Beijing cabbage, a favorite among vegetables that should be prepared for the winter. And today I will tell you how to prepare it correctly and how to pickle it correctly. the classic way and in Korean.

How to harvest Chinese cabbage for the winter

The vegetable itself is capable of being stored for a long time without loss of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, unlike such delicate ones. However, few people want to crack it just like that. And the best and most delicious option is pickling.

Before any type of pickling, it must be prepared. Cut off the stem of the stalk under the base, get rid of dirty, withered leaves. Rinse well.

Due to the fact that it does not differ in a dense head of cabbage, various insects can settle in it between the leaves. To get rid of them, just put the cabbage in a bowl with warm brackish water, 20 minutes. After rinse under cold water.

We need:

Beijing cabbage - 1 medium fork
Salt - a tablespoon
Sugar - 5 tablespoons without a slide
Vinegar 9% - 80-100 milliliters.
Chili pepper - 1 pod

From the prepared fork we cut off the green top, leave the white fleshy bases of the leaves, cut them into strips. Grind the chili pepper to a small cube.

Mix the cabbage with pepper in a deep bowl, salt and mix. We leave the cabbage in this form for an hour in the refrigerator.

Dissolve sugar in vinegar and put on fire, wait until it boils. Pour the resulting mixture into the cabbage, mix and put in a sterilized jar, lightly tamping. The juice that stands out from the cabbage while it was in the refrigerator is also poured into a jar.

We cover the jar with a lid and send it to bathe in boiling water for 15 minutes.
After sterilization, we close the lid hermetically, wait until the cabbage cools down under the covers and then send it to the refrigerator or to the cellar.

Easy marinating recipe

If you are not particularly at odds with all the facets of pickling, then I present to you a simplified, but no less delicious option pickled Beijing.


Beijing cabbage - 500 grams
Salt - 3 tablespoons
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Vinegar - 5 milliliters
Black peppercorns - 3 peas
Water - 0.5 liters

Cut the prepared vegetable into arbitrary strips. In this option, you do not need to cut off the green ends of the leaves.

We put water on the stove, pour in vinegar, add sugar and salt, bring to a boil.
At the bottom of the sterilized jar we put peppercorns, lay the cabbage. Pour boiling marinade over and close the lid.

We turn the jar upside down, in this position we leave to cool under a warm blanket.

Salty Beijing

Marinating-marinating .. How about pickling a vegetable? Now I will tell you how to do it correctly and most importantly, tasty.

You need to take:

Salt - 100 grams
Allspice - 5-6 peas
Bay leaf - 1 piece
Cloves - 3 pieces

The head of cabbage must be prepared, cut into thin strips. Sprinkle it with salt, add cloves, pepper and lavrushka. Mix well.

We send the cut to the jar, lightly tamping. From above we cover with a piece of linen cloth or, folded several times, with gauze and press it with a heavy load from above. We clean in a cold dark place, we wait at least a month until ready.

I will also give you advice. If you want to salt large quantity cabbage, then for each kilogram of it take 100-120 grams of salt.

kim chi

Not understandable word, hiding in itself the incredible taste of Beijing cabbage pickled, according to all Korean traditions.

Preparing kim chi is quite simple. For this dish we need:

Beijing cabbage - 1 kilogram
Chili pepper - 1 medium pod
Garlic - 8 large cloves
Salt - 3.5 tablespoons
Water - liter

We cut the prepared head of cabbage into four parts, put it in a container and pour boiling water with three tablespoons of salt. In this form, cabbage must stand for a day in a warm place.

Next, prepare a gruel of pepper, garlic and the remaining salt. Add a little water, mix and put in the refrigerator the same way, for a day.

After 24 hours, drain the brine from the cabbage into a separate container and thoroughly coat all the sheets with our mixture of garlic pepper and salt. After we put the cabbage in a jar or any other dish and press down with a press. We leave it in this form for a couple of days in the heat. After a while, add a little pre-drained brine, now without a press, put it in the refrigerator.

I highly doubt that kim chi will last long in your refrigerator. For if a person tries this yummy once, then you won’t drag him by the ears from it.

