Many tourists prefer to relax in Tunisia, because the flight is not very long in time and there is no need to issue visa documents. Upon arrival in this city, a person expects an atmosphere of oriental exoticism, urban beautiful landscapes and warm sandy beaches. As a rule, travelers, choosing Tunisia for vacation, often wonder when is the best time to relax in Tunisia.

What is the best time of the year to visit Tunisia?

In the spring, or rather in April, opens beach season. Gradually, the coast is filled with tourists arriving in Tunisia. Swimming, however, is still too early, but you can already sunbathe. In May sea ​​water warms up to +20 degrees and becomes comfortable for swimming. At the end of June, the beaches are dotted with a crowd of vacationers arriving from all over the world. Basically, the French prefer to spend their holidays in Tunisia, as the former possessions of the metropolis are located here. In the second and third place are the British and Germans, and the fourth honorary place is occupied by the Russians.

Peak seasons are in July and August. The real heat begins, and they rest either in hotels or where it is cool. Families with children are advised to choose the least hot season. Autumn, and especially November in Tunisia, is not in demand among regular visitors.

Monthly weather and water temperature in Tunisia

The temperature of the Mediterranean Sea in June reaches +25, and remains almost until the end of October. Still, it is better to rest in Tunisia, when you have studied the whole dynamics of warming or cooling. The following describes the weather chart by month and:

Popular resorts in Tunisia

For young people, the most suitable place is Sousse. And lovers of dancing can visit various clubs: Vanilla Lounge, Bora Bora, Living Samara, Bonaparte and Maracana. In the latter, you can dance until dawn, but most local nightclubs are open until 4 am. Also, tourists can learn a new direction in dancing - salsa, the lessons of which are taught at the Bananas Club.

If a traveler needs excitement or spectacular performances, then they should definitely visit Palais Berbere (during the meal, magicians, jugglers and acrobats entertain visitors and locals) and Caraibe (casino, admission is strictly from 21 years old).

For couples with children it is better to relax in Tunisia when there is no too strong scorching sun. That is, in spring or autumn. All the beaches of the city boast fine sand and gentle entry into the sea. Many hotels have swimming pools, animators, high chairs for kids in restaurants, a special children's menu and babysitting services.


The monetary unit in Tunisia is the dinar. If the traveler needs to change foreign currency, then here is central bank cities. There you can easily convert money at the established rate.

Reception points are available: at airports, hotels and tourist centers. However, the exchange of local banknotes for foreign currency is prohibited. Almost all payment methods and cards are accepted.


Tunisian cuisine is closer to the European standard than Arabic. Everyone's favorite local spicy seasoning- harissa - is served on the table in a specially separate bowl with olive oil. Its taste is somewhat reminiscent of Caucasian adjika. Pieces of cut loaf and pita bread are dipped into it.

From meat, residents prefer beef or lamb, but sometimes they serve camel meat. The well-known and tasty “kebab” is prepared from minced meat. Surprisingly, even though fish and all seafood are expensive, they are favorites in various dishes, in comparison with meat. There is a traditional local dish - "couscous". Is it corn or semolina, steamed with lamb, chicken or fish, with the addition of various vegetables.

Shops and souvenir shops

The normal working hours are from 08:00-12:00 and from 16:00-20:00. Goods in Tunisia good quality and are sold at more affordable prices than in Russia or Europe. Huge demand for clothing worldwide famous brands, woolen carpets, shoes, leather goods and jeans.

In local souvenir shops, tourists are offered a choice of all kinds of handicrafts, alcohol or delicious food: a crystalline formation in the shape of a rose, it is called the “sand rose”, a popular date liqueur, pottery and woven products, spiced olive oil and much more.

Here you can find information about the weather in Tunisia by months: average air and water temperatures, average monthly rainfall.

