A few decades ago, many perceived pumpkin as a gourd, from which you can make delicious cereals, pies, it was used to feed livestock. Research recent years showed that a pot-bellied vegetable is a storehouse of useful substances, eating it brings great benefits.

But can everyone eat pumpkin dishes? Is its use allowed for one-year-old babies, women during pregnancy and people with health problems? Can those who go through the difficult path of losing weight include pumpkin in their diet?

The benefits and harms of pumpkin

Scientists have found that pumpkin contains a large number of potassium, which strengthens cardiovascular system. It turns out that it is not carrots that hold the record for the content of beta-carotene, but pumpkin, which contains 5 times more of this substance. As you know, carotene is converted into vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process.

For 100 grams of autumn vegetables, there is 1 gram of protein. This figure is even higher than in quail eggs. Thanks to the positive effect of pumpkin on the gastrointestinal tract, toxins, toxins and dangerous cholesterol are removed from the body, and constipation is eliminated. It is also recommended for atherosclerosis, gallstone disease, and diabetes.

Zinc contained in the seeds of the vegetable has a positive effect on the condition of the nail plate, hair, helps reduce acne, is a natural remedy for worms. Pumpkin contains rare vitamin T, as well as C, E, PP and B vitamins. We must not forget and about such elements as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. The antibacterial and analgesic properties of the "pharmacy vegetable" have been proven.

There are several other interesting and useful qualities of pumpkin. It normalizes the process of metabolism and assimilation of food. Vitamin T (carnitine) is involved in the breakdown of fats. As a result, not only weight is reduced, but the body receives energy for normal functioning.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications for eating pumpkin. First of all, it is a severe form of diabetes. The remaining prohibitions concern raw pumpkin juice. Doctors do not advise drinking it for those who suffer from ulcers. duodenum and stomach, as well as gastritis with low acidity. Under the ban pumpkin and diarrhea.

Pumpkin soup recipe for weight loss

The calorie content of an orange vegetable is low - only 22 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, and it contains few carbohydrates. Therefore, pumpkin is included in diets that are used for weight loss - for example, "Dietyshi" in Belonika. We are offering to you step by step recipe one of the options is very delicious soup with chicken, which also helps to lose weight.

Advice: instead of breast, you can take meat with chicken leg or thighs - it is more delicate in taste.


Servings: - + 9

  • chicken fillet 200 g
  • pumpkin ½ kg
  • bulb onions 80 g
  • carrot 250 g
  • ginger 50 g
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • turmeric 2 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper taste

per serving

Calories: 84 kcal

Proteins: 7.6 g

Fats: 0.7 g

Carbohydrates: 11.9 g

40 min. Video recipe Print

    We will cook the soup without oil, so some products need to be baked. This is a healthier way of cooking. In addition, baked vegetables are much tastier than boiled ones. So, cover the baking dish with parchment, put on it one medium onion, peeled.

    Put the sliced ​​pumpkin next to it. The thickness of the pieces should be about 1 cm. Turn on the oven at 200°C. From below it is better to put a baking sheet with water - then the vegetables will turn out more juicy. For roasting onions and pumpkins, 35-40 minutes should be enough.

    Boil in salted water chicken fillet. For flavor, you can add bay leaves and allspice peas to the water. The meat will be ready in 20 minutes after boiling. Then take it out, cover (so as not to dry out) and cool.

    Grate the ginger, and cut the carrots into small cubes, squeeze the garlic. Send vegetables to cook in chicken broth.

    Cut the baked onion into small pieces and punch in a blender. Cut pumpkin and meat into cubes. After 15 minutes, add them to the broth. Pour seasonings, after 3 minutes you can turn it off.

    Advice: adherents of a vegetarian way of eating and those who prefer meatless dishes, can cook soup according to the same recipe, but on water, without meat.

    When serving, garnish the soup with finely chopped parsley. Then it will turn out bright and beautiful, as in the photo. The soup does not contain potatoes and cereals, therefore it is low in calories.

    Pumpkin for pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Experts agree that expectant mothers should definitely eat pumpkin. For pregnant women, there are no special contraindications for pumpkin. It is necessary to take into account not only individual ailments, but also individual intolerance to the product.

    During breastfeeding There are also no bans on pumpkin dishes. It is worth remembering that the vegetable must be cooked without using hot spices, honey, salt. To begin with, it is recommended to eat a little pumpkin dish and see how the baby reacts. If after 2-3 hours his condition does not change for the worse, then you can increase the portion.

    Important: when buying a pumpkin, you need to ensure that the fruit is of a uniform orange color, without traces of rot, cracks or damage by rodents.

    Pumpkin soup for children under 2 years old

    The presence of a large number of nutrients makes pumpkin necessary product in the diet of both adults and children. But loving mothers have questions: at what age can a pumpkin be given to a baby? How to cook it and how much to give?

