanisms are divided into:

    • Parallel sliding. There are guides on the top and bottom of the frame - grooves specially made on the sash are installed on them. Here, a latch handle and brush seals are usually used. Usually such structures are made of aluminum, but can also be made of PVC.

    • Tilt-sliding. When glazing windows, a sliding system of this type is more complex, but also more versatile. Several guides connected by rollers and fittings are installed on the frame. Such windows are opened by turning the handle: the sash moves inside the balcony. The undoubted advantage of such a mechanism is that the window can be opened for ventilation. The main material can be aluminum profile, plastic and even wood.

    The second option, although more complex, is considered more successful and functional. It provides a better degree of insulation, is more reliable and durable. However, in the matter of insulation, more attention should not be paid to the opening mechanism, but to the material from which the frame is made. This will be discussed below.

    Despite the fact that aluminum is most often associated with cold glazing, there are such concepts as "warm" and "cold" aluminum in the manufacture of sliding systems.

    The "cold" option does not imply the presence of a special heat-insulating jumper. With this method, the thermal insulation will be quite low, and the temperature on the balcony will exceed the street temperature by only a few degrees. This type of profile is used if the room is not supposed to be an additional room for leisure activities.

    In "warm" aluminum systems, this jumper is, due to which the thermal insulation properties are significantly increased. And if energy-saving double-glazed windows are also used, then such windows will not be inferior to plastic or wooden ones.

    Sliding type aluminum structures are made to order, so they can be used for balconies and loggias of any type and size. Such glazing will be light, durable, reliable. The first point is especially important when it comes to an old house with dilapidated base slabs - such a slab can simply collapse under a heavy structure.

    Such a sliding system will perfectly save space and allow you to maximize the use of the entire usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Such a solution would be especially successful for lovers of home flora - now, in order to open the window, you do not have to rearrange most of the pots from place to place (and then back).

    Aluminum sliding glazing can also be used for glazing verandas, as office partitions, for houses and apartments, etc.

    Another option is to install a metal-plastic system. Sliding plastic windows for the balcony are made of special Rehau profiles and German GU fittings. Their opening mechanism is tilt-sliding - pull it towards you and move it to the side.

    An important plus is also the ventilation function - this is very important for residents of cold regions, families with animals and small children.

    Sliding plastic windows to the balcony are also excellent protection from the cold. Special energy-saving double-glazed windows, EPDM seals - all this provides excellent thermal insulation. That is why PVC balcony frames are installed most often, especially in private houses and new buildings, as well as in a private office, lounge or guest room. Basically like an extra room.

    If desired, you can make the doors open parallel to the adjacent walls. This is sometimes true when it comes to plastic sliding windows for a loggia.

    The main stages of installation of sliding windows on the balcony

    There are some features of the installation of sliding window systems. And the main one is clearly calibrated horizontal lines. Any misalignment and deviation from the horizontal axes when installing profiles can cause a lot of trouble, and this should be taken into account. Otherwise, much depends on what material the window frames were made of. Consider three main options: aluminum windows, PVC structures and frameless glazing.

    Do-it-yourself installation of PVC sliding windows

    When glazing a balcony with plastic sliding windows, installation takes place as follows:

    1. Installation of the base for the frame.
    2. Frame assembly.
    3. Temporary fixation of the frame with perforated tape.
    4. Window sill installation.
    5. Ebb installation.
    6. Installation of frame sections.
    7. Fastening the top of the frame.
    8. Visor installation.
    9. Sealing gaps and joints.
    10. Sash installation.

    Do-it-yourself installation of aluminum sliding windows

    It is quite possible to install aluminum windows with your own hands. To do this, you need the following tools: chisel, level, hammer, drill, polyurethane foam.

    • First you need to carefully align the window opening.
    • Then, according to the building level, we expose the frame. This must be done clearly horizontally, and then fixed with anchors.
    • After installing the frames, it is necessary to close up all the cracks and joints between the wall and the profile with mounting foam.
    • At the next stage, we begin the installation of structural doors and all fittings.
    • Further, several rollers are mounted from the bottom of the sash.
    • A brush-type seal is installed on the end of the sash, which will perform the function of additional sound insulation and dust protection.
    • The sash prepared in this way is mounted on the skids in the following order: first they are docked with the upper guide, then with the lower one.
    • At the very last stage, a window sill (if present) is mounted to the structure.