The Russians' favorite resort in North Africa is, of course, Tunisia. Thanks to the special geographic location countries weather in tunisia will give hot winds blowing from the Sahara and at the same time the coolness of the sea breeze. It's all so contradictory.

hot season in Tunisia begins from mid-May to October. The peak daily air temperature will be in July-August. During this period, the sun is really hot. +32 °C - this is what awaits tourists who decide to relax in Tunisia in the summer. Closer to October, the weather in Tunisia will slow down a little, the air will cool down to +25 ° C. Night temperatures in summer will be around +20 °C. The water keeps the temperature around +26 °C on average.

in winter weather in tunisia can not be compared with the Russian one, but nevertheless, it will not work to soak up the beach. The air is warmed up to only +15 ° C, not enough. And the water is even colder, +6.

spring weather in tunisia warm, but not yet warm enough. Only towards the end of spring does the season open. The average daily spring air temperature is +20 °C.

In terms of climate, all Tunisia is categorized as " warm countries" . The climate of Tunisia, as well as the climate of other countries in North Africa, is influenced by the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara desert.

Average summer temperatures here range from +22 to +32 degrees., and average winter temperatures - from +5 to +12 degrees. The difference between the average temperatures of the hottest and coldest months does not exceed 15-20 degrees.

Climate in Tunisia predominantly subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and relatively cool, wet winters. The northern part of the country is dominated by dry subtropical climate Mediterranean type, in the south - hot climate tropical deserts and semi-deserts. Immediate impact seas on the climate most significantly in the northern part of the country. North winds, meeting mountains on their way, bring moisture here in the autumn-winter time, which falls in the form of rain. The influence of the sea also affects the Sahel - the coastal strip in the east of Tunisia, where cool winds somewhat weaken the summer heat.

When hot southern winds blowing from the sultry Sahara break into Tunisia, dryness and heat prevail throughout the country up to the northernmost coastal regions. The most difficult to tolerate is the withering south wind of the sirocco, which blows every year for many days in a row. When the sirocco comes, in areas where the mean maximum temperatures are + 30-40 degrees, temperatures up to +53 degrees and even higher are observed. During such periods, grain crops often die, grapes wither, fruits of fruit trees dry up.

Tourist season in Tunisia begins at the end of April and ends at the beginning of November. This is related to both water temperature and air temperature. At the end of April, the air warms up in the resort area to 23-25 ​​degrees.

At the height of summer (July-August) it is quite hot in the resort area (35 and above).

Monthly average temperatures in Tunisia

Month Air temperature (day) Water temperature (sea)
Tunisia in January +15 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in February +18 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in March +20 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in April +23 °С +16 °С
Tunisia in May +25 °С +16 °С
Tunisia in June +27 °С +20 °С
Tunisia in July +31 °С +23 °С
Tunisia in August +35 °С +28 °С
Tunisia in September +31 °С +26 °С
Tunisia in October +29 °С +26 °С
Tunisia in November +26 °С +24 °С
Tunisia in December +23 °С +18 °С

Let's talk about the seasons for holidays in Tunisia and analyze the weather by months. Read to avoid roasting in the sun and meeting jellyfish.

Tunisia - although a piece of Africa, yet the sultry heat reigns here only in summer time and is carried relatively easily due to the sea breeze.

Summers in Tunisia are hot and dry, winters are mild and rainy, spring pleases with an abundance of greenery and flowers, and autumn pampers with a pleasant velvet season. The difference in temperature across regions is insignificant, but in the north it is always 2-4 degrees cooler than in the south. There is practically no rain in summer, and in the cold season they are short-lived. But the Tunisian rains have an unpleasant salient feature- they are accompanied by a strong cold wind, so at this time it is better to refrain from walking.

Tour operators open charter flights to Tunisia from the middle and, however, it should not be assumed that this framework is limited auspicious time for relax. In Tunisia all year round there is something to do, regardless of the season: in summer - swimming and sunbathing on white sandy beaches, in spring and autumn - interesting excursions around the cities and across the Sahara, in winter - thalassotherapy. Another thing is that after the closure of charter flights, many hotels are closed, and there are fewer offers, but prices are reduced.

Comfortable season in Tunisia


Tunisia in April is very beautiful: beautiful flowers bloom everywhere, the sun scatters gentle rays from a piercing blue sky. It's time for sightseeing holiday and familiarity with the country. The air has already warmed up to a comfortable 25 degrees, but the sea is still quite cool - about 16 degrees. Not everyone dares to swim. But under the April sun you can get an even chocolate tan. In addition, hotels at this time offer discounts on accommodation.