    The vitamin-rich vegetable can be given as a puree at 6 months of age. When the baby is on artificial feeding, then from 4.5 months. To begin with, the baby should be given no more than half a teaspoon and see how the child's body will transfer the new food. If everything is fine, then gradually portions can be increased.

    An apple or carrots are already added to the puree a year. Crumbs can already cook pumpkin porridge (semolina, oatmeal, rice) with the addition of vegetable pulp, soups. The first soup will be in the form of mashed potatoes, boiled pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, ground with a blender with the addition of boiled water.

    At the end of the second year of life, the child can easily cope with the soup, in which all the vegetables are cut into pieces. The classic version is with the addition of potatoes, rice, onions, cauliflower and meatballs. All vegetables in it should be boiled or lightly baked, but not fried.

    For children, there are the same contraindications as for adults: hepatitis, some forms of diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. If you notice an unusual reaction in your child after eating a pumpkin dish, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician.

    Pumpkin for pancreatitis and diabetes

    With such dangerous disease, like pancreatitis, pumpkin is not only allowed, but even recommended by doctors. It reduces inflammation, neutralizes the action of substances that have an irritating effect. It is easily and quickly absorbed, therefore it does not create an increased burden on the pancreas. Pumpkin is eaten only boiled or steamed, mashed soups are prepared or added to rice porridge.

    For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, experts also advise eating pumpkin dishes, including soups. They not only saturate the body with useful substances, but also help to remove toxins, restore blood vessels, and reduce weight. Diabetes is dangerous with complications, and pumpkin is able to heal the body, remove excess fluid and toxins, and normalize glucose levels. But keep in mind that excessive consumption of the autumn fruit will not be useful either.

    Important: for diseases such as pancreatitis, diabetes and others that have a chronic course, you need to consult your doctor regarding diet and diet.

    Pumpkin is one of the rare foods that have almost no contraindications. But she has a lot of advantages! Pumpkin is well stored all winter, it is convenient to freeze it in pieces and grated. orange vegetable can be eaten all year round- There are a lot of recipes for cooking pumpkin dishes. Be healthy!

  • pumpkin - 2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • celery root - 300 gr;
  • bacon or brisket - 30 gr;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • grated parmesan - 1 tbsp;
  • red paprika, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a mixture of dried herbs - to taste;
  • hot red pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • parsley, pumpkin seeds for serving.

1. Prepare the vegetables for the soup: peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes, as in the photo.

2. Cut the celery root, onion and red hot peppers. Don't overdo it with hot peppers. Everything is good in moderation. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces.

3. Put a heavy-bottomed pot on the fire, chop the bacon or brisket. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the pan, then bacon or brisket and fry until a pleasant caramel color.

4. Now add the chopped celery, onion, garlic, red hot pepper, black pepper, herb mixture, turn down the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 5-6 minutes.

5. Add the pumpkin, tomatoes and 2 cups of water (or vegetable stock), salt to taste and simmer for about 20-25 minutes until the pumpkin is soft.

6. Puree the soup with a blender until smooth. Now add a spoonful of grated parmesan or any other aged cheese, boil the puree soup and remove from heat.

7. Pumpkin soup puree - thick, fragrant and warming ready. Serve hot, garnished with herbs and some pumpkin seeds. Croutons made from dark Borodino or gray rye bread are perfect here. Bon appetit.

Friends, it may seem to some of you that this is not a very good pumpkin soup recipe for weight loss, since it contains quite fatty brisket or bacon, cheese, which increase the calorie content of our pumpkin soup.

Let's count. The calorie content of pumpkin is only 28 kcal per 100 grams, and this is the basis of our soup. Adding a small amount of brisket or bacon, a spoonful of grated parmesan will practically not affect the calorie content of the finished soup, but its taste will become much more interesting and richer.

And in order to finally convince you of my words, I will bring pumpkin soup without the addition of brisket and cheese and taking them into account.

Look: the calorie content of pumpkin soup with the addition of bacon and parmesan - 34,4 kcal per 100 grams. Calorie pumpkin soup without these additives - 28,1 kcal per 100 grams.

As you can see, there is a difference, but it is very small. If you eat a serving (300g) of lean soup, you will get 84,3 kcal, and the same portion of pumpkin soup with bacon and parmesan will give you 103,2 kcal. The difference is less than 20 kcal.

If you are losing weight, of course, you must strive to ensure that the food is, but you should not forget about its taste. After all, tasteless and monotonous food quickly gets bored, it starts to pull on sweet or fatty, and it’s not far away.

Therefore, try to find a compromise between calorie content and taste. Both are equally important for .

Hope you enjoyed this recipe. Share it with your friends in in social networks. I will be glad to know your opinion about pumpkin soup, leave it in the comments.