    Video instructions for installing an aluminum sliding structure:

    Do-it-yourself installation of frameless glazing

    Frameless designs are the lightest, most compact type of glazing. However, measurements should be as accurate as possible - otherwise gaps between structural elements cannot be avoided. If everything is done correctly, then you need to install windows in this way:

    • The top profile is fixed with rivets or anchors. It is important that the profile is in a clearly horizontal position - this is verified using a level. The position is corrected with metal plates. When the horizontal is verified, the profile is attached to the base.

    • By the same principle, the lower profile is fixed. It is extremely important that the distance between the profiles corresponds exactly to the size of the sash.

    • Then glass is installed. With the help of hinges, the glass moves along the guides to the right place.

    • When the last glass is installed in the right place, they proceed to the installation of all necessary fittings.

    Video instructions for installing frameless structures:

    How to care for sliding windows

    Sliding windows are very durable - with proper care, they can last for several decades. In addition, they are very easy to maintain in a clean, tidy condition due to the specifics of the opening mechanism. But, nevertheless, every few years it is necessary to clean the windows more thoroughly, while dismantling the entire structure. But the seals must be cleaned every year.

    Some sliding structures often freeze in winter, especially if the housing is located in a region with an extremely harsh climate. If this happens, do not try to forcefully open the window - this can lead to breakage. In such a situation, take a regular hair dryer and melt the ice with warm air.

    modern exterior country houses significantly differs from previous design styles due to the emergence of new materials and building technologies. One of the innovations that is becoming more and more popular is sliding windows for the terrace, as well as for verandas and gazebos.

    Previously, terraces were most often left open, so their use was possible only in warm, dry weather. Today, with the advent of sliding transparent structures, it has become quite possible to turn this outdoor area into a full-fledged room in which you can comfortably spend time even if it is windy or raining outside.

    Enough is engaged in the manufacture and installation of sliding glazing structures a large number of companies. And if you decide to equip your veranda or terrace with such a “mobile” transparent wall, then you should choose an organization that has extensive experience in this field and has gained a reputation as a conscientious order executor.

    Advantages of sliding window and door systems

    Sliding systems are much more convenient than swing systems, and their comfort lies in the following advantages:

    • Any of the sliding systems allows you to use the area of ​​the terrace or veranda rationally, since the open doors will not interfere with objects installed near the windows, and they will not need to be removed each time they are opened.
    • Blinds and curtains will last much longer, as they will not be touched by the opening sashes, so that they will remain intact and not deformed.
    • In sliding window systems, the sashes are securely fixed in any chosen position - they will not slam shut or swing open from a draft or a gust of wind.
    • Sliding systems can be installed only as windows, or at full height - from floor to ceiling, thereby creating a transparent transparent wall.
    • There are frameless sliding window systems that do not block the panoramic view even with window lintels, leaving it completely open.
    • Sliding structures give lightness to the architecture of the facade, as they can be installed both on the first and second floors.
    • Despite the seeming lightness and fragility, the frames in the systems have sufficiently high strength and reliability, and most manufacturers use impact-resistant glass for glazing.

    Veranda or terrace - both home decoration and functional space

    Types of sliding systems

    Sliding systems are subdivided according to different criteria, and are selected in each case based on considerations of the appropriateness of their use. So, systems can be "warm" and "cold" - naturally, they have quite a seriously different cost.

    For example, if heating is provided on the terrace or veranda for the use of the premises not only in summer, but also in winter, then it is necessary to install a “warm” window system that will hermetically close the wall completely or part of it.

    It is quite possible to provide a “warm” glazing system that will allow you to use the terrace in winter

    When choosing a design for a particular building, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​​​glazing, since not any type of system can be mounted in the planned place, and even more so if there is a desire to install large panoramic windows from ceiling to floor.