The beginning of summer in Tunisia marks the peak of the tourist season. All resorts are crowded with vacationers different nationalities. In the water temperature in the sea reaches a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius, and the daytime air temperature freezes at around +30. Occasionally, the sirocco wind brings with it the heat of the desert. But keep in mind that in the evenings in Tunisia it gets cool even in summer - the thermometer shows about +20 degrees, so you may need a pullover or a light jacket.


From the very first days, the number of European tourists in Tunisian resorts has been sharply reduced. The fact is that they consider July and August to be too hot for a holiday. Indeed, during the day the air heats up to +34 in Hammamet and up to +30 in Sousse. A light breeze relieves the situation a little, and yet it’s hard to go on excursions in such inferno.


The second month of hot heat and warm, like fresh milk,. Not everyone is able to normally tolerate +35 during the day, and in water heated to 25 degrees, you will not be too refreshed. However, August can bring tourists another unwanted surprise: from year to year it brings jellyfish from Morocco and Algeria to the shores of Tunisia. The warmer the water temperature, the more jellyfish breed. It is impossible to predict in advance whether you will be lucky with swimming in August, or whether you will only have to admire the sea, content with the pool at the hotel.

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  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - see the order of prices in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance.
  • AirBnb - rent an apartment from locals.


The air temperature in Tunisia remains at a high mark of +32 degrees, but the sun bakes much less, and you can safely acquire a bronze tan. The water in the sea still holds +25 degrees. This is a great month for beach holiday especially with young children. In addition, you can go on excursions and surf.


Coming " the Velvet season» with an air temperature of +28+30 degrees and gentle sun. Excellent season for holidays in Tunisia. It is still comfortable to swim in the sea, only by the end of October the water temperature drops to 21 degrees. There are many European tourists in the resorts, and the Tunisians themselves most of all like to relax in this month, when the sun does not leave burns, and in the evenings a pleasant coolness comes - about +21 degrees. In addition, in October you can enjoy delicious new harvest sugar dates.

Rainy season in Tunisia


The approach of winter is already felt: it rains more and more often, the air becomes humid, strong winds blow. Only those who like the cool African autumn with a daily temperature of +21 come to rest in Tunisian resorts at this time. You can no longer swim in the sea - the water temperature is +18 degrees. And instead of a calm blue surface, the November sea turns into a noisy and seething, inhospitable water mass. It remains only to observe the riot of nature from afar.


The Tunisian winter is fundamentally different from the Russian one. Although it is too cold to swim in (the water temperature is +15), greenery is visible everywhere, and flowers bloom in some places. The weather is changeable: now it is raining, now the friendly sun is peeking out. You can come to Tunisia in December to take a course of thalassotherapy and breathe in the sea air while walking. However, it should be borne in mind that by the evening the air temperature drops from +16 to +8 degrees, and it becomes very chilly.


Air and water temperatures remain at the level of December, but there is less rain. In general, the increased humidity of the air and the changeability of the weather persist. On some days you can even sunbathe, hiding from the cold winds in a secluded bay. In addition, in January in Tunisia you can admire the flowering of almonds and refuel with vitamins, as citrus fruits are harvested at this time.


There is an active opposition between winter and spring. The weather is unpredictable, such is the season, gusty winds are frequent, which make you wrap yourself in warm clothes more tightly. The sky is mostly covered with clouds, but it rains less and less: in the east of the country there are 6-7 rainy days per month, in Djerba - within 4x. Daytime temperature is about +16, on Djerba it rises to +18.


With the first month of spring, winter in Tunisia is losing ground. The sun is increasingly peeking out from behind the clouds, the temperature rises to an average of + 18 + 20 during the day, however, penetrating winds from the sea can prevent sunbathing on the coast. By evening the temperature drops to February +9+10. There may be occasional showers, but in general the weather is more pleasant and stable than during the winter months.

Real prices

In a restaurant In a shop Drinks

/ Climate of Tunisia

Climate of Tunisia

The climate of Tunisia is subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and relatively cool, wet winters. The difference between the average temperatures of the hottest and coldest months does not exceed 15 - 20°C.

