Due to the fact that representatives of these zodiac signs rarely have good compatibility, they often prefer to look for more suitable partners for themselves. However, Leo-Taurus pairs can also be strong enough if a number of important conditions are met.

General information about sign compatibility

Despite the fact that at first glance, Taurus and Leo have completely different, almost incompatible character traits, there is a circumstance that can help them find harmony in relationships.

As a representative of the fire element, Leo is under the auspices of the Sun. And in order to build complementary relationships, he needs a partner with pronounced "lunar qualities" that are present in Taurus, but are often relegated to the background by the influence of other planets.

However, if:

  1. In the character of Taurus, Venus, with its inherent need for comfort, will give way to the Moon., characteristic of caring people who seek to surround their partners with attention
  2. Lions will try to moderate the "solar" manifestations, expressed in demonstrativeness, a tendency to excessive emotionality

This alliance will benefit both. It is no coincidence that Leo and Taurus are considered one of the most stable signs of the Zodiac.

Compatibility in love and marriage

He is a Leo, she is a Taurus

Despite the fact that in such a pair the Leo Man looks like a clear leader, to say that the Taurus Woman keeps in his shadow and is suppressed by him incorrectly - this strong earth sign has enough energy to declare itself even with such a partner.

Nevertheless, it is from the efforts of the Taurus Woman that what kind of atmosphere will develop in their pair will largely depend. In particular, by taking due care of Leo and providing him with a reliable rear, she will allow him to “bloom”, fully showing her best qualities- self confidence, good taste, sense of style; as well as significant career advancement.

Taurus, in turn, will win a lot if they rely on the potential of Leo, who can achieve a lot while feeling significant support behind him.

Quarrels in such couples happen most often:

  1. On the ground financial relations: it can be quite difficult for practical Taurus Women to find understanding from the Lions, who are often accustomed to ostentatious generosity, expensive gifts and unexpected surprises. That is why if in the near future partners plan to maintain a common life, they will need to carefully discuss among themselves all their upcoming expenses.
  2. Because of the conviction of a woman in the infantilism of a man. Impulsive Leos quite often give the impression of people who never grow up, regardless of age. Despite the fact that this trait can indeed significantly complicate relationships, it is extremely difficult to correct it. That is why Taurus has two options in this situation - to break off relations in search of a more suitable partner, or to focus on positive qualities Leo, which can compensate for this shortcoming.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that very few people usually know about the problems in the relationship of such people. Not inclined to show irritation and other negative emotions in the presence of outsiders, Lions and Taurus, who generally do not favor excessive emotionality, will extremely rarely begin to sort things out in public.

That is why their union often gives the impression of being quite prosperous, and parting, if it happens, comes as a surprise to many.

He is a Taurus, she is a Leo

Stability, fidelity and confidence in each other - these are the qualities that will be constant companions of the Leo-Taurus pair if they manage to cope with other contradictions that can ruin the relationship of partners.

With strong and stable characters, Leo Woman and Taurus Man can easily demonstrate such character traits as the ability to find compromises, quick appeasement and the ability to make peace even in cases where quarrels seem to leave no chance for reconciliation.

Considerable difficulties for the Leo-Taurus pair can bring fundamentally different attitude to material matters. However, if partners learn to listen and, more importantly, hear each other, this will allow them to take a lot of benefit from this.

For example, Leo's desire to surround himself with luxury and expensive interior items will find understanding on the part of the economical and thrifty, but still loving comfort Taurus. Possessing strong character The Taurus man may be able to channel the energy of the Leo Woman.

Gushing with ideas, she will be protected from passivity and will not need to be diligently motivated to do anything. She will only need to help not to get confused in the right situation and extract from it maximum benefit. This will be to the liking of the hardworking Taurus, who does not tolerate laziness and idleness.

Negative moments in the union

When deciding on a serious relationship, partners should understand that considerable difficulties will cause them:

  1. material questions. Thrifty and thrifty Taurus can be extremely negative about the extravagant, in their opinion, extravagance of Lviv. In turn, Lions (especially women) may be unhappy with the lack of expensive or beautiful (but useless in their opinion) gifts from Taurus.
  2. Tendency to compete. Lions and Taurus, like no one else, love to show off their achievements to each other. This must be taken into account when choosing a field of activity. It is also highly desirable to avoid situations in which relations of forced rivalry will develop between them and to focus rather not on what separates, but on what makes partners. closer friend friend.