    Despite the fact that the price of sliding systems is much higher than conventional glazing, they will justify such a cost with their functionality. The total installation costs will depend on the following factors:

    • total glazing area;
    • type of sliding system;
    • frame material;
    • glass thickness and profile type;
    • the quality of the installed fittings;
    • decorating system glasses;
    • the presence of a mosquito net;
    • self-installation or with the involvement of professionals.

    As mentioned above, systems differ in their design and materials of manufacture. To choose the appropriate option, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the main types of sliding systems are.

    Lift-slide system

    Lift-sliding design works on the principle of a sliding wardrobe. When opening the window, it is slightly raised, loosening the pressure of the sash in its lower part. Due to this, the frame is shifted to the side without much effort, by the width of the frame located directly next to it.

    When the window is closed, the mechanism works like a clamp. The frame is pressed at the bottom, the seals are connected, and the window snaps into place. The design is equipped with a rubber profile seal, which makes it completely sealed, which allows you to keep the heat inside the house, as well as prevent the penetration of moisture from the outside.

    The structure must consist of at least two frames: one of them is load-bearing, and the second is movable. Guides are installed on the supporting part of the structure, along which the frames will move - one or both. In addition, very often a guide for a movable mosquito net is provided.

    This type of construction is highly stable and durable, able to withstand massive frames with double-glazed windows with a maximum size of up to 2000 × 3000 mm. It is these systems that are most often used to create sliding partitions between rooms inside the house and to protect terraces and verandas from external influences from the street.

    Prices for sliding systems for windows and doors

    sliding systems

    In country houses, glass walls help to visually unite the premises of the house with nature if they are located on the side of the building facing the garden or forest. At the same time, the design is able to provide a reliable barrier to cold air, atmospheric moisture in any of its manifestations and from annoying insects.

    The lifting-sliding structure is made of aluminum or PVC profile. If such a system is installed in the entire wall, the threshold is usually made low, barely noticeable.

    One of the advantages of such a system is the almost complete absence of a protruding threshold.

    In the open state, the threshold does not separate inner zone rooms from the street, so when the doors are fully opened, the two spaces are completely combined.

    Tilt-and-slide system made of PVC profiles

    This version of the sliding system is somewhat similar to the hinged one in the usual PVC windows, but when the sash is opened, its movement occurs in two directions - towards itself and to the side (this is how the doors in many tourist buses work).

    To open this window, the sash is pulled towards itself (while its rollers move to adjacent skids), and then shifted to the desired distance. Usually, a locking device is installed in such a system, capable of fixing the sash in any position - for this, the handle of the clamping mechanism is rotated to a certain position. In addition, the tilt-sliding system provides a mechanism that allows you to slightly open and fix the sash for ventilation.

    A rubber seal is installed in the system, which, when the window is closed, provides heat, hydro and sound insulation of the room at a high level.

    Such a design of windows is great for installing it when glazing terraces, verandas or balconies. On balconies or loggias, the sliding system is installed from the enclosing side to the ceiling. Due to the fact that when opening the sash does not take up additional space, you can save a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small room.

    When installing the system as a transparent partition on the terrace, it should be remembered that it will definitely have a threshold that it is undesirable to step on, since PVC, alas, is not designed for excessively large loads. Therefore, if this design is nevertheless installed in the mentioned quality, then it is recommended to purchase special threshold pads for it, which will protect it from damage and extend the life of the system.

    Learn how to make, as well as get acquainted with the varieties and the process of self-manufacturing, from our new article.

    Sliding folding design

    The sliding folding design of the partition is usually called an "accordion" in a different way. It consists of several wings, which, when folded, open the opening to its entire width. The sashes move to one side and are compactly installed against the wall. If necessary, one or two doors open.

    Sliding folding structure, colloquially - "accordion"

    This sliding version can be made of aluminum or PVC profile. Aluminum parts are more often used for such a design, since they are much lighter than polyvinyl chloride, but at the same time they are able to withstand fairly large loads without damage and deformation.

    Prices for folding systems for windows and doors

    folding system

    Schematic diagram of the pairing of the "accordion" flaps

    However, when planning the installation of an accordion, some limitations should be considered:

    • Such a system is used exclusively as a "cold" partition, so it is often installed inside the building - between rooms, and on the terrace only as protection from rain or wind. "Accordion" is simply unable to completely heat and soundproof the room.