Chinese cabbage in Korean - an easy way

We need:

Beijing cabbage - 2 kilograms
Carrots - 500 grams
Garlic - 2 medium heads
Ground chili pepper - half a teaspoon
Bay leaf - 3 pieces
Sunflower oil - 200 milliliters
Water - 1 liter
Vinegar - a tablespoon
Salt - 3 tablespoons
Sugar - 200 grams

Many ingredients do not always mean difficulties in preparation.
Cut the prepared vegetable into strips, rub the carrots on a grater for Korean carrots. Mince the garlic. If you are not particularly friendly with a knife, then you can chop with an immersion blender. Mix and put in jars.

Dissolve salt, sugar, pepper in water, add vegetable oil and lavrushka. Bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar, mix and pour the resulting marinade into a jar of cabbage. We close the jars with lids and remove to cool, wrapped in something warm. Once it cools down, put it in the refrigerator. You can eat it immediately after cooling to four or six degrees.

How to freeze Beijing

It is possible and necessary, especially if you want to treat yourself to a salad in the winter without the participation of pickled vegetables.

Before freezing, the head of cabbage must be processed as I already explained at the beginning of the article. After the forks, we disassemble into separate leaves, put in piles of two or three leaves and pack them in bags. It is best to use dense plastic files - bags with a sealed zipper.

Once you have packed the cabbage, send it to the freezer.
Actually this is the whole process of freezing.

Winter storage

I will go over a few more points regarding the storage of our eastern guest.
You can store Beijing cabbage not only in salted-pickled or frozen form. It is also often dried. The result is something similar to dried sea ​​kale, which in the same way is enough to soak in warm water for the n-th time.

Dry it in the oven, on baking sheets, pre-cut into strips about a centimeter wide. The temperature in the oven should not exceed seventy degrees. And it is also desirable to open the oven door, otherwise the evaporated moisture will not be able to leave and the cabbage will simply boil.

When you decide to freeze cabbage, remember that it and all other vegetables are best frozen by the shock method. This will save them from through the dimensional expansion of ice crystals in the cells, and will not allow them to crack.

In fact, at the expense of Beijing cabbage, I told you everything I wanted to. I think this article will come in handy and you will pamper yourself with this delicacy all year round. Have a nice meal!

Beijing cabbage contains a lot useful elements and pleases with a delicate taste. We invite you to learn how to store and harvest this vegetable crop.

Harvesting Chinese cabbage

(Petsai) are harvested along with the roots at the moment when the rosette of leaves is already fully formed. If the "Peking" is used as a compactor, it is removed either as it matures, or when the plants begin to interfere with the care of the main crop (but not earlier than 25-40 days after planting).

For long-term storage, Beijing cabbage is harvested in the fall, always before the onset of frost (when exposed to sub-zero temperatures, the keeping quality of this vegetable crop worsens).

Harvesting is started in dry weather, when droplets completely dry on the leaves. morning dew(during storage, moisture leads to deterioration of the product).

"Beijing" well withstands transportation and without loss useful properties can be stored in a cool room for two to three months (for this, fully formed, intact, dry heads of Chinese cabbage are selected). To further extend the shelf life, Chinese cabbage is removed along with the roots and added dropwise to wet sand, lowered into the basement or cellar.

This type of cabbage needs high humidity. To prevent the heads from fading, they are stored in plastic bags after curing in a cool and well ventilated area. After filling, the bags are hermetically sealed and placed in boxes or on racks located in the basement. Optimum storage temperature: 0…2ºC, air humidity: 95-98%.

Please note: when stored in a cellar, close proximity to apples should be avoided (why these crops have a bad effect on each other is not exactly known, but this fact is confirmed by the experience of ancestors).

Beijing cabbage is stored in the refrigerator for about ten to fifteen days (to protect the leaves from drying out, the "Beijing" is packed in cellophane).

Frozen Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage can be frozen. To do this, it is disassembled into individual leaves, placed in bags, hermetically sealed (tied) and placed in the freezer.

Dried Chinese cabbage

Dried Beijing cabbage is used in the preparation of various dishes. The cabbage is washed, disassembled into leaves, chopped (the optimal strip width is 5 mm). Then a thin layer is laid out on sieves and dried in an oven with the door open ( optimum temperature- 65-70°С).

