Topic: Correction of writing and reading disorders in junior schoolchildren through the development of visual perception

The problem of educating and teaching students with disabilities in the development of oral and writing, difficulties in mastering the program material due to violations of visual-spatial perception.

Purpose: correction of violations of oral and written speech of students, their optimal social integration.

Study of theoretical issues related to the correction and development of visual perception;

Timely identification of students with problems in the formation of visual perception;

Selection and systematization of special corrective techniques aimed at preventing and correcting violations of writing and reading through the development of visual perception;

Providing guidance to teachers and parents.

The relationship of visual perception with the process of formation of oral and written speech

Oral speech is carried out by the activity of speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers. Written speech is a visual-auditory education.

In written speech, the sound structure of words is modeled oral speech, the temporal sequence of sounds is translated (through visual perception) into a spatial sequence of graphic images.

students elementary school very often they mix E - Z, b-d, sh-t, i-p. Often, students cannot single out the side from which to start writing. On the basis of visual perception and in close interaction with it, not only the differentiation of visual images of letters similar in outline takes place, but also the formation of visual-motor coordination and spatial representations, underlying the development of stable graphic letterforms (observance of the height, width, inclination of the letters).

Reading also begins with visual perception, discrimination and recognition of letters. The development of the skill of correct reading largely depends on the accuracy of visual perception of length, the graphic style of letters, the nature of the elements that make up the letter.

Conclusion: correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia will not achieve the maximum effect if students have an underdevelopment of the basis of the processes of writing and reading - visual perception.

Difficulties in learning appear with the beginning of the development of reading, counting and especially writing.

Typical mistakes:

  • The phenomenon of specularity;
  • Replacement of letters by the number of elements, by spatial arrangement;
  • Prolonged failure to assimilate some of the letters.

The challenge is correct location letters in a line, defining word boundaries.

Groups of deficiencies in the development of visual perception

Disadvantages of visual-spatial perception:

  • Difficulties in the formation of a visual image of a letter: the student violates the ratio of elements, confuses letters that are similar in configuration, writes unnecessary or does not complete the elements.
  • Difficulty remembering the configuration of letters when reading and, accordingly, a slow pace, guessing, recurrent eye movements.
  • The student does not see the line, cannot correctly arrange the letters in the line, or jumps from one line to another.
  • The student cannot correctly copy the letter, number, geometric figure.

Disadvantages of hand-eye coordination:

  • Inability to draw a straight line without lifting the pencil.
  • Difficulties in forming the correct trajectory of movements when performing a graphic element.
  • Unstable handwriting (uneven strokes, different heights and lengths of graphic elements, large stretched, differently inclined letters).
  • Tremor.
  • Very slow writing.

In connection with the listed disorders of visual perception, which generally affect the formation of the processes of writing and reading, there is a contradiction between the requirements of the program of a general education school and the capabilities of students with disabilities. speech disorders. The way to overcome it is to correct writing and reading disorders through the development of visual perception.

Divide the errors into two groups Spelling:
paired consonants;
proper names
Speech therapy:
substitutions and mixing
(strong position);
letter gaps,
softness in writing

What help can you provide to a child who makes speech errors?


it's complex
skill and kind

Writing mechanism

Letter Motivation
The idea of ​​the letter
Sound analysis
Phoneme extraction
Phoneme translation to
6. Motor act

The writing technique requires the coordinated work of various analyzers:

Speech motor - helps
Speech-auditory - helps to produce
selecting the desired sound
Motor - helps to carry out
movements of the small muscles of the hand
Visual - participates in the selection
required letters


partial violation
writing process,
manifested in persistent
repetitive mistakes.

Dysgraphic errors

Stored for many
are repeated
higher mental processes

Dysgraphia classification

1. Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia

2. Acoustic dysgraphia
Primarily a breach phonemic hearing

Dysgraphia classification

3. Dysgraphia due to violation
language analysis and synthesis
Primarily a breach phonemic perception
4. Agrammatic dysgraphia
Primarily - a violation of the lexical and grammatical side

Dysgraphia classification

5. Optical dysgraphia
Primarily - violation of visuospatial perception
6. Dysorphography

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia
Primarily - a violation of sound pronunciation
Secondary - a violation of phonemic
As I speak, so I write.