To prepare pumpkin puree soup you need:

  • peel 5 kg of pumpkin from seeds and peel;
  • cut the peeled pumpkin into small pieces;
  • lightly fry in butter 3 pieces onion and 2 cloves of garlic;
  • mix onion, garlic and pumpkin;
  • add salt and ground pepper to the resulting mixture to taste;
  • season the dish with 2 g of ground nutmeg;
  • add 1 cup vegetable broth;
  • simmer the pumpkin for 25 minutes;
  • fry without adding oil 100 g of pumpkin seeds;
  • serve a dish with pumpkin seeds, rye croutons, parmesan and tomatoes.

Despite the fact that the calorie content of pumpkin cream soup per 100 grams is quite low and does not exceed 65 kcal in the classic recipe, you should not abuse such dishes during a diet and weight loss.

Salt is added to pumpkin soups, which tends to retain fluid in the body. Because of the salt, the process of dropping kg will be much slower, and swelling may also occur.

The components of the dish are butter, parmesan, cream, which contain a fairly large amount of fat. The amount of such foods eaten should be strictly limited during the diet.

Benefits of Pumpkin Soup

TO useful properties pumpkin soup should include:

  • with the regular use of such dishes, the work of the heart is normalized, the condition of the vessels improves;
  • cream soups are useful for cleansing the kidneys and liver, thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition have a beneficial effect on vision;
  • proven benefits of pumpkin soup for nervous system, activation of metabolism;
  • such dishes have a mild diuretic effect, suitable for the prevention of constipation;
  • during pregnancy, pumpkin soup helps to cope with toxicosis, nausea;
  • numerous studies have confirmed the benefits of pumpkin soup for strengthening hair, nails, and the skeletal system;
  • the dish is saturated with foods with good antioxidant properties, therefore it helps to prevent the development of oncology.

Harm of pumpkin soup

Despite the fact that pumpkin soup is extremely healthy dish, it has a number of contraindications. Such soups should be discarded at.


Modern people have become preoccupied with the problems of their health, weight and beauty, so in order to avoid them, people try to switch to healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition. It is with nutrition that problems often arise, since the habit of eating fast food, snacking on sandwiches, and eating pasta in the evening is fixed for a long time. This means that a woman should monitor the food of the whole family, because only she can find good recipes, beautifully prepare and serve such products that no one had thought of as delicious food before. After all, it is believed that those things that are useful for our body must necessarily be unpleasant in taste, it is simply impossible to eat them without tears and persuasion.

All of these statements are incorrect. There are wonderful recipes that will not only bring great benefits to the body, but also delight all taste and olfactory buds. For example, very popular in proper nutrition considered to be the consumption of beans, from which good second and first courses. Pumpkin puree soup will appeal to both adults and even kids, who are most often such picky eaters. Vegetable stew can be cooked in such a way that it will be impossible to break away from it.

Now I want to talk about the pumpkin, because it is so bright, sunny, positive and big. And many do not even know what kind of it turns out wonderful first dish, that is pumpkin puree soup.

The benefits of pumpkin for the human body

The golden vegetable is incredibly beneficial for the human body, adults and children should consume it regularly. Pumpkin is useful in raw, stewed, boiled form; its seeds can also be consumed for food. The orange color of the fruit gives carotene, which helps protect the body from free radicals, stimulates the immune system. Iron is another component of pumpkin, this substance stimulates the formation of hemoglobin and is part of its composition, this property is especially important for young children and pregnant women. Increase resistance human body microbes, strengthening its strength, participating in many reactions that take place inside - these are not all the qualities of this mineral substance.

In addition to the substances listed above, pumpkin is rich in magnesium, which is involved in many reactions, while being a part of enzymes. For the full formation of the protein component, the optimal intake of magnesium in the body is also important. Its additional functions are: maintaining the functioning of the nervous system, preventing calcium deposits in the wrong places, preventing the formation of stones in the gallbladder and bladder.

Potassium, which is contained in the pulp of the fetus, contributes to better conduction of the heart muscle, strengthening the vascular wall and reducing edema. To remove toxins and improve liver function, you need to eat this vegetable regularly, for this you need to eat either raw pumpkin or pumpkin soup.

Pumpkin seeds, which few people remember about, have extraordinary benefits for the body. their main component is zinc salts, which is an excellent protective agent against viral infections. Zinc stimulates male power, prevents the appearance of many diseases in men, increases mental activity, and in adolescence it copes well with the appearance of acne. Well, many people know that the seeds of the fruit are able to expel various helminths from the body, so they can be safely given to children in the dried version for the constant prevention of such diseases.

Classic pumpkin soup recipe

Many people love all sorts of bells and whistles, but classic recipe you need to know, because it is it that is suitable for baby and diet food, and thanks to the minimum of components, the pumpkin taste is fully revealed. To prepare the soup, you need to take half a kilogram of pumpkin, onion, carrot, 2 tomatoes, red pepper, 2-3 pcs. garlic cloves, curry seasoning, salt and pepper. When all the ingredients are ready, you can start cooking.