Pickled Chinese cabbage

Beijing cabbage - 1-2 heads
Bulgarian pepper - 5 pcs.
Hot pepper - ½ pod
Garlic - 1 head
Vinegar - 65-70 g
Salt - 1 tsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Water - 300 ml

Sweet and bitter peppers are cleaned and washed, and then crushed, sugar, salt, vinegar, water and chopped garlic are added. Peking cabbage is washed, cut into 4 parts and placed in a wide container. Pouring marinade, a little spread the leaves so that it soaks the head of cabbage. Cabbage is left in a container, a clean plate is placed on top and a load is placed. At room temperature, cabbage should stand for a couple of days. After the product loses in volume, it is transferred to a jar and sent to the refrigerator for 7-14 days. After that, pickled cabbage can be eaten.

Marinated Chinese cabbage with vegetables

Chinese cabbage - 2 kg
Carrots - 2 pcs.
Garlic - 1 head
Beets - 1 pc.
Water - 1 l
Sugar - 200 g
Salt - 2 tbsp.
Vegetable oil - 200 ml
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Black peppercorns - 2 pcs.
Hot pepper - a small piece
Table vinegar - 150 ml

Cabbage is washed, cut into wide squares (about 3x3). Peeled vegetables (beets, carrots) are cut into strips, crushed garlic. All vegetables are mixed in a wide bowl. The marinade is boiled separately, adding spices and hot peppers. After the liquid is removed from the fire, vinegar is poured into it. The marinade is poured over the vegetable mixture, placed on top of a plate and left for a day at room temperature. Then the product is transferred to a clean jar and put in the refrigerator.

Chinese cabbage salad

Chinese cabbage - 1 kg
Bulgarian pepper - 500 g
Apple cider vinegar - 100 ml
Onion - 500 g
Hot pepper - 1 pc.
Water - 1 l
Salt - 50 g
Sugar - 100 g

The marinade is brought to a boil, vinegar is added and boiled for another 15 minutes. Cabbage is cut into large pieces, onion - into rings, bell pepper - into strips. Vegetables are placed in jars, hot peppers are added, poured with boiling marinade and rolled up.

Most often, in order to be consumed fresh, although preparations with her participation delight with an excellent taste range. You can verify this by using the recipes above.

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Beijing type of cabbage has become popular relatively recently. The housewives appreciated the delicate taste, the great benefits of this vegetable and learned how to cook interesting dishes from it. Despite the fact that Chinese cabbage can be bought in winter, many tend to harvest it in warm time of the year.

Beijing cabbage: the easiest way to harvest

This herbaceous vegetable is considered richer in useful trace elements and vitamins than white cabbage, traditional for domestic gardeners. If you do not have the time and desire to do pickles, you can simply try to freeze Peking leaves. So you get a ready-made semi-finished product, from which side dishes, salads or soups come out - everything is the same as from fresh Beijing cabbage. Freezing process:

  • divide the head of cabbage into leaves;
  • dip them in boiling water for 1 minute, then immediately - in cold water;
  • put on a dry paper or kitchen towel;

  • wait until the water drains and the leaves dry;
  • fold them into a hermetically sealed (tied) bag or sudok;
  • place in the freezer.

Attention! For any type of preparation, only whole, healthy and fully ripened heads are suitable.

Vitamin Chinese cabbage salad

This recipe is considered a classic. Marinated cabbage salad is great as an addition to lunch dishes or can be an appetizer on its own. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg of cabbage;
  • 0.5 kg onion;
  • 0.5 kg bell pepper(not necessarily large, having a presentable appearance);
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • water - 1 l;
  • apple cider vinegar - 100 g;
  • sugar - 100 g, salt - half as much.


Attention! The indicated amount of ingredients is enough for two liter jars.

Another type of Beijing cabbage pickling is without blockage under the lid. The ingredients are almost the same, plus one head of garlic, but minus the onion. Yes, and the calculation is made for one head of cabbage. Recipe:

  • prepare the marinade: mix both varieties of peppers in crushed form with salt, sugar, freshly boiled water (250 ml), vinegar and finely chopped garlic;
  • cut the head of cabbage into 4 parts and place in a voluminous enameled container;
  • drain the marinade, pushing the leaves of cabbage quarters with a fork;
  • cover the cut with a piece of clean gauze;
  • place a plate on top, approximately equal in diameter to the pan;
  • press it all down with a load.

The container should stand in the room for 2 days. After that, the content will decrease in volume. At this point, you need to shift the cut into a clean jar and refrigerate. In this form, tender to taste, the workpiece is stored for about 2 weeks.