A relatively small area of ​​the state is dominated by several climatic zones, due to the fact that the country is practically “sandwiched” between mediterranean sea and the Sahara Desert. The direct influence of the sea on the climate is most significant in the northern part of the country. summer heat on the coast is not too noticeable, as it is softened by the sea breeze. The influence of the sea also affects the Sahel - the coastal strip in the east of Tunisia, where cool winds somewhat weaken the summer heat.

In the summer, hot southerly winds blowing from the sultry Sahara break into Tunisia, and dryness and heat prevail throughout the country up to the northernmost coastal regions. The most difficult to endure is the withering south wind "sirocco", which blows every year for many days in a row. During the "sirocco" there are temperature rises up to +53°C (!!!) and even higher. During such periods, crops often die and trees dry up.

Winter in Tunisia

The winter period in Tunisia begins with the onset of December. Tunisian winter - very warm by Russian standards, but not for hot African residents- they are dressed in down jackets and hats in winter, and they cover the faces of their children with scarves. The average daily air temperature in December in Tunisia is +17°C, the nights are surprisingly cold - up to +8°C. In the early morning, the thermometer can sometimes be seen at 0 ° C!

Winter weather in Tunisia is very changeable - sometimes an icy downpour, sometimes a pleasantly warming sun. About such winter phenomenon one cannot even dream of snow here, although in December there is an increased probability of precipitation, rains, although frequent, do not drag on for a long time. In winter, the greenery of the subtropics does not fade, olives ripen and even some cheerful flowers bloom. Bathing, of course, is a big question, as the water temperature drops to +16°C in December.

It is quite cold in Tunisia in January, by local standards. On the east coast of the country Sousse , Hammamet, Monastir) average temperature air does not rise above + 16 ° C during the day, and approximately + 8 ° C at night. It is a little colder in the north of the country: in the capital of the state and some other cities (Tabarka, Bizerte) during the day the air warms up to +15°С, and at night it drops to +7°С. The sea is often calm and deceptively attractive for swimming. The water temperature in the sea is about + 14 ° С - you can swim only in special heated pools.

In January, heavy rainfall often falls. The likelihood that it could rain at any moment is quite high. Humidity this month is also quite high - 77%. January in Tunisia is the kingdom of citrus fruits, apples and pears. Wildflowers come to life, and in general, a kind of inspired expectation reigns around, almonds bloom.

February in Tunisia is perhaps the most stormy, rebellious and unpredictable month of the year. This is a transitional month - the time of the struggle of two opponents - winter and spring. The time of seething gray waves on the sea and gusty wind in the background cloudless sky. There is plenty of precipitation in February, but there are more and more sunny days. In the northern regions of Tunisia at this time of the year there are heavy showers. On the east coast of the country, the climate is milder: in Sousse, Monastir and Hammamet, the amount of precipitation is lower than in other territories. Jebra Island is the driest place and receives the least rainfall. Given the intensity of precipitation, air humidity is very high - 76%.

The average daily air temperature in February in the capital of Tunisia and in the northern regions does not rise above + 17 ° C, at night the temperature can drop to + 10 ° C. Similar weather are observed in the east of the country, the only exception is the island of Jebra, where the air warms up to + 18 ° C during the day. The weather in Tunisia in February does not allow you to practice sea ​​bathing- although in rare days the sea is calm, the water temperature discourages even the desire to “wet your feet” - the sea in February cools down to + 14 ° C. Also, not best time and for sunbathing on the beach - here you will simply be blown away by gusty winds.

Spring in Tunisia

The spring period begins in Tunisia in March. At the beginning of the month, the influence of winter is still felt, however, in general, the weather becomes warmer. And if at the beginning of the month the average daily air temperature in Tunisia hardly reaches + 18 ° С, then towards the end of March, at noon, the thermometer can reach + 25 ° С. Such weather is typical for such cities as Tunisia , Sousse, Monastir, Hammamet. It will be very warm on the island of Djerba. In the northern regions of Tunisia (in Bizerte, Tabarka), after sunset, the thermometer drops to + 11 ° С.

In March, strong penetrating winds continue to blow throughout the country. Lying on the beach is still very, very chilly, but it is quite possible to expose individual parts of the body to the sun and get a good tan. At this time, only walruses and divers can be found in the sea, the water temperature in the sea in March is no more than +15°C.