    • The design can only be applied to an opening having a width of not more than 6500 mm and a height of 2300 mm.
    • The number of valves in this system should not be more than seven pieces.

    Frameless glazing system

    For cold glazing of verandas and terraces, a frameless glazing system is increasingly being used. When the structure is completely closed, a solid glass wall is formed, which does not have frames and dividing racks.

    For this system, thick shock-resistant glass is used, so it is quite reliable and safe in operation, so resistant to possible reasonable mechanical stress.

    If opening is required, the glass blocks are alternately moved to one side of the opening along special guides that are installed in its upper and lower parts. Open sashes are compactly placed against the wall, so they take up almost no usable space.

    Glass frameless "accordion", neatly assembled against the wall

    This design is convenient as a transparent wall or because both sides of the glass blocks are available for regular maintenance.

    For cold glazing, designers quite often offer just such a design, especially in cases where it is necessary to achieve the effect of open space.

    Accessories for sliding systems

    Sliding systems are mounted from profiles made of various materials: it can be plastic - polyvinyl chloride (PVC), aluminum, glass composite, aluminum wood or even just wooden parts. The most affordable and therefore the most popular and widespread are systems made of PVC and aluminum profiles, which are quite durable and aesthetic. The remaining profiles are not cheap and are used to create sliding systems in rich mansions or expensive hotels.

    Frames for sliding structures are equipped with double-glazed windows, and sometimes even with triple glazing - this factor depends on climatic features region in winter and the place of installation of doors and windows.

    How to heat a room with panoramic windows?

    For these purposes, special heating devices have been developed that are installed at the bottom of windows or even built into the floor surface. It's about about electric or, which create a kind of thermal curtain that prevents cold from entering the room. More details in a special publication of the portal.

    Frames from the mentioned profiles in combination with double-glazed windows will reliably protect the room from external noise, dust, cold air, moisture and odors. In addition, mosquito nets can be purchased for various systems, if desired, which in some systems, like the sashes, can be moved, and in others they can be installed permanently.

    PVC profiles

    PVC profile systems, although the most affordable, have a number of undeniable advantages, so this material can be called the most popular of all used for the manufacture of sliding structures:

    • The created glazing has an aesthetic, neat appearance.
    • The surface of the frames is easy to wet cleaning, including the use of household detergents.
    • The material has a sufficiently high strength to any reasonable mechanical stress.
    • This polymer is resistant to low and high temperatures over a wide operating range.
    • The PVC profile is durable, not subject to the damaging effects of moisture, ultraviolet rays, therefore it does not deform and retains its original appearance throughout the entire operational period.
    • The PVC profile is produced in various colors, including the ability to quite reliably imitate the texture of wood.
    • When using this material, expansion of built-in functions is allowed, for example, installation of anti-burglary protection or remote control.

    There are practically no drawbacks to profiles made of PVC, with the exception of one - this is a rather large weight of the resulting structure, which limits the width and height of the wings.

    All types of sliding structures mentioned above are made from PVC profiles, except, of course, frameless.

    Aluminum profile

    The aluminum profile construction is lightweight and elegant. Most often, these systems are installed for "cold" glazing of terraces, verandas, arbors or for the installation of internal separating partitions.

    Prices for aluminum profile for sliding systems

    aluminum profile

    Nevertheless, aluminum profiles are produced, from which “warm” sliding systems are also made, capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature and silence in the room at any time of the year. Therefore, when ordering a design, it is necessary to focus on where the system will be installed and what functions it should perform.

    Folding sashes - "accordions" from an aluminum profile of complex configuration

    If you install a sliding system made of a conventional aluminum profile designed for "cold" glazing, then in winter the temperature in the room will be close to the temperature outside the window. "Warm" constructions made of aluminum profiles have a rather high price, so they are not very popular with customers. Their positive qualities are identical to PVC profiles, but with the only advantage that the material is more durable.