Pumpkin puree soup is very quick and easy to prepare. Beforehand, all vegetables are washed and cleaned of peel and seeds. Onions, pumpkins, carrots, peppers and tomatoes are cut into cubes and placed in a saucepan. Such a platter is cooked until all components are fully cooked, there should be little water. Chopped garlic is added at the end of cooking, and the dish is transferred to stewing for 5 minutes. To make a smooth puree, you will need a blender. A small amount of water or low-fat milk is added to the resulting mass, as you like. Adding salt, pepper and curry is the final step in cooking. This soup is best served with fresh herbs and garlic croutons. The dish, very delicate in texture, will sell with a bang, and then many will ask for the recipe.

Creamy Pumpkin Delight Recipe

Of course, pumpkin puree soup with cream is not considered dietary, but the soft creamy taste in combination with pumpkin amazes everyone. It is necessary to take 1 kg of pumpkin pulp, 1 onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, 40 g butter, half tsp sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

The pumpkin must be thoroughly washed, dried and the flesh cut into pieces, the peel and seeds must be removed. Finely chopped onion sauté a little vegetable oil, add crushed garlic and a couple of sprigs of thyme to it for a spicy aroma. Pumpkin and sugar are added to the resulting mass, everything is fried for several minutes, then poured with a liter of water.

When the pumpkin becomes quite soft, it will need to be mashed with a blender. Cream, ground pepper and salt are added to taste. Before serving, pumpkin puree soup can be garnished with thinly sliced ​​fried bacon, fresh herbs and pumpkin seeds, which must first be fried. The creamy soup recipe is very easy to prepare, it does not take much time, and the result will amaze everyone.

Spicy pumpkin soup

When the classic and creamy recipes have already been tested, it is worth preparing the spicy puree soup. The main ingredient of the dish is pumpkin, which will need 1 kg. Then you need to cook 1 onion, a clove of garlic, a liter of chicken broth. The soup recipe is called spicy, so fresh ginger is ideal for it - 1 tsp, ground cumin, zira, salt and pepper. When all the ingredients are ready, you can start cooking. The peeled pulp of the pumpkin is cut into cubes, and the onion, garlic and ginger are chopped.

Onion, garlic clove and ginger are fried in olive oil. Pumpkin and spices are added to them, after 5 minutes everything is poured with broth and boiled for 30 minutes until the pumpkin softens. All components are ground with a blender, when serving, yogurt or cream is added to each plate to taste. You can put crackers, fried pumpkin seeds and strips of bacon fried to a golden crust in a separate plate, everyone will add as much as they want. The spicy recipe goes well with festive table, especially if there are vegetarians visiting, the dish will really surprise them.

Combination of cheese and pumpkin pulp

The combination of tender golden pumpkin pulp and delicious cheese comes together in one superb recipe. Cut 1 kg pumpkin into small cubes, put them in a container and add water. Pumpkin should be cooked until done. Mash the finished product to a puree state and boil again in a saucepan. If the pumpkin puree soup is too thick, then it can be diluted with cream. Before serving, finely chopped chili pepper and fatty cheese cubes must be added to the dish. In hot mashed potatoes, the cheese will dissolve itself. If the soup is served to children, then chili should be excluded from use.

Spicy pumpkin soup

For a change, you can cook a soup with hot spices, which men will really like. It’s worth pampering them with such a great soup sometimes, so it’s worth writing down the following recipe. For cooking, you need a pumpkin weighing 1 kg, 2 tomatoes, 2 onions, 2 garlic cloves, a couple of celery stalks. At the very beginning, the pumpkin should be washed, peeled and seeds removed, only the pulp should remain, which must be finely chopped. Chop the onion, chop the garlic and celery, and now the most interesting ingredient is the hot pepper. You need to cut off only 3 cm from the pod, otherwise it will be completely sharp.

Sauté everything in olive oil until golden color. Tomatoes must be peeled and also cut. All products are placed in a deep saucepan, boiling water is poured on top. Simmer everything for about 20 minutes, it is during this time that the mixture will become soft. Pumpkin and other vegetables are mashed with a blender to a puree state, salt and pepper are added. For dilution, you can use cream, milk or water, as you like.

Before serving puree soups, you can beautifully set the table. You can put bowls with fresh herbs, garlic croutons, natural yogurt and cream. Everyone can add whatever ingredients they want to the dish.

Pumpkin Soups Take All great popularity the inhabitants of Russia. They are sunny, charge with positive energy and good mood. This is especially important in autumn and winter time when there is not enough heat and vitamins. And the above recipes are the most popular and proven for cooking. So feel free to start cooking right now.

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