In sex

In general, Leo and Taurus have a fairly good sexual compatibility. It is achieved due to the fact that representatives of the fire element Lions will never let their partner get bored, introducing into them intimate life new highlights. Taurus, in turn, quite loyally perceive their experiments and almost always take the initiative.

in friendship

Friendly relations between Taurus and Leo can develop seriously and for a long time. In many ways, this will be facilitated by such characteristic features for them as mutual trust, constancy, similar hobbies and hobbies.

However, in order to win Leo's affection and keep him, Taurus will need to support him in all his endeavors, in some cases even acting as an appreciative audience when he shines on stage.

And although it will not be easy for a leader by nature to do this, such a relationship will bring considerable benefits to both- Leo will get the opportunity to fully reveal his talents, while Taurus will get a chance to reveal himself as a person who can be trusted and counted on for support in any situation.

In business

The nature of the relationship between Taurus and Leo depends mainly on what role each of them will play. The following development options are possible:

  1. Taurus Woman and Leo Man are partners. Since the areas of activity in which people can express themselves are different, they will very rarely overlap, which will reduce the risk of conflicts. But if Taurus and Leo are busy common project disputes are almost inevitable. The main factors can be the incompatibility of characters (Taurus's desire for stability and Leo's creative beginning), as well as a fundamentally different attitude towards money (Leo's tendency to broad and beautiful gestures and Taurus's desire to save literally on everything).
  2. The Taurus Woman is the boss, the Leo Man is the subordinate. Self-esteem will most often restrain them from open confrontation and conflict. However, the parties will most likely be dissatisfied with each other because, on the one hand, Leo will not like the desire of Taurus to drive him into a rigid framework, limiting his manifestation creativity. Taurus, focused on the result, will demand high profits from the subordinate, which he will not always be able to provide to him.
  3. The Taurus Woman is a subordinate, the Leo Man is the boss. Theoretically, this union could be quite profitable because Taurus, who is distinguished by diligence and high performance, can easily earn the location of a demanding and authoritative, but at the same time noble Leo. But, in practice, it can be complicated by the fact that Leo often requires originality from his subordinates, as well as a non-standard and creative approach that is alien to women of this type.
  4. The Leo Woman is the boss, the Taurus Man is the subordinate. This union is beneficial because it is the Leo Woman who will be able to appreciate all the talents of Taurus and generously reward his hard work, hard work and other qualities that are valuable for work. Distinguished by generosity, she will also provide him with a decent income. However, she can occasionally be annoyed by the stubbornness, as well as the intransigence of Taurus, which will not allow him to find an approach to his superiors when necessary.
  5. The Leo Woman is a subordinate, the Taurus Man is the boss. An extremely unfavorable combination. Having started work on a large-scale project and entrusted it to Leo, Taurus can easily abandon him, which will cause him discontent. Taurus, stingy with praise, expressing it mainly in money, will not take into account the desire of Lviv to receive praise for their merits and achievements. In addition, the boss's pickiness to trifles will run counter to the subordinate's inability to pay attention to trifles - this will make him perceive her work as "unfinished" or "unfinished".

> Taurus and Leo Compatibility

In this case, a strong union has a chance to exist if the zodiacs agree to work on themselves. The main catch is that when they meet, they demonstrate their negative qualities. Immediately noticeable selfish Leo and stubborn Taurus. Improvement is possible when people come together to implement a common idea. Already in the process, they will understand that the person next to them has many positive aspects. True, there can be no talk of further communication if they do not trust or have forgotten about respect.

Taurus and Leo love compatibility

The couple literally immediately faces opposites, so in love it is not easy for them. But they understand that it cannot be worse, which means there is no need to prepare for surprises. Taurus is forced to remain in the shadow of Leo, even in bed. It is the wayward Leo who manages dates and their regularity. Therefore, the second person is forced to please in everything. But even if there is harmony, it cannot be called long-term, because they look at sex in completely different ways. If Leo is looking for play, then for Taurus it all comes down to physical satisfaction.

It is not easy for them to tune in to the wave of another. Both are incredibly strong, but still she will take the reins. This is the person who takes the initiative. Since for a man this is not a completely familiar behavior pattern, he will have to think carefully whether they should be together or better to scatter.