Types of errors

1. Absence

Types of errors

2. Substitutions (s-sh, s-zh, ch-ts, r-l, s-shch, to-t and

Types of errors

3. Blends1. Sound setting (
correct articulation of sound)
3. Control of the correct
pronunciation of sounds.
4. Fixing the pronunciation of sounds in words
ah, poetry, coherent speech
5. Tongue twisters, tongue twisters
6. Differentiation of sounds

Development of movements of the lips, tongue, cheeks

I pull my lips with my proboscis,
I imitate an elephant.
Even if I get tired
I won't stop pulling them.

Development of movements of the lips, tongue, cheeks

Oh, and delicious jam!
Sorry, left on the lip.
I will raise my tongue
And I'll lick the rest.

Consolidation of pronunciation in words, poems, coherent speech

Throne, theater, cancer, hole, tractor
Early, early we rise
Loudly call the watchman:
Watchman, watchman, hurry up
Come out and feed the animals.

Tongue twisters, tongue twisters

Ra-ra-ra, we will remove all the garbage in the morning.
Ro-ro-ro, we will collect all the garbage in a bucket.
Re-re-re, sweep hard in the yard.
Ri-ri-ri, the yard was cleaned, one, two, three.

Correct articulation of the "r" sound

Lips - half open
Teeth - gap
The tongue is the tip of the tongue. trembles
Air jet - intermittent
Voice - ringing

Acoustic dysgraphia

Primary - violation of phonemic
Phonemic awareness is the ability to
speech sound recognition
1. Repetition of syllable chains
2. Selection of pictures for the sound "s"
3. Words - paronyms

Types of errors

1. Mixing and substitution of paired consonants
(strong position)

Types of errors

2. Incorrect designation of softness

Types of errors

3. Mixing vowels (o-y, yo-yu, u-e)

Substitutions and confusion of letters

Voiced - deaf (B-P, V-F, G-K, D-T, Z-S,
Vowels (U-O, Yu-E, I-E);
Sonora (L, M, N, R, Y);
Whistling - hissing (S-Sh, Z-Zh, S-Sch);
Affricates and their components (Ch-Sch, C-TS,
Ch-Ts, Ts-T, Ch-T, S-Ts, Ch-Sh);
Incorrect designation of softness on
writing with vowels of the second row and "ь"1. Correct articulation of mixed
2. Reference schemes, signs, colors and symbols
3. Reliance on different analyzers
4. Differentiation of mixed sounds

Correct articulation of mixed sounds

air jet
in a smile
behind the top

Key signs, diagrams ...

Key signs, diagrams ...

Task types

№ 4.
Replace conventions letters
P or B.
The old woman about (─) irritates on (─) alka.
The roof is about (─) on the (~) alcove.
The quarrel must be over (~) yt.
The medicine must be for (─) it.
In the blue sea the stars (~) twinkle.
In the blue sea, the waves (─) are splashing.

Task types

№ 5.
Fill in the missing letters P or B.
Our house is … big and beautiful. On
…a shop on the first floor. In the shop …
give birth to clothes, oh ... wow. At ... the entrance
houses grow then ... olya and ... cuts.
Around the house, re ... yata ... besieged a lot



speech therapy. (under the editorship of Volkova L.
C.) Book 2.
Fomicheva M.F. Parenting in children
correct pronunciation.
Volina V. V. Entertaining
alphabet studies.

Correction of acoustic dysgraphia Record only vowels from a word, sentence. Write down only the vowels from the word, sentence. Write down only those letters whose sounds border on a given sound (elephant: l-n; oak: b-k; nest: e-). Write down only those letters whose sounds border on a given sound (elephant: l-n; oak: b-k; nest: e-). Repetition of a sound row with oppositional sounds. Repetition of a sound row with oppositional sounds. Repetition of a syllable series with oppositional sounds: sa-sha-sa, la-la-la, ba-ba-pa-pa. Repetition of a syllable series with oppositional sounds: sa-sha-sa, la-la-la, ba-ba-pa-pa. Replacing one sound in a word (chain of words: son-cheese-sor-juice). Replacing one sound in a word (chain of words: son-cheese-sor-juice). Finding common and distinguishing sounds in words (house-poppy; kidney-barrel). Finding common and distinguishing sounds in words (house-poppy; kidney-barrel).

