An enclave is a country that is completely surrounded by the lands of another country. More often than not, an enclave is also an exclave, meaning that it is effectively a satellite of a larger parent state. Enclaves may be created for a number of reasons, but they often result in administrative and political issues and attempts are often made to eradicate them. The word comes from the old French enclaver, which means "to enclose". The creation of an enclave sometimes led to the fact that people of a different nationality fell into a trap inside another country. This often led to political upheaval, since the population of the enclave (exclave) could be cut off from their home country. In some cases, an enclave may be occupied by people of a different ethnic, religious or political background, which can lead to tension. The two most famous examples enclaves are Lesotho, which is within the borders Republic of South Africa, and the Vatican is an independent entity in Italy. West Berlin is a historical example of an enclave, as it was located entirely within East Germany. In some cases, the citizens of an enclave may advocate being absorbed into the surrounding nation, especially if the enclave is small and the inhabitants have adopted the language and culture of their neighbors. Here is our list of the most exciting enclaves around the world, Melilla and Ceuta are two Spanish urban areas that sit on the Mediterranean coast of Morocco. Ceuta was surrendered to Spain in 1668, while the Spanish outskirts of Melilla were established in the nineteenth century. The Spanish government has made 3m high spiked metal fences, watchtowers, and other measures to stop the migration.

The Kaliningrad region is a part of Russia that does not have a land connection with the country. Indeed, the zone of the Kaliningrad region was part of East Prussia. This region was then part of Germany until World War II, after which it was transferred Soviet Union. Most of the German population fled or was later deported, and collective farmers from the former USSR settled on the territory “on a voluntary basis”.

Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory. It is located on the aisle mediterranean sea, where Europe meets Africa, in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, on the border with Spain. Gibraltar's small air terminal is one of the most dangerous airports in the world and has its own runway running across the city's main road (so vehicles must clear the street every time they take off or land).

The Vatican is a city-state and an enclave within the city of Rome, Italy. total length state border is 3.2 kilometers, the population is about 840 people - which makes it the smallest state on the planet. The autonomous city-state was built in 1929.

The Republic of San Marino is also an enclave within Italy. Its territory of 61 km2 is covered on all sides by Italy. Its population is about 30,000 people. San Marino proudly claims to be the most enduring sovereign state on a planet that gained freedom from the Roman Empire in September 301!

The Kingdom of Lesotho is an enclave in South Africa. It has an area of ​​30,000 km2, which is a small part of South Africa 1,221,037 km2, and its population is about 2 million. Lesotho gained its freedom from the United Kingdom in 1966 - after South Africa became independent at that time.

The small Point Roberts chain (just over 1,300 people) is located on the southern tip of the Tsawwassen peninsula, which is part of British Columbia, Canada. This means that Point Roberts is connected to the United States directly across the ocean, however, to reach it by land, you must first cross the edge of Canada. The current borders were established in 1846 between the British and the Americans. Subsequently, in 1949, it was rumored that the United States would surrender Point Roberts to Canada, but this never happened.

Cabinda is a region of Angola that is separated from the country by a small piece of land in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Cabinda is actually a small enclave but has a thin coastline all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Cabinda was annexed to the Portuguese Empire in 1885 independently of neighboring Angola (which was also Portuguese) despite being isolated at the time only by the Congo River. In 1974, Portugal granted autonomy to each of its provinces, and later Cabinda became an integral part of Angola. Today, Cabinda covers an area of ​​7270 km2 and has a population of over 300,000 people.

It is part of the permanent possessions of Spain, and in that sense it is not in the least an enclave. However, the area is bordered by mountains from Spain and can be reached by car through the region of the small state of Andorra. In this sense, Os de Civis is an enclave. The population of the small town is about 100 people.

Jungholz and Mittelberg (Jungholz and Kleinwalsertal)

Both of these settlements are part of Austria, but due to uneven terrain, you must first cross German territory to reach them. Jungholz is a residential community with just over 300 residents, while Kleinwalsertal is an area with 5,000 residents.

Transnational cluster-network systems have transformed the economic landscape of the planet. There is a search for new integration, new forms of geo-economic partnership and economic cooperation various countries peace. But positive, promising examples of the past can also be fruitful. One such example is a rather rare political and economic formation called “enclave” today.

enclave, enclave (French enclave, from late Latin inclavo - I lock it with a key: lat. clavis - key), in international law the territory or part of the territory of a state surrounded on all sides by the territory of some other state (for example, the Republic of San Marino in Italy). If A. has a seashore, it is called a semi-enclave (for example, East Prussia in the period 1919-39).

Hong Kong is a special kind of enclave

It is clear that Hong Kong today is not a “state within a state”. This is part of the Chinese People's Republic. But this is one of the inspiring examples for the future.