She is used to constant compliments, and considers this only part of the routine. He will feel incredible pressure and will not understand why someone should be in charge if the relationship is based on equality.

A great conflict always grows on material grounds. The guy is programmed to save. It is important for him to have a solid base in order to remain calm. But the wife dreams of luxury. She needs to maintain the created image, so she does not stint on expensive acquisitions. Even if at first everything developed well, then soon the contradictions will so inflame the situation that it will reach the final break.

But this couple has a future. Indeed, even despite the fact that the girl sometimes behaves extravagantly, she does not cheat on her partner. Moreover, she will not specifically provoke him, and Taurus will notice this. Her strength lies in loyalty and cunning. Having found the right approach, she will make sure that he creates for her royal terms. But concessions must come not only from her side. They should take a fresh look at the joint life. Children and domestic disassembly unite these people. It is extremely important that they do not resort to humiliation, since their pride is the most important character trait of signs.

Acquaintance always happens unpredictably and non-standard. The relationship itself is also unusual, and it will be difficult to achieve harmony. The confrontation will end in family happiness or irrevocable separation.

In front of the gates of the registry office, you will not see many such unions, because they have too little in common. for energy and inner strength they have no equal. All their lives they try to assert themselves. Through the fault of a man, their relationship is always under the spotlights of general attention, which does not suit the partner. She does not like posturing and theatricality coming from her husband. Taurus will try to accustom him to the "correct" existence. And if there is less perseverance in him, then her stubbornness, consistency and perseverance will break the guy. But don't take it as a win. As soon as he loses his bright personality, he will no longer suit her.

However, if he perseveres and resists her pressure, they will destroy their marriage. It will be a bloody war and both will get considerable pleasure from such a performance. Therefore, at every successful opportunity, they will hurt the other.

For a successful union, she is forced to give in when a partner requires attention to her person. After all, it's part of his personality. He cannot live without outside world and first roles in the family. He does not deal with everyday life at all, but just the realization of his importance will make him the happiest. She doesn't have to play with him, but she can pretend. He will only thank you. The main thing is not to hurt his pride, because the spouse will definitely not forgive this.

Articles dedicated to Taurus

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Taurus most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

Articles dedicated to Leo

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Leo most compatible with? ;

Leo and calf - fire and earth. Taurus, with his selfishness, cannot appreciate such a magnificent personality as a lion. There is no one more magnificent than a lion from the entire zodiac. People-lions can be treated as you like, but in terms of purely human qualities and energy, they surpass all other signs “by their heads”. That is why lions are either hated and envied or admired and served.

No one in the zodiac has such generosity of soul and in such volume. Taurus is too stubborn and too petty to appreciate a lion, unless he loves him with all his heart. Of course, the prognosis is more favorable for the couple where the man is a lion, and the woman loves madly, because only by completely surrendering to her partner (both morally, emotionally, and physically) will she be able to build a long and fruitful relationship with this man. Leo himself will want to take care of her and take responsibility for their family life.

Leo is a real man

If Leo is a man and Taurus is a woman

A lion man needs to serve and admire him. He does not understand other relationships. He needs full worship and recognition of all his merits, of which, to tell the truth, he has a lot. If the lion came home, you need to drop everything and sit near him, talk to him, listen. Leo does not even tolerate when his children distract his wife from him. There is no other way, otherwise the lion will be offended and decide that they do not like him.

He is so rarely at home because of his too active activity, but if he does not receive attention from himself, he will completely stop appearing. Taurus, on the other hand, loves home comfort and peace, and that all family members are under one roof. The stubbornness of the calf knows no bounds, if such a woman does not love unconditionally, she will plague her husband-lion with nit-picking, accumulate so many resentments that they will never be able to live together.

After all, the lion is the king - he will never tolerate such an attitude towards himself. Especially if, after five years of living together, he hears a reproach against his act a hundred years ago. Of course, the lion will fully provide for his wife and child, but this will not prevent him from having consolation on the side in parallel, which will give him all his love and attention.

If Taurus is a man and Leo is a woman

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It is difficult in a relationship for a calf to a man and a lion to a woman, who are both powerful and powerful, but the lioness is energetically stronger, and she will appropriate power to herself. However, the Taurus man is not the type to give it away. He can simply end the relationship, because he does not understand why the lioness needs such frank dominance. Also, calves love to save money, and lions are terrible spenders.