Correction of violations of analysis and synthesis Sequential writing of letters from a word in a chain. Sequential writing of letters from a word in a chain. Write a letter with a given sound number in a word. Write a letter with a given sound number in a word. Recording the number of a given sound in a word. Recording the number of a given sound in a word. Write a syllable with a given number. Write a syllable with a given number. Sequential writing of syllables. Sequential writing of syllables. Definition of a missing syllable (--buz, lod--, ka--- dash). Definition of a missing syllable (--buz, lod--, ka--- dash). Composing a word from syllables given in disorder (pa, kru). Composing a word from syllables given in disorder (pa, kru). Finding an extra syllable in a word (li-gav-sa). Finding an extra syllable in a word (li-gav-sa). Working with syllabary table. Working with a syllabary.

Correction of agrammatical dysgraphia Writing a sentence (text) in a chain with speaking aloud. Recording a sentence (text) in a chain with speaking aloud. Selection of words from a continuous text (slonzhirafkabanzayats). Selection of words from a continuous text (slonzhirafkabanzayats). "Oral dictations", in which the number of words is proportional to the number of students. To each - a word. With the installation: "Think and pronounce." "Oral dictations", in which the number of words is proportional to the number of students. To each - a word. With the installation: "Think and say."

Correction of optical dysgraphia Completion of the missing element in the letter (according to the model and without). Addition of the missing element in the letter (according to the model and without). Finding a correctly depicted letter among others. Finding a correctly depicted letter among others. Determination of the number of the specified letter in various spatial positions. Determination of the number of the specified letter in various spatial positions. Finding letters crossed out by additional lines. Finding letters crossed out by additional lines. Select letters superimposed on each other: Select letters superimposed on each other: Select and underline syllables, words written before the line (elephant [ nose losn elephant slol son elephant; Select and underline syllables, words written before the line (elephant [ nose losn elephant slol sona elephant;

Corrective exercises for children with mental retardation Letter examples: Letter examples: do + mu - y = do + mu - y = kar - ar + y + bik = go + ram - am + oh = This exercise is aimed at increasing concentration and stability of attention. Runtime 2-3 minutes. This exercise is aimed at increasing concentration and stability of attention. Runtime 2-3 minutes. * "The most vigilant" - look at the card, read, remember, write down (showing the card - no more than 2 seconds). * "The most vigilant" - look at the card, read, remember, write down (showing the card - no more than 2 seconds). p t f w apple The bird is flying.

Literature Agranovich Z.E. "Speech therapy work to overcome violations syllabic structure words in children "Agranovich Z.E. "Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children" Gorodilova V.I. Kudryavtseva M. Z. "Collection of exercises to correct the shortcomings of writing and reading" Gorodilova V.I. Kudryavtseva M. Z. "Collection of exercises to correct the shortcomings of writing and reading" Sadovnikova I.N. "Violation of written speech in younger students" Sadovnikova I.N. Correction of speech disorders in students of a comprehensive school "Yastrebova A.V. Correction of speech disorders in students of a comprehensive school "Yurova E.V. "200 exercises for the development of written speech" Yurova E.V. "200 exercises for the development of writing"

slide 1

The presentation was prepared by the teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 20 of the village of Podgornaya Ushakova L.N.
Correction of violations of written speech of younger schoolchildren.

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Written speech is a complex analytical and synthetic activity that involves the generation of an utterance: the creation of an internal scheme, the choice of words, grammatical structuring.
The concept of "written speech" includes: -Reading -Writing. Writing is a sign system of speech fixation, which allows transmitting information at a distance and fixing it in time. Writing - possession of the graphic and spelling systems of the language for writing. Reading is the perception of what is written, the reproduction of the text “to oneself” or aloud.