Until 1997, Hong Kong was a possession of Great Britain, on July 1, 1997 it was returned to China and received the status of a Special Administrative Region of the PRC. The Basic Law for the new territory was approved by the National People's Congress in 1990 and is based on the principle of "one country, two systems", that is, maintaining two different economic and legal systems within a single Chinese state.

While Hong Kong is under the direct jurisdiction of the Central Government of the PRC, it has a high degree autonomy (with the exception of external relations and defense). The principle of the Basic Law is "Hong Kong people rule". Hong Kong has an independent executive (administration), legislative (parliament) and judiciary. Under an agreement between the UK and China, Hong Kong's modern socio-economic system will remain unchanged for 50 years until 2047.

With a population of about 6 million people and an area of ​​just over 1000 sq. km Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Today, the Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China is one of the leading financial centers in Asia and the world.

Hong Kong has one of the purest capitalist economic systems in the world. The economy of the territory is based on free market, low taxation and non-intervention of the state in the economy. This important center international finance and trade, and the concentration of headquarters is the highest in the Asia-Pacific region.

In terms of gross per capita domestic product and gross urban product Hong Kong is the wealthiest city in the PRC. Calculated at parity purchasing power Hong Kong's per capita GDP exceeds even the top four Western European countries: (Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy), as well as Japan.

Enclave countries

1) Republic of San Marino - an enclave in Italy
2) Vatican- an enclave in the city of Rome, Italy
3) Kingdom of Lesotho- an enclave in South Africa

City-states are small civilizations scattered around the world.

The Principality of Monaco is an independent city-state. interests. It was not until 1993 that Monaco became a full voting member of the United Nations.

Monaco is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. It will take no more than an hour to go through the whole country. The name of the country comes from the ancient Greek "monoikos" - "hermit". The Principality is well known for its casinos in Monte Carlo and the Monaco Grand Prix, which is held here.

Bank secrecy and low taxes attract billions of dollars from abroad. In the late 90s. the volume of funds kept in Monegasque banks had an annual increase of 18%.

The Principality has a very liberal taxation system. Income individuals(both citizens of the country and foreigners permanently residing in Monaco, with the exception of the French) are not taxed.

Singapore is an island city-state in South-East Asia. About 5 million people live and work in an area of ​​270 square miles, making Singapore the second most populous country in the world.

The city center in the southern part of the island is surrounded by satellite towns, many parks, reservoirs and industrial zones, which are connected to the center and to each other by a dense network of roads, subways and high-speed rail lines. Singapore has a highly centralized, unitary government with a unicameral legislature.

The indigenous inhabitants of the island are the Malays. After the founding of the British colony, thanks to the development of trade, a large number of immigrants from Europe, China, India and other countries settled here.
At present, 76.7% of the population are Chinese, 14% are Malays, 7.9% are Indians, 1.4% are Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and others. official languages countries - Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English. Religiously, 32% of believers are Buddhists, 22% are Taoists, 15% are Muslims, 13% are Christians, and 3% are Hindus (1996).

Due to its important strategic position at the crossroads of sea routes between Europe, Asia and Australia, Singapore has become one of the leading shopping centers peace. In relation to other countries of Southeast Asia, it traditionally plays the role of a "marketplace" - goods produced in neighboring countries ah - for example, rubber and tin from Malaysia, rice from Thailand, which are then sent to other regions. At the same time, industrial goods are brought here from the USA, Europe, Japan and distributed among neighboring countries. When these countries began to build seaports suitable for ships with deep draft, the importance of Singapore as a trade intermediary has decreased. To compensate for the losses, the country's government began to stimulate the development of its own industry, attracting foreign direct investment for this.

Since Singapore does not have natural resources, manufacturing industries are developing mainly, as well as the assembly of products from imported finished parts. Great importance acquire the chemical, oil refining, assembly electronic, radio and electrical industries, as well as shipbuilding. The tin-smelting industry and rubber processing have retained their importance on a regional scale.

In the 1980s, Singapore began to develop knowledge-intensive industries, specializing in advanced technologies not only in manufacturing ( upper floors mechanical engineering), but also in the field of intellectual services (information, financial, technological, medical).

Despite the presence of highly qualified and educated local personnel, there are relatively few national entrepreneurs in the country. Almost all investments and business initiatives come from abroad. Foreign investors are attracted by the presence of a highly skilled workforce, weak unions and political stability. The leading role in developing a development strategy and monitoring the implementation of indicative plans remains with the state.

Singapore has become big financial center and a source of technical and commercial information for neighboring countries. After the discovery of oil and natural gas on the shelf off the coast of the Malay Peninsula in Singapore housed the headquarters of energy companies.
Singapore is one of the world's largest ports (second place in the world in terms of cargo turnover).