April - mid-spring - the best time for sightseeing holidays in Tunisia. The average daily air temperature in April in Hammamet, Sousse, Monastir is about + 20 ° C, on the island of Jebra the temperature is even higher - up to + 22 ° C. Warmer nights on the east coast of the country - up to + 15 ° C, in the capital a little cooler - + 12 ° C. The air in April has already warmed up enough and you can meet sunbathing holidaymakers on the beach, but the sea remains cold, you can’t swim yet - the water temperature is only + 16 ° C. In April, delicious Tunisian strawberries ripen, as well as many pears, apples and oranges.

The weather in April is sometimes capricious, and instead of the bright spring sun, gray clouds fly into the sky. Most often, it rains in April in the northern regions of the country - the island of Djerba has the least rainfall. Sometimes another misfortune comes in April - at this time you can encounter hot "chili" winds that blow from the deserts of North Africa. Such winds often cause severe dust storms, which create constant discomfort for both the local population and visitors. At such moments, it is best not to leave the premises, and before going outside, you need to protect your head and face with a handkerchief, and your eyes with special glasses, because sand and dust move at high speed.

May is the last spring month in Tunisia, and the first month, conducive to a beach holiday in the country, is, so to speak, the beginning of the season. The temperature throughout the country warms up to very high levels. On the island of Jebra, the air warms up to + 26 ° C during the day, at night the temperature does not fall below + 16 ° C. In Tabarka and Tunisia, the thermometers show +24°C during the day, and after sunset the temperature drops to +13°C. Similar weather conditions are observed in Sousse, Monastir and Hammamet.

A characteristic feature of a holiday in Tunisia in May are often quite strong winds. Also, the temperature of the water cannot indulge in its warmth - in May it reaches only + 18 ° C, therefore, only the most courageous daredevils climb into the water. At the end of spring, precipitation is a rather rare occurrence: light rains fall only in certain regions of the country.

Summer in Tunisia

Summer period - high season for holidays in Tunisia. It is during this period that the weather conditions are the most comfortable - the air and water temperature rises significantly, subsides in the second half of June strong wind and the sea ceases to storm. On the eastern coast of the country, the air temperature during the daytime reaches +28°C, at night it becomes a little cooler - up to +19°C. On the island of Djerba, the air temperature is traditionally higher and is + 29 ° С. The water in the Mediterranean Sea has already warmed up considerably in order to swim - its temperature in June is +21°C. In the south of the country, in June, there is practically no precipitation, in other regions of Tunisia (in particular, in the capital), the number of rainy days is significantly reduced.

July is the peak of summer, and a very high season for a beach holiday in Tunisia. It is understandable why: in the eastern resorts of the country, such as Monastir, Sousse, Hammamet and Mahdia, dry and hot weather- the air temperature at this time rises to + 35 ° С. Despite such high air temperatures, it is quite comfortable to relax here, since a fresh sea breeze often blows here. At night it gets a little colder - the thermometer shows + 20 ° С. July nights are velvety-warm, quiet, filled with the aromas of the sea and flowering plants.

Actually southern resort country - the island of Jebra, during the day the air heats up to + 36 ° C, the night temperature here is also higher - up to + 22 ° C. In the northern part of the country (Bizerte, Tabarka, Tunisia), the temperature during the day reaches +33°С, and at night it drops to +20°С. The weather is conducive to swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, especially since the water warms up to + 25 ° C by this time.

August is the most hot month in a year. The peak of the tourist season, the most comfortable and most expensive month. In August, the heat is at an extremely high maximum. For example, sometimes the air in desert areas warms up to +50°C (!!!), of course, in coastal areas the temperature does not reach such critical levels. On seaside resorts, the average daily temperature in August is +35°C, after sunset the temperature drops to +25°C. During the day it is dangerous to be on the street without a hat - you can get sunstroke.