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Violations of written speech - violations of oral speech; - underdevelopment of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical components; - violations of the optical-spatial organization of the activity of writing; - mismatch in the work of auditory, visual analyzers and articulation; - lag in the development of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking).

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Types of violations of written speech
Dysgraphia is a partial violation of the writing process, manifested in persistent repetitive errors due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the writing process, with intact vision, hearing, intelligence, with a regular pedagogical process. Dyslexia is a partial violation of the reading process, manifested in persistent and repetitive reading errors due to the unformed HMF involved in the reading process. Dysorphography- specific disorder spelling skills of writing against the background of intact intelligence and oral speech.

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Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia. Acoustic dysgraphia Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis. Agrammatic dysgraphia Optical dysgraphia

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Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia.
Represents the reflection of a mispronunciation in writing. It manifests itself in the form of omissions, replacement and mixing of letters.
Acoustic dysgraphia
Replacement of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds. Replacement and mixing of paired voiced and deaf consonants. Replacement and mixing of whistling and hissing. Replacement and mixing of affricates and their components. Replacement and mixing of vowels of the first - second row. Omissions, substitution and mixing of the soft sign. Replacement and mixing of o - y, e - and in the shock position.

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Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis.
1) violation of analysis - division of sentences into words ( continuous spelling words, separate spelling of words (prefixes, root); 2) syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis: - distortion of the sound-letter, syllabic structure of the word, - omissions of consonants during their confluence, - omissions of vowels, - rearrangement of letters, - addition of letters, syllables.

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Agrammatic dysgraphia
- misuse case endings, the only and plural nouns (trees, pens); - incorrect use of adjectives (fox's tail, bear's lair); - violations of coordination and control various parts speeches in a phrase (seven horses, two horses, a red dress, it started to rain, etc.) - incorrect use of prepositional case constructions (Flowers are in a vase.) - omissions of sentence members, most often predicates (Sandbox boy); omissions of the subject and quite often - definitions (I went to the forest. Gathers mushrooms. In winter, the hare has a fur coat. He is not visible.); - a violation of the connection between individual sentences, most often this happens as a result of missing an episode (the Hare ran, ran through the forest. And suddenly he saw. He has fast legs. The fox is angry.); - incorrect division of the text into sentences.

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Optical dysgraphia.
- incorrect reproduction of the spatial ratio of letter elements, mirror spelling of letters, underwriting of elements, unnecessary elements; replacement and mixing of graphically similar letters (n - t, l - m, i - w, c - e).

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Phonemic dyslexia (manifested in the substitutions of phonetically close sounds when reading; in violation of reading due to underdevelopment of the function of phonemic analysis (letter-by-letter reading, distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of the word (omissions, permutations). Agrammatic dyslexia. Underdevelopment grammatical structure speech (inflection, word formation, connection of words in a sentence). mnestic dyslexia. Children have difficulties in mastering all the letters, the associations between the visual image of the letter and the pronounced sound are broken. semantic dyslexia. Impaired reading comprehension of words, sentences and text. Optical dyslexia is manifested in the difficulty of learning optically (graphically) similar letters and in their undifferentiated substitutions.

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Dysorphography is characterized by persistent errors associated with the difficulty of assimilation by students spelling skills and skills and their application in writing, with an unformed morphological analysis or a persistent inability to master the rules of punctuation.

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In Russian orthography, the following basic principles are distinguished:
phonetic (it is based on a clear, correct pronunciation of all speech sounds (words are written as they are heard and pronounced); weak position its graphic uniformity is preserved); - traditional (the choice of a letter to designate a phoneme in a weak position is based on etymology and tradition (hare, cow); - morphological and graphic analogies (explains the spelling of the letter ь as a graphic equalizer of paradigms of declension of nouns female(night - at night); the same graphic paradigm of masculine words (doctor - doctor); graphic equalizer of the morphological category of the imperative mood of the verb (drop) and the infinitive (guard)).