Which is correct: Kaliningrad region - "enclave" or "exclave"?

Ankla/ V (enclave) (from French enclave, from late Latin inclavere - I lock it with a key; Latin clavis - key). In international law enclave- the territory or part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state. For example, the Republic of San Marino in Italy. If the enclave has a seashore, then it is called semi-enclave. was a semi-enclave East Prussia in the period 1919-1939. The Kaliningrad region is also a semi-enclave, since the territory of this region is surrounded on all sides by the territory of other states and the region has a seashore (port). In non-professional speech, the Kaliningrad region is called an enclave.

Exkla/ V (from lat. ex - outside, clavis - key) - a part of the territory of the state, geographically distant from the main one and surrounded by the territory of other countries.

To be terminologically accurate, the Kaliningrad region for Russians is exclave, and for other countries (and as an object of international law) - enclave. But in everyday life it is correct to call the Kaliningrad region an enclave.

See on the Internet: “Kaliningrad exclave; Kaliningrad exclave and the European mainland(RG); To whom is an enclave, and to whom is an exclave (the title of the article by A. Privalov in the Expert magazine 21.08.2001);

“How long will our esteemed press call us exclave ! This, of course, is not a mate, but children read you! Yes, there is no such word in Russian! Eat enclave ! Anyone who finds a word in any dictionary of the Russian language exclave - I'm putting down a restaurant! Journalists - keep the Russian language, and without you there is someone to distort it. Vasilich.

Vasilich, thanks for the restaurant, but you probably cut it in the heat of the moment, so I don’t insist. Both words " enclave " And " exclave "is in any good explanatory dictionary: exclave - a separate part of the territory, geographically isolated from the main part of its state and surrounded by foreign territory. Exclave lat. Ex - outside + Clavis - key Enclave - a part of the territory of a foreign state, surrounded by the territory of its own state. Enklave lat. En - inside + Clavis - key Accordingly, in relation to Russia, Kaliningrad - exactly exclave . And it was the journalists who finally helped politicians find our region correct definition. On the contrary, I was always jarred when the respected Yu.S. Matochkin called Kaliningrad an enclave of Russia in Europe

Don't argue guys! As a geographer, I note: the main difference enclave from exclave is that exclave - not just a territory surrounded from its own state by the territories of other states, but also having access to the sea! That is, our area is exclave .

I think Julia enclave (exclave ), which has access to the sea, is called semi-enclave (semi-exclave ).

Interesting that the word enclave first recorded in the Dictionary of Foreign Words, ed. I. V. Lekhina and F. N. Petrov (Moscow, 1964). TSB (T. 2) also has an article enclave, and in volume 30 - a reference article enclave and here are the articles exclave Not even in this vast encyclopedia.

First time word exclave recorded in the "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. S. A. Kuznetsova (St. Petersburg, 1998).


as an object of international law and in relation to other countries, the Kaliningrad region - enclave, or rather, semi-enclave. For the Russian side, the Kaliningrad region - exclave. In journalism, in everyday life correctly - an enclave.

Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. Yu. A. Belchikov, O. I. Razheva. 2015 .


See what "enclave" is in other dictionaries:

    ENCLAVE- [fr. enclave Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    enclave- a, m. enclave f. 1. In international law, the territory or part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of what l. another state and not having a seashore. ALS 2. He does not require the Austrian chancellor ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    Enclave- the territory or part of the territory of the state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of any other state. If an enclave has a seashore, it is called a semi-enclave. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    ENCLAVE- (enclave) (French enclave from Latin inclavo I lock it with a key), the territory or part of the territory of one state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state (for example, Lesotho). If an enclave has access to the sea, it is called a semi-enclave... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    Enclave- (enclave) (French enclave, from Latin inclavo I lock it with a key) the territory or part of the territory of one state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state (for example, Lesotho). If an enclave has access to the sea, it is called a semi-enclave ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    ENCLAVE- (French enclave, from Latin inclavo I lock it with a key) a part of the territory of one state, completely surrounded by the land territory of another or several states. The presence of A. entails certain international legal consequences related, for example... Law Dictionary

    ENCLAVE- (enclave) (French enclave), a part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state and not having access to the sea (sea coast). If there is a seashore, the territory is called a semi-enclave (for example, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    ENCLAVE- the territory or part of the territory of the country, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state; is also used to refer to a business that destroys a monopoly, Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary ... Economic dictionary

    Enclave- an enclave (French enclave, from late Latin inclavo I lock it with a key: lat. clavis key), in international law, a territory or part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of any other state (for example, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    ENCLAVE- ENCLAV, ah, husband. (specialist.). Part of the territory of the state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of other states and not having access to the sea. | adj. enclave, oh, oh. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word enclave

enclave in the crossword dictionary


Economic glossary of terms


the territory or part of the territory of a country surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. (special). Part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of other states and not having access to the sea.

adj. enclave, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. The territory or part of the territory of the state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of a smth. another state and not having a sea coast (in international law).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


ENCLAVE (enclave) (French enclave, from Latin inclavo - I lock it with a key) the territory or part of the territory of one state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of another state (for example, Lesotho). If an enclave has access to the sea, it is called a semi-enclave.