    The advantages of cold sliding aluminum structures include the following qualities:

    • The strength and lightness of the sashes do not give any significant load to the base, so the structure can be used for glazing a terrace located on the second floor.
    • The system will well protect the glazed room from wind, rain, dirt and dust.
    • The profiles from which the structure is assembled are quite narrow, so they do not interfere with a wide view of the landscape outside the window.
    • Aluminum is practically not subject to corrosive atmospheric action, which makes such systems very durable.
    • Many of the aluminum alloys used to make window systems have the ability to repel dirt and dust, so the frames are easy to care for with a damp cleaning as needed.
    • The service life of these structures can be 50 years or more.
    • Due to the lightness of the profiles, the sash can be made quite wide.
    • Aluminum profiles often have a special sprayed coating, which can be given different color shades, including imitation of natural wood texture pattern.

    Leading manufacturers of profiles and fittings

    It should be noted that all profiles and fittings for sliding structures, windows and doors are usually manufactured at the factories of developing companies, and then delivered to countries around the world, where they are already assembled finished goods under the order.

    The most famous and popular in the Russian market are the following manufacturers:

    Profile namePeculiaritiesNumber of camerasProfile System DepthScope of systems
    Sliding PVC systems of the company "Rehau" (Switzerland)
    "Rehau Blitz"Affordable profile.3 60 mmPavilions, pavilions, exits to the balcony.
    "Rehau Sib"Additional insulation, good sound insulation.3+thermoblock70 mmAccess to a balcony or terrace.
    "Rehau Brillant"Two sealing contours in the threshold area.5 70 mmOffice premises, shopping boutiques, restaurants, pavilions.
    Sliding PVC systems of the company "KBE" (Germany)
    "KBE 58"Produced using Greenline technology.3 58 mmExits to the balcony and terrace of a private house.
    Sliding aluminum doors company "REYNAERS" (Belgium)
    REYNAERS CP 155Insulated (warm) system for lift-sliding or sliding doors.1 102 mm
    REYNAERS CP 50Isolated (warm) system.1 50 mm
    REYNAERS CP 45PaUninsulated (cold).1 21-70 mmIt is used to protect arbors, verandas and terraces from moisture and wind, as well as to create interior partitions.
    Sliding aluminum doors of the company "SCHUCO" (Germany)
    SCHUCO ASS 50.NICold sliding door system for large openings.1 65 mmFor installation inside the house (separation of rooms), as well as for wind and rain protection of adjoining buildings.
    SCHUCO ASS 70.HIWarm lifting and sliding system.1 70 mmGlazing of heated terraces and verandas.
    SCHÜCO ASS 77.PD.HIWarm panoramic system for large-sized sliding doors with maximum transparency.2 77 mmPanoramic glazing of heated rooms.

    Care of sliding structures

    Sliding terrace door systems, just like those made of aluminum profile or PVC, require periodic maintenance and cleaning. Therefore, if similar structures are installed in the house, you need to know certain nuances that will help extend the period of trouble-free operation.

    • It is recommended to remove the sliding doors once every two to four years and clean all the components of the structure from accumulated dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner.
    • If a “cold” aluminum profile structure is installed in the house, then its brush seals require annual cleaning, as more dust accumulates under them.
    • In addition, it is recommended to lubricate all elements of the "mechanics".

    Modern window and door systems require regular maintenance

    In order for the mechanisms to work flawlessly, and the rubbing parts are not subjected to rapid abrasive wear, they must be periodically cleaned and lubricated. Read about how in a special publication of our portal.

    • If a lift-and-slide structure is installed in the opening of the terrace, then during severe frosts the sashes can freeze and stop opening. In this case, you should not rely on brute force to open them, otherwise you may damage the mechanism. So that the sash can be easily opened, you must always have at hand special remedy- "defrost". IN last resort, you can warm up the frozen part of the door with an ordinary hair dryer.

    When ordering a similar system for your home, you must make a list of questions of interest related to the design itself, its operation and preventive measures, as well as the terms of warranty service. Having received qualified explanations for each item, it will be easier to navigate your actions in the daily operation, maintenance and repair of sliding windows and doors.

    And at the end of the publication - a video that clearly demonstrates the functionality various systems sliding windows and doors for the terrace:

    Video: a variety of sliding systems for terrace glazing