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Primary prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia
Measures to prevent perinatal pathology of the fetus and newborn: protecting the health of expectant mothers and pregnant women, optimal organization of monitoring of pregnant women and prevention of pregnancy complications, prevention of birth injuries, infection of the fetus and newborn, etc. Measures to reduce somatic and infectious morbidity in children in the first years life. Early diagnosis and timely treatment of perinatal cerebral pathology. Early diagnosis and correction of speech development disorders in children. In the presence of bilingualism in a child, it is necessary to choose adequate methods of teaching literacy. Children who change their language of instruction are at risk for dyslexia and dysgraphia and should receive individual assistance in learning a second language. Work with dysfunctional families and families of children not attending kindergarten. Identification of the specified contingent of children in the best option must be completed prior to the start of school.

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Secondary prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia
Main stages of work: Stage I - filling gaps in development sound side speech. Stage II - filling in the gaps in the field of mastering vocabulary and grammar. Stage III - filling in the gaps in the formation of connected speech.

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Violation group Indicators Diagnosis time
Difficulties in mastering the letter Fuzzy knowledge of all letters of the alphabet. Difficulties in translating sound into letters and vice versa. Difficulties in translating a printed grapheme into a written one. Difficulties sound-letter analysis and synthesis. Letter under the dictation of individual letters. The first half of the first year of study.
Violation of the formation of the writing process Mixing written and printed letters. Copying is carried out, but independent writing is in the process of formation. Writing words without vowels. Merging or splitting words. Second semester of first grade or first semester of second grade.
Dysgraphia Persistent errors of one or different types Second semester of second grade
Dysorthography The inability to apply the spelling rules to school curriculum Third year of study

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Modern complex method of prevention of dysgraphia A.V. Semenovich (2002) is presented in three areas of work. 1. Stabilization and organization of the energy potential of the body ( breathing exercises, massage, development of sensorimotor skills, overcoming of muscular dystonias, formation of attention skills). 2. Formation of operational support for verbal and non-verbal mental processes (development of visual and auditory perception, formation of spatial representations, logical and grammatical structures, development of kinesthetic processes, phonetic and phonemic processes), 3. Formation of the meaning-forming function of mental processes and arbitrary self-regulation (formation of mental operations , analysis and synthesis, generalization, self-control, development of communication skills, voluntary attention, improvement of the generalizing function of the word and intellectual processes)

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The main directions of correctional work on the prevention of dysgraphia: The development of phonemic perception. (Recognition of non-speech sounds, speech sounds. Distinguishing the height, strength, timbre of the voice on the material of sounds, words and phrases. Distinguishing words that sound similar. Differentiating phonemes and syllables. Developing elementary skills sound analysis. Work on sound pronunciation. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all the shortcomings in the pronunciation of phonemes (distortion, replacement, lack of sound). Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills. Isolation of words from a sentence, from words-syllables, from syllables-sounds. Distinguish between any speech sounds, both vowels and consonants. Consonants: voiced and deaf, hard and soft. Isolation of any sounds from the composition of the word. The ability to combine sounds into syllables, syllables into words. The ability to determine the sequence of sounds in a word and the number of syllables. Enrichment vocabulary and development of practical skills to use it. Children's education different ways word formation using various prefixes. Another type of work is the selection of single-root words. Big job carried out to activate the vocabulary. Development of grammar skills. The main tasks of this stage are work on the understanding and use of prepositions, drawing up sentences on pictures, series of pictures, distribution and reduction of sentences. The development of connected speech. Work is underway to train drafting descriptive stories and improving the skills of retelling small texts.

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The main techniques and methods of work on the prevention of dysorphography: 1. Development of general and fine manual motor skills. 2. Development and refinement of space-time representations. 3. Development of attention. It is important for finding “mistakenly dangerous” places in a word, finding your own mistakes (correction tests). 4. Development of memory. Memorization with the help of associative series, emotional closeness of the memorized, graphic encoding of the object of memorization. 5. Development of thinking.