Big Law Dictionary


(fr. enclave, from lat. inclavo - I lock it with a key) - a part of the territory of one state, completely surrounded by the land territory of another or several states. The presence of A. entails certain international legal consequences associated, for example, with the right to travel to it through the territory of another country, as well as with other vital important issues. Such issues are resolved on the basis of an agreement between the interested states.


enclave (French enclave, from Late Latin inclavo ≈ I lock it with a key: lat. clavis ≈ key), in international law, the territory or part of the territory of a state, surrounded on all sides by the territory of some other state (for example, the Republic of San Marino on the territory Italy). If Azerbaijan has a seashore, it is called a semi-enclave (for example, East Prussia in the period 1919–39).



Enclave(from - "closed, closed"") - a part of the territory of the state, completely surrounded by the territory of another state. Parts of a state that are completely surrounded by another country are called complete enclaves. The concept of territory includes both land territory and territorial waters.

For states, the concept of "enclave" applies only if they are completely surrounded by another country and do not have access to the sea. In this case, the concept of "exclave" does not apply at all. There are three such states: the Vatican and San Marino inside Italy, Lesotho inside South Africa. A number of signs of statehood also has the Order of Malta, which owns an enclave within Italy.

Semi-enclave- a part of a state surrounded by the territory of another state on land, but having access to the sea. Enclaves of this type are also called coastal enclaves. Examples of semi-enclave states are Brunei, which is surrounded by Malaysia and the South China Sea, and Portugal, which is surrounded by Spain and Atlantic Ocean. A semi-enclave is also part of Fort St. Angelo in Malta, belonging to Order of Malta. In states whose main territory is outside the semi-enclave, the territory of the semi-enclave is called the semi-exclave. Such a semi-enclave may be surrounded by the sea and several other countries. In everyday speech, semi-enclaves and semi-exclaves may simply be called enclaves and exclaves.

Enclave (disambiguation)

  • Enclave part of the territory of a state completely surrounded by the territory of another state
  • "Enclave" is a Ukrainian-made portable jammer. In 2007 JSC HC "Ukrspetstekhnika" announced the development of the device, which was completed by the end of 2014
  • Buick Enclave - car
  • "The Enclave" ("De Enclave") - 2002 Dutch film
  • "Enclave" - computer game 2002 produced by Starbreeze Studios

Examples of the use of the word enclave in the literature.

Having found out, the Albanians from the surrounding villages began to converge to the borders enclave.

There are no classical signs of self-organization of the environment - but history has recorded the case of the creation of an artefacal biocybernetic enclave.

It was becoming abundantly clear that the Art League had sent him not to hunt down those who were poaching valuable slaves from the League-owned Pharaoh, but to lead the League to enclave genchey on Suuk.

The night they flew out enclave to Libreville, he was only thirty years old.

Mayor of the municipality enclave, 85 percent Serb, has an Albanian appointed.

Well, who could expect that in the field of our enclave an eyewitness could be found who was ready to cross Igor, so to speak, to remind him of the measure of sobriety that was weighed out to him in the pre-moire experience.

The diplomatic service, due to the strictest and toughest selection system that existed in it and its frank predilection for intellectual, conservative-minded young candidates from good families, was the only calm enclave in this raging element of petty elitism, in which a true gentleman could serve for the good of his country without compromising his conscience.

They are taught how to handle weapons and sent to Presevo, an Albanian enclave in Serbia, on the very border with Kosovo.

Apparently, the purpose of the landing is to deliver to this enclave ammunition and medicines.

A significant part of the paratroopers still managed to break into enclave delivering ammunition and medical supplies.

Muslims continue their offensive in central Bosnia and capture the Croatian enclave Varesh.

Then this artery was in some places just a country road, along which they broke through into the Serbian rear enclave and back caravans - convoys of trucks.

During the patrol, they escorted the Kforo convoy that was carrying the Serbs to the Serbian enclave Brezovitsa.

Rebelled Serbian enclave Strepche, located immediately beyond the Serbian Brezovica, which borders on us, too, by the way.

And if we sometimes give permission to Serbian-speaking Bosniaks to travel there, then Albanians have a way to enclave ordered.