It is very difficult to make a fortune with such spouses. They like luxury items - expensive clothes and jewelry. Scandals are inevitable, and the couple will break up if the spouses do not adapt to each other. The lioness needs to be wise and learn to talk to her husband calmly, without fanning conflicts. She should also be faithful to her partner, although this is difficult, especially if the lioness is not satisfied with something.

Percent Compatibility

The compatibility of this pair, Leo and Taurus, is very weak, although, of course, it all depends on the willingness of both to make concessions. As a percentage, this can be expressed as 20 - 45.

Compatibility in love and love relationships

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The love life of a Leo-Taurus pair is a confrontation. The couple will inevitably part, although the lion rarely leaves the family, rather, he will get himself a second one, where he will be more understood and cherished. Leo also loves to share with the whole world what he has achieved, so that the whole district will be aware of the relationship and all the difficulties. Taurus will want to re-educate a lion, but a lion without its own individuality is no longer a lion, but it is not clear who (especially for men), and, first of all, he will become uninteresting to the calf.

Leo and Taurus love to fight, ruffle each other's nerves to the last, until, finally, they disperse to lick their wounds. If the calf is wiser and does not hurt the pride of the lion and plays along with him in that he is in charge, the union of this couple can be saved.

Lions are conquerors

in friendship

Leo and Taurus are rarely friends - they have different views on relaxation. Leos love to be active, while Tauruses prefer to sit at home with a glass of wine. However, lions are very often surrounded by all sorts of people who want to get into their brilliant society and fall into the shadow of their success, using the right connections. Then the calves, always looking for profit, are right there.

Lions are too energetic and generous, they love praise and are too naive to distinguish sincerity from lies. They allow various kinds of hangers-on to themselves, because of which they then suffer. Lions help everyone all their lives, but when they themselves need help, then from the whole zodiac only a decent maiden will truly help them if it is in her power. The rest will pretend that nothing happened.


Taurus and Leo is a very difficult union. These people absolutely do not understand each other. Each selfish person pulls the blanket over himself. If a woman does not give in, it will be very difficult for both. If you are a woman, but do not intend to give in, do not start a relationship with such signs that are completely opposite to you.

In work

In business, lions cannot be controlled if they do not want to. And they don't want to. They work in their own style, even if it is unwise if a lot of effort is expended with zero return. The lion does not listen to anyone until he is completely exhausted and begins to destroy himself.

At the lions strong energy- they can kill themselves with their thoughts and revive them to life. That is why lions need success and recognition like air - they cannot be broken, they cannot be offended, unless you want to take revenge on them. In the working project, the lion should be the main one, and the calf should do the tedious and routine work, which he is very good at, as well as keep finances under control.

In bed

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In bed, this couple is extremely difficult to enjoy. They are both selfish. Lions do not understand at all why long preludes are needed. They get what they want and leave, but the Taurus is still more prone to tenderness and romance. And they demand it, which is useless. That's why intimate relationship pairs of leo and taurus will not last long if people born under these constellations are no longer connected.

Both will work on these relationships. The problem is that in the communication of these two signs, not the best, but the worst sides of the partners' character are manifested. The selfishness of Leo becomes obvious, as well as the intransigence and lack of flexibility of Taurus. They have chances to improve relations only when they unite within the framework of a project or idea - then they become assistants and a good complement to each other. But even here it is important to show tolerance, mutual trust and respect.

Taurus and Leo Compatibility in Love and Marriage

Compatibility Taurus Man - Leo Woman

Literally from the very beginning of acquaintance, it is difficult for a Taurus man and a Leo woman to find a common language. Both will feel the inner power of a potential partner, but the initiative in management is likely to be taken over by a woman. Finding himself in an incarnation that is not typical for himself, a man will think for a long time whether he should continue this relationship or put an end to it.

There are always a lot of compliments addressed to the Lioness, and she, having got used to it, considers this natural, as well as submission to herself. Feeling her pressure, Taurus will feel extremely uncomfortable, not understanding why one of them needs to dominate so clearly.

Serious disagreements in a pair of a Taurus man with a Leo woman will always be related to money. Taurus is aimed at accumulating funds that provide stability, and the desire of the spouse to spend large amounts on maintaining the image and luxury goods will not find understanding in him. Even in the case of a favorable start to the relationship, subsequently mutual dissatisfaction with each other will cross a critical line, the logical continuation of which is frequent major quarrels and, quite possibly, parting.