Kimchi: a recipe from Korea

This traditional Korean dish is easy to prepare. In fact, this is a kind of pickled vegetable, only with a spicy spicy sauce. You will need:

  • 1 kg of cabbage;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 3.5 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 8 large cloves;
  • chili pepper - 1 pod.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the head of cabbage into quarters. Place in a saucepan and pour salted boiling water (3 tablespoons per 1 liter). Cover with a lid and leave the container in the room for a day.
  2. Pepper and garlic should be crushed into a pulp. Mix both ingredients and add 0.5 tbsp. l. salt. Dilute the mixture with a little water.
  3. Both gruel and cabbage should be removed separately in the refrigerator and kept there for another day.
  4. Drain the brine into another container (you will still need it). Coat each cabbage leaf with spicy gruel.
  5. Put the cabbage in a container for brining. Fill with brine again, cover with gauze, a clean lid and press down with oppression. Store for two days at room temperature.
  6. The cabbage is ready. Transfer it to a more convenient dish, add a little brine and refrigerate.

Salted chinese cabbage

Like the white variety, this cabbage is an excellent salty snack with an appetizing flavor. It goes well with meat, fish, especially on a vitamin-poor winter table. Cabbage pickle is easy to prepare:

  1. Chop the sheets into pieces of the size you need. For example, for salting in a barrel or pan, cut coarsely, and for a 3-liter jar, it is better to chop into thin strips.
  2. Pack tightly into a suitable container. Sprinkle with salt. For 1 kg of green mass, there are 100 g.
  3. Place seasonings to taste in a container: allspice, bay leaf or cloves.
  4. Tamp the contents again. Cover with gauze. Press down with a load.

Advice. AT room conditions cabbage will cook for about 1 month. You can periodically taste the leaves, choosing the right degree of salting for yourself.

An important characteristic of this Asian-born vegetable is long term storage of all valuable properties. However, cabbage, bought or grown in the fall, still does not live up to the New Year, no matter how hard you try. In this case, it is appropriate to preserve it as part of delicious dishes. Snacks are easy to prepare and retain the nutrients needed for a winter vitamin deficiency.

How to salt Chinese cabbage: video

Attention! When choosing Chinese cabbage, inspect the leaves, they should not be too green or white, try to find golden mean. When salting cabbage, do not use sluggish leaves for cooking.

Before salting, the forks are placed in salty cold water, this will make the leaves crispy, and also destroy various insects that may be between the layers of the leaves. Then the rough stalk is cut off. Finally, the vegetable is washed well under running water.

Step by step cooking instructions

spicy variant

1 recipe


  • 1 head of Beijing cabbage;
  • 2 pieces of red hot pepper;
  • 1 piece of red bell pepper;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp ground coriander;
  • a little red ground pepper;
  • 1 tsp salt.

The salting sequence is as follows:

  1. The head of cabbage is cut into 4 parts, if the vegetable is small, then you can cut it into 2 parts.
  2. Now the brine is being prepared, salt is mixed - 80 g, water - 1 liter. Water is preheated and salt is added there. After the brine cools, cabbage is poured over them. After that, oppression is set on top of the cabbage, for example, a large jar of water, and all this is left for a couple of days.

    It is worth remembering that the cabbage must be completely in brine.

  3. After 2 days, you need to get the cabbage, squeeze lightly and cut the quarters into ribbons.
  4. Garlic cloves and peppers (hot and Bulgarian) are crushed together. Coriander is also added there.
  5. Now all this mass is mixed with chopped cabbage.
  6. After that, oppression is again established, the cabbage is placed in warm place for 2-3 days for fermentation.
  7. Stir cabbage 1-2 times a day.
  8. On the third day, cabbage can be transferred to jars, closed with airtight lids and sent to the refrigerator.

2 recipe

The number of products may be the same.

  1. Wet cabbage leaves are rubbed liberally with salt.
  2. After that, everything is placed in a wooden barrel or an enamel pan.
  3. The brine is also prepared: in warm water(1 liter) dissolves 50 g of salt. The liquid is brought to a boil and cooled.
  4. The vegetable is poured with brine and, if the leaves float, a plate is placed on top.
  5. 2 days all this is in a warm place.
  6. The second stage of salting is to prepare a spicy mixture.
    • To do this, based on the calculation for 2 kg of cabbage, a head of garlic and 1 chili pepper are taken.
    • Grind these ingredients together.
    • As spices, you can add chopped ginger and ground pepper to the mixture. A tablespoon of vegetable oil is also added there.
  7. After the cabbage is washed in running water.
  8. Coarsely chop the cabbage or tear it into small pieces with your hands.
  9. Now the spicy mixture and Chinese cabbage are mixed and placed in a glass or plastic container.
  10. Close it well with a lid and keep the cabbage warm for another day. Ready meal put in the cold, where it is stored for a long time.