Gorgeous in August and water procedures- the water in the sea becomes very warm - up to + 26 ° С, so nothing can prevent vacationers from being in the sea for a long time. The only thing that can overshadow the rest of tourists - a large number of jellyfish, which are traditionally collected in August off the coast of Tunisia. Just at the end of summer Marine life begin to be active. The largest number jellyfish accumulate off the coast of Monastir and Sousse, in the vicinity of Hammamet there are much fewer of them. As a rule, these jellyfish are hardly visible in the water, they are practically transparent and very small. Jellyfish burns do not pose a threat to human life, but they are very painful and can cause allergic reactions. Be sure to consider these circumstances, especially if you are planning a trip with young children.

Autumn in Tunisia

September is the velvet season in Tunisia. In the first half of the month, throughout the territory of Tunisia, it is preserved in summer warm weather, after the 15th, the air temperature at night drops significantly, and the number of rainy days increases. The air in the capital of Tunisia in September remains very warm during the day - up to + 30 ° С, at night the temperature drops to + 19 ° С. The main resorts maintain ideal weather conditions for a beach holiday. The air in Monastir, Hammamet, Sousse, Mahdia and on the island of Djerba warms up to + 32 ° C during the day, and at night there is a drop in temperature to + 22 ° C.

Quite often, gusts of wind increase in the coastal regions of the country, and strong waves appear on the sea. Storms at sea in September are not excluded, when the water temperature drops by several degrees. In the second half of the month, ridges of clouds appearing more and more often in the sky remind us that autumn is just around the corner. This month is good to go on excursions, for example, to the Roman ruins or to the Sahara.

October is the time of weather change in Tunisia. Warm and sunny days change from rainy to cloudy. The air temperature in October is still quite comfortable for recreation and, even in the northern regions, remains quite high - up to + 25 ° С. At night it becomes much cooler, the thermometer drops to +16°C. In the resort areas (Monastir, Sousse, Hammamet, Mahdia, Djerba) it is even warmer - up to + 26 ° C during the day, and at night the air cools down to + 18 ° C.

The sea has not yet had time to cool down much - the water temperature is + 21 ° C, however, sea water may seem cool in the mornings, especially in the second half of October. But, for those who want to swim, a strong wind from the sea, which constantly blows on the coast, can interfere. Thanks to him, a complete calm on the sea can very quickly develop into a strong storm. The mass tourist season ends in October.

In November, the approach of winter is clearly felt - there is a decrease in the temperature of water and air, gusts of wind increase significantly, no one is surprised by strong and frequent rains. At the seaside resorts of the country - in Sousse, Hammamet, Mahdia and on the island of Djerba, enough heat, during the day it is about + 21 ° С. This serenity is broken only by strong gusts of wind that will dominate here until spring. The sun appears in the sky not so often anymore, it is absolutely not hot in the open air.

The water temperature in the sea drops to +18°C, it will not be comfortable to spend time on the shore or swim. Rains irrigate the African land more and more often, to this is added a strong wind with sand, chilly nights and high humidity.

Precipitation in Tunisia is unevenly distributed. East Coast The country (from the Gulf of Hammamet to the south) receives less rain than the north, and in the south, as it approaches the Sahara Desert (from the Gulf of Gabes to the border with Libya), it becomes less and less rainy. Precipitation per year varies from 100 mm in the south to 1,500 mm in mountainous areas, in some desert areas it does not rain for many years in a row. The wettest month is October, the driest months are July and August.

When to go to Tunisia The tourist season in Tunisia starts in May and ends at the end of October. During this period, the temperature of water and air is the most optimal for a beach holiday. The "highest" and most expensive months for a holiday in Tunisia are July and August. At this time, the country is very hot, and the water temperature in the sea reaches its maximum. In September, the heat gradually subsides, the number of tourists decreases, and hotel prices go down. October is a month for everyone, and although the temperature of the water in the sea still allows you to swim, it can be pretty bad with the weather.

But, many tourists have a rest in Tunisia all year round. The period from November to the end of April is cool and does not allow sunbathing and swimming. At this time, connoisseurs of thalassotherapy come to the country - thalassotherapy is erected by Tunisians into a real cult and is famous in this country all over the world. A great way to improve your health and get a little closer to the ideal of beauty. At this time, the prices for accommodation in the best five-star hotels are minimal, and there are much fewer vacationers than in summer.

March and April are best months For excursion tours and visiting the Sahara. At this time, it is sunny and not hot here, in addition to a small number of tourists, the rest will turn out to be very comfortable.

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