And yet they have a chance for a happy coexistence, because, despite all their eccentricity and capriciousness, the Lioness remains devotion to a proud and stubborn companion and will not provoke him to jealousy, and Taurus will certainly appreciate it. A more loyal and feminine wise Leo woman must take on the mission of a peacemaker in conflicts - her efforts will not be in vain, Taurus will surpass himself so that his queen feels reliable material and moral support. But not only she will have to adapt: ​​both must partially reconsider their views on life and on their union. Their worries about children, home, prosperity will unite them. It is very important, the horoscope warns, not to offend each other's pride, since these signs of the Zodiac have it very strongly developed.

Compatibility Leo Man - Taurus Woman

They can get acquainted under very strange circumstances and unexpectedly get involved in no less strange relationships in which it will be very difficult for them to find harmony and it is extremely difficult to find a common language. Their living together will resemble a confrontation that will end either in parting, or in victory - and happiness.

The fact that the Leo man and the Taurus woman are very different from each other becomes obvious already at the beginning of the relationship. Only a few such couples reach the registry office, even more rarely such partners go hand in hand long years. What makes this union dramatic is that both partners are strong personalities, striving for self-affirmation, including in their personal lives. The life of this couple will always be in sight - thanks to the efforts of Leo, who wants to make all his achievements public. All this seems uninteresting to Taurus, she dislikes any pathos and posturing. The behavior of a Leo partner seems unreasonable to a woman, and she will definitely make attempts to re-educate him, teach him to live "correctly". Being especially demanding, domineering and strong-willed, this woman will easily subdue Leo if he is not strong enough. But by doing this, she digs a grave for their relationship: deprived of individuality, having lost his regal lion-like grandeur, he will very soon cease to be interesting to her.

On the other hand, if a woman's attempts to establish dictatorship meet with fierce resistance, then the partners will declare war on each other and leave no stone unturned from the relationship. It is noteworthy that both find pleasure in such hostilities, so they do not scatter right away, but manage to pat each other's nerves well.

To give this relationship a chance at life, the Taurus woman needs to realize her husband's need for worship, the attention of others. He is satisfied only with the first roles, even if he is not responsible for the relationship and does not make decisions. It is enough to play along with him - and Leo will not only be happy, but will also become more responsible and active. The main thing for a woman is in no case to hurt his extremely vulnerable pride.

Leo and Taurus - compatibility in sex

At first, this sexual relationship promises to be attractive to both due to the fact that Taurus and Leo see the differences between them. Even if they are not connected by anything except the bed, Taurus will still have to always be in the shadow of Leo and please his "ego". It is Leo who determines the mood of love dates, their pace and frequency, and it is quite difficult to please him. In addition, Taurus is also selfish in bed, especially since this zodiac sign has a different idea of ​​high-quality carnal pleasures, he does not need drama, romance and subtle erotic play. Therefore, from the point of view long term their compatibility cannot be called high.

Horoscope of compatibility of Leo and Taurus in work and business

The prospects for relations in this area depend on the distribution of roles. If Taurus manages the process, Leo may face attempts to remake him, turn him into a more accommodating colleague so that he clearly follows the instructions, and does not work as he pleases. You can count on fewer conflicts and a good return on such a working duet if Taurus gets the role of the performer, and Leo is the eldest in the project, but subject to respect for the first. As partners, Leo and Taurus will each pull the blanket over themselves and are unlikely to be able to work fruitfully.

Couple Leo - Taurus: compatibility in friendship

Such people rarely have friendly ties: both are too proud and demanding of others, they have a different idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgood leisure and pleasant entertainment. Their relationship will resemble, rather, not friendship, but partnership on mutually beneficial terms. If Taurus maintains such friendly relations for some practical reasons (for example, in order to get into the brilliant society surrounding Leo), then he will simply turn into a singer of praises to his Leo friend and will always be forced to please him in every possible way. And he, under similar conditions, will gain access to the material and other opportunities of the hardworking Taurus.

See the compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs:

See Leo compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Building a harmonious relationship between the king of beasts and an assertive bull is a difficult task, but by no means as impossible as it might seem at first glance. Taurus and Leo make a truly indelible impression on others in all respects - at least socially, at least interpersonally. At the same time, what everyone around can perceive as a quarrel is actually the norm - this is the compatibility of Taurus and Leo.