Video recipe for salting spicy Beijing cabbage:

For the winter

For the winter, cabbage is pickled as follows.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • Medium fork of cabbage.
  • 1 tbsp salt.
  • 5 st. l. Sahara.
  • 80-100 ml. 9% vinegar.
  • 1 chili.


  1. Cabbage is cut into strips, chili peppers into small cubes.
  2. Mix cabbage, pepper and salt in a deep bowl.
  3. While the bowl is chilling in the refrigerator, prepare the brine. Mix vinegar with sugar and put on gas until boiling. After that, the liquid is poured into the prepared cabbage, everything is well mixed and laid out in a pre-pasteurized jar.
  4. Then the mixture should be lightly tamped. The juice separated from the cabbage is poured into the same jar.
  5. After covering the jar with a lid, it is dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  6. After that, the container is twisted with an airtight lid and sent under the covers.

When the workpiece has cooled, it can be removed to the cellar or other place to store marinades.

With vegetables

  1. In this recipe, carrots (500 g) are additionally added. It is rubbed on a grater for Korean carrots.
  2. Mix carrots with finely chopped garlic (2 heads) and cabbage cut into small pieces (2 kg).
  3. The brine is prepared on the basis of water (1 l), vinegar (1 tbsp), salt (3 tbsp), vegetable oil (200 ml), sugar (200 g), pepper (1/2 tsp. ) and bay leaf (3 pcs.). This whole mixture is brought to a boil.
  4. Further twisting is carried out in the usual way.

with spices

  • 1 kg of cabbage;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • salt (40 g);
  • 300 g of bell pepper;
  • 4 chili peppers;
  • garlic (1 clove);
  • 10 ml soy sauce;
  • a little coriander;
  • some ginger;
  • some salt;
  • a pinch of black pepper.

Cabbage is prepared according to the established scheme, only all the above spices are added to the garlic-pepper mass.

With vinegar

Salting with vinegar is done for the winter:

  1. Pour 1.2 liters of water into the pan, 1 tbsp is added there. salt and 100 g sugar.
  2. After boiling, 0.1 l of apple cider vinegar is added to the water. After 15 minutes, the brine is removed from the heat.
  3. The cabbage is cut into large pieces.
  4. Half a kilo of Bulgarian red pepper should be cut into strips.
  5. A pound of onion is cut into rings.
  6. 1 hot peppers crushed with a knife.
  7. Now you can mix everything well and put it in banks.
  8. Hot brine is poured from top to the brim.
  9. Banks are rolled up and left for storage in a separate place.

with pear

Pears must be selected hard varieties, green. So they do not soften and do not fall apart in brine. You should prepare the following products:

  • Chinese cabbage head.
  • 2 small pears.
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • 5 green onions.
  • Ginger root - 2.5-3 cm.
  • A little crushed red pepper.
  • 4 tbsp coarse salt.
  • 200 ml of water.

Then you can start salting:

  1. Vegetables are chopped, but not too finely.
  2. Pears are peeled and cut into thin pieces.
  3. Now pears and vegetables are all rubbed with salt.
  4. After that, water is poured from above and everything is left for one night.
  5. Then the water is drained, and finely chopped ginger, garlic and green onions are added to the vegetables.
  6. After that, the brine is prepared according to the standard scheme and hot is poured into the cabbage. Leave the container warm for 3 days.
  7. After three days, you can roll up the jars and put them in a cold or cool place.

How to save?

To prevent Chinese cabbage from spoiling during long-term storage, keep the jars in a cool place. It can be a refrigerator or a cellar.

What can be used with?

Salted Chinese cabbage can be served as a salad with dishes, for this they fill it vegetable oil and chopped onion rings.

Some housewives add salted cabbage to soups, they turn out to be a little spicy. good beijing salted cabbage With boiled rice, so it is customary for the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans to eat.


This vegetable is combined with many additives - vegetables, fruits, spices. If you add a little imagination and knowledge, you get an incomparable and original dish, which in its own way palatability will not yield to the standard recipe with Chinese cabbage.