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The main techniques and methods of work on the prevention of dyslexia: Respiratory, visual and articulatory gymnastics. Method of kinesiology correction. Stimulating massage and self-massage of hands and fingers. Rhythmic speech, music and vitamin therapy. Mirror-symmetrical drawing with both hands. Exercises for the development of visual-motor coordination, operational field of reading, anticipatory perception of the word. Modified visual dictations Fedorenko-Palchenko. Intellectual and educational word games: anagrams, isographs, rebuses, cryptograms, shifters, magic chains, word labyrinths, matryoshka words and others. Search tables for the words "Photo eye". Voiced reading method. Method of verbal anagrams. Automation of operational reading units according to special syllabic tables.

One of the most common causes of school maladaptation, poor academic performance, academic motivation, and behavioral difficulties are reading disorders - dyslexia and writing disorders - dysgraphia.

Since writing and reading are basic school skills, writing disorder (dysgraphia) entails not only difficulties in mastering spelling, but also in teaching other subjects.

Unfortunately, some teachers and parents themselves do not realize the complexity of the problem, considering the child's numerous mistakes as the result of his laziness and carelessness.

In this presentation, the functional basis of writing, the main forms of writing disorders, as well as the prevention of these disorders were considered.

I hope that the material will be of interest to teachers and parents.



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Slides captions:

Prevention of violations of written speech GBOU No. 509 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg Teacher-speech therapist Ryazanova O.N.

Preconditions for writing. By the school period, a child should be able to: correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language; correctly perceive the phonemes of the native language by ear. master simple and complex shapes phonemic analysis; have an idea about vowels and consonants; keep out of speech grammatical errors; write a story in a series plot pictures; have a vocabulary of about 3500 words; be well developed fine motor skills; have a certain formation of higher mental functions: memory, attention, thinking, as well as general behavior - self-regulation, self-control.

If these skills are not formed, then it is possible that at school the child will have difficulties in mastering writing and reading, which later turn into dysgraphia and dysorphography.

Dysgraphia This is a violation of the writing process. Manifested in persistent, repetitive, specific errors.

Types of dysgraphia Optical. Articulatory-acoustic. Acoustic. Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis. Agrammatical dysgraphia.

Optical form of dysgraphia

Acoustic form of dysgraphia Articulatory-acoustic form of dysgraphia Errors - substitutions, permutations, omissions of letters, similar to those that are replaced and omitted in oral speech.

Dysgraphia on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis Difficulties in determining the boundaries of the proposal.

Agrammatical form of dysgraphia Mistakes - in the agreement of words in gender and number, case control. In the omission of members of the sentence, violation of the sequence of words in the sentence.

Causes of dysgraphia Incorrect pronunciation of sounds. Unformed phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis. Underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. Lack of self-control and weakness of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking. underdevelopment of the visual auditory memory, visual and spatial perception. Unformed optical image of the letter.

Dyslexia is a reading disorder. Dysorphography This is a persistent violation in mastering spelling knowledge, skills and abilities.

Prevention Clarification and consolidation of auditory differentiation of phonemes; Diagnosis and correction of oral speech disorders; The development of phonemic analysis and synthesis, the ability to: - determine the place of a given sound in a word, - name the sounds in order, - count the number of sounds in given words, - have an idea about vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants.

Prevention Development and refinement of spatio-temporal representations; Formation of grammatical systems of inflection and word formation, development of vocabulary; Development of non-verbal mental functions: attention, memory, thinking.

The role of parents If necessary, contact the CPMSS or a speech therapist in a polyclinic for advice; Use manuals and games for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech; Develop visuospatial and temporal representations; In case of impaired attention or hyperactivity, consult a neurologist; Help and support the child; Follow all recommendations of experts.

References Ivanenko S.F. On the diagnosis of reading and writing disorders in younger schoolchildren // Defectology. - 1984. - No. 1 Kornev A.N. Reading and writing disorders in children: Educational and methodological guide. - St. Petersburg: MiM, 1997 Lalaeva R.I., Venediktova L.V. Reading and writing disorders in younger students. Diagnostics and correction - St. Petersburg: "Soyuz", 2004. Paramonova L.G. Prevention and elimination of dysgraphia in children. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2001. Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P. Speech therapy assistance to students general education schools// Defectology. - 1994.

Thank you for attention!