A bright and charismatic Leo seems even more amazing against the background of a calm Taurus, this can cause an outbreak of jealousy in Taurus. At the same time, the reliability and solidity of Taurus wins in comparison between Taurus and Leo. There may be some tension in sex, because no one is going to give in.

Taurus and Leo Compatibility Secret

Do you want to live in a state of constant struggle for leadership, constantly sorting things out, or dot the i's anyway? For Taurus and Leo, compatibility is the result of mutual work on oneself, although Taurus's jealousy flatters Leo's pride.

Taurus, after all, you yourself have chosen the beauty of the king of beasts, so take it for granted that everyone looks back at your Leo and envy you. Suspicions of betrayal and scenes of jealousy can bore Leo faster than you realize that you went too far. And this is despite the great patience of the loving Leo.

a lion, your battle for leadership is understandable, but it is worthwhile to understand that there will be no winners in this war. The art of compromise is in your blood, so let it manifest itself in life. Recognizing the right of Taurus to their own opinion, you thereby save your union, because in fact you are an amazing couple.

Both Taurus and Leo do not receive compatibility as a gift from fate, but build it by making efforts. Do not make your efforts in vain, and strive for a healthy compromise.

Taurus man and Leo woman.

A good combination of signs, since the Leo woman as the keeper of the hearth will feel quite comfortable.

The Taurus man will provide for the family and will probably want to respect the woman, be proud of her and appreciate her. Everything she does comes from the heart, frankly, energetically and joyfully.

With her temperament, the Leo woman helps the Taurus man overcome his tendency to melancholy and teaches him to achieve common goals easily and joyfully.

The openness and self-confidence of the Leo woman turns out to be the key to a successful love union and marriage with the Taurus man.

Taurus woman and Leo man.

In this union, it is more difficult to achieve mutual understanding, because the Taurus woman is not inclined to look for a bright partner in a partner. creative personality, preferring stable material base that a man can build.

The Leo man is not one of those who set himself the main goal - to achieve prosperity. He is looking for himself, he lives for himself and creates a family for himself, if you want and for himself. In this sense, a Taurus woman can attract a Leo man, because he is looking for a beautiful and businesslike lady who will take care of him, the children and the house.

We must not forget that the Taurus woman is quite capable of earning decent money, and even running her own business! In this context, the prospect of further relationships will depend more on the Taurus woman - what will she do for the sake of love and marriage with the Leo man?

Compatibility love horoscope for Taurus and Leo.

The nature of the signs is quite different and it can be difficult to understand each other, and even more so to accept. Taurus, of course, is able to get carried away by Leo and this is not surprising. He appreciates beauty and grace, reaching out for a "star" partner, because Leo is always bright and noticeable, often creatively gifted, a strong leader. For Taurus, Leo can become an inspiration, a guiding star! It literally animates and stimulates Taurus to accomplish.

But, do not think that everything is so simple. To budge Taurus is a difficult matter, and Leo will have a hard time living up to his leading role in this union. Taurus can feel the special role of Leo in his life - the cardinal role of a person who provokes Taurus to find himself, to understand himself, to a new or just another life.

Taurus is forced to change under the influence of Leo, but such a transformation is extremely painful for him. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the development of relations in such a pair.

For Leo, the partner of the Taurus sign can become the dream that he will follow despite difficulties and obstacles. An alliance with Taurus can be a difficult choice for Leo, and it is not always possible to fully understand the reason why they are together. But, Taurus is a useful and necessary person for Leo, at least in order to learn to better understand himself, to find those character traits that prevent him from living in harmony.

Taurus will easily "discover" Leo's flaws and problems - another thing is that Leo is by nature not inclined to engage in introspection and look for flaws in his personality. That is why most Leos fail to stay close to Taurus for a long time, which is a pity ...

And now about the good! Taurus is a peaceful, albeit stubborn person - he is always ready for negotiations and knows how to yield to Leo without losing his "I". He is able to admire Leo, respect him and give everything that the latter needs.

Leo, on the other hand, tends to “hurt” Taurus more often, without even fully understanding it, and it is Leo who should periodically “look back” and align his behavior, correlate his ambitions with Taurus’ pride, etc., because he may have more responsibility for happy relationship in this couple.